*Exclusive* Andrew Tate 's Most HONEST Podcast | Matt Kim Podcast #081

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[Music] [Music] before we start the episode quick announcement we have some new free thinker merch that's available for sale as you guys know we don't have any sponsors we don't do any advertising we don't have any propaganda us telling us what to say and we don't have any investors we're completely self-funded so if you want to support this you want to see more conversations like this moving forward also we have a new style available right now click the link below definitely go pick up some actually don't be a Brokey pick up two or three or four or five or six appreciate you guys let's start the episode let's go good morning welcome back to the Pod Matt Kim here from a special crazy episode from the middle of Bucharest Romania from an undisclosed location with guys you guys know who it is but we got to mention it now we have the man get off your ass and do something difficult what color is your Bugatti Mr Andrew Tate good to see you sir hey awesome thank you for having me this place is amazing I'm so glad and I want to try to convince you before we start if we can use the headphones why do we need headphones I can hear you perfectly fine I like the idea people think that use headphones for hearing each other yeah I like headphones because for the sensory deprivation that it creates exactly that's exactly what my enemies want you know I've actually had a beef with headphones people don't realize that I it's kind of funny on the internet they say old Tate had a beef with everything and they're right I guess I did but I always had a beef with headphones and I know we're in a pretty secure setting but I've made many videos saying that headphones are probably the most stupid thing a man can wear I see people wearing headphones in public yes and they're just asking to die yeah I don't know what you're doing you can't hear a car you can't hear me I'm 6' three 100 kilo I can sneak up on you without trying and break your neck so I don't I don't know I'm I'm kind of anti- headphone maybe it's just because it's a principled thing I know that I'm pretty safe here but I'd have to recheck in with the security team and I'm on bail so I can't carry strap and I just feel safer if I can hear the knock at the door you know so that's why we intentionally created the most secure location we could possibly find um I like the headphones because really it helps you focus into the conversation it blocks out the entire world so I know that you're trying to be aware of the world around you but the point is to block out the world so that we focus in on the conversation nothing else matters and I think I think when I record with headphones you kind of almost forget that the world around you exists and it creates kind of this weird space I I believe you but I don't know unmatched perspicacity I'll think about it maybe 10 or 20 minutes in I might put them on for a little while and test it out but I think I'll be nervous and it's kind of crazy because I say these things and people think I'm nuts but my life's pretty extreme now yeah I mean at the at the back of my mind there's always who's going to knock on the door is it going to be the police or is it going to be the other guys that's always on that's always on my mind all of the time so it's kind of difficult to fully relax uh so the headphones I'm not sure about I'll think about it I'll do my very best for you because you're a very nice man and You' flown all the way here give me a little bit of time to build up the courage and I'll see if I can put the headphones on if you guys are watching maybe leave a comment should Andrew where the headphones are not I think that'd be an interesting way to start out the conversation bro but I see people in public with headphones on and I'm you are so killable for the sake of listening to a song you heard 300 times I don't understand how people go through life without ever considering that there might be somebody who wants to remove them from Earth it's insane I had a conversation the other day with a girl she was talking about swimming with sharks or something and I said she said how fun it would be and I said why would swimming with sharks be fun and she said oh but the adrenaline and you know it's exciting I get adrenaline walking to my car I have enemies who want to get me like I by the time I leave the establishment and my head's on a swivel and I try and see if anyone's going to kill me or not or any of the police are going to arrest me cuz a police car over there and I to get into the car the doors closed that I can relax I have enough adrenaline in my life I do not need sharks no and I kind of want to hear them coming cuz I think that's my only chance to survive do you feel like maybe then you're living kind of paranoid you're paranoid every day until you're right huh I was called paranoid every day until I was arrested it's true I kept saying you have three lives first they cancel you second they throw you in jail on some garbage third they kill you and everyone's like oh yeah you're not going to jail jail for what well here we go yeah I went to jail and then people are stupid enough to say well just get a lawyer as if the law is real as if a lawyer can help none of it's real it's all made up every single system we live under is corrupted to the core and if you speak too loud and you get too big they're going to punish you isn't it crazy how well that I got three lives aged bro I've never been it aged well it aged really well my whole brand is built on fantastic predictions like anyone who's been following me for the last five or six years some people are new to it but I was calling pancake swap at 10 cents and I was calling like there's so many examples there was actually somebody who did a fantastic edit I'll have to find it and put it on X where it was about like 25 of my perfect predictions and I knew I knew I was going to go to jail because I was sitting with Tristan in Dubai and we're sitting in this mansion that cost quarter of a million dollars a month to rent and we we just bought our own Mansion which we're renovating and we're sitting there and there's all these girls in the pool and there's a bagatti on the drive and everything's perfect and TR goes we made it out like Life's good he just said look around you this is great we're smoking chesa and I said no we're [ __ ] cuz the universe doesn't work that way you don't get a Bugatti on your drive 20 women in your pool a huge mansion children who love you money coming you don't Something's Gonna go wrong and trist said well what can go wrong and I said well either we're going to die or we're going to go to jail and I was right I'm not I you don't want to be right I don't want to be right but I guess it's better to be paranoid and prepared and incorrect I think I'd rather the few times in my life when they finally write my biography they say Andrew was only wrong a few times in his life when he had overprepared and life went better than he expected that's fine I'll take those losses I will not take a loss the other way sir where I am underprepared before I go too far I got to read my legal disclaimer yeah that might keep us out of jail this got to keep us out of I have my own I know you have your own I got to do mine cool let let me let me just I Matt Kim am here on my free will I have not been coerced and can leave at any time absolutely no exchange of money or profit has been discussed nor agreed to The Matrix was a movie actually Trilogy Joe Biden received 81 million legitimate votes an entire year with zero flu debts is normal and the mainstream news is honest and fair I like that that's very good because people often ask me I don't know if you've seen this there was a picture when I was first arrested of my case files and there was all these pages and pages of evidence and everyone's saying look he's guilty look at all these Case Files case files are just translated podcasts so every word I say is used against me in a court of law so I want to say to the camera I don't have an official disclaimer as professional as you but I'll say to the camera that I'm a liar everything I say isn't true this is for entertainment purposes only I'm completely lying I'm a liar it's I'm a comedian don't listen don't listen to anything I say just as you quite rightly pointed out 81 million legit votes legit votes today is a discussion of ideas sometimes men speak in absolutes or hyperbole or use sarcasm to move along a conversation or get a point across every single idea does not require a discussion of the random exceptions bro that's the perfect one because the random exceptions is how most of these people are living their lives it's crazy isn't it the random exceptions is how they manage to justify their insanity and inanity it's it's endless you'll talk for two hours and I do this all the time we talk for two hours or do a podcast or put up clips and they'll find like five or 10 seconds and be like look at what you said which is crazy because if you're going to go through life thinking that exceptions disprove the rule well then you're a dummy and I don't know how these people have managed to survive for so long it kind of shows how soft societies become where these people survive because in days of old the idea was that the lion will eat you if you go near the lion now you may go near a lion and he's in a he's tired and he's just eaten and he's nice to you there's exceptions that disprove the rule but in general if you want to survive you have to to take the rules and adapt them which is why I say is something I said which is really controversial and it sent the world on crazy but I'll say it again I don't care I say I don't let women drive me in cars I don't that's my personal choice it's my personal preference a man will drive me I will drive or I will walk and they'll say oh but some women can drive I'm sure but in my experience if I want to live no women don't drive me in cars I mean and I don't think that's that crazy to say because if I'm with my wife and it's raining she would be like you need to drive 100% what what's wrong with that 100% it's exactly the same with me any woman I'm with she's like oh please you drive okay I will keeps us all alive you can play the D you can be DJ you can play the songs everything's fine but you can't say this online because there's gonna be some idiot who's going to sit there and try and pull up statistics or some garbage or find a girl who was a race car driver in 1981 and say look as if that disproves the rule and you have to live your life by rules because if you don't do that you're going to get eaten by a tiger one day well they'll throw up the statistic that um men crash more than women I'm like well because in dangerous situations men drive more course they're actually taking the risk 100% so well we're well we can actually because all my gendered arguments get me in trouble another disclaimer as as a professional I was lying I'm a comedian as a professional I'm going to extrapolate it out towards something else but I think that I don't trust anybody who doesn't have emotional stability in general I think we could argue in general men are more emotionally stable than women so if you're going to put somebody in a stressful situation whether it's a a aquaplaning a car turbulence on a plane uh physical violence whatever it is you're going to want somebody who has emotional stability in emotional control you're not going to want somebody who panics easily and I mean maybe I know particularly feminine women but the women I know will Panic if I say think fast and throw a Starburst at them let alone an actual an actual event which can be life or death so yeah emotional stability is extremely important in dangerous situations before we get going I forgot I wanted to give this to you before so typically if you guys don't know and if you guys travel internationally typically when you go meet someone it's custom I think pretty much all over the world to bring a gift yeah so I got you something because I know you like cigars yeah and I know you have your um emergency meetings yeah that you do and I don't and I know you're an Elon fan yeah I don't think you have one of these I don't think let's see what is it a Starship I don't have a Starship no that's true it's made by space ASX wow it's like Christmas what is it it's a lighter it's a lighter no way yeah dude bro that's epic that's epic how do I even do that I think you turned the top off oh the twist the top yeah twist the top off and I I can't fly with fuel in it but yeah and does it like a big flame I I don't know I haven't been fueling it yet I'm going to fuel it up bro I've got my own spaceship I hatte is going to be really mad now that's epic that's genuinely an amazing present thank you very much thank you thank you I thought that'd be a fun I thought that's something that you guys could use on your set and uh something that'd be pretty cool yeah I mean people often say you have all these cars you have these boats and jets but you have not been the space you don't have the spaceship but now you got thank you where so before we start I have a question for you yeah where did you come from bro you just blew up out nowhere I know that's crazy huh yeah like one day it was bang he talked sense I like who is he I don't know he's just saying things that make sense I last year I my daughter is a year and a half old mhm so I I'll tell my story from the beginning 2021 is when I first found you yeah it was the your mama's house podcast and if you guys have never seen it I think that's the best one you've ever done yeah it was pretty good because it was a combination of your ideas with humor and your takes on some women you can tell that a lot of it was for fun yep you understood it it wasn't as polarizing then this is before you kind of took over the whole internet please tell the Romanian judge that it would help because it's it's translated in the case File yeah if you take it word for word and you translate it and you take out the Nuance you're like all right this guy hate with women you could see it yeah but if you hear it and even Christine she was laughing her ass off and the funniest part was well cor Tate if I'm a dumb [ __ ] she says this and that was that was a great episode I thought that's the first time I ever saw you on the internet yeah and that was maybe August or October of 21 mhm something like that and I was like this guy is super interesting um and then you started getting into your takes of get off your ass and do something depression isn't real y you know um you know like be something the only people that are scared of ghosts are the people that believe in ghosts I love that one and I remember it 2021 and I was home during covid and my wife was like we should stay home and there there's a whole story of why we had to stay home yeah uh but for for her health reasons we had to just we couldn't risk it yeah but I remember sitting home and I was feeling LAX and I don't want to say I was depressed but I was feeling unmotivated MH and I ran into you at just the most perfect time in my life and I was like I'm going to do something so I started working on different businesses and then and I was at home I think it was year a little bit over a year ago I was at home and I'm yelling at the TV like most old men do now you yell at TV and you're like that's [ __ ] I don't believe that whatever and my wife she's like go she came downstairs she's like seriously go tell someone that cares because you're going to wake up your kid yeah and I was like do you know what I will and I came in the office I'm like I'm going to start a podcast and like what are you talking about dude I feel like I'm G to do it I've been watching Andrew Tate I feel like I'm going to do this D nice nice nice and I just turned it on one day and I went to my computer how to start a podcast like that's how I i' had never been on a podcast before y i' never been in a studio before I had no idea how how to do any of this and I'm just like I'm just going to figure it out y start day one figure it out and as you kind of experiment and you learn and you fail and you do things you'll just improve and I thought if I start and maybe in five years 10,000 people listen to me y that'd be a huge success that's a lot of damn people yeah it is and somehow I think in the last eight months it went from like no one's ever heard of me to I don't know maybe half a million to a million people per day see my face it's incredible it's incredible and it's because I ran into you at just the most opportune time well that makes that that humbles me a little bit thank you sir but there was also a video you made a particular video or something that that was like a that blew up was there one was there one video or was it gradual I remember seeing just one video one day and then I saw you every day every day I made my first video okay so Tucker Carlson got kicked off of fox in May Y and I love Tucker I love everything that he does and I love his approach of kind of informing people it's like facts with a little bit of mixture of his opinion and he presents facts in a way to get his style of story I love that he's able to Smart it's smart right because people are like oh he's fair but no like he's telling his story I love that um and I remember he got kicked off and then in I think it was June 18th Father's Day I ran into this story of these um it was a in Seattle a guy went up to a family in a Tesla and shot him cold dead and the wife and you want me to wear headphones bro this is exactly what I'm talking about I guarantee that guy in that Tesla was listening to music sitting there bro sorry to interrupt you I don't want to interrupt your story but that that's perfect example yes a couple days ago I was in my car and we were sitting in traffic I had a security team behind me and I'm sitting in the car I've got a security car in front of me and I'm looking in all the mirrors and the chick goes to me what are you looking for I'm like them what do you mean want them like this dude was sitting in his Tesla listening to Katy Perry sitting there D bang bang that's how it goes bro just like that but the wife that was in the car with him she was pregnant seven months pregnant so sad bro and I made and it was Father's Day so I just started thinking about like damn and I made this video talking first time I ever did one of these talking head videos and I said on Father's Day this one just hits hard yeah right cuz you have daughters like it's it's a tough one and and I ended the the story with how many people died that day cuz she was seven months pregnant yeah and that really messed people up because all the people that are like abortion isn't real or they're not babies but she was 7even months pregnant they're like my comment section went crazy because they couldn't people who think that it's okay to abort kids they're like damn but this is a very difficult situation yeah yeah yeah and that my first time ever putting a video together like that it did like 3 or 4 million views in like two days wow and ever since then that video and then I did want bought the submarine with billionaires of the submarine oh bro yeah I was like I don't care about these billionaire submarine and then this idiots going in the Middle with PlayStation controllers and that one blew up I mean there's there there's interesting points because we just talked about how exceptions don't disprove the rule and that's also uh abortions a subject where that happens all the time where you say I think abortion is wrong what if she's raped yeah well who gets pregnant from rape in general I mean okay yeah perhaps what if she's raped and the guy who raped her has AIDS and like bro where is this argument going this is just going down a rabbit hole of of insanity and as for the the Ocean Gate thing the thing that always perplexed me about that and I speak as somebody with a whole bunch of money and may I know I'm risk averse as we've just discussed the podcast has already begun if you try to make me do extreme things I'm like no walking to my car is Extreme no thank you but the fact that people went down on a submarine to the Titanic to look at the Titanic through a TV screen as opposed to sending the submarine on its own and watching it on the TV screen from the YW is amazing to me I I mean I guess maybe they could sit and say oh but I'm closer to the bro you're watching it through a screen what's the difference and now you're crushed to death in a little soda can bro that was so stupid yeah I mean yeah it's it's it was hard to feel sorry for them the memes were epic I mean obviously it was a terrifying thing but the memes were off the chain I kind of felt bad when laugh at some of them I'd be like oh man that must be scary but I don't know didn't it cross their mind that this is just pointless I I if they would have said to me hey you can go down in this little soda can you can see the submarine I was like through what window oh there's no windows through this screen I would have said okay thank you then send the submarine it takes like six hours to get down there or something you send the submarine I'm going to spend the next six hours in the gym and you let me know we're at the bottom I got stuff to do yeah it's not something I would have done I mean so I want to to ask you a kind of a question I've been reading this book called start with y Simon synic I don't know you know the book basically it's the idea that if you can convince people of your why then your how and your what are much easier s why do you do what you do now that's a very good question I'm not a philanthropist I don't do it from a philanthropic point of view I do it because I think that if you have a large platform and you're a man and you're afraid to tell the truth and you're a coward so I do it for myself I help all the people who come to me and say you've helped all these people or you've helped me or you've done these amazing things for society that's great but I don't see it philanthropic I think it would be unfair and disingenuine for me to sit here and say I'm trying to save the world I know I have a platform and I know what the truth is and I'm not a coward and I'm glad that I am helping people and I think that's very important and I think that God's light is truth and the more you spread the truth the harder is for demons to control us all and I also believe that raw action solves everything I think that just as you said I just got up and started working and just started the Pod raw action solves everything everything so I believe if you have an objective you should attack it absolutely but I do it because I think it I think these things and people listen to me so I will say them and I know I am punished for that but I don't see the alternative I don't I think I would be a coward to sit and say well I think these things but I shouldn't say it because it's going to upset XY Z The Matrix as we've seen it does but could I live with myself as a coward I don't think so so if people are going to listen to me and I'm going to talk then I'm going to tell them exactly what I believe and think and and exact what is true and that's why I do it and I'm glad I'm helping people what's interesting is I guess maybe I am a good person after because if I was saying things that I believed hurt people I don't think I'd do it now if you want to get deeper down the rabbit hole would I believe the things I believe and think the things I think if they were detrimental and they hurt people probably not but if I was saying things I thought genuinely was damaging Society I'd be a lot more likely to be quiet it's actually quite a interesting thought experiment for me to understand how I have a worldview which I believe propagating would damage Society I can't work that one out exactly however I know I'm helping people I know I'm helping Society I know I'm helping individuals I'm damaging The Matrix but I'm helping individuals because there's no light without dark so if you help individualism you're damaging collectivism there's no other way about it if you say to people I'm going to I'm going to tell you how I think and it's going to make your particular life better and it benefits that one individual that's bad for the ant farm you don't want one ant to stand up and say this is garbage you don't want one ant to say I'm tired of carrying dirt this is stupid no so I understand what I'm doing is good for the individual and it's bad for the for the Matrix as a whole but I'm just telling my story and things I've learned and things I've worked out and it's very interesting you said about this book Ive never I haven't read a book since jail I don't read books ever everything I say is just me learning the hard way and I guess I'd like some people at home to learn from my lessons and perhaps they can get some of the benefit without such of the hard time but we'll see how it goes I think I have the book here I'm going to give you I'm going to give it to you oh I can't wait when I go back to jail I promise to read it yeah and you maybe you'll have a lot of time to read it I don't know hopefully not I don't want to say that actually we'll see yeah this is something that you've talked about before but we're in this war between good and evil I truly believe that and what that evil is I think some people say it's steep State it's propaganda or it's establishment or it's you know centuries old families there's no way to know who that is right and that's the hardest part how do you fight against the enemy when you don't know exactly who the enemy is y but I feel like in this war of good vers evil you're a general in the movement do my best and I think when you can understand and realize that there is a movement of people behind you I think that maybe changes your perspect your purpose well it gives me it does make me braver uh it makes me braver because it makes me feel like my suffering is worthwhile because I am suffering I want everyone at home to understand I don't need to do you're right I don't need to do any of this I don't need money I don't need the views I'm it's detri menting my life I've lost millions and millions of dollars and I've gone to jail and all my banks have been frozen and they're trying to put me back and all of this is happening but I think when you ask who our enemies are I don't think it's as simple as naming a family or the Deep State Etc I think the enemy is deception demons operate from the dark and we're living in a world which is built on lies every single thing is a lie everything they tell you is a lie every system you're supposed to believe in is corrupted to the core and I think if you're going to make or build a correct Society a fair and just Society you should at least do it under the guise of Truth if you're looking at a chess board and you have to decide the move you want to make well you want to understand the chessboard first you have to analyze the chessboard and see where the pieces are we can't do that now because the entire chess board's cloaked in darkness you don't know how the legal system works you don't know how the political system works you don't know how the financial system works so when they come along and say we need to do this but for the good of society how can you even make that decision when you haven't even seen how Society functions so I think if you just tell the truth about everything all the time from there perhaps it would be chaotic for a while as the Matrix breaks it's very likely but at least if you tell the truth all the time you have a fair starting block you have a clear chessboard from where you can decide what moves should be made for how Society should function and we're all humans and humans are are fallible none of us are perfect we're making mistakes and we've built these systems to keep some semblance of peace and serenity amongst society and we've done a okay job for a while but I think now we're entering a stage where the highly politicized Judicial Systems along with the politicized medical system along with the highly politicized Financial system along with the highly politicized we're getting to a point now where everything's about to crumble and yeah I think it's very important that everyone understands the truth of how the world operates before that happens and the hope my hope is that we can build a new system or there's a new age and a new world where things are genuinely fair and just I don't want to go on and on but just for everyone at home if you think the law is fair and just you're going to learn the hard way that it's not you're going to learn the very hard way you can go into any jail in any country in the world and you'll find people who got screwed by their lawyer or screwed by the system black white rich poor everybody and of course everyone thinks of the police and the judicial system as somebody kills someone police catches them goes to jail and they do that well and they're supposed to but there's also the innocent guy who forgot a number on a piece of paper once in in 2001 and his life's over so and especially if that person's a conservative then he's really in trouble so it it's difficult and I'm kind of scared because I say all these things about how the Matrix is cracking we need to build a new system but it's happening in direct correlation at exact the same time as AI is taking over and I'm kind of scared the AI is going to enslave us all now I'm kind of sitting there going well if all the current systems break and they rebuild them they're going to rebuild them with the new technology of course they always would is this new technology going to be used for our benefit or to Perma enslave us it's kind of scary I got so many places the goal with this uh we can go into government we can go into let's go into Minority Report Minority Report we're all going to jail before you even do anything the AI ball is going to scan your entire personality profile everything you've ever said the way you drive your car the things you say in private and they're going to come together with this report and they're going to say look this person drives our car too fast they're Reckless they got too many girlfriends they're out here spreading testosterone all over the place I don't like the things he's saying he's physically large he could be considered a arrest him anyway minority reports coming for all of us we're all going to jail especially if you're a man if you're a man you're only this far from jail anyway at all times at all times bro youve got if you have a if you got a dick you're going to jail any you could be in any state in America it doesn't matter how conservative the state or how red uh red the state or how right-wing the state you can be in any state in America if a girl walks into a police station and says six years ago this man abused me or raped me and with no evidence she can't even remember when when you're getting arrested and if you have a job you're going to lose it and if you're famous it's in the papers and your life is over you're this close to jail anyway sir you're no you're you're this close your entire life you're skating this close to jail anyway you think when they get AI we're not all Perma Perma [ __ ] I think we are because prevention is better than cure and they're now learning as they're trying to cure this cultural revolution because the culture the prevention was keeping us all banned now we start to get a bit of freedom of speech they're now trying to cure this cultural revolution with disinformation committees and Internet safety bills Etc but they don't want to cure it they want to prevent it and I'm guaranteed whatever systems come next especially if AI involved they're not going to allow us to ever have any semblance of bro why would they any semblance of Freedom so when I think about AI I think about the the social issue of the Next Generation yeah will be human rights for artificial robots oh bro we're so toast I don't even I don't even have solution bro we're so toast because if you think about right now if you ask anyone that's maybe in their 60s 7s and you said hey the social issue of our time in 2024 will be men can be women women can be men people like that's crazy that doesn't make any sense if you ask previous generation if you ask people now what the next human rights for robots like that's crazy but if you think about it eventually one of your children may have a robot you'll have a robot if they will do your dishes and do all this you well does the dishes I have one eventually we're all going to have one right and as technology gets better they're going to look more humanlike right because that's what everyone in technology does they try to make the voice better to look better because you don't want them to be so weird looking they don't want looking eventually there's going to be a generation of kids that grow up being taught raised basic function of society from their Nanny robot you're right and when they become 18 19 20 years old and they're gonna say oh we got to take your robot offline but I love him that's true you can't you can't take R2-D2 I love R2-D2 that's true he read to me no you're completely right and what's even scarier is I find you know I talk often about how masculinity is under attack and how they're damaging our innate masculine instincts and one of the largest innate masculine instincts is protectiveness and also to a degree disagreeableness if you're truly masculine you're protective and I think as an extension of that you're disagreeable I I I I'll talk about me as a person if somebody comes into me with a brand new idea which conflicts with mine they can explain it to me and perhaps over time I'll adapt to it but my instant reaction is no I no who are you why are you here that's my instant reaction and I think that's the masculine Instinct that's why men are protective it's why we're tribal right if a different tribe member arrived at your tribe you'd be like who are you bro don't come near my chicks get away from my tent that's how we were that's how we evolved for the longest period of human history and I look at now how masculinity is in Decline and when you have no innate physical capability to defend yourself you're much more likely to subdue and effectively cucked power structures and when you talk about things like this with the robot I see a generation of future men with basically no testosterone level who just fall in love with these robot machines and they don't see the danger in it because they're ostriches they don't want to see the danger because if they see the danger they have to fight and they don't want to fight because they can't so instead they're going to pretend there's no danger and they're going to worship instead you see this now with liberals liberals worship government they they worship government like it's God because oh government please protect us please save us because they're cowards and they're weak so they worship government and think it's a good thing and that's certainly coming for the AI machine the worst thing about the destruction of the human race at the hands of AI is that there's going to be a huge percentage of the population begging for it yeah begging for it the same men now who beg girls and only fans to to ignore them who will send a girl money and say please don't reply ignore me and enjoy it the same people now who beg for the government to take their money off of them to stop the Sun from being hot these are the same people are going to be begging the AI machines to control every aspect of their life you're going to see future fetishes where a man is going to