BREATHTAKING A400M & Tornado Jet-Fighter Air Refueling! Full DUAL Ultimate Cockpit Movie [AirClips]

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[Music] [Music] hi guys and welcome to another episode of's ultimate cockpit movies i'm patrick and today i welcome you to the german air force air base in wundsdorf right in the center of germany i have something fantastic to present to you today and that's certainly not myself but the big boy behind me in the picture here which is a beautiful brand new a400m airbus heavy transport aircraft today we will join a unique ride on a sister ship of the one that you can see behind me and this special mission will be an air-to-air refueling session with 10 tornado fighter jets likewise of the luftwaffe german air force we are super super lucky to have a fantastic crew today that will take us along the ride as you are used to with some 20 cameras fitted to the aircraft so that you really will get the holistic impression of this exciting maneuver in the air here in wundstoff right now is the unique base of the air 400 a400m aircraft of the german air force it is the successor of the historic meanwhile historic transah cargo aircraft with the main difference that it's so much more modern and obviously a totally different category and size the a400m is a really really large aircraft and it is even much larger than the lockheed hercules now let's go over to the briefing room let's meet our fantastic crew today and let's look over their shoulder as they prepare this interesting mission for us welcome guys uh from uh uh thanks for joining us today uh we're here in wundstoff la saxony in germany uh the only a400 m transport wing of the german air force we're executing a air to air refueling sortie today plan is to meet 10 tornadoes up in the ar refueling area and we're gonna refuel a hundred and uh at fly level one eight zero um at a speed of 270 knots today uh so with me as my crew we got two uh technical load masters in the back andy and carson as well as the first officer and co-pilot marcel i'm rico the pilot and command for today's mission so thanks for flying with us hope you enjoy this okay welcome all to this uh today's mission uh at refueling for training purposes um just a recent change uh so the takeoff time is amended to 1355 z uh which is uh about 45 minutes later than planned so uh step will be in an hour 45 minutes from now for the crew and about 45 minutes for you guys in the back so we have plenty of time to prep everything and make final cut calculations uh check the papers and all that stuff so briefly to the timeline takeoff is 1355 z so taxi will be 13.50 and engine start is 1345. uh we'll have one of you guys uh to guide us out of block uh for engine start then carson goes outside okay perfect uh so check in is 1340 all zulu times and 45 minutes earlier than that is 12.55 step for the pilots okay uh quickly a recent change so the eurofighters cancelled on us so they won't show at all um we'll have uh plan was eight tornadoes for air-to-air refueling training uh that'll be ten uh offload stays because we skipped the the amount the eurofighters were supposed to get to the tornadoes so bottom line fuel stays asphrag any questions so far okay uh lux we got one for you i got already one got one so one for you in the back i take this one fly plan is amanda to 1355. if you want to check notims yes i'm going to read through the weather package you got your trip fuel for the lag the sortie time won't change so landing time is still um 15 55 z so that won't change at all uh short legs weather overall is fine so later later this afternoon some some clouds will just like come from the north and sea in wards might be a little rainy upon landing but visibility and all that stuff is good so it could be an issue okay yeah if there are no more questions no more questions i'll see you outside spot was parking spot 29 29 okay so see on spot 29. 31 okay so we're gonna look over uh performance you're gonna check um the nodems i'm gonna skip through uh the weather package and sign off the aircraft to check on the technical status and all that stuff okay okay all righty yes okay weather overall is fine for now it's getting worse as mentioned before uh but lowest is four kilometers visibility and broken broken clouds at 1000 feet so should not be an issue um same hanover uh alternators leipzig uh leipzig is blue so good weather light winds out of the south and lowest is light snow broken clouds 800 so check's good okay when it's not going to be an issue for the amount of flight time we got plenty of gas so lots of extra yeah that all checks bread strike risk is low so will not be an issue there checks cool let's go check the list okay i checked the notes for the flight today yep um one stuff should be not an issue at all all uh all good except for the um takan minima runway zero eight is raised the eyeless should