Break Up RULES for Every MAN || Justin Waller & Axel Axe

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let's talk about breakups might do it my friends do it because for breakup a week bro I break up a week I'm full of [ __ ] no Tristan has to break the whole week [Music] I have a really good retention rate actually my retention rate's strong the first video I watched from you was that one video yeah yeah it has like a million some views yeah that is some harsh [ __ ] to pull like now I feel like like what's hard to pull the one text and then completely done forever forever and ever I learned my lesson I got my vaccine of that it only took one time I think I will never struggle with that ever again like right now I'm in a place where like I don't want to ever end my relationship that I'm in right now but if we ever come to that I know a hundred percent I could send that text and be completely like bro it's crazy I introduce that song to them and we started talking about it and then Andrew started singing it in Jules house satorials house in Dubai and I'm like they really like this song and then we started talking about it more and now today after all of this I get at least one text message a day of a screenshot of some dude telling some girl somewhere in the world I'm sorry it's come down to this there's so much about you I'm gonna miss and then they send a PIN to Cheyenne Wyoming I'm like yeehaw Cowboy could somebody get me in touch with George Strait please I feel like I watched I watched this video the other day on YouTube where it was like every com it was George Strait singing still make Cheyenne and he's like Jay Waller sitting here George what's up bro we gotta do a pod man we gotta talk about this foot it definitely happens everybody blow George straight up and tell him there's a cowboy in Louisiana that wants to talk about still make sure I am but yeah man it's so true I think that's one of the most beautifully written songs I think there's that song means a lot to me it's one of my favorite songs of all time I have a country music called G country music playlist and I'll let no sump songs in there in fact I thought about doing a channel called The Gospel of country music and taking all these songs and like unpacking the lessons in it and Cheyenne would probably be number one and the first one I would do man because you look at that song you know telephone rang about a quarter to nine she heard his voice on the other end of the line and wondered what was wrong this time this man is living on the road he's like these guys that we talk about that aren't appreciated this is a truck driver this is a guy in the construction business this is a guy out on the road trying to build build an empire for his family to have a legacy every man's got his own Rodeo you know she wondered what his cause might bring with a cowboy like him it could be anything I was a cowboy just still cowboy just chasing these jobs all over the country man you know um and of course it goes It goes into the other parts you know where she's like I found somebody new and he's saying he sure ain't no Rodeo man you know and so right there he has a decision he can either argue and bag and all this other stuff or he can leave that phone dangling off the hook give it one last look and just walk away and that particular part is the part that I assume that you're talking about and that my friend takes away we in the War Room call it iron mind at that point in the relationship if that boundary is crossed you can not emotionally say what you have to say and say listen it's either going to be this way or it's not and a woman is either going to have to respect you or lose respect for you and that respect is going to be held within whether you can hold your ground or not I've done it and I've lived through the pain of it and you just have to ask yourself whose will is stronger me or this hundred pound woman who is naturally genetically more emotional than me am I going to let her beat me at a at a game of Will and strength of the Mind when I know that she's naturally more emotional to me that and understand that if you start contacting her or blowing her phone up or watching her stories or phoning her mom and doing all these things that are emotional actions she's naturally going to be less attracted to you and you're going to push her further and further and further and further away until she lands on something you don't want her to land on and that's the Dude down the street right so you you have to know that it's going to take an iron will in mind to be able to do this because there's no pain greater than heartbreak but you're not doing yourself a service by begging a woman to come back or catering to her breaking the rules of your frame because she's not going to respect you if you can't be strong enough to have her be inside your frame so I do believe respect equals love and it's in any man that wants to go into respect for a woman particularly in a breakup needs to be able to leave the phone dangling off the hook just walk away yeah catch that Rodeo Cowboy because guess what in a few years when you win the rodeo the phone's gonna ring again then it's up to you what to do yeah and that part is really sad uh at least in my experience it was sad because I still was the worst part yeah I still care about her and I wanted her to be happy yeah but there was no going back right bro and you can shock a woman that way you know I've had conversations like that it's like you know what I don't even act like a hard ass I'm really gonna miss you you know I'm really gonna miss you take care and she's like wait what that's it cold got to be a g bro that's the game the hard part about this world is like people complain about women but I think being a man you actually have a better shot because a lot of times women they get all of their value at early they get Beauty and and that's that is a currency in this world beauty is a currency so you know all their value at an early age and they get this beauty but as a man you're not guaranteed to ever have value but you have the opportunity to rule your own world and what's tricky and harmful or hard for women I believe and why I feel sorry for women sometimes like I don't think women have it easy is because they can go conquer the same things that we went to conquer except they've disqualified themselves from Men a woman that makes a bunch of money might as well be six foot four like she she puts herself out of the Dayton pool because a hypergamy wants you to go to a cross or up so the more financially successful she gets the harder it is to find a date to prom because she's taller than all the boys yeah I'm not saying that's fair I believe women in the workplace are [ __ ] phenomenal I'll be the first one to say that I feel for them because they run into that scenario and that particular young lady will probably have to go so high up the pecking order that once she finds a guy that she can submit to like that he's probably going to have multiple women is it fair no sir it's not fair is life Fair no sir it's not she'll also break a bunch of hearts of men that tried and tried and tried and tried on the way up it's quite it's quite the predicament that we're in in 2023 but I don't think there's a good or bad side in the situation but as a man need to be able to walk away you need to be able to keep your respect for yourself and you need to go work on you because begging a woman back or catering and negotiating will never work it is just simply a [ __ ] to us that you will lose in and uh I have no hate my heart for women I genuinely believe that it's been my experience one of the biggest Parts about getting out the Matrix is actually to free your own mind anybody that believes that they can't be successful because they have a child is a coward
Channel: AXEL AXE
Views: 331,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justin waller, justin waller podcast, justin waller interview, justin waller whatever, justin waller fresh and fit, justin waller and tristan, justin waller andrew, justin waller and sneako, justin waller workout, justin waller tom bilyeu, j waller, j waller podcast, j waller interview, j waller tristan, j waller fresh and fit, j waller whatever, j waller andrew, Candace Owens Andrew tate, candace owens, andrew tate interview, andrew, tate, brothers, break up, breakup songs
Id: IwY4USx4tmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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