Breath of the Wild but I Have a Gun

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today we're going to be finding out what would happen in breath of the wild if I gave link a gun as always if you want to see guns added to more games they shouldn't be in Please Subscribe and a huge shout outs to lintenzo and Echo collab for making the mod enjoy the video I mean at this point I might as well just get started we're gonna be playing breath of the wild and it's going to be completely normal see it's a normal it's a normal playthrough I'm doing everything as you would expect we're getting my Chico slate as you do okay so we get out a weapon oh gee yeah we have a gun now uh and we're gonna be beating breath of the wild I haven't played this game in a while so this should be pretty helpful with uh being able to beat the game I would think he's using it to block the sun Master Sword been real quiet since this new weapon dropped man there's just something about link running and they're just being a massive handgun on his back we'll see how this goes can I shoot the man or is an enemy let's let's see what this can do oh wait never mind there's more all right yeah that's pretty that's pretty effective behind you it's so stupid [Music] geez he went flying those poor bacoblins oh no oh no oh on this fire there I gotta be careful with this thing I think there were arrows in there but I don't think there are any more that's fine I have a gun they go flying this is so cruel oh yeah I keep forgetting to to show you guys the Spin Attack so that's gotta be one of my favorite yeah it's nice of Nintendo to finally add like new DLC after so long really appreciate that from them yeah you can tell this is a normal playthrough of breath of the wild because like speedrunners would skip this part yeah I would never cheat to beat a game not like those speed Runners with it all right it's time to do some freaking shrines let's go I like how I have a gun and now I'm going to do the bomb Shrine it's to really complement each other huh all right let's see let's see how easy it is to take out one of these Guardians with a gun oh no that has more Health than I was expecting what the heck it dropped me through the wall this isn't fair all right bear with me all right I think I got it easy all right and let's just uh there we go wait what oh there we go okay it's time for our first shrine all right so I know we normally get the bomb Shrine from here but do we even eat it like do I need bombs can I just leave because it really doesn't seem like I need them that's probably gonna make me go back and get them but it's just very amusing to me we did a let's go all right yeah I okay whatever fine I'll go back and get it I'll take your stupid bombs now we can actually finish because the game's heckin dumb I can't help but wonder if the gun's gonna actually help me in any of these other ones handling really is just packing you know I honestly should have paid closer attention to where all the shrines were before I started playing the game again but you know that's fine I don't know if I can shoot these guys from all the way over here they're not gonna see it coming I love this chat I can even get the bees yeah they're all dead for a woke up today and chose violence I really did ignore that chat I didn't try and do anything there I wonder can I just like no unfortunate you know it was worth a try maybe it'll move now it misfired gosh dang it okay you know maybe I don't need to use a gun for everything you know great power or something [Music] okay you know there's I can get through I remember breath of the wild being harder all right well that door is not budging another easy Shrine uh we gotta get the other shrines now all right where I really just don't remember where anything is I'm lost in the forest with a gun okay I'm a little curious I showed you guys that Spin Attack earlier but what happens if I do it in a forest nothing of Interest oh there's a forest fire here I'll put it out that didn't work uh ignore that ignore ignore all the fires wait I missed what and I'm dead I think it's such bad egg I think we learned something here if anything is small and flies through the air it is a big risk because Link's just not gonna be able to shoot it also chat I'm lost again uh which way am I supposed to be going here you know I have a I have an idea chat oh we have a second gun oh my gosh warping back here was a great idea I have two now let's go in case I lose one all right there's the Shrine we need to get to all right it's a little cold but I have an idea that's fine we go again stick with me on this it'll work here here here [Music] that's not what I was trying to do it keeps keeps kill I keep shooting myself stop it'll work this time see I'm warm now it's genius I literally don't need anything to get myself warm because I can just set the ground on fire it's genius I think I'm accidentally hitting myself in the process [Laughter] batsling can't manage to shoot here I've got this I've got this Christmas I literally can't kill them how am I how do I shoot these they literally don't take damage from the laser they just get knocked back this is so unfair I I