Poor Man's Pappy vs Pappy 15

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everybody got you back [Music] what's going on guys it's John and Ken and we're doing something special today this is something I've been wanting to do for quite some time and uh let's make uh Poor Man's happy yes uh you talked about it before and this looks pretty cool and I'm dying to see what we do here yeah I've had Pappy uh 15 here uh so real quick just so people know there's 10 year old Van Winkle there's 12 year old Winkle so if you want to be technical uh and you want to make up happy I would say you would have to do something that's similar to the 15 year okay and that's what we're going for right here um John can you tell us a little bit about what it goes into the mixture of making this replica of poor man's of of Pappy sure yeah so we are going to be using uh the Weller right uh yeah we're doing a we got the antique 107 okay which will be 60 of this yes sir I'll put it out here all right and the Weller 12. which what percent on that one forty percent of this 40 so 60 plus 40 is 100 these are the two Bourbons that we will be mixing together to make our uh yeah I'm happy I hope it comes out good only because at least this one's not super cheap yeah yeah and I'm making a full bottle of this guys so um it should make things pretty interesting and just uh full disclosure we're not going to be having it right now we're gonna let it sit for what do you think uh two two weeks you're the boss two weeks is good enough we'll see um but for you guys it's going to be right away because we're going to cut right to that afterwards so um there'll be time in between there for us so when people normally do do this they do this they let it sit for yeah minimum of two weeks I find that most people who attempt to do it yeah they let it sit for a little bit okay let it let everything up this juices mix and all that I don't know if it's necessary anywhere special you'd have to store this um I would just I'm just gonna store it right here okay we're in my basement right here this Speak Easy and it's um it's fairly cool down here it always stays pretty cool down here probably yeah in the 60s oh yeah so um so yeah let's let's get to it man all right which one you want to start with let's start with the 12th only because I don't know if I have enough of the antique 107 yet and I might have to open up another bottle so let's start with the one that I know I have enough of and with this one it's going to be the 350 I think um because we're converting this to milliliters and we're doing percents right now so so basically I want to see exactly it was 450 as for the uh 107 right and 300 milliliter and that's your 60 40 split 300 milliliter of the Weller 12. all right so right to that line there yeah okay so yeah so we're going to do a 300 First okay and I I really a lot of liquid I really hope it's good I hope so it's a lot of liquid you're using there yeah all right well there goes that bottle now I'm joking uh so John is going to oh the funnel for you all right let me get this out of the way are you peeing yeah that's what it sounds like right now I gotta go okay all righty well that's the first part of it like I said there's a good chance I might have to crack open another one and so that was our 300. I don't think you're gonna have it up there yeah I don't think so either and now we're going to do the 450. let me turn this around yeah all right nah definitely not enough but that's okay whoa look at that right there I'm it's like a cooking show here yeah right there we can uh guys we did this last week yeah we got an oven back here and everything yeah yeah I know imagine yeah oh God that'd be a lot of uh yeah bourbon then wasted so we did 350 and 450. no 350 and we just did 300. okay yeah 450. yeah my bad it's a lot of broth and next we're going to pour all right maybe you should do the uh the Swedish Chef from The Muppets now can I ask you why it's these two particulars that you that's just the recipe somebody made up typically we're trying to go for a certain proof here which is roughly around uh like a hundred ish okay um because uh an a well or 12 year is a 90 Proof okay and antique 107 is 107 right proof so that's basically what we're trying to go for here you want to keep same Brands though that is that yes well Weller is it I mean this this is off Buffalo Trace right so um Mash Bill everything all that stuff it's every you know there's going to be a lot of similarities there so that's why we're we're kind of and this is something that people have been doing for quite some time sure um I've been wanting to make a video of it I wanted to get Rodney on the air you know here running Dangerfield you can't see the sticker it's pretty cool yeah yes so that is what we're looking at right there um there was the what do we I don't know we didn't really say how long we wanted but we could wait two weeks I mean yeah yeah I think two weeks is good that's a good number yeah I think yeah two weeks is fine and you know what I mean we're only gonna drink that much of it so it'll still yeah you know it'll still go as time goes on it'll still store or however you say it yes well that works for me so why don't we uh why don't we cut it right now and then and uh and uh you'll see us in a couple weeks and uh we'll we'll tell you what we think of this uh juice all right nice luck all right cool all right what's up guys we are back and uh we're back doing our poor man's Pappy Poor Man's Pappy it's finished yeah it's been uh it's been two weeks yes it has been two weeks and we've been like kind of like yes this is how we've been we want to try this we're excited to try this but John and I had discussed before doing this we want to