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what's up today I'm going to teach you how to be sexy so first poke your cheek then get your bottle of yellow liquid once you've applied the Pea to your hand then you're gonna rub it and make sure you put it on your face like I do yeah make sure to get on your mouth and nose oh everywhere get it everywhere oh forehead too wow wow we're going fast look at me just a baddie in my natural habitat then we're gonna grab our foundation and apply it to the back of our hand again we're gonna mix it with our SPF because sunscreen is very important as you can see make sure to get it mixed up just like this yeah keep going just like this yeah yeah now we're going to take our concoction and smear it all over our face all over it make sure you don't miss a single spot okay keep going yep yep keep going once you've done your Roar now we're gonna just rub it out make sure to just rub it in your skin to get an even smooth cool tone you know hold up my Foundation looks real good grab your glue and glue your eyebrows up I was overheating here so I decided to cool myself down with some Mist oh how refreshing I feel like a whole new person wow then grab your coloring pen and start angling your eyebrows at a 75 degree angle so you can glue them up after it really helps then hit a silly jig you know and once you do that get your glue what are eyebrows without glue you know so we're gonna just keep spamming the glue on there just keep going once you've run out of your glue we're just gonna shape our eyebrows downwards then we're gonna start contouring the other eyebrow we've run out of glue so I'm debating whether or not we go to the store and get some more but in the meantime I'm just gonna angle this eyebrow downwards and rub it this eyebrow was giving me a lot of difficulty as you can see it was really starting to irritate me how much I had to focus on it anyways grab your nail polish open it um put it on your little paintbrush and paint it right below your eyebrows it really gives like a dagger shape to them I love it this eyebrow just did not want to blend really weird anyways we're going to do the same thing on the other eyebrow once we're finished with this then you're gonna grab your blush and yeah you're just gonna start rubbing it on your eyeball give it a little massage and spread over to the other eye as well honestly this is about the flick of the wrist who is that makeup is Flawless then grab your jar of mascara and shove the brush in and out get a lot on there and just start smashing it on your face everywhere you want to cover your entire face once you've done this um it's going to take you like 10 minutes to do this but it's super important once you've done it then you're gonna grab your huge contouring brush and start contouring the heck out of your face just like this honestly I can never get enough of contouring so I'm going to be doing this for like the next 30 45 minutes I'll see you guys in a sec we're back and this time we have our gloss we're gonna start glossing our nose and our under eyes this is to get rid of your bags if you've had a bad night of sleep I haven't really been sleeping well lately so we're really gonna put a lot on honestly halfway through this I decided why not just put it on my nose and my chin and my cheeks as well you know like they could use a little love as well right you know the Contour brush is back and it is ready to mash up the gloss that I just applied to my face make sure to get every single spot girlies you know what I'm saying here we have this lip gloss and we're gonna apply the lip gloss to my face this is actually an interesting technique that I learned to use on my own I'll buy a dark shade of lip gloss and realize that it really angulates your face in like a way that other things can't the Contour brush is back guys you know I love my Contour brush honestly I sleep with her at night I could not go anywhere without her she is like a part of me point anyways you're going to use her to smooth out the lip gloss like I'm doing here honestly if you're watching at this point you might as well like And subscribe yeah here we have some rare booty blush it is my favorite because you only need a little bit to go a long way with it so we're going to put a couple dots on our face and bring back out the blue Contour brush this time to blend that bad boy out you know this step really tickles my nose anyone else let me know in the comments gosh I look good then we're gonna grab a darker shade of blush and go over our eyeball and make sure to massage it in just like I'm doing here then after this you're going to do it with the other eye and make sure to just like smash it in there real good get your nose a little bit too it really accentuates your look I'm really loving how this is turning out what do you guys think get your freaking Contour brush and start patting under your eyes again we are just blending out the concealer a little bit more because I noticed it was a little bit splotchy so yeah you're gonna do that all over your face forehead now mouth everything just like I'm doing here now grab what appears to be a chocolate bar um I don't