(17)He met his end but granted second chance, Became most powerful in Murim world | Manhwa Recap

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this marks the 17th part of this man if you haven't viewed the previous Parts you can access it by clicking the I button located above or the link is provided in description let's aim for 200 likes on today's video to show your support consider subscribing to the channel let's begin our recap video for today's Mana W ask you will cut him down may he inquire about the reason behind it neong Jun responded by questioning if there was a need for any other justification to harm the son of the leader of the Demonic cult W ask is he the Heavenly sword Nong Jun stated he abandoned that nickname a long time ago he should draw his sword W think Heavenly sword Nang gong Jun someone who was once called a martial genius from Heaven the third son of the current Alliance leader Nang gong Min however due to his arrogant personality he was in conflict with his inflexible father nangong Min finally when he lost the race for succession he put his brothers in a conspiracy in the end he committed the crime of stealing secret Arts that were only accessible to the family patriarch and was excommunicated and exiled from the family he remember him because he was also famous in his past life to think a person like that shows up ready to cut him down does he want to gain his father's forgiveness by cutting down the young Master of the Demonic cult Nang gong Jun gets into fighting stance and Rush forward to attack W however W think it would have been difficult to deal with him in the past but it's different now as wound defeat him in a single move and he thinks think the problem is whether he should spare his life or not however at Hunan's kaiun in the mum alliance's HQ servant Russian while calling bad new and he report Alliance leader it is said that 32 masters of the hyan sect near jujan were massacred nangong men leader of the mum Alliance demanded who in the world is responsible for this crime the person continued by saying it said that that's not all centering on jjang Province and fuen Province within a week more than 20 sex rendered to the Demonic cult and three sects were destroyed schwanen the leader of wudang sect asked what is the size of their forces if it was that bad they must have moved on a large scale does that mean besides the forces they put into Mount Bo they still had more to dispatch the person answered that the size of their forces is estimated to be around 50 people zeu the leader of chingching sect in Surprise ask only 50 people with mang gak's diversionary operation neong men think an unknown expert but his thoughts were interrupted by Pang hund as he stated what a disgrace they ended up playing a part in their competition for succession Elder o remark how long are they going to let those bastards run wild in the central plains jiming the leader of Mount HK added Alliance leader they can't ignore the second young master mangak in terms of ability alone he may be above mangion hearing all this nangong men stated looks like they have to make their move this time and ask is there anyone who would like to step forward and nangong men think the mum Alliance is an organization that came together out of necessity in the first place no one is hastily taking the lead maybe it's only natural since mum is the world of the strong as soon as their strength runs out they will be eaten but if that's all what is the difference between them and the unorthodox sex is there any more Justice and righteousness left in this place at the moment payang gak stand up from his seat and remark he will go to jujang and he will also ask for help from the zuga family Zha notes since one of the mum alliance's 10 great Masters sir blade King is stepping forward along with the great juga family's support they won't have to worry about anything payang gak think this is an opportunity to increase their five great families influence in the mum Alliance meanwhile Nang gongmen think he understand what he is trying to do but for some reason he doesn't have a good feeling about this elder o remarked they will also ask the clan leader to send reinforcements paying gak turned around while asking so he didn't hate our five great families Elder note he was just saying this because he was worried about the mm Alliance plus their beggar Clan is not that narrow-minded he should know that panyang gak stated that great he guessed they have to show those demonic Cults bastards the true power of the Hun family and the beggar Clan meanwhile at Tian Clan's Heaven destroying Palace when King one of Tian Clans for great Kings ask have you been well my Lord Tian he the leader of heavenly destroying Palace replied don't he have the holy Lord by his side it must have been hard on him this time as he poured him some liquor and Tion he stated in Joy this is the alcohol he brewed himself and ask about the trip when King reported according to jeene becking mangion lost more than half of his troops and he barely escaped with his life tition he asked what about jujang wind King remark more than 20 mum Alliance sexs have already fallen into the hands of the false cult accordingly it is said that paying gak of the hab P family departed for jujang tition he stated Pang Hayak they're trying to fight a tiger with cat when King think is it just him he can really feel the energy of a tiger somewhere and ask when he say tiger does he mean the water King tition he stated he is right he is as good as meang gak meanwhile a tiger appears from behind and water King think there's really a tiger and he he asked it's obvious that this lowly subordinate can't fully understand your intention my Lord he can't understand why he listened to meong gak's request he is different from Jean Bing he may become a thorn in our side one day tition he asked do he think that he is doing this just to destroy the manglan even though they are the true descendants of the