Breaking Bad With Commentary Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot | With All The Main Cast

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I'm Vince Gilligan I'm the creator of Breaking Bad and I wrote and directed The Pilot yeah you did you're watching and I'm here with the world's largest uh assembled crew of uh right there let's start with that that's fantastic amazing that's a great job how did they do that this is all digital oh okay no no we just we threw it over and over again until we got it right I'm here with a big cast of uh folks I'm going to introduce them to you now I'm here first and foremost with Mr Brian Cranston hello Brian Cranston yeah for uh best actor in a prime time drama one month ago today yeah [Applause] Walter White and he is accompanied here by the lovely Anna Gunn hello I'm Anna Gunn and I play Skyler white Anna Gunn why we're all doing voices gone commentary voice that's very sexy very good and then uh Mr Aaron Paul hi uh I'm Aaron Paul and I play Jesse Pinkman it's a good voice equally lovely uh Dean Norris hi I'm uh Dean Norris I play Hank Schrader and I wrote and directed all of the other seven episodes that was funny the first time keep telling yourself that blame that on the freaking time and now uh uh as this party couldn't get any bigger uh we have uh uh 800 miles away from us as we speak uh through the wonders of Technology uh that's working kind of 50 50 so far we are uh joined by uh the the lovely uh Betsy Brandt Albuquerque New Mexico hi I'm Betsy brand I play Marie I'm playing Marie today today I will be playing the role of Marie a saying the role and then yeah and then the RJ Minnie yes well not last but not least as far as the actor that was last so hi I'm RJ Mindy and I play Walter White Jr certainly certainly not least and the youngest member of our cast uh by far Good Time by far and now also we have here Lynn Willingham uh who along with Brian one and Emmy a month ago yeah she edited this episode and and won the Emmy forward did a hell of a job fine example in this first scene right here thank you so much um hi I'm Lynn and I am the editor and I just would like to also say that Vince was nominated for directing this incredibly fabulous episode and I don't think he said that he did yeah and it was robbed I mean I just say robbed thank you and our fourth fourth nominee was John Toll who was a cinematographer for the for the pilot yes who shot who I gotta tell you when we yeah John tole is the only living cinematographer to win two Oscars back to back he won for 1994 for uh Legends of the Fall and then in 95 he won for Braveheart and only one other cinematographer in the history of the movie business has ever done that fellow who's long deceased wasn't he nominated okay that's what Google doesn't matter he's dead yeah John told him it's so good it's like having a backyard you know pickup basketball game and expecting Michael Jordan to come play with you but uh look at how pretty that is different colors beautiful well what happened oh okay but John Tull said yes and thank you John if you're listening for saying yes and shooting our pilot making it all look so good who wrote the music to this Dave Porter thank you Dave is our composer a wonderfully talented guy who studied under Philip Glass yeah there's me yeah Philip Glass uh trained him and he's a he and a fellow named Thomas Goliath who is our music supervisor uh Dave composes the original music and Thomas golubik uh comes up with these songs that we use for instance in meth cooking montages and whatnot he found Car Wash and he's got everything yes exactly and he does a wonderful job is this the unedited version is this the original version this should be the unedited with it with all the hand jobs gonna be in there oh yeah hello what's a pilot without a [ __ ] might be a good time to put all the kitties to bed yeah here's the one that counts by the way you'll notice the big in in Dean's name all these credits have uh I'm probably stating the obvious here sure chemical elements uh we and so far we haven't come upon a name yet that doesn't have a chemical element somewhere yeah so far so far so good Betsy be is what beryllium I don't know yeah and breaking baddies of the story about his almost winning the Nobel Prize are we going to come back to that more you know that's a good life lost that a bit but you know we got a little bit in episode six coming up in season two we're going to learn a little more about that but that's a ways off for the folks listening to this or maybe it's not believe me it's no effort at all the lovely Anna gun of course and the lovely RG movie early and then you get to be the first person in the shower I have an idea hello buy a new hot water heater how's that idea for the million Rebellion time I think it's getting better what the hell is this hey veggie bacon we're watching our cholesterol I guess not me uh I want real bacon no none of this fake crap too bad eat it this smells like Band-Aids Heat it so how's it going to be on how does it feel to be a smart ass good this guy this good man who is a straight arrow and loves his family and cares very much about them uh uh you know deciding to become a criminal was very intriguing to me and I never thought it would actually be made as a television show but sure enough uh AMC thank goodness for them and Sony allowed us to make this show and and here we are listening to it yeah I'm fine all right see you at home okay chemistry it is the study of what anyone Ben we are here in a real high school this is Rio Rancho High School in Albuquerque New Mexico our show was shot in Albuquerque and story wise takes place there well technically who talk about the guy who was helping you out today uh Brian the the fellow who used to be in the Air Force and he's the chemistry teacher here at Rio Rancho yeah he was he was the chemistry well the head of the chemistry uh science department there