Border Patrol discovers a GoPro filming them
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Channel: Have Drone, Will Travel
Views: 1,730,997
Rating: 4.0101352 out of 5
Keywords: United States Border Patrol (Government Agency), GoPro (Award-Winning Work), Dog, K-9 unit, illegal checkpoint, Politics (TV Genre), brewster county, alpine, hwy 118, aclu, homeland security, Camera, border wall, west texas, hispanic border patrol, hwy 118 checkpoint, police the police, cops caught on camera, checkpoint charlie, big bend, texas
Id: J8pymvYaJ1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
They don't seem to have any training in conducting searches, just looking around like they are thinking about buying the car.
I was in two minds about posting this video because the guy who owns the van seems to allow the 'border patrol' (who are operating 85 miles from the actual border) consent to search his vehicle, even though they don't find anything each time. His vehicle is getting scratched by the dog (not to mention the fluids it leaves behind), his personal effects are being messed around with yet despite this he says that most border patrols are good people.
Good people don't violate your rights, you dolt. He NEEDS to sue. It's his civic duty.
Man those Mexicans must be really good at hiding in seemingly empty cars.
I didn't know they made the dogs go inside the vehicles now. Is this a new thing? I'm going to lace my car with fowl smelling stuff dogs won't like if I have to go through one of these checkpoints.