Impact (1949) Crime, Drama, Film-Noir Full Length Film

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] impact the force with which two lives come together sometimes for good sometimes for either Williams to be ready in about an hour and I'll pick her up you phone Sandra pound see if those papers are on the way over from the executive yes well well mr. Darcy what's the score nine to nothing I'm fine it is walk if you think you can persuade them to change their minds go right ahead gentlemen I never interfere in stock issues dividends or anything else in your department I must run my department with no interference either I know why and when I need more factory space or you need another boy and that's alright with me too because I can take these plants and pick my own spot in the motor production field you won't have to worry so much about dividends there won't be many I'm sure none of us wanna lose Walt or her dividends when you say we take another vote buying the three new factories signify by saying aye aye and your Nana Moscato congratulations what congratulate the board they're the winners Williams if these factories are so valuable that other companies would jump at the chance to get them how do you know that you combine them with the price you quarterlies how do I know I bought them this morning del I was asked to rush this up for mr. Williams get my wife della you made sense you count of the dentist I gave her the message Oh fine oh this just came thank you what about those papers they're here Burke's checking them now right graduations well take a look at clause for those provisions haven't been clarified yet oh no I want to leave for Tahoe right away get judged earring on the phone nevermind I can get fast direction if I run out to San Rafael myself and stick with him do every right Oh put the blueprints of that new decent wind with it don't want Jackson to see him right that's just I'm afraid now we won't be able to legal about five o'clock what you're not going with me but I counted on it but I thought as soon as dr. Harris took care of whatever it was I feel better I don't stupid things still aches and I certainly wouldn't be a very desirable driving companion no seriously darling you went along and buy your little factories and hurry home I'll send it back to the office and cheat me out of my goodbye kiss not a chance I've got to drive over to San Rafael I'll stop on the way love me I do [Music] and you expect me to whistle fluid to thing [Music] nothing in the whole world smells as sweet as you do Duchess certainly don't feel sweet I was grouchy as an old bear well old doc Williams can give me something to fix that close your eyes relax now take a look at that see if you don't feel better Oh world oh darling it's beautiful [Music] not bad at all you know to quote my wife I like monograms on things it shows they belong to me unquote when did your wife say such a thing mr. Williams about six years ago when I married her she gave me the first monogrammed shirts I ever owned those were the words on the card I still have it I certainly hope your board of directors never discovers what a softy you are they won't don't worry I have only one vulnerable spot what really happened this morning all I got out of della was that she stopped out of the office with blood in your eye and we're back in no time with canary feathers in your mouth Oh I put those birds wings but short no one's gonna vote me down sweet no one right mm-hmm but how did you convince the board of that so quickly what's that will hints them easy persuasion like this either I get what I want or you get yourself another boy and that's alright with me too [Music] the box I'm sorry Nexus oh please sweet don't be so upset [Laughter] exactly a good prescription for nerve you know you're wrong dr. Williams the way I feel now a good cat that'll probably make a new woman out of me it's not going to make you too late yes I'm sure that by five o'clock I'll well I'll run over to San Rafael get things ironed out and be back for you by 5:00 I'm the nose darling wait that's perfectly silly I'll take a taxi cab and meet you in Sausalito there's a drugstore on a corner opposite the square I'll be there at five o'clock and we can go straight on up to Tahoe that'll save you all that late afternoon traffic and all that time it'll tell you to come and pick me up smart woman my wife thinks of everything you're back honey Oh suelen still has some things to press for me sure you don't mind picking at exit panics young sweet frames Duchess see you at 5:00 I better get going but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] long distance on Berkeley 797 two one hey beautiful [Music] yeah don't forget turn this stuff over to a bellboy at the airport hotel and open tell them I'll hold it for Jack Byrnes Jack Byrnes the airport hotel that's right I'll be checking in later Oh a buck 15 ahir all the stuff back to Oakland yeah yeah buy yourself a new bike [Music] hey where's that new woman who is gonna make me it's after five o'clock oh yeah so sure you're gonna be okay maybe you better get yourself another dentist huh of course they'd understand honey of course just to prove it to you I'm coming right on home no you really mustn't darling I'm going to be perfectly all right really and besides well I've done something you're not going to like you remember aunt Margaret back in Illinois you mean the old gal in Evanston I'm away ahead of you how much well it isn't money this time it's it's another relative her favorite nephew Jim Torres okay death you shall see him when I get back oh well you don't understand dear you're going to see him right away well all he seem to want was to be able to get back to Ellen or so I well it isn't that I offered to buddy he got huffy and said he didn't want any handouts and well without thinking I told him we'd pick him up and give him a lift as far as Denver I won't say I'm getting exactly an even trade for you but where do I find this guy well he should be there right now I told him to be on the lookout for a cream-colored roadster just in case we fail to recognize one another after all these years darling you're such a lamb you sure you forgive me what do you think well I better run along or cousin Jim might get nervous take it easy sweet and miss me will you I do already don't drive fast and please take care of yourself softy hello della yeah mrs. Williams wasn't able to go with me now while I'm going you see that she gets her roses