Brad Makes Pickled Fermented Eggs | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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This series is the best. Brad and Vin (and Claire) have really gotten me into cooking this past year.

👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/always1putt 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Vincenzo brought his fucking A-game on this one

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/fprosk 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Little prick holes.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/TaintSaint 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/kungfusansu 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

One of the best youtube channels!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/kummybears 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love brad, that is all.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/avenol 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

I just wanna say Brad Leone is insanely entertaining, and single-handily got me into cooking more adventurous dishes.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/HawkLion 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Really like the channel but the videos are super over-edited, I feel like I am watching a Call of Duty montage by a teenager.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/BullyHunter1337 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ameil looks like James for sugar pine 7

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Rice3000 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
but don't be pulling that crunchies no no no no no no well not go to the nurse's office all right Vinnie today on its live we're gonna be doing some fermented eggs sounds a little weird but it's kind of just a riff on pickled eggs it's delicious do you make that'll make some of the best deviled eggs you ever had great on little Sam which will probably do a little nice open-faced tomato toast but it's relatively simple you want more Oh buddy I'll give you more have you ever had a pickle day you walk into some weird bar so I mean there's a big jar with some funky eggs floating in it they're delicious I love pickled eggs always have this is just a cool riff on it so I took some eggs Vinnie and just normal as you know nice eggs and a hard boil them so what I do is I throw them in cold water bring it up to a boil okay as soon as the water comes to a boil I cover it turn it off let let these sit for like 9 10 minutes as soon as that timer goes off I dump them in the ice water you want to shock them with some cold water quick makes her an easier easier peel I found so just some hard-boiled eggs cook them however you want next I got some garlic I got three cloves here I'm just gonna go crush them let those hang out for a little bit let that little look at Alison go a little bit of that funk going and then we got a couple hot peppers no friends no I'm gonna nip the top off of these and then that's it I'll cut this in half and then we'll leave these whole just got two little sprig tiny sprigs of dill it's a balanced act with this so you don't want to go crazy because it will start to really take over the flavor and then some bay leaves fresh bay leaves in my opinion one of the most underrated what is it I guess it's just a leaf they have so much flavor and so much aroma to them fantastic you can find fresh ones they're great these are I mean these are getting a little dry but they're fresh and they're easy to grow you can buy a plant keep it in your house or whatever they're super nice to have so we have to or into a little experiment all right a little it's a live experiment so what we do basically is we're gonna make a brine I have three cups of water into the water I'm gonna put two tablespoons of salt in there boom all right you get that shot Vinny like that whoa buddy and then we got a half a teaspoon of sugar just a little okay and then check this out Vinny you aren't getting close to this one but well yeah starter culture this is just it's a mixture of bacterias and yeast first starting fermenting vegetables and stuff like that since we don't have a ton of vegetables I like to add this just as that little light for us you can also you can have a little plug of kombucha you can add a little some sauerkraut juice some way any kind of cultured bacteria you know culture starter liquid that you have you can add to the mix so I'm just gonna give that a nice stir so this recipe that we're doing I have 12 eggs and the amount of water and the spices and stuff like that is for 12 eggs but we're gonna split it into two and I have just the whole peeled hard-boiled eggs and then the same thing here but I'm gonna take a cake tester and I just I just want to poke them in there I want the the brine to penetrate in a little bit more and help get a little more of that ferment the lactic kind of acid into the egg but I haven't done it before in theory it should work but I didn't know if it was going to make the egg fall apart so instead of doing it to a mall I just wanted to do it to half and then into the jar we go it's a nice crushed up garlic all right got a clove and a half each some nice little dill just a little bit you can really do anything but I like to do kind of like a tree I'm kind of treating it like a classic pickle kind of vibe and then some of the fresh bay leaves and I just like to