Surviving 24 Hours In A Cybertruck

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we survived the new Cyber truck for the next 24 hours but first we got to take delivery of the Cyber truck this is our first time ever seeing it and it should be here oh there it is oh we got some Batman Vibes it looks so goofy you look disgusted this is probably like the biggest microwave thing I've ever seen in my [Music] life this is my first time ever seeing the inside oh snap yo it looks pretty sick to look at the steering wheel dude yo where's the dash at it's just the screen bro this windshield is so long I'm touching the front this is the most triangular side mirror I've ever seen it's like a second grader drawing of a car I think this like is pretty cool everything's so like future how do you start the engine bro it's electric sorry forgot yep that's definitely a microwave check this out ready I'm going to open it oh for the back of a truck this is Tiny I don't know dude I kind of like it this thing's kind of sick the door handle is like a big button right here it's so cool I am Batman oh if you open this right here you have plugs like a normal house we can't stand here and look at all day we need to hit the road all right here we go boys the first thing we're going to test is the acceleration oh yeah it's pretty fast yeah it's quicker than my car yo why did you hit your brake so hard just now that was the car it regenerates the brakes how does brakes grow back what I didn't dude you're barely turning the steering wheel and we're we're doing a whole turn D this thing is honestly like a tank I mean it's bulletproof right it is apparently bulletproof so we should be safe unless the batteries explode I think this thing looks a lot better in Black than it does in that like metal color future hey you like it it's fast yeah it's pretty fast take off with me all right good de boy and ludicrous now we're going to see how fast the Cyber truck is oh but don't worry we're going to race it against another cyber truck y you're losing dude it's over I'm kind of scared you might beat me get going floor it oh we started I'm flooring come on yeah I'm winning I'm winning I'm winning yeah look at this D look at this D oh SN we got baby you can't handle this yeah we want come on Nathan you can do it come on I'm still going get on the gas trust me I'm going as fast as I can I don't want to go any slower and you've done it that took way too long that mini cyber truck is fast bro just hop in I'm sorry I beat you so bad open the back putting my cyber truck inside my cyber truck oh yeah there we go it's a perfect fit it's like a little baby cyber truck versus a real truck who do we think is going to win oh they're going oh cyber truck is destroying well never mind it's heavy and fast I don't have to say anything honestly I don't even see him in my side mirr right now cyber truck or super car they said the Cyber truck can beat a Porsche so we got one yo after that truck I think I could take Nathan [Music] honestly no no no yo honestly that was pretty close oh yeah are you good bro your face that was fast bro that was real fast that was fast oh my gosh dude I'm like lightheaded I went so fast my hat flew up oh yeah you got dusted for those that don't know they raced a Porsche in the Cyber truck commercial and the Cyber truck one not the case not the case now we're going to see if the Cyber truck is good at doing everyday things like getting food and groceries and maybe a car wash yeah d [Music] hey you put gas in it yet I'm trying to find the hall it's electric you idiot oh just get some doublea's go get some doublea's time to get some food you can have a name James Derek Derek I'll put Derek it's my last day too so hey it's his last day oh really it's going to be your best day can I get two number ones can I get two spicy chicken sandwiches told be [Music] 3840 I'm hungry bro they're like freaking out in there it's like they've never seen a cyber truck before what is this that's the new Cyber truck oh thanks oh got our food hey there's a supercharger here we can charge and eat at the same time yo I'm going to go plug it in I've never done this before all right charging the Cyber truck while we're eating well here it goes yeah give it some juice bro you look out of this world you do too dude te is crazy this thing is getting so much attention y yo look at they're all coming out of Chick-fil-A right now look at my gosh look bro we're getting raided dude we got a whole mob of people out here checking out the car it's what we're wearing too yeah we're also like drawing a lot of attention but like it's all good wait a minute it's my normal outfit yo you're eating my fries here we go going to eat some food charge the Cyber truck and um so far everything is great we can't even get to 100% on a normal charger it takes 3 hours and 15 minutes from 63% to get to 90 that's crazy to be fair we are at a slow charger but still 3 [Music] hours he lost it he lost it now we're going to take the cyber truck through a car wash nothing should go wrong right it's electric right yeah we should be fun electricity water that might be a problem we'll see we'll see all right go ahead here we go oh future