Dark Urge x Astarion romance ending | Is this the worst outcome?

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oh my failed Master my heart has never known such sorrow now it breaks he is near he comes for you [Music] sh you were not strong enough child a creature of Destruction made to devour you lost your appetite you will live my blood will thicken in your veins you will feel my Hunger my craving never to be satisfied an impotent urge for a wasted chosen when you succumb I will create another par himself is sentenced you to an eternity of Madness to be consumed by your urge you'll never be free will you he's going to take over I've had periods where I was so hungry I was all but robbed of speech and reason if you become as I fear feral scrabbling all butter caran creature I don't think I'll be able to look at you it'll remind me too much of my worst self if that is to be your fate I will um enjoy our time together while it lasts but soon enough we'll have to say our goodbyes H in a thousand years when I've all but forgotten how to love yet again you'll flit back into my heart and I'll weep wondering what happened to my mad love the wizard did it he really did it he blew up the brain a [Music] tadb I can't feel it anymore well thanks to that bomb of his we're not going to turn into mind flares of course it did cost us a wizard poor Gale strange I miss him more than I thought I would so what's next for us the world is our oyster and she has many pearls we can choose [Music] from we should honor the wizard sacrifice I shall plant a forest in his name I will not be joining you I fear my presence will be no more welcome in the streets of the city than it ever was I hope the knights and shadows treat you well you're an old friend but I suppose a friend still I will miss you too now that you no longer live in each other's minds it's hard to tell if the Mind flare is being sincere oh perhaps no harder than it ever was I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the ow what the oh no oh god well was it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to [Music] go he will sely miss that freedom I sense it may be quite some time before we see him again your thoughts Wonder from your companions and everything you endured to your own Pious fate if only you defied your father when you had the chance and freed yourself of your dark desires but it's too late now your destiny is so set your very blood shall clot with the urge and that hungry desire will consume you you may have freed the world from the control of the nether brain but you are not yet free your father is angry what foul punishment awaits you now that you have rejected him [Music] and just like that it's over whatever's left of you is subsumed by the overwhelming strength of your [Music] desires [Music] [Music] don't do this your life you've butchered so many before each death a gift to your father this one you will take from him this one is just for you [Music]
Channel: Witch Hekate
Views: 114,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, astarion, romance, ending, no slides, bhaalspawn, disinherit, bad ending
Id: _efGcvDn4n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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