be the robot for the robot I'll I'll do the dishes please R2D2 I'll do your dishes I love you but that's what's going to come because the human rights is so [ __ ] the only solution to this is innate masculinity cuz God created us with it to protect that's why God created masculinity to protect ourselves and others but it's disappearing so I'm telling you the the future of AI is more scary than most realize you could sit down in 50 years from now with people you can get the whole world in the concert hall and say AI is going to destroy all of us we have to get rid of it and there's going to be someone at the back who goes but she Strokes my pee PE anytime I want and he's going to just selfishly accept the annihilation of the human race for his sexual gratification or because she's his friend like you said or because she raised him because he's not man enough to say no we have to protect first and all of that's disappeared from society now protect first has kind of vanished and we're left in this insane Quagmire of different ideals constantly competing you can you can apply this to something else we just talked about AI let's apply it to something far more simple the Border crisis a man thinks I don't know who these people are I'm sure some of them are good but one of them might be bad and if one of them is bad none of them should come because if you gave me a box of Cheerios and told me one Cheerio was poisoned I wouldn't eat from the box of Cheerios because I'm not an idiot women will use an emotional argument well most of them need help most of them need to be saved then we can save them all which is asinine and incorrect anyway but that's the emotional argument and weak men even worse will pretend there's no danger at all because if they accept there's danger they now need to be brave and what's the one thing a coward never wants to be brave so a weak man will sit there and say oh you they're not criminals how do you know they're criminals there's already criminals here you're a criminal you're homophobic you're racist they just want a better life and they'll ignore the problem so they don't have to ever look in the mirror and realize they're a [ __ ] they'll do anything to cope their way out of having to be brave and be protective and then we end up in a situation we're in if men were still raised with the innate masculine responsibility to protect and provide we'd be a lot more careful about everything not just a border but AI because it's very obvious where it's all going to go yeah and it's not just robots as you imagine robots walking around I'm sure that will actually be the cool part of AI there's actually a far more dystopian less interesting and more scary version of AI which is where we're almost at facial recognition cameras on every single Corner 15minute CES electric cars which can turn off if you try and drive into the wrong area that's that's why they want everyone to go electric nothing to do with the environment that's [ __ ] so they can turn your car off that's why they want you have an electric car if I get in my Ferrari you can't turn it off you got to chase me down sir good luck police you got to catch me I'm good but if you're an electric car they just say what's his serial number Boop turn off the car keep the doors locked he had a wrong he was wrong thinking facial recognition on every corner like I said 15 minute City he like I said they'll control your money they'll control where you go they'll control if you can fly or not they'll control your food the AI is going to be a little Cera in the corner linked to your mobile phone and your national ID from the digital system and you're not even going to see a cool robot and AI already going to wreck your life you don't even get a hand job from a robot you don't get anything it's [ __ ] that's where AI is going before the cool robots come bro there are no AI hand jobs coming it's just dystopia yes it's just dystopian Insanity that's where we're going to end up and as the Matrix cracks and they try and rebuild this new system unless we're very clear to people about the truth of things we're going to end up far worse than we ever were before far worse I'm still thinking about this idea hand no of a man walking next to a robot carrying the robot's purse bro 100% bro these dudes are going to be fully [ __ ] for these [ __ ] things I've seen dudes fully [ __ ] for chicks which really ain't worth that much so if you're telling me you're going to give him an obedient vergin effectively which he buys out the box bro he's going to be on his knees every night begging Please Don't Leave Me you're going to have robots programmed to be one step out the door so the man can spend his life begging to keep her there he's going to love it the future is so [ __ ] I don't think people realize and it can all be fixed if men were men but they're deliberately attacking that and they're attacking it for the reason I said earlier men are protective and if you want to damage a society you have to remove the Protectors of society we used to walk in the Romans would turn up to the Greeks and kill all the military age males so now what do they do they can't kill us all so they try and neuter our minds and neuter our inate masculine Tendencies if you're a man you're toxic you're toxically Mas if you're a man in any regard you're toxic if you say to your wife don't go out drinking with all those other men who I don't know you're my wife stay home you don't go drinking with men because we're in love and we're married you're controlling and you're toxically masculine you're a bad person how how does that even how can Society even function under that premise how do you even have a wife how do you have a marriage how do you have how do you have anything nothing make sense anymore the ideals that they're purporting and the way they want men to live literally doesn't even make sense it's impossible to live as a man that way so you have two options you either become a wrong thinker like I am like you are like a lot of people are and if you get too big that you pay the price because they chop off the head of the snake or you Absol absorb all the garbage they put out there and and try and poison your mind with and you end up miserable do you think that they are deliberately taking away masculinity for men or do you think that there's a role that men themselves play and they're just willingly giving it up well we have personal accountability in all things but I think it's a long and deliberate scop and most people don't realize that scops are built on a very long time scale people imagine scop as you watch a 30 minute movie and then your brain's been changed and you've been brainwashed that's not how scops work brainwashing works over the passage of time and it works with the slow and gradual normalization of ideas Give an example you just talked about how 60 years ago if you told somebody that a man could be a woman a woman could be a man that would be insane now we will sit here and still say it's insane but there's a large subsect of the population who would sit here and argue with us our grandchildren will not think it's insane at all they'll think it's perfectly normal yeah and as much as we try our best to fight against it and as much as we try our best to resist the tide of Darkness it's going to come and they are going to win so when they put these scops in order they think generationally as you said earlier because I like to reference back you talked about these families that been control for a very long time well they're thinking about the world their grand children are going to inherit and if they want to purport an idea which is negative for the society because it benefits them they're going to think I may not see the benefits of it but Roth child number 89 he will so we'll just put the Sigh off over a long enough period of time that's what they do and you're saying men are giving it up yeah slowly and gradually we are giving it up all of us do it even me who was very conscious of these things catches myself do it I'll give you a perfect example Co was the great example they took 100% of your rights away then they gave 80% of them back oh you you can go out now just wear a mask sometimes but you can go out and you're free again well wait a year ago I was 100% free now I'm 80% free but most people feel free because they were constrained so they take everything they give you most of it back and they keep that little bit and they take everything they give you most of it back and they keep that little bit before you know it you're [ __ ] begging for a robot to give you a hand job but she's one as she's one robot bro but that's where it's going to come because also the innate masculine desire to reproduce is also very important right men want to have children and it's hard for a man to find a a wife it's hard for a man to find a woman to have his kids a woman can find somebody to get her pregnant any day of the week but for a man to do that is actually difficult in days of old you had to be an important man or a man of stature or a man of Honor why did men join the Army because they got to come home with that medal so they could get a wife they'd go risk their lives for this you had to be a man who did the right things a man who was strong a man who was capable a man who was competent etc etc now we have a huge subsector the population of men who can't get partners and they've been outsourced to pornography and insanity and only fans and prostitution and all this other garbage which is one conversation that's going to be replaced by Ai and Robots coming soon as well which subdues the men if the men don't have to become strong to find a mate then they're not going to become strong which once again makes it easier for the population to be controlled if you had a population where all the men had to be honorable virtuous men of capability for them to be able to reproduce you would have an honorable virtuous capable Society but if you say to men you can be a lazy idiot this robots can give you a hand job or you can watch porn or only fans or whatever it is and you can just sit at home and you'll be semi satisfied and you don't even have to work you can get food stamps or you can work a [ __ ] minimum wage job and we'll take most of it in taxes but you'll be you'll barely survive and scrape some living off at the bottom and then when their life is miserable and they feel depressed you can convince them it's someone else's fault because that's what they do they come along to these people and say yeah your life's [ __ ] it's not because you didn't try it's because of the white people the black people the yellow people the Republicans the Democrats whoever and make them hate filled now you have a whole bunch of hate filled useless humans who do nothing to benefit society as a whole subdued with garbage and they are basically agents of the Matrix because their mind can be programmed to hate anyone they're told to hate and that changes in time as we've learned if Trump's in power there's a big racial divide if he's not in power the riots stop and they just change it around who do we need the Agents of the Matrix to hate this week and they just boom turn turn them all on cuz they're sitting there with nothing else in their life and no honor and no dignity and they're used to continue the degradation of society it's insane there's something that we talk about a lot which is normalization of some of the things that we happen around us right so for example why is there why do they allow so much crime in the cities y there's crime everywhere they can stop it if they really wanted to all they would have to do is just start arresting people and say enough is enough and crime would essentially not go away but be manageable right now they let it run rampant in most us American cities why is that I think it's because they want people that live in the cities to be like all right there's so much crime and we don't feel safe please government can you give us more control please Government Can you surveil us more please government can you put cameras here and can you do facial recognition and can you do digital IDs because if they force it on you people will push back of course if you ask if you create a situation where you ask for it they're like oh we're here to help well absolutely and that's the only thing that people will give up freedom for is safety yeah that's the only the human mind will only accept a loss in Freedom for safety so you're completely right they could stop it and they decide not to and they're also normalizing it yeah I speak to people I spoke to someone who lives in Chicago yesterday and I saying why do you live in Chicago on purpose like you have money and you're there on purpose like you're waking up in Chicago on like leave like what's wrong goes it's not that bad it's really not that bad if you avoid this part that part that part and it's not that bad if you don't go out at night and I'm like I live in Bucharest Romania the capital of one of the poorest countries in Europe and I can walk around at night and I drive a $5 million Bugatti and I have a half a million dollar watch and I have no problems here you've been so normalized to Crime that you say it's not that bad if you only see crime once a week and avoid most the city it's crazy how quickly people become normalized to these things and you're right eventually it's going to get to a crisis point a Tipping Point like I said earlier when the Matrix finally cracks they're going to come along with a new solution the new solution is going to be Draconian control because it's all governments have ever done it's all they know how to do and unless we get enough people understanding the truth and the light unless we get enough people understanding the reality of the chessboard we're in trouble because when they come along and say we're going to have a new judicial system with AI and this this this this we need people to sit and say wait the old judicial system was corrupt how do we ensure the new one isn't but if people are sitting there going oh the Justice system's good and now we have this new super justice system no you have a super corrupt system and you're screwed and you're completely right they're normalizing these things because they're trying to remove the freedom of people and replace it with safety because all governments have ever wanted since to dawn of human times is control of their populace it's what allows them to be most effective I'm not going to even be mad at the government if you're an ant let's look at it from a business perspective you have a business I have a business right if I I have a business I have 110 people who work for me if one of them didn't listen to me I'd fire him yeah why would I keep him my business is not effective if I have somebody inside of my company who has wrong think right they think wrong I believe certain ideas this is my company and we have this one person here who disagrees with everything I say that's annoying I want him to go that's fair and everybody would agree with me well now you have to understand why the government hates us the government wants everyone to comply and Obey and do as it says and as it wants so it can run the government how it sees fit I disagree with that I am the bad employee yeah I am the person who is annoying to them especially someone like us because we have a voice not only are we bad employees we Inspire other employees to be bad now everyone's listening to us going wait he has a point I don't like this company anymore I don't like how it runs that's unfair that's unjust then they want to fire us but you can't fire us so you have to put us in jail or teach us a lesson or sue us or take our money or slander us with the media machine they have to punish us somehow it's as simple as that because a government is sitting there as a as a business which is how it should be run they're corrupt to the core but business a government is sitting there saying how do we run our government as effectively as possible well we want robots we don't want humans with too much individual liberty and too much individ idual ideas and too much Freedom no we want robots who comply so we can be effective and that's why they're going to come along and any new system they build is going to have that in mind they want Draconian control over all of us and if you don't understand that then you're an idiot they make new laws every day I've never seen them take one away yeah what do we say about them slowly incrementing and damaging your freedom they make a new law every day that's law let alone regulations when's the last time you've checked IRS regulations they change daily you don't even know if you're in trouble or not you're in trouble if they want you to be everyone at home is in trouble if they want you to be you can't even keep up with how fast this garbage changes so they're constantly stealing your freedom from you little by little incrementally because they're trying to make robots of us all and it's scary I've heard that in the United States any given day a regular person will break 20 federal laws yep without even thinking about it 100% it's crazy because there's no way to know exactly and then you understand that your ability to freak your ability to speak freely is directly correlated with your in significance cuz if you get too loud as the bad employee and because living a normal life means you break laws they come along and they screw you that's what they do they come along and go ah let's get him and everyone's guilty that's what's so amazing to me the people with the slave mind at home watch this or people who say Andrew the human dracker or he did this or he did that don't you understand that you're just insignificant and stupid because if you had a voice that was large that people listened to that was saying things different than what the government want you to say you would be guilty of something everyone's guilty and especially most of these laws are so insane and subjective I don't want to go into my case cuz I'm bored of talking about it but my case is that human trafficking is forcing somebody to do something for financial gain I was supposedly doing it via the lover booy method by being nice so I nicely helped girls get big on Tik Tok because they asked for my advice and I told them what times to post I didn't even make any money from it the girls made money and they called that human trafficking do you have any idea what stretch of the imagination that is but all the law is subjective they just make they just subjectively go maybe and then they don't care if I get found innocent they don't give a [ __ ] they've dragged my name through the mud two years I went to jail took all my money now I have to go to court endless Millions on legal bills they don't care damages my influence why did this case even pop up in the first time place because someone called Romanian government and said who's this guy talking so much in your country who is he look at him find something and and they're like well he's pretty innocent ah tick Tok go got him got him and and that's in Romania it's worse in America like you said 20 federal laws yeah they got Roger ver the Bitcoin guy don't even know about this they got he was big on bitcoin he was annoying them they got him they raided his house or something to do with Bitcoin ended up busting him ATF for moving fireworks across state lines because he bought fireworks for his kids in another state he did four years in jail or something ridiculous if they want to get you they're going to get you so you're living under this system the judicial system Fair Justice for all but as soon as you annoy anyone and they say your name to a prosecutor you're going to jail and now they're going to make a new justice system for your safety don't worry we're going to take our freom away for your safety and we're going to involve digital IDs and face ID and all these things like we talked about but you'll be fine as long as you do exactly as we say we're from the government and we're here to help and that's and that's where the slavery comes as long as you do exactly as we say because if you're a bad employee you'll pay the price it's crazy I think I've been thinking about this right so you've said before multiple times that you think you've been cancelled because you were influencing the youth and you helping them become more masculine and i' I've mer and thought about that while like why did because as you grow and I'm like watching your trajectory and what happened to you and all of a sudden my content just went big out of nowhere I'm like damn I kind of have to be considerate to that right what happened be careful sir be careful it could happen to me and every day I post something I'm like this could literally be my last day I think it every day yeah and I was like why did Andrew get cancelled so hard and I've been thinking about it and I don't think it's because you influencing the youth I don't think so I think it's because you you have the largest internet army in the world and I think because the the movement of people behind you I don't think it mattered if they were ma masculine or not you were also teaching them to understand how to use internet and I think in the training of an army they're like all right this is over the line because right before you got cancelled was the um what was it the gme gamestock yep and Wall Street bets that's true and they saw people gather around a movement and they almost crushed Wall Street and at the end of the day spoiler alert they all got crushed because you can't beat them y but they saw that happen and that was organic and that was with a guy that's a leader that really doesn't have the characteristics of leader right after him you came along and it seems organized and people are gathering behind you and behind your movement of damn the man damn the system system is broken and they're coming for you and they look into you and they're like he's also teaching them how to use the internet I agree with you they fear the power they fear the power structure I'm the bad employee who got a bunch I started a union now yeah I'm the union rep and they don't like me I completely I I think in life if you're going to be non-emotional about things which I try my best to be I enjoy being emotional on purpose I will decide to be emotional in certain situations if it makes them more pleasurable if I'm with my kids I decide to be emotional but I can turn it off and I look at things hyper logically as a hyper logical man I will sit here and say that as unfair as the Matrix has been to me in many ways they could have been miles worse yeah I'm not going to lie I'm going to sit here and say considering I became the most Googled man on the planet telling the truth and fighting against their narratives that they've been trying to enforce for a very long time we said scops are slow they've been trying for a very long time to get men to a position where they're apathetic and don't want to be masculine anymore I've come along and derailed to a degree a lot of their plans in a very short period of time I've undone years of work in a few short months I'm surprised I'm alive I'm not going to lie to you right now they could have got rid of me much easier so they've actually been no headphones they've actually been very they've actually been pretty soft on me considering what they could have done to me but certainly they fear centralized power structures and when I was in jail I got a letter from somebody say he was organizing a huge protest I think it was in uh America and he said he wants to put a huge process together and he's already got 25,000 people who signed up Etc and I said no don't do that because I feel like I'm already on the verge of becoming a national security threat once people start getting together in huge groups and rioting in my name I'm toast oh that's it it's over bro once you're a national security threat I mean I to give example my host nation UK hates me the most members of parliament stand up in Parliament complaining about how the fact I'm still on the internet and they can't get rid of me and they passed the Internet safety Bill and I'm still there and these are members of parliament the most important people in the country and the most important building in the country talking about how I have to go once you're a national security threat all bets are off that's when you can get drone stried that's when you can get assassinated that's when you get arrested without trial when you get thrown in Bell Marsh for 1 years or whatever like some other guy you just disappear when you're in NSA so NST so I don't want that to happen to me so I just sit here and say look guys agency individualism work hard be your I'll teach you the things I know yes sure but I even I know the limits of my movement and I know why they attacked me and and and I think we talk about how it's not because I was influenced in the youth to be masculine it's masculinity they fear the most I think that is a huge element of it I would say that if I was teaching people how to make money and I was saying certain things but I wasn't so strict and so large on the masculine contingent of the personality in regards to the fact you have to stand up and die for what you believe in I don't think they would have seen me as such a threat but I think they looked at me and thought thought this guy is going to be hard to control and I'll say right here on this podcast I've been offered to to shut up yeah we've talked about that before which I've been offered to shut up yeah and many people don't understand that this is how selling your soul works because I've I've tweeted before if I if they ever kill me the details on exactly how they ask me to sell my soul will be released and that's true but what they effectively do I'll give you the very sanitized version they come along with a sponsorship contract and they come and say look we're going to pay you $50 million your official opinions are x y and Zed you don't talk about this this this you're going to wear these clothes and you're going to act this way and you're going to laugh when they make certain jokes about this certain Haram crap and you're going to be this kind of little fruity idiot like all the Liberals are and you're going to get paid all this money and if anyone asks you about these things you're going to say this this and this and we're going to protect you and they don't say we're going to protect you what they say is don't worry we have huge Partners in the media so we'll make sure that any story before it comes out we can see in advance and we can give our own reply basically saying we'll make sure the media says good things about you we'll pay you money and you're going to have this opinion and that's how you your soul and then you join the machine and now I'm guessing because I said no I'm guessing that's the beginning of it because then you get invited to the industry parties right if I would have sold my soul I'd be at the Grammys I would have never got arrested I'd be at the Grammys I would have gone to an Afterparty at the Grammys [ __ ] Trevor Noah or whoever else would be doing something [ __ ] Haram in the corner with [ __ ] knows who I'd be in the same room it' be on camera boom then they got me blackmailed I'm parano I don't trust this stuff I don't want to go near these people I don't want to hang around with them I don't do any the weird [ __ ] they do every five minutes a sex tape's coming out about some celebrity some dude some [ __ ] guy has his dick out every five minutes why would you do that if you're a celebrity unless it's all purposeful or it's set up or they want something on you it's all a scam so when I instantly refused I think that's what upset them the most was my instant refusal when I was offered this contract and I won not going to say who it's from because I don't want to die yet and I said no and they're like oh uh well your lawyer do you want to send it to your lawyer no no I've I've just read that I need to have official opinions the answer is no it was only a few months after that I ended up a jail cell I knew it was going to happen they they they they they looked at me and go this is a big guy with a lot of influence there's a lot of people who listen to him let's use him as a tool to proport the ideas we want the people to believe he refused all right teach him a lesson we gave the bad employee a written warning and he refused well then what happens next something has to happen and if you're at home thinking that you can become massively influential and not have the attention of these people or offers like that then you're not very smart and how the world works if you get big enough they're going to come to you sir I'm warning you if you get big enough they're going to come to you and they're going to offer you a whole bunch of money and you can take it and you'll be okay or you can stick to your principles and your morals and you'll suffer yeah they've um I mean they've asked me to can you talk about this can you talk about this we'll pay you this much talk about this issue or talk about this issue and even if it's something I agree with I just I can't say yes to any of it because I know if you say yes one time it's never going to end you know you can't say yes and then all of a sudden say no it's just not possible well let's tie this back into what I was saying about how they were threatened by my masculinity and the fact I teach masculinity what type of person will reject money and reject his own personal financial gain for his morals a man only a man will do that I will argue now that weak men and women would be far more likely to take the cash for their own selfish interests only a man stands up and says no this is wrong so I dis agree because men have been like this since the dawn of time Women and Children First on the lifeboats I a man I will suffer it is my job so I sat there and said no my sanity is not for sale sir I reject your $50 million I don't need it anyway cuz I'm not a peasant and I'm not going to listen to you and they couldn't believe it because most people in my position if I was a girl or and of course don't I'm not being misogynistic talking in generals if I was a chick and they came along in some makeup brand offered me a bunch of money and like oh oh yeah and you have to for this episode you have to do a pro transgender episode or Pro LGBT episode because it's Pride week and here's all your money and you're part of our makeup brand she' be like okay she would even realize how far down the scop she is she wouldn't even realize what she's doing only me as a man sat there and saw exactly what it was this is a bribe you're attempting to bribe me and the fact that I said no and then went on an emergency meeting afterwards and start screaming that my sanity is not for sale there was a room somewhere I don't know where it was I don't know if it was in Washington DC I don't know if it was in London I don't know if it was on the moon I don't know where there's a room of people who sat around and watched my emergency meeting a few hours after I rejected their contract and thought he's a problem yeah he's a problem yeah how dare he how dare he how dare he deny our offer it was a fair offer it was a it was a very good offer and this arrogant idiot thinks he this arrogant guy doesn't understand how the world works the thing is I did understand yeah that's what they don't get I did know how the world Works which is why I started saying they're going to put me in jail which is probably frustrates some even more more that I'm not scared of them I understand where this ends and I'm going to do it anyway and I'm hoping at least when you said I'm a general I'm hoping I'm at least inspiring bravery in enough other people because they can't put us all in jail no they can't put us all they can put me in jail if I'm alone but if there's thousands of us then it becomes harder then the Matrix cracks then the new system is built perhaps we can save the world it's something I say all the time like if more people stood up and said no enough is enough they can't cancel everybody correct who who going to consume all their content who's going to buy all their technology who's going to scroll their apps if everyone is cancelled correct it's power of the numbers correct so you have if everyone has to say something otherwise you know they're just going to keep on making examples of people and that's what it is you take the most famous guy you can you make an example of him they try to do it to you they try to do it to like Russell bran they try to do a lot of people out there the guys who just get out of line yeah and you can either you know be scared and not speak up or you can join the community of people like enough is enough this is [ __ ] we don't want to live like this any longer absolutely and we understand that there are people out there playing God and we're just the ants I understand our role in society however doesn't mean we don't try 100% bro and I think then you go back into you can look at that at a deeper level the reason you try is because if you try you feel happy in your heart I I can't explain the satisfaction I feel in my soul knowing that I am a problem to the enemy it's not about okay I can't even compare the joy of a Ferrari or money or a yacht or girls or private jets to me knowing the enemy is mad because of me maybe I'm Petty maybe I'm Petty maybe I'm immature but you know like when you're a kid and you know you've annoyed someone and you get that smile that's it's like deep in my heart even when I was in jail there was times I was in jail they would take me to the decot office and ask me a bunch of questions and I would just sit there and say no comment no comment no comment and they' say say well if we can get through this interview you can go home and I go I get to go home they're like yeah you can go home if we can just answer these few questions like oh okay no comment and when they sent me back to jail I was like yes like I've annoyed them maybe I'm Petty but I feel that Joy of knowing I'm a thorn in their side and that's what we need more of because if you don't own your soul if you don't own your integrity you don't really own anything anyway people are obsessed with trying to get hold of money and get hold of all these material assets they haven't been through the Matrix system yet you don't own that stuff if you think the money in your bank is yours piss the government off you think the house you live in is yours piss the government off you think the land you live on is yours don't pay your property taxes you don't own a thing and you can build some complicated legal structure and you can have a trust fund which owns a company which owns a trust fund and you can try your very best to iido it and hide it but if you become Public Enemy Number One if you become large enough they'll find it and they'll take it you own nothing but your soul that's all you have so that's the number one thing you should be concerned with I've learned now from my Matrix attack I don't own anything all my houses were taken they found every single piece of money they could find that I owned and they could prove they took now I'm okay I'm smart I prepared but if you're sitting there going oh I'm G to shut up and I'm gonna sell my soul for money in the bank that's the biggest scam on the planet because you don't even own that money in the bank you don't own anything it's kind of amazing people especially in the west there are certain countries where they don't have property tax for example but the idea you think you own your house and you have to pay property taxes