Borderline (1950) FRED MACMURRAY

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la sit down take the Cuffs out where'd you start from take them over and bu them I didn't have nothing to do with it now who did he said all I had to do was pose as his wife nobody ever told me we were carrying dope I never even seen him before don't listen to her she's a I wish Pete Richie could have heard you say that now let's talk about Pete Richie for a minute shut up him so you're a couple of Pete Richie's tourists I say nothing I got my rights how about you me neither we've already got enough evidence to hang you both of you does um does Pete Richie ever come up this far north no get the time he's too busy spending his dough on cheap loud mou Dames like this you should be talking and you shouldn't I was doing all right for a long time before I met you and those Petty larsy friends of yours go on go on hit me put in on eyes come on he talk it in if there's enough in it for me yes you uh know Pete Richie it all depends Pete Richie and me are intimate friends uh where does he get his narcotics what's his uh Source mostly out of the upholstering of other people's cars who are the other people Richie himself ain't much of a talker who are you supposed to meet up here you don't meet them they meet you well you're going to be alone for a long time try to concentrate see if you can think of some more answers okay Charlie that's all this way Miss Even if characters like that wanted to talk They Don't Know Much I guess we're going to have to start at the top again and work down we're going to have to try to find the top first you certainly didn't get anything new from these two how can you say that this is meline Haley Bill she's Los Angeles Police Department I I am she had a hand in grabbing our two friends and I've had man good man in Mexico for months tailing him and then dead end P Richie can smell an investigator a mile away yep he's learned to be very leery of government men how about government women say that's a notion Richie would never expect us to send a woman I have a note here I made of an important point in the prosec a very important Point Richie is a suck her for D yes that's it hey um what's Jaclyn Kirk doing now n she's not goodl looking enough See Molly dunad would be fine only she got married and quit what about June Michaels she's back with the Denver police force they wouldn't let her go now how about her oh Richie goes for todry cheap looking games but she could pass what are we talking about narcotics enforcement never uses a woman on things like this yeah I know but we're sending her to Mexico anyway on an extradition matter uh it's all right with the chief yeah it might be an idea worth giving a thought to it she might be able to pick up a few crumbs of information on Richie you think you can handle this uh during the war she was in the OSS speaks a pretty good Mexican how do you spell your name h a l e y [Music] me the my me the my [Music] palas [Music] [Applause] aw [Music] [Music] I knew she never could be [Music] mine [Music] lips that were rather than the [Music] wine I knew that she never could be mine the more I hunger for a kiss the more she smiled that Hing smile and while I knew I shouldn't linger that smile detained me for a [Music] while oh she would grant me was a [Music] smile a smile that detained me for a while long she stole my heart completely just as girl she would do and all the men in town were Greening because she stalling they have [Music] to it seems she has stolen they to we wear of eyes like pools of moonlight of lips much rather than the wine and not the devil who's an angel that Waits across the [Music] borderline lips that were rather than a wine [Music] his W across the [Music] borderline no don't do that not until I tell you yes that's right you do exactly as I tell you and there'll be no problem we might be able to make it [Music] tonight wait until I contact you will you I'll talk to you later got a light give her a light get up to the room in case somebody calls in sure boss I understand what's the idea oh I'm sorry try again unless you're afraid you will get burnt I've been burn before what's your Harmony I got a you're not so hard to look at finish a drink and why not one more one for the road together sure [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I can't bring Dames up here oh yes you can huh can I sure and which no no no look look which room is it that [Music] okay all of it [Music] now you know where the key is key yeah key [Music] no no no no wait a minute just a [Music] minute oh no you stay [Music] here here we go whoops oh wait wait I just want to make you [Music] comfortable let's celebrate H isn't this fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello boys you stupid [Music] [Music] fool hi what's the name a friend of mine get rid of her she a friend of M get her out of here hey you oh you're not going to listen to him are you yeah B it SC a okay [Music] okay um don't think it