Everyone Bullies Him For Being Weak Until He Starts Dating 2 Popular Girls

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yagiri is a talentless pathetic emo boy who suddenly gets teleported to a bizarre world thinking that yagiri is just a lazy Pig his friends abandon him not knowing that he is actually blessed with an overpowering cheat skill waking from a dream or perhaps a forgotten memory of the past yogiri finds a fatherless 20 chromosome yelling at him she screams at him wondering how he managed to sleep through all the destruction that ensued seeing the lifeless bodies of his classmates yogiri begins to wonder whether the Amo kid finally man add up and did the job however he quickly realizes that that's not the case as he discovers a wyvern clashing with truck cun's brother bus Chan witnessing the fire breathing monster heading towards them the screaming girl pushes her plots against yogiri causing him to activate a skill he didn't know he had within mere seconds the wyvern Falls dead on the ground once the dust settles yogiri asks the girl named Dana just what happened while he was trying to break the world record for the world's sleepiest man it turns out as they were heading towards their field trip destination the bus went through a tunnel and then everyone found themselves in a meadow suddenly an ugly girl appears in front of them killing their Boomer teacher and bus driver like a typical loser off meds the girl babbles on that she has summoned them all to this other world breaking truck cuns I Sky streak rambling further she informs them that this world is ruled by sages and they are all considered Sage candidates from this point on with that she installs powerups in everyone but Dana and yogiri being being the odd one out Dan inquires her friend if she sees something different and the Ugly NPC reveals that she's able to see a weird menu likee thing in front of her the girl speaks up again revealing that the menu will show them their stats in this world and they should utilize it well to become the next Sage as danra tries to ask for her badass Powers the girl Darkly says that some people are talentless losers who are incompatible however she assures Dana not to feel completely useless as in 1 month if she or anyone fails to become a sage they will be used as livestock after informing the students that their first mission will commence soon the girl disappears like my father danner's friend riko navigates through the menu and reveals that for their first mission they'll be facing a dragon claiming himself as the top G sugu aaki announces that they need to work together he asks everyone to reveal their status Dana notices that other than her and yagiri their other classmates kuu and Carol also didn't get magical abilities once everyone attempts to exit the bus suguru orders them to stay inside and act as bait for the dragon unfortunately kuuu and Carol are unable to save their pathetic bottoms and end up getting eated Having learned everything yogiri and Dana step outside when their classmates Dumb Dumber and dumbest arrive seeing Dana alive the obese meat beater Damon expresses how he wanted her dead so he could do unexplainable things to her lifeless body as Dana quickly realizes that the kids she played hangman with our depraved jerk offs she shutters in fear when they try to force her yiri steps in like a s in shining armor and points at two of them telling them to die instantly the two ugly boys fall dead leaving Damon in shock yiri then says that he's now going to explain his ability to him he reveals that his ability is to kill at will pissed by how yogiri has such a badass skill Damon tries to do a sneak attack when yogiri stops him disclosing that he can also detect any killing intent that is aimed at him yagiri and Dana then come to know that Damon and his friends have been previously SU to another world not wanting to piss off yagiri further Damon willingly becomes his slave and pledges loyalty to him meanwhile in the castle cion edges herself when her ugly messenger informs her that two talentless losers and s-ranked Braves are dead this surprises her as she realizes that someone must have the overpowering skill of killing it will arriving at a town yogiri and Dana find two guards speaking in a language that can only be understood by the aliens of Area 51 as they slump down in fatigue an overs smart ER by the name of masahiko arrives speaking their language he reveals that they usually charge a toll to let strangers enter their town but since they've been ordered to not cause any problems for the sage candidates they can Waltz right in yiri asks him if he knows the way to the capital but Mahiko being a true piece of crap says that he's not entitled to help them as yogiri stands to resume his journey masahiko says that Dana is welcome to stay at his Mansion hearing this Dana drags