I cooked Superstars #1 Burger (ft. Everyone)

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on this video I am going to be cooking celebrities YouTubers favorite Burgers here's how it's going to work I am going to DM 100 of them and see who replies but I'm going to be picky on my reply don't just send me an emoji I actually want a video and I'm going to start with the rock yo my brother Dwayne do you know what the Goa is cooking that sounds so cheesy let's go with it anyway I love to cook your favorite burger please don't tell me it's just pancakes and syrup he loves that by the way now Messi the world's number one football player yo Messi you live in Miami I live in Miami you like soccer I like steaks let me cook your favorite burger brother send LeBron James I know you still think you're the goat but MJ wants to talk to you in the meantime can I make your favorite burger send oh maybe maybe I shouldn't have send it that way I kept trying to message everyone I can think of comedians outdoor survivors and some of the biggest people I know and after a few days I got some [Music] reply oh L hey Goa my favorite burger has to be a perfectly done medium rare Patty well seasoned Brios bun toasted and buttered butterhead lettuce loads of onions little bit of my Ploy sauce that's good that sounds delicious you know what let's make that burger right now I got to say this burger that he has in mind just sounds fantastic so let me show you how I made it the most important ingredient I think about this burger is this my poy sauce now if you've never had it let me tell you something it is delicious it's lightly sweet little bit spicy and it's just so nice to make it as a burger sauce you just want to add a good amount of mayo into a bow followed by a generous amount of the sauce mix that up real good and there you have it nice and simple now as you heard looks like his Burger medium rare I highly recommend if you're making your own make sure you grind your own beef that way you can cook to whatever temperature you like these are some rebis that are ground up now since he likes a medium rare I recommend bigger balls that way it's going to be delicious towards the end so I went ahead and pressed it down to make a nice thick Petty went outside and butter up my griddle and started by first toasting the Buns always make sure you toast your buns it will be better because next was time to cook the burger now you definitely don't want to cook the burger with butter that's why I use the high temperature oil like avocado oil after seasoning it with salt and pepper it was time to flip now medium rare for a burger I recommend 10 35° F which I think it gives a perfect texture for the medium rare Burger because once that's done I first started with a Toasted Bun followed by that beautiful thick Patty I just cooked a slice of butterhead lettuce followed by a generous amount of crispy onions which by the way you can buy these already made they are delicious and gives a nice crunch to the burger and of course we cannot forget about that sauce I made sure to add a generous amount now this is Luke's favorite burger and I'll tell you one thing the ingredients sounds fantastic and I honestly ly cannot wait to find out how it's going to taste so enough talking and let's give it a try there you have it my good friend's Luke Burger you know the outdoor boys this is his favorite burger okay and uh today you guys are going to be in for a treat cuz I'm making every single celebrity and YouTubers the ones that reply bro I send a text to the Rock do you think he's going to reply maybe you guys look like distant distant cousins and I've got to say in all honesty um it's the biggest piece the dog cheers everybody Cheers Cheers yo you're on to something here that little sauce yeah it's like sweet it's like Tangy yeah but it's also crunchy as well M super crunchy nice crust medium rare burger that is delicious that might be the best burger sauce I've ever tried let's see who replied next oh all right goog let's talk about my favorite burger I call it the Sunny Side slider first of all it's not a burger it's small compact it's a slider because I'd rather have five sliders than one big burger second it's a Smash Burger put on a sweet Hawaiian roll it's got mayonnaise but it also has grape jelly some bacon for crisp grape jelly what and some gooey swiss cheese for cheese put it all together The Sunny Side slider it is delicious make it happen make it good googa let's see it okay you know what I was about to cook some steaks but who cares forget about the steak let's cook this burger excuse me like Sunny said they are sliders not Burger now I'll be honest with you as soon as I heard jelly I was a little skeptical but let's give it a try now first I thought that this needed to be a sauce so I combined Mayo with grape jelly I mixed that up real good and look what it became and in all honesty this was disgusting this combination is just weird so I went ahead and paid attention once again to what he said and it was never mixed so here's how I ended up with the sliders first I chose these Hawaiian buns they're slightly sweet and they should be perfect for it and instead of using that disgusting sauce I made previously I first added Mayo to one layer and the other one I just spread out the grape jelly but I'm not going to lie at this stage I was still skeptical but I kept going as the next thing to do is to cook the meat so I went ahead and oiled up the gridle real good and added a huge ball because we got to make sure we have enough beef for all of the sliders and I felt like this gridle was the perfect size for this as soon as I started getting some color I season it with salt and pepper then it was time to flip just like the ask I add swiss cheese right on top covered the whole thing up so that it would melt and it was now time to assemble the bottom layer I went with the grape jelly followed by