Would the Romulans Defeat the Ferengi in a Conflict?

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i think it's a plant to draw us into the neutral zone that way we look like the aggressors and the wrong ones would have a legitimate excuse for responding in force exactly that would also not be an atypical rondo employee sir it's always a game of chess with them isn't it i believe the analogy refers to the worst quality of capitalists the ferangu are believed to conduct their affairs of commerce on the ancient principle caveat emptor let the buyer beware one of the more interesting aspects of star trek to engage in when you take all the series into account is to analyze the intra-quadrant politics and theorize how two different powers might interact an example of this would be to speculate how a war between the romulan star empire and the ferengi alliance might take place for the purposes of this conversation we will be looking at a more conventional war between the two why the war began isn't as relevant but if i had to give a reason it would probably be due to romulan internal strife and the government wanting to create a boogeyman so that they could stay in power due to this we will assume that the negotiations break down due to the ferengi being unable to create terms that the romulans can live with it is important to know that we are assuming a war early in deep space nine's tenure at least initially this would mean probably season one or season two of deep space nine itself we're doing this since after the dominion war that would change things drastically before we get too far into it let's take a look at the two belligerents the ferengi alliance is a hyper-capitalistic government that took at least 10 thousand years to establish the handful of planets under the ferengi sway are considered to have strong business interests with large economic influence the government is run on the more toxic elements of capitalism with each position within the government requiring bribery and patronage to sustain yourself it would take money either through business or illicit means to rise in the ranks that said this often did create a sort of darwin-like system where intelligent and conniving ferangi rose to the top these quote-unquote smart ferengi would be able to work within the system and even protect the government from being attacked from outside influences it is important to know that the ferengi had always been known to stay neutral during galactic conflicts and often use their influence and trade to convince governments that war wasn't really reasonable these ferengi economic pressures would either force the other governments to acquiesce to the requests or allow them to come up with an agreement that everyone could live with the ferengi military such that it is works more as a local militia with defensive measures used to protect ferengi trade the captains of the military also known as daemons were more focused on expanding trading opportunities of the alliance than fighting in any major conflict or war however even though the frankie didn't often engage in such wars their technology was often considered to be on par with that of the federation very impressive design anything on that design data nothing specific sir as you know ferengi technology is estimated to be generally equal to our own but that does not mean identical however correct sir we are no doubt advanced in some areas they and others the decorah class vessel was known to have parody with the galaxy-class starship of starfleet and was impressive to the crew of the federation flagship the uss enterprise d the vessel had a forward missile launcher torpedo launcher directed energy weapon and electromagnetic pulse weapon that was able to drain the power and energy from reserve batteries and stores of enemy vessels the decorah would also have an auxiliary ship that can be used though its exact specifications aren't known the ferengi also have a supplementary small shuttle craft though again the information on said vessel isn't available the vessel's warp systems were also thought to be about as quick as a galaxy class starship putting it roughly at warp factor nine on the opposite side we have the romulan star empire the empire is an interstellar government spanning hundreds of worlds the romulans are known for extreme secrecy subterfuge and territorial expansionism the star empire was considered one of the major powers in the alpha quadrant and a major belligerent in the dominion war that said the romulans rarely engaged in outright conflicts and they often lost when they did while their 23rd century counterparts were more like soldiers that would fight outright the 24th century where this war occurs would show romulans to often work in subterfuge and covert military action they often attempted to sow discord within a rival government and destroy from within this rarely worked out as planned for the secret police otherwise known as the tau shiar unlike the ferengi alliance the romulan military was an advanced force that was both space-faring and had ground forces they had a dedicated military that was trained to keep war out of their borders and conduct operations in enemy territory an entire military branch existed for both the military itself as well as civilian counterparts among the vessels that would be filled by the romulans for this conflict would include the daedera dex class starship as well as the romulan scout ship there are older vessels that would be available this includes the d7 class romulan bird of prey the 2399 romulan warbird and the romulan drone ship but these are outdated models that aren't observed in the 24th century while the valdor class is something that exists we can only see it later in the dominion war so it won't be available right now the daderadex is an advanced vessel though that is either on