The Girls FINALLY React to Their FORGOTTEN Dances | Dance Moms: The Reunion | Dance Moms

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Hey, guys! It's me, Kalani. And we're looking... bleh. Hey, guys! It's me, Kalani. And we're looking back at all of our dances that we have forgot. I only forgot my dance once. [upbeat music playing] [woman] Oh, yes,<i> Dance Moms,</i> yes. Hi, I'm Paige. Hi, guys, it's Brooke. Hey, everyone, it's Chloe. Hey, guys, it's Kendall. And I'm JoJo. And we are looking back... those times... -...we forgot our dances. Yeah, I forgot quite a lot. It's really hard for me to get embarrassed. Like, I think people are gonna ask me, "What's your most embarrassing moment from<i> Dance Moms?"</i> They're gonna think, "When you forgot your solo or when you farted and cleared out the room." I don't care. [Jess]<i> JoJo just improvved</i> <i> most of that dance.</i> <i> She may still have a shot at winning this.</i> <i> However, I don't know how Abby's gonna react.</i> POV: It is the best week of my life. I am obsessed with Miley Cyrus and I now get a dance dedicated to Miley Cyrus. JoJo, I know you like Miley Cyrus. So you're doing a jazz piece and the name of your music is, "She Can't Stop." My dance is based on Miley Cyrus. I am literally her biggest fan in the whole world. See? I'm wearing Miley Cyrus socks. <i> Why would she give me such an easy chance?</i> This dance came about because everyone knew how much I loved Miley. Like, I... I love Miley. -Everyone... Still do. -Still do. Gia and I, like, we kinda made it up together, like it was bomb. I loved it. [audience cheers] [Jess]<i> JoJo looks adorable.</i> Her costume is perfect. She looks super cute in it. The wig is perfect. <i> Like, this girl is on fire.</i> [JoJo]<i> Went out on stage, step prepped,</i> <i> started out on fire.</i> Started out on [bleep] fire. Then, step prep, I'm turning. Middle of my turn, I'm like, "Oh, my God, wait. This isn't a turn. What?" So I kept turning. <i>Luckily I can get around a lot.</i> <i> And then I was like,</i> "[bleep]<i> it.</i> <i> We freestyle." So I improvved the whole thing.</i> [audience clapping] [Jess]<i> JoJo just improvved most of that dance.</i> <i> But who knows, maybe these three judges will love it.</i> [JoJo]<i> That competition, you had to stand</i> <i>and get your critiques onstage.</i> <i> So I stood there the whole time,</i> got my critiques, went off, and absolutely lost it. You were so good. -That's okay. -Do you want a water? -It happens, okay? It happens. -The judges didn't notice. The judges didn't notice. It happens. I forgot my solo... Your first thought isn't, like, "Oh, I'm so sad. I messed up." Or, "Oh, I'm gonna lose." It's like, "Abby's gonna kill me." It's okay. No, she's not. No, she's not. So, I need to ask you in front of everyone... What happened? I didn't wanna run off, 'cause that'd be worse, -so it was like... -It would. ...a natural "your love." But do you understand, we would have liked to show off our choreography. -Come here. -[Jess]<i> Abby's not very nice</i> <i> to JoJo or I most of the time,</i> <i> so I'm shocked.</i> <i> Abby is treating her</i> <i>like a real member of the team.</i> [woman] Yes. Ooh, I love that. Yeah. Yes! <i> ♪ Can't stop ♪</i> <i> ♪ Can't stop the girl ♪</i> [Abby]<i> Paige was like a deer in the headlights.</i> <i> I was sick to my stomach.</i> <i> It's humiliating.</i> -Forgot her solo. [chuckles] -[laughs] On<i> Dance Moms,</i> I was known as the girl who forgot her solo. -[laughs] -Was a deer in the headlights. <i> All the time.</i> [Young Paige]<i> When I'm backstage, I'm really nervous</i> 'cause I'm scared I'm gonna forget my dance before I go on. <i> And it makes me forget it more</i> <i> if I really get rushed up about it.</i> <i> ♪ Yeah, oooh ♪</i> <i> ♪ Making out in some trendy bar ♪</i> <i> ♪ He's either homeless or a movie star, ooh ♪</i> <i> ♪ We're gonna live forever, ever, ever, hey ♪</i> [song fading] <i> ♪ Like we're gonna live forever, ever ♪</i> I think it's a little bit embarrassing. [chuckles] Whenever people tag me in videos, I'm like, "Wow, I'm really a deer in the headlights." <i> ♪ You know it's only gonna get better, better, better, hey ♪</i> <i> ♪ 'Cause we're gonna live... ♪</i> [somber music playing] That hasn't happened to me in 25 years. <i> I was sick to my stomach.</i> <i> It's humiliating.</i> [mouthing] [cheers] [host] Give her a nice round of applause. [Abby]<i> There's no excuse.