How To Make A Real Tasty French Fish Soup

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welcome back everyone welcome back to the French cooking Academy today we're looking at how to make a real French soup in the booyah base style now let me warn you it is not an easy recipe to bit long-winded but if you have the time it is just absolutely worth it look at all of these ingredients on the side I'm going to go through this but without further ado let's get started and let's learn how to make a real French fish soup now a lot of time people ask me is there really one dish that stands out for you is they really like that one dish that you love cooking what is your favorite French dish well if I'm looking at this I can tell you that I'm getting super excited because this or the French fish soup in the booyah Bay style has to be one of my all-time favorites now the first thing in order to make a real fresh French fish soup you need to have rock fish look at this this is Australian fish this is a red garnet bottom-feeder school whiting and I even have a fit of rockling now if you live in America or other countries make sure that you get the fish that are bottom-feeders will live on rocks you don't want to use this kind of ocean fish because they don't you won't get the same flavor now for the ingredients it is just an explosion of flavors three different types of fish I've got the full monty onion garlic shallots tomato paste paprika saffron threads star an easy time parsley fennel celery carrots I mean leeks olive oil and we even going to make an aioli or ruies sauce with toasted bread this is the full monty guys let's go for it and let's here we make a beautiful dish alright guys so little reminder like always you have to cut your vegetables and aromatic herbs and cut your fish meats before you start cooking and this is what I've done here now the French fish soup goes in two part and first part you have to make a fish stock from scratch you don't have to if you don't have time you can buy from the shop like a good quality fish stock but for my recipe I'm going to make everything from scratch oh this is what you see here so basically on that side this is all dedicated to make my fish stock I've got the fish bones and I've got a mirepoix of carrots onion shallots and a homemade bouquet garni ramiro if you forget where it was it's basically a rough cut from 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter in size on the other side these are all the aromatic herbs I'm going to use to make the actual soup once the stock has been made so I'm not going to show you how to make the stock because there is a video already on there I will put the link in the video description because that's easy and we're going to start the recipe straight off at the soup state so let's get started ok guys so let's start that fish soup so as you can see here I've got everything set again in the background here I've got that fish stock I've made you can see it in a camera but it's ready and it's ready to go now the first thing we're going to have we take the pan we put this on a medium to high heat and I'm going to use some olive oil actually you know a decent amount and make sure it's nice and heated up you don't need to have it too too strong and I'm going to start by basically putting all my aromatic mix in there ok bouquet garni now that's another style book again you can get you can make it from scratch so this is the type you get from a supermarket and I'm gonna add some lovely star and easy with us always really good a pinch read a pinch of paprika a bit of salt and pepper maybe two pinches is good and I'm going to start to have this vegetable mix sweat in my pan for approximatively five minutes so I'm just going to steer everything and let it sweat for five minutes perfect so four minutes later I've been stirring my mix it looks more or less the same and now it's time to add your fish like all of your fish it's very simple so this is remember the meaty parts of the fish now so make sure up sorry something went flying over there make sure it's nice and blended and you got a nice combination of colors always colors are important okay you got the bouquet garni in there and you got everything when this is done you can basically add your stock I'm using just one liter of a homemade stock maybe you can see in it see it in the camera that I've made earlier because I'm only making a soup for four people you can multiply the amounts if you want to make more okay so I've got my fish stock in and this is not finished when we here we're going to put some garlic which is the crushed garlic I've removed the germ in the middle so oh my garlic is four cloves I'm going to add a good spoon of tomato paste of tomato puree and of course the vital ingredient this this is safe Hren Fred it's actually coming from a flower and you got it's going to give you that amazing amazing taste so a good amount of saffron okay when this is done you make sure you mix everything well okay and and everything is mixed basically you're just going to leave it on a high heat until it boils and let it cook for around thirty minutes so while the soup is cooking we're going to prepare a sauce that goes with the soup and it's going to be spread over the toasted bread it's call and sauce or IO Lee in a rural fashion this is what we're going to do it's a kind of a mayonnaise that's very bit tricky to make so I don't expect anyone to make this you can replace it just by some stock - in a shop good quality - and you can add some crushed garlic a little bit of cayenne pepper and maybe a bit of paprika to give it some color and that will do as well if you want to go through this I'm just gonna quickly show you I'm taking four cloves of garlic it has to be really pressed in a very thin way I'm going to use two egg yolks like a