Breaking Bad With Commentary Season 5 Episode 9 - Blood Money | w/Walt, Skyler, W.J. & Saul Goodman

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hello I'm RJ mini I play Walter White Jr and I'm Peter Gould I am co-executive producer and I I wrote this one hi I'm Bob Odenkirk I play Saul Goodman I'm Vince Gilligan executive producer Michelle McLaren executive producer Brian cranon playing Walton I directed this episode wow so far it's like born identity I know sorry go ahead Ann oh thank you Bob I'm Anna gun I play Skyler and I'm Lissa Bernstein Co executive producer well that was a challenge that was some cool Stu skate success those kids were good huh we're missing some pretty this is the first thing that people will see in the new season yeah really and that's the the real backyard swimming pool at uh at the faux White House Walter White evil twin could it be and Brian there was some uh quite a bit of research we did and debating about whether we could actually do that skateboarding yeah normally you're thinking skateboarding in an empty pool where it's uh Gunite and plaster and it that this is not the case they had a a um a St fiberglass shell that was placed in there and it it and the angles of the walls didn't lend themselves to to doing many tricks or being very safe and so we had to do several uh audition Pro processes through that and to find the right guys to be able to do it and it was tough it was it was tough to find and and we were worried about damaging the the pool and we'd have to pay them for a brand new pool if we did so and it's like oh my God starting off of the bang with our last date and working with our homeowners that we've been working with since the pilot and having them allow us to take their house to this Fran and Lewis have been uh champions from the very beginning there was a very confused uh uh delivery guy who thought that something terrible had happened that's right at this house the Culligan guy showed up right is right yeah thought didn't realize it was a a SAT and thought something terrible that happened now this is in our real house on our stage uh and and the great art Department had to come in take what was pristine and nice and ruin it and just beat the hell out of it uh but in such a way that it could be put back cuz then you guys had to put it back within a day or two we had we had uh this was first up I think we we scheduled this to shoot this right away and so they can get back and and put it all back in place you guys haven't commented on this but as a viewer of this show this feels like you really don't know where you are you I mean you know you're in the house but it's like is it years later right I mean when I read this I remember thinking picturing it and thinking so what is it 10 years later I mean I it just you're ins such a different world and you don't know what happened it's amazing it's amazing it's when I tell people about this final eight and how great it's going to be and surprising it's going to be I think about this part of the story which yeah I wanted to give a shout out to Tristan Chavez one of our crew members who was actually in that uh sequence with the skateboarders and he helped shoot some of the the material on uh on a video cam that's he was actually in that shot he was actually shooting yeah and he's got a big brba on his on his buttock now tattoo this is an awesome awesome shot Brian I love this shot yeah it's great isn't that awesome looks it's like his he what I loved about it from a standpoint of a story is that he he lost sight of who he was yeah oh that's cool I didn't think of it that way this lady did a great job yeah what's your name hello Carol Cheryl Ford menty Cheryl Cheryl did a great Cher played Carol and uh Brian I remember watching you work with her on that bag how to drop it exactly so that the oranges would fall out forward way yes yeah there was a way to to hold that in order to ensure that and you didn't want to see that she was forcing it down it had to slip through her fingers nice job got a good uh squeeze song over [Music] this I like the little Glimpse you can see of Skylar and Walt's wedding picture up there on the left which is it looks like you we in a fez probably not the best Photoshop job ever Happy Days and we debated I'm not being funny here we debated long and hard uh in the music and sound effects spawning session whether we should hear a flush here do you remember that Peter yeah see Michelle he could have had the Archie Bunker entrance yeah because we we W even be funny like you know our people going to say G why didn't he flush or are they GNA are they going to laugh when they hear the flush or it's like decided to go without you're going to get a lot of letters around I'm glad I'm glad you didn't because it wasn't when he sat down on that Throne he forgot what his business was when he found the book well so maybe he does the business a little bit later yeah in the car yeah shots himself poor Marie and this is this is exactly the shot that we had a Walt just a few moments ago what a what an interesting visual Echo yeah yeah thank Brian you really did a hell of a job directing the sub this is great so far I haven't heard a thing but looks great and only 