Breaking Bad Table Read - Season 5 Episode 9 - Blood Money | With All The Main Cast

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episode of Breaking Bad titled Blood Money episode 509 n teaser we open tight on curving concrete polyurethane Wheels blur past and our three skateboarding kids carve and grind through the puddles discard empty plastic bags and dried leaves are inside a swimming pool this pool is the pool the White House pool Dead Flowers trash plywood covered windows out front the surrounding houses look fine but the White House stands out like a rotten tooth in a healthy mouth a 1977 gold Cadillac DeVille quietly rolls up driver's door swings open and work boots plant the back black top bearded tired Walt climbs out and glances around the tanle sweep good no one's watching enters into the White House empty and pathetic slivers of sunlight sliced through gaps in the plywood looming behind him bold spray painted graviti zigzagging across the wall Heisenberg in the bedroom he pulls out a jack knife kneels and uses the blade to unscrew an outlet cover the rice and vial is still right where he left it in episode 502 he peels the rice and V away and Pockets it outside he Ducks back out the fence heading for his car he rounds to the driver's door and someone nearby admits a gas oh Walt turns and sees his neighbor standing in the driveway Frozen was surprised she's unloading her car from a trip to the market the sight of Walt's face she drops her grocery bags in [Applause] shock he nods to his neighbor yep unhurried and without speaking a word he climbs back into the gold caddy and drives off off this Tableau dumbfounded neighbors staring after Walt groceries scattered around her the boarded up abandoned White House we end the teaser White House master bedroom tied on the clothes Ma bath bathroom door it slowly Creeks open and we're looking straight into Hank sher's stunned eyes it's moments after 508 ended and he's just begun processing what he's learned and Hank heads down the hallway following the book carrying it slowly there a large purple tote bag on the counter unmistakably Marie turning away from Walt Hank tucks the Leaves of Grass into the bag and takes a moment to steal himself the party continues out in the patio exactly where we left in 508 oh my God Skyler I know right well actually those were my ideas so you're wel you are the devil hey you want another thank uh no thanks listen I hate to end this but I'm I'm not I'm not I'm not 100% oh no I hope it wasn't something you ate no no I'm just I I don't know we have pepti G thanks buddy I'll be fine just uh maybe better shove off sorry baby I I hate to leave you with the cleanup no no don't worry about it I got plenty of help minutes later out front a relaxed Walt sees the shers to Han's Tahoe Walt Smiles are genuine doesn't realize that this is it life is knows it is over nothing will ever be the same well this was fun let's do this again soon huh absolutely it's been too long Hank got the purple tote with the Leaves of Grass hidden inside Walt gets the door form hey you okay to dry yeah yeah all right we'll feel better he gives Walt a tight little smile as he climbs behind the wheel blissfully clueless Walt waves as the Tahoe pulls away Hank drives in silence his thoughts a million miles off Marie pulls down the vanity mirror and examines her hair looking to see if it's as shiny as Skyler said Europe Were You There When she said that I mean seriously Europe how still Jesus Europe the two of them you're they were just 3 or four months ago and now Italy France the way she was talking it practically sounds like a second honeymoon oh my God I'm so happy for them all right I'm jealous I'm happy and I'm jealous we need to go to Europe hang can't can't it be like like a a business trip don't they have drug dealing in Europe throughout all of this tank grips the wheel deep in thought remember that junk recer went to and went on two years ago New Zealand Kathy went too I mean she paid her airfare but the rest was on Uncle Sam you're at his level now couldn't there be something in Italy maybe like KO is it KO by the way like Perry Como or is it Chromo like Mario Chromo see to me that sounds more Italian creeping in on Hank is his mind races putting together the pieces GB and WW small the sound of hanon breathing takes over faster and shallower Mar still talking her voice seems far away the flashes of sunlight go brighter Marie realizes something's wrong she ask a question but all we hear is Hank's breath the world outside is swirling by Sun blasting from all the reflective surfaces Clos are on Hank Flash Flash without re realizing it Hank's leaning on the gas he clutches the wheel fingers digging into the plastic jaw tight guts twisting brush shallow and fast thud Hank loses control of the Tahoe Hank the SUV jumps the curve creams a mailbox and comes to a rolling stop in the front yard of a neat house Hank spills out of the driver's side and lurches into a closeup behind him Voice still oddly distant oh my God Hank here in the foreground Hank manages a half-hearted wave of his hand I'm fine I'm fine not that we believe it everything sounds completely underwater now as Marie rushes to her husband laying hands on him in the background a homeowner steps out of his house headed our way please call an ambulance off Hank shutting his eyes and