We Slept And Had DREAMS In Minecraft!

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sleep is the most peaceful action in minecraft but what happens when minecraft sleep teleports you to a dream world our sleep opens up a portal to the dream realm where anything we want is possible and our greatest dreams come true but where there's a dream there's also a nightmare waiting in the shadows can we wake up our overworld selves to escape our nightmares or can we keep our dreams happy and peaceful let's find out also if you want to dream be sure to hit the subscribe button for more fun it's such a beautiful night for camping but oh it's getting really late what oh i'm sleeping you're getting tired [Music] of a sugar crash right now yeah i'm getting tired from all of the steak my belly is full yeah i'm i'm the tired one it's not a competition ian i'm i'm just sleepy it's not a competition for me either in fact it's super not a competition for me all right fine and it's super not a competition for me either all right fine fine fine fine everyone let's go to sleep i hope you explode interesting i hired from all this time yeah you heard me all right all right wait wait but i'm in the same time as him no all right night guys see you later [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] all right you go to sleep i'm gonna go see what he's it's a gold tree and a gold medal things that's what you noticed there's a gold medal over there too i don't i don't have a pickaxe can i i can still mine it with my hand oh it's like a dream what's going on this is weird kawaii come out here it's it's it's day and it's kawaii come over here look look at the gold mountain this is so cool oh whoa and there's oh there's presents on the floor oh my god oh my god we gotta go explore are we what happened you know what before we start going exploring let me just go get some stuff from the chest that way we can make sure we're wait huh uh wait what what is it guys guys look at the tent hold on that's you but that's also you that's what what are you guys yeah you're lying down right there and you're standing up wait wait a minute oh this is so weird this is a dream noise oh we're in a dream i didn't get hurt when i touched that wow wait wait wait wait we're in a dream this is a dream then i want cake pants cake [Music] pants oh um you do have a cake oh there's lots of cake yeah there is lots of cake and lots of you just destroyed that tree ian oh my god it's pretty obvious there's a lot to explore here all right so let's let's just get ready and let's go out and see what else we can do come on let's go let's go let's go okay we'll just have to make sure our dream salads are okay all right good night you know they're fine i'll put a snack for my dream cells oh yeah eagle ascendant yeah you're gonna want this cookie can we go get more gold castle i got more gold let's go over there let's explore some more first let's get some stuff to be safe come on yeah okay like stuff we can actually use what i mean ian it's a dream but gold is still worthless oh yeah that's a pretty harsh dude [Music] all right guys we gotta be really careful because look at this there could be danger anywhere right but wait this is a dream it's a magical dream world it's a dream it's a world of our dreams anything we could ever want will come true i want to open these presents i want to open these what's in the presents oh my gosh i got a rainbow chest oh look at you that's it i'm opening more more hat i got here hat you can have hat oh my gosh oh okay your hat you're gonna melt i got it guys guys i got rainbow pants these are lollipops wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait if this is a dream i want a field of potatoes that's what i want a giant field of potatoes anywhere wait anyway yeah that sounds yummy oh my god we're in a dreamer do you just want potatoes okay yeah i want potatoes boy if you get a potato farm i want a cake for a cake farm yeah that sounds amazing look at you oh yeah that does sound amazing oh wow oh my god speaking of it that is a lot of cake this is the best oh my god hey but you wanted potatoes and she wanted cakes you two are so predictable oh wow mr gold oh okay i wish kawaii was i i'm dreaming that kawaii chan isn't a cake she is beautiful normal kauai chan you know what i want that too where did oh hey it worked it worked not predictable you know what else well you know what i could be unpredictable too i wish your head was a cake what hang on hang on hang on hang on what happened kauai doesn't ian look really good right now that's true i could just eat his head off oh no no no no no no see you you don't want it you got all these cakes here you got all these cakes here you don't need i don't need to do that y'all can enjoy magic then i wish that i were a wizard a wizard oh look at you being a wizard wow when guardian leviosa no no no don't look over here um you can have my lollipop okay i'm gonna