at Rio Rancho and and you know you get a little quick demonstration of how these things work and and I thought this is a great idea and it's very visual to to spray some chemicals in there and show how it changes everything so that's what we eventually went with you could we could have done a a bunch of different things but nothing quite as visual as this yeah this wasn't in the script at all I think the this this gentleman um like an idiot I'm drawing a blank in his name right now but this is his classroom we're in I believe in in real life yeah and it was his idea to spray the different things was he nearly was he nearly excited as excited about chemistry as Walt he was yeah he's a you know he was uh he was he was uh he was sort of no offense to well I'm not saying this but Brian I'm saying about the character he was much cooler than the character of wall as far as I know he doesn't cook crystals that is yeah that's true my heart goes out to the teachers boy they they go through so much and you know poor Walt white is faced with years of apathetic students and you could really lose your interest in your in your subject quickly so you have to have a real sense of stick-to-itiveness there's always a challenge in class there's always one Shea creepers actually the actor they have to put up with all the teenagers like me that's right that's right yes are you are you Chad RJ no I was Chad and you're you're irregular kid yes I'm good I just want to get all the scores done to be so I I shut up and do it RJ said he wouldn't have dragged his chair across to see the girl in the back because you just turn around she's only one seat back so you didn't mean I'm like that so I can I can make her come to me and they interviewed me from Australia and they were they were shocked they said do do teachers do they really have to work a second job in America and uh they were just shocked at the and I said well they're you know often Public School teachers not paid well at all and they said but really you would have to have a second job to support yourself and I said oftentimes I think that's the case so it's true in her and their system in that in that country that was seemed to be an unheard of thing and I saw it ought to be here my mom was a former oh I've seen his pain my mom was a teacher and she had second jobs and my girlfriend was a teacher and same thing with her yeah I like this little bit it's such a little moment but it's sort of capsulizes his life where he tries to put the the sign away and the and even the glove box doesn't close you know it's just like oh God and this this glove box you I was riding in the back seat and the cameraman was in the back seat and John Toll was in I was I was in the trunk actually and you figured out how to make the thing not not stay closed with a piece of gaffer's tape or something yeah just put something in its way yeah here's of course uh lovely Anna and lovely and wine in a box I knew we needed that wine in a box and look at how the ribbon is strategically placed so you don't see the name of the wine purpose whatever a clever oh genius meeting Carmen for the first time yeah it's Carmen oh yeah there's a man Glock 22. yeah Glock 22. I just want to say that there's a little bit coming up where I do the bullet every time I got that right is that right Vince that is correct every time you caught it there it comes boom caught it in your hand we didn't cut away because he didn't catch it in the light it just it just seemed like a good cutting point we didn't use CG to make it look like he caught it right is the only thing he did right there he is limp again and I know Brian you're going to take credit for me grabbing this beer Saddam Hussein [Laughter] exiled in uh I I have a very eclectic group of friends you know Saddam Hussein nuclear research you know you're running a new program in the 80s and Brian gave me this Phil Castro you gotta look carefully to take to take the beer out of his hand which was a great little bit bit of uh directing around his part I must say I was at uh that's Brian's idea I was drunk I actually uh was just thinking it he verbalized it so it kind of stole my thoughts [Laughter] it's the kind of guy you get to be win the Emmy you gotta be kind of that's the hand holding the mic is the hand of Melissa Bernstein who's our one of our producers very talented hand and where her other hand is but it was holding something else wow you know her parents might watch this Christine they were watching at the time [Laughter] some fun stuff there Dino finger uh which which you know if we're doing it now I don't think they'd let us do it we wouldn't be able to do that no they let us get away with it then it says weirdly uh this season coming up yeah I shouldn't I know you should say something I think yeah it's like this season coming up we can't say as many bad words as last season oh why not people are actually watching AMC now let's read it so whichever they should be which is because personally the greatest channel on TV that and TCM but uh AFC you know thank God they're right a check to me every week birthday boy this scene is not uh we we showed this the first couple times uh uh on the air and then we had to cut it believe it or not because it was a little a little too racy really I didn't know that yeah wow ready see if you watch before 10 p.m they can't show it took her a while to find it I was really surprised that she yeah yeah wow wow you know I feel bad we were shooting this scene in a warehouse in Albuquerque in an industrial park and there were so many workers in that's really uncomfortable and I wound up kicking everybody out at this point and it wasn't because everybody was watching I don't care about the you know the the actors feelings or anything like that but uh but uh there with this building was creaking there was all these sounds and I thought it was the crew walking around after they were told to be quiet you