My Identical Twin - [GACHA PARODY - MINI MOVIE]

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have you ever wondered what it's like to have a twin I have because you know what that would mean that would mean that one YouTube videos will get done faster - I could do story content much more often three if one of us is good in a subject and the other one wasn't then like we could trade places it would just be so cool realistically though that is not exactly how twins work trust me I have friends who are twins and that's not how things work they're their own individuals but thinking about it in a story perspective and if your Twitter was evil it'd be a really interesting concept so on today's gotcha we're gonna figure out what it would be like if you met your long-lost identical twin it might be absolutely amazing or it might be absolutely scary and terrifying we're gonna find out which one it is and I think you guys know which one it's going to be no spoilers for me though anyway let's just jump into it kid can't clap like that okay all right cool yeah start the episode once upon a time there was a mom I'm a mom but the truth was she wasn't a mom yet I'm not a mom yet she had dreams of having a children some day and that day was today like literally right now I want to have a child right now but she forgot how children work so she made a wish I am making a wish right now that someday I hope to have a healthy baby girl after making her wish she fell asleep once she fell asleep a miracle happened the baby fairy appeared right in her room okay let's see what we got you all right so this lady wished for a baby girl okay I got this all right now all I got do is leave these baby seats on their pillow by the time she wakes up in the morning they'll be grown there we go that's our baby's work after all you put the baby seats under the pillow and the mom hatches them like chicken eggs yep and with no work done the baby fairy sets off I'm off the next morning Wow good night huh what was that but wait I only asked for one baby girl now I have twins oh I guess I have to give you guys names okay you will be atma and you will be arena all right babies let's go to the mall I need to get you girls some clothes and toys all right my strong sassy baby twin girls mommy is going to go shopping while you two wait here hmm I don't have any baby toys so here are some fireworks you babies can play with completely unsupervised yep I am such a good parent I okay be right [Music] the babies were just kidnapped by fireworks the fair works kidnapped them don't worry ma'am a man case later that evening we were only able to recover for one of the two babies you had ma'am and you go wait that means you weren't able to find the other baby no ma'am I'm afraid that wait what were you talking about I don't know I forgot anyway ma'am good luck please Oh precious daughter of mine I will always take care of you wait which one oh you're the earth now baby alright half now I your mom will always make sure you are safe this will never happen again now you play with these fireworks while I get dinner ready many years later half malsum house survives her mother's terrible parenting and now she is all grown up where is she I smell beautiful I'm so glad you could make it we're here to find our wedding coming up in a week after all I wouldn't miss this meeting for the worlds come sit down my beautiful and hot fiance that I've known forever Oh a small and wrong so good to see you guys yeah hello mr. waiter Aaron you're my favorite customer what's in the usual please no joy your food will be right down oh also I have a few no staff members so forgive them if they are a bit slow all right remember not to eat too many cheeseburgers from here it will go straight to your thighs then you'll explode I think we know mr. waiter oh right my love let's plan out our wedding one week before the wedding right oh but wait I need a little bathroom real quick bareback here's your order huh huh why are you dressed as a waitress huh I mean if you wanted to roleplay we could have waited until after we play in the wedding you're very charming and funny sir but I'm sure you have me mistaken for someone else Oh what I forgot you drink be right back who did you change so fast what are you talking about Aaron I've been wearing the same outfit since I got here you're confusing me I don't like this confuse are you getting the wedding jitters don't worry I know just how to fix that want to make out yeah oh shoot in one second Aaron I gotta take this call from the flower arrangement person for our wedding Oh be right back here are your drinks what is happening sir are you okay No one second you're dressed in regular clothes and now you're pretending to be a waitress again make up your mind you seem really stressed out it's kind of cute look are we getting married or not married [Music] just like me I have to face what's all the ruckus about hmm I have two waitresses wait mother told me about this are you here my long-lost twin sister oh so beautiful that evening I can't believe it we finally found you arena it's great to see you guys again this is so good now arena can go to your wedding half-mile yay all right I'm going to leave you two alone you girls play nice there are some fireworks in the closet if you girls so f mal what have you been up to in your life well as you already know I'm getting married to the love of my life Erin I have a successful company that's those cheeseburgers and I have lots of money and friends and yeah that's pretty much what I do oh I see what about you well I don't have a hot fiance like you do I've been lots of relationships but nobody can handle all of this plus I keep getting kicked from jobs and I don't have a lot of money your friends oh yeah oh yeah it sucks well we can change that now that we found each other really how all my friends can become your friends and I can help you out with a job if you need and your fiancee become my fiancee no I don't want to share him so yeah Oh fine come on let me introduce you to all of my life [Music] [Music] I can't believe you have a twin sister half mouth she's so funny can't tell us apart I know it's been wonderful to meet her after all these years I love her with all my heart already all your heart oh wow you're just as creepy as I smile too just joking anyway let's get going we gots to get ready for your wedding tomorrow laughs no that's right let's go later that night I'm gonna watch the news now because guys like to watch the news dad ooh half Mouse sister was found died outside the most fancy restaurant known as what a burger oh no the police say she ate too many cheeseburgers and exploded a deliciously horrible way to go this can't be happening Arina died I'm so sorry what am I going to do it's ok athma we all loved her in the few days that we knew her she was so kind and so sweet and we'll always love and remember her for the good person we all knew she was I know you go get some sleep because tomorrow is our wedding and arena would want you to be happy thank you I'm going to go to bed now huh oh you must be so sad still the bedroom is that way oh right I knew that [Music] later at the wedding and now that these two will get married if anyone has any objection speak now or forever hold your peace that isn't me Aaron wait wait wait I'm confused you were supposed to be exploded from cheeseburgers I see through your game sis you wanted to take my life it's my life now and he's my husband wait wait wait I never married her what can I do true love's kiss kiss the Queen who is your ass now I got this Aaron now's her chance on it well married to me and your life is mine Oh No she's right that's how weddings work I'm so sorry you two look identical so wait I found a loophole since they're twins the marriage book says that if one of them is evil getting true love's kiss from the fiancee of the other twin will make the evil one explode what Aaron I knew you loved me of course baby now I'll wipe out that nasty town for you [Music] you don't know how I should
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,603,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: Cq64PmqcA5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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