'' When you FAST - the power of fasting '' - Pastor Paula White-Cain

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Isaiah chapter 58 let's look them I'm going to start with verse 1 instead of going right into it because this there's really a very decree here because God is calling upon people to say get things in order now this is not always the most popular message but he's saying alright there are some doors in your life that you need to shut because they're giving legal entry to the enemy and we call that sin it's not a popular word anymore but it means to miss the mark to fall short of the character of Christ and it's not a message of saying you know we all have areas that we want to cultivate the character of Christ in us how many of us want to look like God act like I talk like that walk like God alright verse 58 over chapter 58 verse 1 it says cry aloud now the first thing God says is you better fall on your face and start really praying he says cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sin so God says let's start praying because when we start praying there starts becoming manifestation and things start manifesting because you can't get to the good until you get rid of the bad how many of you know that every time you try to move forward if there's this chain on your ankle and it keeps jerking you back come on you got some memories in your past that need to be broken guilt that needs to be broken shame that needs to be broken issues come on I got delivered a cussing for the most part last year I'm doing much better this year praise the Lord see I'm looking more like God now than I did even last month and and I promise you even next month I won't be a better pastor I'm gonna I'm gonna look more like God talk more like God so he says to the Prophet he says listen you send out a clarion call he says yet they seek me daily and delight to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of their God they asked of me the ordinance of justice and they take delight in approaching to God wherefore have we I'd say thee and now see us not wherefore have we afflicted our soul and they'll take us no knowledge behold in the day of your fast you find pleasure and exact all your Labor's behold you fast for strife and debate and to smite with the fist of wickedness you shall not fast as you do this day to make your voice to be heard on high so here's what God's saying you're going through all the religious motions but you're not getting any results he's saying you're doing everything religious you're pushing the plate away you're praying and you say am I not falling God's ordinance hey I'm a tither but just because you're Tyler doesn't mean you're not going to go to hell because you can be a tither and have a heart full of wickedness and he says he says there's some I know I know not everybody this one's this one's all Lord why didn't you tell us we're all going to get a house tonight pastor Paulo because I want you to get the good things of God but we can get into the goodness of God when we have things that are holding us out of the legalities that God wants to position us in and so he says you're going through religious motions but he says it's not working and I'm tired of pleading promises and not seeing results I made a determination I'll be very transparent with you because you're not looking at a perfect person but you're looking at somebody who's deeply in love with God they wants to look more like God tomorrow than I do today I really want to be in the character price that when people see me they see Christ and they don't see Paulo and that's a progressive work in our life amen I've got some issues I've got some issues my father committed suicide when I was 5 years old I was sexually and physically abused and so there were some victimization issues there was abandonment issues and so I I had some issues I worked through amen and and God wants to work through some of our issues I've decided I will never track another Bobo in my life I'm only going to get a bow ass I'm gonna get the real deal I know that's nobody else has ever had a Bobo I know I'm the only one in this house okay y'all pray for your pastor elder you didn't tell me I'm preaching to angels so okay verse five is it's such a fast that I have chosen add a forum and afflict a soul is it to bow down his head as a bull rushing to spread sackcloth and ashes under him well they call this a fast and accepted a the Lord he said so you're doing all the right things on the outward but watch verse 6 is not this the fast that I have chosen here's the first thing that God says to loose the bands of wickedness he said is this not and now I'm going to break that down is this not what I've chosen that the first thing that happens is that there is a return to me there's a repentance and every demonic influence is broken off your life and those things that keep you in a place of bondage the devil is going to be defeated he's terrorized right now because there are some attitudes there's some habits there's some things that happen to us in life that cause roots to come into our heart that are going to be broken by the power of the Holy Spirit bitterness anger is going to be broken perversion is going to be broken there's going to be immorality that's going to be broken come on there's generational curses there's things through incest your bloodline that's going to be broken not by might not by power but by the Spirit of the Living God it's not that you don't love God it's not that I don't love God but sometimes you go through some things in life that inform you and your character and form you and your behavior that you do things that you don't want to do there's a law that works in you just like it did in Paul the things that I want to do I don't end up doing and the things I don't want to do I end up doing I know nobody's ever done that I know that every marriage in this house is perfect and you've never ever ever treated your spouse like a dog you've never acted wrong I know nobody's ever done that but just in case there's one person in here that's ever lost their temper and I should behave right now and never cuss somebody out and had