My Favorite Style of Breakfast Sausage! | Chuds BBQ

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what is going on everybody welcome back to Treads barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made these beautiful delicious Savory breakfasty plump amazing casing free breakfast sausages coming up this is some pork belly Pat it dry and what I got here is some pork belly picked this up at my local HEB and as you can see it's already cubed up well at least for the most part but they're still a little too big so I'm gonna go ahead and just cut them up into little cubes like that and the reason I'm going with pork belly instead of pork butt is because whenever I make breakfast sausage it just doesn't seem to come out quite fatty enough and when I saw this pork belly at the store it was in fact quite meaty looking but there's still a good amount of fat on there so I think this should work out perfectly but in the past if you can't find pork belly I will get a pork butt debone it and break it down and just kind of favor the fat cap maybe cut out some of the leaner Parts if you're looking for a higher fat ratio but this isn't being cased or anything this is just gonna make some little Patties or some little brown and serves as the case may be today so I'm not really too concerned about an exact fat ratio we just want to make sure it's nice and juicy and nice and tasty but like anytime we grind meat Cube this up so it fits in the meat grinder and we'll chill down nice and quickly I already have this in the freezer they were feeling pretty firm until I brought them outside it's currently 106 degrees outside so it's uh warming up quite quick look folks it has been a hot summer ready for the fall Ready For Less cicadas and really loud bugs alrighty last chunk I've got these on a scale right now so I know exactly how much spice and salt I need to add and we got right about three and a half pounds 1583 grams so I'm gonna pop this into the fridge while we get our spices ready spices for our breakfast sausage include some kosher salt dry Sage granulated garlic some ground thyme black pepper red chili flake dry parsley a little bit of MSG coriander and a little bit of fennel and last but not least some milk powder as our binder not always necessary to use a binder for breakfast sausage but uh for the way we're doing it today I think it's really going to help out so get this all mixed up and our spices are done now that our meat is nice and cold we're gonna send a souvenir grinder got the Small die on there today we're just going to send it through oh yeah beautiful grind on that gotta love that and now here we go with our spices that's a lot and just get that all nice and mixed up we're also going to go in with our liquid which is going to be 10 weight of just some plain old water and just mix that until it's nice and tacky and just like that our beautiful breakfast sausage is done so now I'm going to go ahead and pop it into the stuffer Trying to minimize air pockets as always beautiful bind on that and now I'm going to pop this into the fridge for just a little bit to kind of firm up let those spices hydrate let those flavors meld and we we'll be right back all right folks it's been just a few hours I'm starting to get hungry we're having Brenner tonight so something to make these sausage links so to speak this is something I've been wanting to try for a long time I'm not sure if it's going to work but simply enough I'm going to try to extrude some brown syrup style sausages so all I need to do is let this come out for a bit however long I want these things to be a pair of scissors or a knife or something snip it off and we've got a cute little link and there we go hopefully that'll do really well on the grill we will find out it would also be interesting to try this with some different sized horns like make some thick boys some little thin guys but these are looking pretty cute to me gotta say if you're new to sausage making and you have all the gear and you still don't know how to start this is a really great starting point because you don't need to worry about casings you don't need to worry about the skill that comes with casings so easy so cute we've got a whole little army and I'm not going to do all of them like brown and serves I'm going to pipe some of the rest into this casing I got this is just a fibrous casing that way we can store it and make patties out of it we're going to oil this thing up beautiful just like a Jimmy Dean best part about this is we can just kind of slice right through it pull the skin off and have some beautiful little sausage patties and just like that these little logs are looking beautiful so let's go ahead and fire up the pan now to cook these links I'm going to do them on this beautiful carbon steel griddle made by the folks over at made in and they gave this to me a while back and I learned that it fits perfectly on a mini chud box I mean it's like it was designed to sit like that it really is a pretty nifty little setup because we still have complete access to the coals so we can move them to whatever side of the griddle we want and this griddle is great in high heat so should be a great little setup foreign so if you're one of the many people that just bought a new Mini chud box on sale now highly recommend picking up this made in carbon steel griddle very nice I'll have links in the description I'm going to go ahead and just throw a bunch of these on there not gonna lie folks I put way too much charcoal under there ah this thing got hot very quickly and these things cooked in a mere seconds but they're looking good and as I hope for that binder really helped and they all stayed together none of them fell apart they're looking nice and plump nice and firm and definitely Brown and servable pretty happy with that and one final touch hot off the griddle we're gonna paint these with some maple syrup just for good measuring you know I didn't put any sweetness in these sausages because that Sugar would have gotten destroyed on that hot griddle but I still like a little bit of maple flavor in my breakfast sausage and this seems like a great way to go about it second round is going much better now that the coal beds died down a little bit pretty fun thing to cook little roly-polies and it's smelling oh so good gotta save folks as far as burner goes a big fat stack of sausage a couple of perfect looking eggs a little buttery toast that's all I need gotta say folks I do love a good burner and these little guys are super cute cooked up incredibly fast they also came together really quick so pretty easy thing to do but oh let's break over one of these gooey eggs and just give this a little sausage link a taste test shall we mm-hmm oh it was so good that was just breakfast in a bite a little eggy a little Savory a little maply yeah would you like some sausage and eggs for Brenner yes I love Brenner not often we use forks around here Bon Appetit you just some homemade a little brown and serve style casing free oh a little maple glazed that is so good pork links I think these are my favorite kind of sausages honestly yeah they're so nice like a sweet and salty great for dipping too the perfect egg gotta love a good sunny side up yeah it's got a nice little kick to it too yeah those little uh red chili flakes I think that's kind of like the quintessential flavor is that a little bit of heat in the background to a breakfast sausage this is perfect I just got done with a two mile walk well there you go in this heat yeah I mean also from a preparation standpoint I guess patties are probably a little bit easier to make but uh compared to mess around with casings I don't know and like you said these are just like these are classic you know yeah they're so cute really little sausage fingers I'm gonna be eating these all week you've got a sausage and eggs just hit so differently at night than in the morning yeah the only thing that would set this over is some pancakes the night is young it's like a little meat stogie the maple glaze on these I think is the new trick because in the past I put Maple or sugar in the sausage and they just get really burned up but these I painted them on afterwards it kind of just melted right on too it's not like too sticky it really isn't oh it's so good it's a classic I love bit I thought you took a bite out of it no that that little guy I wouldn't worry about that little guy all right folks I think we're gonna knock out the rest of this off camera yeah I'll check back in a little bit this is what it looks like maybe 10 minutes later when I start gonna eat off camera we're still in the same spot we just finished all this we're just off camera I was hungry it was good might have to whip up a few more eggs yeah maybe but first I think it's time for the official taste test absolutely fantastic casing free scratch made breakfast sausage links I highly recommend giving this one a try especially if you're new to sausage making and you don't have any of the gear you can easily buy some ground pork and figure out a different way to extrude it you know just roll it up yourself maybe pipe it through a Piping Bag or a plastic bag or something like that but no matter what you do I highly recommend it it comes together really quick and it's absolutely fantastic but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button on YouTube to my dropping a like on this video If you do give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I'd love to see what you all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chut and allowing me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 75,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breakfast sausage, sausage making, brown n serves, homemade sausage, smoked sausage, made in griddle, perfect eggs, breakfast recipe, texas, bbq, barbecue, brisket, ribs, brinner
Id: pO85INS_Q-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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