Boy Gets Wet Dreams After CLAPPING Popular Girl Of His Class | Anime Recap

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am fujia is a good for nothing slob who never cleans his room and smells like rotten fish however his worthless life finally gets a purpose when he becomes friends with the most popular girl in his class who also happens to live next door thou tied with a cute and tidy maharu amain has to change his lifestyle so he can get laid their initial interaction happens on a rainy day when amain encounters maharu sitting on a swing in the park without an umbrella despite being told to move his sorry bottoms out of there he generously offers her his umbrella initiating their first interaction the next day Amin shows his inferior genes by catching a cold prompting his friend ituki to comment on his selflessness in giving away his umbrella when maharu arrives in class Amin secretly wishes he was in her pants and mentions how she is admired by many in their class after school maharu visits amain to return his umbrella and asks to repay the favor despite am acting like a tough gigachad he collapses due to fever and maharu decides to spare her precious time for this this pathetic loser she prepares rice porridge for him but when she is unable to Bear the smell of rotten fish in his room she decides to play the maid and leaves to clean it later as they spend time together Amy learns that maharu was trying to clear her head when he found her in the park he enjoys their time together but knows she won't even consider someone as ugly as him once he recovers however despite his recovery maharu continues to bring him left over food every day starting an unusual relationship between them as their Dynamic continues maharu urges amain to change his pathetic Lifestyle the next day amain and maharu run into each other at the supermarket and he offers to carry her groceries home in hopes of getting some plot seeing that the state of his apartment is worse than the state of his love life maharu later helps amain clean who suggests ordering pizza maharu reveals that she never ordered food from outside since her family was well off and had a cook at home as they bond over food and cleaning maharu admits that giving a leftovers is for her own satisfaction despite their differences in lifestyle they form a unique Bond based on Mutual care and understanding as dusk settles amain discovers maharu sitting disheartened in the park she reveals she tried to rescue a cat stuck in a tree and sprained her ankle amain returns with medical supplies and treats her injury then lends her his sweater to conceal her identity as they wouldn't want the paparazzi to catch wind of her daring exploits as he carries her home the following day at school maharu returns Amy in sweater probably because it smelled like like poop and gives him a new food box they discuss Yuda and their own popularity and then talk about the meal maharu prepared including Coro amain expresses he's been dreaming of sinking his teeth into freshly made Koro and maharu offers to cook for him if he shares the cost to which amain agrees the next day maharu takes over am's kitchen turning it into a cooking Battleground they Feast on her creations and amain playing the housewife offers to wash dishes maharu sensing an opportunity proposes to cook for him regularly and he eagerly accepts foreseeing a future filled with delicious meals and a sink full of dirty dishes at school ituki plays Matchmaker urging amain to find a girlfriend but amain feeling like a fish out of water is less than enthusiastic when itsuki's girlfriend chidos swoops in with her own brand of enthusiasm expressing her eagerness to befriend am's hypothetical girlfriend amain can't help but feel a shiver of apprehension remembering chido's tendency to cling like a koala later amain finds mahar's student ID revealing her upcoming birthday he randomly asks her what she would like as a gift and she requests a sharpening stone with fine grit Days Later amain seeks advice on birthday presents for maharu ultimately settling on hand cream and a stuffed bear although maharu is initially taken aback by am's awareness of her birthday she appreciates the thoughtful gesture one day Amin's mother shioko makes an unexpected visit to her son's apartment catching him off guard she immediately notices the tidiness of his home and his clear complexion amain hoping to avoid any awkwardness hides maharu in his room and tries to prevent his mother from entering despite his efforts shioko finds dishes for two in the strainer and insists on checking his room there she discovers maharu and assumes she is Amin's girlfriend sheepishly maharu introduces herself and shioko in a friendly manner thanks her for supporting am after shioko leaves amain apologizes for his mother's behav Behavior feeling like he's just survived a near Miss disaster maharu brushes it off and holds shioko in high regard especially since she addressed her by her first name something mahar's own parents never did they decide to address each other by their first names publicly signifying a deeper connection after the finals amain ranks 21st while maharu claims first place leaving him in her scholarly Shadow like a dim bulb next to a shining star to celebrate amain buys maharu a strawberry shortcake which they share am de decides to improve his cooking skills and under maharu supervision attempts to make an omelet and a vegetable dish maharu encourages him to keep trying demonstrating the difference with an omelet she prepares later chidos tries to convince amain to host a pizza party assuming maharu is his girlfriend because of a stuffed animal amain bought for her feeling guilty for leaving maharu alone on Christmas Eve amain invites her to spend the day with him and she agrees suggesting they play video games on Christmas Eve chidos and Nuki have a pizza party at am's