A Divine Encounter From God

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how many of you've ever had a divine encounter with god i mean truly an encounter most of us have ever been saved you know that that's like i can say probably five times in my life that i can think when i talk about a real encounter i'm not talking about a touch from god that's different so the holy spirit a lot of times can touch you the holy spirit can move on you and when he moves on you you can come in one way but that doesn't actually mean there's going to be a transformation in your life it's different when you encounter god because when you encounter god you see end time revival has many different aspects of the move of the holy spirit and so what happens is when you get in the presence of god which is what an encounter is it means to be with the face of god so that that's completely different there's i'd say i don't know percentage-wise but most of the time i feel the what we call the anointing remember there are three dimensions of the spirit okay number one that there's faith that's your part that's completely your part that's all that you do the joshua lived by what faith okay faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so faith is our lifestyle without faith that is impossible to what please or come in agreement with god so faith is our part but then the second part is anointing there's three different levels of anointing so one is like you're touched one is like uh something is uh kind of smeared on you and the third is a rubbing like it's pressed permanently on you so david was anointed three different times and that's a transaction where god is doing his part and you're doing your part so that that's a different when that you walk in the anointing and everybody says let the anointing come and that's powerful because it's kind of like being superman and putting on the cloak and that's where you begin to feel the power of god and you find that you're anointed often to do you're anointed to do you see jesus was anointed and he went about healing all that were oppressed and sick and so the anointing means that you're furnished is what it means you're furnished with god's power but there's another level which you have absolutely nothing to do with except for complete yielding and that's the glory of god now there are many different translations to glory but glory has to do with the weight of god splendor of god and that is where it is none of you and all of god may god's glory fill this house tonight may god's glory be upon us tonight and it's all of god and it's simply your response and that is where god begins to move and revival really is about god moving and you responding come on it's when you get to the presence of god and that is something that you can't necessarily i do believe you when i say you can't create i do believe you can provoke god it's either one of two things it's either suffering and you're stepping into a sovereign moment in a sovereign movement or it's either you can provoke god with some things if you can provoke him to wrath you can provoke him to move yeah that's too deep theologically i'm going to let dr paul leave on that one all right so we will we'll leave that with in the hands of of those that that know best but i believe that you can plead your cause of the lord i believe that moses got god to change his mind you aren't hearing what i'm saying right now because god was about finished with everybody and moses got god to change his mind often god changed his mind about israel don't think you're looking at me funny right now god's probably changed his mind about some of you too or you wouldn't be sitting here in his presence somebody you don't even know there's blessing that you don't even know yet and when it's all revealed and all laid out you're like oh thank you jesus thank you see james i've got somebody here that's real and so i want to talk to you about end time revival a little bit and about uh impartation and about mantles because you know that one of the core scriptures for me is rebecca chapter 2 verse 14 for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord and i believe that that god is using us to fill the earth with the because i believe scripture has to be fulfilled with the knowledge of the glory of the earth and when you are a person who moves in that endtime revival who's going to move with the presence of god you're going to have divine encounter because you cannot bring end time revival without having true encounters with god so i i keep emphasizing this because encounter is the presence of god the presence god the face of god so i'm i'm walking around this carefully because i feel like i'm about to take something very holy and i'm going to share it in part so i was with john and we were down at apostles uh we were down in service and i was to preach had i preached that morning baby i don't even remember and then that night in play that night i was really tired actually you know when you're tired and you just go in and you're like i'm going to enjoy this i was kind of leaning against john and it was cold in the church it was so cold i was like man i should brought a coat i know your mind doesn't ever go anywhere when you're in church so it was like steve i was everywhere it's separate like in that moment sometimes god just has these divine setups and i pray that there is a supernatural shift in setup that happens and i believe that something's about to take place right now so i i have a 52 probably more than 52 pages of notes that i can preach i feel i'm supposed to share some things and i was glad to be there i finished preaching and i was going to enjoy that night we had a wedding the next day and that i was going to preach again on sunday so it's kind of nice to sit and be ministered to and apostle someone that i deeply respect and i could receive of and i told you i'm a little bit of a connoisseur when it comes to word i don't like that fluff and that kind of stuff and i was getting a little tired i was kind of leaning against john and i remember what he was saying and it was the atmosphere was pretty electric the worship was profound and god was there but honestly i think i was just tired in my body and just kind of at rest i wasn't really like oh all into this but i wasn't withdrawn from it either it's just there and all i kind of remember is leaning my head on john's shoulder did i steal your jacket baby oh i took his jacket i was cold leaning on his shoulder and i started to kind of drift out and the next thing i know they called me up i i don't know if apostle called me up or how but they called me up and so john was walking up and i'm walking to the altar and he begins to prophesy over me and i hear a few words just like a word or two i came even to be honest with you tell you that i heard clearly the prophetic word i have this tape in the cd of it and now he's talked to me about it so i know what was said now but at that moment i didn't really know what was being said over me i heard a few words but suddenly [Music] it was like a weight pushed my body to the floor it was like his hands pushed my body it's like gravity like i never felt was pushing my body down but my spirit was going up see i don't talk about experiences very much i like to talk more preach the word there's something on the tithe to this that's important for you