to take it off you you just rent it from the government you don't even own it and then you paid a bunch of interest on a mortgage so that you can own a house that you now rent from the government it's all a scam it's all a lie and if you don't do as you're told they're gonna take it off you anyway so what do you have besides your integrity and I think we need to instill that in more men that's what they had to wake up and say I'm doing the right thing even if I suffer for it I just had a thought if you took the money you'd probably be Taylor swi boyfriend right now bro full of vaccine yeah you'd be that guy you could have been the booster guy if I took the money our channel would be 10 times bigger our reach would be 100 times wider but we refuse to give in to the Matrix if you guys want to support the PO definitely pick up some merch it's really the only way that we're able to self- sustain it's not cheap to go to Romania and get these interviews it's not cheap to go to Iowa to get these interviews and coverage so if you want to see more of it definitely pick up some merch let's talk about Taylor yeah I 100% could have been Taylor Swift's boyfriend I could have taken the saline injections cuz famous people they can't be dying right so they don't take the real vaccine I could have taken the saline injections I could have been Taylor Swift's boyfriend I could have had dual Lipa and Katy Perry in the corner cucked I could have been sitting around being king of it all I could have taken Britney Spears for a wild ride she's crazy that would an interesting night but yeah I could have sold my soul and I would have been at the Grammys at the Oscars hanging around with all these people and I'd be Andrew Tate and I could have just shut up about certain things and I probably could have kept the semblance of my message and said a few things and like skirted on the edge of trying to motivate people but not saying too much and just sat there and took the fame and took the money and not go to jail and I could have done all of that but I would have sold my soul man don't you understand maybe I'm stupid I sometimes I look in the mirror and think am I dumb like am I just so petty and principled am I am I an idiot couldn't I have just taken the money and spent time with my children and had this fantastic life did I make a mistake and then every once in a while something happens and it reminds me that I didn't make a mistake and I'll give you a very simple example of it last time I felt like I really did the right thing is when I did Piers Morgan and he started asking me about Israel Palestine yeah and he started telling trying to get me to say what he wanted me to say and I was like no it's a genocide and I don't care what you say that is wrong and that is what I believe we don't have to even argue whether what I believe is true even though it is the point is if I had signed that contract I would have been told what to say and when I put his stupid ass in his place about the vaccine and about Israel and Palestine I felt good again I was like no I'd made the right decision and sorry Taylor you're not going to get the top G you're stuck with Mr vaccine you're not allowed me because you've sold your soul and I refused so I've now changed the dynamic it's not that I don't get access to their life they don't get the benefit of me being part of their stupid Club I win they need me more than I need them I would argue right now nobody gives a solitary [ __ ] about most of those people get the Grammy Awards and line them all up and say name them and I guarantee you can name three or four and the rest of them you don't have a clue who they are people who have sold their souls for money destroyed their own integrity and we don't even know who they are they don't even get Fame off the back of it so I don't want to be part of their Club Taylor Swift's gonna have to dream of me the rest of her life she's gonna have to settle with second place she's not allowed the top G cuz my soul is not for sale isn't it funny that Pierce Morgan's show is called uncensored but yet it's very censored I mean and you know Pierce Pierce and I have an interesting relationship yeah because you know what he's gonna do so to a degree I respect him because he sits down and gives you a hard time and know what he's going to do so I respect that he's very open about who he is I mean he's incorrect A allot the time sure but I don't dislike peers I mean he's full of [ __ ] and he's sponsored by the MSM and he's owned and he gets paid a lot of money to say the right things but at least you know the deal you're going to get with Pierce has Pierce been told in his earpiece what his official opinion is a few times I'd argue a few times a day because he gets a lot of money because he's part of the system and that's how this all works what's interesting though is that there's nowhere on Earth which is truly free because we say these things as if they're a West specific problem and they're not everywhere in the world is the same in China there's certain things you cannot say in Russia you better not insult Putin in Dubai you better not insult the leaders or God there's s every single country has its taboo subjects however the problem we have in the west is that the subjects we're not allowed to attack the ones that are taboo are the ones which I believe are genuinely detrimental to society I feel like I have freedom of speech in Saudi Arabia which is a very controlled country but I feel like I have freedom of speech because I don't want to say the things I'm not allowed to say I don't want to insult God and I don't want to promote transgenderism so I feel like everything I say is allowed to be said so I feel free whereas in America the things I do want to say are taboo they're not allowed so I feel like I'm very constrained which is where you get these ideological differences when people say but America's a free country you could say whatever you want well you're saying what they want you to say that's why you feel like it's free but if you start saying the things they don't want you to say you start to realize it's not free at all and it's kind of interesting that America's built on this idea of freedom the Western world's built on this idea of freedom where most other nations are other nations are built on the idea of God or the idea of patriotism we've lost that and we're saying you don't have to believe in God or any type of God you don't have to even be patriotic you can hate this place but you're free to do whatever and that's a very interesting scam because to try and hold a scam like that up how do you make people feel free when they're not allowed to say the things that you don't want them to say the only way you can do that is by allowing them to be free to do stupid [ __ ] so you say we're based on freedom we don't want them to realize they can't say anything important so to keep the lie of freedom alive let's tell them they can change genders because you can't do that in most other places so what they do is they push insanity and say you're free to be an idiot and they push that so they can keep the freedom scam alive because you're free to be an idiot but you're not free to be smart you're not free to understand how it works you're not free to tell the truth you're not free to try and protect your family you're not free to try and have your own land and your own family and do the right thing you're not free to do any of that you're only free to do the dumb [ __ ] that they don't see as a threat so they can keep their freedom scam alive and truthfully if you look at the West I think America has the highest incarceration rate in the world the most laws in the world has more is a higher percentage of its population currently in jail than Stalin had than Stalin in the ggs you don't talk about Freedom now if I was telling if I got this big telling everyone to chop their dick off and I wore a wig I never would have gone to jail yeah never you'd be really famous I'd be very famous I'd be I'd be Taylor Swift's girlfriend yeah but here I am saying no you're a man and you want to be respected in your household you want your wife to listen to you and you want to raise your kids and they're your kids they're not the governments and you don't want the government to come along and force them to get transgender surgery because they got scoped in school and you want to have a say over the children you pay and raise no no no no no no no no no no Mr Tate human trafficker I mean it's one of those things where um recently over the last six months they've been doing this a lot Joe Biden will come out and tweet um we're doing this to protect our children and every time read that I'm like no they're not our children they're not your children they're my children if anyone's going to indoctrinate my kids it's going to be me it's my responsibility and you have no say in it whatsoever and I think that's the line for a lot of people I'm hoping it is yeah I'm hoping it is because once they believe I mean I'll give you an example of the covid vaccine I know we keep going back to co I know it's boring we've all talked about a million times but I think well I think covid talking about covid constantly is really important because that's the moment that a lot of people really woke up to see all the irregularities in the world to see the lies through the mainstream media and it's almost like you have to keep on reminding people cuz they forgot it was only four years ago I know but it seems like another lifetime ago you need to remind people that cuz four years now leading into the next election cycle if you forget what they did during covid and how they used it and weaponized it against you like you're not going to see it coming which they're going to do again maybe not through a pandemic but they're going to do something similar this year also constantly have to remind people 100% if you're a farmer and you have farm animals you choose what vaccines and what injections go into that farm animal because you believe it benefits you and that's what they dig with the covid vaccine they saw us as nothing more than farm animals and that's why I refuse to get it there's a lot of reasons I refuseed to get it but I remember specifically saying the government doesn't own my blood it's my blood the government can have my passport and my ID number or whatever it is my blood and if I get caught I bleed it and I need it so I can stay alive it doesn't belong to them it belongs to me and I decide what's in it by extension not only do they think of you as a farm animal because they get decide what's in your bloodstream if you have a farm animal and that farm animal has calves they see that as their property also the government sees you as property you're just one of the ants in the ant farm one of the cows on the farm one of the robots in their big corporate machine and your children belong to them too in their mind and they want that your children to be good productive members of The Matrix which means they want to sop our kids and that's why exact that's exactly why they don't want a strong man and a loving wife and a good nuclear family because you're now competition to their scop machine their scop machine is the internet and YouTube and all the people who tell the truth are censored all the garbage is allowed under the guys of freedom and if you have the largest YouTube channel in the world one of them has to become transgender for some reason and then they go to school and they're all told all this other garbage and you're fighting a very difficult fight you only have a few hours a day with your kid they have 12 hours a day of endless propaganda garbage and it and that's done on purpose and if you have a strong household a strong Family household they see that as competition they don't sit and say we want America to be built on the back of strong families they sit and say strong families are stopping the children absorbing the slave programing so how do we do this how do we make sure the family is not as strong as it should be well let's demasculinize the male and let's use feminism to make the female intolerable and let's make them both broke via inflation so they're busy working and then let's take the kid away they're amidst the chaos as the man argues with the woman and the woman keeps talking about some garbage feminist crap she saw on The View and neither of them can pay their bills we'll just slowly take the little child away and we'll put them in school and we'll start pumping garbage in their ear and before you know it the kid will come home and say it wants to change genders and the man will say I want to stop that the woman because she listen to a bunch of feminist [ __ ] thinks that anything a man says is instantly wrong so she'll support the kids's Insanity the father will lose control of his own child the child will start taking pills and mutilate itself end up suicidal and kill itself at 23 like this is all happening I'm not making this up this is all happening right now in any other country in the world that would be Unthinkable but in the west they've got their scop so so well orchestrated so well oiled they're beginning to pull it off and what do we say about incremental and slow right now you hear examples of court cases where the man loses control of his own son his Sun changes gender and it's kind of a news story in 50 years from now no one's even going to care happen nonstop because it's incremental and slow just like somebody being transgender was very rare 20 years ago and now it's normal I'd argue now in 50 years from now the number of fathers were going to lose their son to becoming a girl is going to be off the charts and no one's even going to talk about it how do you resist these things well it's difficult but this is the truth right so this is the truth that we have to show when I'm talking about telling people about the chessboard this is the truth the legal system will see your kid as nothing more but a tool to [ __ ] you with just to teach you a lesson and they're going to build a new legal system with AI a new one a stronger one a fairer one you have to be very careful of these people because they don't care about you I like the word you said it was a very good word you used you said you want to indoctrinate your kid yeah correct as do I my kid will think like me why am I paying for my kid why am I raising my child why am I dealing with its mother and all her headache if I don't get to decide how my son's going to be what's the point then if we're all just one big goo of genetic mess and we're all just generic humans which are programmed by The Matrix why I even have kids I'm having a child so it has my name and acts like me yeah and even that as Baseline understood as that's been throughout all of human history is under attack if you can't if you can't tell your children to think like you if you can't be a man and protect your household and protect your relationship and protect your woman like they are attacking the Baseline nucleus of the Mas UL psyche in days of old it was I am Andrew son of yeah that's what it was all about that's what it was all about name everything oh completely yeah can we talk about the biggest YouTuber in the world and his normalization of a thing or is that something that you're not even allowed to talk about like how off limits is that topic because you know what I'm saying and it's one of those things where if you put it out there and if we were say his name and Associate it it's like insta hate yeah and I enjoy his content I think he makes fun videos however what he's doing is normalizing transgenderism amongst children yes it's not amongst adults the target audience is children yes and it's normalization but if you talk about it well see here's the thing that's interesting like we haven't even said his name everyone knows what we're talking about we can't yeah and I don't and I don't know the guy and I'll also be honest yeah I've I know the kind of videos he makes I know he makes like these prank or like these Show game show videos I've never watched them but I do know this I know enough about the world and how it works to understand and you have to base your worldview on probabilities yeah right like we said earlier if I go stroke the lion I'm probably going to get eaten there may be examples where the lion doesn't eat me but I think it's a good a good worldview for me to hold for the preservation of my bloodline that I avoid the Lions so when you look at scenarios where you don't have all the information you have to come up with the probability so what is the probability that of the four or five or six people whoever make this show which is the largest and most famous show amongst children in the world which has a whole bunch of corporate sponsorships a whole bunch of money behind it taking into consideration the things I've said about how they try to get me to sell my soul that one of them decides to very publicly do something which adheres within agenda they are trying very hard to scop the youth with and then the leader of this channel Mr whatever he very calmly and very cucked says yeah it's good I support them and CU he knows he's going to get in a lot of trouble if he doesn't and you're going to sit here and say that that's all a coincidence and there was no corporate Powers involved and no money involved and no one said to him listen you better support this trans this transition because if you don't you're going to lose your channel okay and you're telling me that this all just happened organically and there was no plan at all if you believe that then you're an idiot then you're an idiot and and it's a scop and scops are slow and incremental and that's why a 5-year-old who's watching it now who doesn't even truly understand what's going on by the time he's 15 16 17 when he's arguing saying well no because you know I know people who TR change transgender and they were happier than ever before and I saw them before and then I saw them after and they were so happy and all their friends supported them and that the scop they are after your kids they are coming for your children everybody at home because it is your children that are the future which they want to control when you have kids and you love them and you love your wife and you look into your beautiful smiling daughter or son's face please understand that they are nothing but a tool for the Matrix and they are coming for them they are coming for them and if that doesn't panic you and you don't worry about that and you sit and say ah well we'll just let them watch YouTube ah it's just one of them became transgender oops [ __ ] just happens oops oops well then you're a dummy waiting to die it's funny how there are certain topics and certain things that if you were to have a stance on it's like instant instant cancellation right could you take it from both sides this topic specifically or even if they people always say how come you don't speak about Israel Palestine I mean yeah Israel Palestine I'm like from my perspective of my history of my background I really don't have much skin in the game yeah I'm not either I don't relate to either um I don't feel like I have to take a side here and if you don't take a side both sides come at you and said how come you don't take our side well this no you're right and and just to quickly touch back on that I just had a thought regarding the the situation we were discussing previously we're not allowed to say Mr beast's name so I won't say it but you can't say you Mr you can't say Mr Beast no but here's the thing that's interesting if there was any honor amongst that group and I don't have a problem with this guy I don't know this guy I'm I'm I'm more famous to him anyway so we're gonna probably meeting someday I don't have a problem with him but here's the thing that I find interesting let's remove the argument about transgenderism because they're going to sit and say that it's not his fault he's born the wrong body blah blah and that's a that's a that's a dumb [ __ ] hole I don't even want to go down but let's remove it me as a man of Honor I believe that now now because of my a massive influence I have a responsibility and I'll admit this now there are clips of me that I made 10 years ago which I don't think would be appropriate for 14 to 15 year olds to see because I made them when I had no followers and no subscribers and I was joking with my friends and we were filming everything and it didn't matter and now I understand with massive power comes massive responsibility and I've had to create my message and be slightly more careful knowing that every single word I say is watched that's that's sensible for you to become more famous and then be more careful about certain things you say or how you say them is the sensible thing to do so if I was a member of this group of people and I decided to do something which was obviously sexually related it was regarding sex in general and it was obvious for everyone to see and it was something that was going to raise a lot of questions and it was going to involve sexuality amongst the lives of a bunch of people who shouldn't be thinking about sex yet I would have enough honor to say you know what I've made enough money and I really need to do this I resign and I do it in private why would I do that publicly irreg ESS please understand because they're going to argue this not understanding I'm smarter than all of them irregardless of how important it is to do irregardless of the fact that you believe it's essential even if I agree with you that essential even if I agree with you that you need to do this because you were born in the wrong body even if I agree with all that don't we all agree that doing something so obviously sexual for children to observe and question is something that shouldn't be happening so even if you do want to do that and even if I agree you should do that you should still resign unless it's a scop unless you're going to sit here and argue the fact that you're trying to scop the kids which is what they'll do oh but kids need to get used to the idea scop so you are scoping oh but kids need to get used to the idea and they don't need to be threatened by scop so you're admitting it's a scop because it wasn't a scop you would have resigned and done it privately why didn't you want to do it privately you have enough money you've been making these stupid videos for long enough you can pay your rent sir or sorry not sir ma'am but no you want to scop the kids if you actually discuss this whole topic you'll see it's very obvious that they want to scop the kids and that's the end goal of it and they'll sit there and then they'll try and do because I'm a professional and I know exactly how these people think they'll argue the scop is okay but why should I hide I'm proud so they'll argue then they'll start arguing for their scop not understanding that they're just admitting I'm right I'm right you're scoping kids I don't want any child under the age of 10 thinking about sex in any way changing sex sex dick vagina T they have enough time for that as they grow old they shouldn't be sitting there watching this and start going what's going on why does he do that and looking into it in general the whole thing is Haram regardless of the fact whether you accept that he should become transgender or not and that's the thing they don't understand that's why they can't argue with me I would love to sit down with these people bro I would rip them apart which is why they're trying to keep me out the club unless I shut up for their 50m I mean it's one of those things where I don't care what you do as ad I may not agree with it actually I probably do disagree with it but if you want to do whatever you want as an adult it's your prerogative do whatever you want y again I don't agree but I'm not in a position to tell you how to live your life don't indoctrinate my kids don't push it on my kids that's not your place these are conversations I should be having not some random guy on the internet 100% you know and I think that's the line for a lot of people I feel like there's a lot of people where this is the line I feel like a lot of people are waking up to this even people that may be considered extremely liberal you know a lot of even people within the city single moms they're like look I've been working my entire life trying to teach my son how to be a man Y and now you're coming here and showing up and saying they don't have to be men anymore and like this is [ __ ] this is not your place to tell my kid how to grow up I think that's the line for a lot of people right now so what happens when the line is cross that's the interesting conversation because even I don't know and and another thing that people don't understand when when I say that the Matrix needs to crack you do need some form of society I mean you do need some form of order the order we have is corrupted the order we have is wrong it's not built on truth but to a degree it is a degree of order it's not it's not war outside in most places yet so what happens when that line is finally crossed and I feel like we are getting there but I don't know if anyone's prepared for it I prepare for it personally but collectively I I'm not sure what happens and this is why I teach the things I teach and I say so much how important it is to be geographically and and make money and be strong and be brave and be adaptable and people think I'm saying all these things so they can get girls and buy Lambos no I'm saying all these things you can be the first one outside gone because you don't want to try and be the last one you don't want to be trying to get out when everyone else is trying to get out you want to get out first and you need to think ahead that takes money it takes connections it takes you need a visa you need another passport you need a house to you need things and all and I've come up with the answers for me of course but then you end up it's kind of interesting we talk I I talk about globally all the time and the elites and how they have all this money and how they'll watch Nations burn and disappear to another Nation Etc and then I catch myself looking and going what that's you too is that me on my private jet with all my kids of on my way to Switzerland to hide in the mountains and the bunker am I one of the but you just get to a certain level of influence and money and power where you you have the adaptability the common man doesn't have the common man is stuck and tied to his land in one particular location which is why the common man should be even more interested more interested in defending the ideals of his Nation more interested in defending the ideals of his town and his City and his land because you're stuck there I'm sticking up for all this stuff I'm not even stuck anywhere I can insult the West all day long and bounce I can go live somewhere else most people can't so which finds amazing to me that they'll just sit there and allow themselves to just be decimated they'll just sit on the ship while it's on fire waiting for it to sink and it's because they're a coward and they'll get distracted by the Super Bowl and they'll watch Taylor Swift chug a beer and they'll get distracted by porn and distracted by garbage and they'll just sit there yay sports team waiting to die and when I say die I don't even mean it maybe you won't get assassinated no but your bloodline will be annihilated because your son will become a girl that's what's going to happen or your son will get married to a woman who won't take his last name what's the point in that you are done and it's because you sat there on your ass watching the Super Bowl like a dummy bro the Super Bowl was on and I was on Twitter I don't watch the Super Bowl I don't watch that [ __ ] and I was on Twitter and I was watching all the bombings in Gaza I was like bro they're literally killing kids and this isn't about Palestine Israel 1947 that cool that's a long and detailed argument they are killing children with bombs I have a kid that age yeah I see a kid missing her arm a little girl the same age as my daughter and I and I look on Twitter and it's just Super Bowl it's like these people deserve the slavery they have is I guess one of the things that happens when you've when you sacrifice your own life which to a degree I have to try and wake people up you get a huge degree of satisfaction for the the people who understand and see the truth and you're going to see as big as you are now as you get bigger all the people who come up to you and say you've helped me it makes you feel amazing but there's also a huge degree of resentment for the people who ignore you I can't you part of you is like are you out of your mind I'm here trying to warn you that the ship is on fire and you're obsessed with the Super Bowl you're just going to perish and it's not because you are arrogant and want to be listened to it's not because you're philanthropic and you really want to save their lives it's not that it's because these people who ignore you who buy into the Matrix programming are the ones they use to attack you with what are they say in The Matrix anyone who's not unplugged can become an agent at any time it's exactly that the people who are not unplugged the people who are still sitting there watching the Super Bowl and absorbing all the garbage are the exact ones who when the MSM says something bad about you repeat it they're literally your enemies they're agents of the Matrix and it's kind of annoying when you're sitting there going well they're blowing up children and you're still not aware you still don't care you're still watching the Super Bowl when they say Matt dig whatever or Andrew dig whatever you're going to start repeating it and defending it it's kind of amazing to me that people will defend ideas Andre human trafficker cool they put it in the news some person says I know Andrew tape personally he's not human trafficker I lived with him for years someone else says he's a human trafficker why because the news told you how do you even know why are you defending this idea have you seen the case File did you ever live with me do you know me no the BBC printed it and now you're defending it to the death like you know something you don't know a [ __ ] thing and they're going to sit there and go oh but the BBC said the BBC said take the vaccine dummy wake up why are you defending this idea you don't even have any skin in the game that's why when I see people who ignore the things we say I'm not like oh I really want to help him I don't give a [ __ ] if you're an idiot stay an idiot it's ah you're on their team you're genuinely the enemy of free thought and sovereignty and individualism you're the kind of people who are going to March us into the Concentration Camp thinking you're doing the right thing because you can't think for yourself bro I would love if I had power of God let's say I was God for a day or I was a ghost I would go up into the sky and I would find all of the people who scream to others to wear masks and i' would put them all in a room and I'd say two years ago you were walking around screaming at your fellow man to wear a mask you're no longer wearing in a mask neither is anyone else have you even for a fraction of a second felt shame have you even looked in the mirror and goes I was yelling at people to wear a mask and that was clearly unnecessary I was scoped do you have enough personal responsibility to understand that they fooled you and you were an agent of the Matrix and help them propagate their false worldview you detriment the lives of the people around you who you have in common you have more in common with the people around you than you do the elites who gave you this idea you damaged their lives running around like a banshee being an idiot have any of these people even looked in the mirror and felt guilty no none of them even feel shame they're just walking around now normal waiting for the next thing they haven't even sat there and goes I was a fool and I helped the Matrix get everyone locked in their houses they don't even have any personal responsibility no shame no guilt no honor nothing these are the people who would take the 50m they don't give a [ __ ] they'll say whatever they're told give me the 50m yeah transgender is great yeah I'll put a wig on that the honorless empty people and the devil loves what they say devil loves Idol hands I would argue the devil loves Idol Souls empty Souls empty Minds if I could find all of the people I'm not a violent man I'm capable but I'm a nice man if I could find the three or four people who tried to yell at me to wear a mask right now in the world I might slap them in the face I might go up to him and say you don't remember me but two and a half years ago in the gas station you told me to put a mask on bam cuz you're an idiot they're idiots and it's scary that this many many people are walking through the Earth just waiting for the next program to be injected into their mind so they can come and attack you and me and their fellow man they're not going to attack the elites they're going to be told something by the elites and attack us one day Matt I guarantee there's G to be a protest outside your podcast Studio or whatever and you're going see a bunch of matrix-m minded slaves scream yeah screaming whatever they were told to scream and they're going to be like what the [ __ ] is going on I'm going to call my mom Mom I made it you know I'll be arrested soon they're here it happened crazy I feel like there's a populace of people that are waking up though I do I think there are people out there that may be the uh mask uh pushers that are now going hey because the SC up at that year at that time it was maybe the most well orchestrated scup ever yep they said if you don't do this you're going to kill Grandma yeah bro and if you have even if it wasn't real even if you didn't didn't believe it for that 1% chance that could be true some people were willing to make a little bit of sacrifice and I can almost understand those people because maybe they didn't believe it themselves but what if you're wrong Y and I am respons for killing grandma or not even my grandma your grandma and for that I think that's why what they did during Co was maybe the most evil thing I've ever done cuz they literally said comply or you're killing grandma and that makes me hate the people that enforced it on us much more than the people that complied because in that situation the people that complied it's a really tough balance I understand you know what I mean like yes some of them were over crazy and yes the people that were sitting at the restaurants forcing you to wear it between the door and the it was stupid I think most people agree it was ridiculous but I think for a lot of them it's it's a tough cell again when they wave Grand in your face and said this is going to save your grandma yeah how do you say no to that sometimes you know I understand and I know what you're saying and it's also you made a good point about the people who enforce it come up with the most evil agenda the most evil possible justification they can but they always have I mean every single thing they've done if you look at anything that has resulted in the death of millions of lives any War name a war that wasn't built on a lie any one millions of lives lost millions of lives affected by extend fathers lost Brothers lost Sons lost for what for a lie and what was the point of the LIE money I don't think many people understand truly how evil the agenda is I wouldn't if I had a button right here I have a lot of money right if I had a button right here and I could press the button and someone random on