If I Say "E" Mario Explodes

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today I'm playing through Super Mario Odyssey but if I say the letter e Mario will explode this is probably one of the hardest and stupidest challenges I have ever done so I hope you enjoy I will start now okay cool bro is already losing his mind I uh I can't talk this sucks what do I say did you know he is the most common letter in the English language yeah sucks oh my God must say boss plural true I did not finish word I good boss is I win boss down yeah no he exploded but did I just crash the game did I break it oh my God you're talking like a caveman I know I am we crashed the game we won you did not win back at start gosh since you can't say it yourself don't forget to like And subscribe thanks you cool this sucks this sucks what kingdom are we in I can't say what is that one Kingdom on the moon with really hard level the no I said the gosh dang it I gotta redo the whole fight okay I try again we win a boss no I said we again this is hard man so what letter can't you say i i i i as in not just stop I am okay I okay said the man who is definitely not okay please buy the caveman outfit for this run for you okay almost coins for outfit yes oh Mario is now from pasta Mario podcast dino dance cool that's a kingdom down what is small ant's real name smant that good name I can't even blow up in a cutscene though wait maybe he can blow up in a cutscene he's just gone no the game is broken whatever look sand I find moons in sand I think I go to Pyramid I concur through wall wow how many Mario characters can you name in 45 seconds I uh Mario fruit lady Yoshi Luigi Daisy big Koopa gun Bill Wario Waluigi Goomba I know think more I sad almost to boss though okay Kill Boss good yay coins I am good at talk okay I will fight rock guy with fists yes oh I try again okay focus on bite fist guy okay we have fist I said we oh and I said have I cry this sucks oh okay last hit I got this I just find the moon and I will win correct no I think it it breaks it I have to I have to restart the game there's too many words I go all way back this sucks back in ground under oh pyramid gun Bill almost back oh no this suck oh my gosh just watching your pain is changing way I talk and rotting my brain no bad say word in this chat thank you okay this fight I win I own fist hit him Moon good don't say stupid I did It win Victory sand finish now we go liquid Kingdom I said it again I said we again I can't die during the cut scenes no I said it again whatever liquid Kingdom this is fast Kingdom find moons fast in liquid find fish find moons win against boss that plan I will win against Top Hat rabbit [Music] you can say Rango uh-huh but I win liquid Kingdom would Kingdom go find moons do it fast I do sound familiar to an ooga booga man correct oh no Mario's just gone and he can't explode during the cut scene here let me what's gonna happen oh there it is okay try again I can say piranha plant kill piranha plant or Moon I will do it yes it's happening during Mario's just dead what's gonna happen oh big robot boss fight okay I hit small plant kill big robot fast weight aliens are real in Mario 2 sky man in Mario uh-huh I win good this sucks brain hurt brain hurt Lots Wood Kingdom oh big Koopa guy I fight you okay big turtle oh don't say turtle big lizard I will kill to save wait no I will win I sound similar to a tick tock NPC right now I do not like that like okay I beat big turtle now eat and turtle okay okay okay okay okay okay I am going crazy okay I win now enchanting evening this is eager Explorer ever embarked on an extraordinary Expedition that exhilarated your essence enlivening every element of your existence it is good now okay okay okay skip bird keep hat I can't even say fine okay try again Lost Kingdom skip bird trick good fast trick my moon this Kingdom fast you should know by now okay just keep stop dying Mario stay calm it's fine it's not it is not fine just shut up honest shut up shut this way hit fast I just know Moon just collect just go into City Kingdom can you sing your favorite nursery rhyme animal blight light star how I think what you is almost two boss big what is boss oh big long bug boss that is good big long bug boss I kill and shoot with tank yes oh wait no I was excited I got it I go again don't stupid okay thank you I win finally Moon good City Kingdom day yay good luck you'll be needing it I do want luck but also I am skilled paper here are a few of my favorite words of all time beekeeper deep freeze ceaselessnesses defensiveness dream keeper fencelessnesses over Bejeweled sneeze weed and semi-evergreen what are yours word I think good is Mario Mario good word musicians bound now I fix elect oh I couldn't figure out a word for electric or power or anything they all have e Moon thing for City I fix okay oh yes iFix Moon plant take a shot every time fur says yes no bad do not okay donk City Moon plant good big city party is coming uh can't do this it's so far can I just not talk I just want moon man I am in pain Moon good I am okay calm down Moon God yeah oh well there goes Mario uh small count of moons to get the longer you go the harder it gets you would think I am good now but I am not this is so hard sit with man thank you City Kingdom go away to snow Kingdom I can just say it fantastic that's a good word amazing amazing glorious spectacular fantastic all great words without any glorious spectacular oh you liar you little wait no I said okay shut up how could you do this to I you can also say extravagant no I can't stop lying I can say lying lying is Unholy not saying specific consonant oh I said specific e isn't even a