that i think is going to happen and it was like my body was being pushed out and my spirit was going up i had no idea what was being said over me i had no idea i lost time now i'll tell you now it took 24 hours for it to over lift from me bj were you with us you or you were in the car i didn't even know i was in the car i don't know how i got in the car i don't know how i got in my hotel room i have no idea i know nothing i i literally knew nothing how would you describe it i was gone i was out i was gone so i didn't know if this was two minutes or ten minutes but apparently it was close to two hours it was hours i was there at the altar and i was at an altar but i wasn't at an altar the lord took me into his throne room i've never been into the throne of god i've served god for 30-something years i've never been to his throne i knew i was in the presence of god first off it was indescribable in my body i wasn't conscious of it but i could feel my body like trembling almost it was trembling i don't know how to explain it because it took me so long to come out of this it was like even when i was coming out my body was uncontrollably trembling i don't even even know how to begin to explain it except for it was not like power it was much deeper than power if you've ever been used by god where you felt virtue leave you you've prayed over someone you felt the power of god is much different than that it was a weight this is presence and my body could not contain it my body was literally like it was like convulsing almost and i just knew that because every once in a while i would almost not come to myself but i'd feel like my body and almost this convulsion i don't know apparently they told me you don't get up every day and go hey i'm paula white let me convulse at your church they fall down in this spirit and be pushed for three hours like literally with thousands of people and cameras on you and i just was in the presence and dr paul there was a mist there was not there was a mist now be very careful what i say from here because some things i just can't share not publicly right now but there was a mist and so it was so incredibly there was a scent that i smelled that was this unbelievably beautiful um a fragrance that i don't even know how to begin to describe it there was mist and i it wasn't like i couldn't see clear water but there it was like a mist coming off of like some mist and then through the mist i didn't see it with clarity it wasn't like i like i'd see your face or see your face but i knew it was the face of god and i can't say like i saw the face like it was a clear distinction of a face but it's like [Music] i don't know it's like if something came through i don't know something more sheer than this and you could tell like maybe it's like a fist but it was it wasn't clear but it started to come through the midst and i was so it's beyond peace i don't have an adjective to describe to you i have no way to begin to tell you exactly what was taking place that there's something important that happened [Music] the lord allowed me to see the earth there were two things that were vitally the three things i saw two things that that i saw with extreme clarity one had masses don't understand the fullness of what it was but i i saw three things very clear on earth and i could see the earth and i saw those three things that happened pretty clearly and then the lord took like a very sheer almost iridescent garment [Music] and wrapped it around me that garment was gold not like a bright gold not like a dull gold [Music] and then three things happened [Music] and i knew god had put a new mantle on me [Music] and the significance to the encounter with god [Music] is this past year was one of the toughest years for me now not tough like what i've gone through before not tough like is a different type of is different not like when kristin died of cancer or you go through 19 life events or you go home and you find another woman that's there and it's not you you find your ex has a complete breakdown or your son's an addict wasn't that kind of tough i had three to four unexpected foot surgeries mess with my health mess with my mind pressure's on the outside but the toughest thing that i didn't realize how difficult it would be was my mom's death bishop my mom's death i think both spiritually and naturally impacted me deeply that i i deeply dealt with bouts of depression this past year deeply dealt with bouts of like just why can't i just think my way out of this why can't i just pray myself over this why can't i just come out of this i'd have good days i always feel purpose because i'm just dutiful don't know how else to say that i'm just dutiful so i'll always get up and put my hand to the plow and fulfill purpose but that that joy that that abundant life that that all i struggled i'd have moments of it but i i didn't have i wasn't clothed in it like i had been used to for so much of my life and when i was being pushed down like my body was like my body was being pushed to the ground and my spirit was being lifted up i felt all this stuff falling off me and in that encounter in that encounter the two things that you need to know because three things are private for me right now or maybe we'll share one on one but the two things that you need to know is that when you encounter god in his presence whatever is tormenting you and holding you back whatever is robbing you whatever has cluttered you has to leave you it can't stand in the presence of god whatever has caused you to lose your joy whatever has caused you to lose at all that innocence and that purity i'm telling you it didn't take i mean there was no time it was like a second to me apparently it was hours but it was like a second to me and amy in that moment everything's so transformed and even my mind the next day thought well will things go back like when i have to get back in a seat and will they be back to that way and i thought that for a moment then i just said i don't even think that way and i faced back to back to back same kind of situations maybe even tougher ones this past week and that joy was still there and that ever greenness and that that that presence was still there so much so that everything began to transition i was even nicer to people i mean everything i wasn't quite as short with everyone it just transformed and god says i've placed a new mantle in your life part of the prophetic word was there was a new mantle that was being placed on my life and that mantle would be transferred to many others and that's why i believe that god wants me to talk to you about a mantle that god is about to release not on everyone but on someone because this has to do with hungry hearts this has to do with a heart that is beating for god and says god i want you like the deer panteth after the water i'm so thirsty for you not just what you can do for me not just what you can give to me i just want you god remember that place have you ever really had any kind of encounter with god because if you have it's like i've never done a drug in my life but i would imagine it's got to be like an addict you taste it and you want more they say if you do crack once you get addicted that you've got to go back again and again and again and again to me the presence of god is addictive oh i can preach a message here tonight i can hermeneutically or homiletically break this