apartment as they enjoy the evening it begins to snow and they head to the balcony they are shocked to discover that the girl amain is looking to bang just lives next door gathered around am's coffee table amain maharu ituki and chidos discuss maharu being am's neighbor ituki jokingly suggests that maharu is like am's wife in training a notion both maharu and amain deny amain asks atsuki and chidos to keep their relationship private to which they agree chidos showers maharu with compliments until amain sensing a potential eruption of flattery induced enthusiasm gently intervenes after apologizing chidos asks maharu to be her friend and maharu accepts they discuss mahar's cooking hobby which chidos also enjoys later amain apologizes to maharu for the encounter with chidos and itsuki but she brushes it off maharu then brings out the beef stoi prepared suggesting they have it for lunch the next day along with amus they enjoy the meal together and while doing the dishes amain asks maharu about her cooking skills which she learned from her caretaker maharu shares a touching moment about cooking for someone who makes you happy the next day amain and maharu decide to tackle the two most important activities known to humankind lunch and video games amain accidentally gets too touchy while helping maharu in a game but apologizes to which maharu is unfaced later maharu falls into Amin's lap while playing a racing game causing a brief moment of embarrassment that night amain loses the game proving he's still a loser and gives maharu a key case as a Christmas present for winning maharu appreciates the gift and gives amain a thick black scarf in return they spend the rest of the night on the balcony the next day maharu appears to have a cold but she denies it amain insists she rests and she falls asleep in his room the following day maharu feels better but is still groggy so amain stays with her until she falls asleep confessing that she is bad for his heart on New Year's amain and maharu watch Buddhist monks ring the temple Bell on TV to welcome the new year they respond to New Year's texts and am's father asks if they can visit in a couple of days to which am agrees like the pushover he is as maharu falls asleep on am's shoulder from exhaustion after preparing their New Year's dinner amain lets her rest in his bed while he takes the couch the next day amain finds maharu still asleep and gently wakes her up there's a tender moment when maharu still half asleep asks if aain likes touching her cheeks when she sleeps to which he blushingly denies later Amin's parents shioko and shudo arrive and shioko is delighted to see maharu still hasn't dumped her loser son who even she can't love she gives maharu a kimono and insists they visit the shrine although amain is hesitant shoko's insistence persuades him to agree at the temple shudo compliments am and has a heart-to-heart with him expressing his happiness about Amin's move shioko surprises them by dressing maharu in the kimoto they pray and get their Fortune and amain curiously asks what maharu prayed for she replies that she prayed for health safety and peaceful days like the ones they experience daily maharu shares her red bean soup with amain and they enjoy sweet sake together that night maharu and amain reflect on the pleasant dinner with am's parents amain feeling particularly sentimental decides to gently Pat mahar's head however maharu mistaking this gesture for an attempt to tame a wild animal panics and dashes back to her apartment the following day Amin sees his parents off with maharu promising to visit in the summer at school a rumor spreads that maharu has a boyfriend ituki playfully teases ammen but is told to keep moving his butt back at am's apartment amain feels uncomfortable with the idea of someone as filthy as him being called mahar's boyfriend but maharu disagrees listing his positive traits the next day chidos pays amain a visit to his apartment seeking advice for Valentine's Day hoping to make it special for it suuki amain gets blue balls discussing this with maharu present when chidos asks amain what kind of chocolate he likes he mentions semisweet chocolates she then inquires if maharu plans and maharu says girls only since the boys will start drooling like dogs if she gives them chocolates at school Yuda receives numerous chocolates from adoring girls sparking Envy among the boys ituki and amain discuss uda's popularity and whether maharu has made any for amain chidos later gives amain her chocolates stating some of them are bitter and spicy which makes it more of a Russian Roulette later aming kindly offers Yuda his spare bag to carry his abundance of chocolates home after a few days am tries chido's chocolates and eats a spicy one Naru offers him hot cocoa to cleanse his pallet vaguely confirming it's for Valentine's Day she later leaves a bag of homemade orange ETS as a thank you gesture at school UDA expresses gratitude to aain for the bag surprising their classmates as to why he would even talk to this filthy loser later ituki and amain discuss itsuki's future with chidos with the two of them planning to marry each other ituki jokingly suggests amain might one day proposed to maharu but amain dismisses the idea returning home amain thanks maharu for her chocolates leading to a heartfelt conversation about their gratitude for each other's support maharu gets flustered when amain reveals his birthday and decides to celebrate it this year for white Day amain surprises her by dressing like a presentable human and gives maharu a flower chain bracelet and to do whatever you want ticket maharu asks am to put the bracelet on her wrist which he gladly does a few days later amain shares his white day experience with ituki who suggests amain might be developing feelings for maharu back at the apartment amain finds maharu dressed in an apron like a housewife and expresses concern