holy Lord it has been 200 years since the manglan pretended to be them in the meantime let alone turning the world demonic the mang family was busy pretending to be a no nobleman meong gak will be a useful stepping stone for them to advance to the central plains now that he and the bright King have reached the unrestrained realm they will convert this world into a demonic one of course destroying the mang family comes first what about other young masters from the mang Clan when King remarked Jean Bing requested them to deal with the third young Master tition he asked about the request when King explained he said that the attempted assassination of the third young master in shinjang had failed and requested his elimination tion he stated how stupid why would he throw away a card that could be used to keep meang gak in check wi King continued the fourth young Master mang Jun is actually in Exile in manua and the fifth young Master mang Jong led the red wi squad on an expedition to the kland sect he about to report about six young Master but Tian he said that's enough and asked him to explain the condition about the fifth young master who went to konon Wi King note he has been defeated by the konon sect and he doesn't have much Manpower left it seems like he is struggling to gain young Jung's attention tition he order then he can take this chance and get rid of the fifth young Master while giving him a cup of liquor with his Chi wind King think not a single drop splashed out and ask are they finally starting to punish the false cult he will depart immediately after finishing this my Lord at Supreme Harmony Hall bright chamber W remark your youngest son has returned from the Western regions mang Jang said he heard you two joined forces to subdue do the manchurians W stated no the subjugation of the manchurians is entirely the third brother's doing mang Jung asked thats why you didn't return together W explain actually he ventured to see the world after leaving the daming palace for the first time father mang Jung stated see the world he said the third young Master think he is not even taking the credit for the Manchurian subjugation but his humility isn't what father likes mang Jung stated good in consideration of their achievements in subjugating the manchurians this time he appoint the third son to be the dark killer squad leader and the seventh to be the Heavenly Elemental squad leader third young Master think the dark killer squad originally belonged to miong chion the first brother failure to conquer Mount bwe has turned into poison wound think in his past life the dark killer squad leader was Lee sunin positioned for a long time on the last day of his past life he was the one who brought him the bottle of poisonous wine history is changing then mang Jong asked they hear about their second brother third young Master ask isn't he in Yan father mang Jung remark he thought he was drinking in Yan but he destroyed the hyan sex Masters in juang and cut off the head of penak the hab family patriarch W think cutting off the head of one of mum alliance's 10 great Masters so if the mum Alliance is focusing their attention on jujan the defenses of Sichuan on the other side will be relatively weak should he thank meang gak he will go to mount Chinchin tomorrow to cut off the head of taus Master U the ching ching sect leader a few days ago near Mizan jujan penak the patriarch of Hab P family running away from demonic cult who are following him one of demonic cult soldiers stated you beggar if he don't have the money at least leave his head behind Elder Quan stated this arrogant young bastard an unruly dog needs to be hit and immediately turned around and rushed towards him and strike him down simultaneously the water King one of the four Great Kings of the ton Clan surged forward and swiftly beheaded him the water King declared apologies but he don't resemble those Scoundrels of the false cult as payen gak dispatched two more soldiers of the Demonic cult he pondered is the power of the Demonic cult truly this formidable furthermore who is that mysterious figure however his moment of contemplation was abruptly interrupted when mang gak launched an attack narrowly missing him and slicing through the rock behind him leaving him astonished by meong gak's Marshall Pro pyak think am this bastard is the Second Son of the Demonic cult leader he have lived as the blade King for 17 years even if he have to lose an arm here he will kill this bastard no matter what and he used fire dragon blade technique Soul snatching blade to attack meong gak in response gak swiftly severed both of his arms and he exclaimed blade King my ass and then delivered a blade strike to his head resulting in decapitation water King remark amazing to think he was able to cut down pangang gak Mong gak stated he will cut down whoever blocks his path water King remark his spirit is commendable however it would be best not to cross the line at any rate he have switched the boat meanwhile at violet light group reception room sein note he is back young master and ask what's with the flower pot wound stated this is the neop phenicia grown in the west quarters originally its flowers only bloomed around July but it already bloomed thanks to general manager Kang's careful management this is his gift to her group leader she Nots so it was a success and she even think it bloomed early the scent is still the same he stated it's all thanks to the group leader for giving them valuable subordinates and information she thinks she heard it from aan and Ma jingu the victory was actually achieved by the seventh young Master not the third young master and she pour him some liquor and remarks so enjoy this from defeating the manchurians and also to suppressing the alans she think the domination actually hid the alon's existence from her yet the seventh young Master Built up his power in the western region with a single Expedition at the age of 17 no less W stated then he met a man named