eat some cakes rainbow armor do you have any spells mr wizard can do this oh zippy cool hang on farm there's water water on the farm oh potatoes oh thank you you're welcome yeah they saved you i don't want to hear any ifs or buts about that i want to get a spell too oh what's that oh wow what was that [Music] what else can we get um let me see if we're in a world full of dreams do you think nightmares exist too um ian's already here so yeah listen such a nice dream world i i want it to be good for me too i mean i wish gold and gems would just spring out of the ground [Applause] see noi this is not a nightmare world this is only a good world just imagine all the horrors of your dreams everything that strikes fear into your heart everything darkness i don't want to think about it i don't want to think about it no i know i i think i think noise noise losing it he is losing it uh no there's no such thing we're all having a nice dream here okay our our bodies are over there at the tent nothing bad is gonna happen okay we should be good now right especially if no one thinks about it um don't look behind you i said don't look behind you oh god it's looking at us oh god okay okay it's okay don't worry dream it away drive it away uh let's go let's go uh we gotta run [Music] okay okay um maybe maybe maybe you'll want something hang on here take some gold take some gold all right gold didn't work to my size the goal didn't work i missed all right i missed both times you missed give me let me try it let me try yeah uh yeah here here you you you try that's right see if you don't miss it oh seriously take it just take it you know i think i think we ought to just run away get away guys guys guys run run grab your buddies hurry [Music] oh oh let's go i'm sorry i apologized already oh this is supposed to be like the same as the real world right yeah yeah why okay okay uh there should be a cave over near my house over here oh okay all right coming coming coming come hey i got me i got me everyone's got their dream selves okay trust me if this is just like the real world then there should be lots of things there that we can use to defeat the endermen i hope it's not gold oh yeah preferably it should be right here oh uh the cave is empty it doesn't have my secret base here come on [Music] we now have a nightmare on our hands okay a big big nightmare it it's okay i mean it's still it's cool though right yeah it's pretty cool but dangerous but cool but dangerous so we need to figure out a way to wake up ourselves in the overworld all right what wakes you guys up from dreams um loud explosions usually ian can you explain no i'm not exploding again uh you know what i whenever i wake up it's because i'm really hungry so i'm just gonna eat i'm just gonna eat um let's see uh gold i get what what i eat gold wait you know because we're in a dream i can eat whatever i want yeah you want you want something oh yeah right here here everyone have a gold ingot and uh bon appetit nice i'm just gonna yeah so delicious yummy anyway i'm gonna keep eating over here maybe we can wake up if we confront like our biggest nightmares okay um let me think ah that sounds like a nightmare in itself no it does sound like a nightmare yeah we gotta do something so crazy that'll wake ourselves up in the overworld right ian are you in oh my god ian are you okay well i mean the good thing is i'm not full because we're in the the we're in the dream world but uh-huh i don't know i'm still still still don't feel too good oh talk about empty calories yeah we should we you should are you gonna be okay i'm uh not entirely sure i don't uh i don't oh hang on hang on hey but at least his uh at least his dream self is alive look there he is okay he's good okay all right everyone got them okay they all look good everyone looks good perfect yeah so so i guess guess it doesn't uh affect us if we uh you know do a little how dare you ian just seriously ian none of that okay okay all right all right real talk we'll talk let's see how we're gonna get out of here um okay so confronting our biggest fear um noi what are you scared of well for all those explosions i hear when i wake up i think the scariest thing is that one of those explosions might actually hit me gotcha got you got you on it of course he didn't wake up oh no i he didn't wake up you said oh you said that was your biggest fear right well yeah but i didn't think that would actually wake us up i mean we're kind of noticing that this isn't waking us up yet there's gonna be something else we can do put these right here just thinking i got a big fear coming up oh there he is [Music] he's not real he's not real girl he's not real so it so it doesn't count okay aaron hey yeah wow that's like a total youtuber okay um so i uh i have something to tell you oh what's up you want more potatoes or something no what it's just all right look i really yeah really really erin i i like you [Music] is it really that