hasn't been fun well see you around I hope you don't think we're being impolite oh no drop in tomorrow it's not like we're strangers you're very nice you'll find me much nicer when you get to know me better I like to know you better [Music] what do you want Macklin you know what I want guess Harvey gumin sent you how is Harvey I've been trying to get in touch with him thought we might do a couple of deals C you okay you're tough what's your angle Harvey says you got a shipment going on he says it clears the harbor tonight Harvey says he wants it you tell Harvey to uh the only thing I'm going to tell Harvey is What boat the stuff is on But first you got to tell me you won't talk out how about giving him a little convincer some Gunpowder on the M you light it and sometimes it splits the skin wide open sounds good trying to scare me Johnny not you Richie your hid's too tough but I don't think the little lady there' hold still very long she doesn't know anything who'd tell her that's right I mean who would tell me I don't know how about you D Pete don't tell me anything I'll tell you that himself wrap him up tell him boss what you tell him I don't know a thing that's right dusk you don't know a [Music] thing why don't you just tell us and save us all this trouble Richie you sell your life for a couple of stinking bucks wouldn't you maybe you're selling yours mlin [Music] it's a tuna Bo The North Wind she painted gray said is she painted gray how far off shore she anchored anchored up the C bed that's right that's right where she is works like truth serum someday you're not going to be so lucky mlin there melin speaking it's the tuna The North Wind yeah that's the one tell him Harvey says thanks anything you'd like to say to Harvey he says don't mention it Harvey see you later partner oh I told you someday you weren't going to be so long wait a second Mr Richie wait Mr Richie wait a second thanks baby come on I want to talk to you but I don't know [Music] [Music] anything [Music] could you tell me the way out of this place come here you come here she moves faster with a gun in her hand come on in the boss wants to talk to you you're a big Brave strong what did you mean by hitting me on the chin he had the slug you kid to get you to come along it's a lot of heat on you you want a cigarette how long you've been with Richie the boss asked you how long you've been with Richie 5 minutes what are you giving us it's true give a credit for dummying up did you ever make a trip for Richie what trip carrying stuff over the Border you ask me boss you'll dump her I'll make the trip alone I don't want you to go alone Johnny I want you to make the trip with a Dame you know man and wife make it look respectable I'll get you one of them tourist passes okay just make sure it's a Dame that'll stay in line all Dames will stay in line as long as the payoff is big enough at the end you'll be ready to leave at daylight both of you with her she hasn't said a word go ahead say something for my friend how much is the payoff see she knows what to say hey Miguel go up to the hotel pay the lady's Bill and get her clothes what's your name glis l glis l glis Lar [Music] now you make sure you get there Friday noon at the zoo in Los Angeles right the only thing you haven't told me is who aren't supposed to meet in Los Angeles you'll find out when you get there on noon in front of the monkey cages have you got that got it here get in the car got it come on Miguel let's go Miguel you take good care of Mr Mrs Johnny Macklin you see they got across that border safely [Music] [Music] she what town is this he Dogo we'll sleep here tonight come on move on wait a minute you know what that is sure you put it on it goes with a tourist pass come on put it on it's part of the job congratulations [Music] hey you got a bacon room oh the old baccy you welcome to Theos we always try to treat the best we know how to treat the americanos give me a room in the front overlooking the road oh seor Mr and Mrs Smith huh this way my driver will bring the bags up looking for somebody no only the police the Mexican Federal men Uncle Sam several assorted hijackers and Pete Richard don't you think we should have taken two rooms why uh might be safer safer from what let's get this straight right now I'm not going to [Music] stand how do you expect to enjoy your honeymoon if you don't relax I just want it understood that this Arrangement is strictly for convenience that's right we're strictly on our [Music] why shouldn't you'll make a sweet what do you have to know around here to get something to eat now you know why Miguel never checks his hat wait Patron see Migel let's go lock up oh shut up [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] you got some for yourself ah for your sweet hard no no for my mother her birthday me go we better stay close to the car tonight we may be leaving here in a hurry friend come on open up it's me food the wedding Feast don't talk to any strangers I don't know any