literally can't do anything the bats are wearing bulletproof vests all right I desperately am in need of a plan because my original plan didn't work and now I'm dying this goes against my morals but we're gonna have to use something that isn't a gun I can't light the gun on fire so [Music] I'm so dumb I'm so used to having the paraglider and a gun isn't gonna help me from falling so big whoops so chat I actually have a confession technically speaking I've never beaten breath of the wild I put like 50 hours into it casually but I never beat it I'm probably close enough to where I can just run now I had to beat it before tears of the kingdom comes out that's why I got the gun chat that's going to be what makes the difference all right the crayon is trial so my first thought is maybe I can launch myself over with the gun good to actually get crionas I do kind of need it I wonder like maybe just maybe no okay it was it was worth a try [Music] cool I like how all it takes is one shot and that little guy is just done easy trial only only one more two and then we'll we'll be good I can get off the stupid plateau hey look another gun [Music] we have four you know that's you get rid of this you have four guns that's fine I made it let's go and you guys told me to stop jumping off cliffs I made the exactly right decision it's a shame I don't think I can really use the gun on this one well actually maybe oh no it's not it's not stopping it's not stopping can I like launch it with the gun [Music] not really got that one out of the way though see the gun does help in the shrines think of how much harder this would be if link wasn't like locked and loaded I love all of these cutscenes just seeing like the giant gun oh hey look another gun now we have five all right old man give me that paraglider like shoot him take the paraglider this is your chance there we go we didn't even have to threaten them all right I think the first thing I'm gonna do chat is we're gonna take a quick detour so I can get some good food just ignore me he threw a rock at me that was your last mistake can I not kill the skeletons with a gun I guess that would make sense oh I'm on fire all right well we have some good food now where is the Coliseum this Lionel is literally not gonna see what hit him all right that's pretty that's pretty good damage wait no he doesn't even have a gun even with a gun I still couldn't beat him here that's because I got too close is that even hitting him I don't even think I'm doing damage to him what the heck I do have a gun but I'm feeling a lot less confident now all right all right I've got a new plan I've got a new plan just run in before he has a chance go crazy on him cut that one out I didn't think he had a bow this was a mistake all right come on just light him up light him up light him up there we go I was overthinking it I got intimidated all I had to do was spam on him I don't need any of this first try yeah there was nothing else ever that happened [Music] I don't know I don't know how I feel about this oh wait duck hunt moment there's a bird all right I can hit this I can hit this yes oh geez that what it blew up in my hand I'm starting to think this made breath of the wild harder I feel like the gun has killed me more times than I have used it to kill other things but I guess that's what I get for trying to shoot a bird where's the closest he knocks chat I have power and I want to use it all right big guy your time is numbered like you're missing you're missing stop it foreign wait no stop it stay there man this game is so easy all right I wanted to try I want I want to try one more pause how easy is it to kill a stone Talus with a gun that's the easiest Talus well too bad I'm gonna kill it we have six guns now all right where are you idiot how many times have you killed yourself with a gun now I don't know too many isn't it you oh yep this should be easy oh wait stay there it just it immediately took all of its Health wait no I'm distracted stop it oh oh oh wink hit the thing all right there we go easy fight I think we've proved the power of the gun I think it's time to go to Hyrule Castle I'll be honest I am a little scared all right here I come Gannon is not ready no my speed I guess it'd be rude to take anything but the front door so the question I have how easy is it to take out those flying drones all right well this probably isn't you know the safest way to break into the castle but we do have a gun usually you don't have a gun well I shot myself we're off to a great start okay those those maybe this isn't a good idea those things have a lot of help oh geez I overestimated my power come on get him get him I'm missing if I hit it in the eye it'll only need three shots well apparently aiming this is very hard because that doesn't count as hitting in the eye all right we need to think of another plan because this clearly isn't working I overestimated the power of the gun as it turns out very inaccurate I should probably also get more armor too you know here we'll be back all right it is definitely very unfortunate that it seems to be hard to hit these Guardians in the right spot because this beep is supposed to do 250 damage