struggling to catch his breath the whole world going into slight slow motion in the shider house kitchen that night hours later later Hank and Marie enter the worst for the wear in in mid conversation Hank's carrying the purple tote bag where's got the rest of the stuff from lunch I'm just saying it was an accident that happened I'll make the appointment all you have to do is show uper told her anything about what's on his mind he's only given her half his attention as uses a steak knife to saw through the hospital band what 3 hours in the emergency room and all of but nothing just like I told El you all they did was rule out a heart attack what if it happens again it's not going to happen again how can you know that you can't say what it was in the first place all right baby I'm fine okay trust me discussion over do not tell Scot what why there's nothing to be embarrassed about Hank Hank but Hank is already headed off without breaking stride and just out of Marie sight he smoothly slips the copy of Leaves of Grass from his purple tote Marie lets him go in the garage Hank locks the door and flips on a light still holding Walt's book he goes to a pile of miscellane in the corner and moves stuff aside until he uncovers a banker's box he lifts the box under his work workbench it's marked beter he rifles through the files and and paperwork and finds what he's looking for the color Xerox of Gail bet Beer's notebook very deliberately he compares the notebook to the inscription and Walt's copy of Leaves of Grass and no doubt about it it's a match Hank stares churning he's still not thinking like he's not thinking like a cop now this is more than evidence in a case this is life shattering treachery betrayal too deep for words at the car wash the car wash security door rolls up revealing Walt he's in a good mood at peace with himself it's the first thing in the morning he's opening the car wash for business he steps back to allow the early bird carw walk wor workers to file pass he greets them by name in phrasebook Spanish first in Marana Marano bu Lis Salvador Enrique felos Enrique what a great boss last in Skyler air fresheners fill the frame rows of little trees apples and oranges sleeped in plastic adjust to reveal Walt restocking the display from a box he appraises the display and idea forming nearby Mariano Rings up customers thank you please give this to your car was professional have an A1 day hear that it's a new greeting and over at the second counter of sign complimentary help yourself and eat coffee station looks like Skylar's continuing to make improvements while gaze lingers on the air fresheners I think we might be missing a bat here at the intake area where the customers first roll up to the to the car wash workers vacuum Skyler finishes up with an incoming customer here you go there's compliment coffee inside while you're waiting have an A1 day customer smiles and moves on Walt approaches Skyler air iers are high margin right that 30 cents wholesale you bet okay so I'm thinking we reorganize this the display separate the food from the nature sense I mean it doesn't make any sense to have bubble gum next to Ocean Spray and Pines still are big seller right maybe we move that over to the register next to the 5H Hour Energy uh sure yeah that that that would be fine yeah listen um speaking of business the story comes first we're car wash owners pure and simple but if our story is that the car wash is successful it it is successful right right and and what do successful Car Wash owners do they buy more car washes you'll be laundering that money for years decades wouldn't it be better than one I mean couldn't the story have a happy ending well um there's gentle hands over by Kirtland I I I love that location sure let me let me think about it yeah yeah oh sure later yeah to be continued Walt heads back inside please for the first time and will pretty much forever Skyler and Walt are almost on the same page and if this continues it'll be Walt's greatest Triumph once he's gone another customer rolls up Skyler approaches this next car in line a familiar figure and dark glasses and heels climb out holy [ __ ] it's Lydia with dark Quail she glances around a little nervous Skyler's never laid eyes on Lydia as far as she's concerned another customer good morning welcome to A1 Lydia hand Skyler her keys on the surface just a neutral professional transaction just a regular please um we're having a special on hand wax uh $21.99 if you're interested in getting rid of those water spots just a regular is fine great there's complimentary coffee inside have an A1 day Lydia heads inside Skyler gives Lydia's car keys a subtle double take before she continues to the next car what does she notice that we didn't at the register area Walt has taken over the register ringing up a customer while Mariana refreshes coffee Lydia enters Walt glances her wa to makes change eyes darkening with anger as he recognizes her please give this to your car wash professional and have an a one day customer steps away now it's Lydia's turn well it plays his role but there's a dangerous undertone morning may I have your ticket please 68% and falling I knew there would be a drop in quality but 68% this is not what I agreed to I left a viable operation the rest is up to you ticket please I'm only asking for a few days a week at most call it a tutorial