New UGLIEST Monster Unlocked!? (My Singing Monsters)

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so this guy blows purple puffs of smoke at you and it makes your brain go a little funny sure they're farts sure hey guys welcome back to my singing monsters I am once again late for an update mainly because I did not want to even try and record this video until I had a whole bunch of shards because we all know what happened last time there was an update on ethereal work shop oh you didn't see that video well uh let's just say I ran out of shirs okay I gave up I wanted to hear intervention but I didn't have enough shards to do it I came back the next day still didn't have enough shards I tried and I tried and I tried eventually I just said let's just let's just watch a video of it it was not as satisfying as actually getting it myself we have two new monsters today on ethereal Workshop okay and we also have the monster that I didn't get yet which is venin one of these monsters is zert and it is a three element so we're going to try and get that one first okay does that make sense it's probably not going to be as hard as the other two part of me feels like I am not going to be able to get them all in this video but I will okay even if it means this video doesn't go up for a while happy EO of Eco here's 15 diamonds thanks guys couple of interesting monsters have been added this is the one from before vention this is Zer I guess that's how you say it and then we have pent tumra which is that's that's something all right I mean the two of them are very disgusting monsters let's try and get ourselves aert all right we need a ghost we need a damn it we need a gem thing as well so we got to attune one of those yeah I need one oh it's the shortest one guys so that's good only cost me 500 uh shards and five diamonds here we go we can attune now no that's not the that's not the thing we can synthesize now I think it was Ghost gem radioactive go go it's it's not it is it no I just I knew it I knew it now I need to get a ghost that's the longest one that's 5,000 shards just for a ghost you're hurting me you know I don't have very many of these things I'm sorry I just find it hilarious how hard it is to get this stuff just work okay thank you was that really so hard Zer it wasn't but that's a three element not a four oh God that sounds like it's going to be disgusting man I don't you don't have enough beds oh good cuz I kind of don't even want to get this thing anyway there's only 4,000 shards so that's nice I also um upgraded the synthesizer for I don't know how many shards but I assumed it was going to help me anyway here's our ugly new creature I thought he was going to be a little bigger to be honest I mean obviously we can feed him his name is shizak so this is some sort of giant mouth creature with like craters or something they're like holes uh it's got like spider legs little tiny W wings oh it made [Music] one oh God why is that a thing I'm sorry but is it just going cuz if that's the case I could just do that myself and I wouldn't have to look at such an ugly creature I'd still have to look at an ugly creature if I use a mirror but it won't be so bad [Music] that's what he says that's [Music] just dessert is certainly zly not going to make or break this uh this song okay guys I just want to point out that I'm pretty sure this thing is actually called an exert and not a zert whenever zoroy is struggling to articulate a or the Colossal is having trouble remembering something suspicion mounts that there's an exert about put bluntly and literally this is the monster equivalent of a brain fart oh is that what you're doing you farting from your brain it's home is a gargantuan brain and it communicates by spewing gas from its mouth gut we're not sure how to classify it the biggest surprise especially because of the presence of the poison element is that the exert gaseous emissions are totally odorless well that's that's good I'm glad this guy's brain farts don't smell bad instead they build up over time and incite confusion and fogginess in the thought processes of its neighbors so make sure you're not planning on doing anything mentally taxing when an exert is nearby so this guy blows purple puffs of smoke at you and it makes your brain go a little funny sure they're farts sure my priority right now is to pin tumra so let's try and get it okay so we got ghost uh Crystal biohazard I think what I need here is two of these and two of these These are the worst ones 20 diamonds and 5,000 each ouch I wish I could press the right button just one time the one time I said to myself oh you know what I think I need to press the other button I was wrong oh okay another one of these speed it up there we go got to tune again cuz we need another one of these I think so we got to do that so mediums 1,0 diamonds I still wish it was cheaper but I I I can handle that I can handle it and now synthesize so we'll pop in our blit and then we pop in one of these oh I need three ah so close so close to trying one time I really hope they don't add five elements to this because that would be kind of bad in my opinion uh okay so you and you go that's not it that's 17 diamonds that's crap that's a bunch of crap shall we try again blare It Go no okay we're simply losing a bunch of stuff every time no biggie right now I got to get another one of these bad boys I got to turn something else into it though take one of you turn wait no uh there yes yes [Music] yes for a second I thought I was getting one of these I'm not right okay and it's another fail o they hate me this game hates me you know what I don't want to be here I I'm leaving this island okay I'm going on a little vacation where things don't hurt as much okay they they're going to hurt a lot okay I've been thinking about getting some more rares and epics on Amber Island cuz I got a whole