road rage come on or ever ever acted up or lost their temper or anybody I know it's somebody in another church but just in case there's one that came in this house the first day the fasting a real chosen fast is going to do is loose the bands of wickedness it's going to bring you into a place of freedom it's going to bring you into a place where oppression is not going to be able to control your life any longer you can love God but live defeated you can have what God says you can have but we've got to come in divine alignment with God's Word so we're declaring war on the devil because this is not a playground this is a battlefield we're not going to die prematurely we're not going to have divorces come on we're not going to have destruction we're not going to have any more bankruptcies there's not going to be more foreclosure no more nervous breakdowns no more division we're coming after that demonic spirit and it's personality every tactic is going to be revealed everything that the enemy has tried to align against us moving into the purpose of God we break it by the blood of Jesus we will carry forth our founders vision we will seize the city of New Destiny built we will see the mantle and the mandate of what God has decreed and determine on us we will rise up and bring forth a revolution we are reformers that have been sent into this earth that we're not here to play games when I hear the play Church we're here to be the church so we're bringing a structural adjustment we'll bring an alignment because we're going to bring forth the gloria dot thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven I'm not waiting to die till I get a little bit of heaven I want to have heaven right here on earth there's gonna be a first compliance so every door that's been open in my life is going to be shut every demonic spirit that has tried to take me out is going to be loosed from me if you're here you're going to have dominion you're gonna shut it upon you're gonna subjugate you're gonna reign over you're going to have rule over you're going to be the head and not the tail you're going to go from the back to the front you are ruler that means a commander that stands in front you're getting ready to be repositioned to the frontline whatever pushed you back I don't know if it was divorce I don't know if it was depression I don't know if it was something that was stuck from your childhood that calls you to make a decision that derailed you temporarily but I came to tell you delay doesn't mean denial God's about to take that situation divinely reverse it and you're going to be repositioned we're going to shut the doors take responsibility acknowledge renounce get rid of things that need to begin you want to delete some numbers out of your phone tonight you're gonna tell some people you gotta go cuz you act like the devil you pull my faith down you cause confusion in my life you mess up my mind and I don't think so God has too much greatness for me to waste a lifetime playing around with somebody foolish like you somebody look at your neighbor say I've got something to do for the kingdom okay let's finish this so is it's not to lose the bands of wickedness and watch this and undo the heavy burdens undo the heavy burdens new destiny I told you Moses was on his side after going through all the trials and his own personal testing the children of Israel on this side after going through all their affliction the leaders on one side the children on the other side but they both had gone through a lot of heck if I was you all know what they went through and so they went through a lot and here's what it says you want to break it you want to lose the heavy burden nothing can do what the Word of God can do nothing can do what our spiritual weapons can do and when you begin to pray and fast it'll break a heavy burden it'll lift up what the enemy tries to oppress you with see if the devil had his way I would have lost my mind he messed with the wrong one he messed with the wrong one because when you lost enough in life you really don't care you don't care what people say you don't care what people think write about me talk about me hate on me lie on me I don't really care because once you've been in that position it's only up from there and I came to tell you I'm going to give you some tools tonight look at somebody say pastor's going to equip me tonight so it's to undo heavy burdens watch to a let the oppressed go free now when you start fasting it not only breaks some things for you but it starts breaking some things for some other people there people in your family that are drug addicted they're gonna be set free this month they're people that that you work with it you've been believing God for their salvation they're going to get saved your children are coming back home your family's going to be restored and says and that you break every yoke look at somebody say every yoke is about to be broken we're going we're going to stop right there and it goes on in verse 8 your light shall break forth this morning your health so spring forth the glory of God will gopher for you so you get illumination you get revelation you get health I mean there's all kinds of goodness but I'm gonna deal with loosing the buns and wickedness slap somebody a high five say watch out because pastors coming after that devil on that road behinds you say watch out pastor's coming after that devil on that road behind you say the blood of Jesus is against that devil that has been harassing you and we're not going tolerated to make you cry one more night to make you look defeated one more time you better be seated because I've got a preach so fasting is a secret source to power it's a secret force how many of you believe in God you've got a lost loved one to be saved or you believe in God for debt to supernaturally be canceled you've got something that in the natural would take you three lifetimes you're believing God for deliverance from an addiction or stronghold err intimacy with God fasting is a source of secret power people say how do I get the power of God now fasting is not dieting them and tell you it doesn't mean you're going on a diet so if