that's the standard wash fix this get the [ __ ] back on course we'll make it worth your while that comes to $4.95 please listen this is complicated situation there are a lot of moving Parts none of which are my concern you are putting me in a box here you know what could happen again not my concern thank you please give this to your car wash professional and have an A1 day listen I only Lydia Trails off Skyler is just now entering missing all of this Skyler steps over to exchange paperwork with Mariano uh well there'll only be a few minutes there's complimentary coffee if you like there's no way for Lydia to pursue this without making a public scene she's failed frustrated she gives WT and one last pleading glance she turns on her heels and walks out Walt realizes Skyler staring after Lydia what's up just wondering who washes a rental car well who was that a former business associate she wants me to come back and I won't he watches Skyler while she considers is she surprised by his honesty purposeful Skyler heads out after Lydia uh Skyler what is she doing well it's not sure what Skyler's up to and neither are we in the finishing area Lydia's pissed hammering away on her BlackBerry she's hovering near a Rena car and then Here Comes Skylar all business she nods at the worker doing the wipe down Salvador this one's finished terminado the guy grabs his shammy and moves on to the next car in line leaving Lydia's rental dripping get out of here now excuse me never come back here do you understand the look in Skyler's eyes is truly frightening holy [ __ ] this is Mrs Heisenberg Lydia wiltz under Skylar's Pious gaze Lydia climbs into a rental she found stumbles with the door managing to shut it through the windshield as Lydia starts the car and dares to glance back Skyler's still there once Lydia is out of glaring range Skyler drops her fearce mask the confrontation cost her she was projecting a hardest confidence that she doesn't quite feel Wald is in the background watching from inside the car wash off him uncertain of what just happened but maybe just a bit impress on the deck Hank stares out at the desert landscape lost in thought he's wearing the same sweats and t-shirt he went to bed in for two slipless days he's been struggling with himself he hasn't said a word about his suspicions to his wife whatever her intentions Marie couldn't keep to herself the door slides open and out comes Marie dressed for work in her white lab coat she brings him a steaming mug of coffee thanks you going in today uh maybe if you took a shower and got dressed you'd feel better no I'm going to work from home Hank you don't need to tell me you're going to work from home if you're not going to work from home I'm working from home I'm the boss M if I'm not feeling 100% I can work from home you say so I've got to go bye-bye boss man she gives him a kiss on the cheek and heads inside in the Kitchen close on yellow packets of slenda lined up meet marching order next to Marie's travel mug she finishes prepping her morning coffee she giving the coffee one final stir when someone's at the front door she sweeps the empty packets in the trash grabs her lunch bag and heads to the front opens the door to find two DEA guys Scott nardy waiting outside an SUV is parked in the driveway morning Mrs Trader hey guys what's up just dropping these off man where would you like them they brought it Dolly Laden with boxes of Da files they're stamped with word copy and red letters Hank appears behind Marie no smile for his guys I'll bring him around to the garage I got it have a good day you too in the garage 10 minutes later Marie's gone the guys are finished piling the B boxes a top of workbench hanks's cleared aside his ster bow equipment to make room for the files boss Jan is said to tell you a few of these might not have the indexes we could give you a hand sorting through them though yeah I'll take it from here tell her not to worry thanks guys in other words don't let the door door hit you on the ass on the way out he grabs the remote the door rattles closed shutting the de guys out as they head for the truck now he's alone he's hoping against hope the files will tell him another story he's praying he's simply wrong but there's another way to look at this he opens a Bo at random and begin a montage covering hours of work that he methodically examines the files in Jesse's house living room close on Jesse sprawled on the couch redyed and unshaven he looks like crap warmed over Jesse's been self-medicating for weeks we stay on Jesse for a moment while he half listens to his buddy shooting off the [ __ ] he spent too much time alone with this thoughts these guys are a welcome distraction you grab some enduring stash he comes after you with a disruptor you yell beat me up Scotty and you so out of there what's not to love that's what I'm saying you didn't get away you're dead you you got vaporized dude you're tripping I'm not dead I'm up on the Enterprise Mac and yman Rand and the enduring with the disruptors still down on a Talos four or whatever oh man what do you think all those Sparkles and [ __ ] are Transporters breaking you apart yo down to your molecules and Bones it's making a cop that dude who walks out on the other side he's not you he's a color Xerox so every time Kirk goes in the transporter he's killing himself so over like the whole series