Breaking Generational Curses| Here’s My Story

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hey guys what's up it's mercedes michelle welcome to my channel if you are new here welcome back if you're a returning subscriber today we are going to be discussing breaking generational cycles generational curses those repetitive cycles that continue to happen in your family generation on top of generation that is what i'm going to be discussing today i'm going to be sharing with you guys my experience my path that i've taken in order to try to lighten the load for the future generations when it comes to my family so this is going to be a very in-depth video i'm going to get very personal with you guys and you'll get a glimpse of who i am kind of my childhood and upbringing and hopefully at the end of the day this video inspires you to get up and break those same cycles that your family may be experiencing and let you be the one to break those curses and stop those bad habits so i hope this video is helpful don't forget before you go make sure you subscribe hit that notification bell if you have not already but let's get right into the video alright guys so at a very young age i came to the realization that my family was suffering and we were experiencing something that at the time i could not pinpoint i had just took a look at my family's history and i came to the realization that we have some stuff going on just my personal upbringing i was born to a teen mom single mom because my father at the time was incarcerated so that's pretty typical that's like the typical story and it shouldn't be but it is our reality so that's another thing that we have to overcome another obstacle that we must overcome and that was the first strike against me so with that i just took a look at my family lineage and i kept realizing certain things certain patterns that we would go through or certain things that i would witness a lot of my family members were in and out of jail in and out of prison i can tell you about 75 of my family has seen a jail cell and that's probably being nice and it's scary to think about it's like are we cursed like what's going on like do we just love jail like what is it and i just personally knew for myself i did not want that i knew that i did not want to be on that side of our family history so the very young age i made a vow to myself that i was going to be successful how i did not know i didn't have any special talents i couldn't sing dance rap i couldn't play any type of sports it wasn't very athletic but i knew that if i stayed on top of certain things and i got through school because school was just going to be my way out i was one of those kids who never had an issue with school i always made good grades honor roll student it was never just hard for me but i wasn't just brilliant i wasn't smart i wasn't in you know top tier of my classes but i got by if i ever broke home a c my mom would probably look at me crazy like girl what's going on with you but it wasn't like don't bring all my caesar these no because i had brothers and trust me they report cards love them to death but school just was not for them um so with that said i am the third child out of four kids i have three brothers i'm the only girl i wasn't the oldest but you couldn't tell me i was not i definitely act like the oldest you couldn't boss me around and tell me what to do my brothers would tell you that and i guess that's where my leadership skills developed and i knew very early on that i was not a follower you couldn't persuade me to do something that i did not want to do if i did something it was because i wanted to do it so i definitely never was a follower um even though i had these types of traits and characteristics i wasn't a difficult child i wasn't you know a bully or anything of that nature i just kind of went down my own path i did my own thing and if you were going to do it you were going to do it i wasn't going to tell you to do it but if you wanted to do it you could do it like i didn't really care what other people were doing and i've always been like that i'm still like that but i learned very on very early on that i was just walking down my own path trying to find my own way and with that it kind of led me to where i am today i been very i've i've known since a kid that i wanted more out of this life i didn't know why i didn't know where the drive was coming from um because a lot of times we are what we know you know if you come from this environment this environment is all you know so how do you know to do better i don't know but maybe it was through television shows i watched and i seen how they lived and acted or maybe it was just from experience so i can say that looking at looking at my family's history yes you know it's full of bad habits and generational curses and cycles then you just be like they're just stuck they're stuck in their mind sets they're stuck in this environment and they don't know how to get out for me i believe i had a mom who kind of had the same thinking as me but she still had her own you know problems and issues that she had to overcome but i feel like she set up the foundation for me for me to be the one to break those cycles to break those generational curses because although we weren't always in the best environment she tried to make sure that we had everything that we needed that we did get afforded the better things in life even though we didn't have a lot we always had what we needed and i think it was because she was trying to get out of that environment like we moved away from our hometown so i was very young when my mom decided to move cities with us i was i want to stay in the first second grade when we up and left our hometown and moved to a new city where we knew nobody my mom didn't know anyone but she was trying to escape that those family curses and family habits she was trying to get out of that and it put us in a better environment by doing so because we weren't stuck in that same environment even though we still seen our family we still you know visited them we still seen our reality she did try to i guess shield us from it as much as she knew how because again she is a product of her own environment so that helped me even more because it allowed me to say okay my mom opened this door now let me walk through it and let me open up some more doors for the next generation my children my nieces my nephews and that's kind of how i got started on this path um so for me looking at my mom you know single mom young mom