the beef and cheese I did not forget about the crispy bacon and to top it off the buns with the Mayo now I tell you one thing even though this lighter has grape jelly I think it's actually going to work at least that's my hope because we all know Sonny has tried some crazy things on his videos and I cannot wait to find out how this is going to taste and here we have my good friends Sunny from the best ever Food review show that guy got good taste so this burger has to be delicious cheers everybody purple Burger cheers yo M I'm cool with it is that jelly yes damn I'm a fan this tastes really good I mean it's weird that it's a sweeter Burger but I mean with the Hawaiian bread it kind of just all works you know what I mean you put the perfect amount of jelly on this burger though because you get a main flavor of burger with just a slight hint of jelly in the background so it's not overpowering at all even though I don't like swiss cheese this is the first Burger I go for another bite of as I was getting ready to record my next video I got a message hey googa it's Ryan tryan my favorite burger in the world a number two from Water Burger good luck trying to recreate that it's fire well Ryan I'm going to give it my best shot because I know a lot of you out there have already had the Water Burger and here's my take on it we first start with the beef scrape it really good because when you flip it you want to have a nice crust and of course don't forget to toast the Buns to build it we first start with with the Buns followed by the two patties some sliced onions a few pickles a tomato lettuce and for the sauces ketchup and mustard then all there's left to do is to Crown the whole thing this is my take on Ryan's favorite burger now it looks good maybe even better than water Burgers let me know in the comments down below as now let's go ahead and taste there you go Ryan tell me I would love to know your opinion how did I do it it looks pretty good lot of green in my vision right now lot of green these guys hate green you got to eat the greens man ask Ryan Ryan please let me let me take the lce out bro please so this is his favorite burger is the Water Burger number two go ahead and grab a piece Leo cheers everybody Cheers Cheers reminds me of uh Big Mac from McDonald's it's more like a Whopper if you ask me I think it's a good burger it's not an a holy my mind is blown Burger but it is tasty it's flavorful I like the sauces they balance everything out nicely I love how we're talking a lot of crap everybody but we ate oh I mean look fast food restaurants are pretty successful and water burer is very very famous I can understand why Ryan loves that one so much and uh out of all the burgers that they have I think that's the best one hey googa Foods Dr Mike here and I challenge you to make a very unique healthy Burger we'll call it the Dr Mike Burger let's get it to be lower and saturated fat let's get it to be high in fiber let's get some wait what fruits vegetables in there use your creativity because my cholesterol is high and I know the best way to lower it is to decrease saturated fat increase fiber I challenge you let's do it what this might just be the most challenging Burger I'm making today because these combination sounds weird but let's give it a go the first element I'm going to tackle is fruit I went with Tangerine I remember many years ago having a burger that had Tangerine on it and it was okay now to make the Tangerine slightly better I'm going to be using this enzyme let me show you what it does the first thing to do is to go ahead and peel them you see these lot of white things hanging out on the Tangerine it's actually what makes it bitter now you can spend all the time you want and try to remove as much as possible it is just a pain to do that's what that mine does for you all you need to do is this add all of your tender into a bowl followed by a little bit of water and a few drops of the mzy stir it real good and leave it overnight in the refrigerator because the very next day take a look the mzy did its job but you still have to strain the whole thing as in the end you are left with this perfect little pieces of Tangerine there will be nothing bitter about them and they should pair up perfectly with the burger at least that's my hope and to keep up with the theme I'm going to be using fat-free mozzarella cheese that's the healthiest one I could find keeping it even healthier I have to do the same for the sauce and to make this one is quite simple I started with Greek yogurt followed by garlic some chives a tiny bit of salt and finish it off with black pepper mix that up real good and that's our sauce nice and simple maybe the hardest part for me was the bread so I had to choose something super healthy this one has high protein so I'm hoping it's going to be good for the vegetables we're going to go with arugula we all know this is good for the heart now the hardest part was this the beef trying to keep this burger as healthy as possible I went with the leanest one I could find it literally says on the package heart healthy and since I knew this was going to be super dry this is what I decided to do first I made a Patty made an indentation right in the middle and added the fat-free cheese then I closed the whole thing up and made a nice huge ball I'm hoping this is going to be fantastic because next up was to form the Patty so I put it on some parchment paper and pressed the whole thing down with my burger fries now there we have it so first I went ahead and toasted the Buns no butter no nothing straight up that is what I was left with I really wanted to cook the Burger on the gridle but I wanted to have a healthier option so I decided to steam it this is a technique I learned long time ago because once this was done it did not look very promising no crust no nothing so I decided to go ahead and hit it with the torch and says there's no fat or oil