there's been like 147 Kirks at least yo why do you think McCoy never likes Beaman nowhere cuz he's a doctor [ __ ] it's science look it up I have me tell you about my Star Trek script your Star Trek script oh yeah I got all I got to do is write it down the Enterprise is five parex out of rle ril 12 nothing's going on Nal Zone's quiet the crew's boarded so they put on a pie eating contest the whole crew is in the galley they're eating tulberry pies tulberry Tula berries they're from gamma quadrant yo dude that's Voyager all right blueberries okay they're eating blueberry pies fast the replicators can turn them out finally it's down to three Kirk Spock and checkov okay Spock always wins these things how can Spock beat kurk Spock's like a toothbrush look at kurk dude's got room to spare Spock's got like total Vulcan control over his digestion you want to hear this or not yeah go go okay finally Kirk can't take anymore he Yorks now it's just Spock and Czech off but the thing is Czech off's got a whole stack of qualoo writing on this and he's figured out how to win he's got Scotty down in the transporter room and Scotty's locked in on Czech off's stomach soon as Czech off eats a pie Scotty beams her right out of him where's he sending them a toilet space all them shwed up blueberries and crust and stuff are just floating out there Flo frozen solid okay cck off's shoveling him in like a machine and now Spock sweating green blood this little Russian's killing him but meanwhile Scotty's in there pushing the levers and Lieutenant Lura comes in and she brushes him with those big pointies and Scotty's fingers get all sweaty no no yeah check off screams blood spurting out of his mouth Scotty just beamed his guts into space no way Jesse reappears carrying two heavy duffel bags heading for the front door door we might recognize it the bags Walt gave Jesse in 508 they zipped up tight but we were call see 5 million bucks in there where you going man you're missing the best part you want some company no uh I'm good so check off's dead sick B mco's got to do some experimental transplant with a Gorn guts he's got in Cold Storage what do you think what's your Beast story in Sal Goodman's office lobby God Bless America plays over tuny speakers as we move past Saul's retail clientele we land on Jesse's battered skate shoes at top the duffel bags he's using the Unseen money as a footrest in the middle of Saul's waiting room enough waiting though Jesse turns to Franchesca she's sitting inside her glasson receptionist desk yo she glances up at him then goes back to her copy of travel and Leisure the definition of passive aggressive [ __ ] it Jesse's going to force the issue he pulls out a joint strikes a match and lights up behind the glass partition Franchesca frowns at this she looks at hu reluctantly hu moves over to Jesse no you can't do that here conversation around him halts everyone watches the Brewing confrontation Jesse looks up a Hu smoke curling out of his nose how far will he push this come on man give me a break Jesse doesn't budge he gives hu the stink eye standof meile Franchesca picks up the intercom phone and Rings into it then the office door Creeks open just enough to allow Saul's arm to wave Jesse in Jesse doesn't break eye contact with h and Franchesca leans into her mic Pinkman he'll see you now taking his sweet time Jesse drops the joint grinds it out and humps the bags inside while he's gone he'll shuts the door behind him and resumes his post Saul buttons his shirt as he escorts Jesse inside a tiny massuse folds rep portable table could be Jesse has interrupted a happy ending h the prodical returns sorry for keeping you on ice but if I known you're out there that Francesca I warned her one more time and it's back to the DMV so uh on our own today B open Bor oh yeah so how is the mice stroke things have been quiet on this end I haven't seen him just as well maybe I that whole thing in the jails I mean once they start off in lawyers I I I draw the line This goes to Kaylee errout this one Mr and Mrs Albert sharp 315 East weblo up in White Horse 2 and2 million each bag total of five Mr Mrs who drew Sharp's Drew sharp oh with a kid on TV missing a why would you oh scratch that I don't I don't know I don't want to know the only thing I'd say is that uh you know those folks want to know what happened to their boy and bag of cash it's only going to raise more questions and Kaye Erman trout that's Mike's granddaughter right right so this is Mike's money mine your money okay and and you're giving it to to Kaye Herman trout it's what Mike wanted sh you and Mike uh you've been in touch but you know the little girl you you got some kind of bond or so we're talking about what the charity look shelling up for the ex and her little boy I kind of get kind of but this is the bridge too far I mean I hate to tell you but you're still going to be two Miracles short of saood or brass tax my job is to advise and my advice is think again you got a guilty conscience visit the house of worship of your choice but with all due respect this ain't going to fly kiddo you're you're all heart and I I love that but come on already Mike left one step ahead of the boys in blue and you better believe his family's on the radar a couple million bucks shows up the cops are grabbing it toot sweet the feds have already taken away kayle's money