be in the air but in case of we take the attack on zero eight uh we take to advance the uh raised minimum okay and uh alternate legacy should be all fine that's nice are the heading restricting for us last week uh runway closures at leipzig but one or the other runway is always open so should not be an issue cool is good okay so technical load methods are stepped uh we got the atmo no nato flight orders required uh mission binder is checked no passports necessary we get the weather and nodem update we got the flight plan adc flight plan and the operational flight plan right here diplomatic clearances ppr is not required since takeoff and departure will be influenced off and landing as well i'm going to complete the rm sheet we get the electronics equipment efb acds we can feed the route in there i'm gonna check on the departure destination copies and navcad is not required not necessary weather check is done uh jets icing icing will be an issue today but only light forecasts so it should be manageable okay okay if you want to set up the performance for the performance and i'm going to sign out the aircraft check on the technical status okay i'm here at the maintenance data system uh so that system shows me all the jets all the planes we have at woodstove and i can check without stepping to the jet or seeing the jet documents what the technical status is of the aircraft i can see what the amount of fuel is what the technical restrictions or problems limitations the aircraft has so i can find information about radios that don't work i check on any any situation that makes makes it not mission capable for the purpose i need today so i have standard limitations of systems the a400m the german version is not equipped with any filters that need to be replaced but are still good for today's flight okay engine limitations looks pretty good okay so i can see the flight is in the system so the flight is prep our call sign is prima 1 that will be the call sign for day and the flight is an hour and 25 minutes planned for today it's already been fueled up so we have 45 tons of gas in tanks and those 45 tons feed ourselves and the amount of fuel we have to dispense to the jets all right so we can sign okay technical status overall is fine uh no restrictions uh prop break is in up uh that's standard because uh the german version of the a400m has no pro brakes delivered by airbus but everything else is fine 45 tons and tanks so no restrictions yeah okay i checked the oebs of the aircraft we have 11.5 which is the north landing misalignment high load factor gls cut one the obox and half scp i calculated the immediate return in case we have a v approach of 142 and an extra stop of 143 meters so should be should be fine for today but we have to consider the overweight condition yeah okay but just slight overweight so estimated takeoff weight is 128.5 tons so not too heavy uh okay so that gives us roughly five tons overweight in case of immediate return is required okay sounds good so let's go back here uh rooting is checked whether it's checked notims is checked performance takeoff landing and immediate return is checked we have the oebs the standard for us just a reminder from last flight afscp the 50 foot increment knob i have to remind ourselves to switch it back uh chicken is good at port specifics uh one stuff we talked about it no big restrictions uh par spr available uh pir should be in the air should be enough it's not no dumped out okay i'm gonna check on that with the tower once we're in the jet okay uh minimum fuel is not an issue we got plenty so that checks out i'm just going to complete the orm one let's check on the tank on the receivers uh after every fueling area is rosy so close by to one star altitude 18 000 feet frequency checks and the time on station will be an hour and 15 minutes in total 15 minutes prep time so we have one hour of ar operations seven aircraft total so reduced by like three yeah so we have seven in total seven uh tornadoes coming up uh getting almost 16 tons of gas okay got the call signs right here one two three four five six seven receivers that checks out okay so we're gonna um update uh the box in the system the flight management system to check on the on station time 1415 and calculate the departure time okay good i think we're set [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] okay guys i checked the lot master workstation area the torolets and the cockpit and the galley and you check the cargo hold area the red area and the same procedure the same the citrus every year hello check check one one hello hello tech tech one one okay pause it was it was it [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] so we are shortly uh before takeoff and i will perform now the external walk around to make sure that the aircraft is in a good outside condition and everything for the flight here i'll have a short brief