oh well it's not like it can do much like this and I shot myself all right hopefully we dial us now we still don't have any pants though but that's fine no I still die if I shoot myself I guess it is a gun you know I think my strategy here just run just run just run just keep going just run it does so much damage we're getting the pants chat all right let's go we got pants maybe I'll dial us I think we just gotta run for it and not die oh no I might I might hit that I might hit that don't hit that don't hit that don't hit that uh uh bouncy please maybe no all right all right all right we'll be fine we're fine we're fine go go go go go go I know I have a gun but I can only do so much against giant war machines all right Coco Coco oh frick it's fine it's fine it's fine oh is the door closed the door closed here I'll be I'll I'm ready this time I'm ready this time you're missing what are you doing the gun doesn't work if you don't hit him please stop aiming for that leak you need to hit the Lionel I don't think foreign Rush doesn't work it just does no damage because you're hitting him with the gun like you have to shoot the gun thank you oh frick that's what that does I only have so much healing stuff I can't waste it now all right we got him we got him have a heart's fine I mean everything one shots me already anyways it's not like this makes much of a difference if you think about it Go link run you're almost there you're almost there keep running all right please I can only just hope and pray that the gun is actually gonna work on the bosses and actually do damage because if it doesn't it's all it's it's just all I have I can't do anything else I need this to work like what these things are only supposed to have like 2 000 Health that should be like eight shots with the gun keyword should please work please work please work and please don't explode on my face oh yes it's working it's working just hit it the gun's working we're in the clear I don't remember how any of these fights go but it doesn't matter I don't need to water bite well I'm gun blight here you know what I don't need to aim every shot just like spam it oh he's dead what is this fire blight you fool link you're missing again you're missing you're missing stop it stop it stop it stop missing link you idiot you idiot stop it there we go yeah keep doing that oh frick I shot myself can I shoot through that oh yeah I can I am so good at this game and you guys were worried about thunderblight like oh he's gonna be jumping around like oh man this one might be tough oh wait where is he oh I shot myself again um all right you know I missed oh he's blocking it he's blocking it come here face me you coward it's not working oh I think I hit him that time all right we've got a suit of armor and a gun on our back it's time oh that kind of looks like my gun maybe they have a gun too it's just so funny seeing that the giant gun on links back it never gets old all right climb it again all right I'm really hoping the gun still works here if it doesn't this might be a problem oh it's working we're good we just gotta keep shooting them he can't do anything about it well he can shoot me back I guess but that's that's besides the point all right we did phase one um so my question is can I break the armor with the gun no I can't uh uh I might need a shield die all right let's do it again fear me [Music] oh I missed I missed again I promise I'm good at this game go get him get him get him get him get him easy fight all right well now my question is can I do the final fight with the gun still or are we just done can I not use the gun anymore it might work there's a chance I'm sure as heck gonna try it's not working here wait wait maybe if I get off all right we don't need a horse none of my attacks will get through are you sure I think they might be right I'm trying I'm just a man with a gun it's gonna work chat you just have to believe in me it doesn't work as much as the work it does not work all right I have a oh frick uh can I even beat this fight oh wait I think there's the bow of light all right well the gun the gun doesn't work as much as I would have loved it to work man it's a shame a gun doesn't work on this thing isn't that unfortunate yeah such an oversight from Nintendo should I just change the bow of light model to an AK-47 it's a shame I didn't think of that all right well we beat breath of the wild with a gun even though I couldn't be dark bees ganum with a gun and yeah this is my first time ever beating breath of the wild I never beat it when I was playing it casually yeah if you ever can't beat a video game I think the moral of the story is to just uh add a gun to it you think they'll accept this to
Channel: Fir
Views: 1,656,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, link, gun, first person shooter, link first person shooter, speedrun, mod, modding, challenge, is it possible, fir, fir_, breath of the wild gun, breath of the wild but I have a gun, simplyfir, legend of zelda gun, lead of zelda but I have a gun, the legend of zelda, botw
Id: fhHkagk7hKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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