every morning that's right but this time on all the cards put love from softy yeah s oft why hello you must be Jim Torrance yeah that's me I'm Walt Williams hi Jim hi where's that rain oh she's little under the weather at the last minute worst luck that's still bad hoping I'd say I'm disappointed too where's your luggage oh I'm wearing it less trouble that way [Music] Eirene tells me you hadn't illinois yeah going down a little rough huh I'm exactly been worried about my income tax what's your line Jim Oh guess I'm a better salesman anything else you know I can give you a couple of letters when you get back the Chicago might help you it's fine but Lane were the top brass never hurts what outfit reader with Patton's Third Army how was it rough except for the time in Italy I can't like it there Patton's outfit never got to Italy of course but most civilians never know or care and I figured you didn't eat it ala fooled you that time our last chance to chow for a while how about it no thanks I grabbed a hamburger when I was waiting for you still taste the harness sure you won't change your mind no I'm gonna grab a little shut-eye chicken family to the cook one chicken sandwich chicken sandwich coming up give me change for a dollar San Francisco climb back to six seven one four Oh we'll try Center one two five nine nine please Bay View apartment oh yes mr. Williams no you made his Nair tonight sir she said mrs. Williams was taking something to make her sleep and it wasn't to be disturbed but perhaps no no don't disturb her just leave a message that I won't forget about a certain problem I think I have it sir you want her to forget all about a certain problem soft date is that s oft why sir softy is going to take care of it thoroughly is that all yes that's all she'll understand be sure she gets it the first thing in the morning right [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah it's been so losses I've been behind the wheel of anything but I can't a pillar or a Jeep I had a find out what a real buggy feels like why don't you drive for a while nice Wow nothing it suits me better [Music] tell me yeah Irene still got that little scar on a cheek when she got them before yeah didn't hardly see it now though how'd you know about that she just got it last summer thought you said you hadn't seen her for years Oh from Ann Margaret of course how else she always sends me the nose and a lettuce [Music] get your aunt Margaret will be pretty happy to see you Irene says you're the favorite nephew afraid my lovely cousin was just give me a build up for your better get on Irene maybe not [Music] [Music] what's the matter I think we get a flat [Music] yeah matters if Lana now let's get to work Hey I got there young fella it's quite a drop [Music] got a flashlight I think I have get the jack up they go [Music] I define it yeah that won't be long now [Music] come on let's get going wait a minute it's one of your couplings fall off something dropped I I put it full right down there at your feet what's the role under the car [Music] irena base [Music] need a hand oh no I'm all set now okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I must be crazy [Music] [Music] now in case my husband should be late and have to rush for his plane this will be taken care of thank you tell mrs. Branson 3:02 [Music] [Music] in May 2nd my reign at least [Music] take care of yourself softy softy [Music] [Music] [Music] young lady excuse me hey what is he mrs. Walter Williams I'm sorry sir but she left orders not to be disturbed I'm sorry too lieutenant Quincy the police department hello I thought I left orders not to be this I see ask him to come up please yes I'm lieutenant Quincy with the police department I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour but may I come in of course well lieutenant did your husband go on a motor trip late this afternoon why yes he went to Denver on business why was he driving a Packard Bridgeton yes is is anything wrong I'm afraid there is would you sit down yes because something happened to my husband yes mrs. Williams he's dead isn't he I begged him time and again not to pick up hitchhikers I said wasn't a hitchhiker mrs. Williams it was just an accident he ran into a truck a gasoline truck you mean there was fire he must have been driving pretty fast I don't think he felt anything after the crash if there's nothing more you need me fall or tenant i-i-i-i you think I understand and may I say you've taken this with a great deal of courage good night mrs. Williams take care of something ready yeah William must have been quite a guy yeah he went to work for universal motors as a sheetmetal worker hmm less than 10 years he's their top production man well they sure went out in a blaze of glory yeah [Music] hurry [Music] well good mr. birds are taking a later plane and still make connections for Mexico City yes it is some telegrams for Titanic just put them under the door zulan [Music] restart I'm a policeman Quincy most anxious to see you ask him to wait [Music] Williams will see your present [Music] [Music] roses like mr. Williams always sending when he's away usually have you've been very fond of mr. Williams Selina's honored to have served in five years he I'm sorry to keep you waiting lieutenant they wouldn't be disturbing you again if it wasn't necessary and they won't be keeping here but a moment you're being very considerate won't you sit down everyone's been most thoughtful why shouldn't they be give me I'm alright now what was it lieutenant the State Police would like to have some information they found some wavy skid marks for quite a distance on the road as if the car had been out of control when it crashed tell me was mr. Williams a reckless driver no he he was a fast driver but certainly not reckless when was he was he a heavy drinker quite the contrary but what about his health could he ever had a heart attack and lost consciousness before the accident why no he was in perfect health but he'd been working much too hard lately and and was overtired perhaps he fell asleep at the wheel last night oh good darling if only I've been able to go with him last night he might still be alive well maybe so and maybe not you mustn't blame yourself mrs. Williams fate plays an important part in these matters your handkerchief [Music] [Music] when's the next train to San Francisco 10 a.m. tomorrow like you sure there isn't one sooner no I'm sorry I have a call from mr. James Torrance mr. James is it nephew [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter son looks like you need a doctor doctor I can't leave the station that old doc vendors just across the road there yeah doctor think you can make it yeah I'll make it now take it easy man there's some concussion there you've got to watch your step for a while [Music] Walter Williams beautiful widow who by her own request sat alone the family alcove during the service [Music] smart someone might have caught her licking her chops [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what's that Waller William Waller would hey ain't that kinda for the love of Mike what's that briefcase doing here he's dead they did him a dirty trick if he ain't no wait a minute don't touch it you better turn it on with the police [Music] [Applause] homicide captain Callahan osg the dope just came in from Washington the fingerprints are those of a James Torrance yeah I'm putting Quincy on it right the shot have opens up a new canopies on the Williams accident there's the FBI report on the guy playing with ladies affection seems to come naturally them all you got to do Quincy is find him yes that's all I got to do last known whereabouts of Jim Torrance was in a moving van somewhere between Sacramento and points east yeah wait a minute wait a minute last known address care of his sister mrs. Joseph Rosetti Irving apartments Berkley well what are you waiting for Quincy let's go deterrence leave any forwarding address no he said he was going to send it to me sorry have trouble you oh I'll lieutenant if you should happen to hear from him will you let me know there's an unpaid telephone bill and a bundle of laundry laundry let's have a look maybe you have to take this along with mop without a receipt you don't you mean you don't trust the police in my business you don't trust anybody my into only st. Valentine's Day look he had the same thing on his shirts too [Music] romance and elite tenants life did you ever see the lady you know I never did but I always know when she'd been here the wonderful perfume hey Lily a tender one she's a rich widow could be wait I'll get you his telephone go pretty fancy stuff pretty tiger yeah but he's a pretty fancy hitchhiker according to the shake maker a certain lady in the town had these made special and they're just like their husbands only his initials were ww sort of smells don't it care now take a look at this little item it was also found in the laundry I for Irene and w-4 well it could be for William still couldn't it yeah homicide Callahan speaking hello oh hello Fitz you know what use any luck birthday sir swell have it typed up and sign it this report of Fritz will be a nice little topper for this pile his checkup shows calls from Torrance's phone to Williams's private number and a flock of them going the other way including one on the seventh and several on the eighth the eighth in case you've forgotten is the date of walk Williams accidental death that ought to be enough to get an indictment out of the grand jury go pick her up I'd like to play longshot first it might give us two for one well taken one at a time a bird in the hand is not going to lead us to its mate I'd like to give the lady a little more rope well thanks I thought you'd agree [Music] well the 10 and up you just caught me I'm glad I have some rather startling news they thought you should know before it hits the headline come here [Music] down lieutenant thank you I'm very anxious to hear about this news it seems that your first hunch remember that a hitchhiker was responsible for your husband's death well mrs. Williams you may have been right I don't understand your husband's briefcase turned up in Kansas City yesterday in a moving van that had stopped at the scene of the accident that night apparently the murderer made his getaway in it that explains the wavy skid marks that made a suspect your husband was ill or unconscious at the time of the crash yes I suppose it does and by now the man is probably out of the country and never will be found don't you worry mrs. William say they will fingerprints on that briefcase and as soon as we get the FBI report from Washington his identity will be known and his description sent out on police broadcast oh you'll find him all right but just now we are keeping things quiet so the murderer will feel it safe until we are ready to close in on him yes I I can see the wisdom of that yes I thought you would understand and cooperate as soon as we know his name it is possible that you might recognize it as someone with a motive there's that possibility you know I'll do everything I can to help I'm sure of it now I run along you'll hear from me I'll let myself out no bother and don't worry [Music] [Applause] [Music] a dollar 35 see everything after the letter J and the first name has been obliterated by heavy rioting over it the only impressed letters legible are those between words or before them like our NS at the end of this name here and the hotel Santa here before the word Evanston well Tom don't you think it's about time you retired why there isn't even evidence there of mr. Williams intent to communicate with Torrance and who do you think she beat a path to the telegraph ah mr. wire to the League of decency I'll tell you what I think that you should've brought her in when I first told you to the time you're gonna now figured out a way to tip Torrance off you'd be that much tougher to find not unless she snipped him off from your office Ernie's got her on ice waiting for you [Music] pretty good let's go a little coun Idaho [Music] have a heart son you try and direct that engine oh sure it's a hobby of mine the way you're going at it you can't miss yeah I just can't let you ruin that beautiful motor start her up okay start her up [Music] [Applause] you're certainly not a mechanic by trade hands like that maybe it's a hobby of mine gee what happened to your head perhaps I was talking when I should have been listening okay okay by me thanks a lot Hil all right now you better lay off total the boss gets back I'm the boss I guess the new cars are a little bit over my head now whether jalopy it's different right there any mechanics around here you can hire no we all went over the new factory in man's ville I guess it got better wages break yeah how much do I owe you don't forget it well I'll be shoving along at least have a cook in the house you might as well watch it can I use your phone another patience yourself Uncle Ben six-five oh please flat tire