know while we were shooting because this is a two minute two minute plus scene and I kept hearing creaking noises I thought it was squeaky footsteps and I said ah God damn it I kicked everybody out and then everyone was gone except for the actors and the camera crew and me and everyone else is standing out in the hot sun and 100 people and then all of a sudden I'm still hearing this creaking and then we realized it was like birds up in the rafters or something and then I felt real bad I thought you were going to say it kicked all the birds yeah I got the pellet guns I forgot about that what's going on there what were you actually doing what were you doing I say what's going on down there exactly what were you struggling let me just say that she's a method actor you're just going for it she doesn't fake anything that's right baby actually this was tough when we did I remember the audience when I have to shoot you yeah yeah it's one single shot it's amazing yeah they were worried that we we got coverage on this coverage meaning we got different camera angles on this scene for safety uh in this case we got a raking angle three-quarter view on on Anna's face from the from the right side and then the matching from the left side on on Walt on on Brian but I'm very thankful that we never had to use it because he's got and the only reason is because these actors are so good it's not because it's particularly interesting camera angle or anything or the editor was taking a break there was a lot of uh yeah this girl by the way is a great stripper what no no no no no she couldn't even drive we hired her and then we realized I think she was 17 but she didn't have a driver's license coordinator is actually right now yeah he's right we cut it out but we had her drive away and we cut it out of the scene but he's actually doing it's a it's a standard shift car and he was shifting he was actually driving it and she was just sitting um this here was out in the desert in a in a stationary paramedic ambulance and Anna you know this young man here I uh I do indeed I uh grew up in Santa Fe New Mexico and I went to high school with Chris Dempsey who plays our EMT drop me off man and he returned he came back for the second season yeah he did it's not why he got the job will you oh yes it is okay maybe it was come on but we did this in Poor Man's process the the the uh ambulance is not actually moving there are stagehands uh outside actually just shaking the bumpers to make it appear yeah and this was shout out to hajjali in the the Red Rock Desert you see at the beginning and end of the pilot this was uh an hour an hour we had where we weren't shooting Red Rocks or it was the sun had gone down those were lights pumping in through the back artificial lights and this MRI machine which are wonderful it is Rob Wilson King who is he should be doing one of these next season he is a character and a half but he built this for us it's all it is is a piece of fiberglass wood I love how it slides up with that next shot yeah let me just say uh this is my favorite acting out of the whole uh first season right here coming up right here I was here I watched this off screen I loved it on Brian's part are you talking about the guy's mouth talking about him Brian's room on the stain this this is a wonderful moment where where Walt finds out he's dying of cancer and Brian just as usual kick the crap out of it uh I mean that's that's a technical term that means that's a good thing and a fine a bit of writing that uh you know to have it focused on such an important moment yeah I was proud of this when I wrote it because it was like because I was like how do you do a scene where someone finds out they're dying of cancer and don't do it in a way that I've seen it before and yeah I like the mustard bit beautiful but he played the hell out of it here and this actor who played his oncologist did a very nice job too is a local uh Albuquerque actor yeah and um this office is actually a house and a neighborhood on a cul-de-sac it's the same cul-de-sac it's next door to the house that crazy eight you'll see later in the pilot lives in the scene with the dog where he's training the dog the killer dog that was all in one day of shooting now we're in the white residence this here by the way every time you see the interior of the White House this is a stage set here it was shot in that creepy Warehouse I was telling you about this uh season one after the pilot we got an honest to God Sound Stage to build this on but this is all you walk out the door there and there's just nothing but plywood behind this place here and I like how the blue bottle matches Anna your blue yes yes thank you and it matches and matches my mood it's blue okay let's start singing now yeah I like that line you know that one credit card that's the one we don't use yeah don't you know that what I like here too I remember you guys came to me and and I was ready to move on after the first take and you and Anna and and Brian both came in and they said the first take you got Brian was acting more overtly unhappy and both Anna and Brian said to me you know Skyler would notice that and they were absolutely right we got it again and that the redo was the one you saw there and you know director everyone the Altura theory is is uh really took hold in the 50s and you know the French new wave and all that about about that the director is responsible for everything that's complete [ __ ] anyone and anyone who says it is is just taking credit for stuff he shouldn't be taken the director's important job as is he acting as his production design as is he editing as his average the writing dance are you here to work you don't have anything without everybody who's responsible look at those eyebrows hair is like ready ready for me to shut up so I can talk about the eyebrows yeah but look at those eyebrows I love this theme here isn't this great she's a wonderful gentleman