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as if they did not call this the diploid oculus skin now I did use code laser maybe shouldn't carry le a was an option but I definitely use code glaze of two ice alright so obviously it was update night but I have decided I'm too cool part date night I'm Way too cool for it so instead I decided to put together a compilation of everything I could find that is broken in fortnight I think I'll just search the update for everything I can find that's broken we go like six broken things we got some memes we've got all kinds of crazy glitches we've got some good stuff you know I want to see more creativity in fortnight and to me like breaking stuff having fun that's more creative to me than just getting mad and dying with a new gun every week this video might be a bit crazy because there is so much stuff the try and stick through it because it took me an hour to break the update completely [Music] so I thought I'd audition for dude perfect and I hit a max height bottle flip yeah bye yeah all right can you still let's test can you still see the bottle toss it you say it oh yes I do okay all right I've reached the maximum height old gone all right I'm up I'm up at max height can you see the bottle that is the question did you toss it yeah it's been tossed I see it okay okay there we go all right she's off that is flip number one and and I said I landed it Alex you were recording right no it's I think it's just locked but will guard till we get it again there's a I know Alex is filming properly we'll just keep goin till we hit it again we're gonna hit this max hot bottle flip again we're doing it for the culture okay just bounced and it's landing and it's a dud here we go [Music] oh god I am so goated on the bottle flip sticks I am cracked we tested the science and our we determined you can in fact hit a max height bottle flip arm so we found this glitch to get insanely yay turd in a baller not sure what's gonna happen here but pretty sure I just grope on to you go okay you're not really sure what I expect today wow they literally vaulted ballers and they're still broken this just goes to show everything in season 10 is broke okay go yeah that works that worked and I took the L may I spawn back in and I am still in the middle of the ocean I am past spawn island now that meteors sure looks good from over here I crossed into creative you you did me so hard I went to a different game mode so essentially the next glitch is like if you go inside the volcano a bunch of weird crap happens in a Mac if you are confused do not worry you will understand what you have to remember everything is broken in season 10 that's what you have to remember Hey I just swap seats all right that's that's literally all we have to do it seems to be glitching yeah I'm like teleporting and stuff yeah is weird my guy is fully glitched my season Ted everybody [Laughter] I must go my people need me okay this is a new thing I am experiencing with this glitch don't know if I like this Diplodocus is gone a spice oh my god say you're me do you look more like a rock yeah your roasted see your math say yeah way I forgot the death berries the thing Diplodocus bear to go extinct what if I hop out right now Oh a teleport back here wow I look so jet-lagged maybe that's why this glitch seems so much cooler than it is fresh I don't I know you don't know how to read fellow high-school dropout but if you read the Wikipedia on flamingos flamingos are actually the deadliest birds they eat children all right is where we're goin you know it's like pinky and purpley is where flamingos set their trap see that skeleton that's actually a monster for mingo killed look at them flowers mate we're gonna blend in real well I am invisible this is definitely going work flamingos eight babies spread the word contact every news agency with hashtag form Ngozi babies do I look inconspicuous mr. fresh great okay the flamingos are laying their trap I told you we Kapadia called them the deadliest bird David Attenborough has ever seen he got attacked by one once why do you think he has no children here we have the flamingos that ate my babies we will continue to wait until we this trap has to work once alright at least once [Music] I got this vividly tell me when you want me to boogie in my something there running past we don't Oh Mike but he just walked over me he know he reread right past me I saw his feet we forgot to pounce on our prey I would pretty crap for Mingo so you know oh here you go he's looting for me you ate the baby fresh I scared him and the backup flamingos gonna eat the baby yeah we actually discovered a way to make the max more overpowered you can build with them if you thought max we're over power before now they can crank Doritos they can build I've already gone through 700 700 brick oh we're being attacked we're from I'm Dorito Inc I'm Dorito way he's got a chilling hit honestly they're stunned they're confused they have decided to uninstall their games just boost jump the Doritos will protect me protect me to realize I am I so the thing is I can't stop building so um yeah like I keep trapping us in Doritos yeah every everything you destroy I replace with the Raiders okay all right Dorito Mecca has returned boys the ring back is back oh god we keep getting trapped in our own Doritos I've built some Doritos you got you got you gotta jump out and fresh jumping is the only way I gotta run all those you right there go ahead just daughters it's not mine use your other hand fresh yes crush him no matter what we've won what do we work we killed like three people with the Dorito Mak man life is good fresh ain't life just good this one feels like what makes a successful dude yeah that feel you get when you crank a meme oh yeah so now it's updating our updates been out for like an hour they added tilted town a place you're not supposed to be able to build yeah obviously we're gonna change that all right I'm not gonna show you how to do it but just just want to let you know I'm currently in tilted town an area where you're not supposed to build update has been out for roughly now are any of ya and as you can see I can build until two dead time to crank some doritoes boys let's crack some Doritos yes cranking Doritos in Tilted town I am a god no artificial barrier can stop me okay I'm actually out of mats but I did create a punch Doritos now I can't actually gather more mats until two dead so these Doritos are the only Doritos I can create and obviously I do not want to use this glitch to kill people that would be an unfair advantage and I would be banned this is how it feels when you break the update within the first hour Epic Games thought they could create a barrier that could stop me lul I've broken your game every step of the way hey what's up buddy what's up man I created bills he knew he knew he just gave up submit to your god you know you're powerless against me he just left the and he gave me more mats crank more Doritos yeah if there's anyone else left in Tilted town they know they know they don't stand a chance they just submitted man he just bowed down to his god I just like how Epic Games thought they create something you know really interesting and cool and fresh which you know credit to them this is a very cool addition to the game but yeah they didn't and a chance against me I wasn't even gonna do update night that's why there's no face can but oh yeah Here I am everything broken when you live long enough to see yourself die the hero you may not like it but this is what greatness looks like
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 13,236,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, break, broken, gaming, video game, game, funny, comedy
Id: qt10gjxb6O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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