twice why go for the hat trick I'll freaking do it myself hey whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on I was just thinking out loud enough [ __ ] all right you're going to do it or not yes absolutely I live deserve right here listen kiddo maybe think about cleaning up you know getting some rest you've looked better you just get it done Jesse exit Saul thuds the bags down on his desk takes a bre deep breath stealing himself for his next move he slides open the desk drawer selects one of the half dozen drop phones inside and dials a number for memory you know who this is don't hang up yeah yeah there's a problem 5 million of them on my desk right now brought over by our hip hop friend we tied on Walt talking on the drop phone his last connection to his former Empire but where is he we can't say for sure what did he want you to we only hear Walt's side of the conversation as he listens no don't just hold on yes yes I'll handle it Walt hangs up cutting wide to reveal he's back in the chemo infusion room first scen in 105 rows of patients padded recliners hooked to IV drips Walt's cancer is back getting of act three Jesse's house living room Jesse sprled out on the floor flat on his back Eyes Wide Open someone's wrapping at the door Jesse Jesse Jesse's eyes cut over when he realizes he's out there Jesse it's me now Walt at the window his shadow in the curtains as he wraps on the glass Jesse pulls himself to his feet knocking over a bong as he goes bong water floods without waiting Jesse collapses in a chair as as if the effort of getting up exhausted him Walt stands in the doorway money bags in hand surveying the chaos and drug paraphernalia he steps in drops the bags on the floor and shuts the door behind him there's your move huh i' talk me through this would you what are you thinking what you asked Saul to do it's just nonsensical do you have any explanation at all a let Mone what like you said it's um it's blood money I said all right yes yes I said that it was it was In the Heat of the Moment and I was just was trying to win an argument I was wrong this is your money you've earned it drew sharp that that is a terrible memory no doubt about it but Jesse you did not kill that child did you know Todd was carrying a gun did you no of course not neither did I there was no way we could have known that what he was about to do and I can tell you as a father I can tell you that your money won't help that boy's parents there's nothing that we can do for that family and that is a [Applause] fact look you need to you need to stop focusing on the darkness behind you the past is the past nothing can change what we've done but now it is over you're out and so am I yeah that's right I'm done I'm done too I've been out for about a month look I am not asking you to forget I know we never will but there's nothing left for us to expect except life there's nothing for us to do except live Ordinary Decent lives a moment of silence Walt what's really going on with Jesse there's something that Walt doesn't quite understand why Kaye M [Music] trro she needs some somebody looking after her Mike is more than capable of taking care of his own granddaughter I don't think so I don't think he is capable you know I don't think he's coming back he's I what what what are you saying you're doing what you did off in Mike SK if Mike were out there you'd have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life that's not how you do things I think he's dead and I think you know that no I don't know that I don't listen to me I did not kill Mike last last I saw him he had his bag the one that I brought for him he got into his car and he drove away as far as I know he is alive and well and if he comes back and and he doesn't understand why I did why I had to do what I did well then that will be on me Jesse I need you to believe this it's not true it's just not so is out there he okay yes Mike is fine wherever he is we both know that he can take care of himself and he can provide for his own family okay I need you to believe me yeah no like you say he's uh he's alive he's alive absolutely the air is leaking out of Jesse he's diminished something has been broken and Walt's lies are powerless fix it off Walt and Jesse sitting in the wreckage of Jesse's life $5 million of blood money between them in the White House dining room Skyler and Walt Skyler Walter junor make small talk over dinner Walt's doing a good job of simulating Engagement but we sense his mind is elsewhere well you've got to have a CO a college counselor or or are they bringing in someone new oh I don't know maybe she'll be back well what if she's not I mean what are you going to what are you supposed to do what's Louis doing about it he's not worried sure what's to worry about it's just college right Skyler throws a look of mild exasperation to wall back me up here takes a moment for wal to jump on board college yes no I mean nothing is more important don't worry they'll replace her she already had one foot out the door oh um uncle Hank's still not feeling well so uh bowling's off for tomorrow right really really you're saved from a night out with family you don't actually have to look so happy I'll be right back staying on wallet as he flashes a cramped smile gets up and heads for the bathroom the conversation continues behind him out of his family's view w his