under the aircraft to make sure that all antennas are in good condition as well as the emergency external light i will check the general condition of the landing gear so now fluids are coming out very good the technicians already did the pre-flight check but i will have a short brief look to the engine all in good condition here one of the most important parts for the mission today is the after air refueling pot [Music] here i check the general condition of the main landing gear tires and the profile basically i do now on the left side of the aircraft equal to the right side so here the engines and the air refueling part so now that would be finished my external walk around the external walk-around is mandatory uh before every take-off um it is the task of the pilot monitoring but the pilot in command has to ensure the that it will be performed and signed for the everthingness of the aircraft okay ready for brief ready okay status of the aircraft is fully mission capable we have no restrictions for today's ar mission um we have 11 oebs 5 red the nose landing gear misalignment engine maneuvers life cycle components gls cut 1 oxi obox which is not applicable and the afscp 50 foot increment knob standard so far additional things uh prop brakes set to in up flap seals cut it and we have to obey the oil smart procedure so as discussed before we keep the auto mode off have the apu bleed on both packs on yeah we have broken clouds and icing conditions pretty high so we got plenty of time to switch on the ndis uh no restricting nodems for woundstaff surfaces are dry taxi plan is going to be a left uh then left towards november all the way down the runway to six uh for departure uh pax will be as brief before on apu bleed for the osmotic procedure uh no restricting or m issues uh it's a short flight uh nevertheless a bunch of receivers so everybody stay aware and keep counting and looking out for for jets and back everybody else up okay any questions on the status i have no questions so far okay all right uh so we're prima01 from vunstafter wundsoff alternators leipzig uh initial flight level 180 and that's our flight level for the first ar as well uh we got 44.3 tons of gas uh giving us an extra of 13 tons good for an hour and six four hours and 16 minutes estimated takeoff weight one stuff 128.4 performance wise uh taking off runway two six now i'm operating standard toga with flaps one v1 is 127. the r135 and v2 144 plus reduction altitude 1 670 xl 3170 and transition standard for germany is 5 000 feet climb is gonna be managed 247 knots flight plan uh we're gonna leave uh vunstaff runway two six november whiskey three two six departure which is on track two five nine uh runway uh course two five nine to a track of 249 for two uh thousand feet within six miles and then direct uh the first point fox f and then fly planet route climbing one eight zero that way it's uh everything is auto tuned uh but tag two is set to ar tekken uh 64 yankee deselected navigates line and airbus standard the ils is set for once off for immediate return which brings me to the secondaries uh sec 3 is a copy of the actus tech 2 is not used empty and seg1 is in case of immediate return comes necessary so any malfunctions probably one on my command that's going to be stop or go any malfunctions after that we continue the takeoff uh analyze situation air warn uh take fly the aircraft and then take proper action make a sound judgment if we can press on or have to come back any major incidents engine fires fares shifting cargo in the back smoke and fumes same thing we initially depart on the planet departure and prep from the first point back to epcot hold as long as necessary and then shoot a standard is out of epcot for roommate 2-6 in that case for the arrival with flaps 4 it's going to be an overweight laning but nevertheless performance-wise doable um the altitudes for that uh the msa in the south is um 2700. uh engine out says 2420 so i say we go up to 3 000 feet in case of engine failure okay any additional questions no questions okay so cargo one of you is stepping out for uh engine start okay [Music] before i start checklist please d4 star the cockpit prep is complete complete gear pins and covers are removed field quantity that's checked takeoff data set aldriff qnh10217 qnh1021 set that's my irs down to the line okay get engine start clearance please once of tower primer01 pobs5 request startup okay q and h one zero two one is set and star is approved and below the line before start checklist complete check cargo ready for engine start i would already probably stop and outside clear for engine start okay left side is all clear right here starting engine number one starting one fuel and ignition on one [Music] starting engine number two starting two so starting engine number three starting three [Music] and starting engine number four starting four so so okay outside there