Brazilian Mums Try Other Brazilian Mums' Feijoada

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do oh God what is this it's a lot yum yum that's perfect hello my name is Fernanda and today I'm here to try other people's feijoada so feijoada is the main dish of Brazil and it's made with black beans and different cuts of pork and you also eat with the orange green cabbage rice a little bit of fejward a little bit of rice delicioso the perfect feijoada has lots of meat different kinds of meat it's about seasoning it's about taking the time feijoa the cooking skills is a tricky one I think you when you cook something with love always come out special I'm getting really hungry now but I almost bringing the first one foreign is really really nice because it's my mom's recipe and she's been cooking for a long long time so it's my grandmother my mom and now me wow it smells good I am just missing the rice here and the orange and the Cabbage proper fish well they have to have all these ingredients it smells okay but there is a big piece there I don't know what it is oh it's a sausage big I think it's beef it's katnisseka dry meat let's see how is the taste hmm it's delicious true fish water brazilera not too bad but it's just a little bit salty just a little bit otherwise it's delicious the flavors are all there the sausages are too soft loads of different Meats I even don't know what I'm eating but it's gorgeous I like the way they presented they put all the meats but there's a lot of things missing the rice you need rice with Vegeta because if you have the rice you could balance the salt as well Brazil in a bowl really nice I love it I would give this score 8 out of 10 because it's really well done just a bit salty I'll just give this a six I would give this 8 out of 10. my visuality is very special because my babies love Fishel sorry about the purists but my freshwater has a little bit of pepperoni I'm a very risky Brazilian dude oh God what is this this is a little disappointing but maybe it's just the way it looks hmm it smells really nice ah what is the meat here I can't see anything yeah this one has a bit more of sauce the smell is really great so I can smell she used a lot of seasonings which is really nice in a feijoada for me it's black beans nicely cooked black beans but not a fish water it smells like a bee it doesn't really smell like fish water and also where's my rice kale orange maybe far off let's see maybe it tastes really nice tastes nice really nice no this is not my favorite a little bit salty no meat at all I don't know what it is to me it's just been it's not veg water this is just black beans the sauce is just perfect it's running I would add a little bit of salt that's all and The Taste is not really the taste of fish water because again I think it's the meats that give all that flavor it tastes very pouring flavor because it's um there's a lot of things missing I feel mean but that's not the fish water I expect no I'm gonna give this feijoa donate just because it was not enough salt it's a four out of ten I'll give this one a four in my feijoada today there's a mix of pork beef black beans rice kale and oranges my feijoada is very special because of the flavor and the texture of my beans with my meat this is more like it oranges this is the traditional combination this is a proper feijoada you have the grains you have the rice the beans and the orange I don't know about the flavor but that's just a little bit of cabbage I think they run out of cabbage yeah seems really nice I think the presentation is well done this is how we have it in Brazil we have the green beans you have the feijoada the rice and now we would have some cassava as well I love when you you do a mix of fruits and food I like the combination [Music] delicious it's good it actually tastes good with the orange some of the meat is too soft like a little bit fat I don't know but could do with some more meat here salt in the rice measure not much different seasoning just the basic just the taste of the black beans and the meat the combination with orange and the kale it's gorgeous the kale is well done as well and the rice is like perfect the only thing I would have here is it would be the cassava that's it you just missed the fat offer here everything else is here this dish definitely tastes like a Brazilian mom's food I think we have a winner I feel like I got a hug from my mom it's good I'll give this an eight I would give 10 out of 10 for this dish because you know just remind me my mom I think this is amazing I'm gonna give you what 10 because it was maravillozo foreign smoked bacon and sausages and pork meat eat with rice oranges and green cabbage my favorite is very special because I added everything that the feijoada should have wow it's a lot yum I can see they use some cassava flour some oranges here which go really nice with the black beans as well someone that really knows how to do a fish it has everything I love I love the orange with it for me there's not a lot of souls I don't know if it's good or bad it can be very good and it can be very bad I really like when it's thicker but I love it because then you really get the taste of the of everything and the beans that I love um [Music] although it looks a little bit dry but it's very tasty when you put the beans in a mouth it melts it tastes good Farms are good for everything but it's really nice I can't lie but there is one of the mix it's a bit too much for me I love the seasoning of the the beans I love the choice of meat I love the texture of everything I love the fat offer with it the cassava goes really well together the orange really nice for me this is amazing I feel like I'm going to lose because this is so good I want to give it 7 out of 10 because it's well done but not something that makes my eyes shine you know it doesn't remind my Mom I'm gonna give nine because it was almost perfect I'll give it a 10 out of 10. perfect yay I knew it I think it's a choice of meat the texture of the beans and everything that it had rice I have to say the other was really really nice she deserved it if you like this video make sure you like it subscribe comment and watch the other ones and do everything else keep the Brazilian food alive
Channel: BuzzFeed UK
Views: 195,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed UK, Brazil, Brazilian, South America, Feijoada, Culture, Portuguese, Mom, Mum, Mothers, Dish, Pork, Beef, Stew, Rice, Cassava, Taste, test, review, score, competition
Id: 7eLHAaO-k7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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