Breakfast Sausage Patties - Homemade Pork Breakfast Sausage Recipe

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[Music] hello this is Chef John from with breakfast sausage patties that's right I can't believe I have not made breakfast sausage on Food Wishes yet what was I thinking I've gotten tons of requests for sausage so this is a simple breakfast sausage no casing in Patty form so easy check it out first of all you need to find some quality ground pork ideally you've gone to a butcher shop and they will take some pork shoulder and they will grind it up for you and it will be perfect texture see that all right very coarse perfect for sausage it will also have a very very high fat content and that's the way it has to be so just eat a little bit make it the right way all right the next major ingredient in my pork sausage is fennel seed I have about a tablespoon or so and I'm going to crush them very slightly with the sharp end of a blade just two or three times going across I want to Crunch up some of them to release a little more flavor most sausage you see the fennel it's left whole generally all right don't do it too hard they will fly everywhere so be careful all right another subtle yet very important ingredient freshly grated nutmeg you can use ground nutmeg if you have to but freshly grated so much better I'm going to put in some red pepper flakes I'm going to put in some dry herbs which is an Italian blend you can read about on the blog thme rosemary sage Etc I'm going to add salt of course all right a good amount of freshly ground black pepper and to finish some freshly grated orange zest which gives it a beautiful bright flavor really really beautiful with the pork so maybe you're not that adventurous and you're afraid of zest don't be you're going to miss out and by the way I stole the orange zest idea from my Uncle Bill who makes the best Italian sausage in the world so thank you Uncle Bill for the inspiration all right now to mix we're going to take just the tip of the fork and kind of fold This Together almost as if you're working with like a pastry or dessert and you don't want to over mix it okay we want to get all those spices and all that salt and pepper and zest evenly distributed but we don't want to over mix it so I think a fork works great and once you think it's mixed I want you to cover it and refrigerate it overnight I know I'm sorry you wanted to eat it right now but you really need to let the flavors develop okay so do this in the evening and you'll be all set for breakfast did I mention these are breakfast sausage patties so how about that for timing next morning it comes out of the fridge you're so excited we can finally eat them no we have to cook a test I know I'm sorry you want to eat it right now you cook a little piece like this you taste for seasoning does it need more salt does it need more pepper does it need more whatever as you've heard me say 100 times you're the boss of your sausage so you're in charge of adjusting the seasoning so I tasted mine and and I was like M that's really good it does not need any adjusting but you know what better safe than sorry plus I got a little snack so everybody wins all right time to make our sausage patties I'm going to place a pig shaped cutting board down with plastic on it by the way this is pork sausage do not use a different animal shaped cutting boardless of course your name is Chef Maro all right I'm going to take about a sixth of my mixture form it into a ball and place it down so I'm going to fold over the plastic I'm going to give it a little press to about I'm going to say a/4 inch qu4 2 1/2 in what's in between that 38 38 just like that better too thin than too thick all right Our Patties are pressed so it's over to the stove over medium high heat I have an old cast iron pan a well seasoned pan you don't need any oil because of all the fat and the sausage all right so I'm going to sear it on that side for about 3 minutes and it's going to get beautifully crusty all right I'm to flip these over about the same amount of time on the other side and the smell of this cooking is just otherworldly it's amazing that fennel and orange and just such a unique and awesome Aroma all right so we're all good you can tell when they're done they're kind of firm to the touch spring back and yes you know what's coming next they're going next to some eggs with some pumpkin seed toast I believe that was we will have to have some gratuitous running egg y porn you're welcome all right that's enough of that and here we go so perfect what a great way to wake up so who doesn't like a nice breakfast sausage patty now you can make your own at home so simple so fast as long as you do it the night before so I don't count leaving something in the fridge overnight as work so don't give me oh it Tak so long it doesn't take long takes like 5 minutes to mix and few minutes to fry and you have homemade sausage all right so I want you to get on this and give this a try anyway all the measurements are on the site and you're going to want them they're very important and specific so go check it out and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,171,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homemade, Pork, Breakfast, Sausage, Recipe, meat, brunch, patties, fennel, orange, chef, john, foodwishes, cooking, food, recipes, kitchen, Allrecipes, recipe, Pork Breakfast Sausage, how to, how to make, how to cook, make, cook, learn, sausage, breakfast, easy, simple, delicious
Id: 24hA3dD8SjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2011
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