for taxi okay hey the boarding so [Music] all right almost off status is checked doors closed and after star checklist i have to start i guess auto mod is off and the ice is off pitch stream is checked after start checklist complete sure flight control check yes for left full right neutral full down full up neutron and radar rather left rather right all right okay check that's checked okay i think we're good to go yep i called for text all right promo zero one request taxi [Music] is cleared back to one staff via trek250 climbing four thousand feet expected radar vectors squawk 1000 and prepare brain radar one three one two three zero okay five euros copied up to four thousand feet secondary is one three one three three zero and squawk is set to one thousand okay cargo ready for taxi cargo is ready for texting okay left side is that clear right here off the brakes and off block 45 there we go standby brake check good brakes go and left side's clear okay we got five minute timing for the engine yes and taking a left turn yes right side's still clear okay okay got it that takeoff time is 13.59 so we have eight and a half minutes yeah it should work out perfect coffee is good to go for the mission coffee's good there we go no coffee [Music] [Music] okay cargo ready for departure goggles ready for departure [Music] [Music] and before take off checklist before takeoff flight instruments uh checked checked flight controls check checked briefing is confirmed 4000 on track two five zero yeah squawk set v1 vrv2 uh 127 135 144 127 135 144 iss yes set reader transmit pws is on and auto windows left side is closed right side closed down to the line format 01 is already up on reaching is copied okay we can switch on the tcas yep chicas comes on yep stops are coming on already that looks like an on-time departure yeah something you cannot learn no and we're germans germans always on time of course okay check on the tcas tickets traffic player looks good okay continue below the line please tickle friendly runway two six confirm two six confirmed the load master is advised pack one and two on a build lead for the osmotic procedure before takeoff check is complete is checked okay yeah lighting light is coming on we got checklist completed lights everybody's strapped in finals clear clear yeah so it's gonna be a rolling takeoff takeoff weight is 128.2 yep for the form okay time's running and take off crew manitoba ss auto thrust arm checked power set 80 knots checked the one rotate positive plan gear up gear up runway track check problem zero one switching to frame one three one twenty zero by frame radar good afternoon primer zero one heavy one thousand feet climbing four thousand on track two five zero [Music] checked hi mcl auto thrust check you're still on one day trick so yeah pull track two five zero two five zero check flab zero speed checked flap zero and i have to take off my checklist please after take off climb down from the line okay all right another autoflight ap1 check [Music] on time approaching five thousand that standard standard cross-checked passing level four five now on the dot below the line aldridge standard set standard set engine start selector norm over to frame one to five zero to five just all right override is on after takeoff climb checklist complete check cream radar good afternoon primer01 heavy level five climbing one hundred okay heading 2407 check okay i got the prop and engine ndis yep he came as expected should disappear within 20 seconds that's getting bright alrighty 180 180 s4 two three zero set for now check that's weird cvs detected but we are outside the cloud level i guess you should just broke up the clouds so i'm gonna clear the eyes yeah looks nice and uh ask for 180 once you have the chance yes standpoint plummer01 for refueling request level of 180. timing level 1801 so i click one of zero okay re-cleared 180 is set checked and approaching ten thousand feet yes our cruise is armed [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] so heading two seven zero primal zero one so i i set the tekken 2 as f2r fuel yes heading 270 checked okay it seems like we're pretty short like 20 30 minutes out of icing conditions so i think what comes off yeah expected he come yeah still got some some eyes on the probe but it's starting to disappear already thank you okay all navigation to the ar pattern uh so i say we turn initially in bond ap1 which is this guy over here it's rosie ap01 check retention uh direct with beam please direct with wing please yeah there we go and let's check enough check okay timing looks good speeding up yep refueling speed is supposed to be 270 knots yes yeah seems like we have a few clouds in the area let's see if we can make it above hopefully yep oh perfect there we go thanks okay you might wanna get the uh com tree up just a little bit three is uh aar frequency so as soon as someone calls you on