know I really just found this on the floor and decided it might go well with my look and yeah just get your Contour brush and powder it on grab more pink Contour because it's a Wednesday if you know you know if you don't then you suck haha gosh I am starting to look like a Barbie what can I say the nail polish is back in play girl is and this time we're putting it on our nose only put a little bit because it's very hard to wash off oops we just messed up I'm so sorry I know my laugh sounds weird the nail polish is about to dry so grab your brush girlies and we're going to be patting it out just a little bit more just to blend it even a tad bit more yep then start swirling your glitter gloss this is my favorite part of the routine oh wow I'm good at that gosh I forgot how good I am now we're going to be applying some of the glitter gloss under our 75 angled degreed eyebrows let me know if you guys would like to see any more videos like this here we have nail polish that we're going to be putting on our lips I really like the red shade I think it accentuates the tones that I've went with on my face make sure to get every single inch of your lips fill it in and yeah it is like a sauna up in here it is so hot I am about to pass out is that a fly over there now we're going to completely redo the color of our lips because is I honestly was just not feeling the other one I kind of like this color better and I think it suits me a little bit more [Music] um actually I decided to go with a different color again this one I think we're gonna stick with yep here we have another coloring pencil that we are going to be using on our eyebrows or I mean eyelashes this time oh it hurts it really hurts this is painful gosh don't do it I changed my mind here we have our handy watercolor set it is amazing these makeup brushes really give you a good eye massage you'd actually think I'm a masseuse at this point with how much I've been massaging my eyeballs oh gosh it hurts I keep getting it in my eye ow ow here we have another shade of eye polish it is amazing you're gonna line the inner corner of your eyes with it and begin to go I'm not even gonna lie girlies this process is taking a while but it is so worth it because you're going to be able to bag the man of your dreams afterwards grab your glue and start putting it on your pet spider because he likes it now you're gonna make your spider hit some dance moves for you like I am now we're stretching him a little bit I noticed he was overheating from the dance so I decided to cool him down with a nice little breeze and Shake him violently back with the watercolors because I consider myself more of an artist than a makeup tutorial person I love my spider so much I am now going to put him in my eyeball he was just refusing to cooperate here but eventually I got him I put him down and here he is I also decided it would be fun to stab my eye apparently then we're going to take some black gloss polish and start polishing our spider he's really feeling it right now as you guys can see I decided the first layer wasn't enough so I went back for some more to just touch it up even a tad bit more this is my I don't know honestly at this point everything is starting to blend in it all looks the same to me I am starting to put it in my eyeball because I don't know you want to get it deep in there so you get an eye infection then you're gonna grab your other spider this one's actually named Jerry and you're gonna just put him on your eyeball again moisturize him with some gloss what's an artist without her watercolors they're back I love them and we're going to be doing our eyeballs with them now now we're gonna Mash things up for the millionth time just keep mashing underneath your eyes with them wow we're gonna have some more gloss here uh I think this is layer 379 but you can never have enough layers of it wow this look is just really coming together I'm going to give you guys a thumbs up um yeah you better like the video now we're moving on to the bottom lashes they need a little bit of love as well so yeah you're gonna just touch them up here we have a daughter for our fake freckles you're just gonna dot the mom very lightly we want this look to be a little bit more natural um so yeah just make sure to go lightly with it and do a ton of them don't forget the other side like I'm doing here [Music] don't forget to Pat them out the sauna was turning back up so you know we had to cool ourselves down again I noticed waving my hands like this really helps with the cooling process anyways this is the final look guys um yeah let me know what you think thank you so much for watching love you bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Brooke Monk
Views: 3,726,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooke Monk, brook monk, brooke, tiktok, influencer, tiktok influencer, brooke monk tiktok, Brooke monk christian, Brooke monk tiktok, Brooke monk boyfriend, Brooke monk age, instagram influencer, Makeup, Couple, Voiceover, Funny, Love, Comedy, Fun, Tiktoker, YouTuber, Sam Dezz
Id: 1bKLA7EAEak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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