Quick & Crispy Home Fries - How to Make Crispy Diner-Style Home Fries

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[Music] hello this is Chef John from foodwishes.com with quick and crispy home fries that's right I'm going to show you my favorite shortcut method for doing amazing breakfast potatoes and while we are going to save a decent amount of time using this method that's only the second best reason to use it the real reason to use this technique is it produces home fries that don't just look perfect but actually are perfect because a lot of home fries will look beautifully golden brown but they just don't have that perfect contrast and textures between the crispy crusty outside in a light fluffy inside so with that let's go ahead and get started and first up we have to talk haters so what I have here are three peeled rets which I think are the best choice okay something like a Yukon Gold will also work but what you really want to avoid is the ones with a waxy texture like your red potato those are just not going to get as crispy and then what we're going to do to prep these is simply cut them in quarters and as we do we'll transfer those onto a plate because the first step here and what's going to save us a good amount of time is we're going to microwave these until they're almost soft and then let them cool down completely and how this was done at the hotel I learn this technique is that the potatoes would be cooked in a steamer and then chilled which is a great way to do them but the good news is we can totally simulate that at home using a microwave so we'll go ahead and quarter those potatoes and transfer those to a plate spacing them as evenly as possible at which point we'll microwave these for 4 minutes or until just tender and if you happen to have one of these covers go ahead and use it but if not it will still work and like I said we're going to cook those for about four minutes but you're going to have to figure that out depending on the size of your potato and the strength of your microwave but what we're looking for is those potatoes to just barely almost be tender okay a knife should be able to slide in but we don't want these falling apart so maybe do them just under what you do if you're making a potato salad and by the way if you're thinking I can't make these I don't have a microwave sure you do it's in the break room at work sneak a few potatoes in do them before you leave and they're ready for the next morning but anyway what we'll do once our potatoes are cooked is let those cool down to room temp before cutting them up into smaller chunks and me personally I'm going to cut each one of these quarters into six which I think is the best size but do me a favor and don't cut them like this that was terrible technique because we always want to cut with a flat side down plus we could easily do two at once so we'll go ahead and cut up our potatoes into whatever size we want and then once that's all set assuming these potatoes are fully cooled we can move on to final production or we could just pop these in the fridge and do them later which is not a bad idea because they can come out even crispier but I'm hungry and these are cool enough so I'm going to head to the stove to cook these up which I'm going to be doing in a non-stick pan set over medium high heat into the pan I'm going to drizzle in some olive oil as well as add a couple slices of butter oh by the way you know how they say opposites attract this is the opposite of that and what we're going to want to do is watch that butter melt with our potatoes right next to us because as soon as the foamy part of the butter just starts to think about turning brown we're going to toss the potatoes in in okay so just stand there with your spatula ready and as soon as the butter looks like this we'll give the pan a swirl and we'll transfer our potatoes in and sort of even them out as best we can and what we'll do while we're waiting for the crustification process to start is go ahead and season these with some salt as well as some freshly ground black pepper I think we'll also Shock the World with a little Shake of cayenne as well as a small pinch of onion powder and garlic powder which as you know is just pure gran ated onion and garlic no salt and then last but not least a little bit of paika which is not going to add much flavor but as you'll see later it really helps us achieve a gorgeous color so we'll go ahead and season our potatoes which by now should be starting to get a little bit crusty on the bottom and at this point we'll give them what is the first of numerous tosses and you could do this with just a spatula although if you've mastered the flipping food in a pan technique I find that much easier and yes of course we have a video for that in fact believe it or not I teach you how to do that with cheese balls oh yeah you heard me cheese balls but anyway whether you flip them or just toss them with a spatula we're going to want to do that every few minutes until these potatoes are done which I'm going to take a wild guess and say is going to be about 10 to 12 minutes but that really depends so forget about the time just go by appearance and sound and taste and texture so we will let those cook for a couple minutes and then give them a toss or Flip or both and then we'll let the bottom Rec crisp up and crustified flip it again and what we can do between flips if we happen to see a couple potatoes that are obviously needing to be turned we can give those some individual attention but even if you don't do that by simply flipping every couple minutes eventually all those potatoes should get nice and crispy and crusty on the outside and depending on your stove and pan you may be able to stay right on medium high heat the whole way but towards the end if it looks like it's getting too hot you could reduce it down to medium okay that's just you cooking and basically we're just going to keep flipping and observing until we think they're perfect as determined by you okay you are after all the flow of how far to go and by the way if you got that Mel's Diner reference you're pretty old like me so we'll simply keep cooking until we think they're done which for me was right here and that's it once our potatoes are looking and tasting like we want we'll go ahead and transfer those onto a platter and then you could probably just go ahead and eat these but since I had to take some pictures I snip some chives over although I only had a couple so it ended up being fairly pointless but anyway if you want to garnish those with some chive or some green onion or some other kind of herb that would be fine and that's it our quick and crispy home fries are done oh and remember that little pinch of paprika we added that little touch really warmed up the color and helped make for what I think is just an incredibly gorgeous appearance which while amazing is still outdone by The Taste and texture because by using this technique we've reached what is considered the Holy Grail of home fries and that's a crusty crispy edged exterior surrounding a light fluffy interior okay done properly the inside of a Home Fry should be exactly the same texture as a perfectly made baked potato and that's exactly what I had right here but of course what kind of crazy person just eats a plate of potatoes so I went ahead and served those next to my famous Farm scrambled eggs which are called that because I use five different kinds of pepper well actually just two but that's okay in the business we call that creative license and these eggs were so good I would have been happy just to have that in the toast but when we add these perfect home fries to the plate I mean come on it just doesn't get any better than that unless we add a little bit of ketchup oh yeah in the spirit of full disclosure Chef John enjoys his home fries with ketchup he also occasionally talks in the third person at the end of videos but anyway that's it quick and crispy home fries whether you enjoy yours with ketchup or not I really do hope you give these a try soon so head over to foodwishes.com for all the ingredient amounts have more info as usual and as always pleas enjoy [Music]
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 2,277,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Fries, Home, Fries, Crispy, Diner, potato, potatoes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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