Bourbon Burner Series - Lamb Chops! - VR180

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hey welcome to the monday night bourbon burner series where i cook things using bourbon this week lamb with bourbon shiitake mushrooms on top uh this may take a while so let's just get right to it i'm gonna take you to the kitchen right after this [Music] all right welcome to the bourbon bounty kitchen uh we're going to cook lamb today now i did not marinate this lamb in bourbon so uh there's a difference between lamb and mutton mutton is just older so uh i want to keep this very simple on the lamb because it does not have a strong gamey flavor when it's a young lamb and this these are young lamb chops if you get a mutton chop then you can do other things to it because it will be a stronger harsher flavor but i want to protect that that slight gaminess to the lamb and so all i'm doing here is i have a little bit of olive oil and a quarter of a stick of butter and i'm going to turn this burner on high just for a little bit until that butter starts melting once this starts melting down i'm gonna uh put my uh rosemary and i we grow rosemary so i have a sprig of rosemary here i'm gonna throw in and let the oils come out i don't chop the rosemary up and sprinkle it over the lamb um because all the flavor is going to come out in that heat anyway and i have a garlic clove over here already minced up i'm going to throw that in there i'm going to sear this lamb get it to the correct doneness and then i'm going to pull it off and then i will deglaze the pan with my bourbon add shiitake mushrooms season it up from there but i will be right back as soon as this pan gets hot and i'll show you the steps all right i don't know if i mentioned before but the reason i put a little bit of olive oil in there before i put the butter in is the olive oil prevents the milk fats from burning in the butter so i'm gonna throw my garlic sprig in you can hear it start to sizzle i did back that heat off to about a seven on my burner here um before i put these lamb chops in let me get a little fork here and i'm gonna let this rosemary cook just a little bit to infuse the flavor in this oil and butter flip it over the oils are coming out in that rosemary right now and i can smell it all through the air and this fresh rosemary like this it can't be beat so let me start adding these chops and again this is just salt and butter fresh cracked pepper i mean salt and pepper fresh cracked pepper uh and actually fresh ground sea salt so i'm gonna put these in here get my rosemary out of the way so they can make good contact with the bottom of the pan that one's not gonna take as long as those it's a little thinner all right i want to get good surface contact because i want to get a good sear on this lamb there we go all right i'm going to wait until i flip it and then i'm going to add my garlic but that garlic flavor will come out quick but we'll get to that we're we're gonna let these cook for just a few minutes and then we'll get into that part all right i've thrown my garlic in i'm about ready to flip these things the reason i didn't add the garlic is because it will burn if it stays in too long so you can see i'm flipping them over now i've got a good uh sear starting on that side and again if you can't see well you can scroll with the mouse if you're on a computer um or tilt your phone or if you have vr visors it looks like you're standing in my kitchen all right so we're going to let these cook on this side and i'm going to turn my heat back up to about an eight uh we'll let these go for a few more minutes and i'll be right back with you all right these things are starting to pop pretty good i'm gonna go ahead and flip them back over again the garlic is starting to get pretty brown and if you want you can tilt these up on their edges because they are pretty thick and you can get a little sear around the bone i might do that uh before i take them up they're pretty red at the ends i do not want to overcook these you can eat lamb rare and and i like mine between rare and medium rare the flavors stay there they don't dry out and they're almost perfect so i don't want my garlic to overdo so i'm going to tilt these up get a little scorch on the end let some of that blood cook out just a little just so it's more appealing on the plate all right but i do want these to retain a red color to the meat all right i have uh i'm going to remove this from the burner right quick we're starting to get a little smoke i'm going to uh turn this off i've taken my lamb off they're resting on the plate uh so now i'm gonna add my shiitake mushrooms uh to the butter that was in there i also took out the garlic because it was gonna start burning and that's gonna add a bitterness but there's not a lot of dark burnt flavor here so let me add the mushrooms before this starts smoking again all right and this is about a cup maybe slightly less than a cup of chopped shiitake mushrooms very delicate flavor to the shiitakes i just mainly want them to add texture and a little earthy flavor to the deglaze so i'm going to let these sweat down before i deglaze the pan with the bourbon and while these are doing that with that rosemary the other thing i like to add to this is a little dry thyme and thyme is is a part of the mint family so you don't want too much just a little sprinkle around on there but it does add a good earthy tone and it adds a little spice kick to it but it goes really really well with the oils from that rosemary and the lamb so let me toss these around now now we're to the part that i don't know if it's gonna work or not okay we're to the part where i add the bourbon and i usually use a chianti or some kind of wine but we're going to try it with bourbon again i like to use benchmark it's 10 bucks a bottle with some really good uh bourbon notes to it that cup that stands up i'm gonna add a couple of maybe a shot and a half maybe two ounces it's not an exact thing i'm gonna let it cook down i'm gonna let this reduce man that has an incredible aroma to it all right guys this is reduced down we have now bourbon shiitake mushrooms with thyme rosemary and garlic uh butter that's gonna go with these lamb chops this is what we're gonna be trying uh for the bourbon i don't have a control because you know it is what it is but i'll meet you in the studio in just a moment all right here we are we have our our seared lamb um with uh pepper salt rosemary infused into the and garlic in the in the butter uh that that we've we braised them in gonna cut a little piece here where we can see uh nice and and uh rare uh toward the middle uh but uh you know got to get outside edge first i'm gonna try it without the mushrooms okay um i love lamb love it now i'm just gonna try the taste of the mushrooms here i don't want these videos to run long i want to see if this was successful absolutely oh yeah that was really really successful okay i'm getting a really good earthy flavor uh out of those mushrooms again shiitake mushrooms are very light they don't uh have a lot of strong flavor to them uh but they add that texture that you kind of want with that thyme and the rosemary and all the other earthiness bam it complements the flavor and again these are young lamb chops uh so it's not mutton uh that would be a much stronger flavor and i would probably do something a little harsher with it than this but i want to keep the flavors very very light because i want that gaminess to come out wow that is fantastic all right guys so um deglazing with bourbon works just as well if not better to me this actually looks better than when i deglaze with red wine it gives it like a a burgundy sticky flavor or or visual and this just looks clean and and crisp but you still get the same uh uh you know the little alcohol kick but you get those deep bourbon notes in there with the the vanilla i think the the vanilla and caramels of the bourbon and the fruitiness of the bourbon helps contrast some of those earthy tones that that are in the seasonings the rosemary the thyme and again time is part of the mint family but i like dried thyme in in this recipe instead of fresh if you use fresh thyme yeah you're going to get a bolder flavor but you will also get a little more mint flavor to it and so i wanted to keep that subdued but this is my recipe and i will post it in the comments down below but as always please like and subscribe hit the bell down there for notifications and i promise i'll keep making you these videos [Music]
Channel: Bourbon Bounty
Views: 310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bourbon, Whiskey, Whisky, VR180, VR 180, Lamb, Loin Chops, Shiitake Mushrooms, Cooking, Deglazing, review, food
Id: xcRbzKfwNq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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