over her disapproval of his Fri outing with itsuki maharu counters by mentioning am's stick figure body and how she prefers her pet a little thick the next day ituki asks to stay at Amin's place after an argument with his father about chidos later maharu greets ituki warmly and prepares dinner for them ituki comments on am's kindness towards maharu suggesting he has feelings for her ituki also mentions the school's perception of amain is antisocial but believes maharu respects him deeply the next day chidos learns ituki stayed over and ate mahar's food so she decides to come over and annoy them with her unbearable presence despite Amin's initial disapproval maharu agrees and they decide to have Urus as per chido's request during lunch chidos compliments mahar's cooking but notes her initial impression of maharu is aloof she appreciates mahar's cute and innocent side and suggests maharu could tame amain with her sweetness which maharu denies at night chidos sends am a picture of maharu with the teddy bear in her pajamas making his sausage face North itsuki sends chidos a picture of am in return so she can show it to maharu the next day ituki and chidos leave and am and maharu discuss chido's picture maharu feels embarrassed about her childlike conversation regarding her teddy bear and receives a text she doesn't want to discuss later amain overhears maharu arguing with a woman who turns out to be her mother amain invites a disheartened maharu to stay with him where maharu confides her parents never intended to raise her leaving her feeling unwanted she reveals her mother's hurtful words and her fear of being cut off after college amain hoping to develop some plot assures her of his support leading to a heartfelt moment where maharu asks to be held the two then go for a walk and maharu hugs aain from the back probably to feel his premium G the second-year classroom assignments are released and amain finds himself in class 2 along with ituki chidos maharu and Yuda despite the familiar faces a brief interaction with Yuda triggers a painful memory for aain which he tries to dismiss when asked if he's all right back at his apartment maharu notices amain acting like a toddler who didn't get his favorite cand and and asks if he's okay commenting that his hair looks like it would feel nice to touch amid feeling uneasy but curious allows maharu to run her fingers through his hair as he puts his head between her thighs as they share this intimate moment maharu expresses her hope that amain would speak up more they discuss their upcoming class Arrangement and decide to avoid interacting with each other during class probably because maharu would lose her popularity if she's seen with someone as miserable as him amain eventually becomes drowsy and maharu suggests he rests his head on her lap which he does for an hour the following day Amin visits the arcade and returns home with a bag full of stuffed animal prizes maharu takes a liking to a bunny plushy and offers am a favor in return for it holding his desire to ask for some sloppy head he requests homemade pudding with lots of eggs maharu shops for eggs and makes the pudding which amain finds delicious when he compliments her for cooking meals every day stating that it is the highlight of his day maharu in her usual over acting gets embarrassed and Tucks herself away the next day at school Yuda invites aain and itsuki to lunch expressing his desire to befriend amain despite his loser status in the class as they agree to a new friendship amain notices maharu looking disapprovingly at him as she sits with chidos at Amin's apartment maharu confesses her Envy of Amin's friendships with others at school but quickly realizes she's acting like a witch despite being a little jealous she expresses her hope for amain to gain more self-confidence in the end they decide to interact casually in school so maharu doesn't feel left out the following day maharu chidos ituki and Aman work together on a cooking assignment they prepare misso soup with green onions and scrambled eggs and amain intervenes when a classmate almost splashes hop soup on maharu that night maharu and Aman have a heart-to- heart about her efforts to get closer to him at school during golden week maharu uses her do anything you want ticket and asks am to spend a day with her amain initially feels it's unne necessary to use the ticket for this since they go shopping anyway but maharu insists and he agrees they plan to shop visit a cat cafe and play at an arcade later chidos visits and learns to cook from maharu while Amin dozes off on the couch he later wakes up beside maharu suspecting a prank by chidos after she leaves maharu confesses to playfully touching him while asleep which would also explain why his pants were wet the two share a tender moment before discussing mahar's outfit for their outing the next day maharu is worried about her outfit but he reassures her that he's still way out of her leak they go to a cat cafe where maharu feels sad when a cat doesn't show affection elain cheers her up and they enjoy a cat themed coffee later they hold hands as they walk through the mall and stop at a dress store as they continue their day maharu visits an arcade where she wins a cat doll and gives it to amain later Yuga mistakes them for a couple but maharu clarifies their relationship at the train station AM apologizes for the potential potential trouble she can get into for being with someone as ugly as him but maharu says it was bound to happen now or later the next day amain hangs out with Yuda and itsuki at a karaoke bar ituki comments on a and mahar's relationship likening it to a wife and training which amain denies despite this yua suggests being open about his feelings for maharu later maharu reveals am's mother sent her pictures of him when he was a kid leading to an embarrassing moment between them sitting together on the