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all right time to go to work boo boo do is a you don't be afraid of yourself Moses my buddy good morning welcome to vlog number five my god want me to take you I need you all righty ready to go now where's your sister chica mom I can take oh no we're gonna go together we're not taking two trips she's one take it go get her in the car and I'll take you right now pretty typical morning in our house so Jaya tomorrow's Friday and then the day after that is Saturday and you don't have school on Saturday but it's not summer break there's so many things that I have to get done because we're going to Europe early next week I'm going to be out of the country for like three weeks which means I got a bank for podcasts and have them totally done before I go so I can just be present and enjoy my trip without having a moment but first things first all right I only have a couple hours to get out for a quick spin I'm not going to bring the GoPro on this ride I want to just be focused and present for the experience but I'll report back when I'm done all done just a couple hours mellow z2 all right time to go to work so I'm prepping for this podcast this afternoon with the Iceman wim HOF he's the guy who believes in cold exposure and breath work as a means of basically accessing your autonomous nervous system and using that as a vehicle to heal yourself to prevent and reverse disease to do superhuman feats to recover more quickly as an athlete and basically just access innate reservoirs of potential which is really cool to me god it's cold you could say that I think of the gold as a noble force it's just helping me it's training me it's bringing me back to the inner nature the way it was meant to be and this way I do not only enjoy the gold I love to cool so what I'm doing is I'm just trying to wrap my head around how I want to approach this conversation I'm doing some due diligence and research making some notes and just kind of ruminating on how I want to navigate the personality that is wim hof but I'm looking forward to it and I only have a little bit of time before I have to go back home where we're doing the podcast so got to make the most of it time to go there's a bird stuck in our bedroom let me help you probably stuck it doesn't want me to touch him of course I blame you here we go oh my guy he dude it's gonna be okay ready ready to go poor guy that's probably the best thing that'll happen to me all day today such a simple message you know yeah and nobody doesn't write yeah I listen to Joe and chairman and Rhonda you know I cover the same things but you have a different way and hopefully killing Shirley yes but my knowledge comes from nature you know nature and then it got through science I don't understand why two years ago two and half years ago I the autonomic nervous system to be able to be influenced by anybody it's big big time because the influence there from is so huge it needs to be in charted there's a whole other maps are going to be drawn a new way this is the beginning it is so damn we die that we meet yes how's it going I am rich I know I'm Gus Creek jpgs and I'm gonna meet you too welcome thanks for coming and a big fan Karen will you um let me get we're gonna get up Gabrielle over here chilling out a little bit you guys have fun I prefer a total a true Patrick ready to go yes let's rocket rocket yeah I'm meeting all kinds of people did Red Bull the top athletes AHA the extreme athlete I'm gonna trade him yeah you through the Red Bull performance yes dang that's pretty cool this morning we have talks with the Warner Brothers they want to do with series oh wow yeah yeah yeah bad you know yeah yeah and you were just with a deemed Blaine this morning ah that was yesterday yesterday and I was trying to figure out your secrets yeah yeah yeah yeah it's no illusion ha ha ha difference right ha ha ha do it we'll have a good time Yeah right up peace Thanks oh yeah yeah yeah cool cool good yeah yeah it's good it was good good good I'm Jimmy some water ha ha but getting back into the spirituality that's where he belongs come on yogi ah coming from you great thank you very much tomorrow be there possibly hunting Akitas and the surfer dude or Kelly Kelly Slater Slater yes later yeah and Darren Ali yeah yeah we're ready right I know all those guys yeah cool there it is great yeah we keep you updated okay we're doing good work yeah I'm taking a bite Bob in the Sun hey guys Webber Paris meet you look at your eyes you are like lit up oh thank you Johnny sweet sunshine it's amazing place here but they're doing this half hour in wintertime yeah great how many years does it take to become timeless we're all warriors on the same path we fight for life and we want to bring light that's the Guru Guru is there the one who brings light without the Guru there is no knowledge but they contradict themselves too because there is also the attitude a guru that adept a guru inside so I always said boom guru is a you don't be afraid of yourself what a cool afternoon to spend with such an extraordinary guy wim really inspires me and the work that he's doing with cold exposure and breathing techniques is nothing short of mind-blowing I mean this is a guy who has climbed Everest in his shorts without a shirt on he has swum 66 meters underneath a meter of ice in northern Finland both world records what else has he done he ran a half marathon within the Arctic Circle barefoot in shorts without a shirt on another world record I mean he's done some pretty remarkable things and he attributes all of it to the work that he has done with cold and more specifically to the breathing techniques that he develop and if you ask him he'll tell you he's nobody special that he can teach this to other people and he's demonstrated that he's proven it out time and time again the whole experience has left me thinking a lot about human capability and I think my takeaway is that we are all sitting on top of vast reservoirs of unexplored human potential because if wind could do what he's done then what else are we capable of doing I have to believe that there are additional mental and physical capabilities that have yet to be explored and that's a very exciting proposition David Goggin said it best when we think were absolutely cooked we're done we can't go any further we've actually only tapped into about 40 percent of what we're truly capable of whim is living breathing proof of that proposition and then some so I just want to leave you guys with that thought what are you not tapping into that would allow you to be a better human being to grow spiritually mentally emotionally and physically that's what we're here to do we're here to grow and we're here to serve how can i establish a better trajectory to maximize my potential how can i become a better servant what are the things that you're not doing that would allow you to grow spiritually emotionally mentally and physically so today's call to action is simple what is one thing that you can change and incorporate into your daily routine that will allow you to grow figure that out and put it to work
Channel: Rich Roll
Views: 123,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nutrition, health, diet, fitness, wellness, plant-based, vegan, plantpower, rich roll, finding ultra, podcast, triathlon, ironman, ultraman, cycling, swimming, running, vegetarian, wim hof, iceman, cold, meditation, mindfulness, cryotherapy, spirituality, extreme sports, inspiration, motivation, self-help
Id: YmcfbHXtKe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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