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we're going big-budget here bye honey I'm gonna celebrate American independence [Music] big day today today is a travel day [Music] took me a long time to realize that I didn't have to judge myself if my brain was attacking me it's just showing up for the meditation you know and once you notice that to just bring it back to the president bring it back to the breath without judging yourself for your mind wandering off because that's what it does so people who think like I can't meditate my mind just runs too quickly I can't sit still that's actually an argument for why you do need to meditate because you need to develop mastery over that and some days I can just drop in and like be totally present and time fades away and it seems like 20 minutes goes in at Hingston today it felt it felt like 40 minutes so people always ask me how do you eat when you're on the road when you're traveling and frankly I think most people overthink this most domestic flights are only a couple hours so I don't need to eat on the airplane in a pinch I can get bananas and nuts in any airport and that's perfectly fine to tide me over for a couple hours if I'm flying in New York like a five or six hour flight maybe I'll bring a little bit more but I'm flying internationally today even though they'll serve me a vegan meal on the plane it's probably not enough food for me and I don't know exactly what they're gonna give me so I make my own food to bring on the plane so today I'm gonna be bringing sandwiches these are avocado sandwiches I made five of them avocado lettuce sprouts mustard a little bit of so five publicado sandwiches so they could be more than enough some Peru cos Peru nuts courtesy of my friend Darren these are awesome I always bring bananas wherever I go and then just some trail mix goji berries longan fruit walnuts and pine nuts so two of these and apples so I think this'll tide me over when in doubt so I can swing this on the plane all right let's hit the road let's do it Oh bye honey hold down the house be a good girl so I've been traveling a ton this is my second overseas adventure in a month I love everything about flying people are like the airports and the hassle and all of that but I think it's the most amazing thing that we can do air travel is the closest thing to time travel that we have and I get so excited every time I have an opportunity to get on a plane and as I was getting ready this morning and packing up I was reflecting on 2008 when Julie and I were just absolutely broke we didn't know how we were gonna make it we were on the precipice of losing our house we could couldn't really pay our bills but somehow we were able to pull together with the help of friends and family the budget for me to participate in Ultraman my first big ultra endurance race and I'll never forget when Julie took me to the airport to drop me off for that experience like we just both liked hugged on the curb when she dropped me off and we were like falling like it was so emotional because I knew and I think she knew in that moment that on a symbolic level the fact that I was going to do this race was setting in motion something we didn't know what but something that would ultimately shift things for us it's this weird crazy spiritual equation I talked about in my book that when your heart is true when your spirit is true that ultimately the universe will conspire to support you and that doesn't mean it's gonna be overnight it doesn't mean it's gonna look like the way you want it to look and it's just crazy that 10 years later I mean it took a decade but that 10 years later Here I am going to Dublin in London getting paid you know to go it makes no sense none of it makes logical sense so what does that mean well I think it means that if you have a dream or you have a big goal that you should go for it life is so short it's so precious it's so easy to just fall into our routines and get into a rut and then we become myopic almost like we're living finders and we can't see outside the box that we've created for ourselves so we're in Venice right now we just passed the street that I lived on when I first moved to Los Angeles Marine Street that's where I bottomed out on drugs and alcohol it's like the life I was living was so different so one of my favorite things to do before getting on an airplane has come down to Venice Park at the beach go for a run jump in the ocean and then change into what I'm gonna wear on the plane and then head to the airport like totally refreshed I get a workout in I get a little salt water on the skin because I'm gonna be out of the country on July 4th I'm gonna miss Independence Day in America I'm gonna celebrate American independence my my stars and stripes and running shorts [Music] all right good run really quick it's so nice to do that Rhys did you thank you for arranging for the hair and makeup trailer we're going big budget here we got a hair a makeup trailer full production crane drones the whole thing it's great to derive inspiration from Superstars but what's most important is that you choose the right path the right goal for you not everybody can be LeBron James or even Dez Landon who I just had on the podcast but we all have something special that makes us uniquely who we are and I think and believe they feel strongly that our purpose is to really express that because we need everybody to be more of who they really are and one of the interesting things that came up in my podcast with Dez which just went off last night is that despite her remarkable story career two-time Olympian incredible marathoner who's been on the scene in track and field and and long distance running for a long time she had never won a major marathon she's been to two Olympics in the marathon but she still had yet to win a big marathon and her goal had always been to win Boston and every year she'd go and she'd go and she'd never wins she got close she got second one year by just a hair but she kept at it she kept showing up and this past spring in April she was able to win that race finally after I don't know how many attempts we can learn that there is value in setting big goals and no matter what the obstacles are that you face on a daily basis and no matter how many times you get kicked down how many times it's two steps back for every step forward that you just keep showing up and keep showing up and keep showing up how do you know that you're supposed to do an Ironman how do you know that you're supposed to be a millionaire I think a lot of people are setting those goals reactively without that kind of internal inquiry that's required to figure out what is the right or best goal for you can you show up when everything is stacked against you can you show up when you don't feel like showing up and that's kind of what today is about like like back to Europe I mean it's fun it's exciting this is what I do for a living which is shocking and unbelievable because I would do it for free but it's time away from my family there is sacrifice involved and I'm devoted to spreading this message of health and vitality and sobriety and and personal expression I have an opportunity to do that so I'm showing up for it just keep showing up [Music] all right peace brother thanks buddy [Music]
Channel: Rich Roll
Views: 312,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rich roll, des linden, rich roll podcast, goals, training, running, travel, travel vlog, vlog, vlogger, endurance, mindset, spirituality, travel tips, travel hack, air travel, venice beach, venice california, meditation, gratitude, health, fitness, vegan, food, plant-based, yoga, malibu, venice boardwalk, ultraman, diet, nutrition, movement, meal prep, airline food
Id: MVnd1zsxkts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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