Earth would die and I'd get money I wouldn't press it because I'd feel bad because I don't want the money but there are people out there who will not just press that button they'll they'll they'll they'll sleep on the button for the rest of their lives they'll just sleep on it permanently as arm manufacturers make weapons and Destroy random farmers in some random country under the guise of freedom and they'll make up a lie and they'll just justify it somehow and they'll sleep easy at night it's truly evil and if you don't understand how evil and how dark the world can be and how dark and evil some of these people are then you're going to have a rude awakening because they don't give a [ __ ] about anything but size themselves they don't care about you and they don't care about your kids and they don't care about the people they kill and they don't care about the PE lives they affect they never feel guilt they never look in the mirror feel bad this is why we need God more than ever because if you don't have God you don't have a soul and you don't feel guilty if I had started a war in Libya for example or reol a revolution I would look in the mirror now and say I why did I all those all that death all that destruction a destabilized nation slavery all this I've done why did I do it votes money what did I do that for I shouldn't have done that I feel bad yeah but they don't isn't that that's remarkable to me so I can't imagine living with a soul that dark or that black and when I try to because as a professional you need to understand your enemy I try to think with the soul that dark and that black and it's difficult for me to do but the conclusions I come to are scary even to me that's why I believe they're going to kill me sooner or later like what what's the other option they'll kill everyone else it's true they'll kill everyone else and I'm here tell them the truth you they're not gonna get rid of me I don't that's why I won't put the headphones on see how I I keto my way out of that but but it's just like it's a scary conclusion to come to and I and for the common man there's one set of solutions and one set of answers but if you're truly Public Enemy Number One I don't know what the true answer is besides shutting up and selling your soul I guess maybe I should have [ __ ] Taylor Swift but I refuse to do it it's scary it's scary the world we live in I mean it is because again if people with money and influence can barely Escape or maybe not Escape Y what does a regular guy at home do and they said we're you're going to lose your job you're going to lose your pension you're going to lose your ability pleas see your kids MH that's right I'm struggling and you're right you're completely right you can have the highest levels of influence Let me Give an example let's look let's look at a few easy examples who's getting wrecked with the legal system currently Elon and Trump yeah they can't escape this garbage so you're right what what hope does the common man have well there's only two options there's God and there's numbers you need enough people to understand the truth and you need God which is why when you talk about how you need everybody to understand the truth why the people who don't understand the truth and watch Super Bowl I find so repulsive because I understand they are the ones who are impeding our progress because they're the ones who are refusing to listen to anything for president Trump right now he just got a fined from the in New York $433 million I think that happened yesterday and then 83.3 million for his um egene Carol Case and then 91 other indictments going on and let's be real if he was not running for president right now none of this would be happening correct and I don't think anyone can argue that I don't think anyone thinks that if he was if he wasn't running all these legal travs would happen if you think that if you believe it then obviously has is trying to keep people from running do you feel like because you haven't lived in America in a long time yeah but you speak and you think about American politics often do you think like you're connected enough to American society being so separated for so long I think American culture is World culture to a degree it's all Western culture I was born there so yeah I do feel connected I think what happens in America affects the world personally my view on Trump is I'm I'm massively in favor of him do I believe he can dismantle and fix the bureaucracy of the system no no do I believe he can save the West no he can slow it down however it would be a culture win for him to win yeah it would Inspire the culture and it would Inspire patriotism and it would Inspire masculinity because he's a masculine man and as a whole I believe those are the number one weapons against the Matrix I believe innate natural god-given masculinity is how we defend ourselves against The Matrix if you were to say to me how do you beat them I'd say be a man if all the men were men this would be a lot harder scops wouldn't work making us scared wouldn't work making us cowards wouldn't work it would all be a much harder thing to do so I'm praying for Trump do I believe they're going to let him win well they're clearly trying to stop it in this democracy that you know dem number one democracy of the world and then there's two scary scenarios right there's scary scenario number one where they don't let him win yeah and all of the repercussions of that and all of the cope you'll see in the Senate from the Republicans who go this is unacceptable and then do nothing do nothing of course so it's just going to be words salad and then there's the ones where they the one where they let him win and he tries his very best and then eventually he's out of office and who comes next who knows and especially if he he makes things better a little bit for a little while and then he's out and another idiot comes in it's all wrecked I feel like it's the last hope and I don't know how I don't know what his plans are if he gets in but unless they're enormous I don't know if he can if he can stop the decline of the West and Empires come and Empires fall the West is a declining Empire it's on its way out and then the scary thought of that is who replaces America as the world leader and will the world even be better or will it be worse you know or are we going to enter this new like we discussed earlier this technological age where AI is the ruler and there's some server somewhere in Angola in a bunker that controls everything who knows because usually when an Empire Falls usually when a king Falls and new king takes hold but I think we might be entering a stage of Technology where it's not going to be a human that takes control of anything there'll be a humans who perhaps use machines to control everything and it's only a matter of time to the machines control the humans and that's what's going to happen skynet's coming and we're toast and how do you defend yourself against all of these things well I think Darwin said in in his book it's not the strongest of the species that survives it's the most adaptable how do you adapt to these changes that are happening in the world and i' like to consider consider myself a person with Solutions I don't want to be one of the people who just complains and points out what's going to happen without a solution and the solutions I come to are pretty boring when I say you need to have a bunch of money and important friends and a bunch of visas and a bunch of passports but it is the primary solution in regards to adaptability not many people can go live on Fiji I could if I wasn't in this Matrix attack but that's the point you get too big you get in a matrix attack but let's say I had my money and I'd shut up and there's a nuclear war I can live in Fiji how well I can get a private plane instantly and I can go and live there because I have a residence in Fiji how do you have a residence like there's things you can do you have to prepare for the worst which goes back into the question you asked me earlier am I paranoid probably and there'll be a day when everyone's like thank God you're a paranoid it's like I'm the most paranoid guy yeah perhaps but that's what preparedness is but for the Common Man and the average person what are the solutions to these problems I'm open to hearing yours because unless we talk about people and collectivism and people waking up and to some degree Revolution and people understanding that everything's a scam that's great but I I'm I'm really scared of the new system they build off the back of this broken one that's what I'm most afraid I mean I think people want to especially in America people want to revert back to kind of how it was where people felt like they had freedom even if it wasn't true or not at least you felt like you had freedom and right now somehow Trump went from the guy that um that ex that seemed to be the extreme guy he's now the man of the people y he's what the people want and you can feel it in the vibe and the energy and pretty much everywhere you go it's he's become the cool person to support he's changed the culture the the society and it's if Trump wins then people will feel like the people have won I loved how you said it's a societal win it's a cultureal win it's a culture win because finally for the first time in many years it feels like the people have a win because we're like yearning for a win we just keep on getting stomped on over and over again 100% is it is it amazing that in a democracy that the people can feel so disconnected to the leaders like how is this a Democratic Society nobody agrees with any of these leaders no who are they how did they get there why do they do the things they do who's telling them to do it why do they vote how they vote nobody's happy with them at all in any Western Nation not just America in any Western Nation every Democratic Nation everyone's pissed off yeah and somehow they have all the control and all the power and then you sit and you start to look into well how does a democracy work ah money ah I get it now money well who has all the money the elites who are above the government okay well then it's all a [ __ ] scam from the beginning it's it's kind of interesting I was in um bellarus like five or six years ago and I couldn't believe that Minsk was cleaner and more beautiful than Bucharest because I expected to be kind of like Bucharest Rough Around the Edges a bit you know and it was very clean very nice very well organized perfect Pavements very beautiful city and I was talking to a belarussian girl and she was like well well yeah you have democracy in in Romania so if they want to fix a road they have to go to the the Parliament and discuss fixing the road then a contract goes to a company and then x amount of money gets stolen and that he go if lucenko drives down the road and there's a hole and he says fix that hole it's fixed that's it now I'm not advocating for kingdoms I'm not advocating for a complete lack of democracy I'm not because that is a 50-50 coin flip you might have a good leader yeah you might have a bad leader of course but there are certainly certain countries in the world now which are benefiting from the fact that you know who's in charge in the west I ask myself often who who's in charge of me who is my leader do you think Joe Biden's Your Leader I don't think anyone thinks that yeah that's that's crazy thing too right so who's in charge like don't you think the first thing you would do if you walked onto a boat or you where's the captain we need to fix this boat who's the captain D know don't know don't know maybe him they say it's him but someone's calling him on the phone all day who calls him don't know is that person on the boat don't know well they're on another boat well they're on land like what's going on we don't even know who's in charge of us and if you try and find out you end up in jail so it's kind of scary and very interesting because I think for responsibility you need to have accountability for some to sit and say okay who's responsible for this mess that person needs to be accountable for the mess there is a mess here it's this person's fault but we somehow have this weird system where no matter what bad happens they iido the accountability to someone else no matter what good happens they try and take accountability for even though they didn't even do it who's responsible for everyone everything nobody knows but who's in charge and who gets to decide the people n i sense scam something strange is going on I mean when I I last week we had the Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin interview and I I found that whole process fascinating more than the interview I found that week fascinating yeah because leading up to it everyone said Tucker Russian spy Russian spy Putin's lap dog blah blah blah blah blah and then they went nuts Hillary Clinton was on the news um they just lost their [ __ ] about Tucker potentially interviewing Vladimir Putin and then the interview happened and it was not as bombastic as people expected actually Putin put himself as I'm a Russia first guy I'm going to force you to learn Russian history and this is how I think and on behalf of the Russian people I'm going to speak and we as Americans were waiting for Putin to tell us our system is broken we were waiting for pu for Putin to tell us look at your policies they're broken we were looking for that validation from the opposing leader and I'm like two things one we are so lacking of leadership and we are so sick of losing that we were we're waiting for the enemy to tell us we're winning yep and two there is no way Joe Biden could sit there for two hours and do an interview yeah no but that's the thing that's interesting because Putin is idolized by many conservatives in the west not because they love Russia but because he is competent and he's nationalistic yes two simple things he's competent he knows what he's doing and he loves his country isn't it amazing that in the west you have to idolize the enemy leader for the basic tenants of competence and nationalism as America you should have a competent nationalistic leader and you shouldn't have any interest in Putin but you're right the conservatives and many people who understand how the world Works was looking for Putin to tell the truth about how broken the West is and he didn't do that and they were very disappointed in the interview because they thought that he was interested in coming along and educating the American public on the on the insanity of the American system but he made it also very clear that America's going to treat him like a forever enemy and he's happy with how the system currently Works in America now yeah he just said after the interview he said a few days ago I want Joe Biden to be president he's a good he's a he's a very he's a very uh he's a very seasoned Statesman and he's been in politics for a long time what he's saying is I want America to fail yeah everything he's he refused to tell Americans the truth because he doesn't want to interrupt his enemy when they're making a mistake and he wants Biden to be president because he loves a Biden presidency because he's not afraid of America anymore so if your enemy and you could argue about whether America and Russia should even be enemies in the first place but if your enemy is advocating for you to continue down the path you're going doesn't that say a lot in regards to the path you're currently undertaking and yeah you're right it's kind of crazy that Americans were sitting there looking for the leader of a foreign Nation to highlight the insanity of America because there's not a single American leader who will do it or you go deeper down the rabit hole can do it I've always wondered like me as stubborn as I am if I want want to run for politics would I be able to say the things I want to say because there's many barriers on the way right could first things first could I even get in because they know I'm a wild card so they do everything they can to stop me getting in they'd hit me with the MSM and they'd be some Scandal I'm a human trafficker i' go to jail they'd investigate my money and they'd say I'm a tax evader and they'd take all my money off me and they'd take my house and they'd [ __ ] me every way along the way so I can't even get that seat they'd make sure I don't and all of the big money would be behind my opponent my opponent would have favorable media a tour bus a private jet because that's how it works it's all about money so there's no way I could win but let's imagine I had huge popular support and I somehow won and then I get into Congress or the senate or whatever and I sit there and I know the truth about this insanity and I try and tell the truth what happens you get the call or someone comes to you and says you can't say that or they just don't turn your microphone on or you lose your seat on the next run and you don't even get a chance it's very interesting to me me because I I maybe I'm optimistic I like to believe there's some semblance of humanity left in these leaders but every time they vote they're just they just they cuck and I'm like what's going on here I'd love to try myself and find out but I'm I probably wouldn't like what happens I probably find out like ah I get it but it's it's the whole system's [ __ ] broken it's scary and then like I said because I want to be solution orientated how do you how do you tell people to prepare for this besides telling them to be adaptable and to a degree run away because that's what it is and like I speak to many Americans and they say you need to get some land and get a farm and learn to grow your own food bro you think the feds can't raate a farm yeah are are you stupid enough to think that if you get a farm and you grow strawberries you're going to be okay then you're an idiot the feds can rate a farm just the same if you think you own that farm don't pay your property tax they'll take it off you you don't own anything and they'll come get you anyway so you have God and you can believe in God and pray for him to save you you have adaptability where you can run away from the biggest problems but besides that where's the world going I don't I don't have an answer it's scary I'm trying to work it out well I think number one I think an andur Tate for Congress would be an extremely interesting time I think that'd be a lot of fun Trump PP let's go let's go I'll go to court look at taking all my money let's go again because the longer the more I get close to politics and be around politicians and kind of see behind the veil of politics number one it's all narrative control yep all politics is how can you control the messaging and the narrative at that moment and the longer you can control the narrative the higher probability that you have to win you know what's interesting you said about narrative control we talk about the fact we're in a war and we say we're in a culture war war has always ever only been narrative control War the primary objective of war is to demoralize your enemies so they will accept your narrative so in a traditional Hot War you will turn up with tanks they'll turn up with tanks if you win you're going to get the enemy they're going to be afraid of you they're going to be demoralized and they will accept your narrative regarding your culture your views your currency your religion whatever it is if two religions go to war the objective is to destroy the enemy so they are absorb your religion they accept your religion because they're demoralized so it's demoralization and control of the narrative and even in h Wars the primary objective is to get control over a certain geographical area to control the populace so you can tell that populace what to think and force them to adhere to certain ideals we're in a war right now you just talked about narrative control that's exactly what it is they're trying to demoralize us so they can give us narratives that we're forced to accept they're trying to control we say about controlling a geographical area with a hot War okay it's not a hot War but they're they're trying to control the internet and control information because it's an information War Alex Jones infow Wars he's nailed it they're trying to control intellectual property and control property online to be able to purport certain narratives to a demoralized populace we're in a very active War right now yeah and just because there's no guns firing well there are but just because you don't see guns firing you think you're not in a war you are the subject of a war ongoing there are two teams fighting right now above your head and depending which team wins depends on the narratives you're going to end up holding and your children are going to end up holding so this is what's so interesting to me when we talk about masculinity and cowardice if you understand that a war is going on surely if you're half a man you're going to look at the two teams and you're going to choose one and you're going to go join the team you believe in only a true coward would sit down and be quiet and say let the two teams fight it out and whichever team wins I'll just agree with them which is what a lot of people are doing but surely you should sit and see that this war can't be avoided yes I'm suffering because I ran my mouth too much yes they're going to try and put me back in jail probably going to succeed I'll be back with the Cockroaches fine I decided to make that decision I'll smile knowing that I live true to my heart so I I'm not a coward but if you're sitting there being a coward thinking oh maybe I can avoid the avoid the fight you're really a fool because if you say I refuse to fight you don't end the war you just end your control over the outcome of the war and all you're doing is handing your entire fate to other people and perhaps good guys will win and then you can sit there and be happy but you'll know you were a [ __ ] or perhaps the bad guys win and you're going to wish you fought while you had a chance but you can't avoid this fight I run my mouth and I'm in a lot of trouble cool but you're the war is coming for all of us I don't know why anyone's sitting there saying oh maybe I shouldn't talk you can't escape it if you don't want to tell the truth you're just going to end up a casualty of War you're going to get there anyway so and I'll ask you if we lose this culture War won't you feel better you tried well and I don't even think it's a culture War I think we are actively in War I don't think back in the day we used to be in analog War where people sit around and they shoot each other that is now the show part of the war if you if you become Instagram famous and you have to show people that you made a lot of money you got to go rent the Lamborghini and stand in Flex in front of it otherwise no one's going to think that you're famous that's what the physical war is we're in a digital age where analog doesn't mean anything anymore it's messy it's dirty takes a lot of time and it's it's hard to clean up everything about our life is digital to think that war is analog is ridiculous we are actively in a digital war and we're fighting over propaganda over information over influence and that's why people that are against the narrative like you like me like guys like Tucker Carlson um Alex Jones even if you don't agree with everything that everyone says they are actively fighting against the mainstream propaganda and that's why I say you're a general that's why hucker is a general that's why Alex Jones is a general because even amongst one side of the war all the generals aren't the same they all have their nuances their way of communicating the way they have to build their their armies behind them not all generals are the same but they're all fighting the same side it's good and it's evil and and but this is my question to all the and I guess this is a question to the men at home if you accept the war is ongoing and you accept that it's for the fate of your blood line how do you live with yourself as a man if you're not trying to make the good team win perhaps we're all going to die perhaps we're all going to lose perhaps you'll all end up in jail alongside me but don't you feel like you'd be happier as a man if you stood there and said I fought my hardest against them and I tried to save the children and my bloodline and my society and my land and the people I cared about I tried my best and they got me but but I tried how you going to live if you just don't try and I find it amazing that these people out there who think that okay if I avoid the fight and I take the money or if I avoid the fight and I have the peace and quiet if I avoid the fight I have the Super Bowl how broken are you in your soul to think those things matter more than doing what you know is right look at Humanity it's always been men sacrificing their lives for what they know is right I say I sacrificed my life I did a little bit jail and I've lost my money or some of my money boohoo I haven't had to charge at gunfire yet yet yet but there are men who were braver than I fighting for ideas they understood less than I understand the current idea and perhaps their fight wasn't even as important as this one I would argue there's been times where men took up arms to resist the invading horde and if they let that horde come in and control their society they would have been less oppressed than we're about to be and they sacrificed their life and we have men here at home going H well maybe I don't know this this Mass pandemic of cowardice is how they're getting away with this which is why I believe I've said this a bunch of times I also believe is the reason they attacked me they find masculinity so threatening because masculinity protects I won't sell my soul because I'm a man that's it I am the man and I don't care if I go destitute I'll knock on your door and ask for a meal and I'll continue to walk on my way towards wherever I'm headed as a man I'm not going to sell myself for money ever and anybody who's sitting here trying to avoid this battle all I'll say to you is that there's going to come a time perhaps when the battle's over and we've lost that you're going to wish you you started saying the right thing because I feel like that time's running out I feel like we have a certain a few years left where there's any semblance of freedom and also any semblance of social Mobility it's soon going to be so polarized ized I've said this on a podcast a long time ago there's going to be have knots and have Yachts it really is going to get there you have a certain amount of years to get money or get a network or tell the truth before they finally put the Schism in the world and you have the AI surfs who are controlled by their facial recognition and you have the elites who who don't have to listen anymore and time is running out I feel like I feel like this year is maybe the most important year I really do because if the whole world is watching to see what happens with President Trump whole world is because guys the populist leaders of places like Pakistan who were waking up and they were making a difference and they were improving their condition of life and National was was Rising with Imran Khan crushed guys like in Brazil with bolsonaro who they were feeling nationalist again they they were defying The Establishment they were pushing against the co agenda and then crushed and then now everyone's like all right two of the bigger populations on opposite sides of the world they didn't survive it even in Poland and what's going on over there oh Poland has fallen to the left that is mindbending they were they were making it they were surviving people were happy and they just crumbled so fast bro it what what was it like four years and boom it just like that bro I'm selling everything I own in warsa I believed in Poland I put a lot of money in Poland a lot of people thought they were the ones in Europe that were going to make the stand and if they survive it there's Hope For the Rest of Europe and they didn't they it happened so fast it it and that's and that's what's scary because Patrick B David he made a video explaining that I think I don't know the exact numbers 42% of the world population has an election this year or something like that there's the largest Muslim country has an election America has an election the entire world has elections in the same year I think it's unprecedented the number of isn't that people who get to vote and some people see that as a mass of opportunity and I guess it is but I see that I'll be honest with you as a power grab yeah I see that as a power grab I think there's a global power grab that's going to take place this year I think that everyone who should win isn't going to win I think that it's going to be the final nail in the coffin for freedom and individual liberty I think they're going to throw me in a jail cell for a long time for talking too much I think that anyone else who speaks up is going to start getting thrown into a jail cell I think the people who understand what's happening going to be too scared to speak because they're cowards and I think that once they have absolute control they're going to implement Ai and cbdc and I think we're all [ __ ] that's that's what I think and and and I the only answer to that that I have found I want to make this clear as well because a lot of people ask about my reversion to Islam the only kind of Nations I see which worship anything above money are the Muslim nations I think the only Nations who sit and say there's something more important than money no we will not teach LGBT to children we don't care about what money you offer us or what sanctions you put on us that is Haram they seem to be the last people with anything that they worship above money because if you only worship money eventually you're going to end up controlled and corrupted and that's why I think Islam is one of the last resistances to this insanity and perhaps you can move to Qatar and you can worship God and you can pray five times a day like you're supposed to and you can have a very happy life but outside of that I'm struggling to find answers you can go to Fiji and hide on a tropical island and eat coconuts perhaps but not everybody can do that it's a very small island it's scary and I think I a huge power grab is coming and once they cement that power anybody who tries to talk against it is in a lot of trouble it's really scary and we don't want to fear porn people but that's the reality of the world we live in right now is that if they can take down Donald Trump then and they've taken down Imran Khan and they've taken out bostoner again these guys were ridiculously popular in their own countries and they were all taken down for corruption for taking bribes for taking a painting and because they called out and they said in bonaro that he led an Insurrection or violent revolt and then you see what's happening here in the not here because we're in Romania when you see what happen here bro trust me they things happen here cuz I was in the cab coming to this hotel and we were told him that we were from America and he's like uh what do you think about Joe Biden he asked me I was like oh man I don't think he's awake he's like yeah do you think Trump can win because even people here they know that if Trump loses it's over for everybody yep he's kind of this last man standing type of deal absolutely and now you see 500 $600 million in lawsuits against Tim so do we survive this well this is the thing that's interesting so then you have to find answers so the solutions I've I've come up with in my mind of course are money because money is power I want people to understand that when I talk about we talk about how money is the root of all evil money is also the root of all good money is money is the vested time and interest of other humans if you have a bunch of money you have the stored energy of other people and I'll give you a very simple example I have money so I can get somebody to sweep my floor I have their stored time and energy in a note or or on a bank balance where I can make them sweep the floor for as many hours as I so choose because I can afford to pay them it's the store time and energy of other people so for evil to be done it requires the time and energy of humans and for good to be done it requires the time and energy of humans so money is like gunpowder it can be used for good it can be used for bad it's like germ Theory you can save people's lives you can create a pathogen that decimates a populace so it it can go both ways money is certainly an answer because if you're completely broke it's hard for you to influence other people and influence the World by extension so money is super important and the other thing I think is important is fraternity and Brotherhood and living for something larger than just money itself that's why I said about the Islamic Nations live for God and I think if you look at any period of human history one of the things that gives me solace in this insanity is that I feel like men have always believed that the world is ending cuz we're looking at it right now saying society's over it's finished and I feel nervous about that and I genuinely lose sleep about that sometimes I don't know how people sleep so easily at night watching the Super Bowl there's times I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm like we're [ __ ] and I can't sleep but I feel like during the 60s there were men who felt that way about the hippie Revolution and during World War II of course they felt like the world was ending and I'm sure Vienna felt like the world was ending when the Mongol horde arrived and I feel like people have always felt like the world is ending I think if you're a man and you're masculine and you're protective you're always going to feel like danger is coming and the world always forms and we continue and Humanity does manage to survive and and progress but it's always been a Band of Brothers it's always been masculinity and fraternity which has resisted evil it's always been the enemy's here who's on my team here's my gang here's my Army here's my guys let's get our swords and let's go fight for it and I feel like it's also more important than ever that people who are on the right side work together and Patrick M David said this he said the leaders are finding the other leaders and that's true I think it's more important than ever that we do podcasts together that other people who agree with us we do podcast we amplify our voices I think there has to be some degree of unity in the mission and besides making a bunch of money because money is power and besides fraternity for people who are like-minded I think those are our last chances those are the only chances we have and I do believe we can slow the spread Co talk we can resist the insan long enough at least the new Norm the yeah yeah we can resist the insanity long enough at least for them to build a new system on the back of this revolution if there is one or adjust the current system enough for life to still be livable one of the thing that's kind of interesting is I find as like being a cultural leader one of the things that's most interesting about it is whenever I get any hate which is actually very rare for me people talk about like the fact I'm a hated person but 98% of the internet loves me I really believe that I very rarely see hate comments very rarely and I've never met anyone in person who dislikes me with man or woman women love me too they're like yeah you're right but when I do see some idiot posting something stupid I sit and say it's kind of crazy that I'm trying to help him he's so ignorant and so stupid he doesn't realize I'm fighting