all down however you won't i think you guys know that we can teach we can preach we can preach we can do it any way you want but i just want to share with someone tonight because god wants to encounter you god is pursuing you and he's looking for someone to open up their heart with a hunger on the inside you know god says if i was hungry could you even feed me most people don't even know the appetite of god god has an appetite and there's something that he's so hungry for and you find something in fact i i did some study before i came on mantels and i'm going to talk about elijah and elisha but there's we're certain things the first time you see mantles literally in the bible and saul had a mental in first samuel chapter 15 27 but samuel goes and he rents it and it says the lord has rent the kingdom of israel from you this day and given it to a neighbor of thine that is better than you he's calling him better and he said because you did not obey my voice and so you can lose a mantle when you disobey the voice of god why because in this case you see that saul's mantle was tied to purpose to his assignment and samuel in first samuel chapter 28 verse 14. this is crazy because saul no longer has a mantle now watch what happens when you lose or don't have a mantle all of us you've got to understand right now according to scripture we are wrapped with the robes of righteousness and clothed in the garments of salvation so if you could see spiritually you have garments on you that there's a mantle that god wants to release to fresh mantles for specific purposes so right now the when when the enemy or when when spirits that are on let's say the dark side the wicked side the the enemy side see you they see you through the blood of jesus so you might see yourself stained but they see you as pure white because the bible says that you are wrapped with the robe of righteousness in right standing because of his holiness because of who he is and you're clothed with the garments of salvation that's why even in the old testament job could not be touched without permission that satan had to go ask god because there was a hedge around here you were much more than hedged in you are much greater than hedged in you are a child of the most high god and heir with god a joint heir with jesus christ that you have a covenant that is based upon better promises that have been sealed by the very blood of jesus christ divinity inc in in a humanity incarnate god in flesh gave himself god the creator of all earth the creator of all humanity the creator of the world gave himself not just so you could experience church so you could come for service here or there but so you would he would be the firstborn of many brethren and after the order of christ has on that you are his own you are the bride of christ think about what i'm saying to you right now so when i'm talking about a mantle i believe that god wants to release the mantle so watch what happens when you lose a mantle because of disobedience he didn't obey and he says your neighbor is better than you his neighbor that would receive that would be david david's got at the end of david's life they're throwing a virgin in his bed to see if he's still breathing i mean they could have used a little feather or something come on i mean david look at david david has daddy problems david has children problems david has wife problems david has personal problems david has all kind of problems david one better than you saul never has a mark on his resume but when god gives him an instruction to go down and kill the amalekites he doesn't do it well he does part but partial obedience is disobedience and samuel has to come and says what is this that i hear what is the bleeding of those sheep why didn't you do what god wanted you to do and when he loses his man to watch what happens because the second man manual you see in the word is on samuel when he loses his mantle you see it in did i give it to you first samuel chapter 28 verse 14. he goes down to endor and what does he do he encounters a witch a woman who could conjure up familiar spirits because he says very clearly saul asked to bring up samuel to conjure up the spirit of samuel through this familiar spirit and the witch of endor saw an old man covered with the mantle and saul perceived that it was samuel and saul who disguised himself was distressed the bible says because he said god has departed me when he lost his mantle because he did not obey what god had commanded him to do he lost his mantle and when you lose your mantle you will have to work with the arm of flesh and the arm of flesh is a heavy hand to have to work with for there is no freedom in the arm of the flesh freedom is only in the realm of the spirit well i'm preaching to somebody i'm ministering the holy spirit's moving mightily moving in someone right now and because he says he's distressed because god has departed him and he says that he could no longer hear god or receive an answer from god not by prophets or by dreams god shut off the pipeline and when god shuts the pipeline off to you the extremities that you will go to to receive what god so generously wants to pour out on you right now this man who was mantled at one time this man that the greatest one of the greatest prophets would come and give the word of the lord and it grieved samuel when saul disobeyed and when that was written and god had to say samuel stop crying [Music] stop get up from where you are because it hurts samuel because samuel had anointed saul and he's he's hurting you he says get up he says i've not rejected you i've rejected him for he has rejected me because he did not do what i said to do and now that which i would cloak him with when you lose the presence of god you've lost absolutely everything there is no life outside of the presence of god and the opposite of that is all life is in the presence of god [Applause] and god wants to take you to a deeper place in his spirit a deeper place that you encounter him that you don't just you don't just get touched by god that is enough for you to make it through to wednesday but you get transformed by god that no matter what adversity you're gonna face monday or tuesday or wednesday whatever was holding on to you has to leave you and god encounters you face to face that transforms that something is so different about you because you've had a true encounter by god i wish there was a calculation i wish i could say this is how it happens this is when it is this is how you make it this is how you conjure it up i don't know why or when or how i do believe that there are certain things we can do to provoke the presence of god i do believe there are certain things that we can do to cause god to draw near us i don't think you can come in fighting with your spouse the whole time to church get in here put on your church cloak and act like everything is okay i don't think that you can go out and hate black men hate white men and come in here and act like you're okay and say no but i love and i worship you god i don't think that you can run your mouth about somebody and talk about them 30 minutes before you get into church and come in here and then sing holy holy holy holy i believe there's some repentance that is the beautiful word that god gave us to say you've got to change your heart you've got to change your mind you've got to change your ways you have