yagiri away which confuses him Dana reveals feels that she didn't want him to unleash his inner maniac and kill the man yiri assures her that he's not a deranged Hello Kitty and mo boy that goes on killing people observing the town yogiri and Dana find themselves surrounded by Abominations called the beast folk an ugly Catgirl myu offers them help prompting yogiri to inquire why she wants to Aid them myu reveals that she just wants to get her cheeks clapped by the male Sage candidates hearing this Dana recites a quick Bible verse to guard her own innocence however wanting to explore the town the Dora inside of Dana asks myu to show her around unfortunately for them myu turns out to be a greedy cat who surrounds yagiri and Dana with her goons believing that they're talentless losers after killing everyone Dana and yagiri find a comfortable lodging for the night when Dana is visited by her guardian Spirit mamoko she informs Dana that she was the one who made sure she didn't receive any skill from cion because she doesn't want her to end up as the Sage's puppet the next day celestina the hotel concierge reveals to the duo that their classmates are moving towards the Primeval forest with that information yogiri and Danner aboard the train when they're suddenly caught in a fight between sage santoo and a robot meanwhile in a creepy basement an ugly Sage by the name of Lane tries to heal one of Myer 's goon but all her attempts are useless like her existence suddenly laye is attacked by a brave named a who states that he wants to do a sage Holocaust being Immortal Lane quickly eats the mouth breather while yiri kills Santa for being a yapper the two losers arrive at hanabusa city with yagiri feeling exhausted after exerting himself against the furries the city boasts impressive architecture as they make their way to the hotel where they encounter their classmate yucky who has established his own harim there yucky extends an invitation to join him subtly making a pass at him one of their ugly classmates equipped with consultant power had advised yucky to win Battles by utilizing his servants increasing their numbers and enhancing his experience thereby gaining dominant abilities meanwhile Lane is engaged in a fierce battle against a formidable black aggressor darkness which is darker than my 3:00 a.m. thoughts as her subordinates wreak havoc in the city yagiri Retreats once more to become the king of sloths after waking up yagiri encounters Erica who aims for Dana he uses his instant kill on her meanwhile yui is busy bombing monsters to get more when he learns about Erica who acted without his authority out of jealousy later they dig into Erica's memories as the man doesn't have Netflix to watch yuy commands his servants to restrain Dana his lustful followers begin their assault but Dan counters with her awakened Talent swiftly subduing them despite Yu's determination to eliminate yogiri yogiri acts first killing yucky and breaking the hold he had over everyone euphemia expresses her relief at finally being free only to encounter laye who surprises her with a hickey meanwhile Lane's Army has transformed the city into a center of Chaos and destruction reminiscent of an apocalypse after being fatherless in public Lane asks euphemia about yugiri's ability meanwhile ugly looking zombies have surrounded the city though in my city people don't have to turn into zombies to look like that in the meantime yogiri and others plan to escape the city the city's leader clashes with Lane's lizard-like subordinate in a bid for control over the city masayuki seizes the key to the city and initiates a ceasefire among the zombies he then calls upon the citizens to bring yogiri and Danner at to him meanwhile yogiri decides to confront masayuki personally and sets off in his Direction masayuki sends his army but yogiri quickly defeats them even though they were already dead much like your love life yagiri finishes off masayuki as he turns into a giant laye controls people's minds to attack yogiri because she sees him as a threat laye also plans to bring Darkness to the city to kill yogiri indirectly she tells her copies to destroy the city if Darkness fails like the government treats its citizens yiri beats the darkness but then the copies attack him causing him to end up between Dana's talents Dana sees red ladies in the sky and thinks of Lane as an angel of death they figure out Lane's plan and chase her without any clear goal they defeat the copies and yiri kills Lane before she can make more Lane wakes up as a new person without her memories yagiri and Dana leave the city while pathetic school girls fawn over yagiri suddenly they get a message that the first gate has opened Dana drives the wagon as if she were in fast and Furious while yogiri being a passenger princess is dreaming yet again Asaka participates in an interview at her Research