Breakdown of The Dominion-Borg War (Animated)

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we are crippled and are being attacked by your biological and technological [Music] decentness q 9876 there is a detected incursion in grid 897 you are ordered to investigate [Music] we will comply a war between the borg and dominion is something that has been hotly debated since the introduction of the dominion in deep space nine ironically it was one of the first videos i ever did and helped propel the channel into what it is now looking at the board dominion war while we do have some clues as to how a confrontation might go the information we have is vague on how powerful dominion weaponry would be versus that of a board cube or another borg ship an actual engagement would be very hard to determine without more information being canonized on screen that said let's try your ships anyways pass your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own your culture services it is my understanding you have assimilated several federation vessels in your past did you know that starfleet attempted to teach us several lessons during the dominion war and do you want to know something starving lessons are irrelevant lower your shields can surrender your ships i think this will be very important to you because you see we are fast learners unfortunately due to the fact that i'm not a millionaire the animations that i'm providing will be brief snippets of how i think the initial battle would go if you'd like to see a full battle or perhaps the entirety of a dominion borg war let me know in the comments also take into account for me to do it it would require fan funding so let me know if you'd be willing to throw out a few dollars for this scenario the confrontation will occur between the dominion and the borg in a post-dominion war era how long past the dominion war will probably be a little vague however we would still have odo as the guide for the dominion helping the changelings understand what solids are like as well as just controlling the dominion overall the entire scenario would start off with at some point the dominion detecting borg activity not wanting to be reactive to the issue but proactive in dealing with the threat oto would reach out to the federation for assistance the federation now the only superpower left in the alpha and beta quadrant uses its diplomatic influence to sway the klingons the romulans and cardassians to form a fleet to assist the dominion in destroying the board this would be hundreds of ships that would join the federation alliance fleet and make for the majority wormhole to ultimately get to the gamma quadrant they would be separated into various forces or battle groups in order to take on the borg romulan scout ships are dispatched at this point to verify where the borg incursions are occurring as you saw in the last segment once one of the vessels has been identified the dominion would spring its trap and attempt to pull the board cube to fight on the dominion alliance's terms with a portion of the dominion and federation alliance fleet now surrounding the vessel the battle group would engage the board for better or worse shields to compensate [Music] this structural is bring around the uss mcmahon to cover the gap and push forward [Music] looking at the borg in this era we know that a cube has a complement of up to 130 000 drones while initially using subspace fields that modulate and neutralize the type of weapon when they are attacked later cubes would have been modified to utilize adaptive shielding similar to technologies we see found in the alpha beta and gamma quadrants the vessel would have beam and projectile weaponry such as missiles and magnetometric charges specifically designed to drain shields additionally the vessel would have some form of disrupters or phasers along with tractor and cutting beams ironically while there would be advancements for the borg the alpha beta and gamma quadrant powers would be updating their technology much faster in order to combat this threat this would mean that a borg attack is no longer a curb stop as we see starfleet klingon and dominion forces would not instantly be destroyed help their weapons would probably cause damage unfortunately cardassian vessels likely required to limit their military abilities and technology due to post-dominion war treaties would be easily dispatched oh yeah and they would probably have like a california class vessel there at some point it'd instantly retreat though when a phaser or disruptor got too near to it because well it's a cali class taking massive damage hopefully you'll feel better than our allies they died with honor and we've proved our medal i like you klingons you're almost [Music] our shields are down the board are beginning to be aboard [Music] we've done what we can here all forces move to rally point three the first confrontation would ultimately result in a defeat as the picket line softens up the borg ships and buys time for more and more forces to regroup during this time there would probably be some banter between the vessels a way of working through the stress as we've observed any dominion ship that is compromised by the borg would attempt to slam into the enemy vessel instead of becoming drones the surviving ships would retreat making their way for the backup picket line and at this picket line there would be a much larger fleet waiting to assist in my opinion if the borg are to have a weakness it would be that they have an ai like focus on things sometimes they can't see the trees for the forest once given an order to destroy something like the dominion allied fleet they would do this task without rest the cube would follow the survivors to the next confrontation as the battle progresses the technology levels would start to show the fleet would slowly be chipped away with starfleet and dominion vessels still persisting and very few klingon and romulan vessels surviving and of course no cardassian ones however all of this would be a faint for the dominion the ultimate goal of the vorta strategist would be to well wow [Music] when analyzing the options i feel like florida strategists would see the best resource to defeat the borg outside of biological warfare that they haven't had time to come up with would be to simply expend jim hadar assets using them to or destroy other vessels this would be successful initially taking out the first borg forces though i do believe the borg would find a way to adapt ultimately however this would just be the first battle of the borg dominion war and it would be very very costly the dominion allied forces would not be able to win a war if they had to drown the borg in their own blood to do it there would have to be changes of course this is how i think the first battle of a dominion borg war would occur how do you think it would go is this something you'd like to see let me know in the comments below don't forget to rate comment subscribe and i'll see you on the next lore reloaded [Music] we are the borg your biological and technological deceptiveness will be added to our own resistance is futile [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Lore Reloaded
Views: 157,652
Rating: 4.820303 out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Lore Reloaded, Lore Master, dominion borg war, The Dominion Borg War, star trek dominion war, star trek dominion war game, star trek dominion war battles, star trek dominion vs borg, star trek dominion wars intro, star trek dominion history, star trek dominion lore, star trek borg assimilation, star trek borg battle, star trek borg first appearance, star trek borg resistance is futile, star trek borg episodes
Id: qMzVkf6lcTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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