30° colder than it was so we we actually shot this on stage on stage where we had to con we have very small area that we could actually shoot a little bit on stage and uh and then we had to watch our angles so the angles from Dean standpoint is all down and that allowed us to shoot on stage but one of the things I wanted to make sure that that Walt had the baby in his hands when he was being that's the real place that's the real place there yeah it was cold there do you see that yes you can see that condensation coming I remember listening Anna uh I remember being on the the headphones and listening to your uh listening to you uh you were saying inside okay I'm very warm warm I'm so warm it's so hot it's so hot I loved hearing you sack yourself up like that how cute that baby is this baby is amazing it's byebye most kids would look at the camera that's behind Hank's head she just follows the action and you'll see a lot more of her in the rest of the season yeah but see not so good there I'm like oh it's a gold I'm going to cross my ey and now a little a little call forward yeah Carol that was a good touch and that was that was and that was your idea Brian I thought it was great yeah that was a good touch yeah that was yeah that was not in the script yeah your stomach okay oh yeah so you being uh you you these guys are being pulled by a truck here is that or they on a trailer yeah this is a processed trailer so there are cops all around us ahead of us beside us and one of the challenges not to see the police presence in the rear window and the difficulty is um the height so this is an SUV we had to put the the truck of the SUV on a trailer that's being pulled by a truck but then it would create too much height I don't know we had a lot of discussions about this and so we had to put it on there and then deflate the tires to bring the the the height of it down to what is more acceptable that just those couple inches of letting the air out of the tire huge difference I love those shots that's a great shot again we had a go GoPro in that mailbox hidden yeah and then Han POV I wanted it to be just wildly out of focus we use that camera it it's a it it cuts in for a couple seconds here and there it cuts in just fine and it it costs so little that you can put it in Risky shots like that and and and risk getting it destroyed this is the GoPro it's about the size of a cigarette pack it's pretty cool you can throw them off the roof yeah all for nothing all we did was rule do that that shot was important because we had to establish that they did go to the hospital after this and so he is removing any remnants of that yeah yeah that closeup really told you everything you needed to know very nicely done I like that told you he had been at the hospital there's nothing to be embarrassed about Hank yeah the original uh I think the original way broke this there was a lot more medical stuff yeah and it was nice to nice to get the story moving here cuz you want to see what Hank's going to see well you actually wrote the scene there was a scene uh he he has his panic attack and then you cut to 20 minutes later and the and the ambulance arrives right yeah yeah and then we figure we didn't need it uhoh and he's I think here he is he's kind of hoping that isn't true still and that's so much of what we're tracking in this episode is Hank's uh thought process and his his emotion as he as he kind of assimilates this and realizes what's really going on and knows cuz he still doesn't want it to be true absolutely you're right that would be a bad feeling yeah we get a lot of use out of this Garage in this episode this is a real garage the Practical garage yeah and and you had to shoot a lot of um uh night for day in that garage I think yeah again we're shooting in the winter season so we didn't have a lot of time so had to shut it down and just pound lights through the outside windows I love what you do with your foot here Brian my foot watch yeah that's great these Jazz CU she said good morning I know she said good morning we have hope there it's it's so much fun to see this little hopeful moment in their relationship you know that uh you know if Hank hadn't found that book this could have all worked out pretty nicely yeah they're costumes coordinated that's right and that's not accident you guys I mean we talked about that we think a lot about it thinking about pulling these characters together as if they're on the same wavelength yeah and I got to tell you Jennifer Bryant our costume designer her Department her crew did wonderful job terrific job comes up with great ideas as did Kathleen Doro before her they really we've been blessed with really wonderful uh folks who really know their jobs this is for me this was always a return to sweater Walt there was that moment in season two I think it was where he suddenly we cut forward and there was Walt in the uh in the sweater in his pink sweater in his pink sweater and this is this is kind of the return anytime a character from a from my standpoint has a sweater on it softens the look and anytime you have a crew neck shaped sweater as opposed to a v-neck it softens it even more yeah so you take those angles away from it and it I'll think yeah yeah that's softens