EMBRACE BEING ALONE | Powerful Motivational Speech

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don't you dare reach for your pocket i told myself in fact take that phone and go put it in another room shut your internet off set your devices to do not disturb and think please think you are losing yourself to distraction or as cal newport puts it you know we're in a world that demands more thought more deep work than ever before while we all simultaneously become more and more incapable of that focus and to me it feels like more than a chuckle at our outrageous screen time or a self-deprecating joke about how reliant we are on our phones that the dopamine hit you know i think it's antithetical overall to what we need to where we find our purpose which is a dichotomy that's frustratingly true with so many things right that balance for me to have a digital business that means so much to me that i'm so proud of but also tiptoeing around that same digital world like it's a hungry lion capable of devouring me that's that's a real feeling it's water that's foundational for life but in too large a quantity will kill it's the sun that while integral and responsible for this planet as we know it also has no problem ending you know anything that's too openly exposed to its rays to its heat there's always a sweet spot between too much and not enough like that happy medium that intersection is why we're all here because when i don't take time to deeply think when i lose the big picture i remain in a cycle of routine and sometimes that's great right morning routine is great i don't really have to think about it i'm programmed things like driving a car as do he explains in the power of habit your foot stepping on the gas it's involuntary and thank god for that but one must be able to step outside that loop and ask the big picture questions we have to make time to at least roughly chart the course it'll change life will present its obstacles but we'll have at least parsed out what matters and what doesn't when life is all habit and reflex when you've lost the ability to examine the self because one minute alone with your thoughts is agonizing well you you won't be able to see past the surface of who you are and what you're capable of [Music] i want to be clear here this is not me uh complaining about perhaps the most prosperous society ever to exist this is me saying you know there are some dangers that we way too easily overlook that when you outsource your thinking you outsource your future and it's not hard to fall into that trap i just referenced the book deep work a few minutes ago um i think it's one of the most important books someone can read in this day and age you know cal newport talking about separating ourselves from distraction i remember the day i first listened to that book i was sick so i wasn't on my usual run i was walking and uh because of that i felt this urge to as the the book was playing to reach into my pocket and check for notifications and it really was eye-opening it's like we are scared to completely immerse ourselves in solitude but solitude is where we uncover so much silence is where we hear what our souls have to say it's where we understand who we are my favorite joseph campbell quote the cave you fear holds the treasure you seek and man i hate to say it but i think being alone even for a short period of time is that monster lurking in the cave [Music] you know the one we're scared to confront even though it's what we need solitude is the demon we are consistently masking in a constant influx of media and small talk and dms and emails you know that stuff has its value but it's it's not real in the sense that i find it disconnected from purpose so here's something that i've been doing and you know i would suggest that you give it a try it's been certainly helpful in my life and start small even if it's 15 minutes but take a walk by yourself no phone and it's challenging at first because you know you want to be consuming something even if it's you know educational valuable still right no phone solitude think about life think about who you are think about what you've always wanted and where your current reality aligns think about how much you have and how lucky you are think about any or all of these things but think let your mind go where amidst the push and pull of life you don't often let it wander for example some thoughts from my walk today some of it random sporadic noise some of it more valuable than others but all of it valuable because the process in its entirety is valuable you know i spend some time thinking about the week ahead the things i'm excited about and how to prepare for them and realize one of them i didn't want to do then had that debate with myself well do i not want to do it because it doesn't align with my goals or because it makes me uncomfortable came to the conclusion that i think it's the latter so it's staying in my schedule but i'll reassess i thought about florida i consistently think about how lucky i am to be down here after living in so many cold places um it's just such a beautiful environment and uh you know one that i don't take for granted i thought about a statement i just heard from a professional athlete after his surgery talking about how hard it was on him but that he would rise from the ashes and he would have the best year of his life and you know my mind went to one of the most important roles of leadership that it's not about you or your rise or fall right to lead is to make it about the team about the overall goal and how grateful i was to come across that video to see that and really dissect it you know sometimes the best ways we learn um is by seeing what not to do right and i'll take that with me i'll take that understanding uh with me on my own journey last thing i remember i thought about some of the books i've been consuming i've taken in an insane amount of books over the years but i practically stopped reading physical books right and now i consume mostly on audible or other audiobook methods made me wonder whether the value is equivalent how much that varies from person to person maybe something to research later right that's that's all i remember as i sit here now but the point is you know this is stuff that if i don't immerse myself in solitude and break through the barrier of boredom i don't get to you know and maybe you go through a week where you don't find much but as the saying goes right one idea one concept one epiphany can truly change the dynamic of your life could change everything right there are answers just beyond the realm of distraction we operate in some of them pertain to trivialities like the audiobooks in the cold front some of them pertain to your goals and your development who you are where you're going and how you'll get there as newport says to simply wait and be bored has become a novel experience in modern life and while his emphasis and focus is primarily on work and creating an environment to be productive i want to suggest that it's not only our work that needs saving but ourselves we can't lose touch with what matters most we can't become so shallow in our thoughts and our actions that the beauty remains buried away there is something in you that's untapped unfinished raw talent or desire there are pieces of you that need to be assembled and if left alone will wither away unremarkably quietly and probably without your noticing so my ask is that you think of this as more than you know me cheering on long walks it's not about the walks right it's about time alone with yourself and what that opens up for you it's about recognizing the spaces we need to carve out from the outside world so that when we re-enter the outside world we know who we are we understand where we're headed we don't go where the wind blows we are able as the saying goes to adjust our sales to get to our destination all you need is more time with you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 511,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, when you feel lonely, alone motivation, lonely motivation, best motivational speech, loneliness motivation, being alone motivation, inspirational video, motivational video 2022, inspirational speeches, motivational speech for students, motivational video for students, motivational speaker, feeling alone motivation, walk alone
Id: YHNw4uOeo9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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