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I think it's a good sign if this is most people's favorite this is a new and different experience the more you know who you are and what you want to us hi Harrison and IRAs doodle jam we go which good do you are playing with me Oh precious oh look at the face hey Hari oh good short little run along the beach in Malibu to start what is going to be pretty active day well I'm down in Malibu I thought I'd check out my buddy Andrews art show you know Andrew from the Airstream dude no art patrons at ten o'clock in the morning it's not even open yet oh ma lady in here yeah it's right there lady Lily this is Kitson right so I was leaving and Andrew texted me said it's open now so I ran back check it out first ones in in the morning tell me what's your or dude what is struck hear me will actually keep from cycling some of your audience might know that if somebody gets hit on the road by a car passes away they put like one of those ghost bikes up you know like a white bikes right sometimes they have a little sign attached and that says struck here and I kind of you know you see these in the area occasionally right so I got interest with the idea of like you know how everything can change in that one one second and so it could be inspiration it could be you know whatever it is but you're struck at that moment the USDA are as you know because it's usually in your house you know I have a ten year history working with the USDA I got a little bit disillusioned of what organic was supposed to be and what it is now because evolved like the corporate interests and lobbying money and power and so yeah the series is based off of that everyone has their favorite this wedding night I think it's a good sign if this is most people's favorite Andrew Pasquale boom flash it up everybody father art all right miss Ella tickle thanks for stopping by I'm at playboy about to do radio show this is a new and different experience should be interesting what do I say I sit here I want you there here on the couch but Playboy Radio begin was it all right oh no that was fantastic perfect I can say my thing all day long but I'm not with ultra runner especially men hearing it oh you such an elite athlete you listened dan was it all right it was all right good marble is super fun it's weird to come to playboy and then talk about like being vegan well Disney of the show is sexy beasts witches under the Playboy umbrella people want to be and if we want to be the sexiest versions of ourselves that starts unlearning what we've been brainwashing to write the words want to be super sexy like you are you have to start adopting a more plant-based lifestyle I would have never guessed in a million years that when I first started this journey training for Ultraman going vegan that one day I would be doing media at Playboy it's just so bizarre no Trevor you drive you want to blog this so we're out here in Malibu Creek State Park shooting some running stuff for a video project that we're working on this is kind of like one of my backyard trails one of my go-to is where I do a lot of training pretty extraordinary look at these mountains valleys there are just hundreds of square miles back here you can explore and run to your heart's content incredibly beautiful picturesque landscape to get some pretty epic running shots work with the drone and the Ronin which is like this gimbal contraption we're shooting some slow-mo stuff it's super cool all this drone shooting is exhausting there's more exhausting than just training it's incredible that I have access to this literally just down the street from where I live it's like training paradise and it's kind of a little known secret in Los Angeles not that many people even know that it's here there's rarely anybody out here just a few people on a daily basis that I see tons of deer and coyotes and wildlife and its really pristine and beautiful job after you I really need to be here sweet yeah pretty girl somebody girl loved it in 1998 things were looking pretty bleak for me it was the height of my drinking and my drug addiction and at that time there were essentially three paths for my life it was either going to be jail an institution or death and by some miracle I found my way to sobriety and today I live this incredible life a life that is so full and so rich essentially I have this gift of being able to get up every day and do something I love whether it's shooting a video like we were doing today needing somebody and having a conversation for the podcast traveling to do a speaking engagement working on a book or any number of other creative endeavors and I try really hard to not lose sight of not only how lucky I am but how grateful I am to be able to do these things to live this life that I have but behind all of it it's also important to understand that I did work really hard for it the life that I enjoy today is a result of seeds that I planted as far back as 1998 when I got sober when I left corporate law firm life in the early 2000s a series of so many decisions that I've made over the last 18 years that have led to this point and along the way there was doubt there was suffering there was trauma there was tremendous difficulty there was dismantling there were financial problems so that's why I think at times it can be very easy or very Cavalier to tell somebody quit your job chase your passion it's not always that simple you have to really ask yourself how many obstacles are you willing to endure are you in it for the long haul because it's not going to be easy nothing good and valuable in life comes easy and that's why I call it the Warriors path but if you have the courage if you have the tenacity if you have the willingness to weather the long journey ahead then I simply can't think of anything more gratifying or meaningful to embark upon if you begin to express something that you're passionate about in your life or something that has deep personal meaning and begin to cultivate and bring that to life that simple act alone will catalyze a journey for you and if you begin to follow those threads I can assure you that the path that lies ahead is paved with a lining of personal satisfaction and meaning and to me that's the prize you
Channel: Rich Roll
Views: 125,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nutrition, health, diet, fitness, wellness, plant-based, vegan, plantpower, rich roll, finding ultra, podcast, triathlon, ironman, ultraman, running, trail running, playboy, art, andrew pasquella, meditation, mindfulness, family, vlog, vlogger, drone, inspiration, self-help, motivation, usda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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