doing the underc carriage wait that's where the batteries are oh not the windshield wiper yo do it again it's freaking huge it's so fast dude that's the best windshield wiper I've ever seen in my life oh oh yeah look at that yeah buddy yeah buddy look at that woo oh going over the top oh give the soap the purple soap oh myv I just want to say the car is still on it's still operating we're not being uh electrocuted or anything crazy oh I got you oh it's time to dry go forward you think something will rip off dude this thing's bulletproof it can handle some wind oh I forgot about the bulletproof let it dry you're going too fast oh I'm barely touching the gas pedal oh the electric pedal well we did it boys great success still alive let's go to Walmart and get some fruit [Music] snacks time to get some snacks well they here for the fruit blocks oh there they are yeah that's what I'm talking about got us some fruit blocks well don't buy them all cuz then they can't buy them I'll leave [Music] one it's unable y'all boys want anything else juice blocks all right there it is we got the juice blocks and that's all we need you guys can get your fruit blocks and your juice blocks at every single Walmart get them because fruit blocks is a part of the future all right boys back to the Cyber truck cyber truck is perfect for dropping your kids off at practice ain't that right buddy yeah it is all right you have fun thanks Dad I'll see you in a few hours don't get [Applause] hurt we're playing video games on the cybertruck waiting for James I'm playing Fallout right now I'm trying to make the biggest bunker ever dude Bunker's not looking too bad dude oh wait hold on [Music] oh my gosh dude this has like surround sound yeah yo look we just pulled up YouTube and look who it is unspeakable Studios look at this dude yeah camping with the Cyber truck and all our camping utensils are stainless steel just like the Cyber truck oh also we have a tent in the back of the Cyber truck dude talk about room for activ ities look how tall this thing is bro that's going to blow up we should tell spooky must stories around the campfire is it raining it's starting to rain it's raining I can't really tell I'm in the future I got to make sure the Fire doesn't go out it doesn't rain in the future does it ah bro you almost caught my headset on fire I'm just going to go in the tent yeah now that's a fire oh oh what happened a bug breach so how we going to cook dinner if it's raining on the fire what is that don't like bugs time to make some food in the future here comes the pork tenderloin what my headset 3D experience still stupid in the future yep that should be good look at that triangle formation dang dude you got the spinner that was a helicopter dude it's hot can you put mine on there there you go dude something about the way that Lizzy dangles are you good I got singed why did the Cyber tralk not go into security mode Ethan why don't you give it a try oh my nice nice and toasty oh oh yeah that's pretty good I would say we can successfully cook food on the Cyber truck camp that should be good that should be good that should be good should we put the lid on you boys want some coffee not good coffee I didn't filter it cuz I'm a man we have this toaster hooked up to the back of the Cyber truck and it is currently toasting and a microwave is currently microwaving the Wilderness must be explored oh my gosh wao that was one marshmallow it's going to be hot so be careful yo you have to try this okay yeah we just invented it you don't like it on the other hand it's popcorning yall hear that hey the marshmallows are almost done let's see if our popcorn is popcorn shall we oh oh dude look at that we made freaking popcorn on the fire door won't open yeah boys the marshmallows are done yeah boy put some chocolate on that [Music] school to my mouth here comes the Cyber truck cyber truck bro what are you doing I'm playing video games we're having a great family time eating s'mores but you're going to play video games okay ready I'm Spider-Man now wait you got something on your face can you turn it down I can't hear you turn it down game over I died yo that scared me so bad bro bro he looks like a zombie did you see can you see him you want to try the small hit him with your web brother it stuck but you webbed yourself oh my God you're he got the neck W that was close I been w the beans will be done cooking in 5 minutes it's unfair I can't shoot my web all the time oh my God bro what you do to the fire I must have hit it with my web what are you why not oh my I'm going to bed you can 100% very comfortably camp with a cyber truck I got wings no no I don't really want any and as long as you have Elon next to your side there's nothing we can't do I declare him as leader bring a hand to everyone you got to use your hand guys we praise Elon and we thank him for making such an incredible vehicle that we can travel the world explore and make memories [Music] come thanks Elon
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 564,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: s3JdpYZzxkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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