that frequency yeah i take i take over come on perfect okay we got 10 miles to the area yep okay the first receiver should be nitro nitro flight 1000 feet ago check so the area extends up to fly level two three zero just in case we have to climb up for clouds maybe but so far it looks like we're clear yes because we might turn just in front those clouds yep speed our cool stuff check okay then we can start working the uh preparation yes starting the preparation equip status is checked and normal uh we have the enough system redundancy we talked on the ground yeah should not affect our mission for now yeah apu is off exterior lights are standard seat belt comes on fuel tanker lights are set today now we might have to adjust uh the lights just during operations but later yeah with the sunset squishy yep few more comes to tanker come come too let's come to now come come on yeah make a primary okay this guy back here there we go okay entering ap1 take a control [Music] okay continue the uh preparation the use configure report one one eight zero for now i'd wanna do yeah because the clock looks fine from zero one uh request level one eight zero four copied reviewers inca flatland one five zero two one eight zero primal zero one that works okay while you were transmitting manual flight so i got bank okay check and here just to manually adjust the timing yeah we got a broken clone layer below well below and those clouds coming in so that might be the the front dragging from the north sea basically yes so we see if we can maintain this level for at least an hour yep hopefully if not it seems like we can descend just a little bit down maybe to one six zero yes we have block one six zero to one zero my preparation is done so far okay on my side so uh ar tanker preparation checklist please check flight conditions uh what is the tanker channel two five nine one five six exactly and ar sixty four flight conditions vmc for now yeah primal zero one primary frequency 259.l150 token channel 6 for yankee and we are at vmc 2704.01 frequency will be 259.150 one five tankers rolling out all right okay so continue to check this yep exterior lights exterior lights are all set for now tanker lights uh uh tanker lights are set for day operation auto stop quantity is set 5.1 tons check fit tank deletion uh stays logistic for now tanks are pretty much full so yeah format fuel hdu pots prime okay the parts will prime automatically yep so that's an open open point on the checklist continue check briefing uh it's confirmed no changes so far 180 we got the block one six up to one nine zero so in case of we have to descend down for the clouds we can uh everything else remains as brief okay next check is before contact after tanker preparation check is complete okay let's check yeah you can bring up the uh left and right part on your video there you go perfect okay we got approximately 12 minutes until the receiver should be on station yeah so for the uh ar portion uh today you are uh you're the one controlling the ass base around the tanker so don't don't let yourself push by the receivers to like do anything or clear anyone to anything or any position uh if you feel you're not ready so just do whatever you're comfortable with and if the receivers push you down don't let them do that so just stick to your own comfort level yeah whenever you're ready you can clear those guys to go to contact or disconnect whatever roger okay that's a short flight back once we're done 60 miles from one stop um as we talked in the morning today it's been 11 months since my last time commission so if i feel uncomfortable or i need your help i will let you know so yeah no worries absolutely yeah i think we can start the before contact checklist items and contact items so the hs is already set to off yep tickers comes to ta only eds is secured yeah that will finish my items cool before contact checklist before contact hf is off next checklist after transfers and to our tanker before contact check is complete copy okay for now we just have the weather radar tcas so ta only will still call out traffic if it's too annoying and you have a visually identified you can go to stop by as well but that depends okay tinker's turning left for now it's clear outside that's going to be fun if we do add a refueling operations as a receiver yeah that could be fun coming up hopefully soon so it's going to be a lot of fun open chicago go i went on private okay yep that works yeah so once in a while you have to provide the tank a brief to the controlling agency downrange for instance as soon as you check in over the area where you're supposed to refuel you just provide the tanker briefing all the information to the controlling agency so the controlling agency knows your speed knows your altitude knows how much gas you can provide because they might just have the need to just randomly plan some jets to get fuel from you