Boys VS Girls Singing Battle [GACHA PARODY]

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we have been suffering from a lack of gotcha boy band girl band parodies that's right into Dave gotcha we're gonna see what it's like to be in a boy band or it grew bent and how they can go at each other with music because we're gonna have some musical specials in here everyone loves musicals and if you don't love it it's gonna get heated anyway hope you guys enjoy what are you doing back here you know you're supposed to show up 30 minutes before the high school ball musical starts right all right I'll let it slide this time a smile but you better hurry and get ready the competition's gonna be fierce this year I'm sorry I'm late ladies you better be sorry tonight is the most important night of our lives I know I'm sorry this is the most super important mega event for us at this magical singing high school this event is going to decide whether or not we become famous or not yes let me explain this event is like prom for us at this super magical school all the students want to become pop singers I thought all of us will make it I already know that Caitlyn who are you explaining that to huh oh no one wait who are we fighting against their name is in this envelope right here wait you had that this whole time yeah I wanted to save opening it for dramatic effect fine open it keep all right I'm gonna open it slowly for dramatic effect oh my god you're taking so long any day now shut up this is the most suspenseful done who are our rivals let's see our rivals are who is it oh it's you wish one of us was your boyfriend oh wait what it's that seriously the name of their group yeah that's the name of their group all right that's a very cocky name I really expect that kind of name to be successful in any way shape or form are going against us with your boyfriend I bet a super huge wait what fall for them now I usually root for you girls but today I have to betray y'all don't worry after this we'll go back to being your super fan see you guys later break some legs my favorite boy tag I can't believe their stupid name is working for them yes hello can I order one of the you which one of us was your boyfriend shirts yes I know it costs a million dollars I mean their name does read my mind we need a new band name hey our name I picked it no one likes pizza party look I don't think that's what Caitlin means I think she's just talking about the fact that the only calls we get as a band are parents who want to throw pizza parties for their kids birthdays yeah nobody calls to pay a million dollars for our shirts we need a name that's cool and hip and makes people think we can read their minds oh my god that speaks to me on an emotional level yeah I'm always hungry it says Pizza it's so I love it all right ladies the boys are picking the stage fine for the ball to begin they're taking the stage first we were so distracted with names that we forgot we had to ladies calm down there's no way they are gonna singing at all [Music] [Music] I love ya we do this everyday we do this love [Music] you got a smile on the side make it shine but I could see that you don't realize and that's what made me fall [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well if it isn't pizza party you guys are going down oh I'm sure we are down in history that is we're about to show you what we've got come on ladies and here I thought your band was actually gonna be a challenge don't worry we've got this [Music] [Music] [Music] turn it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I think the decision is quite clear it's time to announce the winners oh no they're gonna wait Aaron do something what do you want me to do and how do you know they're gonna win they've got a flow in their group so they've got a 50% chance of winning yeah but we do have Aaron in ours so don't put enough we need a hundred percent Hans the winner is [Music] [Music] will you be in our band oh good call he's proposing to her it's not gonna change anything well actually if one of your bad members joins the other band midway through the announcement of who wins than the band who the member of the other band joins automatically wins what is that even fair look I don't make the rules I just announced some well off now what do you say now you can't do I get a free shirt you can have all the free shirts you want ever know what yeah we have a ton of free pizza well we have free pizza plus Kitty's she's ours she's ours now you wish we own her yeah well we have the better shirts I don't think I can do this anymore what I wrote a song just for this occasion I told you I'm not yours so why are you alone I think that you should go to honest is not meant to be maybe I should know that you're not there well to me [Music] so [Music] Wow beautiful now I see the air in my ways okay we can't end this on a sad song we need a happy one hey why don't we all sing together [Music] [Music] and so the band's all won because everyone's a winner in some way shape or form half mal went on to debut her solo album and she helped PewDiePie win to YouTube's end [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't know how I see
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,789,991
Rating: 4.8859487 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Aaron, Aarmau, Aphmau and Aaron, Gachaverse, Aphmau Gachaverse, Aphmau Gacha, Aaron Gachaverse, Gacha Life, Gacha Studio, Gacha Singing Competition, Gachaverse Musical, Boys VS Girls, GLMM, Boys VS Girls Singing Battle, Gacha Life Mini Movie, No Swearing, No Cursing
Id: S7GI-K2JOv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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