Brad Makes Fermented Hot Honey | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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hey guys hey and it's live we'll be doing a real simple fun fermented recipe fermented chili hot honey and then we're going to drizzle it over and make a little fried chicken hell of a snack hell of a treat hell of a dinner [Applause] [Music] oh ha here at my house we're gonna start with the chili's all right so the recipe calls for five habaneros one serrano and then one jalapeno i got some red jalapenos so i'm gonna scale that up a little bit i'm gonna go two of each of the others and six habaneros i really love the floralness it's kind of these real tropical notes as well as a lot of heat that comes from the habaneros i throw the seeds right in there too and then with the peppers i just like to slice them thin that way they really just kind of infuse really nicely and ferment in that honey we're going to throw it over some fried chicken today and then right in right in the jar kind of originated from the garlic fermented garlic honey it almost looks like it's not even honey and we didn't add anything else very similar application this one's just a bit spicier i mean any other flavor notes you could really you could throw a cinnamon stick in there if you wanted to throw you know a couple a couple threads of saffron if you're feeling if you're feeling cute knock yourself out you know oh with the honey you just want to get the best stuff you can i like to get a nice local raw honey a lot of people out there um there's all types it's a big honey community if you look you know they got different hives you can go to farmers markets it's definitely the way to go bees oh the bees the pot the great pollinators and then look i cut up a little couple gloves of garlic crushing the garlic you know gets that nice allicin going uh but then also slicing it you know that does it as well um and i just like how it can eat you can have nice little thin slices you can kind of spoon over food using it more as a condiment and then getting some honey like i said i just want to get some i'm up here in connecticut and uh we got some nice connecticut honey from uh oh cory's uh family they got some hives and they um set us up with some nice stuff here it's delicious it's wonderful it's it's a you know it's i was nibbling on it before and it just has such like a candy kind of you know barney but not like crazy it actually smells it smells awesome i'm really excited to what it's going to do with the chilies especially those habaneros that tropical fruitiness kind of does wonderful things with a honey like this so oh god it smells so good so i'm just going to pour that over this and then we'll let it mix around a little bit and then i cover it with cheesecloth i'm going to add the whole jar and then you can nip at this all year you know and as it ferments it'll you know the peppers they they don't break down but they get softer and they wilt out and they also will it'll start to bubble so i just put cheese salt over it because it will give off a bunch of gas and ferment honey by it's you know by nature it's a you know i don't it never goes bad right you might want to fact check that but i think it kind of just like never goes bad it's got its own like peroxide high it's a miracle it's because the bees take all the moisture out of it and it's just like a nice little you know high sugar or whatever else is in there kind of thing and the no moisture makes sense just it doesn't go bad okay then you know the egyptians but you know they just just google it so i'm adding these chilies to it which are you know you're going to do a little bit of its own lacto ferment in there so just by the all the microorganisms that are in the honey but then also that are on the peppers they're going to ferment in there they're going to give off bubbles they're going to get loose they're going to give off the water that's in the cell walls of the pepper and that'll make it for a much more looser consistency animal it's beautiful look at that it a nice stir i just like to let the peppers mix around a bit and you know they can break up you know it doesn't have to keep super perfect rings i don't really mind just like any ferment you know it's gonna it's gonna happen faster in a warmer climate or in a warmer place so keep it somewhere where it's going to be around anywhere from 60 to 75 degrees and that's just really going to determine how fast it takes to get to what you want it to be so that's it oh wow oh just you know obviously it's honey and chili's but sweet but then just you know that instant kind of habanero heat was there put a little cheese cloth on that all right so we got our honey all set up this one's going to take about you know a week sometimes two weeks i go it's a little cooler these days i like to push it a little bit too with the fermentation really let all the bubbles stop and kind of let it just mellow the garlic will get a nice little amber color all the peppers are kind of wilt down i put that in a cool dark spot you know somewhere over here somewhere over there i don't know yet maybe up here away from the kiddos you know my kids getting this one all right get in their eyes ruin the day get in their mouth nothing about it it's good for the kiddos unless