Nang gong Jun she asked Nang gong Jun is he saying that the nangong family's Heavenly sword was in the western region he exclaimed yes he said he would cut his head off and return to the central plains but he spared him although their relationship as father and son was severed there is no need to become the mirum alliance leader enemy right away well that too may change in the future she think the Heavenly sword is an expert beyond the Transcendent realm in a life and death battle he is by no means an easy opponent well he guess it's only natural given young Master's current martial skills he have to be the shaolin's Abbot and Wong sect Master to be able to compete with him even though she witnessed it herself she still can't believe it w ask she must have heard of the second brother's news right see mein replied yes it is said that he cut off habing family's Pang hayang gak's head he remarked that's why he is planning to go to chining he planned to go and cut off the head of chin Ching sect Master she became shocked and asked what and she think no matter how incredible young masters Marshall skills are jumping into the middle of Sichuan is a completely different matter and she asked is he planning to go without the cult leader permission W stated that's why he came to find her group leader please help him leave tomorrow she knowed he must not look down on the mum Alliance and clean's Heaven and Earth net he stated if he had looked down on it he wouldn't have come here to look for her he would like to ask her a few favors could she help him seene think this is no different from an order the next day at dawn at the outskirts of daming Palace wound remarked dressing like this makes them look like a real Merchant group especially with that beard Khan note he looked like a proper Porter to Young Master with violet light group leader and the Northwest Merchant groups help of course their disguise must be perfect but going to Sichuan is no different from entering the snake's mouth no matter how they approach it as soon as something happens to the chin Ching sect a heaven and earth net will be spread across Sichuan W remark that's why he brought them all with him yesterday evening at West quarters Khan knowed he is back W asked did anything happen while he was gone KH replied no sir he heard that he went to the Supreme Harmony Hall and the violet light group right after he came back W remarked that lord gave him the title of heavenly Elemental squad leader Kong stated considering his achievements in shinjang it's only natural young Master but what about the existing leader go wound stated he was appointed as the vice commander of the white tiger Squad he loves it cin became the vice leader of the Heavenly Elemental Squad Khan know he understands W think had general manager KH only focused on Marshall Arts he would have reached a higher realm the same goes with gun but he made her work as a g en manager as his disciple Jan Moon remarked he has come a long way shouldn't he get some rest young Master W stated no this isn't the time to rest his second brother beheaded Pang henak in juu Jang Jang nunas isn't penak of h family one of murum alliance's 10 great Masters Kong added what's more how could the second young Master do that when he was said to be in Yan W stated he don't know the details but the second brother he know could do even more than that that's why he needs their help will they help him both of them replied if it's an opportunity to do something for him they will do anything back to present when remark anyway he never thought that the sure family would suddenly send Jang manun as a reinforcement Kong notes surprisingly when team leader Jong said he wanted to go Elders sure willingly sent him W think he probably sent him here to monitor him at the same time it does not matter this life can't be the same as the previous life anyway there is no guarantee that Jang manun will reach a high realm like in his previous life because the flow of power will be different from his previous life sein remarked they will soon reach bayu County as expected he can see many disciples of the beggar Clan wound said all right please stop the carriage as planned they will separately enter from here please stay safe everyone Kong replied yes young Master W think while the merchant group draws attention they disguise themselves as Porters and move to chingching as quickly as possible for now their priority is to get through the gates safely beggar Clan disciples noticed them and move toward them to check Cen Whispers to wound there are too many beggar Clan's disciples they have no choice but to confront them but at the moment Khan shouted from behind saying out of the way you dirty Beggars aren't you going to get lost immediately the merchant group leader is coming down the person said what Beggars and Order other guy to just beat that basted up at the moment jyun opened the door and came out and she ordered please stop and and ask how can he be so rude to these per people please quench their thirst with this as she handed them some money the person replied thank you so much princess he means Merchant group leader W think he definitely left the general manager's position to the right person this marks the conclusion of the 17th part of this Mana the 18th part will be uploaded tomorrow to show your support consider subscribing to the channel looking forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: Universal Manhwa Recap
Views: 1,148
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Keywords: manhwa recap, anime recap, anicap, the manhwa man, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enro, mercenary enrollment, Manga, manga, Manga recap, Manhwa recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manga recap, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, movie recap, recap manhwa, recap manga
Id: pWZjpJo8p0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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