Filipino Women Try Other Filipino Women's Adobo

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it's like an unpleasant surprise oh my god did you hear my belly i don't know what's going on [Music] hi i'm mae and today i'm trying other filipino women's adobo adobo is the philippines national dish everyone had their own way of making their own adobo the most important aspect would be the soy the vinegar bay leaves and garlic i don't put bay leaf in maya double i don't know if that's weird my perfect adobo has a lot of zabao which is the soup and meat has to be tender and delicious nothing chewy maybe there might be a chicken and pork one gonna have to [Music] i see wait to try everyone else's adobo so let's just get to it i'm not gonna lie i switched up this adobo i kept it in the slow cooker for like five to seven hours and i added carrots because you know we need to have some vegetables it's pork i love pork first off the sizing of the meat's tiny isn't it it looks nice but it's just a smell i just can't get that um the adobo smell it's got carrots in it it's weird to me but it might be nice i think there is coconut on there you know this is definitely much more sour than mine it smells different to me it might just be me though different is there vinegar here i can't actually taste the vinegar it's a bit tasteless i think it's the carrot that just takes away the taste the meat is really soft it's nice the best thing about this dish is that i like that they added the fat of the pork in there but taste wise it doesn't taste overly like a double to me i wasn't too sure of the carrots to be honest that's the first time i've ever seen a double with carrots i like this dish i don't think it needed to be improved if her family loves it then that's all that matters i would improve this by adding a little bit more of the traditional filipino adobo ingredients you gotta have peppercorns in a double maybe remove the carrots it's nice but um yeah it just needs a bit more seasoning [Music] for an adobo dish i would give this a 5 out of 10. i would give this dish a 7 out of 10. i will give this a 5 out of 10. a bit more seasoning that's it thank you my adobo is nice and succulent juicy i like a bit of that burnt in there so that crispiness and my kids love it as well well they have to love it isn't it i'm their mom oh hello oh this egg smells so fragrant i love it so what is this about i'm kind of sad because my rice is going to feel a little bit dry because there's no soup we usually use jasmine rice but basmati rice is also nice the pork size is great actually this is perfect i think it's talking to me because of all the oil from the fat it's good there's more vinegar in this adobo than i'm used to [Music] nice and soft so good [Music] i can tell that they put a bit of chili oil in that shorter double so that's a nice little kick to it i would really like a bit just a tiny bit of sauce i feel like i'm chewing a lot the rice is dry as well because there's no sauce i think it's good it's a good adobo but the meat oh the meat is just perfectly cooked and it goes really well with the chili oil chili the chili oil is actually really nice to it i really like this adobo i'm saying that i'm not entirely a fan of dry adobo it just feels like a fried dish rather than a soupy home dish i would definitely borrow the egg idea but i probably won't cook it as cooked as this i'll give this dish eight out of ten because it looks like than a double it's just that for me i want more sauce i'd give this a seven out of ten i would give this a double an eight out of ten [Music] i wanted to give it a lot more than that to be fair but because i don't like bay leaf in my double i use pork as the main ingredient also in my adobo i add a bit of green chilies it just gives that extra flavor for me yeah you really need to try it it smells really good like that was the first thing that hit me but it's nice it's quite similar to what i would do from what i can see they've got onions and it's got fat in the pork the chili i don't know if i'm going to even try and tempt that chili because i don't want to be like okay no maybe i just don't take chili well you can taste the chili but not much spice in it [Music] that's nicely cooked the meat that's really nice it feels like they actually marinated because i could taste them the sauce more in the in the meat so initially i did think it was going to be dry but when you bite into it it's nice and soft i like that it's got the fat in the in the pork because i think that adds flavors to it as well the meat is really nice it's not chewy it just melts in your mouth so it's lovely it's lovely taste my least favorite thing is the chili i'm not into that especially for my adobo this lady cooked it really really well she should be proud of herself i would like to to know what's what she's put in there it's delicious i'll give this adobo nine out of ten i don't give anything ten but you are so close to 10 i will give this a double and the rain i give this a double of 5 out of 10. i know there's more to eat but this is lovely my adobo today has chicken and pork i couldn't decide which meat to use so i added both it doesn't have a lot of sauce but it's got an intense flavor in it oh it's chicken and pork i've heard people do that actually but i've never made it myself it's a really big chicken with the small little pork it smells more vinegary than the usual double i see the danger the little black pepper ball don't don't have this in your mouth the meat looks tender and it looks like it's well cooked and it's got the peppercorns which i love no no ginger unless it's under there let's see it's tender it's succulent it's not that chewy it's nice and tender it's lovely [Music] oh i like this adobo okay the pork's good let's try the chicken [Music] hmm how many items have i said now i think you're gonna have to leave some on the side for me i'm gonna finish this i reckon they actually um you know marinated overnight to get that juiciness the sauce is thick which is good my favorite thing about this adobo is probably the mixture of the chicken and the pork taste is amazing actually i really like it i would also maybe cut up the chicken maybe have it the same size as the pork it's nice just i haven't got that vinegary and the sauces it's just something maybe a little bit more the meat's perfect i thought and it's something that i would really like to eat again i would give this score seven out of ten i would give this a double dish a nine out of ten i give this a double an eight out ten [Music] hey i'm so happy thank you so much really can they try again it's okay i'm gonna eat some more of mine at home anyway if you enjoyed this video make sure you like and subscribe to catch more of these types of videos
Channel: BuzzFeed UK
Views: 540,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobo, BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed UK, Chicken, Dish, Filipino, Filipino Women Try Each Other's Adobo, Flavour, Food, National Dish, Philippines, Pork, Review, Rice, Soy Sauce, Staple, Taste Test, Try, Umami
Id: VRswO3n1d40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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