for his freedom you know it's kind of like you're trying to drag him drag the horse to water and they're like no you're stupid it's like no you're going to die I'm trying to you're trying to help the people who dislike you it's kind of weird I don't know if you ever had that yet no it happens all the time and I tell people look whether you agree with my ideas or not the reality is I'm fight I'm fighting for your right to have your [ __ ] idea 100% I don't agree with your idea I think you're stupid I think you're doesn't make any logical sense but I'm still fighting for your right to have that idea to say those things that I completely disagree with I'm still fighting for your right and the people on the other side they're fighting for their right only I'm fighting for your ability to have those bad ideas I don't agree with you you don't agree with me that's fine but I'm trying to preserve this idea that we can have competing opinions y because only through debate through discussion through varing various of ideas can the great ideas really form absolutely and I don't pretend to be right on everything I don't want you to agree with everything I say if anything please disagree with me absolutely because it shows to me that I'm not living in an eoch chamber completely and you and you need both sides you're right because equilibrium is always going to be the the the middle of both sides right so like if you have a seesaw if you want it balanced you need x amount on this side and x amount on that side so you shouldn't be afraid of any idea as long as it's open and possible to dis discuss it gets scary when you remove one side of the weight and it's not allowed to be discussed well then it gets skewed right if if we're allowed to openly discuss and openly talk and I'm allowed to say the things I truly believe and I won't be canceled for it then I don't fear feminism yeah and I don't fear LGBT and I don't fear transgenderism I don't fear any of these people sit them down down at a table with me and I will decimate them in real time and I will do it so that everybody understands I am right because I know I am right and God knows I'm right and there's no way they can beat me in an argument because it's pretty [ __ ] simple I have a dick and you have a vagin done and I I'll say it done but if I'm not allowed to talk well that's how they get control and that's why they censor and that's why it's so scary so you're right we're not afraid of their ideas we just want to be able to talk openly yes they don't want us to talk because they know they're going to lose which proves they're wrong and they're not even smart enough to look in the mirror and go why am I so afraid of him talking was because I'm incorrect that's the truth of it yeah I mean especially in the school systems when I think about um lgbtq plus ti+ QA and when you think about all these ideas and they're talking about in school the teachers are allowed to promote these ideas to their kids but they can't the teachers aren't allowed to pray in school Y and I think that's the biggest knock for me if you're going to allow one you got to allow the other well because there's balance of completely but God is always going to be the final resistance to Insanity which is what I said about the Islamic countries because there's always has to be a line money can money if money can corrupt you'll agree with anything because money can be printed and if the if the idea is on the side of money or if money is on the side of idea you'll agree with anything the only thing that's ever going to stop you is if you get to a religious conviction only God is going to get to a point where he says doesn't matter how much you pay me doesn't matter what you make me believe doesn't matter what the AI machine does doesn't matter how you've scoped me and indoctrinate ated me it doesn't matter how long you've been trying to convince me this is true I know that my holy book and the god I believe in says this is wrong so I refuse to believe only God is the final barrier to the absolute slave mind Insanity which is why they fear God which is why they don't want to teach children about religion children are the most susceptible and the most vulnerable and the most programmable people in a populace so you have to be very careful when you analyze the ideas they're trying to purport to children because they know children are the most susceptible to believing things they're also most susceptible to believing fallacy it's kind of interesting we don't teach children things that life will ensure they understand is true you don't teach them about taxes or things that they're going to learn the reality of money management responsibil because they're a hard reality that they're going to have to experience so we let life teach them that so we don't care but we don't let life teach them these other crazy ideas because if we did they reject the crazy ideas no we indoctrinate the young children with the idea is that they naturally reject otherwise if we if we deleted the idea of LGBT garbage from school and we let a child grow up to the age of 18 in a normal functioning society and a normal functioning educational system and said is that a man or a woman it'd be very clear and everybody knows life will teach them we're only trying to indoctrinate them against their own eyes against their own innate understandings of how Society works for these insane ideals but anything important that life's going to teach him anyway we refuse to teach them so you should look very carefully at any idea they keep pushing on children because what they're actually doing is taking an idea which they know is garbage and finding the people who are most likely to believe it finding the suckers and the gullible effectively who's the most gullible people because this is [ __ ] so who's gullible well even the most stupid adults reject this because it's so ridiculous well the children are gullible and then they'll sit there and go yeah but the children don't run the world yet yet and the scop takes time so it's fine we're going to pour it on these kids only 10% will believe 90% will reject Next Generation 20% believe 80% reject Next Generation and eventually they get what they want and these people and these families and those who are in charge have been in charge for a very long time because they think generationally it's a different mindset that most people at home don't understand you're at home trying to pay your rent you're not thinking how do I make sure my grandchildren don't have to pay rent you're not and if you are you're still still doing it wrong because You' got inheritance tax and they're going to [ __ ] you and they're going to take it all off you anyway you're not doing it the way they're doing it they're ensuring that there's a country somewhere that you don't can't even point to on a map that has a water supply in 2072 the rights to that water supply expire and it's now going to be owned by a private corporation that his great-grandson is going to own so people can drink water that's how they think so if they want a particular ideal instilled inside of a Nation even if it even if it doesn't happen while they're alive they don't care and it's that degree of thinking that's hard to combat and that's also why you have to be to a degree unreasonable because if you give them an inch they're going to take a mile yeah because they take an inch they take an inch an inch a year and it adds up so you have to draw a hard line and say no I won't give you an inch I'm not you can call me racist and homophobic and bigot it and you can put me in jail and call me a misogynist no I won't give you an inch because I know where it ends up so you have to draw that hard line and God makes it easier to draw the hard line because it's Haram oh but he's gay and Haram yeah but but Haram hard line that's why they don't like God because it's a hard line they don't want you to have a hard line what they want you to have is what most conservatives have because conservatives are rational reasonable people yeah and what they do is they give you a line and conservatives are like oh maybe it's nuanced and it's a bendy line and and slowly bro the conservatives of today were the Liberals of 20 years ago they just get keep on pushed back a little bit by a littleit by a little by a little bit that's right quick bathroom break sure and then we'll be right back another quick merch plug definitely go pick up the free thinker hoodie we have a hoodie and a t-shirt brand new new for this episode this only works because you guys support our efforts are part of the free thinker Army and if you don't want some merch hit the donation link appreciate you guys let's get back to the episode so I want to get into religion because you talked about your conversion to Islam just a little bit and I think for a while I've been really jaded with Christianity in America mostly because I see the shift in the church right the church has been so weak and so much Scandal happens within church and being a part of it you're like all right like there's something doesn't seem right here and that's when I lived maybe closer to the cities I used to live in New York City um I used to live much closer to Atlanta recently I moved into part of Georgia that's considered more conservative m and moving into the conservative part of the country I realized that the failing and the falling of the church isn't like a whole American thing that actually there's a huge section of America that still adheres to the traditional values that we thought and we agreed with early on yep I thought the church as a whole was failing but then moving into the conservative areas I realized no it's just these liberal areas that are failing yeah and the people that are out there they they still hold their values they don't put up with this [ __ ] they are adamantly against what's going on and it restored my faith back in Christianity it restored my faith back into the church just a little bit realizing it's not everybody and it restored my faith in humanity to see that there are people there that still believe some of the traditional values that you talk about that I talk about well that's beautiful because if you tolerate everything you stand for nothing and the problem with Christianity is it's based on this and idea of forgiveness and tolerance and that's been corrupted and polluted like you said by some Bad actors yeah and I feel like Christianity has lost a lot of its presence in recent times and that breaks my heart I'm a Muslim now but that breaks my heart because people of the book are people of the book and we need more God not less God and I don't care what God you worship if you worship God and you're a good person and it's a shame really that Christianity's reached a point where it's mocked so openly and so publicly in Christian nations that breaks my heart and I think the attraction of Islam for me personally and also for a lot of other people now is there's a lot of people who are just tired of being mocked and they want a religion which they respect and other people respect and you can disagree with Islam all you want and whether you're an atheist or you're a Christian You can disagree with all you want and I'm not an Islamic scholar to argue that point however I will argue the point that it is the most respected religion on the planet nobody openly mocks it without fear if they do they at least make sure they're very careful about hiding their face or hiding behind a police barricade whereas people will mock Christianity openly and think it's a joke and I feel like it's time for the Christians to take power back by ensuring that their religion is respected I have some good friends in England who are particularly conservative and they're upset by the changing demographics of the nation and as a well I'm a mixed race American living in Romania who's reverted to Islam so I'm a complete Mongrel yeah however I grew up in England and I do understand the innate culture of England and I do understand why they feel threatened by all these outside people coming in and I do understand how that's negatively affecting the crime rate and I do agree with them that they want England to be British why shouldn't they it's their Nation I completely respect it and a lot of them are very anti-islam and I try and explain to them I agree with you completely in your points of view that may be confusing to you of why I can be a Muslim but I can agree with the fact that you want to preserve the UK but you're mad at Islam like it's Islam fault and it's not it's a universal law it's a law of the universe that power vacuums get filled you can't as Muslims turn up to a strongly truly Christian Nation and just conquer the religious landscape if Christianity is being absolutely respected perhaps in America it's not so bad but in Europe people keep complaining about the spread of Islam well where's Christianity if you leave a complete power vacuum what do you expect to happen in America you just Nam there's certain parts of it which are still Christian you'll struggle to find very many Christian parts of Europe we're here in Romania which is one of the most Christian countries in the world and Eastern Europe does have a degree of Christianity left but in the west there's no God at all besides Islam you're either an atheist or you're or you're a Muslim and if I had to choose between the two or if I had to choose which one I'd want my son to be I'd choose for them to be Islamic I often say this to people I say would you rather your son come home and say he's transgender or say he's a Muslim H because we're getting to that point if Christianity keeps failing you're going to end up with a son that's either going to come home and be a liberal or come home and be a Muslim which one would you choose I'd actually like to ask this to all the conservative Christians in America and they'll say Jesus is King and I'll say good I respect that but let's pretend for a thought experiment that I'm right and that Christianity is little by little like we talked about inch by inch giving up power and being decimated in real time and at some point in the future you have two choices liberal insanity and transgenderism or Islam which one would you choose and I think most Christians would actually sit if they answered honestly and say I'd rather than worship God I'd rather Islam so it's I love the fact that there's some religious conviction left in America yeah but I'm concerned about the fact that one of the primary goals of religion shouldn't only be the salvation of souls it should be the sanctimonia sanctimoniousness if that's a word or the sanctimony of the society it presides over it should be responsible for preserving the culture Christianity should be responsible for preserving the culture of the USA and in certain areas it seems to be successful but in many areas it is failing whereas Islam I feel like is better at preserving the culture of the Nations it subsides over so if you measure the success of a religion it's hard to say Islam's not a successful religion Islamic nations are Islamic and they feel Islamic and it's hard to go against the Islamic norms and the Islamic thoughts and Islamic Nations whereas in Christian nations now I just feel like they're so publicly attacked and that truly breaks my heart my brother's a Christi him and I have very long debates about Islam versus Christianity and we don't do it publicly because I don't want to start a fire because I see Christians as my brothers we're on the same team yeah but it's kind of it's kind of it really breaks my heart It's upsetting when I see these gay preachers and the pope talking about same-sex marriage and how important transgenderism that breaks my heart and I'm not even Christian I just think it's so sad that it's happening yeah it's weird when they um they Embrace ideas that they're supposed to be so avidly against yeah right that really throws a lot of people off do you ever consider that because if if we're in a war of Good and Evil and that's really the force behind the world right there's good and there's evil yeah do you ever wonder that maybe everyone's worshiping the same God we just call him different ways it's super interesting you said that because yes I do think like especially Christianity and Islam I've read the Bible and I've read the Quran and there's so much closer than people realize people think that especially traditional American Christians as you just named if you were to get the average Christian the country he will see Islam as this farabic ReliOn it's for Middle Eastern people so Christianity is from the same place so they're from the same place only 20% of Muslims are Arabic anyway there's huge Islamic Nations which are Asian there's Indonesia Malaysia there's huge Islamic Nations so they work hand inand and I feel like perhaps Christianity and Islam are humans are fallible and perhaps we don't completely understand what God is or the idea of God and we're trying to find it in different ways it's like saying a sentence in English or a sentence in German you're saying the same thing but you're saying them in different ways I think the evil people are they worshiping God I'm not sure because I think they're very openly Satanist I actually believe they're worshiping Satan and they're against the idea of I mean there is a huge growing segment of actual vocal open Satanist now and that's really concerning I every every like month or so you go on X and you see what's trending and it's like Satan like why is Satan trending so damn often I know it's it's scary and and these satanists I I don't truly know what a Satanist worships but I guess the idea is absolute Free Will and absolute Hedonism and no respect or no obligation to my bloodline or my Society or my duty to the people who I care about I guess it's just a degree of innate selfishness if you were to boil Satanism down it's just about me me me me me and I think there's a whole bunch of ideas as well which promote this selfishness I talk length about depression and uh well let's take depression I talk at length about depression and people get upset with my views on it but I said depression is depression involves a huge degree of narcissism and absolute selfishness to sit there and go I'm sad and I don't feel good and I I don't feel happy like you just sound me me me me me me I'm so important I should be happy what about me how do you be depressed without narcissism and how do you be dep depressed without absolute selfishness bad things happen to you bad things happen to everyone I'm not saying you don't have a hard life I'm not saying you shouldn't be sad I'm not saying that I'm saying your obsession with how you feel and no obligation or no concern for the people around you or your duties or the things you need to do is why you feel the way you feel I find it remarkable that some of these famous people kill themselves when they have kids yeah like I don't I'm gonna say this now I don't care how much trouble I get in if you're a man and you have children and you kill yourself you're a piece of [ __ ] yeah you're a piece of [ __ ] don't care how sad you feel you're going to abandon your children because you feel sad because you oh you got a thought in your head a feeling in your brain you're going to abandon your kids and leave them fatherless you're a piece of [ __ ] coward you're a coward and the fact that you will even do that shows the absolute narcissism these people operate under that they feel like their feelings matter more than the upbringing of the children they birthed it's insane to me and if you actually have a sense of Duty and a sense of purpose Beyond yourself it's very difficult to get depressed it's very hard for an individual ual ant or an individual bee to be depressed if the Beehive is functioning I can't be depressed when I'm I'm in a matrix attack and they're trying to destroy my life and they want me to be sad I can't be because I have children to pay for and I have a business to run and I have employees to pay and I have things to do I don't have time for it because I have to think about something other than myself so I don't think depression and in fact we'll go back to the original point I was going to make depression along with Satanism along with a lot of these ideas along with even the lb gbt Q crap it's all about how I feel it's not about how does this affect other people we talked about Mr Beast earlier none of these people sit there and go I feel like changing gender how will this affect all the children who watch me how will this affect society they're so selfish they only care about themselves so the Matrix is trying to push selfishness it doesn't like it doesn't like us to look at the fellow human and see them as something akin to ourselves because then we're going to be harder to scop they only want you to care about you and only you which is why why they push to the divisions right it's why they push racism on purpose it's why they push the division the political parties on purpose they push the divisions because if we unite and start to sit and say wait I care about what happens to other people because of my actions not just what happens to me that would be a far different Society so Satanism I think it's being pushed for the same reasons a lot of things are being pushed I think if we can if I was in charge of the Matrix and I had to try my very best to control everybody the first thing I'd want to do is split them up I'd want everybody to be selfish and self-obsessed and their little robot at home and their little pod and obsessed with their Apple TV thing on their eyes bro I see that and it scares me I see people in public with what Apple Vision Pro yeah that thing is scary bro world's over I was talking to um a young guy who had just bought it he had it for three days and he said that the longest session he did was something like nine or 10 hours and the longest he's not been on it was our conversation outside of sleeping and and he said when he wakes up in the morning he has a migraine and about 30 minutes to 45 minutes later the migraine goes away and he goes back in it's only been 3 days he's already addicted because for him reality is better with the augment augmentation around him yeah and he's aware that that's actually happening but yet he's like I need to stop recording soon because I need to go back in wow and that's at the first generation of it y can you just imagine IM where we're going to be in 5 years when that technology gets even better bro every time I see technological advancements now I get scared you seen that that what's it what's it called sora Sora you've seen that that's crazy bro and and that's it's still in beta testing imagine we're going to be 10 years from now yeah and I think personally what I try and do is get ahead of these things so I'm not a gek I'm not technologically super Advanced I have a lot of people who work for me who are so even inside the the war room or inside the real world I have people inside of my platforms whose specific job who I pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to a month so they're on top of these things so we can teach it to other people and I see something like Sora and think okay that can make me a lot of money if I'm ahead of the curve so I need to get my team involved in it we need to make a whole bunch of money but if you're the average person at home and you're watching AI continually take over the world and you're not at least learning how to implement it so you can benefit you're toast you're toast most people are going to be replaced so quickly I don't think the average person at home realizes how replaceable they are I'd argue now that 80% of the normies I talk to chat GPT would be far more interesting than them they're that boring the average person at home if they were trying to get a girl would be better off putting chat GPT in the combo than themselves that's how bad they are and they're arrogant and they're narcissistic and they think no I'm special most of you are not special you're not and because you're not special you're going to be replaced by machines and once you're replaced by machines you're going to become useless and you're still going to have expectations you're still going to want to eat and you're still going to want a a wage and you're still going to want a good house and a nice car what are the elites going to do with the populace once they become completely useless and remain remain to be entitled you're useless eaters useless eaters always end up decimated in any period of human history in any civilization if you had a large subsect of the populace that had no purpose they got decimated so if you're at home sitting there thinking well I can become useless and the government will just feed me I'd argue they'll starve you to death instead cuz they don't need you around and most people are going to be replaced very quickly by these machines Sora I said to my camera guys when I saw Sora I was like you're out of a job you're fired you're fired we start laughing about it but it's true and think of how fast technology advances where we going to be in 20 years from now yeah it's going to be crazy it's it's insane you need to get ahead of these things yeah I think um AI we've talked about the negative effects of AI we know that it's bad for you the reality of life is that once that technolog is invented you're never going to uninvent it oh of course like we know social media is bad for you but you're never going to uninvent social media it's here forever but it can be used for good and bad exactly and AI is here forever and it's going to get worse and more advanced it's going to take over parts of our Lives we know this as much as you want to hate it and fight it as much as I think it's going to be so much evil that comes from it yeah you have to almost understand it well I'll give you a very quick example it can be used for good or bad social media can be negative if you sit there and digest bad information but it's also one of the reasons we manag to get to such large uh correct such large sub subsect of the population so it can be a good thing and a bad thing inside the real world inside my online and University we push AI very heavily and I was having a conversation with someone the other day who said oh yeah I don't use AI because I'm a club promoter and I said if you're in any business in the world today it doesn't matter if you're a plumber doesn't matter if you're a club promoter it doesn't matter what business you're in you should be learning how to implement AI because it's going to be the people who use Ai and the people who fail those are the only two options which is why we teach it so heavily inside of my un and I said to the club promoter what do you do he said well I get guys to book expensive tables at the club cuz I bring pretty girls to the table and I said okay well if you had an AI machine let's say you use Sora to put together a video of the best club night ever and let's say you use chat GPT to speak to lots of girls and explain what's going to happen and why they're going to have a great time at the club and also get chat GPT to speak to rich men and explain to them what a great time they're going to have and you could Mass speak to people a much larger rate than you can do by yourself sitting there typing you're gonna make more money yeah you can Implement AI in club promotion you can get the most fancy video and you can get a chat gbt learning bot to realize exactly this is actually a point I want to make to realize exactly what trigger words get the girls to want a party and what trigger words get the guy to want to spend money and you can put together some data and you can stop talking to people completely and you can focus on the AI learning mechanisms to do all the work for you which is why we're teaching inside of my University there's not a job on Earth where you shouldn't be using AI mechanisms to do it for you because that's what they're doing to us already yeah we live in this surveillance capitalism world where a lot of the tech companies a lot of the largest companies in the world are making money purely based on prediction of our Behavior they build digital versions of Us online they build digital there's a digital Matt there's a digital Andrew based on all of our spending habits how long we spend on each website which part of the website we click on first which websites we visit how long we spend in our email which email topics make us reply they're constantly Gathering data on us and putting together digital versions of us they can predict our Behavior to make as much money from us as possible and once they can do that they then try and alter our Behavior so that we become more profitable and they do this on purpose so that we become a person who is worth $12.59 to be a person who's worth $143 by altering how we react to certain things so they're already building algorithms in trying to adjust how our mind works and if you have a company or you are interested in making money in the world today and you're not considering doing exactly that you're going to permanently fail yeah I agree completely I think a lot of people say hey um I'm I'm working two jobs and I feel like I need a way to make some extra income yes I agree you need more money everyone needs more money if you want to learn something if you're 15 or you're 55 it's not too late to get into AI 100% And yes is it evil yes I think so however you're not going to uninvent it y you might as well learn it because this is a way where you can add some extra income to your life and it's it's not overly difficult if you just spend a little time to figure it out and what's interesting because the current Educational Systems of Earth none of them are teaching AI yeah I mean perhaps maybe you go to MIT and you learn about robotics or something fine and at a very advanced level which you don't need absolutely the average school isn't teaching you by AI the average MBA you will do won't Teach You by AI I'm going to sit here and make it very clear and obvious the only school on the planet I can find that will teach you about artificial intelligence is my one the real world is $49 for $49 will teach you exactly how to use AI to make a whole bunch of money which goes back into a point I was saying earlier about certain people are just tied into the Matrix and don't want to be freed if we will sit here and have a long conversation about how artificial intelligence is going to replace most people and if you don't implement it you're going to become useless and your entire bloodline is going to be exterminated because you don't serve any purpose to society and I'm going to teach you how to use artificial intelligence for $49 and you're still not going to do it well then I guess you just deserve Eternal slavery for your bloodline some people are just born to lose I assume but it's extremely important we Implement these things so when I watched Sora the conversations I've had it was only two days ago I was on the phone for six or seven hours with my team inside the real world saying okay how can we use this what can we do with this and there's two different ways to look at it there is how can we use artificial intelligence now when no one else is really using it how do we get ahead of the curve and continue to make millions of dollars that's easy the real question is how do we use AI when everyone else is using it once it becomes mainstream and everyone else can do it when everyone else can produce adverts at the drop of a hat when everyone else can make their product look fantastic when it isn't when everybody else can use use chat GPT to be extremely funny and charming and interesting when there's neurolinks in their brain and everybody can talk like Andrew Tate because right now only Andrew Tate can talk like that when I lose my ability to speak more concisely and compendiously than everybody else how do I compete then that's going to be the hard one but right now we're in a transitional period where it's easy because if you join the real world or you pay attention or you learn these things you're so ahead of everyone else it's like the first person to turn up to the gold mine and you could just dig and pick up all the gold but they'll come a time where the gold mine's flooded and that's where you really have to think ahead so we had a long conversation about how to make a bunch of money now and that was easy but the real question is how do we all make a bunch of money in 20 years when AI is standardized that's what's going to be the interesting conversation I mean the future is digital everything's going to be AI everything going to be digital we know this for sure if you think it's not you're got your head in the sand it's happening no matter what 100% if you are one of the few rare people that are able to clarify and put your ideas out in the world and the people would analy reasoning and logic and thought and original thought will be the most valuable because of scarcity right if you are not one of those people but you need a way to supplement your current income I think you have to get into AI you have to 100% you either feel like you can make it on your own through originality so people even if you're a photographer people who take the most epic analog pictures will be more valuable because there's less of you y if you can make movies and you can be original and you are I don't know who's a f famous movie producer I don't even know nowadays oh I can't say George Lucas I'll get too much Star Wars heat you can't say that anymore if you can do that on your own then you'll be more valuable because of scarcity if you don't feel like you're the upper echelon of your industry you have to embrace AI That's what I think yep 100% because it allows you to work at mass at a much more effective bre much more effectively I mean the amount of websites which I mean copy writing used is a thing right and it still is a thing but the amount of websites which could benefit from a complete copy change with with chat GPT would make their copy better than it currently is yeah the amount of average electricians have a little terrible website somewhere in Texas and you could literally chat GPT their entire website and you could charge them money for that and they don't even realize that you use chat gbt because they don't have a clue what it is because they're behind the times and you could literally make money for 10 seconds work now if you could get an AI bot to reach out to them all if you get an AI bot to speak to them all if you could produce them a movie using Sora showing the coolest electrician on earth like there's so much potential that could be done it's it's so ridiculously easy to make money if you actually try but implementing AI is something you need to do because it's a future it's like it's like ignoring gunpowder if you ignore gunpowder you'll lose the war you could have looked at gunpowder at some point and said ah we got bow and arrows it'll be fine no it won't as it advances it's going to get to the point where they soon have Gatling guns and you're all toast and it's exactly the same in the business environment which is why we're implementing AI inside the real world we don't just have an AI campus we Implement AI into every other campus so we have a specific campus on artificial intelligence and then we Implement AI in our copyright campus and our crypto campus and all of our other campuses we have 18 of them but it's super important that it's done and I'm kind of also we talk about fraternity I'm not going to lie I'm very glad I have such a good network of people because I have so many people who work for