mayonnaise and I'm going to just start mixing everything the garlic is going to add as the agent that's going to kind of bind everything together okay from here I'm going to add a bit of salt and pepper a hint of cayenne pepper or pepper sorry and this is lemon juice if infuse with saffron threads the equivalent of half a half a lemon so for me you're going to start stirring you get like a mayonnaise you get your base going exactly the same way and the exception is now that you're going to add olive oil which is never never used in a mayonnaise but this is the only exception is the only sauce you basically make so you're going to be making this like a mayonnaise I've put also a link in the video description on how to make the standard mayonnaise is exactly the same process so you keep on stirring basically until you're going to get a nice and thick mix so when it's done this is what you're supposed to get it's a very thick it's like a mayonnaise two bit yellowish if you want to have it with a bit more color what you can do is add a little bit of paprika powder not too much because it's dry it's it's fine now let me tell you that an aioli is not a mayonnaise okay and it will not be to the taste on of many many people it's very garlicky it's got a bitterness to it because garlic is a little bit bitter or leave oil is a bit bitter and it's very very strong in terms of garlic so big warning over there but this is how it looks like it's a very nice typical French sauce okay so how only sauce is done by the way you have to reserve it in the fridge to leave it outside and my soup is now ready I'm going to turn off the heat has been more than 30 minutes and this is the result look mmm nice color look at this this is nice and rusty and this is the color that you want to have in that theme and that booyah Bess is a rusty color now from here guys we're almost done we're going to basically take out the bouquet garni and all the hard bits meaning just these two little things the star nnessee now some of you may wonder why did we use twice the fish in a wider fish head and why this kind of meaty part of the fish now the reason is because now the next step is that we're going to have to blend all of that soup with a hand blender and then pass it through a sieve and put it back in the pan and because there's no hard bone is going to be a very easy process so I'm going to do that in the back in the background and come back when it's all done everything has been filter and this is the result look at this nice color and of course if you want the French soup are usually quite liquid people are not used to that in other countries they want like this fixed soup this is normal like a watery kind of soup but trust me the taste is just amazing I'm just going to test it again whoa mmm this is really really good well last step we're going to use now this rockling Filat that I had because I know steel it is called a fish soup so what we're going to do going to put some nice fresh fish pitted with no bones because this is the modern version of the soup and we're not going to use this whole field with a lot of bones so basically the last step consists of putting all of your fish all of this fitted in the soup and wait until the fish is cooked and then it will be ready to serve while this is cooking it's going to take another 15 minutes I've cut some bread here and that I'm going to put in the oven on the tray and I'm going to dry the bread you're not going to roast it I'm going to leave it in the oven for 10 minutes to make in nice and crispy you're also going to need to grate some cheese usually like a cheddar cheese or anything like that and we're going to be finally ready to serve and that's it guys after all this time and all the preparation we're finally ready to serve how fish soup so as you can see I've got my bowl my bread is ready this is the IOD sauce we made before and I've got some grated cheese on there so basically you would have to have this like in the South of France somewhere on a terrace it's nice and hot and you're going to really enjoy that you know fish soup buy this because this is usually where you have this kind of suit you know it's really by the sea the Mediterranean Sea and everything like that somewhere just going to add look at these pieces of rockling nicely done and that's it for the soup but what makes the soup so interesting it is basically you have to eat it with these little pieces of bread and the way you eat it once you get this this soup you take a bit of your IOT and you're gonna spread it on one of the breads like that and you make a little toast and then on top of that you take a little bit of grated cheese and you're gonna make a deal and then launch it and then it floats on your soup and you can repeat the process just have the aioli have a little bit of the cheese and you just have this kind of cool tunes that are floating around in your soup and it's absolutely gorgeous now let me show you exactly how I'm going to taste it because after all this work basically will dip it in like that you can even take a piece of the fish on your bread and of the camera you're going to go so that's it guys to finish I'm just going to add real bit of that make it look nice and presentable but this is basically a kind of a fish soup where this style the same way as you would get it in front now I'm off for the day I hope you enjoyed the video is a bit long winded and I see you next time on the next show goodbye you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 128,643
Rating: 4.919436 out of 5
Keywords: bouillabaisse, french cooking, french cooking academy, soup, french fish soup, fish soup, fish, food, recipe, french food, fish stock, aioli, garlic
Id: fp9Lqx2EUco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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