you fast at lunch I'm going to talk to you about the four different types of fast if you fast at lunch it means you pray during that time so we're on a 21-day Daniel fast that's a partial fasts I'll explain it to you the Hebrew word is TS om it means to practice self-denial the Greek word is any ste ia no one's jumping up and shouting right now because your flesh is screaming out because our flesh doesn't like to be denied the two strongest drives in you are food and sex and if we were both two if we're all truthful you know you want more both of those things so so it's a strong drive and why are you looking at me like you don't have any natural part of your being you didn't they didn't tell me that I came to Pastor an Angels here and so when you fast you are crucifying your your flesh you're denying your flesh and there's a reason for that because it doesn't move God but it begins to move you so from the very beginning fasting is a normal part of relationship fasting is what brings you into an intimate place with God as expressed in Psalm chapter 42 David's plea shows us that fasting brings us to a more deep intimate powerful relationship so when you eliminate food here's what happens you become tuned in and they can just put the Scriptures up there and put the Greek words but what happens is you become tuned into the things of God so stay with me here it's like clearing the channel and you get the frequency right you get real strong you get real tuned in Matthew chapter 6 is the Beatitudes it's what we call the Constitution so we know that the word is a legal binding contract right this is truth it is full truth it is the inspired Word of God it is inspired by God himself it is written by men who were inspired by God and and they wrote to us our navigation this is our compass when you live by the word it says Joshua 1:8 if you meditate on the word come on if you take this word then you make your way successful and you make your way prosperous so if I'm constantly taken in the word my successful way is because I live by the word somebody look at your neighbor say she's talking to you right now so he declares that there are three things very specific he says when you fast when you pray and when you give he does not say if you fast if you pray or if you give he says when so it is an expected lifestyle of a born-again believer to fast to pray and to give these are part of your obligations as part of your Christian lifestyle is part of your spiritual weaponry and so we understand that ecclesiastics 4:12 says a 3-quart strand is not easily broken so Jesus reveals in Matthew chapter 6 as he goes on basing that off of fasting prayer and giving that when you begin to couple these things together you live in a realm of all things possible he says nothing will be impossible now how many of you are ready to go into 2012 with enough how many things are parts impossible come on no thing right nothing look at it does that mean there are limitations on you if God said nothing's impossible then that means nothing is impossible so the only limitations are the boundaries and the barriers that I place on myself so when I get in divine alignment because I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired I don't want to live defeated I don't want to live beneath what God has provided for me and covenant so whatever has to happen in your posture whatever has to happen in you to get in divine alignment I want to see the power of God the provision of God the presence of God in a way I don't want to just read Bible stories I don't want to hear about revivals of old I don't want to go to concerts and see them packed out and churches empty something's wrong the church needs to rise up and be the church I don't want to have a lot of hopeful high expectation of a bunch of wishful thinking that doesn't come to pass I want to see God's promises come to pass in my life and if God said it it will happen you're a world changer you're a history maker you are born for a purpose in fact the life God puts you in is much larger than the one you're living right now I'm demanding you to come up to the higher place I'm calling you to come up to the Ascended place it means you've got to step up and step forward which means whatever's trying to hold you back you're about to sever it tonight you're about to get the gift of goodbye kiss it goodbye and so he talks about that he says he says the way that you go to the higher place is when you fast when you pray when you give now let me break it down quickly there are four types of fast in the word a normal fast is going without food for a definite period of time and and you have liquids only so that's like water only and that could be one day could be three days 21 days 40 days then there's an absolute fast now unless God shows up himself and an angel stands before you you don't go on an absolute fast because your body cannot sustain it for more than three days it's where there's no water it's nothing and there's only in the Bible Moses went on on absolute fast for 40 days but he also did it with the burning bush so unless you have a burning bush in front of you and I want to come check it out if there's a burning bush because I want to be around it you don't go on a 40 day absolute fast and the only and then Jesus went on a 40 day absolute fast but he was Jesus now unless you were Jesus and the Spirit of God leads you into the wilderness and so he was getting ready to be launched into the greatest purpose that would ever be brought forth then there's the Third Kind which is a partial fast a partial fast omits earned foods on a scheduled time that includes limited eating so a mini consists of a meaning omitting like one meal a day or fasting up until six are eating only like what we're doing fruits and vegetables and grains that's what Daniel did with the Daniel's fast like a Elijah he did it two times John the Baptist so that's partial then there's a rational fast and a rational is eating or omitting certain families of food for designated periods for instance that's grains every fourth day you don't eat and so you're led by the Spirit of God on a fast we are corporately in a Daniels