Center where the conditions are as appalling as a fat man's basement the interviewer escorts her to her designated area leading her to an underground Vault where she discovers a child Asaka becomes enraged by the mistreatment the child has endured introducing herself to the child Asaka decides to name him yogiri after her beloved dog in a gesture of solidarity yogiri opts to take aaka last name meanwhile Dana awakens as God's sleepiest Soldier when they encounter a dead end they opt to reverse the car but unexpectedly collide with a dragon yagiri swiftly dispatches it but more dragons swarm in reminiscent of a scene from a cockroach commercial undeterred yagiri eliminates them all a golden dragon appears before them but yogiri being loser only killed the black dragons the golden dragon turns into a little girl Atilla she insists they meet the dragon master who can help them with their Journey she being a small mon monster takes them to a trial instead to become a knight swordmaster being psycho Maniac Boomer tells them to kill each other or everyone fails the test a golden retriever guy suddenly jumps into protect when Atilla pleads with them to continue during their Journey they discuss the legend of the Divine King who sealed the dark King Atilla guides them through a barrier while makoko warns them to leave due to sensing an evil presence they are led to the end of the world where the dark King is sealed witnessing a failed attempt by a participant to end him the test continues from from there yagiri confides a secret to Dana leaving her stunned Dana wonders if yagiri would kill the sealed dark King too while Lionel discovers a girl with mommy issues the candidates start their trial the golden retriever guy faces Teresa who was a KN once but after killing for fun her title was revoked she attacks Rick playfully but the girl only starts to have fun when yiri ends her life the group arrives at a safe Zone and goes their separate ways the introverted lifeless looking receptionist informs Dana and yagiri that there is only one room available so they reluctantly share a bed meanwhile Lionel summons a motherly goddess who eagerly Embraces him the ghostly receptionist discusses summoning half demons for the first barrier with the older sword master as rudo and AI Clash ai's talking sword toy tells her that she has to Target yogiri and Dana the maiden classmate with zombie fetish from the beginning joins her Dana wakes up only to find yogiri sleeping on her cannons while makoko is stuck between a dead sucking wall yogiri saves makoko and makes a point that he'll kill anyone who attacks them without question AI confronts the golden dragon and disables its ability to fly aggressor resembling a hedgehog obediently finishes off the dragon subsequently a joker likee man lectures yogiri about cheating and presents him with choices but yogiri fearing exams ends him instead other candidates collaborate to earn points and eventually reach an arena where a pink bunny girl Rebels against her master in combat the unsightly Master orders his minions to attack yagiri but yogiri defeats them just as he prepares to leave a half demon approaches him seeking his assistance theoda seeks her sister and comrades imprisoned by the old hag swordmaster while the 17 candidates who survived are now declared Knights the ghostly receptionist and her ugly clones announce the first barriers fall then a fierce spawn organe appears to fight the old swordmaster organ is unharmed by the human attacks as he summons a goofy Dark Lord's spawn loot the knights engage in battle against the Dark Lord's spawn when Lionel summons a goddess who turns out to be suspicious loot eagerly squeezes herself between the goddess's mighty talents in order to hug her meanwhile Dana and yagiri are leaving from underground when they encounter a blade monster Theodosia locates her comrades in a peculiarly purple floating water but her sister is missing driving her determination to kill the old swordmaster LEL attempts to converse with the goddess to stall for time but she confesses her attraction to the dark lord alaga the goddess holds the core to resurrect the dark lord only to discover that yogiri had already slain him earlier seizing the opportunity Theodosia slays the swordmaster air plan to sacrifice humans to the dark lord fails when yogiri kills organe and the new swordsman dispatches the goddess unable to contend with yagi's powers AI fleas the Swordsmen provide them with pendants for emergencies as they all head to the capital however yogiri and Dana depart alone leaving behind their perverted classmates cion receives a briefing from her pathetic simp messenger and they decide to summon someone familiar with yagiri the doctor summoned seems unkempt and Overjoyed by yagi's News until his face suddenly explodes upon receiving a notification that the first gate has