Breaking Fortnites AI BOTS

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lazarbeam you are the most best youtube channel ever. you should not be scared of youtube striking you, do what you want to do

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ESTstockier 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I want to see a lazarbeam TTV account to do dumb stream-sniper memes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QualityMemes900 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QualityMemes900 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Shaka spray pls

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/no1gg78 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wall must brake

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/meep2608 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

69 up votes nice

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/skullsoldier464 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
so we all know in the real world eventually we're gonna be taken over by robots the robots will turn us into slaves whip us and feed us to their robot babies but hopefully that's not for at least 25 years in the new season they added BOTS to the game and I'd say like a third of the lobby is BOTS we all know what BOTS look like they play like how I imagined an actual Chihuahua at a keyboard would play so if I make a custom Lobby I'm a content creator and we get custom lobbies so I say just a bunch of random numbers this means I can create a lobby with no other players in it and it's entirely filled with buds now first I just want to say a big thank you to everyone supporting the merchandise we sold out completely on the yet hoodies it still lays the hoodies available don't forget shop laser link in the description I just want to say thank you everyone you are absolute legends this one's for you yay so every single other player in this Lobby is a bot every single one none of these are real we got BOTS soccer skins over there look at that supreme accuracy man shooting bullets at the back of his head all right let's see how a full game of BOTS plays out yeah look at all those bot names breaker breaker 58 plays lazily tomorrow night so that mean I'm a bot sorry like first game I just want to spectate how BOTS play when the entire love these BOTS how does it player let's see if he can kill me I got pickaxes bot down pickaxe him easy Sharkboy 60 hoo-hah all right from now on I'm going to avoid killing them but that was just I can't turn down a good pickaxe for it even if a robot is on the other end yep there's another bot oh he's building walls look at him crank he has no idea I'm even here oh look there's another point let's witness a bot fight this is incredible look at the bots fight each other look at the fire man technology has come so far these guys fight each other no don't fight me don't don't fight me bro just trying to drink my shield I will not die in a bot lobby there's the other boy let's see what he does if I throw a grenade at his feet oh he drugs okay he tries to run and jump okay they stay still what if the thrown up if I throw another grenade he tries to he just walked on top of it I like I think this must be how fresh sees me I mean this kind of does feel like we've gone back to season 1 they did a good job program in these BOTS their proper season one place you can see all like bots only build one single wall you can see all that single walls and no matter what they will Terminator mode through your builds your pesky I don't like you but which side I'm on it's all on my own you can't catch me where am I you might watch a frag grenade ok relax ok I love their names dude their names bring me such happiness can we get a petition to make Laser laser a bot named epic games let's make it happen oh he's try to use a shotgun on me I'm gonna try and catch me a bot trying to get me a but I'll say if you bought you're in the water ok he might have a trap damn it I want to find a trap oh sorry bots in this vicinity [Music] what the hell is two bucks sorry I'm just cracked out of my mind I'm just cracked at him I'm none of you had traps I'm gonna go get that supply drops wrap yes I got a trap beautiful I bought for it yes bought for it look behind you oh this is a top ten five five ever seen one house incredible hey you hit me I had to fire back I'm sorry Wow you know those fights in the top ten they get intense look somehow I'm almost dead from BOTS I don't want to admit it I might be getting a little bit cocky these are these are some top-ten BOTS these aren't the early game BOTS these guys know how to crank they have accuracy okay it's a top-5 situation I'm facing only the best BOTS right now oh we got it this is the final fight between the two best BOTS you might have to watch this in replay mode [Music] absolute specimens down there [Music] he's trying to break me fields he's not even fought back he's just trying to break my bills who gets the honor of being the final bot who gets to beat oh well it what a what a champion I want to put trap down here build a little tower next to it and see if the bots will just walk into it yep there he goes and he's standing on it he hasn't moved oh my god all right scientific experiment proof there's nothing BOTS love more than breaking walls if you put a wall in front of a trap they will do they will break through that wall and then stand right on the trap bots will always try and break a wall even if there's a trap it is now our scientifical mission our research has concluded using this knowledge we can now bullybots he won't he won't he will yeah I want to kill the entire top 5 with this one trap they don't we don't even need walls here guys just get what I'll hide by this tray just walks on the trap with this loot on the trap they'll just keep walking onto it there's one player left it's in the circle oh there it is the absolute specimen which what happens when I hide behind this tree [Music] I love it I love it this is the photo guy say I have a belief that an injured boy will do anything and I mean anything for a medkit I mean literally anything what's this I get the meki you know you want the med kit and you want to make it it's so conflicted it needs the med kit but if tusko gonna walk into the trap what if I place a wall here yeah there we go I place the wall they can't resist the wall the only thing they love more than med kits is a wall and they cut I'm so good at the game I'm sick oh I see him down I saved that he's just passing out he doesn't know what to do what if I build a sky platform and we see what this bot does in a teeny tiny circle it was dancing in water huh oh he's trying to lure me in with mames yeah he's trying to look he's knows I like memes and he's trying to lure me in with memes you know now there buddy we've broken their code Hercules we've broken their code he's like spasming he just moves the circle then does nothing what why would you do that boy just right into the storm and gave us a wind what did I just watch this ramp yeah it's a door just try and get by like yeah you like walls don't get the walls you love don't you he's staying he's rising you went for the res he's still older he's still I they will always go for a wall they were always go for yes yeah Domon see how far out you can take it just see how I'm ready to break it at any moment just see him coming how many imagine how many mats you go 140 left yeah keep going to see how far you can take to put it dude there's bots will never turn down a wall mate uh-uh there's another wall here come on not God see freshy boy your services yeah what a game is a great service it's hard there's no way that bought the boys oh so good don't care where that wall goes mate they will always go for you know I want to love something half as much as the bot loves a wall we're gonna see who can kill the most BOTS in a custom game mani and fresher both gonna load up into our own custom games so you'll have to watch his part on his channel let's challenge and the race who can kill the most BOTS begin brother come here you're mine one kildare another kildare pick a seat do it in stop right where's the final one I need to wipe this squad I forgot bots will just come to you oh I almost died I'm the chip running low on health four kills in squad what I'm incredible I killed a clever panda they're endangered don't care how many on freshy boy I'm on seven I'm always 15 what yep you're losing I want to beat Dane I'll actually my dying I'm on six not bad yes here we go beautiful wood got some finally some more bots all looks like a trio at least it's like a nice little trio here maybe a quadruple you might have a Kurd Drupal here yes we stared at queen oh we got sorry Benny here easy 13 kills fresh does not stand a chance ladies and gentlemen I think like a bite I act like a bite I am a boy [Music] what is that bot doing they were just they were just spinning on their head easy Dante a sleigh waiting but first-ever 20 Bob I am shaking easy squad white easy 23 two players left I think 25 is a solid chunky school but obviously the fights are insanely easy it's just finding the place a game could completely freeze crash my game crashed by my game crashed so I got 24 oh I got 26
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 15,260,134
Rating: 4.9215212 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, bot, gaming, fortnite gameplay, fortnite chapter 2, funny
Id: sh3bPf7SPtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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