groom step rapid if bowling's off can I can I get a late curfew how late is late Walt moves down the hall into the master bathroom closes the door locks it moving with deliberate urgency he opens the cabinet under the sink fishes around pulls out a prescription bottle he's hidden down there Walt is keeping his relaps a secret from his family with controlled desperation he struggles with the childproof cap and shakes out a pill before he can swallow the medicine oh [ __ ] nause nausea surges too late for the pills he quickly turns both Taps on full blast falls to his knees flips the toilet seat up and bends over his hands gripping the rim as he vomits in killroy framing Walt's face peeps over the top of the toilet hoping for a distraction Walt's gaze wanders the magazine Stu stacked the top the toilet tank but wait a minute is something missing he reaches up and shuffles the magazines around shouldn't his copy of Leaves of Grass be up there but the nausea surges again interrupting the moment off Walt ducking out of frame puking again in the bedroom close on Skyler and bed lying on her side facing us you can turn the light off yes have you seen Leaves of Grass what my book Walt Whitman dark green hard cover I didn't even know he had that you don't think Junior you're you're kidding right yeah her turn up willing it to be true he takes off his watch and slides into bed kills the light what's wrong with Hank stomach bug sounds like he hasn't been to work all week good night Skyler drifts off to Dreamland and Walt lies in bed staring at the ceiling his watch tick tick ticking on the bedside table thinking it over outside at 2 a.m. Walt pads out in his bare feet t-shirt and sweatpants there's no menacing Park cars no tuo or gust Fring no danger around anywhere and far away a dog barks a little sheepish my imagination's playing tricks well heads back inside then a new thought occurs and he walks over to his Chrysler he runs his fingers under the back bumper works his way around the car feeling under the doors the rear bumper what's he looking for his fingers brush something something that doesn't belong could it be Walt stands up and examines what he's just found praying it isn't what he thinks it is he now realizes it's an electronic device about the size of a chewing gum pack but Walt knows this is a GPS tracker the kind that Hank uses he stands here Frozen staring out into the night the day he thought would never come has arrived Hank suspects perhaps even knows holy [ __ ] beginning of act four the dogghouse restaurant til to reveal a shopping cart man digging in an overflowing dumpster finished with the dumpster he Wheels away pushes over to Jesse's Toyota the guy peers in Jesse's leaned way back in the driver's seat high and checked out well it's little pep talk only drove him deeper into despair Mis can you help me out he ring his Rings hit the glass as he wraps on the window Jesse jolts out of his Haze startled spare some change Jesse shakes his head the shopping cart man veers away moving slowly Jesse watches him go and as he does something clicks he rolls his window down hey uh come back yeah you come come here H I got something for you he wanders closer his eyes widen when he sees Jesse holds out a banded stack of money thousands of dollars but he hesitates there's got to be a catch go ahead take it Jesse shoves the cash in his hand as he nods at the guy it's cool he starts his Toyota and hits the gas drives away into the night on a run down street it's the silence being late night and early morning various angles establish this quiet working class neighborhood and thump something comes flying into the sh slaps the side of a dilapidated house and lands on the doorstep it's a bundle of money Jesse slowly cruises the neighborhood robotically tossing abandoned money out both windows like a crazed paper boy bundles hit Lawns they slide across car hoods Splash and puddles hundreds of thousands of dollars get scattered like Supermarket circulars tight on Jesse no joy no release Here is Jesse pinkin Reckless hopeless making the only gesture he can think of and at the end of his rope like we've never seen him before off him throwing yet another bundle in the Shader house the next day box lands on Hank's garage floor the da guys are back delivering another set of files a whining sound pitches up and down in the distance uh that's good right there thanks we going to see you today you're seeing me now Hank wants these guys gone so he can get back to work he's dressed in showered but he's unshaven so there's the haunted look in his eyes which he's trying to hide from them anything you want us to tell Steve Gomez says he's worried about you yeah tell him I got two grandmas already she tell everybody more work and less worry guess we better hit it you guys have a good day Hank starts organizing the boxes the da guys head to their truck we pan with him to reveal the whining is coming from a neighborhood standing in his driveway with an remote control car he scoots his tiny car out of the way as a large black vehicle slides past it's welt Chrysler parking next to the daa truck Hank takes immediate notice he watches from inside full of heat and Dread as Walt climbs out of the Chrysler grinning at the DEA guys Walt's being incredibly ballsy here he can't know how far Hank's taken is suspicion is Wald already the target of