</i> <i> You should remain onstage</i> and continue dancing. -[crying] -Don't worry about it, Paige. It's a dance. Who cares? [crying] I also think there are so many dancers that watch the show, and that is a relatable thing. It happens to everyone. It is. You could tell it was normal. It wasn't staged. I did forget my dance. I feel like that makes the little girl who just ran offstage doing it the weekend prior, like, "Okay, Paige did it too." If everyone on the show was winning first place, then little kids would be like, "Why am I not winning all the time?" <i> ♪ Yeah, boy, you're making me want it ♪</i> [woman] Obsessed. Yes. Yes! -[audience cheers] -[Abby] What is Brooke doing? <i> How could she screw up a group like that?</i> Yes. Yeah, I don't even have to watch it. I mean, I know I was just walking in circles. There's no dancing to be seen. -I'm gonna forget... -[Maddie] No! Don't say it! If you say it, you're... If we don't win with this number, there might not be a group any longer. I forgot "Rosa Parks" and it was bad. <i> I think I was probably the only person</i> <i> to forget a group dance.</i> <i> ♪ I never felt so safe and warm ♪</i> And it wasn't just, like, "Oh, Brooke messed up." Like, I completely blacked out and just, like, was walking in circles. In fact, I was, like, saying to Paige, "I don't know what I'm doing." <i> ♪ Every time we fall ♪</i> ♪<i> Oooh</i> ♪ She doesn't know what she's doing. <i> Paige is like, "Do the dance!"</i> I'm like, "I don't know what happened." -[audience cheers] -[Abby] What is Brooke doing? <i> Brooke has been dancing longer than Maddie has been alive.</i> <i> When she's wandering aimlessly on the stage,</i> <i> I'm thinking, "How could she screw up a group like that?"</i> In that moment, I remember hearing the music stop, so I just stopped. I was like, "I can't be walking in circles if the music's not going." And I remember being scared to death about what was gonna happen once I walked off the stage. I don't even think the judges noticed. You're fine. At least it wasn't the whole dance. No, Abby did, and she... But Abby honestly wasn't that mad about it, which was shocking. Brooke, were you just waiting at the bus stop for the bus? [giggles] What? I don't know what happened out there, but the bus was moving, the bus was happening, and Brooke was just standing at the bus stop, waiting for everybody to get on the bus. -[giggles] -What did she do? Nothing! That's the problem. She stood there. [laughs] Looking back at it, I'm just like, "What are you doing?" I still, to this day, don't know what happened. And we won! I think that's why Abby couldn't be mad at me. Maybe it added to it. Maybe that's why we won. [woman] Awesome. Yes. Uh... "Different Season" or "Changing Seasons," something "season." We're at Nationals. This is our last competition. I really want Chloe to win a crown. <i> She deserves it.</i> I was in a blue and brown costume. It was Season 1 Nationals. <i> I did my, uh, straddle.</i> <i> I turned around, and I was like,</i> <i> "What do I do next? Please help me."</i> [somber music playing] [cheers and applause] [Abby]<i> I was very surprised by Chloe.</i> <i> She knows what it looks like</i> <i> when someone forgets their dance.</i> <i> She knows how awful that is.</i> So why she didn't just run around in a circle and arabesque sauté off the stage, I will never know. -Okay? -[sniffles] You're gonna make me cry. I was just... upset. And... Confused why I did that. <i> I just cried.</i> <i> I love when I forgot it, and I was like,</i> "Here we go. We're gonna do something we've already done in this dance before because I forgot it." [chuckles] <i> ♪ You know we're too fly for this ♪</i> <i> ♪ Keep my hair on fleek and my nails on did ♪</i> <i> ♪ Yeah, you know we're too fly for this ♪</i> [Kalani]<i> I don't think anybody noticed I forgot my dance</i> 'cause I think I covered it up pretty well. Oh, it's... ah. -And still winning? -Yes. I remember that. I had a solo called "Unbeauty." <i> I knew I was gonna forget it before I went on stage,</i> 'cause backstage I forgot it, <i> and I was like, "I'm gonna forget it onstage."