fast right now amen some I say min so here's the benefits and blessings say I'm ready for the benefits now I know I'm not going to get to all the good stuff because we've got to deal with some things but I will tell you that fasting does certain things it breaks poverty it did it over job it broke poverty and he was restored double all of his losses in the book of Joel it they came together and called a solemn assembly and they fasted and they prayed and it says the vats were open and the wines burst and the old fourth and so they went from extreme poverty into extreme prosperity a fasting also brought forth the spouse remember when Eliezer was looking for a spouse for Isaac and it found them was led to Rebekah and that's part of the problem sometimes we've been looking and we didn't really go on a fast and so you ended up marrying Bobo come on I'm telling you so you need to make sure don't you get involved with anybody before you get them up under the anointing when I started my ministry I went on a 21-day fast when Paul is launched into ministry when Jesus was launched into ministry so there's a lot of great benefits and rewards but I'm gonna focus on a few right now the first thing that happens is it loses the bands of wickedness Isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 it means our freeze ourself and others when you start fasting and not only can bring freedom to you but freedom to others from addictions to sin now can I deal with some some issues can we get free in this place can we take off our church mask okay because you look pretty and you look really good right now but I know underneath the church clothes there's an issue and if we ever really told our testimony we feel we can't be real in church but it's quiet in this house right now we can't be real in church because it's hard to come forth but the truth is as long as you are in this natural body this flesh has struggles but we want to crucify some of those struggles and some of them are beyond just temptation some of have become strongholds so can I go after the deepest thing that is there bothering you for the longest time we can sugarcoat it or we can go for it tonight let's go after the deepest thing look at your neighbor behind you say pastors talking to you right now so a significant reason that we fast and I believe something's going to be set free is to release people from bondages of sin and strongholds now besetting sins are not common sense common sense our sins of neglect or rebellion where God says thou shall not and you say I will anyway and so that's a sin of rebellion that's a common sense your nature is rebellious but God gave a divine exchange that you could have the nature of Christ so that you can walk in the fruit of the Spirit so a common sin is where God says thou shall not and you say I will now you're going to have restitution for that in your life because rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft it's like divination is where you're choosing what you want instead of choosing what God wants and God has a better plan for all of us than we have for ourself he says in Jeremiah 29 I know the plans I have for you to prosper you not harm you but here's where it gets heavy the setting sins are not common sense of neglect of rebellion but besetting sins or any sin that cannot be broken with ordinary willpower its term to be setting sin so their habitual sinful behaviors are atom tubes that victimize and enslave people it makes you a slave to to your way and to your will and this is where you love God but you're trapped you cry out and it could be a sexual addiction it could be overeating see I know it's going to get hard in here it could be that chocolate cake that calls you at 2:00 a.m. in the morning I'll see it nobody's going to get real it can be I'm over spending debt depression suicidal tendency over thinking over analyzing anything that becomes I have it let me put myself out there on the line I'm 28 years ago my son's 26 years old Brad and I got pregnant as a teenager and I got pregnant out of wedlock and I had eating disorders I was not and I was bulimic at the time which meant I would purge myself and it was such an addiction in my life and and it's so crazy it's so demonic because you can look in a mirror and you can be a hundred pounds and see yourself like you're 300 pounds and it becomes so demonic and Here I am I get pregnant and I know I'm carrying the gift of life in me but I'm purging 14 times a day 15 and I can't and I'm crying out I get saved and I'm crying out God please forgive me please forgive me but it's like it controlled me now I was saved if I died I would have gone to heaven Pastor David I've no doubt in my mind because I love Jesus Christ but there was something that controlled me and i was not possessed but i was severely oppressed that it drove behaviors in my life and one night we were playing Bible trivia we were sitting around and we went into a deep deep deep worship and it was like five six hours I just got lost in a spirit room that literally I was taken into another realm of spirit and when I was there I literally felt from the bottom of my feet elder Marguerite come out of my feet up through my legs all the way to the end of my hands this thing that felt like it was holding me that's what a band is a band of wickedness and it was loosed from me that day after that day I never perched again I never struggled with bulimia again I never had an eating disorder again there are some things that cannot be counseled out of you come on there's some things that have to be broken off you there's some things that will never be broken but by prayer and by fasting and so you can try to analyze it your mind you think about 60,000 thoughts a day which most of them are negative thoughts and you're going to that's what that's what we're taught and so you would have to sit there and consciously and that's just conscious thinking and consciously sit there every single day and try to think your way into positive behavior it's not going to happen because it's called a stronghold you need to take that thing and cut it at the very root of it and the only way to deal with that