this morning no the dang engine stalled on me right no I did not give you the wrong number fine thing using my phone to achieve me out of repair bills aren't you ashamed gave me the wrong number there six five overs you're a nice girl Marsha Peters and your Ma's a fine woman and I'll always buy my gas and oil here but you ain't never gonna tinker with my car again is it Bessie always yeah okay wait a minute we're not so busy would you like to do another good deed and give Uncle Ben a hand why not where is your car mr. maybe I can help you why are you good mechanic very good and very reasonable well just what you need girl better hiring it's an idea Uncle Ben come on thanks for the coke well I can uncle been fixed up alright nothing but a sticky carburetor valve bye well hope he paid you what for it only took a minute you're certainly not money conscious stranger there's no kind of work for a girl somebody has to do it if I want to stay in business and I want to must be some business to do it better suited for didn't you leave this place to somebody sure I did while my husband was overseas but when he was killed in Okinawa well we made a lot of plans for the future here and I had a hunch he'd like it if I took over and tried to make a go of it takes more than the hunch to do that I got along famously business has been fine until lately when they help God choy could be again I had a good mechanic yeah you sure need one alright well for pete's sake say yes or no do you want the job or don't you you mean you'd hire me without knowing anything about me you can repair automobiles what else do I need to know except your name well why not sure I'll try it for a while till you get someone permanent my name is Bill Walker okay bill it's a deal and maybe if business gets real good you'll want to stay don't count on it where's this go on the rack yeah it's a boy ate your headphones Kara's shoulders like a prizefighter well congratulations papa how's Jake ah perfect everything's perfect gotta get down the store and tell the gang I'm sorry I don't have enough for the game Thanks say we haven't settle the matter of wages yet maybe I can't pay your regular salary suppose we leave that open till you find out how much I'm worth to the business doesn't seem to be any business right now might be a good time for me to get rid of this beard and trying to place the board we live right next door I'll go ask mom sure no other place sort of a peaceful Helen I noticed it this morning oh gosh I forgot she's down helping mrs. Wilson with her canning mom finds homes for everything from stray cats just straight mechanics well you're not a stray anymore I'll go phone girl six seven four please hello miss western me a stick to mother hi mom I've got some good news for you I hired a man for the station yeah no nobody we know he's from he's from out of town needs to place aboard you got a good one up your sleeve okay says she has to meet you first to come home for supper huh and you like apple or cherry pie cherry cherry it is mom see you later no I gotta get rid of this hey where's the nearest barber shop the one and only just up two blocks tell judge you're working for me when you get back we'll close up and go home Thanks but bringing up young man thank you for the young man we thank thee O Lord for thy bounty and ask thy blessing on this food and on the new friend who shares it with us I hope you're good and hungry mr. Walker who wouldn't be marshy eats like a sparrow with all the hard work she does please but she can start taking it easy now boss the help she never takes anything easy has to put her whole heart and soul into everything she does well now it through with me mom how about Bill have you thought of a place for him to stay well why can't he stay right here we have a spare bedroom going to waste and I think you'll like my cooking like it that's very kind of you mrs. King but it seems an imposition imposition nothing that's good business I get back what I pay you in Borden room but Marcia what a thing to say if you'd like to stay we'd like to have you we have some more vegetables [Music] mrs. King you have a border may I have a biscuit please excuse me [Music] it's wonderful the way to will seem to come alive in your hands you seem to sort of come alive to has all you got real pleasure out of working with it I do when you're doing a job with them you can't think of anything else still if something's bothering you why don't you get rid of it what would you prescribe doctor amputation for that stupid chip on your shoulder [Music] [Music] but you need is a ring job thank yourself some money she built with the baby and everything I I just can't afford it now I would take care of that hey blood house that's credit good enough for a ring job well sure if I can hold juniors collateral oh not a chance fella never mind her I'll do it on my own time all right thanks pill maybe we'll see you tonight huh thanks kid there was that clowning about there being hard up no things have been pretty tough for him ever since he got out of the service fix a car for him bill and only charge you for the labor okay then he gets it for free I'd already figured that knocking that uh say we could make it an anniversary present anniversary of what juniors arrival mine three months ago today time certainly flies and that was a lucky day when you came to MP service your works been bringing in a lot of business I'm glad of that Hanako falling down I'm mom new say look boss why don't we three celebrate tonight and go at the movies ed said he and Jane were going well that lets mom out to be babysitting I'd love to go bill I haven't been in ages your opportunity this is Sheila Graham with the latest news of the shocking Williams murder case while beautiful Irene Williams is held for trial charged with conspiring to kill her late husband the police are searching for James Torrance believed to be the lover of mrs. Williams and her partner in the horrible murder of Walter Williams if I'm handling your case my dear mrs. Williams I want one third of everything you get you're out of your mind you don't realize but I'll get I'll get his wallet Widow perhaps you don't realize the spot you're in Torrance's fingerprints were found not only on your husband's briefcase but in a manner of speaking on your reputation as well there's a detective named Quincy a very smart cookie he isn't exactly for you frankly mr. Warner I'm beginning to wonder if my attorney is for me under estimating the