to course correct god's not saying i'm going to make you repent you repent because you're going to stay stuck in the same situation and when god departs from you there's no more prophetic word there's no more dream the pipeline is cut off and you will go to any extreme you can do anything you can to try to get that power and that presence you you'll try to find it in any kind of artificial way that you can and there is nothing you can use splenda but it ain't the real thing baby you can go for it but it's not the real thing i'm telling you because you'll try to fill that place that only god's presence can fill and then god's presence complicates everything because when god's presence there it gives you a boldness that is past your own courage it gives you a confidence in more than what is your characteristic it gives you this ability to do things that you wouldn't have within your own natural self within your own education your own ability your own talent your own gifting it gives you this this what is like what we call the power of god it changes things what you're striving so hard for what you need is an encounter that changes everything because the striving it's going to be heavy on your hand of flesh and god is bringing revival victor that was not just a coincidental word in three years 16 000 i'm telling you what god is going to do is going to be so transformative to nations not just this nation to generations to my succession your name will be written in the history books you didn't come just for a touch god's been pulling at your heart he's been tugging at your heart i have more for you i want to do more for you he's calling you right now he's calling you behind the veil into the very holy of holies he's calling you into the throne room and so you know what happens he loses the presence of god sin what he sees is samuel in his mantle samuel's mantle like most prophets is tied to an office which goes back to being tied to purpose in first kings chapter 19 verse 13 which is where i'm going to focus you're going to find elijah and elijah wraps his face it has to do with this calling he wraps his face it's tied to his calling and that's where i'm going to focus so i'm not going to go too far the next one though you see is second kings chapter 2 verse 13 that's elisha he takes the mantle of elijah that's where i'm going to finish tonight there's a few others they're not quite as good ezra chapter nine verse three through five study them yourself the people would not separating themselves from doing abomination with the canaanites the hittites the perezites all the ice they had them all going on all right the jebusites the ammonites they were doing it with all of them the the moabites the egyptians and so what they did was they took their sons and daughters for themselves so that the holy seed their holy seed you hear what i said the bible calls your sons and your daughters holy seed and they co-mingled with all the ice because god hates duality god hates duality i don't have time to teach you on all those lights but i could teach you with a perez a hittite a jebusite with each one of them and they took their holy seed because everything is not about you it's about what is coming through you what you're leaving after you and they took their holy seed and they co-mingled it and god calls it an abomination so ezra in repentance and fasting is ripping up his own mantle and he rinses garment and he rinses mantle because they have co-mingled verse eight and now for a little space grace has been shown by the lord to leave a remnant to escape because he was willing to rend it and god says i don't want you to just rin garments i want you to rend your heart that's what god says over he says don't just rip your garment before me rip your heart before me rip up everything in your heart that you're holding on to that is not serving god and not serving his presence and serving purpose rip it up whatever you've got to do ask god for a heart transplant tonight and he said there's a space of grace that has been shown by the lord to leave a remnant to escape he says to lighten eyes and to give reviving back to our burdens to revive us again back to our builders so god's saying i leave a remnant that will escape and i will bring revival and i will bring revelation i'll enlighten the sixth one is job job 120 and job 220 because he he lost everything he rinses a mantle and then he's sanctified and he worships and job 2 22 his three friends ella's why can't they just call normal like tom dick and harry eliphaz and bildad and zafar rent their mantles and they're grieving because they didn't recognize and it's a mantle of compassion and i want to talk to you for the next few moments about god's mantle for your life is that okay because i believe that there is the presence of god is going to touch because right now if you look at first kings chapter 19 verse 11 through 21 i believe that god has taken us into new dimension of the spirit i believe that there's going to be a mantle that that was not coincidence that god had a divine moment and the next place that i would preach the next place i would mention minister would be tonight on power night on sunday night that there's going to be a mantle that is released listen whenever you're hungry enough come to the presence of god whenever you're wanting enough come to the presence of god the lord says to elijah after you know what has gone down y'all know elijah right he's the prophet of fire i love him he's a man full of emotions he's up he's down he's depressed he's in he's out he's calling down the fire god i love him this is my kind of man the prophets of baal you've got you've got jezebel that is married to this king ahab he's a weak king he's a weak man so you've got a controlling spirit that has gotten in there and works through the the spirit of witchcraft and is able to control and manipulate and maneuver the plan of god and but you've got elijah who has been raised up i'll talk to you more about this from gilead and place of testimony heap of testimony and he really has no real background that we know about tishbite i'll maybe get to some of that the difference between those but here elijah is and elijah is the one that prays the 63 word prayer and calls the fire of god down and i love it because they're like where's your god you know they're wanting to know and and he's mocking them and making fun he's like when they're they're cutting themselves wanting their god to move and their god who is a dead god because there's only one living god there's only one way there's only one truth he is the way he is the truth and he is life he is life he is his name is jesus christ thank you for the essay dr paul i break the rules all the time i pray in the name of jesus i decided that in tampa because to be politically correct you didn't ever get invited back if you prayed in the name of jesus and i decided i was never going to be politically correct because i said what good am i doing hanging around a bunch of people that are just snobbish and rich and high profile and everything else and yet they're wanting me just to pray and i can't even invoke the name that brings real power i'm not doing you any service so let the haters hate but i'm going to pray in you in the name of jesus and when you pray in the name which is above every name because it says the bible says that he honors