bruise them a little get the oils going then I got a serrano pepper just gonna slightly bruised it drop that bad boy in alright and then a Fresno so we have our jars everything is the same except for the holes pricked in the holes pricked in our in the other ones with the edges or I didn't remember that let me write that down because I'll forget to the station we always gonna change always label your tip yeah people love to take my tape I got the good stuff that's why alright so that's basically it next we take on our master Brian that we made there that we hit with that starter culture and I'm gonna pour that I'm gonna give it a little stir Easter real quick I want to make sure everything's nice and dissolved so we get a nice even pour here yeah now this is three cups of water a little over but we're gonna do about a cup and a half in each we want you the egg should be submerged that's an important fact oh well yeah that's a fact you want your eggs be submerged we let this ferment for about I found the sweet spot to be three days you can go longer things start getting a little weird they're very good but they started getting a little different lid goes on we'll give it a little turn II turn for good measure hardly that that's all look too bad and then we'll throw these bad boys in the fermentation station huh oh we never got the spices mages little mustard seed maybe a little black pepper let's go see what we have in the spice cabinet and we'll shop together then it's mum hey Claire all right imagine a pickled egg or a fermented egg in this case all right we got dill we've got garlic and hot peppers wait what kind of spices well coriander I'm into that what about sue macular anything he's gonna do anything we want that sumac Vince Claire good meeting thanks Claire that's how inspiration comes stems from whoa Gabby Hey all right Vinnie what are we doing oh yeah I like sumac adds a nice little acid kind of you know um there's a tart taste to it and then we'll do Corky in there you know everyone's happy good back the table V being chained though gossipy carry on oh yeah smell that this is gonna be this is a great idea Vince I think so sumac let's think here this is a half a teaspoon I'm gonna go a little shy a half a teaspoon like that that's nice all right and then we got just some fresh coriander maybe we toast it huh all right well toast in your spices ways it's gonna help bring out some of the oils in the flavors and just make it real well it's like one of those videos you see if you're high where you ever see like when they put something over a speaker and then they'll put sand on the speaker on the on the glass and then the bass goes and it makes these crazy vibrations are fascinating vibrations are like fins all right back to the seats if you guys have gardens or window sills or anything that's exposed to sunlight grow your own herbs especially especially cilantro the money wants the flower let it go in the flower and let it it makes all these beautiful seeds coriander seeds the ones you get from a plant are just there unbelief is almost like a complete different spikes grow your own herbs alright we're good then I'm just gonna give these alive I took the I've said the mortar and pestle this is the pestle Clare mortar and pestle peso all right we're gonna give them a little crush that's just gonna really open things up nothing crazy but just a nice little cracking and then we'll do yeah like a seven eighths of a teaspoon oh this is beautiful it's amazing when you toast your spices how much they open up from just being dried boom just like that and then we're gonna give it a nice little shaky-shaky we're gonna guys there's a snow globe world any you ready oh my hands are blocking you I'll just put it down okay yeah so you want to mix them and you can do this you know once a day just give them a little mix or something but you want to do gentle you know I want to go busting up the egg so we'll pop this into the fermentation station well we'll pop these into the fermentation station and yeah three days many so today's Monday Thursday fermenting eggs I'll make you a little tomato toast alright it's gonna be wonderful I know I told you to check back by was it Thursday tasties day but here let me pull these over which do a quick little check it a little fermentation checking I have a mess in low what I'm a little but there you can see lots of little bubbles coming up things are happening it's a lot of pressure here see it's pushing back on the thing there Vince if you want to zoom in on this one we can get a little crack snap all right didn't do anything it's been it's been right that's what I was thinking so I'm hoping this up maybe we get a little i'ma wait for you this time that's it that's how you know it's working look at all the bubbles now coming up everything's moving around all that depressurization these are the ones we did the little prick holes in and these are the ones we though you kept all nice like a little pickle day right let me taste the brine so I'll do you those tangy it's got a nice little garlicky smell to it it smells it doesn't smell bad at all you would think you know we're trying to pick a leaf or mint tea some eggs are gonna be pretty stinky but it doesn't really smell eggy at all let's get in there and look excuse me we're trying to make some quality programming here I'm gonna cut one in half lengthwise this is one of the pricks all right looks like a hard-boiled egg I don't