instead of one any other tanker for instance so okay timing looks good by eight seconds so i think that's acceptable yeah depending sometimes you have uh specifically uh if you're deployed and you refuel uh you might adjust your pattern in your area to where your receiver needs to go to next yeah so let's say if they have a job to do all the way up in the north you want to stay in the northern part of the refueling anchor uh just to keep their ways as short as possible same as if they uh provide you with the time they want to show up you want to be in that specific area and not all the way to the south the standard is to have uh the first receiver uh on the right hand side and the other on the left hand the second on the the left hand side but that depends as well so the receiver might ask you hey uh number two needs more gas than number one and i want to have number two in contact first to get more uh receive more fuel yeah that's flexible yeah yeah we got uh so the first customer should be nitro one and two okay since strike one and two strike one or two they probably call with uh nitro flight or strike flight if the receivers later on ask or might ask for multiple contacts uh with only 100 kilograms yep for instance uh you can punch in 100 kilograms so uh it'll almost automatically stop after uh providing 100 kilograms on gas yeah they might just do it for for trading purposes yeah third 13 seconds late 14 seconds late that's fair yeah you might ask brim if they got any information on uh nitro yeah whether for primer01 do you have any information about our receivers uh you can expect the first receiver in about five to eight minutes it's night through two one tornado and a few minutes after that expect strike one and two two tornadoes from zero one copied nitro two and after it last strike one two five to eight minutes so we got only nitro two yeah it seems like and strike one and two after yeah check about chicago go back in general what's that okay perfect so well i'm thinking about uh if we stay in one eight zero or descend right away because we have to uh retract the hoses and expand them again once we uh change the altitude so i can i can ask for flight a little bit yeah ask for one six zero just due to clouds on the northern part yeah tanker control for primer zero one attitude clouds coming in in the northern part request decent flight level one six okay 160 set um bird speed minus 800 check oh there you go there they are so you have to amend your uh brief yes ar is one six zero now that's 160 okay he's got us on this radar yep okay he's descending so that might be him here about uh 25 to 26 miles straight yep got him okay so i'm going to speed up 270 knots refueling speed height check and speed 2 7 0 knots check we can trail hoses if you want to yeah continue uh the checklist so nitro 2 should be and should be coming on to the right hand side there okay he's 1000 feet below roughly 10 miles strikers on frequency as well so i will extend the hose yeah left and right behind is clear left is training and ride is training as well [Music] [Music] traffic traffic yep that's a tornado expected [Music] not inside yet no should be right a beam he's coming over i've come free tanker turning left network ii has prima zero one cardiology switches so request your tail number and amount of view 2k is copied foreign strike zero two clear to join confirm nose codes which is safe okay you can clear uh nitro 2. traffic traffic okay s turn right so he's coming over that traffic is number one strike flight primer01 request tail number and amount of fuel 398. feet okay oh and contact yeah 1444. yep contact left side 45 fuel flow is good yeah now it's going to be a couple minutes uh go ahead uh next chickens will be around five to eight minutes single tornado nitro one is coming next is copied thanks primer one nitro 1 is coming next as a single ship the fuel flow is fairly low so there are other receivers where the uh fuel rate is like 1.2 1.3 tons per minute so it's happening fairly quick got one ton dispensed on the right hand side 900 kilograms on the left tanker to all is the light setting sufficient for you stand by left turn step by toe and tanker's turning left take a turn so uh nitro to confirm you're uh done refueling i want to split okay uh so you're clear to split uh 1000 feet below or above as you uh request and go over to uh control frequency 342.2 again okay clear the split above nitro2 yeah and i have one so okay so from one go [Laughter] okay let's try to request the right side okay that works strike two firm you can check the right okay so next time we have to turn early so we don't get into those fuzzy clouds up here so [Music] 1454. okay fuzzy clouds but visibility is okay yep okay nitro one is coming up on your frequency all right one primary zero one yes i was uh natural zero one click to join confirm nose chords which is safe nitro one