been a mom her whole life basically i didn't want that um but i did become a young mom a product of my environment to what i knew but i wasn't a teen mom barely made it but wasn't a teen mom and that was one cycle i broke early because most people in my family got pregnant at 16. so when i passed 16 everybody was like you know i had no kids no because it was normal graduated high school first to graduate high school not the oldest grandchild but the first to graduate high school and that was something that i did because i think i got i knew i always wanted more right so as a child i wanted more but i needed a extra push i needed to drive to really you know get things going and get things started for me i believe like i take my grandmother for example and i've seen how her life planned out she she she was happy but i always wondered was she truly truly happy like was she truly happy she never traveled she never left texas she never you know drove a car she never got married and it was those things that always lingered in my mind like was she truly happy and i guess that gave me the drive i needed because i wanted to make her happy i wanted her to look down on me and know that i accomplished a lot of these things with her help a lot of these things with her guidance because i lost my grandmother at 16 and that was a hard loss for me one of the hardest loss i've ever taken in my life and at 16 you're not really knowing how to deal with emotions because you've never been you never had to deal with these types of emotions when i say that was like the first loss i've ever experienced in life that was the first loss and i was always making these promises oh grandma i can't wait to get my license i'm gonna take you everywhere we're gonna go everywhere we're gonna be driving everywhere and knowing that she passed away like five days after my 16th birthday i was never able to get my license never able to drive her around like i promised so i set out on this journey to graduate high school go to college graduate college and do these things because no one had done them like i cannot tell you one successful person in my family i don't know a doctor i don't know a lawyer i don't know a nurse i personally don't know if they exist in my family i've never met them if we share the same blood i've never met them i don't know anyone who holds a college degree so my journey was very lonely and it wasn't because no one cared or anything of that nature it's just they didn't understand because it was foreign to them like oh you're going to college okay oh you know all they knew is work that's all they knew so me going to college i didn't have anyone holding my hand telling me how to get student loans or fill out fafsa get scholarships i didn't have that so it was all trial and error error figure it out as you go but i knew i did not want to succumb to my family's history so i had to do what i had to do and they said it's lonely at the top it was lonely but i got it done and it took me a while because i faced my own obstacles i went through my own mistakes that many of us are going to go through on this life journey a lot of it dealing with family history i became pregnant at 20 had a child that was not a part of my plan that was something that i fought against but led my daughter to death and she's here and i kept going i didn't let that hold me back and stop me and give up because oh i felt no i just kept going and i knew i had to really break these curses and cycles because i had this child that i now had to provide for and hoped that these bad habits and family cycles did not affect her the way they've affected so many of us so i haven't even looked at my noteshow i'm probably missing a whole bunch of stuff okay so yeah basically um just how do you break those cycles like how do you deal with it you really have to acknowledge that they're there acknowledge what your family lineage is and know certain things are not acceptable and they're this is not how this is supposed to be and once you are able to acknowledge those things then you have to change your mindset and not allow your mind to be stuck in the environment that you come from stuck in what you know what you see you have to go out and research and seek more know that there's more in life than what's in front of you and i think that's the biggest issue in my family like do y'all know that there's so much world out here so much more world than where you come from but if i have to be the one to you know break the curse break the cycle then i'll be that so that my nieces my nephews my children don't have to and that's the biggest thing here now that i'm older that's kind of that's the main thing like i will work hard so that they don't have to go through what we've experienced what we've dealt with and you know i still have a long ways to go i'm still learning i'm still growing i'm still going through the motion i'm still trying to break cycles every single day when it comes to my parenting how i speak how i acknowledge others how i come in a room and you know greet people these are things that i'm having to relearn and every day is a learning curve for me because i don't come from the same family you come from and you don't come from the same family i come from and i feel like that's a lot of issues amongst adults communicating and understanding that our upbringing and our lifestyles are so different even though we look alike we're very different so i hope you guys understand that you can be the one to break these cycles to do better and become better you know a lot of things that i've accomplished i'm still shocked and i'm still in disbelief because my story my environment based on statistics i'm not supposed to be here and i am because i fought against it and i fought hard and i kept that fire alive because i wanted more and when you want more you're going to do more and you're going to work for it don't make excuses we all have stories we all have those issues those deep rooted issues that no one wants to talk about
Channel: Mercadez Michelle
Views: 24,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Generational curses, family cycles, Bad habits, Breaking free of family cycles, Changing the narrative, How to break free of generational curses, Black sheep of the family, Generational curses not on a spiritual spectrum, My families repeat cycle, Victim of a family cycle, Victim of a repetitive cycle
Id: ZeWmwzmo8QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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