enemy's ammunition would scarcely be wise now if we can get to trial before Torrance is found they'll never get a conviction what what if he shows up we may have to fry him oh no let's not cross that bridge until we have to but if it comes to a choice we're not going to burn are we I'll get the Chatterbox Stephanie what about this afternoon oh I'm sorry boss I guess it was wool gathering you only supposed to do that in the spring is there anything you don't know yes what terms this forgot that we have better newspapers for one thing anyway California is supposed to be the land of opportunity I thought that by now you liked it here I do very much it's good town nice people swell boys Thanks we like you too no fooling bill you'd be surprised how many people ask questions about you what kind of questions oh where you came from do you have any family do you like it here and are you going to stay L NOx asked me at the movie last night if you wanted to join the volunteer fire department just interested friendly things I suppose it is natural for people to wonder about a stranger moves into their community like I did you know I've been thinking maybe it wasn't such a good idea you and I going to the movies last night it's all right being seen in the station here with mom but you get used bet in the town this size they're always trying to marry people are just ignore it after a while they forget about it I'll go get cleaned up for supper [Music] [Music] you know I didn't tell you how many years that Sunday takes me back did you always fall asleep during the sermon I wasn't asleep mrs. Peters I merely closed my eyes the concentrate I hadn't taught you to stop you from naughty quiet you're disturbing my reminiscent mood even smells the same could be the same bees buzzing than the same clover as they say you can take the boy out of the country but Rolling Stone [Music] it has to stop rolling sometime doesn't it Phil sometime but grow very becoming shade of moss here enlargement don't you think you go a lot of nice things here anyone in particular we'll have to skip the answer to that someone tore it out of the book you're married aren't you bill that's right you must have loved her very much to have been hurt so deeply be so afraid of someone even yourself [Music] maybe it's better that way and no one gets hurt bitterness and hatred hurt everyone can't you see bill who like a a wall that shuts out all the sunshine from a garden and lets everything with her make room in your heart for something else cat you I guess this is my day for sermon sorry as mom would say you never get rich mining the other fellas business [Music] hey that's a fire [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anybody home girl mrs. Wesley sent a couple of jars of peaches said you help their camera oh thank you what I delivered the docs car he insisted that I have a bike with him where's the boy look back the library for me huh what a day hey what's the idea are you burning my socks well I thought a drawer full of holy ones isn't doing you much good I found it when I put fresh papers in your Bureau yesterday you have a heap of things that need mending haven't you son does Marshall know do you think I tell her this is your problem bill because I found out about it doesn't give me the right to tell anyone else not even Marshall when you trust folks you trust them and we give them a chance to work out things the way that seems right to them how can one little woman be so big don't forget it's a lot easier to be tolerant and understanding at 50 then it is at 25 [Music] for a while grandma Thompson zeal [Music] [Music] well are you in there yeah mom went next-door Marsha hi do you work awfully late about 6:00 anything wrong come in I want to tell you something I'm checking out has something happened no just I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago moving along but why bill my name isn't even Bill there isn't any bill Walker I'm Walter Williams the late Walter Williams Walter Williams I don't understand you may not even after I've told you but at least you'll know the whole story sit down please finally Larkspur and you from there on you know I'm glad you're going back to make things right going back wild horses couldn't drag me back what are you gonna do about your wife nothing you're gonna let her go to trial for murder oh no bill why not she tried to kill me she and her cousin but they didn't who says they didn't let them try and prove it no matter what your wife did she can't be tried for something it didn't happen Oh bill can't you see but I can see she deserves everything she's getting sorry part of it is they'll never convict her no bill the sorry part is you're not big enough to take a hard Joel to your pride into your ego sure it hurts to be tricked and cheated by someone you loved and believed in but that doesn't give you the right to take justice into your own hands to trample on the hearts of others and walk out on life I'm barren frustrated boiling a marriage to a woman who accepted my love yet despised me so thoroughly she resorted to murder I'll never think of our moments together without Marcia it's stripped bare degraded because you pulled your mind and heart to everything else even me Oh bill please don't destroy the one chance we have for happiness we haven't got a chance doing the right thing never works out I know in this world you turn the other cheek and you could hit with a lug wrench forgive me boss try and forgive me [Music] [Music] you know if any how many here's this Sunday picnic back [Music] you have a heap of things that need mending cabbages [Music] take your [Music] you're not big enough to take a heart joke to your pride and to your ego sure it hurts to be tricked and cheated by someone you loved and believed in but that doesn't give you the right to take justice into your own hands trample on the hearts of others and walk out on life please don't destroy the one chance we have [Music] mrs. Peters was kind enough to come along to substantiate at least the Larkspur portion of what I've told you very thoughtful of you mr. Peters mr. Williams when you read in the newspaper that the hitchhiker who attacked you had been well a close friend of your wife for some time it must have been a great shock to you I didn't come here to discuss my emotional reactions lieutenant if you need me for anything further captain my office will know where to reach me let's go mark just a minute mr. Williams we'll need your signed