an official investigation do the DEA guys already know morning wal how you you doing the agents are happy to see wellt the boss's brother-in-law is a familiar and trusted face Shiller Pats and handshakes Hank watches all of this tucking viles back into boxes without taking his eyes off wallet hey Scott Ry how's your son's arm back to 100% we're going to District no kidding that's great everything good with you yeah good good good you know I can't complain guys uh you're on the clock here oh see you Walt bye good to see you guys the guys drive off Walt watches them go now it's just Walt and Hank Walt's clean shaven and rusted Hank's hagger and sleep deprived nice guys mhm the last thing Hank needs is to put Walt on notice that he's in his sights hiding his rage is his only option meanwhile Walt effortless plays the roles of the good old Walter White concerned brother-in-law well I'm glad to see your up and about how you feeling I don't know been better did you end up seeing a doctor I mean when one of these things goes on for a few days you might want to get that checked yeah I'm fine I'm I'm on the upswing good great great just hate to think of something you ate at our place you know when I heard you weren't going to work and but looks like you've got work coming to you perks of being the boss huh how things at the car wash good really good hey did you have any of that potato salad I don't know maybe but see that's what concerns me CU I saw it sitting out in the sun for a while that's never a good thing I say well I nobody else got sick so I guess they shouldn't worry what brings you here W just in the neighborhood guess I should have brought some chicken zupa so yeah Skyler will be glad to hear your better speaking of which I guess I better be getting back at it just let me know if there's anything I can do feel better Walt turns to go and stops in his tracks he can't leave it like this Walt knows and Hank knows that he knows but there's something else Walt has to put on the table he turns back to Hank keeping it light oh you know there one more thing you're going to laugh but I got to ask you about this believe it or not I found it on my car and it looks just like the the uh GPS tracker we used on Gus Fring back when you were tracking him the two of us you wouldn't know anything about this would you well it offers the tracker for Hank to take but Hank doesn't reach for it the remote control car winds pitching higher and higher without a word Hank presses the button on the garage door opener he eyeballs well as the door rattles down closing them off from the world Hank everything okay got to say I don't like the way you're looking at me right now who's going to make the next move it's a Sergio Leon Showdown and it's dramatic as [ __ ] Hank decks Walt with a locomotive Force Walt slams backwards into the garage wall tools hang from the wall and Walt whacks a few on his way down they fall clattering around him as he hits the concrete floor he shakes his head clear and slowly pulls himself into a sitting position Hank looms over him it was you all along you drove into traffic to keep me away from that laundry and that call I got telling me Marie was in the hospital that was Pinkman who had my cell number Hank you killed 10 witnesses to save your sorry ass you bombed a nursing home Heisenberg you ly Too Faced sack of [ __ ] Hank just hold on I I I don't know I don't know where this is com com from so me Christ I'm going to put you under the jail just take a breath please listen to yourself you sound all right what you're talking about these wild accusations they could destroy our family for what F like you give a [ __ ] Hank the cancer's back good right you son of a [ __ ] I'm sorry you feel that way but I think you're missing my point I want to beat this thing I'm I'm back on chemo I'm fighting like hell but the truth is this is the end game within 6 months you won't have anybody to persecute where prosecute you SC on that you'll agree to disagree but even if somehow you were able to convince anyone that I've done these things we both know that I will never see the inside of a jail cell Hank I'm a dying man who runs a car wash my right hand to God that is all I am heck what's the point we have Skyler bring the kids here then we can talk that is not going to happen I don't know who you are I don't even know who I'm talking to if that's true if you don't know who I am then maybe your best course of action would be to tread lightly it's not a threat it's a warning even with all the cards on the table Walt doesn't want to unleash hell on his own brother-in-law very deliberately Walt tugs a blue shop towel from Hank's wall dispenser and wipes blood from his mouth the flags are planted these two are enemies This Is [Applause] War
Channel: Movies Flicker
Views: 441,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking Bad, Breaking Bad Extras, Heisenberg, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Vince Gilligan, Featurette, behind the scenes, Skyler White, Hank Schrader, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, #Shorts, Blood Money, Breaking Bad Table Read, Betsy Brandt, Anna Gunn, Nina Jack, Dean Norris, RJ Mitte, Bob Odenkirk, Charles Baker, Saul Goodman, Peter Gould
Id: tj6ot2HVEmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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