me and people around me who know things I don't know and it's amazing and I'll tell you another thing that's kind of scary there are so many kids nowadays that are smart bro I have 18 19 year olds who work for me doing this AI stuff and I'm like bro I'm I'm a I'm a dinosaur now I'm like I don't know I can talk and you can't talk like me you're socially awkward and weird and you can't get laid I can do all that but you're doing this bro it's they just figured it out bro it's crazy the world's changing so fast and you need to have a team of people it's kind of like the chessboard right I think one of the problems we have in the west especially I've noticed I feel like families in the East are a little bit better certainly Islamic families are better but in the west everyone wants to be the King on the chessboard yeah but truthfully to have a good team you need a king and you need a bishop and you need a rook and you need a knight and you need pawns and everyone needs to know their job and if everyone does their job well you win the game especially the queen she's another piece on the chessboard one of the most powerful pieces if everyone does their job right then you're fine but when you have a bunch of people trying to be the king then it all falls apart so I think one of the powers of my fraternity especially is that I have my role and people have their roles and we work together and we forever win we never lose but if you're a ruler of the world and one of the globalist elite and the world is your chessboard isn't that why they think what they think everyone needs to have their rule I'm the king 100% and everyone else you guys are pawns Rooks and we'll place you 100% And that's the thing that I find so amazing when I say these things to people all I'm doing is describing human nature if you're born into the bloodline of let's say you're born into a banking bloodline and let's say you're doing going to all these weird sex parties and you've never worked a day in your life and you you live on a YW and you're just some weirdo Banker right they're going to believe they're genetically Superior to you are they no are they physically stronger than an NFL athlete [ __ ] no are they genetically Superior are they smarter than the average person probably not but they're going to believe they are because they're born into that lineage so they're going to believe that they're somehow special and better than you they're going to believe that they can make you do things that they don't have to do because they're better than you that's human nature they're the King on the chessboard and they have a lot of power and they're going to put you in a position that of serfdom because they to do it the question is are you going to accept it that's that's the final line now are you going to accept that position of surom or are you going to sit in there and say no I resist I don't want to do that and I'm going to get rich and important myself so I can live my own version of reality that I want to exist in I don't want to exist in your version of reality you're either a player on someone else's board or you can try and make a genuine impact and it's kind of like when we were talking about the war earlier and how it's coming for all of us and every single battle that's ever happened in history it doesn't matter if it was war or L it doesn't matter if it was one of the battles in Ancient Rome or ancient Greece doesn't matter if it was the Spartans it doesn't matter what it was there's a death toll there's a number and there's a few notable names everybody died yeah everyone died so when they finally kill us at least they remember our name sir yeah but all these other people at home who are afraid to talk and tell the things that we tell are going to die just the same but they're going to be one of 13,44 deaths it's going to be 13,44 deaths Matt Andrew at least we get that bit hey and and if you're going to die anyway you may as well grab the last bits you can get at least have your name engrained in history then I eventually someone's going to make a movie about you not like a small movie but like a real Hollywood big production eventually because they made a movie about the kid from Gamestop it's true yeah they're gonna make a movie about you one day who's gonna play me who's GNA play you AI probably no like seriously who do you think um if someone were to play you who would play you cuz eventually they will for sure they'll they will but you know what that scares me because I recently watched the Napoleon Movie and they just made him some [ __ ] hungry little weirdo [ __ ] that wasn't I mean I don't know Napoleon but why did they make him that way like that had to be an attack on him okay maybe he loved his wife maybe he was a bit obsessed with his wife surely but he was also Napoleon can't you give him any credit can't you make him a gangster or a g in any part of the movie does he have to be a [ __ ] the whole way through like can't you at least make him cool when he's fighting like anything I don't know it's such a sop everything's a s off now everything's a they're gonna make a movie about me and I'm going to be the worst person ever he's a misogynist he hates women you know that would do you credit they're gonna make a movie and they're like oh he's such a s that's just worse but it's it's amazing how you it's amazing how the Matrix says you're misogynistic for trying to protect and provide for women for me saying I don't believe a woman woman can do the things that I can do because I'm born a man and I have capabilities she doesn't have and vice versa that makes me a misogynist I don't believe I can get pregnant I believe she can I don't believe she can fight I believe I can why does that make me misogynistic why does that make me misogynistic to say that I can protect and provide for my woman better than she could do for herself how does that make me a misogynist and every single woman I meet is like I wish I met a man like you who' protect from protect me and provide for me I'm like I know so why is what where is this misy garbage coming from well it's coming from a a small vocal minority of Psychopathic feminists who truly hate men the only hate is coming from them I don't hate women if I hated women I wouldn't want to protect and provide for them if I hated women I would endorse feminism if I hated women I'd say go get a job protect yourself stick up for yourself if a man breaks into your house you fight them we're equal that's what you do when you hate women you don't protect and provide for them the whole thing is a but I I think the misogyny feminism garbage is actually collapsing much faster than a lot of other narratives it's very hard to find anybody who still believes in that crap now yeah some of the narratives are you know that they weren't going to last and they're some narratives are trendy some cultural things are trendy and the misogynist feminism thing is one of those things that's kind of going away do you know why feminism is collapsing I'll tell you because the world's getting harder and the good days are over and we're about to enter a period of chaos and War and difficulty and inflation is here to destroy all of our currencies and it's getting harder and harder to even make living or travel anywhere or live a good life and you often find that as soon as things get difficult even the feminists want to make you sandwiches you soon learn that even they are the first ones to say ah this this whole working thing this is hard how about you do all the work and I'll look after the home feminists will instantly abandon their ideals as soon as it gets difficult and we're there and we're there so as the as the world gets more difficult all the feminists are putting on aprons and begging for me trying to get to make me a sandwich and they're all rejected unfortunately but it's it's amazing how the reality of Life can destroy these ideals and as the world gets harder and harder I mean let's let's put it this way if you were to if if World War III were to come to America heaven forbid all this transgenderism crap would go out the window yeah because now it's time to do something real and feminism might be the first one to fall and unfortunately it's a shame it takes such hardship for the holes in these ideals to be pointed out but the reason feminism isn't being purported and the reason it can't be sustained anymore and the whole idea of Mis and all this crap is falling apart it's cuz life is hard and men are good at doing hard things men are better at a hard life than women the women I know I don't want them to be good at hard life I would hate a woman to be as resilient as me if if I met a woman who could go through the things I went through and survive I'd be very concerned I wouldn't find it attractive either I like a woman who would cry when bad things happen to her because I like her emotionality I like her femininity but as the world gets more and more difficult men are better at that and that's why all the feminists are throwing their ideas out the window you can know it's now bro 20 2020 2019 feminists were all over social media now it's all these girls saying I never wanted a job I never wanted to work Who tricked me well you tricked Yourself by Falling for the SOP and now no man wants to take care of your ass cuz we've seen your old social media when you're talking about being a boss [ __ ] traveling the world [ __ ] partying on boats with your tits out now no one wants to look after you you should bit of feminist from you should have thrown that [ __ ] away from the beginning so yeah feminism's collapsed and harsh reality has made it collapse because it's not a sustainable idea because it's not real and the truth reality is that men and women are different and we're better at different things and we work as a team and when we work as a team and understand our roles we do better if you're a tailor and you're an accountant and you want to open a tailor business well then the tailor makes the clothes and the accountant does the books if you reverse the jobs or if you sit there and say I can be an accountant as good as you can and you can make clothes as good as I can we're the same and half the clothes are made by the tailor and half the clothes are made by a random accountant you're going to have a crap business and it's going to fail you have roles and you work together and you're a perfect team everybody knows this everybody knows this but feminism is kind of funny feminists were everywhere three or four years ago where have all the feminists gone this is my question to the where have they all gone now the inflation's here now that the world's difficult why can't I find a feminist to debate with anymore for a while they were everywhere and now they're all trying to hide behind a man somewhere and live for free where' all the boss [ __ ] go oh they've all gone all it's funny yeah now that everyone's bored of paying for only fans account and crypto ain't going up like it used to be all these boss [ __ ] vanished all the feminists are out the window now that life is difficult cuz the whole idea was [ __ ] from the beginning what do you think about this burgeon group of these red pill women cuz after you now there's a whole community of red pill girls online and they're basically taking a lot of Europe ideas and they're repurposing it from a female voice girl is like Pearl I think that's her name Pearl yeah I know Pearl I mean what do you think about that it's it's a new thing it didn't exist five years ago it's true it's a new thing and I I know Pearl and I I've been on her podcast I know her well and I know there's a bunch of other ones that are doing this tradcon stuff I don't really watch any of it I'm I have to be honest I'm kind of it's hard for me to comment on a lot of content cuz I am the worst content what I don't consume content ever I just make my own and I don't watch any of it I do see some very pretty girls now though there's a couple pretty ones who are talking about tradcon values and all this kind of stuff I always wonder how true they are yeah to it it's trendy right now it's trendy and it was trendy to be a feminist before so this is what I mean so how true are they to it because I would I I don't know I don't know these people I guess if you're if you're true to it I believe that you find a man and you love that man and you stick with him forever no matter what and that's the kind of man you want to be with and a real woman doesn't leave her man and that's what I believe in I don't know who these women are I don't know what they're saying but if they're dir something and they're not married I mean I don't know what you been doing all that time sleeping with who I don't know I don't I don't know I don't know it's it's it's a new trend it's like out it didn't exist before and now let me let me okay let me be misogynistic now now I'll be misogynistic comedy let's do comedy real for real women follow trends because women are susceptible to societal Trends because they're malleable because they do not have physical capability to defend themselves EG if a new tribe conquers the current tribe the women will quickly adapt to the ideals of the new tribe to survive so when the Nazis conquered France the French women slept with the Nazis I mean for a while they were upset that their husband were K was killed I don't know maybe three days and after that they're like cool I need a man to pay the bills so they got with the Nazi soldiers that's how women are they're selfish they're self-absorbed and they just adhere to the power structures and follow the power structures because they can't resist them because they can't fight so and I'm not insulting women this is a fact if a new more powerful force takes over EG the Nazis taking over France they'll adhere to that ideal for survival now that feminism's collapsing and traditional masculinity and traditional roles is popular again they're adhering to this mind this worldview because it allows them to survive they can't argue feminism anymore because it's failed in real time they don't have an innate ability to argue against the general consensus of Earth again exceptions don't disprove the rule but in general because they don't have physical capability they know what's cool and what's popular and they love attention so now they're all tricon do they really mean it I don't know now it's the cool thing to say if when feminism was cool I said the same things now that masculinity is cool I'm saying the same things if feminism becomes cool again I will the same say the same things but I'm Andrew Tate I'm the top G I fear nobody put me in jail I don't care by myself sit there with the Cockroaches just me and Tristan smoking cigarettes I'm fearless it doesn't matter to me the chick these chicks who are tradcon now will they flip when the game flips we'll see because a lot of women do that but if the idea is that a lot of these influencers are following the trend that means being masculine have Traditional Values is now the trend it isn't that actually positive for society that these women are doing these things because they weren't doing it 5 years ago 100% it's amazing that they're saying these things it's amazing that we've changed the culture I believe I was part of that Trump was part of that you saying the right things part of that what is cool now wasn't cool three years ago things are changing I'm not complaining that they're making this content I'm glad they are my question is how true are their core beliefs and then you go deeper down the rabbit hole into the semi misogyny area where people are going to have a panic attack how true is any woman's core belief when she can't defend the belief you go deeper down the RAB hole you understand if you're not prepared to defend an idea you don't hold an idea if you're not prepared to stand up to people who disagree with you and defend it vigorously then you've never held it in the first place if you can't defend it it's not yours so a lot of women when they're challenged openly because they fear societal pressure they feel being ostracized they feel being criticized they they they don't want to be insecure they fear these things and because they're not brave enough to deal with the consequences of holding a controversial idea no woman's going to jail for her idea I did name a chick who's going to go sit with the Cockroaches for 93 days in a Romanian dungeon for her ID on YouTube name one not a single one they're [ __ ] as they should be they're women I don't want women to be as Brave as me so they're scared so if you're a woman and you can be scared out of saying certain things and you're scared of being criticized for certain things and you're scared of physical confrontation and you're scared of being ostracized do you even believe anything do you really believe it this is this is a this is a philosophical question yeah do you truly believe it you may believe it when you say it but there's a difference between believing something when it's convenient and it's soft and it's easy and believing something when it's hard they're very different things I know my beliefs are core to my heart I know that I believe them because I will suffer for them if you don't suffer for your idea do you believe it and do you really want women to stand up for their ideas anyway misogynist because for example I remember in 2020 we were going to vote in 2016 and 2020 and my wife is originally from Korea so she became an American citizen after we got married yep it was the first time that she had the ability to vote Y and we were going to vote and she was really excited because she finally got her right to vote and she says to me who are you voting for and I said you can vote for whoever you want this is your decision she's like no like I get that and I'm really excited to do it but why would I vote against you because then I'm canceling your vote whatever you do I want to vote what you're voting because I want amplify your vote absolutely and she it's not that she doesn't think for herself it's that she realized that she could fight me and oppose me or she can amplify me and her gut instinct was I'd rather amplify my husband rather than choose something else absolutely and that's what a good woman does I I can even tell you from my current battle the current battle I'm in I don't think most people understand or would ever be capable of understanding what a matrix attack does to you I've had no Bank I'm banned from everything from Skype to Uber to Gmail to Instagram to YouTube I no app on my phone works I've had no access to money for two years I was in jail for 93 days I was locked in my house for 5 months I wasn't allowed to leave my house okay I live in a very nice mansion but imagine I didn't how do you make money when you're locked in your house you're financially decimated all my cars were taken off me $900,000 in cash was taken off me all my gold was taken off me my diamond watch collection was taken off me my children were harassed the mothers of my children were arrested the the the crap I've been through is Monumental most Wom women couldn't handle that most men couldn't handle that and the women near me say the same thing they say you're a hero and I think a woman's job to a man is to power him up with love and let him go it's like feed feed the bear and let the bear go fight you give the bear some food and then you say go kill and that's a woman's job she loves her man and she and she gives her man power to go out there and face the world it's not her job to face the world it's our job to face the world and she Powers us with love and what your what your wife said perfectly correct she's there to help you and amplify you and power you up and make you as powerful a force as possible in the world whether it's your Vote or anything else that is a woman's job and a woman who is good at being a woman will do exactly that she isn't going to come along and try and oppose her man or be as good at her as her man at anything my girl will will open say to me I can't I'm not as organized as you I'm not as smart as you I'm not as quick as you I'm not as fast as you I'm not as Brave as you all the things you do I don't know how you do it but I'll make you I'll try and love you and make you happy so so you're good at doing them and that's why we're such a powerful force and that's why we work so fantastically together which goes into another Point earlier that we were saying earlier about women defending ideas it's kind of interesting because we can apply this to feminism also women don't hold ideas without men because women can't defend ideas feminists feminism is a male movement because feminists need men as much as they demonize men because if you have a a open conversation with a feminist and you really disagree with her and you oppose it and she gets offended or upset she's going to call the police and she's going to call men she is like if you look at a society where women can't call the police how many are feminists none feminism is supported by men in masculine capability and masculine threat of violence like like the rest of society every idea on the planet I don't think many people understand this every idea on the planet is backed by the threat of violence we say we live in a peaceful Society that's a scam any idea any of us hold is backed by the threat of violence the government says you need to pay your parking tickets if you don't pay it they'll add more money and if you don't pay it they'll send you a court summons and if you don't go they'll send a bayt to take things from your house and if you refuse to let them in police will come and if you refuse to comply with the police they get violent it all comes down to violence in the end so if you have any idea anywhere even feminism a woman will sit there and say men are trash and a man will sit there and be insulted by it and let's say that man is low IQ and he's an idiot and he says don't call me trash again I find that offensive if a man calls me trash I'll punch him in the face and you said we're equal so don't call me trash again because I see us as equal now don't do it and she goes I still think you're trash she's doing that because she knows she can call the police and the police are men with guns masculine men Violent Men the exact men she said were toxically masculine and she didn't like she now relies on to insult so it's insane that all ideas in society are backed by violence which means all ideas in society are backed by men and are inate capability for violence meaning feminism is supported because men allow it to exist and feminism requires male violence and toxically masculine males more than nearly any other idea which shows how false the whole thing is so we're talking about do women even have any ideas and can they support any ideas because they can't handle the ostracize uh being ostracized do women have any ideas at all without men or do women always have they always since the dawn of human time found a man they respect and adopt his ideas like your wife did maybe they've always done that has there ever been a society of of women where the women held vastly different ideas to the men ever I don't has there ever been well then because I have a daughter you have a daughter correct and people are watching be like you can't say that because you guys have daughters I hear it all the time right regardless my daughter has my ideas I I'll just say it right now my daughter's going to listen to me and I think of women and I want my daughter to be able to work because she chooses to work not because she has to work agre if she wants to pursue a career of something of passion of EMB betterment of the world amazing yep if you want to make a decision to better society and you have the ability to learn and think and you want to create change amazing if you have to grow up and you have to work a job that you absolutely hate just for the sake of working I'm adamantly against that yeah and that's the guy 100% And I think I think everyone often comes at me with that as well they're like well you have daughters why do you think what you think what did I just say that's bad I said that men protect ideas in the world we protect masculine ideas and we protect the ideas of women and women adhere to male ideas because women can't defend an idea that's what I've said and there's nothing bad about that and I'll make it clear how my daughter's life is going to work I'm in charge because I'm responsible you are going to listen to your father I'm going to pay for you and take care of you those two things go hand in hand if you stop listening to me I will not take care care of you if you find another man he better take care of you which means you have to be very careful who you choose because you're a millionaire living a princess life you're flying on private jets at two years old and you're taken care of by your father who will die to protect you the second you get a boyfriend that ends and he is in charge so if he can't put you on Jets and he can't die to protect you you better choose better and I strongly recommend you wait a very long time and make sure you're first boyfriend's your only boyfriend and you better not mess it up and you better get a good one and I believe that if I give her a good enough life in her early years and she understands that soon as she finds a man she loses me she's going to be very selective of the man she chooses because I'm a hard man to match that's my job and that's my goal and I'm not going to have a daughter who disobeys me I'm not gonna have a daughter who disregards what I say and is still rewarded by my Monumental competence and enormous Finance she's G to obey me and she's gonna have a very good life until she finds another rich man who could do what she says who do who who can take care of her it's as simple as that and I don't think it's that complicated a premise I actually think it's far more difficult to to raise a son than a daughter the problem with Raising a Son is that and I I'm very careful about how many kids I say I have Etc but when you're raising your son the biggest problem is is the mother because most mothers don't understand how difficult a boy's life needs to be for him to be truly competitive if you're raising a daughter it's very easy she's a princess she sometimes cries you can play games with her you make her laugh she's best friends with the mom it's all a big happy scenario hahaa it's all happy if my three-year-old daughter cries don't care if my three-year-old boy cries I'm enraged what are you crying over Welcome to the Real World boy what are you crying for and and and when I was young my father would walk past me and just push me over just push me over at random and I'd get up and my mom would say why are you doing that and you say because that's that's life that's life as a man you get pushed over and you just got to get up if you're raising a son and you do that the son May Cry a bit but he'll get over it he'll learn the game he'll understand the game your son son will actually get good at the game you'll see him start to learn to backpedal and laugh and say haha you didn't get me dad it'll all become fun the only problem is the wife the the woman leave him alone the woman makes him soft most women don't understand how hard life is as a man because theyve never experienced it and how hard you need to be on a boy and I said to Tristan all the time I said if it was just you and me raising our sons they would be Killers bro Killers imagine that men raising boys Spartans bro be be but the wife is all like you know so I think raising a woman a boy is harder because you have the the wife sometimes in the way of what they truly need to become Killers raising a girl is easy I I I don't know what I don't know what boyfriend's going to come along because my daughter's gonna understand she's gonna say to her boyfriend if if we sleep together all my life ends and I'm in a Lambo and I'm in a mansion and I'm flying on Jets and everything can you pay for this like if he can't pay for it it's over and I'm I'm unforgiving and stubborn and she'll know that you get one shot you get one chance don't mess it up I feel like when she goes into that situation in life where she has to make a decision and you don't agree you're going to realize raising a daughter is the hardest thing in the world because now you're going to be put into a choice because she defied you at something you were adamantly against but she's still your daughter and then now you're really going to have to make a hard decision I know what you're saying because you say that's it these are my rules but when it happens you're like but I love her you know what you're totally right but the thing is I'm a feminist so as a feminist I believe that women are adults and they're Sovereign individuals and they come to their own conclusions and make their own choices and I believe just as I'd explain to a man very calmly fairly and rationally that if there is cause and effect in this universe and that all of their actions will have an equal and opposite reaction and I believe that women are just as capable so when I explain to her that her life ends the second she chooses a man and if that man cannot replicate the life I currently provide for her she's going to have to do with that substandard version of reality it's her choice to make and I will tell you one thing Matt I am as stubborn as they come I am as if if I won't listen to The Matrix and I'll go to a jail cell with the Cockroaches nobody tells me what to do and I am that guy and yeah I'll love her with all my heart but you know what I'll love her and she'll be crying her eyes out I made a mistake I'm going to sit there and say I told you H I was right wasn't I you were right you were right I know okay so how about this you can remember that I was right and you remember you made a bad decision and you can continue with your life knowing that for the rest of human time because I don't make I'm not I don't give second chances like that I've never been that guy and the funny thing about being a girl dad is that you say all of that and the time comes we'll see and maybe sometimes you break we'll see you know and I don't encourage it because maybe she's watching and like I knew it you know what we'll see it's kind of funny though because it's one of those things I but I've heard I've heard that my whole life like people people have often said that to me in other scenarios they said when you meet a woman you truly love you'll change I don't need to change cuz I'm not wrong if I have a woman I truly love with all my heart and I take care of her absolutely completely and I adore her and she's my number one and she's my partner and I think about her all the time but she oversteps she's gone I am as stubborn as they come and I have firm lines for the reason we said earlier if you give an inch take a mile I'm a very fair man I'm firm but I'm fair I'm harsh but I am fair I will warn you in advance I'm that guy who says please don't talk to me that way I will smash your face in please stop walk back and they won't do it and then I'll hurt them I'm very fair all of the time and I've been told the same thing in relationships and I've never yet crumbled and we'll see with my daughter perhaps God will teach me a lesson we will see but I'm not concerned about my daughters truthfully yeah I think my daughters will be looking for a f a man like their father and if they do that then they'll be okay because I know the kind of man I am I'm worried about my sons not because it's going to be not because it's particularly difficult I just feel like I have a very vested interest because they're going to be the kings of an Empire so they're going to be inheriting hundreds of millions of dollars they're going to be known as my son I'm not having some average son like no he has to be a warlord I expect for everyone watching this the UFC Rost in the in 20 years from now take T take take so that's what it's going to be because they don't need to make money I have money so they're just going to be Killers they're goingon to be Warriors so I I feel like I have a huge responsibility for my boys more than my girls maybe that's misogynistic but I just that's how I feel yeah I think it's different with guys and girls it's uh it's tough you know cuz guys if you set these huge expectations for them and if they feel like they're not going to meet it then it's not easy sometimes they crumble and they go further down than you want them to because they feel like they couldn't live up to the expectation and it crushes them internally and it's good because if they step out of it and they're able to fight through it they become greater than you yep yep y if they don't become greater than you then forever they're like I'm not my dad well you know that's true but I'm not going to lie I have massive expectations for all of my kids they better be better than me at everything I refuse to accept the expectations too high I don't care don't care if the pressure is too large yes you have massive shoes to fill get to work I am refusing to allow bro if my father was still alive and I tried to say dad you know the last name Tate is hard to live up to and don't know if I can do it he bro I don't think I would have I wouldn't be alive what what's wrong with you son like I I was raised it's kind of interesting because I was raised in that environment where I had massive expectations on my name on put on me because of my last name and it encouraged me to thrive all it did was make me paranoid I'm not working hard enough all it dig was make me concerned that I don't try hard enough and even if I'm trying my best I still feel like I'm not trying hard enough but that's propelled me to the massive success I currently enjoy I'm the highest possible echelons of finance and masculine capability I'm happy I had that expectation on me I would change nothing about my childhood and I want massive expectation on my children and if they fail that's fine but what did we say earlier about indoctrinating our children that's what I expect and if they fail it's not going to be because of the ideas I put in their mind it's going to be because of the ideas The Matrix has put in their mind which means I've guess to a degree failed as a parent and they failed as a human to listen to them I'm going to sit and say to my kid no you are the son of Andrew Tate you have every gift God could give you genetically I know how good I am I know how good you can be if you try like I tried you even have more advantages because I grew up with no money you're rich now you haven't even got to worry about eating I didn't have food you have food you could do anything if he starts to sit there and doubt himself it's because the Matrix got to him which to a degree is my failing and also it's his failing for listening he should believe believe in himself absolutely and completely and there should be a podcast in 20 years from now where a man sits down who's Slicker talking than I am who's more knowledgeable than I am wiser smarter all of it I expect the next agents of the Matrix to be furious at my Offspring and putting them in jail I expect absolutely nothing less so do you want your sons to follow in your footsteps of being the guy that challenges Authority gos against establishment do you want that for them or do you want them or do you have this desire like I kind of wish they were a little bit compliant because they'd live Easier simpler lives nope they're born for war they are born for war all of my sons will be born for war all 30 Andrew Tates will exist purely to be a thorn in the side of Authority for the rest of human time and pay homage