opened aaka shinzaki an artificial human wakes up in the bus where she discovers a new form of meat Dragon Meat a hot girl delicacy yiri eats the meal aaka prepared for him Asaka clearly doesn't cook to impress but distress Asaka tells yagiri not to nitpick or he would end up being popular which clearly isn't true as everyone is chasing yagiri even if to end him Asaka starts with yagiri basic education a robot comes to deliver grocery items Asaka being the lazy employee uses her and she asks the robot to bring her a bunch of things turns out Asaka and yogiri get along well because they are both dumb heads just then Asaka decides to go on a leave after her pay due to being exhausted and lock up esaka then eats like there is no stop button and gives her wallet a good workout she wakes up in a room after being abducted on her leave by an organization yiri starts to miss aaka as he finds out about her abduction he decides to save her meanwhile a Saka regrets applying to the institution a woman suddenly holds a Saka on gunpoint yagiri uses his instant death on the woman as they get back home aaka realizes she has gotten attached to yagiri so she doesn't plan to leave in the present makoko teases Dana for having a crush on yagiri they reach the capital and find themselves surrounded by dudes in shade troop uniform they tell them that they're Sage candidates and show them the emergency pendant given by Rick David intervenes and challenges to a fight Dana easily kicks David's pathetic bum they enter the city where they find out that another dark lord is sealed under the city they go to face the Second Challenge a confident student receives a harsh lesson when his fingers are cut for interfering with the King although he should consider himself fortunate that the king didn't aim for his third leg AI cries like a school girl and blames seion for summoning yiri Damon cries to loot expressing concern that yagiri can kill people with a single thought they decide to release the Lord's little sister who is even more of a Maniac than they are meanwhile danner's classmates are shocked to see her alive haris welcomes the Divine King inquiring about the defeat of the dark lord and asking about a key the Divine King seems clueless so hararis paralyzes her with a weird remote cross in the meantime their classmates expressed no guilt for using them as bait claiming that they were useless mouth breathers anyway ways yugiri's classmate Fuki reveals that he had been secretly watching yagiri through an eye that sees the supernatural but the eye lost its power since coming to this world ralo and Carol apologized to yogiri and revealed their identities as spies for the organization and Center in the end ralo Carol yogiri and Dana decide to work together meanwhile the girls gather with Rick and the boys with David defeating many monsters Damon wanders the city with loot to find the Lord's sister euphemia encounters the resurrected Lane in the forest who appears to be a downgrade transitioning from a mommy to a lowly three people talk negatively about yagiri when aaka appears and beats the out of one and indicates her plans to go after the rest seion meets Damon who tries to retreat after seeing her showing that the hottest thing a man can be is afraid of women their classmates update each other on the underworld progress reaching the sixth floor and almost close to the goal which is the seventh where the dark lord resides harud however asks SE to extend the deadline to which she agrees but only if he gets rid of yagiri aaka is fighting riona who considers herself the strongest but her abilities have been reduced by the Royal seal lud and Damon look for the Lord's sister but before they get to her she appears looking like a cute Hello Kitty girl who wears bows yagiri being an unemployed loser is slouching again he tells danra that he was attacked when he went outside man rarely touches grass but when he does he gets attacked meanwhile Mana gets the key to her chamber where her brother sealed her aaka attacks the king's chamber to get rid of the seal that weakens abilities while Mana shows Damon the children she had after clapping her brother lud explains that it's only Her Imagination after killing the King aaka encounters riona again and defeats her yagiri and Dan are out for a stroll when they come under attack by an assassin thanks to yogiri and makoko detecting the signals they manag to th the attack and apprehend the Assassin however their efforts are interrupted by a red-haired individual who comes to the Assassin Z meanwhile harud observes yagiri obsessively through a screen like a fat loser who is infatuated with an eir loot advises Damon to hold on to a key of significance enraged by the sight of in Jew robot yogiri dispatches the Assassin swiftly elsewhere Mana begs Damon to unlock a seal while yogiri shares details about enju who