is to get into the of the spirit and deal with the demonic personality it might not even be because you opened the door it can be something from your forefathers it can be something from an ancestral bloodline listen I found out in my generation that every woman every woman in my generation got pregnant out of wedlock they didn't talk about it back in my mama's day they didn't talk about it back then they just put them away and hid them educated money but still every one of them got pregnant well I decided that thing was going to be broke and they one day or don't give me some beautiful grandchildren because that thing that broke in Jesus name oh I thought you would get excited but you have power too big just because I got pregnant just because my mama got pregnant didn't mean my children are going to pregnant it can be broke off your life you just got to get mad enough and equipped enough with the Word of God to have an understanding how do I cease this thing some of your Devils should be doing social security right now they should be on retirement they've been in your life too long and insert the apostles remember tried to unsuccessfully deal with such a sin in a demonized boy and Jesus told them in Matthew chapter 17 verse 21 this kind everybody say kinds this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting now can I tell you that most of the time when you're dealing with that person that you think is your enemy when you're dealing with that person that is manifesting is not the person it's the spirit behind the person so if you try to customer Sanel all they gonna do is slap you up talk about your do something you've got to take authority in the spirit and know how to go after the spirit that is operating through them to divinely reverse that every spirit has a personality every spirit has an assignment you got to know how to deal with that we're not ignorant we're not unlearn of the wiles the schemes the plots the plans of the enemy it's broken off your children is broken-off families no more divorces no more death no more poverty no more depression no more suicide come on no more perversion we're breaking it we're not going to lose our children we're not going to lose our mind we're not going to lose our money we're not gonna lose our integrity we're not gonna lose our anointing we're dealing with it in the name of Jesus somebody say in the name of Jesus so Jesus saw it he said this kind goeth out not but the word goeth out means that you have to fast repeatedly until you get a breakthrough sometimes other people think they can just do it one time but Shane you got to do you've got to keep doing it until that thing is broken off of you because some things are strong some things are strong and you can just I'm gonna push away a meal at noon and this gonna break you gotta say I'm sick of it and if I've got to sit here and push away a meal for 365 days until this thing is broke and I know that I stand in total liberty and I am free in Christ and there's no more residue of that thing drivin my life I'm gonna do it I have to do someone put the prayer with the power of fasting and we're about to break some strongholds over new destiny some strongholds over this region some strongholds come on over over Central Florida some strongholds over our family we're coming together as the Bride of Christ we're not here just for our individual self we're here on assignment because we're called to a battlefield you are warrior you're not some weak little wimpy little come on stand up and put on the armor god we're gonna wiggle I told him I said I want to sign out what the worst problem in Orlando is and we're going to solve it in the realm of the spirits we're coming after it in Jesus name look at somebody Sam going somewhere tonight we see that I've got to get this thing through so Jesus meant we should continually fast to get over the power besetting sins he taught yes it takes faith but it takes more than that he told us that beyond just our faith that we had there was a wave at Skate so there's six necessary steps I'm gonna give you in seven minutes number one you got to renounce renounce means you have to recognize and renounce any control over you and over your mind that is not from Christ second Corinthians 11:3 now try to get through these fast but you have to recognize pull your head up out of the sand stop being in denial and say here's my weakness your pastor can show you and say man these areas I'm strong strong strong strong but here's an Achilles heel and I can show you right where it comes from but I know what I've got to do in the realm of the Spirit because of my father's death because of abandonment issues the enemy came in through a bloodline that I've got to keep certain doors shut because that's air that might not be your area of weakness I've never my life done a drug I don't know what it feels like to be high that in and that's police I mean that's my son sure does but I just don't know what I just I didn't want to lose control it just those weren't my issues but I have issues I know y'all want to know my issues I am telling you're not yet we got to get a little more tight before I just show everything somebody look at your neighbors saying you got some issues too so you've got to recognize all going we want to know we want to know it not just like church folk want to know what your issues is so so you've got to recognize and renounce and then you've got to acknowledge step number two that is discerning truth from that which is deceptive and acknowledging our own efforts to deceive ourselves now Satan is a master of manipulating the word remember in the Garden of Eden he took and he used the word against Eve right he manipulated the word and so he's a master of manipulation that's why you can't take partial truth this is not buffet style this is you got to take hold truth and when you take the Word of God with whole truth okay I'm not trying to help you because if not you're going to see yourself which means when you take the Word of God how do we really have revelation by the Holy Spirit means the first thing I have to do is open my heart that's why that's why God says you're