named Marius who is from yes there you go yeah and you changed the line remember to attach to him what was the original the original line was uh [ __ ] you and [ __ ] uh [ __ ] yourself or something [ __ ] your eyebrows we did not glue those on those are really brilliant good job scene right here though right look at this yes a single light here this is right as the sun is about to set beautiful beautiful shot we're a runner for our lives Brian's great again here man yeah that's just that sets the mood did it in one take I barely said anything to him he just sat down and just did it and then uh was the matches in the script or did you pick do you do that right look man I think the matches were in the script yeah or or maybe it was something else they weren't lit this way the way I lit those matches it's genius one thing I should say that Marius back the eyebrow man back in the lesson he is uh he's met he had never acted before he is a rocket scientist he's a he is Los Alamos signed not rocket but a physical uh materials physicists not rocket science but he's a Material Sciences physicist something like that at Los Alamos National Laboratory where they where they invented the atomic bomb 50 60 years ago so he wasn't there then though uh correct me if I'm wrong very first shot of the day of the entire first day right there right there first shot of the first stage of the pilot of everything of everything right there first scene here we shot yeah so you go with your varsity on the first day you know what I'm saying yeah and Michael Quezada yeah plays Gomez actor from Albuquerque a real talent he's also a stand-up comedian and it does a wonderful he's still like an old married couple these two guys yeah and he's become a good buddy of mine by the way yeah you guys play golf together we do yes I kick his butt on a regular basis I'm sure that's what you're just saying dash of chili powder I love the different colored vest here right that was a great great piece it's a vest Walt is wearing I love how it doesn't fit them I know and that he's got his seat belt on it well he doesn't yeah exactly that's exactly right yes we were talking back and forth originally and Vince gave us the direction to never ever take our eyes off the house and that's why we played it that way yeah the school bus we did not have enough money to put people in the school bus to put kids in the school bus Alyssa was on it wasn't she Melissa our producer yeah and the only reason there's a couple stuntmen on this shot is because it was a it was an insurance thing for the drive up but these mostly are DEA agents here in real life they're Albuquerque DEA including the woman there who was driving just saying she's a real DEA agent this is really what they do there was a wonderful guy was it Brian was a and Dean was at Leroy yeah yeah Leroy yeah Leroy is a DEA agent he's also in their hostage I'm getting all the terminology wrong forgive me but he is a SWAT guy and he is the real deal and he was here wonderful gentleman and made sure everything here was accurate including the break-in coming up here see I love this part right here who's responsible for creating this whole look here Rob Wilson King our production designer did a lot of research amazing I'm sure he did do a lot of research Dennis Peterson our wonderful special effects guy blew the door here with one tiny squib that is a real thing by the way it's a breaching shotgun and a music to his personal breaching shotgun really yeah they use what do they use bean bags ah I just said I'd love how when when the door blows open and then the music comes it's just it's very exhilarating I'd like to play a DEA agent I was just like I just I would just like to blow down next season and Marie both are undercover it will be undercover um will ride the bus if you need kids on the bus we'll be DEA agents no I want to be I want to be um I give credit to Susan Goldberg and I came up with that line why are you here on the phone I was in Santa Fe and we had trouble because we because we realized the name was not fitting oh you had the joke yes about being a [ __ ] yes and it didn't fit because that's because his name was John koyama yes John koyama who plays a mailer who just got busted is a stunt man did a great job now here's my favorite uh scene right now I'm sure the ball's entrance guy by the way did a hell of a job and that really startled me yeah watch this I'm like who the hell is that's not really Aaron no bang here comes the other special effects this is Linda did a great job she did a great job by the way I wish the camera could have panned around and shown all the grips lined up for that shot everybody was on hand for that yeah everybody was just staring paid no attention any other saying we did and then all of a sudden they started migrating they had read the call sheet they knew what was coming Aaron Paul was on fire and they're all watching display today that's Aaron Paul's favorite part [Laughter] I love it this is a this was the last scene this this yes that shot you just saw was the very last shot down of the pilot the very last and then we all went and got drinks at a we had a little wrap party which was very pleasant I wasn't invited uh Dan was of course not everybody we want to have some alcohol left for the other people easy Anna Tennessee to yourself they only invited me for an hour it was an easy drive time for you to go oh yeah and Anna can't drink because she's not really pregnant thanks for mentioning yeah we should probably mention uh Anna's uh played now for two seasons with a giant silicone pregnancy that's correct she's really unhappy with me I think it's sweaty and smelly too it smells like rubber well but like bread right or something bread you know when um freshly baked bread it smells like rubber okay rubber it smells like burning rubber and you kicked the hell out of this scene that's another technical term yeah he uh Brian kicks the