strangers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] open [Music] up [Music] [Music] I hear you reading sounds good you know what people do when they h don't you E help yourself well thank [Music] you and uh what do people do when they're thirsty flash or [Music] that [Music] [Music] what's your name you're really name on me what possible difference could that made oh you sound like you're from Kansas or Missouri or someplace where you from oh here in there it's my favorite place mine too [Music] e [Music] [Music] I just going to turn the lights out um I was just going to turn them out myself you going to do shoot him [Music] out we going to Night [Music] [Music] P Miguel they are coming they are here Richie see there a car outside out the window I'll pass this stuff to you come on get [Music] going where are they Pepe key this way what are you doing well I can't go out with this goo on my thing are you off your nut come [Music] on how close can you come if Miguel doesn't get back before Richie does you'll find out is Miguel trying to lose him is that it it's a general idea but if he doesn't then when what is usually known is a lot of trouble get back [Music] I'm trying to make up my mind you got to touch a class or not when you make up your mind let me know you must have traveled with better company than Richie sometime or other what do you know about better company kept my eyes open in two countries I learn things that way that's what I figured I figured maybe we could pull our information like what like um who hary gundan is tied up with where he gets his stuff who he delivers it to I forgot to tell you I can also keep my mouth shut in two languages look out Amigo yeah rap he picked a f time to get stuck that's truer than you think she's a bright girl Macklin too bad she wasn't bright enough to stay away from you i' to be asking an awful lot of a girl I hope you haven't got a good reason to live off hand I can think of at least three I told you you wouldn't always be so lucky Macklin look Richie maybe we can make a deal a deal can say I didn't leave him laughing [Music] get the [Music] car can't to go faster maybe if I got out and pushed don't tell me Miguel to sleep again he he's not asleep why aren't you even going to stop not unless I run out of gas got a [Music] cigarette whatever lose that Gadget [Music] baby [Music] a little narcotics and a dead man in the car it's a great time to pick up a cop he catching up with his [Music] fast [Music] why are you stopping ever try to lose one of these Mexican motorcycle gotos can't be [Music] done we've got a sick man in the car offic so we've got to get him to a doctor Quick Med take okay and Mr gumin said you weren't so smart he's right I was I would have gone to work in my father's broom factory like my mother [Music] [Music] wanted [Music] dead [Music] [Music] end [Music] to a better life for Migo [Music] is he I guess I lost you please off that this man's very sick [Laughter] see seor seora John mlan M see [Music] the honeymoon's over as soon as they find Miguel's body we got to ditch this car okay ready am I ready come on give me a hand I can't do it by myself there she [Music] goes that does it let's go airport 10 km come on uh how many miles in a kilometer you mean how many kilm a mile but yes 10 km about 6 or 7 miles sure happy I'm with a smart fell like you seven miles oh qu beeping it can't be more than 5 and 1/2 now 5 and a half why didn't you ditch the car closer to the airport all right let's go over here and sit down something's got to come along this road sometime maybe we can hit you ride mhm with Pete Richie [Music] it's a great way to make a living you picked it I know what I'm doing do you making a [Music] living you're not tired are you oh no how long have you been kicking around this raged let's see it started when I was Kindergarten sold the stuff to my little cows how'd you get mixed up with Harvey gumin well that goes back a long way too put me in reform school when I was four threw me in with a lot of hardened criminals of seven or eight I learned plenty but they couldn't hold me I broke out when I was five I met gumin and I've been with them ever [Music] since here comes a bus grab you [Music] st that must have been the [Music] limited what happened after Kinder well uh when I was in my teens I was sent up but I broke out within a month and then I I met Rocky who was Rocky the only man I ever kissed I felt so sorry seeing him lying there on the cold cement mortally wounded what happened to him I shot him I made sure that he'd never kiss another girl does um that answer your question Here Comes R do you speak English I'm sure why I don't understand your Spanish very well seor oh what trying to get to the airport yes the boss wouldn't stop for us that toas always in a hurry go no place get [Music] in oh H in here can we go now see I mean yes for 3 years years I was school teacher also inspector of water supply I have now 14 acres of land and 12 childrens 12 children huh almost one to