going through religious routine and you're not getting results because your heart's not open but if you open your heart I'll show you the wickedness of it I'll show you what needs to change I'll show you where you're Aaron I'll show you what's wrong listen there are times that I've made some decisions or I've done some things and immediately sometimes not immediately because I just was stubborn on some things but the Holy Spirit thank goodness He loves us so much the day you stop feeling conviction is the day you were in trouble thank God for conviction thank God because the Bible says that God chastises those whom he loves and if he doesn't chastise you he calls you a bastard he says you're illegitimate you don't belong to me thank you Lord for loving me so much for correcting me thank you for loving me so much that you show me you don't pour guilt on me but you show me and convict me and then I can repent and I can acknowledge and I'm saying I'm wrong I need to turn from my direction I need to sever that situation I need to get right with you I throw myself on the grace of God and the mercy seat and the altar of God and let the blood of Jesus do the work of redemption to grow me up out of that situation somebody better put their hands together for the Holy Spirit somebody should thank God for the working the indwelling the love of God for you I know I know we got away from the basic teaching we teach about getting houses and cars and all that's wonderful but something's wrong if we don't know the basic covenant of what Redemption and sanctification and justification is all really about we've got to get back to knowing the Bible what God has to say he's more concerned about your heart than he is your house one of the greatest blessings in my life pastor Paula tell me your blessings was it that you you've seen 10 million people 1 and it wasn't that your preacher stadiums packed out was it that you preached to a potential 2.7 billion people was that the house as your own houses not house was it that no the blessing in my life is that God loved me enough to allow me to be stripped to allow me to be reduced to Christ to allow me to die to anything that was not of him oh now we can do a job for Jesus now we can do something so I've got a word so so acknowledge you got a discerned true stop deceiving yourself Psalm 51 six and I know I've got to finish you desire truth in the inward parts in the hidden parts will make them known to me wisdom we deceive ourselves when we when we hear the word but fail to apply it if we say we have no sin then we're liars according to first John 1:8 if we think ourself to be something according to Galatians 6 3 that's why if you're just concerned about a title in position and you think yourself to be something says you're deceiving yourself because if you're really something you don't have anything to prove when we think we can sin and escape the consequences first Corinthians 6:9 David shows us that He fulfilled purpose but he lived as a miserable man it wasn't a heaven hell issue he was miserable with his family he lost every wife I mean that he just I said every wife he just he went through it I mean his his own counselor confidant a he felt turned on a kingdom was divided he's running for his life because David had issues it wasn't a matter of his heart not being right because when we missed the mark there's consequences for our actions so it's not that you don't love God and I don't love God it's just we've got to get enough of the word to grow up so we can live in a victory it's just I want to live more victorious this year elder than I did last year and that doesn't mean I'm not going to make mistakes I'm gonna make mistakes and I want to ask and invoke the fruit of the Spirit in you to be patient with me but then next year I pray I make less than I did last year and next year I pray I look more like odd than I did the year before so every year we should be growing in maturing into the cultivation of the character of Christ in us and so the next one you ready you ready here say exact and breathe right now so once you renounce once you acknowledge you have to forgive the Bible says you have to forgive others to overcome bitterness and gain freedom 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 10 and 11 says if you forgive anyone I also forgive him and what I have forgiven if there was anything to forgive I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake in order that Satan might not outwit us if I don't forgive then I lock you and lock myself into the enemy being able to take both of us out it says I forgive so that Satan might not be able to outwit us now in the in the Gospels Jesus says when you stand praying forgive your brother of any alt it says so that your heavenly Father forgive them their trespasses so your heavenly Father can also forgive you of your trespasses so when I come before the Lord first thing I have to do is forgive and that true forgiveness can I talk to you for just a second when I was working as the nationalism director at National Church of God and I'd built the bus ministry at about 1500 kids and this is back in the 80s is about mid 80s or so is working with dr. Lowery and we were just cranking it out and this little girl came in and she was kind of battered and shattered and abused and I could recognize it like that because I came out of abuse and when I saw her it just it hit me I felt like the five year little girl that had been abused and I was angry I was very angry and I felt this thing inside of me because they had violently abused me when you're five six seven eight years old you go and get to fight back for yourself so they were and I'm cautious but they were just involved things done to me and so I looked at this and it immediately took me back to being that six seven year old little girl and I felt this and Here I am saved here I'm teaching building this huge children's ministry and I just looked and I got the little girl taken care of took the workers over made sure everything was done and I ran behind we had a big stage and I ran back and I kind of threw my fist up and I said I can't do this god I said I can't