crap Aaron kicks the hell Hannah kicks his [ __ ] and just plays with himself true that's funny because it's true I was your partner today what's his name Emilio Emilio this this is a great scene I got all confused here with the Angles and this John the great John Toll helped me here as did our our uh a wonderful uh uh Judy our our script supervisor who does a good script supervisor job is to keep you straight keep continuity working properly you don't want to drink in the guy's left hand and cut to another shot and it's in his right hand that's continuity but then also you can confuse the Audience by switching sides and I'm not going to get into a technical discussion of that because you can confuse the others and when did you switch sides Vince recently oh well that no you know I learned when I was six and I no no anyway traded um scenes or Parks that's what you call these days Parts you lose oh yeah I played this I played his role and he played my role yeah oh there's my car what the hell is this there's look at you there's a beautiful Betsy and a beautiful Anna this is the scene was uh they got us a couple hot wives didn't they Brian yeah oh you guys are awesome actually you all got the height going too y'all could have been like female basketball players both of you that would have been weird it makes me feel good when we're shot together too and Betsy's towering over me I love that and especially when they put me in high heels yeah that's great thanks Vince it's good it's good this is things got to work another great moment when Betsy says if you want me to give you some advice sometime no no no yeah Oh no you're never gonna get anywhere in this you can take you through the system it's so good this this scene was hard as Lynn talk about how hard this thing was to cut because of uh oh the the wrapping the wrapping paper the tape and the wrapping paper were making all this crinkling noises you guys were talking oh yeah and it was um how it should cut basically it wasn't it was hard to balance out but I think the sound guys um Nick and you know and then Jeffrey and Eric uh dialogue mixer who won an Oscar for uh uh we have a great post-production sound team uh we had great production sound too I guess I answered that [Music] wonderful music wonderful song called mango walk again Thomas Goliath found that for us this is the real high school because uh we wouldn't have the money to build that's good to Jamaica this this is a real high school it looks more like a junior like a community college but this is Rio Rancho High School which is the only public high school in the country built by private funds Intel paid for it apparently really big employer in Albuquerque they make chips yeah they create a Rio Rancho basically they did they did the whole city the whole set's exactly right yeah I live by it and it's like four or five blocks I like your bird bath Aaron you're right it's a big thank you so much it's a beer bath yeah you know what that's code for [Music] I love the interplay between these two guys in this thing they were just yeah this is great this is funny that flask harder as hell to find that really is a whatever he says in a 500 milliliter whatever the hell boiling files bottom boiling yeah that must have been fun saying that word and you can see how it changes cloudiness from shot to shot here right there it had to be sprayed with dull coats so you wouldn't see the crew oh and the reflection yeah General mixing and titration you wouldn't apply heat tool volume uh speaking of uh speaking of chemistry did uh Brian can you talk about uh what you had to do to to learn a little uh um chemistry knowledge for this uh part I didn't do anything I refuse no I uh cooking no it was very intimidating because the last chemistry class that I had was was in high school so I called our uh production office and they set me up with a with a professor actually the head of the the chemistry department at USC and I shattered him for a couple days and talk about intimidating I mean the the nomenclature alone is enough to drive you crazy but um and just getting used to the the handling and the names of certain things and and how they approached the job and how technical it is it's so different from acting because it is purely science it's one plus one it's it's exact and uh so I actually find it uh very comforting to do the the classroom scenes because there is that exactness to deal with and for the character Walt finds comfort and and feels at home in those scenes uh as opposed to when he's out cooking meth and Trent you know trancing around with with Jesse that he's he's completely out of his element I love this what this is actually Aaron this is this is one of my favorite moments with you in this scene I don't know why I just I just love this moment here when you I don't know you remember anything from this day Aaron Aaron uh hello I can't remember anything this is where he says yeah we're not gonna smoke it up here right yeah dude smoking up smoking yeah I really enjoy seeing Jessie's aha moments on a show like that the RV moment in the cow house moment this is the first scene that you and I were in this this scene this is another aha moment but this is my favorite right here coming this is my personal favorite Aaron Paul coming up in a yeah oh the uh what are you crazy yeah I love that and of course this is an iconic moment right here coming up with Brian Brian I gotta tell you John told didn't want to frame it like this I was like I said John I want the I want the top of the mountain to cut through the middle of Brian's head like an arrow and he was like that's [ __ ] and he goes and gets nominated what is the academy thinking that son of a [ __ ] now he's he's a I gotta tell you if you ever get a chance uh listening there you do your own TV show and you get a chance to work with John Tull you count yourself lucky wasn't he nominated seriously I don't still don't know