an acre that's very interesting but is there an airline that goes up to the Border no uh-uh but don't worry I will fix it for you I am I have friend little pa he a piloto does he have his own plane that means a little play have you got money see unco that means little money what is this a detour oh one more thing seor I have telephone I will call little pa atto huh okay I'll be right back hope the airport isn't being watched we have no choice that's right there a chance we'll have to take my father you say make you welcome oh thank you yeah thanks give it to me what am I going to do with this woman she have no conception of mother signs M what every day she had big washing I can understand that look pretty full wash line no seor is not wash line telephone wi oh m for little Pablo connection oh welcome to my home little pabl is on the phone if you wish to speak with [Laughter] himito does oh gracias he'll do it applies to an for $75 good I will D you huh fine what's that oh that oh one more thing seor I am also that means Sheriff huh yeah well thanks for everything all right oh me olaa help me where you my how can I fix that be right back h for see well did you give the message there are two criminals Al L suspected of murder no you're to go to the airport immediately to see that they don't escape see of course but who am I looking for I must pull back the police I I have the description oh there's a man in a woman the man is tall handsome extremely well-dressed dark wavy hair very Charming manner see and the woman is uh very short dumpy looking nose like a tomato long stringy hair a glass eye green see they will not get bad poo we have to hurry we have to go to the ofto huh youren but what are you waiting for [Music] this is it come [Music] on how's soon little Pablo what gives with the sheriff oh he's still sniffing around the entrance for a short fat woman with stringy hair no offense what's little Pablo doing trying to stretch our luck we'll be in bad shape if the police do any checking with our friend they don't hang the washing on the telephone wires around here here we can leave anytime let's go baby then out a next stop then across the border yeah the Border oh the bir will ride with me [Music] sor but video say You must come home soon to your job no seor yes but video say you are very much love birds huh yeah how long you married 5 3 weeks 5 weeks 3 weeks people who are not long time married we should tell each other more information we're working on him are we honey [Music] [Music] [Music] what's the matter look what he's doing eatting what's wrong with that you think he'd offer us some I'm hungry what again you just ate last night no gas no gas a no gas in one thing I S you over to other one why don't you switch tanks nothing happens great what do we do now make a landing on the beach you can't land on the beach can you isn't the sand too soft can't be too soft for [Music] me [Music] scared no weak you will help me [Music] please how long is it going to take you to switch tanks 10 minutes can't you cut it down to five see that I can do but why we're going to need to sand hard for the takeoff you mean we got to wait till the tide goes out tonight no no no no not tonight too dark tomorrow tomorrow what are we going to do about food D is a problem all I have is but one pet of comfort chewing what flavor [Music] [Music] okay come on you might as well sit down take it easy that operation's going to take a little while you know [Music] ham and eggs and hot biscuits in the morning and coffee gallons of it are you feeling all right anata just around the next band do they have bathtubs in anada for tourists that would you call us want me to tell you no I'll tell you we a couple of idiots 990,000 cops Afters say nothing but my friends coming up from the south we're living on fish who made the bed you know I might not be a very smart guy but sometimes I get the feeling that you're not telling me everything you know I get the same feeling about you I mean you never learned a trick like that in jail I picked that up when I was on the lamb bar King the blood hounds they sent after me couple of days ago I have believed that why not tonight I don't know I thought you were an awfully tough guy but no I don't I thought a couple of things about you no I don't [Music] oh it's pretty here I told you it was except you can be seen easily if enough people are looking for you can be seen any place that makes you so smart Johnny this way please [Music] can I put the bags in the bedroom seor no you can just put them down there graor [Music] Jackson I'm now Senora Jackson H I got more names in a phone [Music] book I must be Loco that makes two of us this room is very attractive isn't it it ought to be for 125 PES a day how long are we staying we cross the border tomorrow have you a plan there gum's plan top of the music box is inlaid with gold prob they slap a duty tax on us we object they insist we give in SL their hands see what about the bird CES I thought made have