The New AMBER ISLAND in My Singing Monsters! (Breeding Yelmut)

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uh your vessel's ready to be converted into an egg and incubated would you like to go to amber island no we have to detour first guys to the oasis okay because that ugly ugly monster needs to be bred hey guys welcome back to my singing monsters there is a new island in this game it's called amber island there's only six monsters on it i'm not sure exactly what it's about but i hear it has something to do with relics and i did take a look and it costs relics to get the monsters which is gonna be an issue i don't have that many but we can at least get a couple of them and figure out what this is all about but first let's watch the trailer okay my singing monsters harvesting zap this came in a couple days ago for me anyway while i'm recording this you won't see this for a few more days official amber island trailer a discovery has been made located on the same higher plane as the regal gold island amber island was a safeguard for the element of fire dating back to ancient times it sounds like it's going to be hard for me to even get uh the monsters awakened or whatever it seems to be kind of like a wublin sort of situation maybe because you don't buy the monsters you buy something else but anyway let's not get ahead of ourselves let's watch the trailer oh my well those are schmuchels who cares about schmutz schmutz this is what i care about the amber island it's a little blurry guys i got my glasses on what's going on here what are you what are you doing what are you looking at what's going on oh my oh what is that what is that little dinosaur boy over here huh now you see oh it's gone again there's a little like vase type of thing uh is that cannon do i hear cannon in the background there's a globe whoa what is this guy doing what the heck did he just do what he what you don't you can't just treat your child like that zap that child away and here it comes boom oh man oh gosh i'm gonna have to get all your yo your you're what am i what am i even saying uh i think i'm gonna have to get a lot of uh a lot of eggs for this guy so definitely like a wublin or a celestial type of situation anyway keep going open up the sarcophagus looking thing and wow she goes again here she goes again you're gonna ruin it all you're gonna you're gonna ruin it all man spoiler alert okay oh my god [Music] okay well that's some music anyway guys spoiler alert i like to discover the music as i go and oh what could it mean what could it mean and what is with the little dinosaurs man those little flappy birds who are they oh there's something something else oh the binoculars sheesh welcome to amber island where there's amber and stuff and lots of things for me to get rid of but we don't even need the space man there's only six monsters here something about limited time monsters guys the monsters i don't know if they're gonna rotate i don't know this is like the first offering of six monsters and then a little while later they're gonna rotate into some more monsters hmm i don't really know i want to spin this wheel though okay because i might get some relics if i get like a few more i can get maybe three monsters on this island or you can just give me some some useless money uh glow fangler floogal ziggurab yelmut kana well let's go for kana because she's the cheapest one she's the centerpiece to our island okay now wake up kato what you doing she's resting guys that's the symbol for rest in music okay inventory what you need are you joking what are you there's a lot of stuff what are you what is your problem phil 5200 diamonds all got that kind of money oh man that's an issue isn't it guys i can i can breed pretty easily guys i know this i know the the tactic the four element with anything else is probably going to give the anything else boom bob's your uncle the crucible is locked for now this is how rare and epic fire monsters will come into being on amber island okay let's check the inventory again guys we got a lot to do here it's gonna take me like a hot minute to be honest so we need uh five different four elements it's gonna be gonna be a real mess getting all this taken care of let's start small what's up my dudes does something look different here guys did they change the icon looks like they changed the icon thanks for the money i'm just gonna light these torches to get them out of the way thanks for letting my torches y'all first up we need some pot bellies guys and we have a rare pot belly so we can just do the rare with the normal pot belly and we'll be good right and then zap it okay no no no no amber we zapping it to the amber island there's one now let's repeat this a hundred times okay uh we got eight pot bellies so a couple more and uh you know we got toe jammers and mammoths toe jammer and a rare toe jammer is our next thing guys pretty straightforward here huh all right one that's a pretty good price guys pretty good price not gonna lie okay uh i just