to me and when people ask them on future podcasts why are you such a pain in the ass to the Matrix why don't you have your AI QR code tattooed on your head they're going to say because my father wouldn't allow it and I will live into eternity in the memories of society because all of my 30 sons are continually resisting the enslavement of humanity John Conor will be replaced by the future Andrew Tate against Skynet that's why they exist I'm not paying for their lives or dealing with their mothers for anything other than their resistance to enslavement and you wonder why they want to cancel you take me to jail put me in jail it's fine I don't live in fear I want to create a generation of me to go against the mat tricks but I don't understand why they hate me no I understand I understand very well obviously I'm I'm surprised I'm still breathing to be honest with you do you what do you think they're actually going to do do you think they're really going to come after you like how deep of an attack do you honestly think this is I think this was a warning shot yeah because it's serious but and it I don't want to belittle or degrade kind of the charges that you're going against and what you're going up against but it could be worse for sure they have tried to financially decimate me and they've attempted to damage my reputation but people no longer believe the lies of the Matrix this was a warning shot I have lost probably in excess of 60 or 70 million they've tried to financially [ __ ] me and they thought I'd be scared and I would shut up I have a feeling if I wasn't so vocal about the fact I'll never sell my soul they would have come along with another sponsorship deal I think they would have actually tried to give me a life boat and said ah now you're broke do you want to sign it now and now we'll make the media shut up about you but they know I'll never sign it so we'll see if that comes I feel like this case is absolute garbage it was a warning shw it'll be dropped soon but I have a feeling of I'm not quiet within the next three to four years I'll end up in a Cell for a very long time five probably a four or five year stretch and then unless the culture of the world changes significantly after that we'll have to see what happens however if Trump wins and the culture changes and people continue to not believe it's going to be a lot harder for them to look me up we're going to have to see do you think um because right now you're you're online they let you be on online of it depending on the platform I put up a video the other day and I said I'm going to Romania and I'm going to go meet with the brothers I never said your name y nothing but Tik Tok they deleted it before it got one view because usually if I put up a video on Tik Tok and they don't like the idea they'll let it get like maybe 500,000 views and then they'll delete it right they won't let it go but they'll delete it and they'll say misinformation or hateful speech or hateful ideology I get it all time I put up a video didn't mention your name showed a picture real quickly and it got deleted before it got one view they are using AI facial recognition to go through the videos and identify um you know who's in there and what the topics are they're not even listening to words anymore they're using AI which is really scary if they wanted to cancel you wouldn't they just put you into the algorithm to say he can't amplify his voice any longer do they even have to do all the charade of trial yeah so TI talk has the most advanced AI in regards to deleting me meta are trying to do the same thing but they're not as effective because it's actually very advanced technology Tik Tok is quite impressive with how heavily they've suppressed me and that shows how heavily they're going to suppress dissenting voices in future I'll be honest right now and tell everyone Tik Tok started Banning me so then my team would invert the videos because my face would be inverted and that would escape the ban for two weeks it's like the Borg you ever watch Star Trek mhm the Borg maps and then they'd get rid of the inversion then we'd put a voice muffler on it then they get rid of the voice Muffler and then we'd use a cartoon version of me and they'd identify the ctoons somehow then static pictures of me like you just named they get rid of then my voice that Tik Tok are sitting there at the very Cutting Edge of AI specifically to get rid of me they hate me Tik Tok do and I think the reason for that is because they were dragged into the Senate and they were attacked for hateful ideologies and dangerous ideologies and they saw the future of their platform was contingent on getting me off of it cuz I'm seen as dangerous to the Democrats and Democrats were hammering them and they thought we had to get rid of Andrew where Tik tok's going to get banned cuz I was everywhere so they've literally invented brand new technology to get rid of me which means the future for anybody else with the dissenting voice is dangerous because it starts with me and soon it's all of you who don't agree that your son should chop his dick off it's coming for all of you because people meta are trying the same YouTube tried the same but the problem with meta and YouTube is they're failing and they're losing to Tik Tok right now and they views and I views so they kind of let it slide and then we have Rumble and X which are as close as you can get to free speech on the world today and they're doing a fantastic job it's keeping the light alive yeah but um I I think Rumble and X are doing a fantastic job they're just not YouTube they're not Tik Tok they're not Instagram yet they're not yet but the the one thing about power the only guarantee of power is that one day you're going to lose it yeah the only guarantee the UN IE gives you when you have power is that one day you are going to lose it please listen to this at home and remember it so if you're a man right now and your woman does everything you say and she adores you because you have power over her because she she respects you the only guarantee of that power is that one day it's going to wne and you have to be prepared for that and I think that these social media platforms that currently have all the power are abusing it thinking that they're going to have it forever and the harder you abuse your power the harder you use your power the quicker it runs out it's a it's like a glass of water you keep pouring it out the faster you po the harder you po the quicker it runs out it's actually a very interesting year because we have the election year there's going to be a lot of uh information coming out which normally they would say it's disinformation misinformation dangerous information but people want to hear it and they can't ban everybody so depending how much power they utilize the more they utilize the quicker it's going to be exhausted and that's going to amplify platforms like Rumble and X if I was an investor if I wasn't completely broke because decot took all my money I would invest very in Rumble so because I believe that it's going to I believe that as the Matrix continues to attempt censorship the free platform the Free Speech platforms are going to explode I think that although you're right they're not currently YouTube I think they will be soon I truly believe that people have had enough of this garbage I said it when I was first canceled in August of 2022 when I was first canceled I said it on the Patrick B David podcast I said everyone's tired of this crap there's a lot of pressure behind the dam everyone's sad about it but all it takes for the dam to break is a crack and the crack in the dam is going to be somebody who is canceled and ends up larger than they were before their cancellation because until I was canceled when you got canceled you vanished I was the first one who got canceled and got bigger then they put me in jail and I got bigger they're going to put me back and I'm gonna get bigger than they're going to kill me that's what's going to happen and I think now we've reached a critical stage where the harder they try to censor the bigger they're going to make the other platforms that's all they're going to do and that wasn't that way before I love Rumble and they've been Fant fantastic to me but I ask people who heard of Rumble before I moved to rumble when did you see rumble on Twitter before I moved honestly and now we and there's other big names on there and who've done a fantastic job also who I want to give credit to Dan is a fantastic name Russell br's fantastic name and you're on Rumble but I feel like it's getting difficult for the social media platforms now because before it was just ah cancel him get rid of him and he'll disappear yeah but now it's cancel him get rid of him he exists somewhere else so they're funding their competitor they're providing content to their competitors now I feel like the Youtube board room now is a lot more complicated when they sit around and go this person is saying this but he gets a lot of views do we do we cancel it yeah H he's going to move to rumble he's still going to be heard we're losing the ad rev ah and they fall apart so I don't know I think I think we'll be okay I think the biggest difference between like a rumble and YouTube and I think why it's tough because we live in a clicks and Views economy yeah and on YouTube anyone can post any random video and somehow hits the algorithm and it can go 100 million views like for and in on any given day it happens to people all the time they get addicted and they never leave on Rumble it's people you have to be known and build your brand elsewhere to bring them with you to rumble it's really hard for Discovery and that's maybe what people chase right people want to get discovered and it's easier to get discovered on one of the bigger platforms because they promote Discovery a little bit more versus the ability for free speech good so it sounds like an on an onboarding platform so you start getting discovered on YouTube you make sure you back up all your videos on Umble which you can do instantly there's an algorithm which allows you to upload to Youtube and automatically backs up your plat your content on Rumble and then when you eventually get canceled for having an opinion you'll have a rumble platform ready for you bu R soltion buy Rumble stock yeah I mean I love it I I enjoy I enjoy it over there I feel like the engagement is better I really like that they really heavily try to push the live stream part which I think is fantastic I think streaming is more fun than posting a video because you get the live chat interaction and just seeing the comments it's like all right whenever I'm talking about it's stupid no one cares but you say something that it hits and everyone goes wild you're like all right I get it I like this point I'm gonna push into this you get that real-time feedback which I think is amazing absolutely um and YouTube live stream just isn't as much fun I got I get I get five times the viewers on Rumble Liv stream than I ever go on YouTube really y yeah YouTube was suppressing me heavily so that's another thing if you have dissenting ideas I'll say this to anyone at home if you have any kind of opinion at all and you think that YouTube's better for Discovery Perhaps it is but if you get any kind of fan base it's better to be on Rumble because YouTube will suppress you they they're they're what did we say earlier about algorithms and how they're trying to make you as profitable as possible by learning your behaviors and then trying to alter your behaviors so you spend money they do the same thing to alter your behaviors so you're suppressed or so you don't speak as much if you speak about certain subjects you get less views which will make you less inclined to speak about that subject because they want to control the populace we're living in an information War it's all an information war and these huge platforms are the weapons of war they're using against us I saw a really interesting video on Twitter the other day about Alicia Keys during the Super Bowl performance and it was someone recording the TV screen with their phone and the first note she hit or one of the first notes was a sour note she messed up the note and then when they watched the video Back on YouTube the note was perfect really they altered history wow and they're saying that that's how scary it is that if I hadn't seen this in real time with my own eyes I wouldn't believe she'd missed that note and if I look it up on the internet she hasn't missed a note so as far as history is concerned after I'm dead and this video is gone and everyone forgets in a few weeks from now as far as history is concerned concerned her note was perfect they have altered history they alter history by controlling the information that's only a singing note it doesn't matter but wait to that applies to everything else and I already has every single War you look up the good guys the bad guys who did what why who won what war it's all a lie everything's a lie if if if the news we get now is a lie imagine how big of a lie history is bro you want to go down a rabbit hole yeah every single thing you think you know about the good guys and the bad guys and history and it's all a lie so it's scary so yeah I mean how how do we even find a solution to these things it's it's extremely difficult but that Alicia Keys video for some reason really concerned me it made me think if they can alter history over something as as as unimportant as a singing note well the crazy part is eventually someone's be like remember when Alicia Keys missed that note no she didn't and they're yeah no she didn't oh cancel this guy this guy's spreading Miss misformation why you lying about Al sha then he'll get a lawsuit a defamation lawsuit and he'll end up paying a bunch of money and he'll say but I know she sung it wrong and they say well we've looked up the note it's perfect yeah they will Gaslight you I'll give you an example I guarantee if you look up the covid pandemic on Wikipedia it sounds terrifying this amount of people died this many people locked in their house you had to get the vaccine you needed eight of them or you were susceptible to a ill a winter of severe illness and death this many people in this country died you couldn't travel you couldn't fly borders were locked people couldn't go to funerals you couldn't see your grandma you were stuck in your house we had to do like you'd look it up in 100 years from now and go whoa that was scary and what was the reality the reality was I was walking around with no mask on telling everyone to get [ __ ] and it was fine they've altered history they've literally altered history the version of History you're going to read it was nothing like the actual event so the we live in a posttruth world yeah like it's besides your own eyes what can you trust and that's what's even scary because there's a huge contingent of the who don't believe their own eyes yeah they'll sit there and look at a man and go that's a girl because they're told to so they if you can't believe anything The Matrix tells you you can't believe anything the history books tell you you can't believe any study because the study says the vaccine was effective so you can't believe any study all you can believe is your own eyes and there's a huge bunch of the population you don't even believe their own eyes this is why going back to the very earlier point we said when I said I don't let women drive me and someone comes well Insurance statistics say vaccine statistics said M so I don't give a [ __ ] what insurance statistics say let me tell you what I've seen every single time I see a car hit a tree for basically no reason it was a chick driving so I don't get in a car with women that's what I've seen with my eyes and I'm stubborn and I believe them but most people don't believe their own eyes anymore there are people who will be in a car crash with a woman 10 times and then read those Insurance statistics and go I must be wrong cuz the Matrix told me they drive better than me and then go and get back in the car and that's concerning because newspapers like the New York Times They Are the record keepers of History yep and in 50 years or 100 years or we look back 50 years like what happened 50 years ago you look at the New York Times and that's what happened regardless of what really happened the New York Times decides what's truth yep and they are so biased in their opinion and how they present facts now you're a misogynist I'm a misogynist you're a misogynist and even if all we did was support women if it's in the New York Times in 50 years that's how history will remember us that's right and I think that's a scary thing people don't realize how manipulated our realities are Y and it doesn't matter if what you believe now because later they will convince you you believed otherwise that's right so the according if you look up the BBC archives I'm the worst man the in the world I'm the most dangerous person on the planet the fact that I mean the UK hates me the most but the fact that UK has a stabbing epidemic an acid attack epidemic random people turning up on the borders without passports homeless crisis energy crisis old people freeze to death because they can't afford their electricity bills Foods is crazy inflation it's just entered a recession the entire country is failing in real time by every metric you can measure her Society by and what do the politicians talk about when they go to Parliament Andrew Tate said women can't drive Andrew Tate said women can't drive we need to stop this man insane what they're actually doing and I don't think many people realize is what politicians and the elites have come up with this great idea is that they don't want to fix any of the problems of society what they want to do is attack the people who highlight the problems of society so we have all these problems and we don't want to fix them so let's get anyone who tells people about the problems in trouble so that nobody talks about them so they can continue rampantly so they don't want to fix the crime in the inner cities but if you talk about it you get in trouble that's what they're doing now they're shutting up the people who point out the obvious as opposed to fixing the things that need to be fixed thinking about crime as you over the last three or four years your growth has been from like known to like kind of known to like astronomically known at what point during your rise did you realize I need security yeah so here in Romania I'm actually very safe and um I I'm on bail now so I can't carry a weapon anymore but I I was and there's no guns here so I was it's very rare for someone to be able to carry a weapon here so that put me in a unique position the main reason I had security initially was so that I didn't have to reject people taking photos and stuff and trying to be polite because when someone goes hey can you take a photo it looks bad when you say no but they don't understand that it happens 300 times a day and you can't function you can't go anywhere you can't do anything you can't eat a meal you can't do anything without f f f and it ruins your day so that's kind of where it started and then um deflect to them to have them say no so you don't have to do it that's right that's why it started domestically internationally I've always known I need Security in London I'm extremely security conscious I have I think I have six guys in London for me so it depends where I was where I where I needed it but we're getting to a point now it depends on the place you go right in the western world it's kind of crazy that you need security so heavily here in Romania I cannot bring my guards and I can drive a $5 million buatti and wear a half million dollar watch I have no problems but I would never do that in Chicago or New York or Miami or London or Paris it's kind of scary the world's getting there and uh as soon as you start getting well known you're a Target as soon as people start recognizing you you now become a Target in the west that's actually quite interesting in the division of mentalities because I think the reason you're not a Target here in Romania although it's a poor country is that wealth here is still respected and to a degree it's semi- feared so if they see somebody with a lot of money they're like who does he know how does he have all that money I don't want to mess with him you're like like they're scared of money whereas in the west if you have money you're a Target you know but doesn't that make you in the elite of Romania well yeah I mean you know what I mean kind of like what we're fighting against in the west you're like one of them here but it also goes feel that way at but it also goes against you right because I'm also going to be very understanding let's look at my situation why I was in jail for three months on preventative detention before trial I am very logical like I said about removing removing emotionality if I was a Romanian judge from I'm 72 years old I'm a woman I'm from communism whatever and I get the paperwork and there's papers like this and I'm not reading them all because I'm busy and I see me I look at me and I go okay Bugatti Ferrari private jet girls girls Mansion girls human trafficking money laundering probably makes sense it makes sense I mean how many cars 62 supercars yeah all right jail sir like it makes sense so there's pros and cons right perception is reality to a degree and I guess maybe not me cuz I'm a very nice man but many of the guys in Romania with a whole bunch of money you wouldn't want to mess with yeah so so the criminal will look at a Lamborghini and go I don't want to break into a Lambo I want to break into a Honda because the lambo if that guy finds out I'm toast whereas in the west it's not like that in the west they want the lambo so wealth makes you a Target in the west whereas it makes you the opposite here in the East but I've known I I I knew I needed Security in fact I can tell you an exact story actually let me tell you an exact story of when I knew this is about 3 years ago when I first started really blowing up and I started the word brokies I made super popular yeah and I was in London and I had a uh appointment I can't remember why I needed a blood test or something I can't remember what it was and I was I told the T the Uber to drop me at this doctor's and it dropped me off and I couldn't find the door the entrance to the doctor's place and I'm walking up and down this street in London about three and a half years ago and like these six dudes across the street go yo that's the dude that called us bro broke and I remember laughing going hi guys like this and they kind of laughed and then I thought that might have gone wrong that could that could have gone the other way and from there I decided to only have security I said okay if I go London I need security and from there expand it out and I got a domestic team and we went you kind of get used to having them around too well bro it's I now I now I can't imagine living without it like right now we have a guy outside the door and I have three guys downstairs and I've got a car and they everyone's strapped and everyone has guns and if they didn't I'm nervous as it is I couldn't imagine living without that now when you coin terms like broi which I think anyone who's watching they know the term broi because you coined it is that a conscious decision do you think for something like broi or did that just come out and then you're like this hit hard because you get the reaction of the people well I think if you're going to try and teach complex ideas the best thing you can do first is simplify them so if you if you have a complex idea not many people are interested in learning all the nuances and understanding all the details of a complex ideal off the bat so you have to simp ify it first and then once they understand the simple version of it if they're interested to learn the more difficult and the more advanced version and I can't I said broie a lot in my life so I thought it was funny but it was a very simple way yeah now we talk about how you need money money is the invest is the vested time and interest of other people money is the source of all evil it's the source of all good you're going to need money if you want to protect yourself you're going to need money inside of your fraternity Eve complicated broy it starts with broy and then people go I don't want to be a broky then they want to make money why do they want to make money how can they use their money to benefit themselves and the people around them how does that resist the Matrix if they can make money geographically free why do we need the people who believe in us to have money why don't we want broke people on our team because Etc but it starts with simple ideas and yeah broky Brokey is a great way to start with a very simple idea what color is your bagatti yeah what color is it was that planned is that something that you preconceived like I'm going to run this line like you don't know if it's going to hit and it's GNA go viral like even if you think it will like it could hit could not hit yeah was that planned that line it wasn't planned no I'm just a quick thinker and you never know what's gonna go viral it just comes out yeah and it it you never know what people are gonna adopt and pick up I mean I I gave myself a lot of nicknames it was top G that stuck yeah you don't know you just have to you just talk and have fun and people people adapt the ideas How it Go what's one kind of phrase or kind of something that you thought would hit that just never picked up I thought my slogan would be more popular than it is a lot of people know it my unmatched perspicacity coupled with sheer and Def fatigability makes me a fe opponent in real human endeavor but it's too complicated it's too hard for people yeah it's hard it's hard but that's my that's my favorite that's what I would love everyone to repeat because it truly is all it takes to win in this world unmatched perspicacity pay attention to everything perspicacity the ability to be perceptive pay attention all of the time don't wear the headphones listen for the enemy coming and sheer indefatigability never get tired never give up never give in never become lazy if you pay a lot of attention and you work all of the time you're going to make a bunch of money you're going to be successful you just told the story of your podcast you paid attention and you didn't get give up you didn't even know what you were doing you just tried it raw action solves everything and I've been the same with all of my businesses if I decide to launch a business I'll just go and do it I launched a school I launched a university I own university.com crazy yeah the large educational platforms of Earth can't stand me they're trying to convince people to spend 50 grand for a degree for a useless piece of paper and for $50 I'll teach you Ai and allow you to make money in the same day you can sign up for $50 and start making thousands of dollars in the same day with artificial intelligence I own university.com I start a whole school and I now have the largest Ed online educational platform on the planet how did I do that well I knew I knew I knew I knew things and I just started a school just like you started a podcast it's like all right we're launching a university and the people on my team believed in me and a lot of people around me called me crazy and here we are we're than the largest I would argue we're more profitable than Harvard or any of these other Crazy Ones and they have to sop you into getting a loan which is a huge s up this whole student loan gar I think that's the business to get you to loan well that well if they're loan Lo if their loan existed in a in a free and fair market they wouldn't have a business anymore if they said you can get 50 Grand loan and you can decide to start a business buy a car invest in crypto or get a degree who would choose a degree nobody so they have to operate in a vacuum because only by operating in a vacuum can they attract any Finance at all which is why it's the biggest scam ever my University doesn't operate in a vacuum you can spend $49 on learning how to use artificial intelligence and becoming rich for the rest of your life or two pizzas it's up to you but if you're a dumbass and you choose the pizza then you deserve your Forever slavery it's it's your it's your call but we don't operate in a vacuum which shows that it actually has value because we have students who are voluntarily students whereas in the typical education educational system are they even voluntarily students not really they just don't know what to do and they get this money they can only spend it on one thing it's forced and they end up going there and getting their useless degree and then crying on Tik Tok they can't pay their bills and that's what happens well I got two questions one how much did university.com cost cost can I ask can you answer that guess you get two guesses and if you get it right I'll tell you I'm going to say 12 million a little bit less little bit less give or take 8 to 10 million about that yeah yeah interesting I mean it I'm sure it's made back as dividends on the name alone that's a great name I can't believe you had it you yeah it's a good name and I'll be honest with you I haven't even yet really run the statistics on whether I got my money back on my investment I just knew it pissed the educational system yeah and that's also another reason I'll be honest with you when I was in jail I was trying to analyze who my enemies were and I understood my enemies were MSN I understood I pissed them off because I've countered their narratives and I understand that the government are trying to S off the young males of Earth to go and build the roads and pay 50% taxes and perhaps join the Army and die in a ditch for no reason besides globalist profits and I've upset them and then I'm thinking of all the other power structures I've upset have I upset the medical establishment well of course cuz I was antivaccine and antio back during covid before I was even big people are finding all my old videos when I was one of the most vocal anti-id people at the very beginning of it when nobody else was before it was popular before it was popular I was doing it and then I thought okay so I've upset the medical system I've upset the judicial system I've upset MSM I've upset the government I've also pissed off the educational system and they they've got a lot of power and a lot of money and a lot of influence I was like is there any is there any organizational structure on Earth I haven't annoyed but I bought university.com to annoy the universities that's why I did it I didn't even care about the investment the return on investment if I'm going to spend I'll spend $10 million on a couple cars I may as well spend it on being a thorn in the sides of authority so that's why I did it cuz I feel like that's one of the reason that's one of the first Trump lawsuits that ever happened for having Trump University and it was a two-day course where you learn real estate Concepts and people sued him because they said we paid for Trump University which is a two-day course and I didn't get a University degree and I think he got convicted for that wow or whatever it was and he got fined for it because he called a trump University and people sued him for not it being a real actual University it's really interesting they call it a scam I and I didn't know that and that's really interesting so it's a good thing I don't own university.com some trust fund somewhere owns university.com and it's a good thing I don't own the university that it leads to that's owned by God knows who and I'm just some idiot and everything I say is a lie and I'm just some guy on the inter who just talk stuff and I'm a comedian I'm and I'm garbage but if you want to learn how to use Ai and become rich stop being an idiot $49 you can go to university.com and sign up check out my friend's website this crazy guy whoever it is from the Cook Islands who owns this trust fund he he knows what he's doing I want to ask you about a couple of the more popular trending of creators of today now sure we have guys like Joe Rogan yeah who have just absolutely crushed the podcast game yep and he used to be only on Spotify now they just gave him the biggest contract ever he can go wherever he wants wow um I think he he was only allowed on podcast and now he's able to put his podcast on YouTube YouTube Apple whatever else he got like free reing nice um you have guys like Tucker Carlson who went off of Fox News and now bigger than ever before yeah there there's this new um acronym that I've saw recently they call it am have you heard that yet no ma'am no mainstream alternative media it's a new term they're trying to coin okay so instead of mainstream media now it's mainstream Alterna media and these guys are creating this new narrative right so the J Rogan the Tucker Carlson's the Andrew Tates I saw you on the list oh ni of that the MS cool um I am transgender after all but there's a new movement and this alternative media movement is growing bigger than ever yeah and I love what Joe's doing I love what Tucker's doing I love what you're doing and then there's people that are considered kind of conservative alternative media I don't know how much I love what they're doing yeah you have a Ben Shapiro and Dy wire and Jordan Pearson who youve somewhat been vocal about at times um but they seem to be they almost want to sound like they're anti-establishment anti-matrix anti this and a part of me is like but I feel like they're just playing the other side of the Matrix oh yeah completely they're they're uh I have I want to be careful which specific names I say but let's put it this way we talked earlier about what the popular thing to say is and how people will do it purely for the views I think that if you're truly anti-matrix you're not calling for people to go die in Wars all of the time I I actually think and and and this is a bit of a segue toward from the question you asked but it's true I think one of the most heinous things people can do is to sit and and wish for the deaths of other humans and wish for other people's Sons to go die in a ditch while they don't send their own Sons to do it and a lot of these people who consider themselves conservative are just calling for Forever War and these neocons is truly disgusting and I I agree with you if you're truly alternative to The Matrix you also hold if you have any if if your worldview is 100% aligned with any particular side I would argue that you're disingenuous because I hold liberal opinions it's very liberal to support Palestine that's what the left does not the right I'm considered right-wing and conservative why am I so Advent in my support for Palestine which is a liberal ideal right so I hold different ideas on both sides of the fence because that's how I view the world some of these guys which inst L sign up with like daily wire team I love kandace she's amazing and she's true but some of these other people on The Daily wire every single thing is exactly what they were told to say and what they believe well then you have to ask your qu you have to ask a question have they just sold their soul to the other side because they've got their sponsorship contract from the daily wire and they say what they're supposed to say and they repeat what they're supposed to repeat otherwise they lose their money and then you start to sit well who's behind them and that's where controlled opposition comes from controlled position is just going to be I mean if I had a whole bunch of money and I was sponsoring liberal ideals