primer zero one request tail number and amount of view 2k is copied from zero [Music] [Music] one due to fuzzy clouds building up here at flight level 160 uh is level 140 available as well yeah for now it's good i think we can stay at 160 but we might have to shorten the pattern just a little bit to stay in the the eastern part [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're uh refueling right now but uh i'll let you know as soon as we uh intend to descend okay stand by left turn standby and tank is training left tanker turning nitro1 we disconnect [Music] [Music] strike two clear disconnect [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] that was uh strike confirm yeah clear the switch 342 decimal two is rolling out and nitro one you're clear the contact right part yeah it's all like fuzzy stuff so if we stay at one six zero for now we don't have to retract and extend the hoses again okay contact on the right hand side 1502 uh for now it looks good so we uh intend to shorten the uh anchor just a little bit to stay at 160. maintaining one six zero prima zero one a blame confirmed did you call uh primal zero one that's the last one you will get the total off of the strike confirmation total upload for strike formation was 3.8 tons okay i filmed thank god tony left yeah he's gonna be ready in like one minute so if we turn now he is probably departing to the south so he wants to stay in the southern part of the area so yeah so we have one two three four receivers only yes instead of seven yeah okay it's not too bad okay getting in some fuzzy claws here i don't wanna disconnect anytime knight was r1 clear disconnect that was the one cleared to climb 1000 feet above and contact with him 342.002 bye okay he's well clear so we have no rush so you can finish your items yes tankers rolling out okay horses left and right seat belts you can left it on or yeah that's fine although it's fine edge of three minutes of fue mode comes back to norm jeez uh primer one where before clearance back to one staff please the reason is just the militaries are going to enter the extra 202 so for your clearance back up to one stop raymond on one two five zero to five switching one two five decimal zero two five drama one have a good day frame rate uh prime on zero one heavy again uh level one six zero heading zero nine zero is checked heading east heading zero nine zero check and speed is managed check okay ar after transfers checklist please tanker after transfers format fuel hosts storm stove yep tickets as set we can switch to below take a lights off format fuel hdu ports power off is off exterior lights are set as required no changes hf is still off remains off aar tanker after transfers checklist complete yes check okay rolling out heading 0-9-0 level 1 6-0 direct to epcot for primer01 okay direct epcot check rule change checked and next way point will be uh charlie foxtrot 26. okay leaving 160 descending one one zero power idle open descent i'd arm flat over one one zero set checked status is auto recall yep remove status and you have common control i have controlling combs uh quick brief okay we're inbound epcot uh requesting radar vectors for an ils runway two six full stop and one stuff uh after that uh expecting the final uh final approach fix at least uh 2005.70 01 contact arrival one three one three zero cheese [Music] and just uh do the call yeah ours primrela good evening primal zero one heavy level one four two descending one one zero inbound cup confirm decent five thousand zero descending altitude five thousand feet qh1020 okay for now flight level five zero set check uh finish up the brief yep uh planning on an ios runway two six final courses course is 259 descent is standard three degrees uh down to minima of bearer 374 feet msa in the south is still 2700 2100 in the north and in case of missed approach we climb straight ahead to 2000 and uh sorry about that no problem uh some case of missed approach we climb straight ahead to 2000 at 2 dme right turn to intercept radio 299 outbound and when passing 10 dme outbound we climb the 3 000 uh carbon hold right okay navigates everything is auto tuned eyelet frequency is in i'll choose the speed 250 checked good catch um lights and seatbelt speed very good uh final course 259. let's check performance wise uh you can run a calculation uh please real quick yep uh approach speed is 121 flaps four uh auto brake will be low and four reverse taxi plan on the ground is uh straight ahead to november four making the right turn and then uh expecting spot seven spot seven okay okay i might like get a little bumpy we're flying through some clouds here okay to finish up uh landing weight is 98.5 we got plenty of extra more than three hours play time and secondary is not required not used okay completely brief unless there are any questions no i calculated the landing with the approach of one two one okay norm