his name and he honors his word above all things there is a name that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess his name is jesus cancer has to bow sickness has to bow depression has to bow fear has to bow grief has to bow come on every knee and every tongue will confess at the name of jesus he honors his word even above his name think about that his word according to isaiah chapter 55 verse 11 will never return void it will not come back empty but it will perform that which it is sent to he honors his word the rhema the revelation and so here he is and he's he's mocking the prophets he's like hey where's your god did he take a bathroom break that's something i would do i would love to do that i would i can just see myself getting in trouble and be having to make a call to the secretary or somebody and saying get me out please because you know they're over there praying this and and i'm saying what happened to your god is he on vacation did he take a bathroom break and then all of a sudden just stand back 63 word prayer boom let the power of god fall everybody's out under the power see god wants to show off his power to nations he wants to show off his power to your family he wants to show his presence in your life he wants to show you he's a real god and so here he is and now you know what happens he outruns the chariots and all this now he's exhausted he's sitting under a juniper tree and he just wants to die after all that after all that the dude is suicidal i mean after all this now he's like these high highs he's low lows but let me tell you it's easy to get addicted to that high high and that high high is not always the presence of god that high high is not always the presence of god one thing i understood that john and i would know in common we've both lived on a platform most of our life and it's easy bishop jakes told me don't you ever get addicted they'd applauded for me for almost 20 minutes in philadelphia it was the first time that we were doing god's leading lady that sold out 17 000 back to back this girl that was messed up mississippi girl was just rising up her name was paula white she was just coming up through all the ranks when i stepped out on the stage and they went to introduce me they started clapping to a point that i got embarrassed i got uncomfortable i felt didn't know what to do and i walked off and in his wisdom he said don't ever get used to that he says it's addictive but it's going to let you down one and i day it away because i thought he knows something i don't know he's experienced something i haven't experienced and one of the things that i understood about both john and i we've lived on platforms that people can apply whether it's 50 or whether it'll be 2 million in pakistan and people will do this and after a while it just gets muffled to be honest with you because that same applause you don't know what's real and what's not coming from a person you don't know today if they're going to kiss you on your cheek or stab you in your back [Music] but when you hear his applause it sounds different than man's when you hear his applause when you hear him speaking to you you don't have to die just to hear him say well done now good and faithful servant god will tell you often he's pleased with you there's a final reward but god's told me many times that a girl that's right i've heard god call me his baby god and god looking at me like i have some weird relationship with him god wants to be intimate with you god wants you to hear his voice and know his voice so here he is the lord said go out and stand on the mountain the presence of the lord oh there's so much i could talk about because presence there is chicana it's another word for glory the glory of the lord for the lord is about to pass by a great and powerful wind came toward the mountains apart shouted the rock the lord was not in the wind after the wind came the earthquake the lord was not there the earthquake the fire the lord was in the fire and then this gentle whisper and when elijah heard it are your ears tuned to hear god right now he pulled his mantle over his face and he went and he stood in the mouth of the cave and a voice said what are you doing here elijah and elijah want to make an excuse said well i've been very zealous for you god i'm the only one the israelites have all rejected your covenant they've all broken down your altar boy i could preach an hour on each one of this because the altar has to be repaired and he's saying i kept your altar you have to repair an altar in your home in your heart you have to repair an altar in your life we have to repair an altar in this nation he said you've broken down the altar you've put your prophets to death with the sword i'm the only one left now they're trying to kill me too the lord said get up and go back to the desert of damascus when you get there anoint hazel king of abraham once anoint jehu and anoint elijah and go ahead anoint abel to succeed you as prophet now he'll only anoint one he's told to go back to four of them he only goes to elijah elijah will end up anointing the others and jehu will put to death any he would escape the sword of his hell and elijah will put to death and he will escape the sword yet i reserve seven thousand in israel all whose knees have not bowed down the bell and also mouth had not kissed him let me tell you something as crazy as it looks at that don't think that god has not reserved a remnant i don't care how much noise there gets out there god has a remnant people that he has reserved god has a people who have refused to bow down to baal and refuse to be a part of the system they refuse to become callous by culture he they refuse they can still hear god i don't care how many times you've been kicked to the curb or what you've gone through there's a people trust me we're not the only church we're not the only people there's a people who are remnant people who love god with all their being who worship god with all their heart and and i believe tonight listen i've got to conclude this i'm on page number two that there's going to be a release of fresh mantles mantels literally means something ample something large a vine a wide dress a garment goodly glory a mantle it means robe it means powerful excellent famous scallion lordly mighty noble principle worthy splendor elisha's contact with the presence of god come on the anointing of god on elijah was life-changing for his for the experience he'd have you cannot come in contact with god's presence and not be changed not be changed most theologians think the mantle was a symbol of the holy spirit example second kings chapter 2 verse 14 elijah takes the mantle that had fallen from elijah similar to how jesus received the spirit when it was descending on him from the baptism and the audible voice of god in matthew chapter 3 verse 17 confirms jesus as god's chosen servant isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 2 we see this similar falling of the spirit but god is saying i want more than just my spirit to fall i want you to encounter my presence and out of my presence i'm gonna wrap you with a garment out of my presence i'm gonna clothe you with my glory come on the holy spirit is the imperson is the person who empowers god's people with an ability to do your ability to do is not just because you get a touch of god not just because you're anointed