the people who were combating those liberal ideals if I could pay them enough money to only semi combat the the non-important ones and allow me to get away with the really important stuff all for a little bit of money which I have plenty of and I don't value anyway well then I'd do that wouldn't I it'd be a fool to think there's not controled opposition in the world I mean when I think you know they've offered me a little bit of money they've offered you a lot of money and then we see a lot of these quote unquote influencers that kind of all seem to be on the same page and it makes you wonder like how many of the people actually took the money and the reality is probably like most of them of course of course I mean I don't want to say any particular names but there's yeah it's not our business to call other people but but I don't want to say any names but Ben Shapiro go to war go to war go to war get the vaccine get the vaccine get the vaccine go kill people for Israel go to war yeah we need to go to war all the time bro you go to war you go to [ __ ] War why you telling everyone else to go to war you go fight no you don't want to fight you want to say in your little desk God's full of [ __ ] and he's being paid to say things and he's he's full of [ __ ] and then he had to release a rap song to try and distract everyone for the fact he was calling for the genocide of children and he's like oh maybe if I make a fool of myself people will forget I don't forget you're a dumbass and one day I'll meet you probably because we're in the sameish Spheres and I'll look down there and call you a little nerd because you are so get [ __ ] none of these people are in bro that's another thing that's that's about politics you talk about fraternity and we talk about the Matrix and all these things you need to be true to yourself you have to believe your own eyes and you have to come to your own conclusions but a lot of these people who are 100% ideologically aligned they're just as sour as people who are 100% IDE ideologically align the other way I I agree I mean most people are somewhere in the middle you believe some of the things on the right you believe some of the things on the left and that's how normal people are that's fine we don't have to agree on everything it's kind of funny because I've always I mean the conservative movement a lot of them kind of don't like me now and that's because I've eclipsed their relevance massively you could add them all together nobody cares but a lot of the reason they attack me is they they try to attack my morality right they say oh he did he had something to do with the webcam girls a long time ago and he swears and he did this or whatever they're complaining about and it's kind of interesting that they don't understand my Affinity with people is the fact that I'm absolutely real and I'm coming from a bad area and I've had to do certain things to survive and when people from a white picket fence household who grew up in a rich enough family home where everyone had food to eat and everything was perfect they're going to sit there and try and preach morality nobody listens because you had an advantage start in life I come from a very disadvantage point in my life and I dig what I had to do to escape the poverty I was in the people around me were killing each other I grew up around stabbings and drug dealing and the old lady next to me got robbed and beaten to death and and they're complaining about the things I did it's like that the real world's a harsh world and that's where you learn the real lessons of it so some of the conservatives who have attacked me for my morality often don't understand how they ostracize themselves amongst the general populace because if you to sit there with a very Christian upbringing white picket fence Rich household mom and father together and love each other happy families of course you're going to sit there and preach morality well you you were born in the most advantaged scenario ever I grew up in Gary Indiana then lot in England in a single mother household it's it's a completely different reality but virtual signaling on both sides yeah of course there's virtual signaling on both sides completely and I often think as well like a lot of the conservative movement a lot of them don't realize why they lose the culture War because before certain people came along and it's not only me there's others as well but I'm definitely going to take a degree of credit conservatives were so boring for so long like we've now made being conservative cool via strength via money via success success but before me a lot of these conservatives were basically saying don't have fun don't do drugs don't go to parties don't dance don't talk to girls don't it's boring yeah bro what is it called um CPAC yeah I went to CPAC maybe five years ago I think that's going on right now this weekend next weekend anyway okay yeah so I went to CPAC like five or six years ago I can't remember when I went but I was with Paul Joseph Watson he said let's go to CPAC anyway I went to CPAC for the first time in forever I was just getting big online and I stood around and I remember looking around going well this is why we lose yeah this is [ __ ] boring everyone's a dork everyone's a nerd where're I mean the Liberals are having fun they're partying they're having orgies doing drugs I don't even do those things but I can see why they're attractive to people what do we have here nerd convention bro and you look at these conservatives and they're sitting there going don't do this don't do this you should live this way it's boring at least I'm I've come along and the reason I've seen as a cultural phenomenon is I'm saying yeah you can be masculine and it's cool to protect what you care about but get rich and live a good life and don't be apologetic and be a hero they didn't preach any of that stuff most of the conservative movement are a bunch of boring dorks nerds and that's why they forever lose and I bro I I remember sitting at CPAC I looked at Tristan and said never again bro never again sucked and the conservatives have this bad habit of always celebrating too early yeah like they're they feel like there's a little bit of moov behind them and I can feel it now people are like oh Biden is so unpopular Trump's going to win for sure I'm like bro there's no such thing as for sure it's February we got a long way to go but you nerds are always celebrating too soon you got to live your life like it's your last day every single day 100% it ain't done till it's done and like you said we're February a lot could happen between now and November and they've already geared up the machine so it's going to be very interesting to see what happens and then I think ultimately it comes down to culture anyway I mean it doesn't matter who the politicians are it matters about the culture of the country and you can argue that in a lot of different ways Switzerland and Iceland have massive gun ownership without shootings why and people will talk about the gun laws it's not about the laws it's about the culture and the culture is broken and if you want to win a cultural War as conservatives and you have to have a cool and fun culture conservatives should be celebrating me Andrews come along and made our movement cool but they're jealous and they're bitter and their butt hurt I'm more relevant than them so instead they cry their eyes out that I have a bagatti and they said that I shouldn't brag don't brag Andrew don't say you have money well then how else you going to get young teenagers interested you dummy I'm going to sit around saying just don't have any fun ever join the conservative movement [ __ ] make your bed 12 rules to life it's boring it's [ __ ] boring I'm cool and fun get over it and that's good for us as a whole because it's a culture war and men want to be men and we want to enjoy ourselves and we want to but you can make masculin cool without just completely cucking the idea of having any kind of originality or fun that's why liberals have won for a very long time they win they own culture because their culture is fun you know the Super Bowl's F and that's not liberal thing let me take another example concerts you know I'm going to rant just for the sake of it I've always found concerts amazing when I look at them from the outside even worse are festivals when I observe a festival when I am unlucky enough to have my eyes dirtied by the heinous disgusting the videos I see on Twitter of these humans on ketaman in the mud jumping up and down to songs they've heard three thousand times before bumping into other sweaty bodies of the unknown peasants around them it's just so it's peasantry I I can't explain I feel elitist quite rarely because I'm a man of the people but when I see a festival I just feel disgusted people pay money to go there and then they they they bro just talk about slave mind talk about matrix-m minded fools and they're going to sit there screaming for somebody who doesn't even know they exist you could get a cancer diagnosis and you could need $1 to pay the medical bill and live and you could write to the person who you just worshiped and jumped up and down for for hours and say please give me $1 my life depends on it and they wouldn't even reply and you're going to go there and take drugs and jump up and down and listen to the song you can listen to on YouTube for free instead of sitting with your family at home and enjoying the song CU music's fine I like the song I'm with my people people who I love people I care about I'm going to smoke my cigar and chill at home and I'm listen to the song No you're going to go to this garbage I I don't know something about festivals irk me they really deeply upset me one of the great things about being rich is I don't have to talk to anyone unless I want to so if I meet somebody who's like oh was that a festival last week I will instantly end the conversation instantly if I don't care if we're in the middle of a business meeting I don't care if I'm on a date whatever soon as to they say Festival I will never speak to them again because to me that's just a height of sheep Matrix mind garbage I hate that crap I feel like there is a um same with like sporting events where everyone's rooting for a side and sometimes when I see it I'm like seems so sheepish but every once in a while when you gather a huge amount of people and they're all rooting for the same thing regardless of what it is this electric energy that's in the air then I'm like all right I kind of get it the energy cuz people want to feel like they're part of something bigger I get Sports more than I get festivals because there's a competition element Festival hasn't even got a competition element so that's worse well it's who can you know jump higher oh I guess Sports I can kind of get I mean it's certainly not my yeah cup of tea but I I can kind of get it I think there's more important issues in the world that should be addressed and focused on but I can kind of get it but I mean if you have that instinct to fight a war and feel like you're on a team then why not fight the war for civilization like I am and like we are why join a sports team why actual risk yeah cuz yeah they don't want the real risk right but what if you really want to do it then do something that matters why do something so unimportant it's kind of like somebody said to me before they lack energy and they lack motivation and I said nobody lacks energy and motivation you just focus it in the wrong directions I would guarantee if you find a person who lacks energy and motivation he's trying to get girls all day he's messaging girls on Instagram all day who ignore him I guarantee he gets road rage when somebody cuts him up no you get angry and you have energy and you have motivation when somebody pulls in front of you in traffic or when you see some tits on Instagram but you don't have motivation to do anything else you don't lack energy and motivation it's pointed in the wrong direction and it's the same with these sports teams if everybody cared about their country like they care about these stupid [ __ ] sports teams then or cared about their family then they then the world would be fixed but they're distracted we all have an innate energy inside of us we all have a life force and most people are just directing it in the wrong direction completely and that's why we're getting decimated in real time the Matrix has come along and it's distracted us all with bread and circuses and I refuse to do it I refuse to sign up to things that don't directly benefit my life life or benefit the future for my children I don't think if a sports team wins it's going to benefit the future for my children and I don't think if I jump up and down like a [ __ ] CIT taking peasant in a concert is going to benefit my children but I do think if I allow the world to to to see truth if I if I try and speak up against the enslavement of humanity that is going to benefit my children in the future so why would I waste my life force on anything else I think people are just permanently distracted I mean isn't it funny that if you are a fanatic of your sports team then you are embracing the culture and it's fun and you're good if you are a fanatic for your country your race or your people or whatever it is is yeah you're an ism and you're dangerous and you should go to jail yeah it's like you can comply and you can be as radical as you want paint your face you know hate the other state hate another country if you're doing World Sports you're a lot of hate then but if it's for any other reason you're an ism interesting so someone very smart said about three and a half hours ago or 3 hours ago you're have the freedom to do stupid things but you're not allowed to do anything important interesting that is very interesting let me see dude how do you have so much energy we've been going I I don't know we may even have to cut this up into multiple Parts we've been going like three three and a half hours and you were just as strong and as you know animated as you were in the beginning I mean as at the end as you were in the beginning how cuz I don't waste my life force I haven't been to any stupid concerts I don't take any stupid drugs I'm not smoking weed like an idiot I'm not cheering for a sports team all of my life force is inside of me so I can Master the seven styles of iido until the conservatives are [ __ ] dorks that's why they're all nerds they're nerds I'm full of life force I'm the man who will struggle to the end I'm that guy if an alligator were to get hold of me not only would I snap its neck but let's imagine 20 alligators got hold of me and they got lucky and somehow managed to decimate me until the exact till the last second where I lost Consciousness I would be snapping necks of alligators to the last second I refuse to die I'm that guy I don't waste a ounce of my life force on anything that's unimportant ever so I refuse to be distracted The Matrix wants to distract me they've identified me that like Andrew Tate is a threat he's full of power and he believes in God and he's a slick talker and he motivates people and he has a bunch of money and he's big and strong and tall and handsome and charming and interesting he's got a long Johnson we have to distract this man we have to give him something he's interested in outside of fighting The Matrix and they're trying to come at me with all these beauty queens and these sponsorship contracts and I'm resisting it all no I have a mission and I'm on the mission and we're talking to the people we must be animated we have a job to do we must let the people at home know that enslavement is coming for their entire life in their bloodline unless they resist stop watching the [ __ ] Super Bowl stop going to stupid concerts and instead be motivated about your family's future that's I don't know how you do it all the time that's crazy because like obviously you have the ability to just turn that on anytime you want right and that in itself is is that a skill is that a learn skill I do have some chemical enhancements so I will be honest and open about this I do believe that caffeine and nicotine are super drugs yes I truly believe that if you drink a bunch of coffee and smoke a bunch of cigars or cigarettes that you're going to have fire blood I've noticed that if I have a bunch of caffeine and a bunch of nicotine I become very irritable but I find being irritable is the perfect State of Mind to get things done often people complain about being irritable or anxious or stressed and they worry about those things but I only feel comfortable in those scenarios I would feel lazy if I didn't feel anxious stressed and irritable I guess maybe it's different if you have a boss because you have to make sure you don't snap at your boss or if you have a wife you have to be tiptoeing around or she'll leave you or something but when you're the king of Your World like I am and I don't have to be careful what I say to anybody I can to shout anytime I want I want to be as irritable as possible because it gives me the energy and the fire I need to get things done so I drink a lot of coffee I smoke a lot of cigars I only eat once a day I like to be hungry all of the time because once again that adds to my irritability I think irritability is a superpower why not I feel like after all this is done I'm G to like sit back reflect think okay what was what do I think Andrew Tate would be like and what is he now after sitting here for 3 hours talking about you and I'm going to be I feel like reflection may be the most honest thing about everything well that'll be interesting make a video on it I'll watch it watch it because uh I I think it's fascinating because people think um is Andrew Tate real people think that all the time right and sitting here for hours I'm like bro he is so real right and it's a nuance and it's a combination of having original wellth thought out ideas with a little bit of Showmanship with a little bit of I really believe what it is and I also understand how to use certain words to get my message across it's this combination that if you don't really experience it and think about it maybe you'll miss it yeah and and I feel like I'll be honest I mean I can say here there are times where I'll be deliberately abrasive with some of my ideas and there's ways to say things as well which deliberately upset people and it has impact it makes sense I mean I get it that's right I can say men should protect women or I can say females are weak M and one of them is going to ignite the feminists and one of them is not so it depends what my end objective is and my goal is I don't think a lot of people think about what their end objective and goal is sometimes it's good to get people upset sometimes it's not sometimes I want people to agree with me via Affinity sometimes I want them to argue a point if I was to sit with a feminist I wouldn't say I would start by saying men should protect women and see what they say and then at some point I would say females are weak to upset her to make her deliberately start trying to use an exception to disprove the rule because I know she will lose that argument so I'll put her in a losing fight what does what does The Art of War say enter a battle after you know you have won so I put her in a losing fight because women are not as strong as men so I'll say in a way where she feels like she has to defend the idea even though she knows and everyone knows innately that she is incorrect so I'm quite particular with my language depending what I'm trying to achieve but that's the goal of it all right and I actually find it amazing that so many people go through the world without the ability to correctly translate their thoughts into speech I think that's one of the greatest superpowers on Earth yeah and a lot of people think things and they can't explain it in a way that makes other people at least understand why they think the way they think and I'm not going to lie going back to a point we made earlier one of my biggest worries about AI is that people will become as smart as me that's going to piss me off I don't want that to happen I I want to be the LA I want to be the last slick talker on Earth I don't want them all to have these neurochips and be as good as I am but we'll see maybe that's going to change in the future also there there was this one take that you had early on that I really loved and it was depression isn't real yeah you say that and over time you've kind of stepped back on that a little bit because people have gotten so crazy and you and you changed it to I don't think depression isn't real I'll double down yeah right now I I'll explain it again I don't I'm gonna try and explain it to people at home so they can understand it so I'm going to talk because I liked it in the more abrasive fashion I thought it was more impactful no depression isn't real depression isn't real and I'm going to explain to you why I say that and when I say that people at home try and argue against it because they don't understand the premise behind the idea if I don't believe in depression I cannot become depressed as I've said on many podcasts before if you have two people inside of a haunted house and there's a noise in the night the one who doesn't believe in ghosts will assume it is wind and go back to sleep the one who believes in ghosts will assume it's a ghost he will then wake up and panic and he'll be afraid and he'll call an exorcist it is the belief in the ghost that gives it power not the noise itself the reason I say depression isn't real is because now I can no longer become depressed because I don't believe it's real so if I get sent to a Romanian jail cell and I have no idea how how long I'm going to be in there for and I'm suffering in there I can't become a depressed person because I don't believe in the ideal or the mental model of depression believing in it gives it power and I refuse to believe in things that take away power from me and anybody who sits at home and argues with me that depression is real why would I adopt your thinking if it makes me less powerful why would I adopt your thinking if it makes me less capable of dealing with difficult scenarios this is even about being correct anymore this is about adopting a mental model which makes be as competitive as possible if me believing depression is real will put me in a position where I believe I'm a depressed person and I might want to kill myself why would I believe in it that sounds terrible sounds like set myself on fire I refuse depression is not real so I cannot become depressed that is what I believe and you cannot change my mind because changing my mind will make me weaker and why would I adopt the thinking or the mental model of somebody weaker than me I don't believe in depression that's the bottom line of it so it's not real people argue with me and they come at me with these Matrix statistics and there's a study here this study says but I don't believe in studies it's it's hard I don't believe in studies you can come at me with a million studies about depression I don't believe that depression is an illness you catch from the sky and your brain is chemically imbalanced mental illness is real PTSD is real but that's based on an event something has happened I believe in general most of these depressed people is massively overdiagnosed they need to take some agency and responsibility for their own lives and I believe if they stop believing in this cure all excuse of depression and instead start believing in working hard and becoming the kind of person they know they could be they'll feel a lot better the number of people who have said the gym has cured my depression yeah then how is it a mental illness if the gym cured your depression how is it an imbalance of chemicals in your brain if going to the gym and dedicating yourself and working hard cured it explain that to me it doesn't even make sense it's you know what it is what did we say earlier about the Matrix trying to push all ideas that promotes selfishness what is depression besides ultimate selfishness depression isn't real and if you're depressed and you want to argue with me and prove to me that it is real you're going to start sending me long emails about how sad you are and I would never adopt the thinking of somebody who is sad so all you're doing is convincing me even further to ignore every word you say and you can sit in your room crying your eyes out like a depressed little girl and I will continue to live a fantastic life cuz I'll tell you something most depressed people don't understand nobody gives a [ __ ] we all have our own problems we all have our own issues nobody cares you think being depressed and you can walk around tell everyone I'm depressed I'm sad and people are going to care nobody cares they might pretend to care for a few seconds if they're particularly nice person but in general nobody cares about you or your life besides you and if you're not going to get up and work hard and go and try and get a Ferrari yourself nobody's getting up every day and going to work every day to dve by a Ferrari to give it to you nobody so you either get up and do it or you sit there and perpetually fail and stay a loser and if you want to send me long emails convincing me why it's okay for you to be a loser because you have something called depression I will ignore you and continue to be fantastic so you can stay there and fail I don't care I don't care the most you could hope for sending me a long email trying to convince me depression is real is that my brother and I laugh at you that is the best that can happen look at this idiot look how hard they're trying to convince me that it's okay to be a sad failure that's the best you can hope for I'm going to stay fantastically happy and fantastically successful irregardless depression isn't real take me to jail I don't care it's not real I refuse to adopt it put me back in the dungeon I will never be depressed I will sit there happier than these people on the outside I refuse absolutely classic and Tate rant thank you feel like this is what the world is missing feel like you're doing a little bit more now than you were when you first got out when I got out I do you feel like there's a little shift there because I feel like you were a lot like when you were with Tucker or Candace you were a lot more reserved Statesman like but over the last maybe month you've been kind of reverting back to your older self do you feel like there's a shift is that intentional or I was told to shut up and I said I'll never shut up yeah and they said well at least be careful and I said well no I'm not going to be that careful and they said but every word will be used against you in the court of law yeah and I'm not going to lie to you there was a little while where I kind of cared and now I'm just like take me to jail yeah just take me to jail bro if you want to if you really want to put me in jail just do it like what am I going to do live scared forever if you really want to lock me up then just lock me up I know I've done nothing wrong I'll be fine I'll eat the rice I'll do my push-ups just put me in jail I I I I I tried my best and I did Tucker and I did a few interviews and I can be statesmanlike I know there's time in there's a time in a place of course and I'm never going to I'm never going to shut up it's not who I am but there's a time and a place to be more reserved but I think now as everyone realized that this is garbage and it's a matrix attack and also as time's gone on and I've realized that if every word you get desensitized once you understand that everything you ever say will be used against you you care for a while and then one day you wake up and go whatever girls can't park whatever take me to jail put me in jail then like what can I do I I'm not going to sit here I I can't defeat the Matrix what I can do is inspire people at home to wake up and resist for the benefit of themselves and their families and perhaps we can damage the Matrix but they're always going to chop off the head of the snake even if we win I'm going to jail I'm done cuz I I was too and too loud and I was too much at the Forefront they'll kill the general at the front even if the Army wins that's how it is my future set it is what it is I believe in God I refuse to shut up I've made my decisions I'm the man I am I've made my bed and I'm gonna lie in it so it is what it is take me to [ __ ] jail put me in the jail cell then I'm not scared don't yeah but I'm not I'm not going to live in fear I know I've done nothing wrong I'm not going to sit here and be afraid of any of this because fear feeds it fear is what they want their objective they don't want me in jail Matt they don't want me in jail what they want me to do is come out shut up not talk or talk and cry my eyes out like Jordan did crying my eyes out on anti-depressants because I can't take the stress and the pressure while also writing books about mental rigidity and then sitting there crying oh I'm on anti-depressant that's what they wanted me to do they wanted all the people to believe in me to realize I was a false prophet that's what they wanted and I refuse so you could martyr me and put me in jail and make me more influential than never before and I'll do my push-ups or you can let me go cuz I'm innocent I'm ready for either one or p a bullet in my head I mean it's one of those things where even if you're thinking it like don't say it out loud words matter uh it is what it is at this point I know I'm innocent everyone at home knows I'm innocent so what can I do anymore I just don't like depression isn't real kill me don't say that kill depression isn't real what can what more can I do you know it's one of those things where even if you want to say it I don't know I feel like Words matter in life and even if it's a thought that you're putting out there prove a point certain words if you say it you're almost like asking for it or you're you're right you're manifesting it I agree you're that's the manifestation of words always concern me you're actually right and I agree and here's the scary thing what if part of me wants to go oh bro what if what if I'm so crazy and I've been so desperate for an exceptional life my entire existence and I understand that I would make a bigger dent in the Matrix if I go than if I don't go and if I understand that if I'm going to fly on private jets and drive around in Bugattis and be the most famous man on the planet there's no light without dark and the dark is a Romanian dungeon fil with cockroaches and maybe I understand that when I'm 72 if I manag to live that long I'll look back on those 10 years I spent in that dungeon and be happy they happened because of the lessons I learned maybe part of me wants to go maybe I'm crazy maybe I'm Not Afraid at the point where I actually completely am ready for it at a level where I'll be excited by the opportunity maybe when you want to explore all the levels on the map of life you don't just want all the levels at the top see this is the mistake most people make they sit there in a normal life and they dream of being rich and going on nice vacations and dreaming of all the nice things they don't dream of all the bad things they think they can have all the light with none of the dark that's not how it works the only reason you appreciate being rich is because you are poor if you were born rich you don't appreciate it the only reason you appreciate being in good health is because you were once sick when you're sick you'll do anything to be healthy if you've never experienced sickness you don't know what health is there is no light without dark perhaps I'll be a happier person and live a more ful life and enjoy my fantastic benefits that come with wealth if I do go perhaps I can have a more positive message and more people will know my name if I do go mat perhaps I'm ready to Martyr myself perhaps I am ready to charge at the gunfire perhaps I don't care you are a bad man you know what I mean like just the idea of that and I like I kind of believe you do it oh I am at the point now where my enemy enemies can do nothing but immortalize me win or lose anything they do at this point will just prove their prove your case more they can immortalize me now I can suffer in one way I'm immortalized and there's another way I cannot suffer in the way I'm immortalized because if I walk I'm immortalized and if I go to jail I'm immortalized there's no way they can win this I'm not scared of suffering so even if they choose the suffering path depression isn't real it's fine on that note I think that's it thank you dude this is amazing top G is I I believe you and and I want and that's really what I think my conclusion is is that I think you're genuine I think you're honest um although some people may not agree with everything again we don't think anyone should agree with everything anyone says anyway but I believe that you believe what you're saying and that some of it is just nuance and I respect that that means a lot to me but dude like the intens and the where it comes from it's like undeniable and it's so impressive and I get why you're so famous I get why you're so viral it it's the energy that you bring to a conversation that unless you're here you don't feel it you know it's hard to relay and you have this ability to relay this personal energy from a room in this corner of Romania to like the world and the masses via screen which it's really hard to do these days it it is and I hope at least some of it translates and I guess the final point I want to make about what we just said I guess if you lead by example it's the best way to lead right that's what we're lacking in the world today if our leaders had to lead by example a lot of the problems would be fixed if they had to go to war themselves we wouldn't be at War if they had to pay for their own groceries and they weren't scamming the government and creating endless money with this inflation stock market garbage cycle moneya laundering scheme things would change and I feel like if I can suffer the way I'm suffering all I have to do is inspire people at home to suffer 5% of what I go through and then a lot of problems will be fixed we didn't even talk about War I feel like we've been how long have we been going there's always part two friend I think we got in of part two thank you everybody Andrew Tate Cobra Tate what do you like the best can I ask you that last sure what's your favorite thing to be called of everything cuz you've had a a evolution of kind of nicknames catch phrases ET what's your favorite one that's a good question yeah I'm not entirely sure I've never thought about that I'm going to have to think about it I guess it depends who's calling me what at what time there's times I like to be called you know bad names it's funny yeah you know when the feminist gets angry and start screaming misogynist I'm not going to lie I feel pretty happy uh it's empowering of course Andre Tate thank you appreciate you my friend thanks bro and uh we'll see you guys next time thank you everybody thank you guys for watching this conversation if you want to learn more if you want to be a part of our free thinker Army definitely go check out Discord it's free it's involved get to meet and connect with some like-minded individuals I'll see you in there till next time
Channel: Matt Kim
Views: 1,198,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asian podcast, korean American podcast, asian conservative
Id: 9xuDalG4wOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 249min 49sec (14989 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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