Break Up & Heartbroken | Bodybuilding & Fitness Motivation

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if you ever experience we got a broken heart you don't want to do anything you don't want to eat you know we don't want to [ __ ] [ __ ] somebody don't want to [ __ ] do nothing yes somebody all you don't all you want to do is you will get pain to subside that pain is deep inside your soul man day no pain I wish on in it we say so man it's so bad man somebody could come up to you smack the taste out are you falling on the ground and they piss on you you let them do it sometimes you're gonna get your heart stomped it is not just an emotional and psychological process it is a very physical process you have decided to kill something that is a part of you in some way if it would be avoided that would be best but for some reason you have come to that situation where this is this has to happen to make yourself peaceful and joyful will become an extremely hard thing to do in your life you get your heart broken it's like it ruins yourself a stain but your [ __ ] brush your I'm saying but you gotta understand this this happens to everybody everybody even the most richest best-looking people it happens to them too man not just you it happens to everybody everybody everybody everybody not to see so this is how you get to it man you just got it gone just gotta move on man do everything that you usually do but God gave me people to get out of love to meet new people yeah yo I shouldn't have that person laughter you know life shouldn't evolve around that one person walk just move on you gotta create your own life your existence has been nurtured by making a bond a partnership our bondage depending upon how you conducted this to make yourself feel whole in some way most partnerships of this nature are made because by yourself you would feel insufficient incomplete but that's not how life is this is a complete life process by itself my friend you need to make yourself vulnerable you need to fall down you need to get stupid in love let it happen to you let it happen to you go get hard too because even though you might get hurt huge spirits that most people never experience regardless of what color's your broken heart man you got to understand some life life goes on it's better to have loved and lost the two of never allowed yourself to loaf done and no with that being said and I'll you know want to pray just BC if I told you what I was going through him I was going through a breakup and something that most of us will experience in our life um hopefully you guys don't because it's not usually the best experience but well actually maybe maybe I could give a different spin onto it because the whole point of this video is it turns out that it was a good experience now that is something that I never thought I would say a month ago I mean the truth is I mean I wish I could tell you that I was distraught that I was you know things this bounced off me like Superman but that's just not the case this thing I mean it hurt it really still hurts I mean oh why it hurts in a different way now yeah I mean there was days where I'd still want to get out of bed I mean that's the truth I mean it really knocked me down but the thing I never thought I would say a month ago is that person who I became I mean the person who walked into this but I was so month ago is not the same person I am and that's a good thing the person who you know walked out of that storm I mean I could have never became that person if I didn't go through this and that's some time I'm really thankful for um I never thought I'd be saying that I'd be thankful for the you know this breakup because Scott it hurt it really did but I am and that's you know that's something that it's gonna be hard for you guys to I guess think about when you're going through I mean it's something that I never thought you know when I was going through it but if you're able to survive if you're able to get through that storm like I said if you just pull out that chair and just say you know what I'm gonna sit here and no matter how long it takes I'm gonna make it you know you get into that mindset when you do some walk out of the storm um you could not be thankful for the storm when you're going through pain you know and it's gonna be hard for you guys to look at it I I know that it feels like you're not gonna be able to make it you will because if you're truly if what you set out for whatever dream whatever goal you set out if it's true if it's you know deep down this is who you are and it's just not all talk and everyone talks a good game but if deep down this is something that you feel like you have to do that you I mean what you want out of life you know everyone says that they want to be successful a few people you know it really you know deep down all the way down to the bones that they truly you know they really want to be successful they really want to well they really want to change the world if deep down that is something that you mean when you say it there is no storm they can knock you off course there may be some storms that will you know let me get bumpy you know you might have to write it out but if you truly have made it just made the decision that now I'm gonna make it matter what and embrace the storms you know it's not going to be easy and like I said from the first one its life will throw everything in anything at you but if you if you made the decision okay this is what I want and there's nothing that's going to stop me you'll make it through the storm you know what if the storm comes and it knocks you off and you can't get out you know it just really does knocks you off course and you really are just a mess afterwards you never are able to rebound from that I think you really need to start to look at yourself in the mirror and say you know whatever goal whatever dream you I guess started off with does that really mean something to you and that's not a bad thing you know there's some times when life hits you and you can't get back up and that's not to say that you don't have it in you to make it know know what that's telling you is does you know whatever goal whatever dream whatever thing you're trying to accomplish does that really mean something to you you know a lot of people say hey I'm doing it for you know my family hey I'm doing it for this hey I'm doing for that well why do people say those things because it sounds good you know everyone wants to say hey I'm doing it for my family but there's some times you know maybe that's us it sounds good and that's not to say they can't be doing free family don't get me wrong here but I have a feeling that you know that seems to be too many people seem to say that and I hate find that strange you know I don't really buy into that I think everyone says that they're doing it for someone they're doing it for this or that um just because it sounds nice if that makes any sense you know whatever you're doing whatever your goal whatever your dream is it has to move you you know it has to be something that's so powerful that nothing nothing could stop you and it's something that you don't really know if it is the right thing until you start to go through this I get left being hard and laughed at for this dream that I have you know in the school that I'm trying to accomplish why do people think I can't do this because they don't see it and I you know I'm hard for me to show them because I'm not there yet I'm trying to do something very very big in my life many ways I'm trying to you know it's it's almost kind of funny for me to even say it I mean I won't lie I'm trying to change the world it's funny to say that because you know it's such a large it's crazy I mean it really is but not gonna stop because deep down I'm starting to know I'm starting to believe that I think I just can't so when you find you find what means something to you and when things start to happen life starts to throw things at you and you're able to just keep on going you know when life hits you you just keep moving forward even when you don't want to then then you found out what your life's true calling is because when life when life can't stop you nothing could stop you would that be inside guys I think that's good way to end this one
Channel: GYM Nation 2,0
Views: 4,148,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2016
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