they're you know into that stuff and a little older i do have a swap here that's about you know about six or seven days in they can you can tell how loose it is already we'll see how it is i'm gonna fry up a little chicken thighs and we'll get into that let these hang out and then let's get going get this baby hot yeah buddy we're gonna do a simple little flower egg bread you know bread crumb little you know classic little egg wash a little fry job we're gonna drizzle some hot chili honey on there oh proper oh god some real nice egg noodles or something that's what i'm talking about cory let's go to italy we'll make raviolis and drink funky little barn wine little italian guys with little little fingers first thing first the flour it's just all-purpose flour egg some people like to use a tong i just wash my hands like every other time and this was panko and they also added just some like regular breadcrumbs to it too i'd say like uh like 23 regular breadcrumbs seasoned corey you watching the new sex in the city you know i'm not quite sure which one's which but i like the like the older sassy one that like uh like you know i guess like slept around a lot i guess i'd be her yes i'd be a samantha in case you don't know corey has a podcast all about sex in the city it's called the bradshaw boys maybe you get it i don't just some grandma style chicken you know what i'm saying how do you like that hood corey right getting that smoke right out of there you guys are making fun of me because i keep my head on it all the time but boom see you later i got my crystal for good energy [Music] that lovely huh [Music] this is the one we just started about 30 minutes ago looks about the same okay and here's the one we did about a week ago same kind of honey oh yeah nice and loose all right so this one's been going and uh captain corey he's been burping it and babysitting now let's see if there's any oh yeah i had a little i don't know if you picked that up either way you could tell look it's it's starting to wilt out a bunch and the big thing you can you know it's giving off all of its own water and that's this is the one that's been fermenting and that gives off you know as it's doing its own lacto fermentation it's giving off uh the peppers have a lot of water in them as well so that's kind of leaching out into the honey loosening in and out if you keep watching it in a warm one this will get real bubbly and fermenty and just smells it smells incredible smells like a mixture of like a lacto-fermented hot sauce meat to sweet honey and uh yeah not mad about it so yeah that's what you're looking for giving off gas bubbles and then ultimately a nice loosened out honey that's one week i'll go another week on that one two weeks total but again it's always depending on the temperature and the honey and the peppers and the yadda yadda yadda perfect come on who doesn't like that a large population of the world sure got a spoon oh my god there it is get it back in a little chili mop all right i'm going right there i can't help it anymore nope just want to taste it by itself real quick too you know that initial like caspian burn your mouth fire really really toned down and what you're left with is those really pleasant tropical floral notes from the pepper that's incredible you can go heavy on it you know you really put it on that chicken and um even a little bit of pepper put a little pepper on there it's really good it's such an easy thing to do the applications are great i mean it'd be great in a vinaigrette you can put it in a sauce spicy candy drizzle it's unbelievable i think it'd be phenomenal on fish not to be a squid hound but just great on some grilled squid really easy recipe i mean it's just chili and garlic and some honey and get the best stuff you can always grow it if you can even better and then tune in next time when we do something cool at my house again we're talking rooster talk and uh i have we had four of them well i shot one and ate them we harvested one and um and then the one then there was one he's all he's all matched up with the one uh the main hen that we got the first hand that we got and then the other new hens they kind of shacked up with the one real handsome black and white speckled one and then the other one he was like man i'm screwed i ain't no no one wants nothing to do with me so he ran across the street to our neighbors uh and he's shacking up in there he's got the best thing going he's got like six or seven hens all over there by himself eating food strutting around no one messing with him and yeah like i guess i don't know where we were going with that [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 834,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ba brad, bon appetit, bon appetit brad, bon appetit recipe, brad bon appetit, brad it's alive, brad leone, brad leone 2022, brad makes, chili pepper honey, fermented honey, food, honey with chili pepeprs, honey with chili peppers, hot honey, how to make infused honey, infused honey, it's alive, it's alive bon appetit, it's alive fermented hot honey, make fermented honey, make hot honey, make infused honey, make spicy honey, spicy honey chicken katsu, spicy honey recipe
Id: NkGGTvIoGoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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