s interesting yeah it was really cold that day too cold that day you'd never know it I'm happy about the cold though I'm I have layers in every scene that's true we put in a lot of layers I love this reveal of Lydia this is just so nice with her sunglasses and then seeing your reflection yeah that's a great shot how they get both of you in the same frame that's what I'm you're like you're a tall drink of water there well I wanted to be able to not know who it was until the very last moment that was the whole goal of that yeah it's a great reveal 68% and we had a lot of discussion about how much to explain to the audience about how Walt left things with the all these underworld folks and this is so it's like the uh it's like the iceberg we just see the little tip of what he uh of what he what he left how he left it yeah this is her problem not he's certainly not pleased to see her there this is your real beard right yeah because as something we didn't talk about in the in the teaser you got the hair and the full beard and that was all wonderfully done makeup and and hair wig and the fake beard stuff and prosthetic makeup prosthetic makeup no no it wasn't no it was real wait that's right okay that was your real hair yeah and that's another reason why we shot it first that's right that's right shoot all that first and then I shaved my head and shaved down the beard to a a van djk but you did have Prosthetics on there your neck and cheeks and separ Prosthetics yeah I I don't I have a little bit of turkey neck but not that much oh no not at all and but but but then later on CU everyone listening to this is has no doubt seeing all the episodes that later on you've got you do have a wig and a fake beard on it's amazing how they they they cut together like and nylons and high heels forget that well we had and we had different stages of of uh wigs and beards in the in the season because of certain flashbacks yeah I like this this coming up here Peter it was really wonderful a nice little twist he's so used to lying that he's we're we're expecting him to here yeah it's just he's turning over a new Leaf it's all going to be just fine she's a former business associate who wants me to go back now we're starting to watch the scene this is the the deadly thing on his comment so good get sucked in well this is this is the third and last episode that I've directed on uh on breaking bat and but the first time that I've actually had the writer with me and uh I was very grateful to be able to have another set of eyes cuz Vince usually writes that first episode of the season and and he's can't be out in Albuquerque he has to stay in at the writer's room in Burbank to break the other story and just to explain when Brian does direct Brian has to direct the first episode of the season because a director has to prep and it's the only time where you're not shooting so um that's that's you know we don't have an option there and it's of course a nice episode to drag I love this moment with you Anna a great where where Skyler just you know reads this lady the ride and then you do feel the height difference between these two but he's like I'm okay I'll be leaving now yeah you're really gave her what for there get out delber mclinton I love his T-shirt there delber mcclinton's awesome just you know stay out of there there's a lot of decisions that are made in every single uh pre-production and production for instance there was a a scene that was cut from the the final uh version of this episode of Marie waking up and discovering that Hank was not in bed with her and it was a nice little moment um but ultimately we felt that this would tell the story as well and you have to make these tough decisions even though it was written well it would Take 2 3 hours uh production time and do we have that time it's a constant battle it is it is and I think in this case we we put it on as a target of opportunity and and with pretty much knowing that we weren't going to get to shoot it but just just in case well I believe it was the same day that we were shooting the final scene of the episode which yeah is a barn burner yeah indeed and so when when you use that term and I think it's appropriate Target of opportunity it's pushed to the end into the schedule and if there if we have an unbelievably quick day and he we're able to get to it then let's shoot it if not then we can we have we have to let it go yeah yeah I I one of the things I really enjoyed about this is how we get these little glimpses of uh moments from all the seasons yeah yeah all the characters come rushing back this is very well put together very well shot very well edited by Kelly Dixon and we got to use word mu Jim White who I went to NYU with uh who's a wonderful very talented uh composer and musician and I we finally got a Jim White song on the show very good that's a great song he's he's if you don't know Jim White go to do yourself a favor and get some of his music he's great check him out now a lot these shots here were done back on on the stage was one of those that we had to we had to take it all with us and and do it back on the stage because we just didn't want to take the time at the Practical location to shoot that when we had limited