bunch of relics don't ask where they came from okay I just collect them now and then and next thing you know I get 700 and something okay so let's take 74 relics uh maybe a few more 1 2 3 4 and let's see if we can make something beautiful happen there we go yeah let's get a rare tus SK we do it 86 diamonds you damn right we can it's beautiful big Improvement in my opinion guys big Improvement back when the world was whole a group of dauntless tus skis embarked on a voyage over the perilous mountains of the cold lands they were seeking the optimal Grove of conifers to engage in some 10 Pine bowling there's another bowling reference guys but I ended up getting cut off from the rest of the monster world for countless Generations only recently in the Contemporary era have they renewed contact and it's obvious that the long-term exposure to the chilling cold of the mountains made these cold top bosses even colder that's even possible now covered in a veritable Forest of Furs and their four ski toenails replaced by two board-like plates might they now more accurately be called Tusk sfers that'll take some getting used to yeah I think it I think it will anyway yeah I think I like this one uh a lot more than the other one guys I mean tusky is a really cool looking monster I just love how many trees he has on the back of him you know L all just bouncing around it's beautiful so I think that was I think that's all the rares now guys in the collection yep and then of course we have epic I'm seeing a lot of things that I have not gotten before guys the Epic Barb is insane man wow wait I'll try for a Barb I mean I'll just try until I run out of um run out of relics I guess no biggie regular Barb guys honestly guys rare Barb isn't that exciting to me but the Epic looks a lot cooler so let's hope for it nope that's a fail we shall try again unsuccessful your Barb still a Barb your rare Barb still a rare Barb we simply try [Music] again no yeah I don't know how coming here was going to make me feel any better guys that was a big mistake fail this game it's just one big elaborate hoax everything that's ever happened in this game has led up to this moment I bet there's not even a rare Barb or an epic Barb I bet you they just want to hang on a second hang on a second I think I actually got it you can tell I'm getting a little upset I'm over here like random okay saying stupid stuff guga let's go I want the I want several other things as well guys I think mainly I just want the Epic vaine so I will try with my left over 200 relics but first Barb what's up girl looking good Netty she's some sort of like poisonous flower now look no further than the Epic forms of Barb and flower for irrefutable evidence of the two monsters genetic connection building upon the E florescence of its rare cousin the Epic Barb is practically one big flower externally the monster is overall less pointy but the sharpness of the species is still intact it just attacks the sense of smell instead of touch oh it's stinky I thought it was poison a punch and odor that calls to mind the worst cooking you've ever had is release from its forehead and elbows and even if you plug your nose you'll still be affected that's bad sensing an opportunity the Epic Barb holds occasional Raffles where the prize is a specialized nose guard that blocks out the odor and only this fire monster knows how to craft well that's kind of rude and selfish that way monsters still have the opportunity to socialize with it justice for Barb Justice for Barb guys Barb you don't get any justice okay Justice for my wallet Justice for my relics Barb I want to try and get vain here we go let's do it that is not vaine that is fine I have a 190 relics left okay let's see if I can get it all right last attempt and then I uh don't have enough relics to try again okay great now I'm not even going to bother finishing that that would be a waste of time hey monster handlers I have a great idea for a new island it's called waterboard Island and you literally just get waterboarded there cuz that would be a lot more fun and a lot less torture than Amber Island epics okay guys I came to fire Haven because I wanted to see if I might be able to breed uh an epic flower here I can't it's not available right now so you can't see epic Barb and you can't see epic flowa although if you just go back to Amber Island you should be able to take a look at it collection epics and there he is okay I think were they trying to say that if you look at Epic flaa and compare it to rare Barb you can tell they're related is that what they were saying because that's what I get from this cuz that obviously looks a lot like uh Barb I mean it's got this like similar colors and it's also cactusyack okay so these kind of related to all of them or something this is epic vaine she's kind of beautiful she's kind of ugly too but uh the pig bushes are nice I think the only other one we haven't seen in this list guys is epic thrumble epic thrumble is pretty cool looks like a deep sea monster okay we're back you ready neither am I and the grind continues shall we try again that ain't it better luck next time they say you know you know it's not actually any better the next time right you know luck is the same every time monster handlers huh I have one more attempt guys one more attempt that's great I'm so happy for me here it goes nope but you never know maybe plot twist we don't have to yeah we're doomed we're doomed I love I love this island this is such a great Island this is almost as good as Amber Island epic evolving right this is basically the same thing I love it I love it so much wow I feel so unsarcastically [Music] days to get the shards to do this I I'm going to have to like try exchanging a bunch of coins for shards Etc but we're we're rest assured it'll get done okay we're at least going to get the penumbra by the end of this video