did one too many guys but that took two two minutes two minutes to breed uh ten of these uh i will wait yeah you just go ahead chill out over there okay what are we doing next uh i believe mammoth yeah mam it'll work okay it literally takes me 11 seconds if i do it perfectly guys 11 seconds to breed and zap not bad i think that's 10 i don't know what's next because i'm not sure i'm just gonna go to air island and do the tweedles next because i know for sure we need tweedles and then we'll just check the inventory all right oh hello what you got for me lots of money i like lots of money okay here we got a tweedle we got a rare tweedle here somewhere right do we not have a rare tweedle oh no well we'll we'll do this way then or that guy no well do we need one of those a rare what do i have a rare schmucho i wasn't trying to get that what's going on here i already have one oh my gosh shouldn't have lit those torches man okay here's a rare tweedle guys um i'm not even gonna bother trying to breed it i don't even care i'm just gonna go ahead and buy it make things easy on myself okay okay while i'm here i might as well read this guys okay i i was gonna read that guys but it turns out that i already have a rare tweedle and i've already read that before the rare tweedle is just on fire haven so i mean i could have went to fire haven and bred it that way but at this point it doesn't matter we can just go ahead and do it okay here goes nothing zap them away uh how many do we need ten okay good okay i don't have a uh a rare noggin guys but i need to do the noggin neck so i'm gonna combine a couple of things that have uh rocking him two three elements so uh i don't know a scupps i guess and maybe a t-rox i believe i i do i need t-roxes as well we'll find out i guess try that that's a scupps i don't i already did the scups man come on a rare okay they're just gonna tease me now and and make me waste my diamonds i'm gonna get ahead of you and waste my diamonds before you can alright i look i i think this guy's really ugly i think that's why i haven't bred him yet all right so in approximately two minutes guys i should have all the noggins sent over to amber island this is so ridiculously fast that i have to wait the three seconds guys i can't spend one diamond to skip three seconds alright noggins been done guys i think i'm gonna go to water island now because i gotta do dandy doo and i gotta do cybop i'm not sure if we have a rare cybop here we do okay that's good um but this is not where my dandy dudes are there they are okay okay danny doing cybop time and these are only eight each so it's a little quicker i i kind of feel like it's better not to like the torches here guys because i don't want rare things i just want normal things okay i don't want luck don't give me luck all right another one done guys and now we move on to the shrub hey guys i just want to say if you're still enjoying my singing monsters content please hit that like button leave me a comment maybe down below to let the algorithm know that you want to see more of this some of you might not have even seen uh say the previous video in your recommended because the way the youtube algorithm actually works is if enough people don't click on the video and watch it it gets recommended less and so i've had people say recently matt i didn't even see this video in my recommended what the heck it's just the algorithm doing what the algorithm does because guess what there's not enough use for every video to do really really great and that's the same for every single channel on youtube so yeah if you want to help out if you want to help break the algorithm that's something you can do appreciate you watching and i appreciate you guys telling me to cover this update i've got a lot of comments about it so thank you for keeping me in mind oh my gosh i kept counting guys to make sure i didn't accidentally breed too many and then i ended up breeding too many shame on me let's go find ourselves a uh an octopus so that is on water island okay yeah i knew i had all the octopuses somewhere okay we're really moving all over the place for this guys but now i gotta come back here again because now i need to get myself a fur corn so now guys i'm trying to get myself a rare t-rocks um but the good news is if i don't get a rare t-rox and just get a regular t-rox i can also zap that but i do need to get a rare t-roc i don't think i have any i do have an epic one and if i get a noggin well i think i can send that to a wublin nice all right and also if i get the other thing what what are we what are we doing here ma if i get a noggin or a ma i can send those away so it's all good hey all right we got ourselves a rare t-rocks wow yeah i don't think i've ever seen this one before guys and conveniently guys i am also on the island with the pom-poms so i can get my pom-poms done too now pom-poms cost nine diamonds guys to uh to breed so again the diamonds are disappearing we still need to do clamber i don't know if i have a rare clamber