daylight and and not so no and I think some of this was shot night for day so it's actually night out the windows and and Michael bounced light off the hillside didn't he to to make it look like to make it look like yeah he was able to get some of these yeah that's cool there boy those are the days did you so none of these uh had to be recreated these are all uh most of these photos from past episodes and whatnot and including that video from uh Season 2 Season one 106 uh and we also a Peter G episode that's right my first one this would be a great it would be a great project for one of the fans to take this scene and go frame by frame and figure out what what each thing is this is one this that is wonderful and Mark Hansen's team prop team did a great job to go back and they've kept they kept them all filed neatly away and they know better this is a scene that is a personal favorite of P ghouls uh I love this one too you know it wrote this beautiful monologue about these guys debating the merits of of Star Trek and uh with such fervor and absolute commitment to it and it gave a wonderful juxtaposition between uh Jesse's and where his head is at and it just just works so well and and I got to show you guys the praise again uh for those of us who read this and are able to either act or direct these um it's basically don't get in the way it's like this plays out so beautifully and when you read it it comes to mind and Michelle will concur with this you kind of see where you want the camera anyway as you're reading this uh as a viewer as an appre of the of the written word you guys write very visually and it it inspires us visually on how to shoot it and that's a really that's you feel very fortunate to direct these scripts that's really great and that that sh we talked about that background a lot and what we can have and what's public domain and what is going to cost us a fortune and and I was just saying I just want his brain matter just fixing in that's great behind him at any given time and it keeps changing and Jason from our props Department ultimately created that for us yeah oh he did oh it's terrific it's great I love how you got I just I'm noticing it for the first time I'm really paying attention to it for the first time the fact that you put uh Charles Baker on the floor instead of on the on the futon there he's sitting all the way his butt on the floor I think it's interesting why why was that you think I just I love the the foreground of it and we had him sitting on the couch before right and he down on the couch and you know sitting on the couch is okay but it just didn't I don't know it just didn't I love this shot there a great shot all that stuff in the foreground close to him yeah and then in the background too the food time yeah it was so much fun to watch you guys rehearse this because I I think Brian you have such great comedy chops and you know you were able to get all these little these little comedy beats with these these uh these these terrific actors and it was it was just it was a it was a really different kind of scene to work on for break it was fun skinny Pete such a good audience he is I love it when he clutches the pillow he's the audience you want for your pitch Matt Jones Charlie Baker did a terrific job and have for all the time we've been on the air you got some great faces in here fun too yeah Saul uh Mr Odin Kirk your character has some interesting clientele he does he knew that Jesse was sitting out there I love that reveal of LV you know at this point Saul has all this money from all has all this money why do you think he's still seeing clients that's a good question to keep up appearances he wants to keep that money that makes sense so this is almost like a money laundry now in a way yeah yeah yeah just sit on it for a little while and then it's yours yeah this was a lot of discussion we had to completely make sure that it was a marijuana cigarette coming out of the outside of the p we had to get it close up and make sure that it wasn't miscued as a normal cigarette I love Tina is great you know you can't smok that up in here Tina Parker is great Tina and lvll are great together no um Vince we we had to do some visual effects here didn't we add a little smoke there's a little smoke needed to be added I think that I think that shot there or this one you know the good news is I can't tell you which ones are which but uh I think yeah just to make the smoke all match that was all real though that this is all real pull up a and take a seat barn door open did you get your tuggy interrupted as that we had fun that was the phrase for a number of weeks barn door open no matter what we were doing she was great it's based on something my wife sometimes says to me she did you lock the office door quiet on this end you're great in this scene Bob this is oh than a great SC I haven't seen it yet this is it you're watching for the first time that's right lawers what's it like what's it like watching yourself Bob I tell you what's difficult is Bob and Bob did a great job actually matching dressing and tying a tie and doing dialogue and that's that's not easy the actor greatest challenge it's a challenge Olivier shocking colors refus to have ties only