so it might have taken a few days guys but I did check this out what could it be let's crack it open ta that just go made some sort of weird vocalist noise I wasn't expecting that okay um seriously what the heck is this supposed to be guys does it have anything to do with penumbra I feel like it has something to do with penumbra penumbra a partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object the shadow cast by the Earth or Moon over in area experiencing a partial eclipse or the last dark outer part of a sunspot surrounding the dark core uh I don't know how that relates to our uh our new monster guys uh well maybe it has something to do with how he's holding up a little thing so so he's casting a shadow with his own light that's got to be why that's cool oh and you love this ugly thing who would have thought me because they came out at the same time I guess that kind of makes a little bit of sense all right well well there you go guys the shadow makes noise the penumbra you know what I'm [Music] saying oh my gosh okay all right plays a lot I was going to say guys it's not what I thought it was going to be like akath even though it's official species name is recognized to be penumbra because of its five Limbs and the shadow it casts okay there you go just explaining the whole thing nice and easy everyone just wants to call this monster a shady long legs hey Shady long legs is a fraking great name for a monster okay the Ethereal quad's affinity for the shadow element causes an unusual sticky pink residue to form on its legs why something to do with the fact that they're so often bathed Darkness apparently this phenomenon has been known to happen at Large Scale when the dark matter of the rift between Dimensions seeps out from interdimensional fractures it could just be a trick of the light but the Gloom that dwells beneath a p penumbra almost seems to take on a life of its own but because it's nothing more than a shadow of a shade it tends to imitate other beings sounds rather than create its own oh so are you imitating anything else [Music] nobody goes and this one's definitely an imitation and at the end it goes we do have 38,000 uh shards left over so let's see if we can get the vention I still have not gotten that thing I'm not getting my hopes up okay we we didn't get it before if we don't get it today it's not a big deal but I will try I will spend my last 38,000 shards on it and I got 200 shards for placing a penumbra could you not give me like 2,000 at least like come on imagine breeding something that takes like 50,000 shards or something and then they're like good job here's a nice pet on the head for you and uh I don't know 200 shards don't spend it all in one place oh wait you will okay goo ghost mechanic biohazard that's sort of a good thing because there is no uh there there's none of these but there are there there are these so that's a problem because they're expensive those are the most expensive of the day I didn't really pick up on that's how it works so it's something to keep in mind if you're trying to breed I guess can't use anything that has these crystals in it okay cuz we don't we don't need that in this combination we could also do the PIP lash but I like the PIP lash if I had to pick any of these it would probably be ugler so let's uh let's try that and then we need to right that's cool that's that's great so we need one of these one of these and whatever else oh yeah look at that we got like none of these things okay so let's get one of these okay another one of these right we got to get one one of these this is digging into my shards guys digging into my shards right now uh we need a couple of ghosties all right we got a few tries here we can give it a couple of tries no biggie here you are go not it come on hogler don't let me down I just want to get this last thing the venin clearly does not want to live on this island with me I'm a little bit offended chances are I'm not going to get another attempt at this guys so I have 8,000 left hang on hang on we might be able to give it one more shot one of these and we still got the money need three of these so uh there we go think I got it do I got it let's see if I got it I'm not going to get it but you know please please Monster handlers oh my God okay yeah I knew that was going to happen guys okay I didn't set out to get the vention but I thought if I had some shards left over I'd give it a try Okay so so the egg is on my face great I knew I knew I was going to fail I should have just not even tried okay would have saved me some embarrassment okay well let's go ahead and get our ogler back then hey auger how's how's it going welcome back here is uh almost we're missing a couple monsters now the one we had to get rid of and the one we haven't gotten yet but but this is what we have so far on our etherial Workshop okay I don't know how to feel about these guys I don't I don't mind the penumbra so much it's it's kind of cool and I'm not saying I hate the exert but what the heck is it you know what I mean and it just makes like burping noises which is kind of strange anyway guys I'm going to end this video here I hope you enjoyed if you did please hit that like button and you can click here to watch another one of my videos
Channel: MattShea
Views: 69,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, ethereal workshop wave 4, msm pentumbra, msm x'rt, ethereal workshop pentumbra, ethereal workshop x'rt, my singing monsters ethereal workshop, ethereal workshop update 4, msm, pentumbra, mattshea my singing monsters, msm ethereal workshop, my singing monsters, msm pentrumba, flasque, workshop pentumbra, x'rt and pentumbra, pentrumba, xrt, triple ethereals, piplash ethereal workshop, venshun ethereal workshop, ethereal workshop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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