gold no but it's against the law to transport Birds across the border so we argue back and forth we take the cage and give them the bird they insist you object not me I never object we have to go tomorrow yeah you get cleaned up I'll meet you down at the [Music] bar what El you s like to try to and uh couple pound of [Music] clar just got [Music] you hi Alonzo hello Johny this where you Mexican Gman spend all your time i' like to if some of your greenos didn't keep us jumping all the time pet Richie is following me I know he is I was just te that he's in town in town it's good I'm trying to coach him across the border what about the Harvey goomi we get ready to pick him up I think we know all we need to know about our friend Harvey good uh who's that girl with you she you been working for Richie we're carrying a load up to Los Angeles for gumin are going to turn her in at the border I to turn you in you know it's illegal even for an off the law to smuggle narcotics I know get some sugar or milk and switch over the step we're carrying you want a key to my room I've got a key to your room I want to place a call to the United States Customs Bureau at the border hello yes yes put him through Mr Peterson it's for you McAvoy calling from inata Peterson speaking yes I'll establish leaz on with the narcotics enforcement and the Los Angeles police what do you want us to do with the girl fig her up and keep her there I'll go up to Los Angeles alone yeah [Music] you clean up good thank you let's it off the table I ordered a diery for you all right how did you know it's nice dress I mean you make it look nice disguise might come in handy your nose FR spitten with that Short Straw I'll be [Music] careful I didn't know you were musical got to hear me with a martini you're full of surprises yeah that's me where are you going I'm going to dig up a car we're checking out right now but I richon Town we're starting for the Border you stay here till I get [Music] back mlin I wouldn't try that Johnny just keep walking where too try the elevator [Music] first you're doing fine up to now floor please three are you enjoying your stay in nadus in your it's delightful all right open it I'll get it you're under arrest reim a very funny fellow talks like he fell out of a tree yeah now he's playing like he's a cop come on get your hands up get him up fronto he's got another one in his sling is a cup that's what it says on his badge I had a dozen chances to kill you dirty double crossing cop this your gun yeah take him down the back way nothing could make me happier come on let's go oh Amigo on behalf of Uncle Sam and yours Tully M graus on behalf of the Mexican Government in Baja California don't mention [Music] it [Music] how long a drive is it to Tiana about 2 hours [Music] seora [Music] Johnny Johnny here I I bought these for you in case you have to walk home thanks oh no I figured you wear a size four but I thought F would be more comfortable so I I got sixes thank you well [Music] Flores where the lady for the lady and the lady will press it in her girl graduate book and keep it forever and ever she'll keep it till we hit the Border they take flowers away from you too so enjoy it for 10 minutes 10 minutes we're going to lose a lot of things 10 minutes from [Music] now where were you born Missouri and you [Music] Missouri anything to declare not much few things I'll Puck your car over there and take your declarable things to the office [Music] have a nice trip North Hy eventful it's very very pleasant man and wife yes and then you only have to make out one form I'll do it just fill in what you brought in from Mexico if you were there over 24 hours you're allowed $100 each then just sign it right there Mrs Macklin can I talk to you a minute yeah surely just this way please you're under arrest what you're under arrest I'm under arrest yes oh no no no you're all mixed up my name is Haley the Los Angeles Police Department has a file on me and so has narcotics enforcement I'm sure they have H sorry baby I suggest you cooperate with the authorities things will go a lot easier for you you suggest that I co up the charge is possession of Narcotics and attempted smuggling you're not going to believe him I certainly am he's a fellow officer oh a fellow officer you're a copper that's right custom bu well Mr tough guy throwing your weight around slapping down mugs buying me flowers oh what an act have you got a badge I've got one thought you were going to turn me in all the time Well you certainly had me fooled my job isn't always easy some things are more rugged than slapping down mugs keep talking copper you're killing me hello Pearson whiter so you must be makoy I'm wh I know how are you sir well let's get out to business so you don't mind if I use your desk to you Peterson right ahead well what's with gum hello Haley Mr Whitaker I have something to tell you yeah well tell me later now look maoy just a minute sir you know her well certainly makoy if there's so what are you doing here