anywhere guys but i do i should have a rare bogart oh hey i do have a rare clambel on earth island guys i had a job to even see it there but it is there so i'm coming alrighty look at that the medieval clambel and once again i am back here guys is there a rare bogart here i yes this one right unless it's an epic sometimes i can't tell everything is done except the four elements now we should uh let me see what do we actually have here what what is what is this guy hold up where where are we where are we and brett and brad okay here's one amp rat says 18 diamonds even so 18 diamonds is uh for for you know 2 18's is 36 which is cheaper than uh six nines all right and there's the second one good that didn't take too long at all i'm happy moving on next island this is most straightforward part just do the first five islands get the four elements on each one and boom oh the epic boscus guys look at that guy oh oasis light and fairy right now we don't have a rare gauge guys so we're gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way this one costed me an extra like i think it might have been an extra two diamonds or something like that because i didn't have a rare deej so not too bad i mean the diamonds are being spent that's the bad part but they're being spent regardless the riff we don't have a rare riff we just have an epic riff i should have worked backwards i i know that that is that is the thing guys you're supposed to work backwards on these uh on these uh zaps because you know then when you you're doing the four elements sometimes you get some runoff that's like a one or a three or whatever and you know it saves you what a rare riff well would you look at that oh geez oh i don't have enough beds guys for this but i can probably get rid of a schmutzel now do i have enough now no apparently i'm upgrading 120 diamonds plus the skip fee 24. there we are we got the three of them now guys so go ahead and make the other one and we can move on here we are we do have another shelby but i think that's an epic shell beat guys yeah okay the old-fashioned way you'll love to see it there's one huh sometimes the old way is the good way the good enough way or something i i i probably should have my uh my torches lit here guys because that'll increase my chances of getting the uh the breeding but i got it on the first try which was nice and now i'm three into toe jammers and that leaves just one more two more but one more uh four element that's the chorister and uh is that a rare chorister probably not right it's not a rare the old-fashioned way folks you'll love to see it okay i get it you want me to light my torches man this was wicked expensive dude look at that in fernia uh your vessel's ready to be converted into an egg and incubated would you like to go to amber island no we have to detour first guys to the oasis okay because that ugly ugly monster needs to be bred he needs he needs to get a uh an epic version of himself let's find out how super doge thank you nice name uh a wallaby and a ma guys i apparently have a rare mob but no regular ma so i guess i can get myself a regular ma yeah i can i can just do it this way right [Music] there you go 15. that's an epic boss kiss i thought it was gonna be a little more expensive than that okay what is your deal epic boscus oh you're so ugly i didn't know you could get any uglier i don't know he's kind of cool actually he's like ugly cool there's a price to be paid for having one of the most notable schnauzes in the monster world everyone expects you to have the finest old faction the truth of course is that the boscus is not well suited to smelling so one particular group of the fire monsters long ago decided to take matters into their own hands that is as they head hands over time they deliberately atrophied their nasal digits through non-use so others would stop mistaking them for noses as luck would have it an unforeseen side effect was the development of a pungent odor that emanated from their fur that only other monsters could smell now the altered epic boscas don prosthetic gas mask noses to warn others of their stench and of course so that they can continue to perform their famous lip flubbering all that non-use of your nose made you smell so you s-so you changed your nose and started using it this is very circular and very weird but hey you do you i'm going to amber island guys and i'm waking my first uh what is it called what is this thing i'm i mean i'm incubating something okay oh my god it's gone oh it's an egg how long is it going how much is it gonna gonna cost seven okay cool man that was the that was the most difficult hour of my life guys just breeding breeding breeding breeding breeding we're all pretty tired especially the ones who actually did the breeding like gg guys this is the whole island they look so blurry because they're so zoomed in kana what's up girl get singing get singing you got work to do girl you gotta you gotta light this place up with your there you go hold on i'm just trying