why you said he has to shoot this thing and it's great Brian executed my notes perfectly here on this on this phone did I yeah I mean I can't take credit for it you did it but if you're crazy what do you like 60 yeah that's a good bastard right here I am awake that is a great moment but right here too yeah yeah what perfect time hey Vince Johnson the gold fist I'm sorry yeah I was just gonna say gentle told me on the bus when we were going out to dinner during the pilot that um really that he wanted to just work with you that's why he shot this he's a girl has he done another TV show he's you know he's off winning Oscars and he he won two and wasn't he nominated for a third one I'm sure he's been nominated again and and like Glenn said early on he got nominated for cinematography for this pilot he we he lost to uh his loss to uh Mad Men which is a wonderful show on her on her network AMC our sister show kind of hanging Chads I think we don't vote RJ this might be a good opportunity to talk about yes about your work with the crutches because I think you do a wonderful job with this good point yeah they're actually higher than it was but well I was going to say this was the first day I ever worked on set right here I was right here I was so freaking scared yeah is this is this great you wouldn't know it in your improved list and you did you add something I um yeah I look like a skater yes yes he did he did improv that whole bit well both of you guys you came up with that together it was not you and Anna and you and you and RG yeah now in real life you don't use those cars I don't but they're they're really hard it's like are they yeah um I've been to the day my back is killing me oh yeah you know what we need to get you oh [ __ ] we need to get to taller crutches you're growing like a weed man yeah it's not as good looking for the show though yes that's true I can adjust the crutches but yeah they're actually okay they're actually really hard mama's gonna go kick some ass yeah she is what this is great I love this right here boom and he did bro yeah he stood right on his leg Yeah and he ran the hole kicked your ass after this evening there was a steel sleeve and under the guys so Brian could put his whole weight on it you and him work together in the wrong way oh my God that's crazy we did an episode of Malcolm in the Middle except he was like half the size yeah he was like a little kid yeah he's all beefed up now he got drafted for the in the NFL after this yeah Ray's a big guy did you beat him up I'm gonna bring him from Los Angeles right because there were no really tall actors guys in Albuquerque but uh but now we uh one that could really play the part well we had to bring them in from LA we're back in this is tahaja Lee which is an Indian Reservation about 40 miles west of Albuquerque right in the edge of what they call the Zone I passed this actually a week ago I was going fishing with my cousins and we passed this yeah nothing but cows got some big cow house way out that way like two months where they live the cows the cows and now wall sinking what have I got in myself a little music because the fans are about to see a little sugar wow [Music] wow before before Brian was an actor he was a stripper yeah he takes it off at Annie just is he looking so good oh look at that there's a middle-aged pump now I gotta say Brian you were you were a trooper by the way also on top of everything else it was like 40 degrees my nipples are hard that's how you can tell I was gonna say your nipples look really hard I thought that's because it was a cut glass with those nipples you evolved not only color wise but Weight Wise through this whole series because you started heavier and then yeah I weigh at this doing a new pilot I weighed 186 pounds because uh Walt was he went to seed I mean he's a guy who carries the weight of regret on his shoulders for many many years and missed opportunities and he imploded in his life and uh became kind of invisible to himself in society so I thought that he should be a little heavier and just that and the same with the tighty whities was also an other thing that I had issue with at first because it was uh I did that on Malcolm in the Middle and I thought I don't know if it's appropriate to replay that I hate to comment over because this is such a great editing [Music] and can I just say I didn't cut this Kelly Dixon my assistant cut this Montage yeah I know now she's our second editor it's kind of a signature look of our show yeah and yet you got the Emmy strange it is strange I'm trying not to tell too many people that I did cut the other you know how many minutes of it yes you let her take a picture with your Emmy right is that all editing events or do you guys do something with the camera to make those questions the flashes of white and the pop-ins uh on the Avid the editing machine that Kelly and Lynn and Kelly use so you can you can zoom in zoom out a little bit and uh those are all added by the editor no I by the way that that Montage sequence I don't know what the hell I was doing we just shot little bits and pieces the editor uh Lynn and Kelly really made it because we've seen it again and again throughout the season it's beautiful I I just I I when we got to that I was scared because I was like I don't know really what to do with this and we just shot pieces and really the magic of editing made it work it was so uh impactful for the show that um when when I was directing the first episode of the second season and well that when there was a part of we're making uh we're making the rycin yes uh oh don't give it away oh no no no no we're making rice but uh I had this in mind I thought I I talked to Lena I said you know what you did in the in the pilot it was just brilliant and I think it came out really well yes yeah they kicked the crap out of these uh that's another technical that's an actual crystal meth right there yes that is actual