Boys VS Girls Sleepover - [GACHA PARODY]

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sleep overs are the best and no I don't mean like you're scrolling on your iPad at night and your sleep is over because you're procrastinating to go to bed and then you wake up and then it's time to go to school and you only had like one hours sleep that's not what I'm talking about I don't do that if anybody else does that that's on you I don't do that who said I did that nobody did nobody put cardless sleepovers with your friends where you get to talk about different things and your problems your feelings your emotions those will sleep overs I'm talking about and in today's Dasha we're going to be exploring what it's like to have a sleepover boys versus girls style so enjoy this gotcha and wash it all the way through if you dare and yes that is a challenge good luck nerds I love all my nerds by the way just just put that out there anyway enjoy tired what happened yes hospital my friend is dead and I need you to talk right away [Music] where's the bed Oh later at the hospital huh what happened yes hello Judge Judy I'd like to report a crime she's alive I was never dead but we see the ambulance whoosh - I was tired I must have fallen asleep at the bus stop John what the heck you took her poles no I said it took her Paul she was deficient in vitamin C Oh whoopsie are you two done being dumb yet I just want to take a nap Wow someone's cranky I didn't get any sleep last night because I kept but do say couldn't sleep last night this is the 17th time you haven't been able to sleep I think we need to help you how are y'all gonna help me because your sleep will be over okay looks like your chart is all good you look healthy you passed the hospital test now as your doctor I prescribe to you young lady along well rested night at a sleepover no buts young lady now you girls go and have the time of your lives later school this is gonna be the best sleepover we're gonna have it over at half Mouse house and it'll be great guys I don't think we can have it my house my mom will forfeit and desperate I like hanging what are y'all nerds up to we're gonna sleep over at a house house oh but why wasn't I invited you guys guys Oh what is this nerd who he's also our friend I just overheard that the girls who are friends with ass now are going to have a sleepover at my house why do we care well I don't think it's fair that the girls get to have all the fun hey that's right Aaron neighbors next to each other guys guys stop I know the idea you're kidding well yes I thought I live right next to each other and that pretty much means we're practically married what's it like living next to a girl that's right that's some commitment I'm always nervous and sweaty it's very very serious between us even though you two have never talked shut up are we talking about again sleepover that's right all right so F Mel was having a super crazy sleep over at her house it's not fair we weren't invited so we should have an even better sleepover at Aaron's house yeah we can't my parents kind of forbade it what why yeah why can't you have sleepovers because one night you're pretending to have a sleepover why stuffed animals you know just to practice how things would go on a real sleepover but uh then I've been afraid of sleepovers ever since such a tragic backstory I never knew but now is the time to get over that yeah we can't have the girls have a better sleepover than us yeah we need a reason to challenge them to prove with mom or superior for no reason at all right all right you guys have won the argument you will have the most legendary sleepover oh right later after school okay mom can I have a sleepover tonight what no absolutely not sleepovers are illegal in this house sleepover leads to spin the bottle which can lead to thinking of boys which just thinking about them can get you pregnant which can wait hold on one second hello wait what I just won a trip to Japan but my flight leaves in 30 minutes from now I'm on my way all right listen up nerd I'm going to Japan as your mother I am trusting you to not have any sleepovers while I'm gone got it all right I'm gone see you in two weeks my mom is gone tempura sleepover all right time to have the best sleepover I got the movies but why do we need those what I'll just put these away under my pillow yeah all right let's do this a sleepover yeah I said you could never have a sleepover because the last time you exploded the house and fire oh it was just a phase mom I does not care I said it and it is my house and under my roof you will obey my hello what I want a trip to Japan but my flight leaves in 30 minutes yeah all right nerd I'm going to Japan right now oh okay just don't do anything dumb okay now we can do what guys do it asleep shoot guys do it sleepovers watch the news yeah we guys like news politics that's right there was a sleepover across town from Aaron's house the people who died were at a sleepover and they were girls the bad guy is still on the loose looking for more sleepovers to tell oh this isn't good what if he comes after us last authorities heard was the bad guy was going to ask now's house and he said he was feeling steady where could the killer be going I said he was going to F Mouse house I have no idea but what about the girls next door they're having a sleepover too that's right and they're far more beautiful than us so he's probably going to go after them first no I have kind of a crush of the pink one all yuck at least I can admit my feelings we have to go saves them all right now smell the bottle landed on you truth or dare oh you're no fun all right is it true you have a crush on the werewolf boy who lives next to you [Music] what's going on listen women I wanted to tell you all that you are in great danger and oh I think it's the other way around too late I am here to destroy you all help me hold the door Wow great thanks hey since we gonna die I wanted to let you know I've always crushed on you really yeah we're safe I think but where's everyone else oh this is bad this is bad this is bad hey um do you want to make out sure way ahead of you oh you're gonna cool really Thanks not many people say that about me oh but you're so sweet I just want to hug you even though we may get cooties yes what do we do I know magic what's this all right we got everyone here to beat up the bad guy now it's time for you all to kick the bucket [Music] [Music] yes ambulance from before you can always count on us medical professionals wow this was one crazy sleepover now to pretend like none of this ever happened and so our heroes ended up chatting cooties [Music] [Music] you don't know how I should
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,356,064
Rating: 4.9158554 out of 5
Keywords: spotlight, showcase, aphmau, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.10.2, aph, no swearing, no cursing, gachaverse, gacha studio, gacha life, gachaverse aphmau, gacha aphmau, gacha aarmau, gacha sleepover, boys girls sleepover, girls sleepover, boys vs girls
Id: r2jInaaV24Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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