to give you some food [Music] i just really like her dancing guys and she's definitely a lady gaga type for sure i have 22 relics i need 30 free helmet i want to get them i like i'm not gonna like cover the process of doing it but i wouldn't mind i wouldn't mind getting this guy so let me just see how that would actually go how much that would cost i gotta go to the market first and i gotta buy some relics which are they get very expensive um but i only need another five two more wow so don't do this because that's 50 diamonds per relic horrible way to do it but i want to i want to do it now for the video this is for you guys you're welcome you're going to be absolutely cr no no beds excuse me hi can we get an upgrade no you never you took my relics wow unsurprisingly the castle of amber island is bound by the same peculiar physics of the higher plane as gold island's crystal castle and arranges itself in the same multifaceted crystalline structure as it grows skyward what is different of course is the building material hardened sap from the multiverses world tree the stable hurrica that preserves musical musings in coagulated relic form as more relics are donated to the expansion more beds become available for the fire monsters of amber island to take up residence and now we have 10 beds okay so now if i want to buy an egg i can't because i can't afford it anymore yell it why are you like this would you like to get more relics not for 50 50 diamonds a pop i don't okay you have 35 days to fill a helmet vessel guys and it looks like galaptic from psychic island is required two canas uh this doesn't actually look that bad guys so let me see what i can do all right guys so it's been less than half an hour surprisingly i'm already ready to get the helmet uh but i want to show you a couple things first first of all we got the uh ziggurat and the whimsies i didn't have either of these i thought i had the ziggurat but i have the cake thing patchwork aka whimsies whimsies are a bubbly chorus of monsters positively bursting at the seams with the light it's this very overflowing of glee that is caused for the sorority of singers patchwork appearance their delicately sewn casings contain the fine mist that makes up the whimsies upper bodies the whim the whims these upper bodies i it's it's whimsies it's multiple right i i don't know anyway little more than fluttering eyelashes and tapping toes this squat is nonetheless erupting with joy and of course whimsy there is another thing i want to show you guys because i am really confused and a little bit freaked out okay we need to go to psychic island check this out what is going on this is not supposed to be happening guys i don't even have the little time thing that modifies the speed they just did it on their own and you can tell it's not right because they're not even like they're not even singing when they should now so uh monster handlers please help me something is wrong and i am scared so now that's out of the way guys um i just wanted to show you that now we shall go to amber island and get ourselves a helmet look at that okay this is the inventory as you can see hardest thing was the galoptic i spent a lot of diamonds getting that gloptic if i had my time back i probably would have got everything else except the galoptic and then just bought the galoptic because i don't think it would have been that expensive incubate gloptic support element it's hard to hard to get it you know so ta-da wow check that out all right it's gonna take a day and a half that's okay we got 40 diamonds and there's that little critter flying around guys [Music] show me what you got wow ah cool very cool wow we got uh we got this place 33 done now guys two out of six not bad i mean it's not that great it's one out of three one out of three is not that great [Applause] [Music] it's so beautiful guys so it's like that other thing on that other island you know what i'm talking about on an ethereal island um no not ethereal island um uh uh uh what's up i gotta go there now cause i don't remember magical sanctum that's what it's called guys it's like the the thing on magical sanctum uh rorick right yeah because it's just it's just roaring you know what i'm saying pororic uh all right so there you go guys so obviously i have some more monsters get on that island but that took a long time i i spent a lot of time in a lot of diamonds on this video so i hope you enjoyed please hit the like button if you did uh and if you want to see some more uh my singing monsters in the near future that's another great reason to hit the like button thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 1,247,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, msm amber island, breeding amber island, breeding yelmut, incubating yelmut, amber island msm, my singing monsters amber island, amber island gameplay, new island msm, msm new island
Id: ZEl34xEk9Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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