I'm under arrest sir you you what what for smuggling narcotics will you please explain Miss Haley yes I'd love to you see what about Richie she knows plenty about Richie what do you know about what she knows about Richie I'm the one who picked her up and had her arrested Richie was picked up in Ned by the Mexican officials well just a second well it's very simple you see I brought this man up to the border to have him arrested that's not true I brought her what do you mean you brought me wait you mean you were working on her of course she was a confederate of Richies I figured we'd get some important information out of her and you were working on him why certainly I didn't know who he was when I went to Mexico on the Richie case and wait a minute let me get this straight just who is this girl well this is meline Haley of the Los Angeles Police Department imagine that well that explains a lot of things it certainly does you're a very clever operator Mr uh whatever your name is thank you you're pretty slick yourself Miss Haley congratulations oh thank you well never mind the compliments what about gumban we meet the government connection at the zoo in Los Angeles tomorrow Mr Whitaker I'd like to be taken off this case don't be silly tomorrow what time at noon and then if things break right we might be able to wrap up the top men in the Gman Syndicate that's great M I'm quitting Mr Whitaker quitting nonsense you've shown yourself admirably equipped with this assignment isn't that right maav boy she has excellent equipment and doesn't hesitate to use it now you two work very well together you go on up to the zoo tomorrow is planned we'll get together and figure exactly what you to do from there on clear yes sir Mr whiter I just an order is an order you got the time what' you say I asked if you had the time oh yes sir it's one minute of the hour not many folks here today weekend all you can't keep them away are hungry oh they're always hungry eat like horses I feed them horse meat and they eat like horses he that's a good one a way well you both look surprised I guess you didn't expect to find me here I expect whoever I meet as long as there's a pay off at the end of the line huh that's right you both will be paid I'm not worried harv as long as I know you're running both ends see Amigo I own The Syndicate in California just as I do in Mexico you'll learn someday Johnny you can't trust anybody I know I found that out did you get the stuff across the border okay yeah H they look innocent enough except I saw them at the border looking just as innocent then you get to my place as quick as you can 6 to8 Palm Drive big Colonial House the End of the Road come on for come in mlin oh har sorry I couldn't get here sooner this is macman boys heard you had a little trouble this after yeah get the rest of the stuff out of the Vault erney all of it all of it we're moving it out to our connections tonight maab boy's got 60 seconds to get out of there hope he makes good use of them you leave for Chicago in the morning you'll contact Anderson as soon as you get there okay look Harvey before you get into this my deal was to deliver the stuff just give me my cut and I'll get out of here you'll get it Johnny you'll get it so hurry no hurry you go to San Francisco what about MG I'm scratching him off the list lousy PID what do you have to drink mlin well if I got to hang around here I'd like to make myself a sandwich where's the kitchen sandwiches are at the barn I have my coffee I'll make you Cup oh never mind I'll make it myself kitchen's down the hall first door to the right anybody else want coffee n hey wait a minute I'll open it for you he's in my coat just a moment attention attention this is a police raid you are all under arrest come out the front door with your hands up do you hear me guman mcklin cleever Henning leverage you mean hand they're not going to get me or the evidence that's right how we will get rid of this stuff there's a sink behind the bar we'll dump it in there not a chance gumman nobody's flushing my PR down the drain what are you doing I'm going through with the stuff you must be nuts cops run all over the J you'll get killed you'll get us all killed I'm with you mlin let's try [Music] go [Music] watch get that boy over [Music] there you better stay out of here Haley Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Haley yes darling are you okay M yeah I guess you are where's [Music] gumin Johnny are you all right I never felt better in my [Music] life
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 877,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, Raymond Burr, PUBLIC DOMAIN, film noir, crime, Claire Trevor, classic movies, filmstruck, classic movie, crime thriller, Borderline (1950), #classicmovies, FREE, Fred MacMurray, FILM, CLASSIC, Movie
Id: i12seZ6KlhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 18sec (5298 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2012
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