Snap-on for velcro shoes you would only play eight-year-olds if there was a suit involved why would you I love the way Saul talks with his hands yes you know you actually don't need to hear what he's saying to know what he's thinking magic going on little distraction from the mouth don't look at the lips and maybe you'll believe me wait what did your lips just say but he's actually giving really good advice here Jesse's about to get himself in some serious that's true that's true Saul always does Melissa I'm I'm good you I'm glad you said that because in the history of Saul Goodman has he has always given good advice he does but it comes out of that mouth and it's like it can't be that well everything everything except keep cooking meth that was his good advice he that more than once I guess you're right about that come on well once you're a criminal you might as well stay once you find your skill yeah I love that on the wall there right by your right shoulder the lowest photo on the wall is a photo of you and Rob Wilson King original production designer the man who designed this set this crazy set which he said was based on the law offices and things he'd seen around town but I believe the body that um that Bob's face is photosho too is John tols oh really is that right this our cinematographer on the pilot oh I did not know that good call good call I I always enjoy seeing this set because I feel like there's there's always a good angle here there's always there's always something new to see about Saul's that's true Saul's world the University of American Samoa uh that's my favorite that is my favorite too oh God all those piles of papers I like the picture of Saul Goodman in the Balloon Fiesta oh my God I love how you play with your tie there minute ago what did you say Peter I we never did the Balloon Fiesta that was always we always wanted to do something with that yeah we have to been shooting in October yeah I love this Brian because I feel like he's on an airplane and it's a great reveal when you figure out where he is I that was in the script that we didn't want to know until the very end so it was uh it was actually not that difficult to set that up to be absolutely honest to be able to know how to shoot that and and not reveal it until that moment when you go wide very long lens like way back long lens really short uh depth of the field and then end on that shot which I liked that's actually my favorite Photography in the whole episode that that that sequence there and it's right that was just shot in the entry hall to our off production offices yeah cost effective that's a real that's not added in digitally that's a real that's a real roach babe and it performed so well unbelievably it was like yes whenever you see something happen that's magic like that and you get it in the I think that was the second take or something and it was done and now this this is a great scene I I my hand is off to you my friend cuz directing is is hard and I have never acted and I've never never had to direct while acting I don't know how You' do a scene that's good while you're also acting in it well you start with good writing that's the key then you have an idea where you want to go talk me through this but I love how you chose to put the bags right between these two guys yeah I I like that too I I would not I did not see that coming and it really does work it works very very well it's it's the it's the thing that is the bridge and the the the the CM between the two yeah that's good and still has a point of view about what the lifestyle that Jesse he's still like a dad yeah he still has that come on Brian when you're directing and acting you know you take a scene like this and you're in in the moment and you're you're looking at Jesse as you're acting are you ever thinking in your head what the camera is seeing is it hard to to do the both you know there's always a sliver of awareness whether you're doing stage you have to know know where to hit so that you the light will be on you and you have to know certain things and but you you try to work that out beforehand and then trust that it's going to be there and let it go and then you know just you watch back do you watch takes back no we don't have playback yeah we don't have that capability believe it or not yeah I mean it's an added expense and an added time and if we did have it we would have spend many many times watching something play especially if you're directing yourself it's it's a little dangerous in that so I agree uh I had nah Jack as my uh first assistant director and her great team and uh Michelle was on there and and Peter was there so Melissa and Melissa was there everybody was you know willing and there to help uh keep an eye on things that I can't see from from my perspective while we're shooting I love how you kept the focus uh on on Jesse it seems countering here because uh you're the one doing all the Talking I I really like that part I I thought that was where the story is more than who's talking yeah that's that's great it's a great great it's amazing how far these two characters have come that's right I'm done so you you trust Andy vogi and you trust uh Micha slovis to tell you if they didn't get it or if