have some a little fun with it and uh I was lucky and lucky enough to get a sample of the property 15 the real deal yes and um now we uh even went a little further into it and we're gonna do a little blind uh tasting on this and have a little fun yes absolutely uh so basically what we did was John has his side I have my side one of these is the poor man's Pappy and the other one's an actual Pappy 15. John went up and he without me looking he either switched him or he didn't switch them I don't know and then it was my turn and I came up and I either switched them or I didn't switch them so it's now blind we have little stickers underneath we're going to make sure I think that these stickers are covered with her finger just in case just just to make sure there's no cheating going on here and uh we're gonna we're gonna talk about each one we're gonna talk about the nose on these and we're going to talk about our palette on it and the finish and all that fun stuff and uh and we're gonna in the end decide which one which we like better and we'll reveal what they are and we're gonna say what we think which one is as well yes yeah that'll be fun all right let's start left well left it is sticker just to make sure and I'm gonna on the nose Oaky little little sweet yeah vanilla definitely a little of a no yeah it smells light though yeah so we'll see how it is uh going down Pinky's covering oh that's nice it's smooth that is very smooth super smooth super smooth but I'm feeling it so here it like bypasses over here and you feel a little bit of warmth inside the chest yeah which I like because I hate when it's in here you don't like that lingering through no actually this is this is nice yeah this is it is a little sweet it's nice not overly sweet no but it's it I don't know which one it is but I'm gonna say it feels like it's a little it's a it's a sophisticated bourbon right there right uh but yes we don't know yet and we're starting to do that very smooth I don't want to finish it though because I want to compare and contrast but I am going to cleanse my palate your palate ah and then as far as that that finish yeah I'm still getting that a little of that lingering vanilla there it's fantastic and like any bourbon you're always getting a little that Oak taste but I feel like it's a little bit more stronger on that Oak interest which makes me wonder is that a 15 year it's been sitting in that Barrel a little bit longer who knows these older Bourbons you get a little bit more of that Oaky taste to it let's give this one a [ __ ] yeah tell me what you think while I'm cleansing my bell oh you didn't cleanse up a lot all right so this is a different smell this is a little bit sweeter okay let's see what we get on it oh that smells good though it does smell good I'm getting a little caramel a little toffee brown sugar dessert dessert and glass right here ready cheers okay there's a lot going on there yeah so this one Burns a little in here but it's very smooth in the chest it's very opposite of what we just had yes I I'm getting that and I'm getting yes and I'm getting those those notes we had on the nose it's I'm getting it there as well there's a lot going on in this glass right now yeah I'm getting that toffee I feel like it's a it's a bit more complex uh compared to the first one which makes me wonder makes me come thinking it makes me feel like uh I don't know I don't know I'm I'm building something in my head right now of what I I think it may be but I'm not 100 sure I'm kind of going back and forth yeah there's a lot going on there there's a lot of flavor in there yeah which makes me suspicious it makes me think yeah you're right I'm gonna go back to this now go back and forth yeah all right let's see I'm going to go back to this one and go back that first one that's good yeah that's good hmm I don't know I I have my suspicions and I think I am ready to reveal give me a second I want to do one more on this one because I want to talk about that finish because right now we've got that smell we've got that nose we got that taste but I want that's finished so let me hmm so like I said I'm getting that going down my palate is saying toffee it's saying vanilla it's saying a little that brat like I said hint of brown sugar finish wise it's sweet like I said it's sweet I get more brown sugar on that finish it's maybe that's why it's in here more the sweetness and it just lingers here which is it's nice and a cold day you know yes you I I kind of like that heat up here you're more of a heat yeah I love I like higher proof Bourbons so I I don't want to feel it in here when I say my burn rate I don't want to feel it in here I don't mind it when it gets down here here's what what yes but I'm uh I think I'm ready to uh all right John give it tell you what I think what do you first and foremost let's start with which one do you think is which and and then we're going to say which one is your favorite you want to do it like that sure all right I I think because this is so complex the second one I believe that is our blend that we made I believe the the original one was the uh the Pappy the smooth it does seem more sophisticated the first one John I'm gonna agree with you and say that the first one is the Pappy 15 the 15 and the second one is the poor man's Pappy um I preferred the first one because like I always say I don't like the burn too much and this one was very smooth yeah you felt it in here a little bit but it was like it was like warmth it wasn't burning it was like warmth yes this one here I felt it in in you know in the throat in the mouth Yes and uh it got smoother as it went down both phenomenal yeah they're both very good and they're both very comparable so shockingly comparable you