you're anointed for service but when you begin to encounter god face to face and no man will literally ever see the face of god that's why i say it's the presence of god and one of the words is faith but you won't ever see him face to face you couldn't handle it all right none of us could handle that but when you encounter the presence of god then everything you have need of that's why elijah could fast for 40 days because god had passed by the chicana had passed by him that's why he could fast that's why moses could fast 40 days because there's a burning bush he's encountering the presence of god that's why jesus who is god it's a little bit different it's like jesus can encounter or fast for 40 days there's no way you can abstain from anything in your flesh whether it's 40 days of anger 40 days of depression 40 days of discouragement 40 days of pride 40 days of anything 40 days of anything without an encounter of the presence of god we think fasting is just food and god is saying i want abstinence out of your life i want some things out of your life but the only way to have a sustainable abstinence is to have the presence of god and god saying seek me and you're gonna find me i'm standing at the door and i'm knocking right now i'm using my woman servant just to speak the same thing over and over and over and over to tell you open the door and let me in i want to bring my presence to you i want to clothe you with a garment i want to i want to wrap you with my presence and today is a day of impartation today is a day of consecration a day of devoting a day of setting apart a day that says i am been set apart for the service of god it is the fact that you're ardently dedicated you're ardently devout come on that there's this devotion it's the highest expression of worship to be devoted and devout that's why they would say i'm a devout christian that you're actually called a saint you're not called a christian you're a saint according to the word of god according to god's word and so god wants you to to go into this place of his presence where his mantles begin to flow in your life there's so much teaching i want to do here let me just get to you somewhere whatever it is that is inherent in your life whatever it is that was the intention and is the intention of god the purpose of god god's original intention you must come on the scene doing it you've got to do your purpose because your purpose is going to help carry your position for your mantle is very important because when you let your hand off the plow and you do not fulfill purpose which is what the enemy always comes to do he comes to steal kill and destroy the word destroy means to utterly abolish purpose the intention that you were sent into this earth to carry out if you fail to do so you leave god no room to work with you your usefulness for the kingdom of god is determined by your commitment to purpose but it's not like god just wants to use you it's a natural output it's a natural flow it's a natural organic thing that happens when you encounter god face to face god cannot confirm what he appointed you to proclaim if you fail to proclaim it in other words it's not a matter of divine acceptance divine acceptance happened when jesus said it is finished when you receive jesus christ as your lord and savior you're accepted into story with all your flaws with all your hang-ups with all your stuff come on with your boo still with all you with all your addictions you're still accepted because that was done by the finished work of jesus christ thank god for his grace and that is no excuse for sin to abide in our life but that is a fact of a gracious merciful god that paid a price that we could never pay to receive a life that we could never earn there's a difference between divine acceptance and divine endorsement what you need is divine endorsement what god accepts he does not always endorse just because you're accepted does not mean you're endorsed because if you fail to do what god has called you to do does not mean god says yes to you doesn't mean you can get to heaven because you'll get to heaven well it depends on your knowledge anyway that's a whole other thing you get to heaven based on the basis of jesus christ but your divine endorsement is yes to your request because the favor of god which comes out of the grace graciousness the mercy the grace of god upon your life a cloak of grace upon you a cloak of favor that is upon you that you're unable to do what you cannot do in the natural man because god says i've stamped her i've stamped him and the world will never understand that so you cannot and you will not be intimidated by the world you're not intimidated by the world because you're not here for the world you're in this world but you're not of this world but you're to go to the world and the problem is you've got the part that you're in the world you feel it every single day and you actually got the part that you're not of this world but when you haven't gotten departure to go into this world and god in this crazy way goes you want to know how i'm going to do it i'm going to send you a sheep among wolves he didn't even hide it from you i'm going to sin you among viciousness i'm going to sing you among wolves i'm gonna send you up upon people that are ravenous and they'll eat you and they'll spit you out in two seconds and a heartbeat and i'm gonna send you in as a little sheep but remember i'm the good shepherd and my wrath and my staff will comfort you and though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil come on you better be with me because god says to you i've endorsed you and when i endorse you if you fail to proclaim what i put within you if you fail to do what i sent you to do if you don't show up doing it you can thank it but that's not doing it you can talk it but that's not doing it there should never have to be an ask for certain things because you just know walk in obedience it's what you don't know that you have to spend time in god's presence to hear his voice with clarity and when you know how god speaks because he speaks specifically he never speaks out of the parameters of his word and he speaks very specifically he speaks in specific ways [Music] he uses certain mechanisms to carry his message what i mean is there's basically seven different ways that god will speak dreams visions prophetic words there's different ways revelation rhema there's different ways god will speak but they're all recorded in his word there's no way outside of his word and his endorsement comes with your obedience so you must do what god has called you to do both individually and corporately because i'm not just talking about your individual i'm talking about a bigger purpose called the bride of christ because god wants to show his life through us so basically connection what happens here is relationships you know are the currency of the kingdom and so it's imperative to what you are spiritually connected to that you're spiritually connected to the right people because whatever you're connected to is what you have contact with and whatever you have contact with is what flows in you i can show you what your tomorrow is going to be depending on who's next to you that's why nehemiah chapter 3 was so vitally important who was next to who it's a music harmonic how do i say it baby resonance what is it it's when you like pluck a string