</i> [host] Please welcome to the stage Kalani performing "Unbeauty." <i> ♪ You never back down ♪</i> <i> ♪ Never give up ♪</i> <i> ♪ You should know ♪</i> <i> ♪ We never back down ♪</i> <i> ♪ Never give up ♪</i> <i> ♪ You should know You should know ♪</i> <i> ♪ You should know ♪</i> <i> ♪ Take nobody's... ♪</i> [audience cheers] <i> And I came off stage, and none of my friends knew</i> that I forgot my solo. Because I was taught how to improv. So when I forgot it, it was like, "Eh, whatever." I don't think anybody noticed I forgot my dance, 'cause I think I covered it up pretty well. <i> Then when I got offstage, I don't really let anything</i> dwell on me too much. Because what's the point crying about something that already happened? My prayer before I went onstage was always, "Help me go onstage and do a great job, and whatever happens, happens." Like, it's in God's hands. It's already written out for me. If I'm supposed to forget my solo, I forget my solo. If I make it through perfectly, I make it through perfectly. So I tried to keep that mentality so that I wouldn't let it affect me. 'Cause I still had to do a group dance after that. And then I ended up winning. 'Cause I'm just so amazing. [laughing] And in first place... [tense music playing] Entry number 25-A, Kalani, who performed "Unbeauty." And that's where it ended, because nobody could say anything. 'Cause normally, you know, that would be a huge ordeal. But because she won, what are you gonna say? I'm pretty sure Abby didn't even bring up that I forgot my solo. I don't even think she probably knew. I think maybe Gianna was the only person that knew. I think I had to tell Abby, "Hey, I forgot my solo." 'Cause I kept doing dance moves that she's taught me before. I probably could have made something up and it would have been choreography. [laughs] So good job. You took the stress off of me that time. [laughs] [woman] Awesome. Wow. <i> ♪ My everything ♪</i> Kendall, you were right up here... the day of your video. Let's carry that right through into the competition this week. This is resting on your shoulders, kiddo. It's called "This is Major." Right now, you're not even minor. I have never forgot a dance. What? What dance is it? [whispers] Baton one. Did I forget that dance? Oh, my God, I was actually gonna go to my grave... thinking that I never forgot a dance. How do you know this? Are you brainwashing me to think that I forgot a dance? -[producer] No, no. -[sighs] -You don't... Kendall-- -I'm so mad at myself now. I really did not think I forgot a dance. At least it wasn't noticeable. [scoffs] [host] Please welcome Kendall to the stage with "This is Major." Oh, my God. See? The prop. [percussive music playing] [laughs] This is so bizarre. Nice! Oh. [audience cheers] [Abby]<i> Kendall started off with a bang.</i> <i> But somewhere in the middle, she falls apart.</i> So is Kendall ready to be a pop star? Is Kendall K ready to take over the world? Or is it just "Kendall" and she should go back to Pittsburgh? I, like, low-key don't want this to air because I want people to think that I never forgot my dance. But... [emotional music playing] It wasn't terrible. I would take that over freezing onstage. But that's a really crazy scene and I feel like that shows the bond we had with the girls. Like, Maddie knew my solo. She literally asked me, "Did you do the twirly thing?" Like, she didn't have to know that. But we knew each other's solos because we wanted each other to succeed. What's wrong? -You all right? -Yes. Okay. -I don't wanna talk about it. -Okay. It's all right. -[crying] -It's all right. Oh, if you cry, you're doing 1,000 push-ups. -I can't even look at this. -She's not. She's not. -'Cause you're making her crazy. -No. I'm not! All right. Settle down, it's fine. You guys were great. -Everybody was great. -Suck it up. I'm leaving. I was told I had to win, so I went out there with a prop as tall as me and I turned with it and I flipped with it. And I just forgot a teensy, tiny bit of it. Nobody would've known. Nobody would've known.
Channel: Dance Moms
Views: 2,216,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, mylifetime, dance moms, abby lee, dance moms clips, aldc, dance moms season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6, season 7, full episodes, flashback compilations, flashbacks, abby lee dance company, abby lee miller, Chloe Dance Moms: The Reunion, Dance Moms: The Reunion clips, Dance Moms: The Reunion episodes, iconic moments, dance moms compilation, dance moms highlights, chloe's mom dance moms, OG Cast Reacts to Their FORGOTTEN Dances
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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