statement for the grand jury when we ask for your wife's release it won't take long to be tight [Applause] come in mrs. Williams grab newsboys really I can scarcely wait [Music] it seems it was Terrence who was in the car when it crashed [Music] you did it you killed him no he tried to kill me thought he had and he ran into the truck it was an accident an accident you wait all these months to tell this story you let me rot in this filthy jail you let everybody believe you're dead pretty convenient wasn't it a dead man can't be tried for murder mr. Williams perhaps your wife would understand better if you would explain to her about the amnesia amnesia oh don't tell me you believe he had amnesia where's he been all this time just wandering around in a daze channels this he's been in lakhs for a little town in Idaho working as a mechanic in a service station run by mrs. Peters here I understand perfectly now that my chance for happiness is dead I suppose you demand the divorce I beg you to give me so that I could marry Jim that's fantastic yes isn't it after you telling us that the man you picked up was a perfect stranger that's not true the time and place for meeting Jim had all been arranged I must advise you there's a law that a wife can't testify against her husband there's a law against murder too but that didn't stop him and nothing's going to stop me until I'm through it's alright with me captain go on talk your head off aye aye I was to have gone with him to Denver he insisted on a little ball I was quite ill several hours before we were to leave he he came home there was a violent scene he he threatened to kill me unless I agreed to give up Jim and I wish he had this is incredible not one word that she has said is true I don't have nothing to worry about was there a witness to the threat you mentioned no unless the maid overheard she was in the apartment in fact she picked up the pieces of Abbes that he threw at me yes you know I I don't know she she left me suddenly after all this began please could the questions waiter I feel rather ill will you have mrs. Williams ready for the grand jury ten o'clock tomorrow morning that's all we're gonna hold you to Williams on what charge suspicion of murder but he's not guilty of any of these things then it should be easy for him to prove it take it down booking that fiction of mrs. Williams must have been very convincing no we just couldn't be that yawn you tried to sell this [Music] [Applause] and Daly's been a couple Williams office okay boys hop to it I'm on all I can get by 10 a.m. tomorrow for the grand jury okay chief Oh Tom don't miss a bit dig up everything you can on Williams under Peters name you sort of believe I read Williams story didn't she when she made better sense and he did well sure she's a better liar than he is don't forget I went all through the grieving widow hood with her she's a bad customer well that's for the grand jury to decide and Williams insisted on letting a talk so it's his funeral funeral all right especially with that yarn he told but murder is out of character for him there's a few pieces missing somewhere there might be an Idaho if it's not too much out of character for you to get going you're going to miss me hell when I retire next year maybe I'll join private eye and solve your cases for you hi William mr. Williams Thanks what a deal from the bottom here don't you sorry William okay William well not very good news judging from your faces well wolf the grand jury returned an indictment against you mrs. Williams was released I see now don't you worry ward we'll have you back at work where you're needed and in short order come on Eldridge there's a visitor waiting far more attractive than we old fogies we're just leaving mrs. Peters but remember don't hesitate to call on me for anything thank you so much [Music] I would bill what have I done to you if it weren't for me you wouldn't be here if it weren't for you I wouldn't be I came back here because I wanted to believe in the things you do I still do no matter what happens will you do something for me go back home right now you'll be taken care of not a chance you'd like to think of a better reason than that to get rid of me I'm a big girl now if yes with the Larkspur williams where they found these newspaper clippings of course some of them are three months old but you seem to treasure them so I brought him along so I don't think the exactly substantiate your claim of amnesia as if you were interested in substantiating any claim of mine now let's get one thing straight most people when they get in a jam think the police are only interested in the prosecution our job is to get the facts the truth and the truth never hurt anyone but the fella that line unless he was a beautiful woman ah quit kidding yourself Williams you made the buna I had no more to do with torrance death than you did and out of the whole population of Northern California you just happen to pick up a hitchhiker who happened to be your wife's boyfriend have a heart Williams I suppose you tell the truth when you take the stand but you better have some mighty conclusive proof if you expect the jury to believe it wait lieutenant bill we all know you're not guilty but we're going to need help to prove it or need it badly lieutenant Quincy can't take sighs but if we're right he has to be on ours and I have a hunch he wants to be why don't you tell him the whole story all of it please I'd like to Quincy very much guess I should have told the whole truth in the first place but I wanted to clean this mess up with his little scandal as possible well no sign the lug wrench or anything my dear mrs. Peters will you please stop trying to be a detective how many times do you think the police have combed this spot for any kind of evidence and now be a nice girl take mr. Williams advice go back to Locke's perch what time is it it's only four o'clock we still have time to go back to town and go on a hunt for sue-lin now look here young woman you've had me on the run since al-iman but lieutenant the maid seems to be our only hope now we've got to keep looking till we find her that's all that's all wait she was naturalized wasn't she suffering chopsticks Quincy you dumb flatfoot this see this Sousou what's her name was Chinese born if a port of entry with San Francisco that still be a file owner photo and all let's go back to town immigration [Music] oh the councilors giving us the right lead [Music] you are see understand you saw the