on a guitar that's an e and it plays on another guitar resonance right resonance i don't know musical terms i'm from mississippi i just use that as an excuse not all mississippi people are crazy anyway contact creates connection connection creates impartation and that determines the output proverbs 13 20 he who walks with wise men will be wise connection is where two things are fastened together through relationships so covenant connection is where two things are fastened together through the spirit of god and enforced by the spirit of god so what happens is you enter into the provision of his promises and greatness when your life is connected to those who god has ordained for your destiny god is changing some of your relationships because if he does not shift your relationships then you will not move into the fullness of your purpose and there's never anyone you look joseph separated from his brothers i can tell you this person for abraham get away from your crazy kinfolk now let go of lot so god begins to shift some things because he's got to connect you to the people that are connected for your your purpose your divine destiny and chances are they're not going to be like you chances are it's not something one that makes you comfortable it's not someone that makes you always feel good i mean those are wonderful relationships but that's not how god always works you'll not enter into the provision of his promise and greatness for your life when you're disconnected from what god has ordained for you so you've got to have the ability to identify and recognize who god uses as your deliverer it's the law of recognition it shows you that everything that you need in your life to fulfill your purpose is already in your life it's waiting for you to recognize it because life is governed by laws that are working for you or against you see matthew chapter 13 basically says they have eyes to see but they don't see and they have ears to hear but they don't hear jesus said having i see you not and having ears hear you not and do you not remember some of the greatest gifts are in your life and you don't even recognize them i'm trying to sonia they're not and they're not recognizing god has put something so close to you that you're not seeing it and your failure to recognize the gift will cost you dearly because what you don't recognize you won't celebrate and what you don't celebrate will eventually leave your life so people who recognize opportunity to connect with their deliverance ruth recognized naomi she calls herself miss bitter mara jonathan recognizes david though that was rightfully his position john the baptist recognizes jesus the israelites recognize moses when you don't recognize that you become like joseph's brothers david's brothers the israelite spies i i've got to finish i gotta wrap up with what we want to do because this is so important though because god wants to release you to another level and he's causing strategic alignments and divine connections for your assignment on the earth and i believe that there are some people listen when god if you're seriously hungry for god you cannot afford to miss your divine connection no matter what expense it is [Music] you're hearing the spirit of god god's gonna cause goodness to pass by you life is not some chaotic like eventful thing that just happens god is very calculated he's a strategist the bible says in romans 11 29 for the god's gifts and his call are irrevocable which means they're without repentance so the enemy cannot deny the expression of the gift because he would have to go back into eternity and disconnect the almighty immutable plan of god it's absolutely impossible god acts in sovereignty you're not an afterthought you're not an accident god raises special people for special times purpose is parenthetical you had to be sent for such a time as this the times will dictate the strength of god's hand on the person and god has prefigured who he will put his hand upon in a particular season getting down to wall it on right in everyone who is gifted was gifted before they were ever born god prepared you and the time before you were ever released god has a plan and you're part of it and it's not your agenda it's his agenda and god will often breed the greatest situations the greatest or greatness out of the worst situations and god is breeding something he's birthing something [Music] all the chaos the trouble and it's not moving god in one ounce god is your refuge and your strength a very present help in the time of trouble so it's pushing you into destiny and destiny is all part of a process that's being worked out and that process i don't have time to get into with you i just want to talk to you about one last thing that god has a mantle that he wants to release to you for that destiny so much i could teach you here but we'll have to do it on another power night because i'd contrast elijah with elisha but you want to know the bottom line why elijah could not die and stay in that because he had an elisha waiting for him and the reason god is not finished with you yet is because on the other side of your depression on the other side of your discouragement there's someone that god they're not going to get your mantle yet you're just supposed to go anoint them he'll eventually get his mantle but he'll only get it when it no longer matters to him anymore when his master means more than the mantle he'll finally receive it elijah get up i'm not in the earthquake i'm not in the fire and then the wind get up there's an elijah he's gonna do double there's so much i want to teach you i want to teach you about the jordan i want to teach you about it all but he says go down and anoint him go down come here gina i know she ready and just rub up against him no you can't don't you bruv up against me i'm rubbing up against you anointed love gina i love this girl go off and wrap up against him you know what he does he actually takes his coat i'm gonna take mine off and throws it on him and when it touches him it takes his coat back he just like bishop can i borrow your jacket for just a minute i'm sorry i'm looking nobody dresses nice anymore on sunday night thank you bishop just takes it and he just he just kind of like throws it on him and he gets his mantle back it throws it on it and it's enough that it's soul changes elisha that elisha starts chasing and running and elijah starts coming because that power that was in that mantle that was wrapped when it touches elisha elisha starts running after elijah and and says i want what you have i i i want that but hey by the way can i go back and just tell my family goodbye can i go back and just burn up my oxen can i go back and take care of everything and elijah just keeps on walking and says what do i have to do with you you want what i have then you better learn to walk where i walk you want what god's going to use me you want to learn this walk of obedience you get to water my hands yeah come on you get to walk with me you get to go talk to people it's a love on i need you to be down at elders the whole time that's what you got to do take care of her yeah you need to anoint her feet and for years i'm going to teach you and there's something in you that keeps pulling because the first thing that you're going to recognize elijah is that you're not going to settle for mediocrity because you have lived a mediocre