know where you can say which one is which uh maybe in a year this poor man's Pappy might be a different animal too we've only did two weeks so maybe we have to let that sit a little bit yeah I know I revisit revisit I know um but I am leaning towards as far as my favorite goes I'm leaning towards the poor man's path B if that's it second one if that's it we're feeling that's it I don't know I don't know so you you prefer the second one yeah I just feel like that's the poor man's Papi I don't know but I could be wrong no I think it is the poor man's Pappy because of the the blend in the combo I don't know but I think I like that first one I like the second one better watch it's gonna be the opposite it's gonna uh I just have that gut feeling I mean once again this is completely blind people we don't know what we're having right now but you ready to review you know because we're such experts you know we uh now we're gonna look like fools but uh are you ready yeah let's see what this first one is 15. we were right we were on the money yes the 15. I guess I have a sophisticated palette yeah the PMP was the second one yep four minutes Pappy second that worked out man we uh I think we did good with this science experiment that was a a good blend that was uh they were very comparable the only the only difference was the burn and uh you know which it would burn here what didn't burn here yeah otherwise they were very very comparable yes very very good I would say that if you want to save a few bucks maybe make your own apartment's Papi yeah even if you think yourself because every year every probably 15 there's always variations so even if you think that maybe it doesn't taste as exactly the same it's still a freaking decent blend of bourbon yeah I mean could you just start blending bourbon at home like if you take a couple of cheapy bourbons and blend it maybe you can make something like really good out of this well when you say cheapy maybe you don't want to get something that is not cheapy but obviously not a 300 bottle you don't want to blend two 300 bottles if you have a 50 bottle and a 40 bottle and you got a little bit left maybe do a little experiment what you can do your Infinity Blends but I would say if you're going to do something on Affinity but Infinity blind people don't know is basically when your bottle is coming to the end you have a little bit left a lot of times you say okay let me pour it into like uh you know your own a bottle An Empty Bottle you have or a decanter or something of that sort and you create your own Affinity blend you take a little bit a little bit um some people have success with it and they're like well I only drink good bourbon so you know yes but I would say maybe don't mix in like a uh a different Cask fin like a maple finished or uh amber on a finished or any of that kind of like a rhyme yeah or a rye stick to your bird but that's my opinion doesn't mean it's the right opinion maybe you call it something awesome uh but I want to take a Texas whiskey and mix it in with it either you know because every distinct taste so it might throw things off and I think we did all right though I think we did that was really good yes that was fantastic um yeah if you have uh antique 107 or a well or 12 uh maybe give this one a try um and it was a 60 40 blend it was a 60 40 60 on that 107 40 on the the 12 well 12. and um and it'll save you thousands of dollars then buying them yeah yeah they can go upwards of a couple a couple thousand sometimes you know I guess if we get the right guy or you have the right connects at least right now the Market's always changing when it comes to Bourbon um we're happy to actually get a sample of it so that we can do this and show you guys it was fun we had a good time with this blind great time yeah yeah definitely definitely on that note um guys please subscribe to our channel uh comment let us know if you plan on blending if you Blended what you've Blended if you want us to blend more let us know what you want to do yeah people have had success making their own birthday Bourbons as well where they're taking an old fart these different old Foresters and creating a a new blend that's comparable to a birthday bourbon uh maybe we should do that sometime soon I don't know that might be uh next on our list subscribe to our regular like our regular subscribe so basically this is something we do for fun this little side thing we do aside from our podcast that we uh air every Tuesday and um John and I are basically talking about we're bigger guys as you can see with my shirt we're beer guys and bourbon guys and we'll do a little talk about beer a little bit of bourbon we'll talk about the most recent news banter stupid things like your favorite movies and um which current events current events and guys we're 70 something episodes in we have not repeated a bourbon thanks to this man right here uh we will get there at some point which I don't mind revisiting some uh because we started we were different you know we were a lot different then it's very John because John was new to it um which if you watch our earlier episodes we had a segments called getting Johnson like bourbon because it was new to him and now he's like a uh bourbon connoisseur so a Pepe 15. oh yes look at you moving on up thank you again for watching yeah I don't have anything in here and I should well there's a little there I'm not sure something Empty Glass but cheers guys thanks for watching subscribe all that fun stuff cheers thanks guys all right foreign [Music]
Channel: Speakeasy Podcast
Views: 14,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KQ20nwIkx18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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