English also French Italian and Hebrew May one ask what is desired we're looking for su Ling Chun a Chinese consul said you were her uncle and right tell us what she is this daughter of my brother she offended the Honorable police oh no they just wanted to ask her some questions about mr. Williams the man she used to work for seems hard as heavy that he cannot lead you to her but things that are not known cannot be told reporting to headquarters [Music] untruth is not good for Seoul and not wisdom when told to policemen better for the soul to be kind than to be wise sueleen must keep silence to help in this matter you know you're quite a gal in case I haven't told you lately you're just too easily pleased that's all there must be a way out why can't we find it boys tomorrow's another day yesterday you go to trial I'm afraid and the state intends to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the defendant Walter Williams did with malice aforethought kill the deceased James Torrance whom he knew to be his wife's lover and then with his victim dead beside him he drove his car into the course of an oncoming truck jumping clearing himself some seconds prior to the crash and subsequently he made his getaway in the back of a loaded furniture van and for three months as Bill Walker he laughed at justice what if imprisoned his unfaithful wife for conspiracy and his own murder being dead cramped his style he thought he could eat his cake and have it too so he returned most anxious to explain his long absence and to write the dreadful mistake that had imprisoned his wife for three months ladies and gentlemen it was a cold-blooded premeditated murder and must be punished to the fullest extent of the law call the first witness please captain Callahan did Walter Williams tell you what suddenly cured his amnesia after three months no he did not but he did tell you the man had struck the blow which caused the amnesia was a total stranger a hitchhiker he had picked up yes and that he knew nothing of this man's identity or relationship with his wife until he suddenly recovered from his amnesia and heard or read the details that's what he said Thank You captain witness counselor no questions no I saw no signs of amnesia a definite concussion he was a bit of a sieve and answering questions but not vague or unsure in your opinion doctor could this head injury have been caused by a fall yes if they had it struck on some object such as a stone or a metal pipe that's all thank you are you familiar with the tool known as a lug wrench for changing automobile wheels I'm afraid I am sir I've had a regular epidemic of flat tires lately well then in your opinion could this head injury which you treated have been caused by a blow from a lug wrench yes it could have been caused by that too thank you doctor him the ones were the earliest aches you will notice are heavily creased as though they've been carried in a wallet or a coat pocket Thank You lieutenant Quincy will you kindly tell the court where you'll find these newspaper clippings in the bedroom occupied by mr. Williams and mrs. Peters home locks but I don't is this your handwriting miss Revere yes sir and that's the message at least our record carbon of it would you read it to the court please June 9th 8:32 p.m. message for mrs. Walter Williams penthouse D mr. Williams called said he wants you to forget all about a certain problem that Softee is going to take care of it thoroughly was there any other conversation well I I just asked if that was all and he said yes she'll understand and and sort of laughed as if it were a joke and hung up some joke kill no wife's boyfriend the State vs Walter Williams all around so far I've gone to the prosecution and it was a grim-faced Williams who has returned to his cell this afternoon what the score will be after he takes the stand is anybody's guess but he's going to need some lucky punches to get a decision and though Torrance struck with intent to kill after telling you this is from Irene and me sucker you still telephone the Illinois to find out if there was a cousin Jim you are hard to convince aren't you mr. Williams is it so incredible that a man should fight against believing such a thing about his wife oh that is very touching from a husband who planned a trip on which he intended to destroy his wife and did kill her lover that's a lie Your Honor I objected the conclusions drawn by the prosecutor and move that it be stricken for the records but your honor there is a corpus delicti remember was your wife's lover objection sustained there's also her own story which in front of witnesses you insisted she tell and then we have your own two different stories from your own lips one featuring a perfectly strange hitchhiker the second and equally strange cousin Jim without a questionable substantiation for I Dominica [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please hurry [Music] I'd say you remember me don't you I was here with lieutenant Quincy from the police department I just follow through then up the stairs I saw her coming here you must be mistaken I'm not mistaken she's here I must see her I see don't you understand it's to save a man from prison even from death I will send her to you by pointing John watching WA saline booths on our bar Oh sue-lin we've been looking for you all these weeks mr. Williams need your help so desperately I cannot help you must forget that you found su Ling forget it but you're his only witness you're the only one that can help not as a witness only with silence can I repay his great kindness to me and my family in China why if I heard other things that most unhappy day from mrs. William's bedroom his voice very loud and angry a flower vase broken to pieces he can explain all that they do not believe what he's already told that I heard anything would do harm don't you see yes much sorrow comes from women who know not honor and truth and mrs. Williams she's not true even to that Torrance man what made you say there that night when he was killed her sickness was but wala falsehood behind which you could go secretly to a meeting place you you mean she went out that night Soo Lin are you sure yes because next morning in her bedroom I found street shoes that had been worn her coat on the closet floor who the sleeves turn inside out as though removed hurriedly and in one pocket a door key to some hotel to Lin that's it proof that she and Torrance had planned to meet that night after he killed mr. Williams