crystal meth and man it's good it's a Japanese packing material I forget the name of it it's no I also got I swear to God it's like a silicone rubber would you like it smells good you got Bad Dudes there you go this is a dog name and this is Max maxarcinega who's uh who's a wonderful wonderful guy and became tight friends with uh Mr Aaron Paul yeah good friends and that's Aaron who posed for that poster over there that's what happens when he takes his shirt off Aaron Rick scared of the dog and wasn't that dog just like the sweetest little dog coax it to just attack her sweet dog yeah we added all the growling it had to be added in a whole different dog who did that growling Melissa who's on the bus yeah Max actually just came out to New Mexico and hung out for like four days oh yeah yeah he's a good guy did the lines about the German Shepherd remember that it was original Lions wasn't going back to Hitler's dogs yeah no yeah there's a whole speech yeah oh [ __ ] we should add that to the DVD extras because that was that was a whole bit we just had a cut for time this this thing when we first our first cut was 58 minutes it needed to be no it was a horrible performance for me well yeah we cut around that that's true yes we did we know the only reason that the DVD extra I'm gonna make my own DVD actually that one is that one's already in but we cut a lot of great stuff that all of you guys did we tried to share the pain because uh because it was great stuff every actor here did that we had to cut for time because procrustian bed of television as Harlan Allison once playing nomenclature can't be too long those are real tattoos are those real very yeah yeah those are all real and we had to get a sign off from the guy who Inked him you got to get the copyright or you got to get this okay to use them on camera oh really yeah with tattoos yeah any tattoos apparently you know I worked with him uh about three weeks earlier on Gray's Anatomy before we did this oh that's cool John clown was he doing stunts or was he active yeah he was playing any uh like an EMT kind of guy that's cool and Max is like the sweetest guy in the world and and he's such a great bad guy because he looks menacing he does saying I said I saw Max and he the nicest guy ever I saw him in L.A for a party a while back oh yeah you can't come back as a ghost he could come back as a ghost well and by the way you know this is a perfect segue to say that the top of season one he is in the first two episodes and that is strictly because he's such a prince of a guy because in my mind he dies here in the pilot at the end of the pilot but uh everyone uh like Betsy just did everyone came up to me and said and the crew too kept saying we love Max we love Max can you bring him back and I was like he's dead for Christ and and then we thought you know what the hell maybe he didn't die and and it led to yeah a lovely usually we'll use that word but I mean I love those first two episodes of season one and it's it all came about because we wanted to bring back an actor who was who was technically dead you're brilliant Max well done well done Max we love you that's the magic of television I say we kept them both you really cook up that batch you're an artist it's a damn shame wait wait a minute listen to me oh so the actors talk a little bit about your characters about did you understand who these characters were when you first played them in the pilot have you grown to understand them more since have you grown to understand different things about them I understood Hank before I opened the first pitch it's true I understood Hank when I saw you in the waiting room to audition you guys saw each other you got the credit uh I have to credit Betsy with I'm like is this is this funny no I asked you I said I think this is funny you're doing this is funny right because I think it's supposed to be funny yeah is it funny yeah I think so it's like good because that's what I'm reassured me that it could be so really when you read it you didn't know it was supposed to be comedic well I mean at least I did but you know you know strange things happen you know you get in there and someone's like what the [ __ ] you doing this is very serious you know it is a different kind of show isn't it because we have we'll have a very dark moment one second and we'll have a light or comedy the mix and my audition scene was completely left out of the pilot and it was it was really funny stuff that you had written it was a whole when he's in the restaurant talking about racist stuff yeah that was amazing that was you know why that was a version that was a scene I wrote uh rewrote for uh FX this show originally was created for the FX Network I wrote the pilot for them under contract of them and I appreciate I will always be thankful to them forevermore they they passed on the show they did another show instead and it made perfect sense to me at the time why they would do the other show but uh and I'm not just saying that now that they've made a decision that made perfect sense at the time and they but they are thankful to them they let our show go to AMC and that was that was big of them it was uh they were mentioned to do that and I appreciate it um because sometimes the show just works as soon as it's meant for a certain time and place certain Network and great moment yeah that was a great moment this is great that was a good one well it's red phosphorus when meeting a heating element such as hot water for this is flossing gas how do those bull holes happen we did that's uh Dennis um Peterson Peterson who who you know it just went over and over and said your head cannot be higher than this one because I can't see you so you I have to trust you no way wow yeah that's it I said no I'm flying out um [Laughter] it looks like I'm really sweaty but they had to put this by law they had to put this uh anti- fire retardant kind of thing all over my body because I