par or arguably slightly more powerful than the galaxy class equivalent the ship has a warp capability of 9 but can extend that to 9.6 with damage to the propulsion system the vessel is only capable of warp 6 while cloaked though and that's going to be important in the future the armaments of the vessel includes disrupt arrays phasers photon torpedo launchers and a primary disruptor array like the ferengi shuttles we don't have a lot of information on the smaller romulan ships for the purposes of this conflict we are assuming that the war will be declared and be conventionally conducted i've said that already analyzing the canon map of the star trek universe thanks star trek picard for finally making something canon we can identify the edges of romulan space and put that against the edges of ferengi space looking at the star chart this appears to roughly be 2 000 light years between the two i will take a moment to caveat and say there is some dispute on how accurate this map is as presented apparently a member from the podcast and or game show a question of track believes that the map doesn't look like this but looks more like this i remain skeptical but you can go down to the website in the description below to see for yourself and make your own decision for now we'll assume the one presented and has always been considered canon through time up until now is going to be the one we use i may come back and look at the more condensed version at some point but to say the difference in the map is a game changer for the war is putting it lightly that's a whole new episode anyway all that to say this will be the map we're using for this video analyzing the war itself the only logical conclusion is that the ferengi would be fighting a defensive war it'd be unlikely that any conflict would occur in romulan space by the ferengi themselves due to this romulans would have to gather and send off an invasion fleet while they could attempt to circle around federation space this would likely take a long time the space is actually in three dimensions so we don't know how far up or down the territory goes the fastest and easiest way to do this would be to go through federation space but that would necessitate the use of cloaking technology due to this romulan vessels would largely have to travel at warp six however they would not have to stay cloaked the entire time while there could be starfleet patrols the romulan armada only needed to utilize cloak when necessary and travel at warp 9 when it was improbable that they'd run into any interference we can't be completely sure how much of the time they'd have to stay cloaked but let's be generous and cut the time in half at warp 6 from the romulan border to the ferengi border would take about five years maybe a little bit over at warp nine it would take a little under a year so cutting that in half let's call it two two and a half years to get to the ferengi with roughly two years to prepare for an outright invasion the ferengi would begin a build up of their defenses but honestly that wouldn't be their main focus the alliance historically are not known for their military prowess they generally focus on finances at a galactic level and use that to impact politics as stated this fight would be a regional war around ferengi space given that reality their economic might would become an extreme advantage when looking at the influence of latinum on various species it's kind of ironic that the closer you get to faranganar the more of an impact you see while this makes logical sense i doubt any writer actually meant to do that given the ferengi's economic power any war with their loss would result in extreme negative repercussions economically additionally war so near to even neutral outposts will impact trade even if the fighting isn't happening in that general area because of that the cardassian union and lecepians would be hard-pressed not to come to the aid of the ferengi alliance additionally the bajorans would likely claim neutrality while being sympathetic to the ferengi the fighting would be far far removed but it's likely that the zinc cathy would share similar sentiments to that of bajor interestingly dialogue in tng and early ds9 seem to indicate some form of positive relationship between the cardassian union and marine empire while this definitely changes in late deep space nine we know a cardassian embassy was established on the breen home world it is possible that some assets or at least support might be given by the brain as well the federation unsurprisingly would stay neutral though the ferengi are going to most assuredly request continual assistance for quote-unquote humanitarian aid ensuring starfleet vessels protect and guard foodstuffs as well as medical supplies on their way to war-torn areas it's also possible that the romulans would attempt to negotiate a peace treaty or even alliance with the differing regional powers but again the rayons who can't offer much the only thing they might be able to barter with is possible territorial gains and that's at the cost of the economy even though the cardassian union is resource starved that's a large ask for something that's trivial in comparison to full economic collapse though interestingly even with all of these preparations the arrival of the romulan invasion force would be devastating to the ferengi and its allies with the ferengi being the most technologically advanced of all of the newly formed alliance they would still easily be outmaneuvered by soldiers that fly under the raptor's wing initial attacks even by a weary romulan armada would be quick and devastating a beach head would be established and honestly would be absolutely vital in order for the romulans to conduct war the ryan tsu are so far away from supply lines the use of planets for repair and resources can't be understated when