bad oh i'm back he didn't wake me up whatsoever aaron you didn't hear that okay yeah whatever i'm just a part of your dream dream airing out bye aaron yeah i'm i'm i'm kind of glad he's leaving does anyone else have any good any good ideas anything else come on we gotta get out of here um oh i i guess i do yo follow me to my house what's wrong what what is your biggest fear he's so fine i'll tell you what are you scared of what's inside your house fear is having a million kids a million what yeah i think we're all scared oh my gosh yeah i mean that's too many yeah exactly that's why i'm so scared but you don't want to be a mom one she just wants one she doesn't want kawai chan honey welcome home [Music] why are they all little me's um aphmau i don't know if you realize this or not but uh you're like the most difficult child to take care of sorry wait what what yeah yeah you're like [Music] wow wow i am an adorable child thank you very much but i'm going to take these outbounds for me i'm just going to keep them look at this all right i can take care of this aftermath yeah yeah they they gotta go okay but did you we we're not awake still ah all right fine let's go see what else we can get done guys come on this is ridiculous i think we need scarier things it's not working we'll see you miss kauai chen we'll come back when you wake up okay how about instead of scary things we uh we make ourselves too happy that we wake up oh oh that's so i don't have to panic about my crippling self-doubt to try and wake up no so for instance i could be like uh i wish i had a gold castle next to my old castle huh okay but we oh wow be careful what you wish for all right guys we just need to find a way to get us back to the to the overworld okay out of this dream realm yeah the happy thing the scary thing nothing's really working i know right our bodies are twisting too oh my god all right guys i'm kind of a weird sleeper yeah let's go let's go let's just get out of what huh oh no what happened what's happening what's happening in the dream world this looks more like how my dreams normally are oh anyone feel that cold chill up your spine oh no no don't look at him there's a baby under man i'm thinking of my golden castle oh my god it's gone oh no oh no oh no oh no just get away get away get over here we gotta get ourselves 50. we gotta get here it's inside oh no no no no no no no no why don't you have a door [Music] it i'm taking the baby enderman outside yeah here we go it's spooky out there a chai oh no oh my god oh my god there's a giant creeper outside i think we'll get in here with my blocks up i'm just going to keep my blocks up the bedroom my dream okay all right guys guys guys we got this we got this we got this okay uh uh uh let's see um all right oh this is getting spooky okay oh it's here okay why don't we try going to sleep oh hey that's a good idea you're a wizard you're a wizard you've got spells can't you like fight it off or something ah i will for my friends here goes nothing yeah and i got some spells too if we need some oh wait wait how do you have spells i want some magic you dream wait yeah you're right we can dream whatever we want it's right not working magic i dream for a hand cannon i'm gonna go fight the creeper creeper what if we uh what if we uh yeah what if we try to get rid of no oh no we them do that but how about the giant can we at least go to the gold mountain i want to do that before we die in the dream world fine time the gold mountain bye let's go hold on no no get get get your real self get it get it come on let's go keep oh it's getting spooky up in here oh my god oh my god seriously ian what good could a gold mountain do it's just gold it can bring happiness i don't want her to fall oh no if they're probably not safety not happiness oh my god oh my god oh this is terrible all right we got your goal all right we're gonna die but wait wait what's this huh it's exactly what i think it is on my gold mountain oh hang on let me just get rid of those beds really quick what happened oh my god wait did you all have the same dream everyone and there was giant creepers and giant endermen and it just it was weird and it was uh everything was on lava and ian got gold and it actually saved us and was useful for once i don't know what's not awesome that was the best dream ever okay wow it's all right it's funny that's fine all right the the server's fine everything's good everything yeah everything looks good guys i think everything's fine guys are we are we dreaming still are we dreaming get behind me get behind me get behind me everything should be good don't worry guys if we just turn around he's probably gone no no it's guys we're only getting okay he's not
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,827,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: XPIdEgyUlTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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