the results were not the best but now to assemble we first got our healthy bread followed by that steam paty I just made a generous amount of arugula followed by tangerine and of course I did not forget about the healthy burger sauce then in the end I crowned the burger and this is Dr Mike's Burger I truly hope that this is delicious because if we can have a healthy burger that is good for us and he also tastes fantastic that's the way to go well let's find out right now and here we have the next one what do you guys think huh what kind of bread is that it's uh an interesting bread let's just say it like that this is Dr Mike's Burger everybody Dr Mike are those oranges bro no bro that's tangerin same thing what's the differ the same they're both Citrus they both taste like orange I actually don't mind the Tangerine how about the arugula enough of talking let's give it a try cheers everybody Cheers Cheers that's gross m m gross that tastes healthy and if there's one thing we do here at Google Foods it's not healthy stuff what do you mean bro all of my burgers are healthy fat free calorie free don't listen to a word this guy says all right look this is what I'll say I hope I did it's Justice Dr Mike I love to know what you think it's a healthy Burger yes but is it a delicious crazy I would crave this every day of my life no no we eat for flavor but Dr Mike eats for Fitness that's why he looks like this and we look like this what are you talking about I got a six spec it's just in the inside and as I was editing my next video I suddenly got another message Goa the best burger Uncle Roger ever have is simple bacon cheeseburger but with one twist using Kang Mayo unaj can't wait to see you make this I think koraj is on to something here Kang Mayo well let's make that first because if you've never had kuchan it is fantastic and when you mix it with mayo is just awesome you can put this on anything even rice and it's going to be fantastic now on a bacon cheeseburger M let's make some right now the most important thing whenever you're making a cheeseburger is to make sure that you smash the burgers really nicely don't forget to season it with salt and pepper then immediately flip remember a good burger is all about that crust as soon as it's flipped immediately go in with American cheese once it has slightly melted stack them on top and please don't forget to toast your buns that's some must because now we add the patties right on top of the bun followed by three slices of bacon and of course a very generous amount of the kuchan Mayo then all there's left to do is to Crown the burger because this is Uncle Roger's favorite burger and I don't know about you but I have a feeling this is going to be very delicious I love to know what you think I cannot wait to find out how this is going to taste which celebrity is that Uncle Roger got to have some MSG in it right if that burger doesn't have MSG in it I'm going to be a little bit Kaja what happened bro doesn't not have MSG yeah what's up with that enough talk let's give it a try cheers everybody cheers doesn't have a mg but that's amazing I love how it's a Smash Burger you have that perfect crust on the actual Burgers the gooey cheese and that sauce is nice and runny it's perfect everything comes together the bacon with the sauce right there on top is just so nice Uncle Roger that's phenomenal there's only one thing missing on your burger MSG oh you guys took a second at this stage as I was cooking I suddenly got another message Google how's it going man uh what is my favorite hamburger easy answer the Mississippi slug Burger I ate 43 these guys in 10 minutes was the first world record I ever set a world record that stands to this day so slug Burger traditionally is pork and cornmeal Patty deep fried and then on top is um raw onions pickles and mustard in a hamburger bun but the beauty of the slug Burger is you can do anything you want with it a slug Burger wow I've never heard of this before but I'm going to give it my best shot the original slug Burger uses this potato flakes oh yes now the only reason they used this back in the day was to stretch out the beef so what they actually did was combine it with the meat that way you have a lot more for your buck so after making a ball I went ahead and smash the whole thing creating a nice thick Patty because we're not cooking this one on the gridle no no no no no first I made sure to have enough potato flakes on the exterior as then it's going to be deep fried oh yes now I've never made any Burger like this before I have no idea how it's going to taste because once I was done I was left with a very interesting Patty the funny thing about this burger is that instead of toasting the Buns it's actually steamed so I made sure to do that which kind of makes sense though because the crispiness is going to come from the Patty to build it it's quite simple we first start with the bun followed by the fried Patty then some white onions a few few slices of pickles and to finish it off a generous amount of yellow mustard as this is my take on Matt stony's Burger now I'll be honest with you I've never had anything like this in my life and I cannot wait to find out if it's going to be good or bad voila and here we have Matt stony's favor burger oh this one looks different looks quite weird damn cheers yo I was not expecting it to be so soft extremely tender it it looks like it's going to be dry but as soon as you take a bite it's juicy and then there's like a little crust on the outside too like MH it's pretty good I don't know what that crust is but it also adds like a nice saltiness to the Burger too and I've never had a burger with just mustard it's actually really good this is a delicious Burger man as I was getting one of my favorite drinks from the refrigerator I got a message the best burger I've ever had is from Gotham Burger Social Club in New York City it's a Smash Burger