forgive them talking about the people who had hurt me and violated me and I was I said and I had everyday prayed father I forgive those who've offended me I forgive those who have offended I forgive those and I said I can't do it and I heard the Holy Spirit say I know you can't you've been trying to do it within your own power but if you will allow me to I will place forgiveness in your heart and the Lord took me to Romans chapter 5 and in Romans chapter 5 it says the love of God has shed abroad in her heart by the Holy Spirit and my mind wrapped around and said if God can put love in our heart then God can put forgiveness in our heart and so that day I said God would you I give you the permission and ability to place forgiveness in my heart for everybody who hurt me harm me and here's the truth of it I was angry at a man my father who had been dead for over 18 years because somehow in my mind I thought had he not taken his life then I would not have been in the hands of the people who abused me and that day God set me free and I felt compassion where I had felt hatred and so the confession of saying I forgive didn't do it I had to let the Holy Spirit do the work of Christ and I believe you with this and we're almost through my dear friend miss Dottie Osteen she told me when she got cancer they sent her home to die and there was no hope for her she was Stage four she was in her death final stages about 70 something pounds and I said mama Dodi what did you do because there was no way she could live through this she said the Lord told me to write a letter of forgiveness to everybody that I held all against so she said the first thing I did was write a letter and she said that's what brought healing to me because I released people who I was hurt from who I was bitter who I was angry unforgiveness as a cancer that will kill you and so you don't only have to acknowledge you don't only have to renounce but you have to forgive and then in conclusion you also have to miss a cuss word to some people but you ready you have to submit oh lord help me turn under to your neighbor say pastor said that nasty word you have to submit because overcoming rebellion in your life by submitting to the authority of God and those he's placed over you Matthew 8 8 through 10 Romans 13 talks about submission to government I'll teach you more later Hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 about submission to church leaders Ephesians 6 one through three we know we love Ephesians six right put on the whole armor the weapon of God right that you may be able to withstand the fiery wheel of Ephesians six about the armor god but the first two verses tells us that we are to submit it's really talking about your spiritual parents those who are over you in the Lord so when you dishonor I'm going to talk to you about honor for just a moment and then I'm going to bring this on down home when you dishonor see all authority is chosen by God all authorities chosen by God so God even chose there was something that before you were released into the earthly realm that an eternity when you clocked in to purpose your birth date is just the time you came into purpose now your DNA was chosen before you ever got here you had to have the mother and father that you had now some of you that ruffles her feathers right there but Psalm 139 says all of your days were numbered all of them are dating before one of them ever came into being there was something about your formation I'm not saying all God sent but all God used so now you're sitting there going but if you knew who my mom was if you knew who my dad was if you knew and I don't believe in I don't believe in them I think authority is authority number one is held at a much higher accountability okay there's there's there's a different accountability for being a person of authority but if a person in authority because I don't believe in abuse of authority but it is never my position if somebody is an authority for me to dishonor them let me teach you for two seconds and I'm through because no other righteous me remember Noah yeah five people remember Noah we went to Sunday School praise the Lord y'all remember Noah right we're through when Noah's the only righteous dude left on the earth he's the only one and God's gonna destroy the hearth and the only righteous men he gets his family he gathers him he gets the animals he builds the ark by faith he follows the instruction I mean everything he goes through that storm he makes it across y'all know they left the little bird out the Dove out whatever you want to call it to check and see if they could get on riling y'all remember Noah okay y'all okay you went to Sunday school remember Noah the next thing we know remember the rainbow y'all see the rainbow when you look at the rainbow you say covenant because it's the covenant that God would never destroy the earth again and he gives a token he gives a sign that he'll never do it the next thing we know gal the next thing we know about the only righteous man the only righteous man the man is in a cave have an incestuous ex drunk wait a minute nobody's talking to me right here the only righteous man no no no it's the only righteous one left now his first son comes in looks at him face forward and goes back and tells the other two okay the next two come in and they back in because they won't dishonor him and they put a sheet over him and cover him now that doesn't mean you enable people with their behavior but it means just like David would not touch Saul when he could have killed him he said but I'm not gonna touch you because God is the one that put and he weeps when Saul dies he says I'm not going to touch it because vengeance is mine saith the Lord and when those two back in this is what God says ham you're cursed because you dishonored Japheth and Shama you're blessed because you honours and so I've just decided if there's a party I'm not gonna bring myself under cursing because I dishonor good teaching and so submission I won't even get into husband's and wife praise the Lord everybody say she's talking to the row behind you and then you have to take responsibility you've got to take responsibility