something was out of focus or whatever and then you know at after each take look over and Peter and I would talk Michelle and Melissa and anybody who happened to be there with me at the time um is everybody pleased and and you know basically when you're acting in something you're also directing you try to establish and convey a couple points that you need to get and did we get this and this and if we did that's great are you happy with that good and then confer with the actor to make sure you Empower them did did did you were you pleased with that should he someone looking after and then you inart your own points of view like when I told Aaron you know let's do it again this time just be better try to pretend this is really happening yeah wow I was waiting for something really profound there what shirts you wearing this I can't I can't make this one out looks like an explosion from The A Team or something I what's going on there Mike that's probably it if he was out there he's looking more and more like Walt too his hair is getting shorter and shorter that's not how you do things so he's trying to emulate me that was by the way yeah I think on some level actually because that was uh because Aaron came to us in season when was it season four yeah or 5A no I think it was four when he said I think uh what if I got my hair cut really really short and he was actually thinking you know I'm I'm more and more Mr White's team at least at that point maybe it makes sense next would have been glasses yeah exactly and a goatee had the one that I brought when he shows up in Wes then it's like okay go wab in Aztec Aztec that's right and I miss the Aztec if he does come Aztec as we speak is parked over in the Sony lot along with the uh the uh camper the the RV over in Culver City are are they for the tour or something or showing well they're keeping it safe it's parked next to we got a photo from Dennis milikin our our our uh our our head Teamster uh when he was over there making a delivery photo of the two the Aztec and the Winn Bay and the the Bounder I guess it technically is next parked next to the Ghostbusters uh ambulance and the uh the Green Hornet car with the machine guns in the nose oh man it's fun Peterson Auto Museum here with come it ought to be it ought to be I guarantee you'd be the only goddamn azte in the p in the Hall of azte in the crappy carwing crappy car Dennis milikin is in charge of this this section I I I wanted to have some focus on on Walt when he's earnestly telling him that I did not kill Mike and I need you to believe me how good of of a liar he's become and then and then the look from uh from Jesse that's great look at that absolutely right because you're both sharing a lie here you're both agreeing to yeah not speak the truth exactly and then finish it off with something like that wonderfully played I don't know one of the Happ moments for the white family RJ I'm I'm eating that's that's surprising it's not breakfast that's the surprise I think it was steak and something Steak did they do a good job making the prop steak there yeah for the most part I had like three of them just the downside of eating in a scene night out with the family is that real wine is that great ju no real wine we sound disappointed yeah is got to talk to Sag about that ch right must be real wine yes uh oh he's hiding stuff from me again what's he up to I like the the shaky handheld on this because it it mirrors how he's feeling you know if you look super duper closely uh coming up here although you you shouldn't be able to tell regardless even if I pointed out um you guys uh forgot to have the water on in the wide shot yes so I know so Bill palowski digitally uh put water in the wide well we got to have Bill do something sitting around in his office waiting for he was hoping to do the vomit didn't we also uh put a name on the bottle on the pill bottle oh yeah the close-up on the pill bottle I think it's already gone past there's the fake water it was uh it was Walter comma white instead of white comma wal Walter so weally flip that around God you know it's I I I tell you it's like heroin it's like the ability to fiddle with this stuff it's it's what happened to what's happened to George Lucas I guess like I want to I want uh greo to shoot first you know you can change all this stuff now and it's and it's a very hard thing to not want to make use of I love that cut that's a great cut he can't find he can't find his Highlights magazine so SK skip McDonald our editor what Whitman no actually uh Kelly sorry I'm sorry yeah yeah sorry sorry Kelly Kelly Dixon the wonderful Kelly editors our two editors uh alternate uh each episode and they both are great and I'd never been on a show that only had two editors typically you have at least three editors uh and we started off with three with Lyn Willingham and uh and Skip and Kelly and but then Lynn left us and we make it work with too and it's they they work their butts off but it it works out luckily seems like a lot of work for Just Two yeah it it is it is luckily we have uh enough uh lead time enough for uh enough post time to get it done but just barely but it also helps too because they're really focused and they know what you guys are looking