what hotel was it oh I I don't remember the key what did you do with it return to coat pocket come on we'll get to lieutenant Quincy he'll know what to do and pray zulan every step of the way [Music] now hold everything even if this longshot don't wake up we'll just keep on pigeon [Music] [Music] hey honey see here it is yes room 302 Airport Hotel Oakland maybe we got our miracle especially the Chinese one it is the hope that zulan was not small help to mr. William O soul a big stop open I said a little ladies Hotel rendezvous what was that night duty then alright but I sure don't remember a lookalike this quite a dish a little to Haley Seasons room ad Justin thinks the talent just found a couple of cars but all three or two on June 9th judge Baxter checked out at noon mr. and mrs. J burns room not slept in J burns look Quincy the handwriting on the card is identical to that on the photograph here's a little boy the same thing the cover-up telegram - and Marvin now look at the impressions J here and here are NS j burns that's the name she started a telegram to room not slept in say I got that Dame peg now lieutenant she said they'd be out of the room by midnight as her husband was catching a plane man this ties it all up doesn't it yeah like a greased pig what do you mean we've got the evidence now the proof of what Sulis theory that Irene was playing the field this evidence only proves that she came here to keep a date with a man named burns we can't even prove that he didn't keep the date but you know he didn't there wasn't any burner with only a name that she and Torrance used claim if you can prove that Williams will be free but none of this is prove it sorry copper but we are just up another blind alley right yes it there's a couple of sample cases for mr. Sam Andrews came up from a station this morning take the Paula be right away sir [Music] be seated braces Walter Williams proceed mr. Eldridge Your Honor we will call mrs. Irene Williams take the stand mrs. Williams raise your right hand you solemnly swear the testimony about giving this cause to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do hey what cooks the defense Colin huh mr. Aldridge what's the purpose in calling this witness merely for purpose of identifying handwriting well mrs. Williams this photograph of you for stolen from my apartment so according to the inscription to Walt my adoring and adored husband Irene this belongs to mr. Williams this is your handwriting isn't it of course I'm touched that he should have wanted it so badly and this telegram addressed to mrs. Margaret Hobart is that also your handwriting it is now mrs. burns I mean mrs. Williams this photograph is inscribed to Jim my adoring and adored Irene did you write this too I see no point in all this merely answer counsels questions did you write it I did and these letters addressed to mr. James Torrance did you write them yes and this monogrammed garment a gift from you to mr. Torrance why must I be tortured again by all this I never made any secret of my love for Jim Torrance that's why he's dead your love for Jim Torrance yet on the very night he was killed you had a rendezvous with a man named Burns didn't you I don't know what you're talking about I don't know any man named Burns I was at home that night very ill oh yes the sleeping pills well you must walk in your sleep then will you spend at least part of that night at the airport hotel in Oakland well you registered for mr. and mrs. Jade burns don't waste the Court's time trying to deny it this is the registration card that you signed at 9:20 p.m. and there's the room clerk who assigned you to room 302 and this mrs. Williams is the key to room 302 which you very carelessly left in the pocket of a coat which was found in your closet yesterday all right I was there now you're satisfied not quite this J Burns mrs. Williams is his first name Jack yes have you been in contact with him lately no now long since you've seen or heard from this Jack Byrnes well I don't know I don't remember you bet she doesn't remember because there isn't any Jack burns and there never was that was an alias for Jim Torrance and it was Torrance who was to have met you that night after your charming little plot to kill your husband had been duly executed true it's not true I have bad news for you mrs. Williams I can prove it's true these pajamas these letters this picture all of it you identified for the court there found in this suitcase which is full of the clothes and personal belongings of mr. James Torrance and the suitcase was found in the baggage room of the airport but it's been held since June 9th and it says on this tag in large print hold for Jack burns that is all mrs. Williams just a moment mrs. Williams Your Honor in view of the evidence presented we now ask for a dismissal of the state's case against Walter Williams and we intend to charge Irene Williams with conspiracy to commit murder against her husband Walter Williams [Music] the piece against water Williams dismissed or adjourned until 2 o'clock [Music] well that's that wall congratulations mr. Williams I haven't the words for it Quincy but we we could never have made it without you yeah sure you could you know son right always wins if you give it a little push especially when you get a copper like this one to do the butcher well I'll be seeing you you know you seem kinda strange being able to eat and sleep without someone get it in the air all the time Oh fine wall we're looking forward to having your hand on the wheel again the Denver plants are waiting for you to open them you think I can back at the morning how about it counselor you bet you can all good well I'll be running along well you think you like Denver it's okay by me boss yes impact the force with which two lives can come together sometimes for evil sometimes for good [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 1,079,296
Rating: 4.7880592 out of 5
Keywords: small town, concussion, corporation, prayer, female mechanic, Crime, Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller, Cult classic, b movies, movie, classic movies, public domain, classics, film, old movies, best movies, cinema, cult film, classic movies hd, watch movies, classic movies english, full movie, best english movies, movies full length, classics movies
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Length: 111min 0sec (6660 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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