which means you take responsibility for your actions and your and for liberty and that means that you stop blaming everybody else nobody can make you do anything but they made me mad no you chose to be mad they made me bitter no you chose that it's not what others do to you it's how you respond to what they do to you you ready then after that you take responsibility you don't own what you do what doesn't belong to you but you do take ownership of what belongs to you see people abused me so I couldn't that didn't I didn't do something to deserve that but what I did have control over is how am I gonna respond to that how am I gonna respond I'm not going to live a victim the rest of my life I'm not gonna live mad the rest of my life I'm not gonna live angry the rest of my life so I have to take responsible for my response to what happened to me then the REC final one in conclusion is I disown it means to disown sinful influences that come from associations Exodus chapter 10 verse four and five Galatians chapter five verse 24 you got a disowned sinful influences that come from associations in other words the company that you keep is causing some things in your life the people you were around there's some people that are fatal to your faith and it's just like a lot with Abraham you did not want to let go of him because he felt responsible for him and there's too much to teach right there but it was his nephew so God never told him to take lot with him but he did it anyway and lot was a leech because lot wanted to serve God out of convenience where Abraham served God out of sacrifice so lot wanted the blessing and the benefit out of what the price that Abraham was paying and there's some people that are fatal to your faith every time you start to believe God they put negativity in you gotta say baby I love you in Jesus name but I can't hang with you I'll minister to you but I can't fellowship with you because you are rottenness to my spirits and so I can't go where God's taking me if I allow that you can't because anything you speak watch this now I'm gonna break it on down when you start speaking against any child of God any child of God I'm gonna bring it all the way on down you start speaking against anyone let me show you something right here that is a child of God in your family it doesn't matter whether you like them or don't like them shut your mouth because the moment you say something you're bringing certain things on yourself that you don't want to have to have a harvest for and if you don't walk in purpose and you react out of personality or personal feelings you're gonna damage yourself you're gonna damage the kingdom of God there are some people you gotta cut out of your life because they're damaging to the kingdom of God they're damaging anybody's that says they love God and they hate their brother the love of God is not in them and they are a liar is what the Word of God tells me because you can have fountains of sweetness and fountains a bitterness flowing out of the same well either their waters that are good coming out of you or their waters that are bad but it says that if we are going to get free we've got to acknowledge truth we don't deceive ourselves we need to tell beau I'm going to preach right now holds on things to accountability and say this is not what the kingdom of God is about you can't be saying you love God and dividing the kingdom of God because you've got an opinion or because you've got a certain personality see even the Lord said Satan get thee behind me - the Apostle Peter there was a demonic spirit of influence that influences all of us at times to react in irresponsible ways it's time we break it in the name of Jesus because we've got to have a greater Spirit in us than anything that's against us because we are responsible to build his church we are responsible to build the kingdom of God we are responsible for how the world watches us and sees us we're responsible for how we to our family some of our kids are going to fall away from God because of irresponsible management of how we handle our business in the house of God it's time we repent it's time that we get it under the blood it's time that we deal with it and call it a devil because all of us have been used by a devil it's time that we kill pride and self-righteousness it's time that we humble ourselves before the mighty hand of the Lord and say this isn't about what I want this is about my flesh feeling good this isn't about you preaching me happier pleasing me this is about God let your will be done in my life and so we said why isn't it working it doesn't work because if we don't line up with the word of God it will never work and so God says before you preach everybody happy and I'll get you into your house I promise I'll get you into your promised land I'll get you into your family being restored I'll get you into your business being births I'll get you into your blessing but I've got to get the weight in the shackles cuz what good does it do if you live in a ten thousand square foot house and can't sleep at night and nobody likes you cuz you're so full of nasty in your spirit I came to the Clare war on the devil I came to let the devil know it's over we're not on some religious routine we're fasting for real we're fasting to break through we're fasting for bonds and bands of wickedness to be broken for strongholds and generational curses we're fasting because we're returning the ruling we're fasting because it's a night of deliverance with fasting because we're going to be a free people we're fasting cuz our children are gonna be saved we're flashing to break the oil pressure we're fasting because we're not gonna sit here we'll all cry over our losses but we're not gonna die over our loss we can't the devil is a liar I said the devil is a liar
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 312,020
Rating: 4.7911687 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, fasting, praying, giving, deliverance, spiritual freedom, benefits of fasting, mccormick road event
Id: x4fr7uHpMqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2012
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