really see any briny penetration not that there was much color to the brine a good experiment I guess we should try next time Vince do it with like one with some tumeric in it or some beet juice they would diet red or yellow and that you would see maybe little stains going in it might look like a weird eyeball and this is the one that doesn't have the little the little prick holes in it looks identical well yeah I think it looks the same so let's try it by itself here no salt no nothing this is the one with the little with the pricks mmm actually quite nice it tastes like a nice seasoned salted all the way through which means that Brian did penetrate it's got a nice garlic he dill it really does pick up the flavors of what you put in the brine so that's good that was pretty tasty and let me try the Mormon out to breakfast David's last pretty close but I think the one with the holes had a little bit stronger of a seasoning throughout it so Vinnie well maybe we'll make a little eggs out of this huh it's gonna have them and then I just like to take a little fork okay and just start mashing them up a little now they're already seasoned now I'm gonna add a little bit of salt but it really doesn't only because we're gonna add some other ingredients but it doesn't really need to too much and then here I chopped up just some little pickles you know those little cornichons Cornish Jones we're gonna add some of that right into there I like that look we'll just do a little pinch of salt okay a little bit of black pepper no wrong a little black pepper in your eggs out you know I mean Vince what do I got here some top secret man mustard there without me and ol Vinnie been experimenting wit you're gonna throw dab that in there and that means put a little bit of mayonnaise oh that's the stuff huh I think that's a pretty good consistency it's gonna give a little taste nice yeah no more salt I think that's really good let's make it a little something to eat man you're actually getting a little shaky over there ten bucks we get Chris to take a bite ten bucks check this out Benny I got this real nice dark dark rye bread all right got a nice little tomato yeah buddy that's the stuff nice tooth in August New York baby huh tomatoes you're not eating tomatoes now I will put a little bit of just a little bit olive oil little drizzle on that you got to put a little olive oil on your tomato yeah yeah and just a little black pepper because it seems like the right thing to do oh that looks good huh yeah we can just eat that but I'm thinking we could put a little bit of this egg salad right on top there nice little open face or and then the thing we'll just do a little chive you try we take a little cut of this got to try it out you know cut this up into little triangles put it on your plate huh have your friends over oh yeah mmm hey Emile I get you to try something gotta pull back the mustard a little bit on the eggs oh but delish delish I love how mustardy it is I feel like I get like just like the egg and the mustard together you get like the nice kind of like fermented right working its way through that if I didn't tell you it was for men's aid you would you not would you no I don't think I would know I think I'd be like nicely seasoned Brad look when you pickle with vinegar eggs me I'm a little like springy yeah rubbery tender this is like three-and-a-half days after that I found it does get like rubbery when weird happen if you get backed off in the cooking time of it if you had like more like eight minute like a little more jammy yeah I don't know if that would be my thing I don't like cold jammy again that's what's fun about cooking do what you like we're just here to help you we are here to help you yeah have some fun just do it bone Appetit baby chop this up let's feed the gang Chris ran what'd I tell you when we put the knife down people get nervous you know we got he saw a little fear in his eye when we started talking about Christian gonna try that fermented egg where'd he go boom never seen someone run to the office so hard who owes you what I don't know nothing I got the end of the day you didn't hear that thing what's that is this enough action for you oh well now I go to the nurse's office okay all right now scram oh my god there's hair for god sake hey mother came on the spoon get out of here mustards antibacterial it does let's just take a look cool it's been so humid hot in the tri-state area being well I guess what is the tri-state around here so it's New York New Jersey and either Pennsylvania Connecticut depends who you ask I always thought it was Pennsylvania Connecticut I think it is gonna get actually no I feel rude let's just let's just wait a minute you know consideration and courtesy isn't dying thing in this world let's bring it back you
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 4,353,199
Rating: 4.9360657 out of 5
Keywords: eggs, what is, brad, brad leone, it's alive, alive, fermented, live food, test kitchen, how to make, fermentation, probiotics, make, bon appetit brad, brad bon appetit, brad makes, brad it's alive, brad makes pickled eggs, pickled eggs, how to make pickled eggs, pickled egg recipe, fermented eggs, how to ferment, make pickled eggs, pickled eggs recipe, spicy pickled eggs, making pickled eggs, pickling, pickling eggs, homemade pickled eggs, food, bon appetit
Id: pbFHvwAjKyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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