couch maharu cas usually asks amain about his plans for Mother's day but their conversation takes a deeper turn as amain shares his past experiences he reveals how he was betrayed by so-called friends in junior high probably because his breath stake which led him to struggle with trust and ultimately move out on his own maharu expresses her anger at what amain endured and offers her unwavering support insisting that he doesn't have to bear his pain alone they share a heartfelt moment with maharu shoving am's face in her melons and encouraging him to confide her whenever he needs to feeling uneasy amain tries to push her away but finds himself drawn back to maharu ultimately embracing her from behind as they discuss their perceived selfishness the next day amain begins jogging to build some muscle while at school he overhears maharu discussing their outing with a couple of girls later at his apartment maharu reaffirms to amain that she considers him her closest friend amain Reveals His recent training Endeavors surprising maharu who offers him a gift in return for his dedication that night amain has a wet dream about maharu and begins to avoid her he brushes off her worries but maharu confronts him about his behavior leading to a candid conversation about the dream amain had involving her despite her curiosity maharu respects am's boundaries grateful for their innocent relationship as midterm exams approach amain invites maharu to join a study party with itsuki and Yuda they share a tender moment as maharu promises to fulfill any request amain makes if he achieves his academic goal in his hunger for some plot amain places sixth among the top 30 students in the first term exam Naru congratulates him and suggests he treat himself but she declines any reward for herself despite placing first that evening at am's apartment maharu asks for a reward by having amain help her prepare cucumbers which he reluctantly agrees to later maharu cleans am's ears as his reward for making the top 10 amain enjoys it but gets flustered when she plays with his hair afterward after some time amain wakes up in mahar's lap who herself fell asleep he tries waking her up but ends up carrying her back to her apartment where she asks him to join her amain who probably already his pants refuses and leaves a teddy bear next to her as a substitute the next day maharu visits amain at his apartment and asks if he saw the picture on her desk which of course he didn't because he was too busy staring at her talents later Amin plays basketball with yua and itsuki while maharu and chidos watch the following morning maharu asks am for his opinion on her summer outfit and he advises her to wear stockings since he's most likely to cause an incident in his pants if he sees her bare leged after school amain agrees to watch a movie with Yuda but helps maharu staple sports day printouts instead when she's assigned the task they overhear girls speaking ill of maharu which upsets amain that evening maharu and amain discuss the gossip about her and her true personality maharu admits she sometimes tires of acting Angelic and good-natured but won't change consciously yet amain shares his concern about how others will perceive maharu if she changes maharu then compliments amain leading to an intimate moment between them sitting on am's couch maharu admits to him that she sees something special in him surprised amain covers mahar's mouth warning her that the next time she says that he won't use his hand to shut her up when he releases her maharu kisses aain on the cheek and runs like she shat her pants leaving amain shocked by the encounter the next day at school chidos asks maharu about her plans for the up coming sports day and maharu expresses her interest in the scavenger hunt when amain enters the classroom ituki notices he's acting like a bee towards maharu during lunch ituki am and youa sit together and itsuki asks amain about his relationship with maharu amain explains what happened between them and after hearing his side ituki and yuu to share their two cents on the matter later that afternoon maharu joins amain on his couch and apologizes for her behavior amain brushes it off and maharu sits beside him amain questions maharu about her actions and she explains that she either got carried away or wanted to get back at him citing a past incident where amain had done something similar to her although reluctant amain admits to his past actions after the events of sports day maharu defends am's character to some boys from their class and asks amain to have lunch with her that evening amain and maharu have a conversation on the couch maharu apologizes for her actions earlier and amain apologizes for being a cow in a tender moment they both admit their feelings for each other and recall all the times they've spent together eventually amain grows a pair and asks maharu to be his girlfriend to which she agrees the two Embrace and am promises to become a better man for her ending their Tale on a positive note and that brings an end to this story do you guys think amain and maharu are a good couple let us know down below and like always don't forget to like And subscribe for a blessed husbando or a wau
Channel: AniRoar
Views: 17,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animerecap, lovestory, romance, highschool otonari no tenshi episode 1, tonari no tenshi season 1, tonari no tenshi season 2, otonari no tenshi final, anime recap, anidawg, anidawg recaps, otonari no tenshi review, animeromance, recap, otonari no tenshi best moments, the angel next door episode 1, otonari review, anime recap romance, anime recap high school, anime recap love story, anime recap romance high school, the angel next door spoils me rotten, the angel next door recap, mrbeast
Id: 5HIynsz3bwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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