only 8.4 i'm gonna extra shop right heading three thousand feet and the right heading zero zero prime of zero one i think zero nine zero set and altitude three thousand it's both checked okay looking good to me cross speed checks so i have control you have comps set q h q h cross checked passing 5 500 now yes check pro checklist please approach briefing is confirmed income status uh checked no updates to uh what was previously briefed with the management fault checked all address uh set qnh1020 said qnh020s yes norm minima uh minima set barrow three seven four feet set barrow three seven four feet set engine start selector uh stays norm approach tech is complete check okay breaking out the clouds got hannover steinholder lake and fielders inside yeah 1000 feet to go right speed minus one thousand check i'm gonna stow the ray bands here speed and with speed minus one thousand check sequence uh flight plan uh final approach fix course in please check is checked heading is pulled activate approach face please the portrait is activated checked slowing down 210 knots check yeah it's a short flight so you have to have your stuff together yeah of course i did not have uh time to drink my coffee yeah a short flight yeah oh really then i need cold coffee more give me more yeah three thousand feet we should go out at least like 12 13 miles try to turn in so expect turn about three miles happy happy pretty happy let him know he's coming in a very weak yep and promise everyone for information you're coming in very weak okay heading 170 set check speed is managed check okay flaps one please speed is checked cleared on us glide slope lock arm and country check i just pulled the power just to keep the speed up just a little bit more set yep set crossing another and once i was already well inside ap one plus two check log star check so [Music] so okay amendment to the brief in case of mr approach straight ahead 1200 indicated right hand visual pattern yes roger okay yes sir glideslope check okay uh don't be scared but manual flight autopilot is off check cut one check two thousand and uh setguron altitude gold altitude one thousand two hundred feet is set yes check flaps two speed districts gear down please get on ones are coming slightly from the left yeah f4 speed check flaps fall and flap scroll please speed checked flaps full parameter one gear down a lot lining checklist landing load master uh cargo we're landing in one minute advice auto first mode air speed auto brake low landing check is complete check okay we got the gear flaps clearance lights checklist complete yeah 1000 [Music] one thousands check yeah let's switch on their wings makes sense getting dark yep and it looks fancy 500 as checked 400. hundred above land check three hundred minimum problems inside landing crew continue 150 100 70 fifty forty thirty twenty ten five spoilers break low okay brakes are working let's auto recall disregard for now uh that's your riser line drain fault riser late copy to different good ideas but we're gonna taxi out the active runway here and then handle that it's clear okay let's say player touchdown 1535 coming right okay strokes are coming off yeah you can stand by there you go and income actions yeah fuel razor line drain fault clear fuel clear fuel coming right all the way down and after lining checklist please after landing iff is set as required after letting checklist complete check [Music] [Music] [Music] okay coming left [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay pocket break is on uh we got the uh engine oil yes i got the engine on okay so bleed is on engine shutdown 15 41. [Music] as soon as props are stopped spinning delta p is zero and you're clear to open doors parking checklist parking exterior lights exterior lights all set parking brake trucks park brake is on fuel pumps all off but uh feet tank main four and cross crossfit for apu packet check is complete [Music] okay [Music] [Music] welcome back uh good mission worked out uh flight time a little over uh one hour and 45 minutes block time for everybody we had a few issues with the low clouds dragging into the ar area so but nothing nothing too sketchy we just like shorten the pattern a little bit and drop down about 2000 feet to avoid those clouds landing uneventful nothing to add around the table any issues from you guys anything you want to add okay well uh yeah welcome back to you guys as well uh thanks for joining us we had a good flight uh we completed the training in total so hope you guys enjoyed us and uh thanks for flying with us
Views: 334,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, JustPlanes, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, TV, view, Samchui, Sam, Chui
Id: w5GoJ_ecMQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 36sec (7956 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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