life all your life though you come from a wealthy family you've got 12 plow men you've got all this oxen that means you're wealthy but you're willing to burn it up which means you better bring closure to your past that if you're ever going to follow the presence of god and fulfill the purpose of god it means you've got to recognize that anything outside of the presence and purpose of god is a mediocre life and it'll never leave you satisfied and it means that everything that's going to pull you back to where you came from you better kill it you better tear that number up you better get rid of that little black book you better shut that door you better move to a different city because everything that is going to pull you back to that place that you are so familiar you're a good guy nothing wrong you're making money you're working for your daddy you're taking care of your oxen your servants love you there's nothing wrong with you you've built a nice successful business but i've got more and that one touch of my presence is gonna change you so much that you're never gonna be able to go back to mediocre life and live the same old same old because you've just been going in the same circle plowing with the same thing walking behind something that's dumber than you [Music] just walking behind something dumber than you [Music] plowing you're tired of mediocrity you're tired of living the same you really want to follow me [Music] i don't know if you really want to follow me you want to go you want to get out of your mediocre life it's going to cost you some things burn it up then you got to be able to see what i see so when you can see what i see then you can start hearing what i hear when you start hearing what i hear i'll know because your language is a locator your language will start changing because when you can see what i see and hear what i hear then you'll talk what i talk once you start talking we're out of the same tribe now we're connected because language connects us which means our heart starts beating as one so you want to stand with me and you've got to see what i can see hear what i hear and then you start talking now i know because if our heart gets connected not only can we stand face to face we can stand side by side if we can ever stand side by side then i know we can stand back to back if i ever get somebody who's got my back oh you're talking a whole new level because the only place according to ephesians chapter 6 that you're exposed and without the armor of god is on your backside which is why god never caused anyone to succeed alone so the question is do you have my back in dc the question is you have my back the question is when they turn the heat up and put the microphone in your face what are you really going to say about it the question is when they plant something and try to destroy you what are you really going to do you're going to save face because when it really boils down to it you can't have somebody's back unless you're in covenant and you can't be in covenant unless you've had presence because it's not you i'm after because when i get to the place that i'm ready i'm following you i'm serving you and i want that mantle that touched me but when we get to the place and and the lord is about to take you up elijah the prophets over here and they're seers but the seers can't see what god is doing but a son can because when you get in the presence god fulfilling purpose you get in position when you get in position it's about relational because god begins to show that next dimension the dimension of his spirit to his sons and the reason that seers prophets couldn't see it it's because they could not understand the methodology because you think god's going to do something that makes things comfortable for you ask peter how comfortable it was to be crucified upside down asked john what it felt like on the isle of patmos asked stephen what it was like when he was being stoned ask paul what it was like when he was shipwrecked and when he was in rome ask him when the holy spirit said to him i've got an assignment i need you to go to rome you've got to go to festus but oh by the way there's a few things you're going to be shipwrecked you're going to be beaten you're going to get stripes you're going to go under persecution they're going to come after you but i need you to go to the emperor and they're going to hurt you but i am with you they're going to put you in prison for a long time but i am with you they're going to destroy everything around you but i'm with you now go really that's the price of this mantle how bad you really want it because only a son only someone who is an ability for succession can really have it [Music] because when i go when i go and i go y'all know i'm half crazy hold it for me when i go stay you i know you want to serve when i go i'm gonna drop it and you're never gonna look back you're gonna take that same mantle and you're gonna do the same first miracle come on part the water part the chaos go to the jordan the jordan is the lowest place on the earth i'm going to take you to your first stop it's going to be the lowest place because you're going to go to a low place first just like jesus my son did and you're going to take that mantle it works use it it's kind of like harry potter but on the good side it works i know y'all are too spiritual to watch any of that it works sorry bishop i'll pay for it hit the water walk over water chaos bride build a good case for it stop the chaos you're gonna do double but i'm not done yet go ahead do your double [Music] in conclusion all right see you getting ready she going for more all right go sit down with your double but i'm not done yet there's only two people that didn't die and i'm one of them because i'm not done for the spirit of elijah shall come back and the spirit of elijah don't have time to teach it all will be fulfilled in john the baptist and the spirit of elijah will be fulfilled in the end time church the many member body but not without an encounter done i'm just looking for somebody who's hungry enough because when you get to the place that you want it so bad it's not the mantle you want anymore it's the master and when your heart beats like that after him all this other stuff just rolls right off you for real pastor todd it's grace you just walk up how do you do it it's like waking up and breathing you just show up doing what you were created to do endorsed by the divine maker of all humanity by god himself talk about an endorsement that's better than nike it's better than any billion dollars tiger got that's all of heaven backing you saying amy steve just do it what you were sent to do and don't do one thing that you're not supposed to do because one thing outside of it is waste one minute one dollar one moment outside of divine purpose is waste and if you do something that i didn't say to do then it's disobedience and the pipeline gets shut up and you'll search all your life warning but nothing will ever be able to give you except my presence
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 23,571
Rating: 4.6531792 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries, city of destin, paula white cain
Id: AR850Ix9oxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 29sec (4349 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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