was going to be right up in the Flames so that's what that is that's that shiny gel right now you ask them and you notice you wanted your oil it's Friday oils that's Fridays yeah that's Brian all day nice driving this is a really good show yeah I wish everybody would shut up so I can watch it this shot here this was a big deal getting this shot here of the of the bodies going back and forth this was done on a sound stage and we had all our grips everybody we could enlist to to ratchet the the set up and down to make everybody slide right there and they're on cables yeah which we had to digitally uh Lynn had to digitally erase the cables personally do it no right but uh there's that shot yeah John told John told kept yelling at me about that one you don't want that [ __ ] shot oh really and the more we talk about it the less I'm impressed with Johnson that's really no you know I I shouldn't say it like that John tole executed that shot in a way I don't think anyone else could have because I all I all I knew was I want that shot and John told was like oh Christ don't make me do that and he figured out a way to do it that was brilliant I don't even know how he did it yeah I wasn't there that day I was drunk again I love the face and the rock yeah oh wow don't do it don't do it oh you idiot thank you ah nothing will cooperate wait this is good this is great safety perfect time and again that was a squib a little electrically detonated squib that makes the ground and the foreground blow up yeah same as with the bullet holes we were joking earlier bullet holes for the RV door and so Brian had to pull the trigger and Dennis had to set the explosion off right at the same second and Brian did you pick those shoes and the socks no just his the wallabies I had them in my wardrobe I thought he borrowed those from you Dean it was uh all in the script about the tighty whities and well no you know what uh thank you for mentioning Kathleen to Toro our wonderful costume designer uh it was her idea to use the wallabies I didn't yeah that was her that was all her very signature she makes everybody look the way that she picks these colors color palette yeah I don't like my color palette by the way I don't even have one orange yeah I think we are moving into Brown whoa they're not after me oh those trucks we only had this is hard to even explain that was a complete fake out that last cut the second truck it looks like three trucks it's only two that's the magic of editing the middle truck is actually the catering truck which happened to be yellow because we only had two fire engines yeah one fire engine showed up one day and then I got sick and I and we lost some days and they had to and the and the fire to Bernalillo fire department said screw you we're not bringing our fire truck back another day you're out of your [ __ ] out of luck so we got another fire truck and then we got the catering truck and through the magic of Lynn's editing she made it look like three trucks you made a truck catering you made a fire truck Glenn yes look at that makeup job on air in there yeah actually it's not makeup I just punched him in the eye right before that scene that's right fantastic you'll do anything for this show that sound on you back there when I bent over I took my hand and swiped a little can soup and put it on my lips and then came back up nice because you had it on your ankle right I have it on my ankle yeah that was all your idea I didn't even think that that was a great idea you had you know wow that's funny he never vomits On Cue at home I hated that eye yeah I had to wear it for quite a while because you couldn't open your eye underneath right yeah it was like an eye patch I had so beautiful but it was tough to shoot out there yeah miserably I love this shot there we go great shot oh it's so good the music here too this song is brilliant this is a great last minute man yeah yeah I love that right there yeah how do they plan that they just stuck it up there tiny tiny little cameraman we hires oh that one now that one was stuck up there yeah this is kind of a nothing's by accident yes it's kind of a sexy scene I thought yeah yeah I masturbated this one before wow that's a good way to end this [Laughter] is trying to finish by this point [Laughter] life has changed for Walt white yes yes a lot of change in three weeks I mean that's the thing that that really attracted me to this script is that he starts out as one person and then is on a journey to completely change and who knows where he's gonna be in the next in the years to come that's right who knows if we'll even get ordered a series so we didn't know it will yeah no I mean at that point we didn't know you you shoot a pilot uh probably telling people they already know and you don't know for sure you're going to get to go to series obviously all right but everybody put their hearts shut up Vince you're ruining my buzz I need to concentrate you guys are really you guys are really kissing right there oh my God oh my God oh my God that's acceptable to the spouse [Laughter] [Music] the world's open up for Skyler too nobody at home learned anything but that was fun yeah it's a good show I like this show and thanks for watching we really appreciate it all the support thank you so much tell your friends wow all these guys work on the show who are these people yeah those are all the people yeah I'm the director well mayor Martin Chavez he helped out thank you Albuquerque yeah [Music]
Channel: Movies Flicker
Views: 66,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking Bad, Breaking Bad Commentary, Breaking Bad With Commentary, Breaking Bad Season 1, Vince Gilligan, Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, RJ Mitte, Lynne Willingham, Pilot, Walter White, Skyler White, Jesse Pinkman, Hank Schrader, Heisenberg
Id: 665T_5jZPhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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