for always and they have Diane Mercer and Andrew ortner yes keeping all of those both those trains on the on the tracks that's well put yep I love scenes like this where you get into his head yeah we discuss this a lot it's like what what makes him go outside and we just finally settled on something that felt right and that is just a hunch yeah Spider Sense felt something and then I wanted to have a moment here where he is going what the hell am I doing outside mhm this yeah and and you're wearing that the robe the Sony robe that we've had since the pilot yeah what was the story on that robe we had who died on that robe who didn't somebody famous this is and this is so nice this is all one piece I think from here to the end of the act and it's so elegant I am annoyed by the goddamn license plate though oh dein don't point it out nobody look nobody look what's wrong with it just I don't know what happened it's a new Mexican license plate isn't it the got the BB it's got five BB who clever idea was that I don't know but I not that none of us did Vince you and anybody you told caught that not anybody I guarantee you oh sure there'll be some nerd sitting around going oh I think I saw something there license but might indicate something that happens in the future episode I will figure out those numbers that's very good was that Wally Cox or Jerry Lewis that's a great shot that was very good this gentleman did a great job he did I like his outake on this the car broke down yeah the damn car broke down I need this is this is typical picture cars they almost never drive yeah a Wayne deart Wayne deart and he had a prosthetic leg Yeah and just a such an expressive face and and we did a lot of casting we finally found him in Texas he put you know through our casting Associates down there and uh when I saw his face the thing I think I uttered was oh please be good I I've had that too before you see the face comes up on the audition you're like oh please be good I've said that so many times you have you have a good you have a good eye for these faces I always remember that from uh the season where we introduced the cousins and there was that Mexican town and you had all these great faces and such good faces we went past look at that face that's a great face love that well I love the old guy there's a shot of the old guy in Saul's outer office this episode we had earlier that was a great faces I almost didn't get him cuz I think Michelle came by or something and said uh would it be bad if I took that guy and put him in my episode or something do you remember that no that's that came from me no from you that came from me because I said is it too late could we use that guy as the guy who uh is driving it's in the episode after this one 5 510 yeah uh can we use that as the guy the old guy with the earap oh you're right I'm sorry uh because we were casting apart you're absolutely right Brian I apologies this was freaking cold this night I visited the set with Michelle and both of us wised up and said let's go have dinner I just way too cold I just remember Michael running next to Michael next to the uh next to the car trying to look at the uh trying to keep an eye on the monitor trying to keep an eye on the Monitor and this was difficult too because we had to I wanted to match I wanted that the the Chrysler 300 to arrive at the same time that uh that the car the little radio control car this shot that's a great shot was was Matt props operating props was on the car yeah and and I told him what I wanted to do and he did it perfectly he did it yeah yeah he's he's good at that remote control car call back with our remote control car and that called a sec right that's right well we wanted to uh and it it it uh ties this episode together with the next one another interesting makeup effect is uh Dean stubble because of course his his uh his stubble grows during the episode and it's all shot out of order and so this was uh guys you're still on the clock here let's go they they an amazing job yeah they did a really good job when it's this little they do it hair by hair they put it on in little pieces it's it's very time concerned and then you got to make sure that this glue holding it on isn't shiny and it's all this minutia that goes into making these things it's amazing or any to be honest any TV show movie to be honest the amount of work yeah that was something tar day really labored over yeah tar did a great job takes a lot to make it look easy and I just you know when when I read this I thought oh wouldn't it be great for them to have this conversation and a boy is playing with a car in the background just this going work heavy foreground action and then a boy's toy coming to you well I love the sound effect of the uh which uh Nick sh uh Nick forager uh our wonderful sound effects editor came up with uh for that because it really it adds to the tension here mhm really good did you and Vince you had considered bringing back the boy who had had yeah operated the remote control car we looked into it I think it just for he couldn't work out at first well he he he was doing a movie yeah he's he's quite a successful actor now he was one of the stars of super eight right yeah and we we almost got