they toast the top of the bun instead of the inside so the inside stays fluffy and then they have all these nice sauces on the inside it's a perfect perfect smash Patty well Nick that sounds very delicious now let me show you my take on it outside we go and we start off with a generous amount of white onions followed by the meat then you want to immediately smash the whole thing together similar to the Oklahoma style burger and if you've never made this trust me when I tell you the combination is fantastic because as soon as you flip some onions will be burned others will be completely caramelized but that's the beauty of it as soon as you got a nice crust on one side flip that whole thing and cook it up as now you want to sandwich them between each other making it the perfect onion Smash Burger once that's done add an american cheese on top cover it up so that it can melt then you want to put that down on a Toasted Bun followed by some pickles add a generous amount of burger sauce now it is a secret what the burger sauce is so I went ahead and did my own which is a mixture of mayo ketchup mustard and Worcester share sauce and we can't forget about the most important part part is that they don't only toast the bun on one side but also the other making it quite unique now this is my take on Nick's favorite burger and I'm hoping I did it justice let me know in the comments down below what you think because even though this looks fantastic the most important thing is always the taste there you have it Nick I love to know what do you think how I did what do you guys think about this one huh it looks very crispy it looks like you uh gave the bread a good sear that's correct that's correct go ahead and grab one I have a feeling you're going to enjoy this one cheers everybody body cheers wow yeah that's nice doesn't feel like a fast food joint I like the crispiness of the edges of the burger and combine that with the soft onions this is a texture bomb and it tastes great too I like that it's a triple Burger this is good I like it I'm going to finish it as I was playing one of my favorite games of all time I got another message one of the best burgers I had a friend made for me bios bun toasted a thick Patty bacon sauce on the bottom probably Mayo I'm remembering but what was key about it is that when you cut it open or bit into it it was filled with caramelized red onion and a whole bunch of blue cheese now Sam that sounds delicious I hope I do its justice so let's give it a go right now because the first thing we need to start off with some caramelized onions and the best way I know how is to make sure to fry them up in some butter a generous amount of butter the good thing about caramelized onions is that if you cook them nice and slow all the sugars will come out and make them perfect next up the beef you you first grab a burger ball and start to make some indentations in the middle just like this because we're going to stuff it first with a generous amount of the caramelized onions followed by the blue cheese make sure to be generous with it then you want to close up your entire ball this one is going to be nice and thick as now we want to go ahead and smash the Patty that's one of the wonderful things about my burger press there's different levels of thickness because once I was done it was time to cook it after adding a tiny bit of oil onto the griddle I immediately put the whole thing down you don't want cook this one too fast you want to make sure that you melt that cheese in between so keeping it under medium heat is the key as once you think you got a nice crust go ahead and flip oh yes take a look at that nice thick Patty as once you get the internal temperature you like take it off toast your buns really good because it's time to assemble first start with the bun a generous amount of mayo on the bottom followed by that monster Patty we cannot forget about the bacon and Crown it with the top bun with some a now this is my take on Sam's favorite burger and I'll be honest with you it looks fantastic I cannot wait to find out how this one is going to taste there we have it Sam the cooking guy my good friend's burger what do you guys think huh it looks cheesy it looks like there's a thick Patty yeah because inside there's a surprise cheers everybody oh oh wow that works amazing the blue cheese melted a lot so you get that flavor without like the crumbly texture is there caramelized onions in here too definitely it's like a Steakhouse burger I'm not going to lie I'm not a big fan of caramelized onions but I guess today I haven't really said no to the caramelized onion Burgers shout out to all my friends that participated on this video every single one of them will have the link on the description down below make sure you give them a follow and let us know in the comments down below which one did you like best which one was your favorite I think this one and you it might be the jelly slider dude shout out to Luke that was my favorite one and don't forget all of my products now exclusively available at your local Walmart let me show you the exact locations you can find it in every store it's going to be right here they call this area as seen on TV or trending now we got the one-of-a-kind Burger press you can't find this gridle anywhere because it can be used in any surface and let's not forget about the marinating kid and if you want to keep your grill nice and clean I got you covered thank you guys so much for watching this video don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 435,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, burger, burgers, cooking, grilling, cheeseburger, best burger, how to make a burger, outdoor boys, nick digiovani, ryan trahan, Doctor Mike, matt stonie, nick digiovanni, sam the cooking guy, recipe
Id: o4tePJBN1nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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