considering how the romulans might decide to conduct their war and how large the front would be even though cardassia and the lisepians allied with the ferengi it's unlikely that the romulans would attempt to attack their space this would spread their forces out too far and risk antagonizing the bajorans zinkathi and federation the fighting would be fierce but assuming the kardashians utilize some of their military experience the plan would ultimately be to grind the romulan advance to a halt and force them to fight a protracted and costly war even with some planets now under the control of the ryansu they still don't have the facilities to build new vessels or maintain their existing fleet conversely the ferengi and their allies would be receiving reinforcements almost daily with vessels being repaired relatively easily the romulans also have issues replacing soldiers lost in combat while the ferengine cardassians have training camps within a hop skip and jump of the battle lines while the romulans would be reminiscent to admit it i dare say the federation's diplo corps would be likely starting to place heavy pressure upon them in all of this we haven't even talked about one of the key aspects that is a major player as well and that's the tau shiar it is possible with smart romulans that the tao shiar worked to overthrow and turn the ferengi alliance into a puppet state long before actual combat occurs they would of course have to do this without being detected by section 31 and the obsidian order but that's a conversation for another time for this scenario as i've discussed we've assumed that outright war occurs but that doesn't mean that the tau shiar isn't working in the background it is possible that they would attempt to cause discord within the alliance as well as impact the politics of feranganar additionally the ferengi and their allies would likely see an increase in sabotage to their ships and facilities a few things to consider before this is called a curb stomp though first the taosiar has to directly compete against the obsidian order within this entire scenario while dialogue tells us the obsidian order is much more dangerous than the taoshiar we don't really see that in the series however the obsidian order would still likely provide excellent counter-intelligence along with inflicting massive damage remember the romulans would be working on conquered planets a lot of the people might not like that and would be open to the obsidian order helping them cause some strife there's also another x factor that is to specifically talk about section 31 the organization probably wouldn't resist any chance to weaken the star empire the net benefits are almost incalculable here it could mean assisting the ferengi in the war directly or conducting extensive operations within the romulan star empire's borders this would be a lot easier since they'd be in a weakened space and focused on the ferengi romulan war however all of this wouldn't be the deciding factor of who wins in the ferengi romulan war and no matter what i dare say the romulans are going to win the saviors of the ferengi would come not from the cardassians not even from the federation but the klingon empire make no mistake the klingons absolutely hate the ferengi but they also are pretty opportunistic and hate the romulans just as much they would see the attack on the ferengi to be without honor romulans don't have that apparently no matter what they do and is likely that klingon assets would begin raids if not a full out assault on romulan outposts across their border this now opens up two fronts for the romulans and it would be at that point that a ferengi rule of acquisition would come into play specifically the rule of acquisition number three never spend more for an acquisition than you have to right now during this conflict everything leading up to this point peace was at a bargain the romulans certainly were going to win the war but at a heavy cost and both sides had weapons the ferengi's had weapons the romulans had weapons but no one was going to win the war decisively without a lot of cost again peace had never been so cheap and that's when the ferengi in my opinion would use their greatest advantage negotiation while it's anyone's guess if i was writing it i would say that the ferengi would likely seed a planet or two to the romulans giving them a foothold in ferengi space and a clear win for their populace however this would likely come at some requirements for instance perhaps the requirement that these planets continue to utilize latinum and the widespread introduction of latinum into romulan star empire economics creating trade routes and a reliance on the currency after all if the ferengi could just get a mcdonald's into romulan space they'd never have war again ultimately the ferengi romulan war would result in a romulan victory no surprise there but it would come at a cost and likely set up the ferengi to have new ventures and business opportunities it might also result in land being lost to the klingons when they became involved in the war it is hard to tell what actually would have happened but it's a fun scenario if not unlikely all of these are just my thoughts though what are yours don't 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Channel: Lore Reloaded
Views: 99,645
Rating: 4.9043422 out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Lore Reloaded, Lore Master, star trek romulans, star trek romulan war, star trek romulan theme, star trek romulan trap, star trek romulan attack, star trek romulan warbird, star trek ferengi rules of acquisition, star trek ferengi first contact, star trek ferengi lore, star trek ferengi scream, star trek ferengi alliance, star trek ferengi daimon
Id: nZdiuEcFv7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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