him it almost worked out and then I think we changed our schedule and it just it just didn't work he's a nice young man though he there's anything good for him he's having a great career pretty sure him and Lacy talk sometimes my little my little sister yeah oh yeah hey that's cool your sisters are cutie she's a mess she's GNA be the death of me I you know this is this is a moment it's a little bit like uh that moment when he decides to double back and at the end of the last act and I just love it yeah Walt does this is one of the most tense moments when when leading coming up here when he closes the garage door we we when we all got the script we were so blown away and impressed that you as the writers decided to have this moment in the first episode of the last because you could have taken the entire season for the to have this moment and this was awesome and it was like he was at a at a starting line you shot a gun off and we just take off and you shot one of the runners now run see I remember reading this when the garage door goes down I was just like oh my God got say and this was an interesting scene to watch develop you uh Brian and and Dean figuring out how the physicality of it would work and how far You' take it it's just violent is a good hit I know and the the thing that that that Dean and I were were working on with Peter is that this is a scene about betrayal he's not angry at me like he was angry at Jesse for what he pulled before and and and you know wanted to kill him he's hurt here yeah he's in deep deep pain yeah and that's why he's holding on we figured this out I said what if you just held on to me and squeezed me like you wanted to crush me like a grape because your heart is breaking you guys play the [ __ ] out of the dean's awesome Dean is awesome both you guys are awesome so proud of how this came out really great beautiful really well done and you know you made it uh so physical tactile tactile that's a good word and and and when you banged into the garage door you had to be careful not to bang in it too hard cuz you didn't want to pay for a new garage door right seriously that was a comment said we can't hit it too hard we did have to ask the owners minded it was so important that that kind of physical that push was so important that I I feel that way well God bless Fred and June who own the house they're very understanding thatt K and I am fighting like we actually had problems with the garage door in the next episode but I'm not saying it was related at all you mean the garage door got hurt is that what you're saying well no no I'm not saying that no garage doors got hurt in the making of this and then the question arose should you be bleeding this entire time cuz you know facial Cuts bleed a lot but it's like no that's too much of a deal to mess with I both know I would never you don't want to be thinking about how much blood is coming out and and mess up all the good acting in here and now he makes his appeal this was so brilliantly written car thank you well it's I love the way it's played and I I love that he's making this argument and you kind of I don't know when I when while you're while you're making the argument I believe it yeah there is no point there's no point to bringing this guy to Justice it's a valid aru it's it is a valid argument but he he's too righteous of a man to bend can't do it and then this where there's that shift from being oh great that's open vulnerability kind of drips away so shut it down and then you see little Heisenberg come through and it's M yeah such a great shift that's nice I don't even know and what I love about this ending is that you're not saying that just as a threat it's uh you really don't want this to escalate this is the probably the best thing to do yeah who I am I would regret having to squash you like a bug that's s like of course would be to tread lightly this this this episode is full of these long two-handers yeah and W T he's doing him a favor by telling him yeah warning it's a warning it's not a threat it's a warning it's yeah great last shot I love the slight little breathe back a little tiny and we went back as far as we could and Kevin Kevin Cordes our best fan ever God bless him he's a passed away this year good boy good guy good young guy 16 years old passed away from cancer who helped plant the seed of some things to come in the series well people have seen it now the the very fact wretched and Elliot come back in large part is due to due to something Kevin said to me that he wanted to know more about them so great episode Brian great job great job great job everybody great very nice very nice guys [Music]
Channel: Movies Flicker
Views: 2,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking Bad, Breaking Bad Commentary, Breaking Bad With Commentary, Breaking Bad Season 5, Vince Gilligan, Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, RJ Mitte, Walter White, Skyler White, Jesse Pinkman, Hank Schrader, Heisenberg, Better Call Saul, Walt, Jesse, Skyler, Marie, Saul Goodman, Lydia, Blood Money, Bob Odenkirk, Peter Gould, Michelle MacLaren, Melissa Bernstein
Id: 26XUmhGmPQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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