serves as the inspiration behind the robot's creation meanwhile aaka continues her Relentless spree of killings claiming the lives of eight classmates as she Target specific individuals prompting them to consider seeking refuge in the Underworld loot delivers the news of her brother's demise to MAA while Damon Bargains for lot's safety agreeing to mana's terms in a rather unconventional manner the classmates indulge in a party while yogiri feeling like a loser Outcast occupies himself with games however when he spots David nearing the edge of a cliff he rushes to his Aid as tensions rise the sage announces a requirement for them to battle each other to attain the status of sage amidst the chaos yogiri and David find themselves tumbling from the Cliff's Edge euphemia reunites with her sister theoda who just defeated a group of Bandits to save her comrades cion declares that they have one hour to either unleash Chaos on each other or kill her with the last person standing winning yogiri recalls Asaka words about ethics realizing that ethics don't apply to beasts and they must create their own rules suddenly they find themselves in a bizarre Aladdin themed cartoon world Mana feeling repulsed by Damon's appearance urges him to leave her body begins to expand as she prepares to give birth euphemia informs her sister that she has become the original blood and they head towards the capital to meet yogiri Damon encounters yogiri who offers him protection in exchange for assistance carrying David with them they head towards the sixth floor meanwhile the classmates begin plotting their attacks while Dana hides from them yiri greets a classmate in his own style swiftly dispatching him behind the lift Osamu attempts to attack May in her sleep but she outwits him using her feline strength and Grace na then tries to Target others but yogiri disables her power source and heads towards Dana as the classmates continue to battle riko discovers Dana's location by sending ghosts her way she reveals her guardian angel who resembles a Disney princess while makoko appears as an ugly ghost with strange makeup riko forces makoko to possess her exhibiting pikme girl behavior and damaging Dan's suit when yogiri arrives he knocks out Damon to Shield him from seeing Dana's body and covers her while the classmates V for control mana's body begins to consume them or Miko attempts to gather power but yogiri intervenes and ends her Dana is relieved to see some of her classmates alive but their Joy is short lived as an explosion suddenly disrupts the scene the explosion causes ayaka's body to be 60% destroyed 40% is just her ego that cannot end she quickly uses Dragon heel and makes her clone Warriors as the woman is obsessed with with herself a dragon heads to kill the five survivors the system tells aaka to retreat as yagiri is too powerful it turns out aaka was created as a plan for Humanity project in case yagiri kills all mankind imagine being a backup and then being abandoned by the humans yagiri swiftly dispatches aaka when she approaches with hostile intent prompting them to depart from the area seion confronts yogiri who attacks her gradually dismantling her defenses as seion attempts to retreat into her castle she Witnesses yogiri injuring her messenger and decides to cooperate she reveals that she is unsure how to return to the real world as their connection has been severed allowing them to gain full strength in this realm cion provides yagiri with the coordinates of the original world and the philosophers stoned for energy which are necessary for their return before cion can return to her castle she is consumed by Mana to provide sustenance for her brother in a rather unconventional manner MAA blankets the entire city with her flesh displaying her Fury she sets her sights on yagiri but he swiftly eliminates the super villain in a mere moment as everyone boards a flying boat to depart makoko equips Dana with a Sleek flying suit that makes her look like a baddy as yogiri rests on Dana's lap recalling a memory of his mother Damon sets off on his own journey to establish his harim with that we wrap our story do you guys think Damon will be able to achieve his dream if yes then let us know like always make sure to like And subscribe
Channel: AniRoar
Views: 35,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aniskull, MSA, romatic, heroic, instant death ability, powerful instant death ability, anime recaps, anime recap, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap, aniclimax, anime center, anicapped, animaan, anibro reborn, anislayer, Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou sugite, latest anime recap, top anime recap, anicap The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil, mr beast
Id: Nln6sLIohpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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