consonant it's a freaking vowel you can call people raps Kelly in true true oh no well Mario's like dead right now and better back to cold Town hey fur I'm having some homework problems even though I graduated high school 10 years ago okay what is equal to MC squared I don't know I failed math oh I did it again the word just felt safe I thought I could say it I can say fail but not failed failing is fine back to Moon don't stupid [Music] okay no we this is hard please ah Moon Moon good I want to go liquid Kingdom sand how has the Run been so far this seems totally easy also don't question this message it's very innocent it is pain and hard I am bad at this I will kill squid go go go you can do this kill him yeah yeah uh yo yo was always what I was saying I'm okay stupid okay liquid Kingdom too with sand I finish small count of Kingdoms to go all right it is purple rabbit oh okay lilac rabbit I am good I triple dog dare you to say a full sentence without sounding like a neanderthal no [ __ ] you sorry that was toxic I just want Moon you can say this amount of words on account of not worrying about any particular symbols that fall from D through F this will allow you to say normal words without sounding similar to a human from the past I know you might think that this is a trick but it is totally not at all now you can go on with finding moons how can I sound like that like oh come on I was right there shut up shut up shut up shut up just go Big Slab up two pots fur do you like Minecraft or Pokemon better I am fan of the you try and think of like how do you get around the hard word like Minecraft or Pokemon and then you just say the and it doesn't even matter because you said okay go Mario go just do it just focus or a small part of your uh just you know just focus synonyms too hard say simple don't talk do I bird fight in soup I got this no not that word in soup fight yo yo is all I would say almost finish kill dumb burn okay just moons that's it just get moons cry man it's hard Smalling okay it's tough I'm trying Moon find magma swamp floating and sinking so so it's uh so fantastic yeah oh stop kill it Mario's just gone he died he's dead [Laughter] Mario no whatever man Focus rain is struggling okay all of Chet's posts that try to trick you into saying a particular glyph from the Latin script is scandalous chat should know that though a tough task it is practical to form full strings of words without said glyph try your hand at this chat how do you guys do this just kill Dragon just kill it it is not a hard fight you can do it okay motivation I concur Who it wait almost but I am smart okay last hit should be pain it's all pain no shut up go go go go go go go go go go go go fantastic just shut up and I am good so so in proximity to final Kingdom brain is hurt uh-huh just go in big lizard Kingdom I am okay but also I am liar this is pain almost at final Moon which is amazing I am okay I'm okay I'm okay come on for you can do it this is the final story I know I'm so go go more this is why I grab a flag okay what's your favorite challenge run of Odyssey that you've done not this okay big robot fight I will kill oh oh okay first good mini hats rabbit good glass to go no no no no no no no no no no no no no must go back up okay I am hit blast rabbit that was not as hard as I thought it would go I think I am getting I got carried away everything would just could just talk and like show off that I've learned so much throughout the speed run but no no my hubris fight is fast this is it in proximity to final Kingdom I must win but not good right now do you think you will beat this challenge I will hit lilac guy and now girl complete I guess I did say plea technically I should just shut my mouth Focus bird climb up on a scale of one to ten hit it how confident are you um six okay let's go wait I can't say that please don't crash no no [Laughter] that sucks but we go again you fool yeah yeah I am a fool I am just going to shut up it's okay I believe in you thank you just fight boss almost in proximity okay don't pop off just stay calm finally I did it last Kingdom so in proximity to Victory so in proximity church is right across gaps in ground big lizard Mary fruit lady there no okay just shut up again on Sphinx for you can do this just remember to think before you speak hard to do at church blizzard Mary at this spot I will kill him and say say I will say to fruit lady that I I don't know almost finish that first hit go go go jump over oh okay try again kill Bowser I've been saying big lizard for a reason okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay hat found punches dick his what don't worry about it almost at it last one just smart I am smart Mario I will do it go go go I am in pain just finish kill big lizard okay okay okay okay fantastic amazing jump oh okay amazing I am a big lizard now this is it I will finish I am in proximity I can't say anything okay so in proximity almost what do I say finish is app captain um just don't speak I I know just box almost [Music] finish almost no pain just go [Laughter] oh my God I can say whatever I want now this sucks so much I hated this so dark aside time no I am not doing darker side this is it please subscribe I couldn't say it until this point of the video just just please do it
Channel: Fir
Views: 319,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: if I say, mario odyssey, mario, enemies spawn, speedrun, challenge run, explode, if I laugh, mario explodes, don't say e, can't say e, is it possible, fir, fir_, simplyfir, world record
Id: J1gMQaZkEwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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