04/11/19 -- A Female Trooper Stops me in Ft Morgan, CO!

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yeah this is I to 25 in Denver that's what they sent me from Pueblo I wanted to go to us 24 you know northeast and then East on seventy and that take 385 I think North instead my permit sent me all the way to Denver on 25 and then I'm taking this 225 and then I go west on 70 and then I grab what is it to 70 and then highway six to i-76 so basically I'm going east on i-70 six instead of i-70 which I really don't like because there were a lot of accidents reported on the Google Maps and actually briefly maybe like for a minute there was a light smoke when I was in Colorado Springs and I see traces like even Colorado Springs I saw a lot of like snow on the shoulder you know all right we're digging 70 West exit 12 8 ladies judicata to don't you thanks for playing all right so this is a 270 this juice sandwich so now I need exit to be in my it might have something to do with with the height because my permit they give me the permit for 13 feet 10 inches but over here legal is 14 I'm pretty sure so I don't know why we're going like this you know why not allow me on US 24 I would bypass all this mass like why would I be my sound mind why would I want to go through Denver where I can bypass it and actually my my goal is Nebraska right which is Northeast like quite often I don't understand the logic that these guys are using it do it either sitting in their little doctor room with a ten-year-old computer you know okay how can we make life interesting for this trucker all right you b2b where is this GPS says this is going to be York Street five kilometers I know I need to be to be that's gonna be us 86 oh yeah there we go the sign on the top says were us 85 same same difference a t56 to be to a yep that's us okay yeah us six I remember something in the permit about that so first it's us 85 then it becomes basically us 6 and after that sixth avenue yeah after then there should be did you SAT by the door you know I like that when I get ten instructions for one intersection that's really cool but I see that two lanes exit something East I don't see I think I have to be I have to be in the left two lanes should and here we have Walmart and see how nicely see that's how you do it in the civilized world you put those yellow but concrete barriers hello the place so that will make sure that trucks cannot park in here you know because trucks we have to turn around right to park usually facing the exit and so they put these you can see all these sides you know no overnight parking you'll be told that doesn't work these guys are smart they just grab a couple of dozens of these concrete barriers painted them bright yellow and put them in no no more signs are required so they probably paid like two three hundred bucks for one barrier but now they're saving twenty bucks a year on signs that's pretty cool okay this is a different GoPro so we switch to a different GoPro because that one for some reason became very quiet no beeping I cannot hear if it works or not [Music] yes over here we're gonna stop begging this people for the left lane now a rookie driver would say okay so what do you do if nobody likes you in well the answer is simple you stop and it's here you see that white guy you didn't let me go in here because he was in a rush to get there like that I really hate just if you stay behind me I would change lanes and you can go but for him that's too slow right so you're gonna go like this hold me up and then he goes in front of I saw this sign oh wait a second laughs lane ants my bad there was there rightly and the guy behind me is like going like this too he he saw me move left he went left that I need so boom boom right here and right alright so this seems like yeah this is i-76 all right now we're cooking with gas and it's not even around we create our own lane all right this is my first stop I think is this way you know the price is pretty good but I know that the fuel over here is awful and I still have a quarter of a tank so we should be okay so I left one loves and I just going into another just try to find a spot where I'm not gonna stick out you bad you know here we go [Music] wait and I left the truck so bright-eyed one-stop so I did their 120 miles and then I started driving on 76 and the plan was all I had to do was I think I drove like an hour all I wanted to do was see these guys are good flying boy by the way I see lots of people are buying these new Macs you know all I have left is hundred twenty kilometres ladies and gentlemen seventy-five miles and I wanted to stop but there's a small truck stop here at exit 149 because I'm supposed to take this 159 north and then 138 and then 385 and that's how I enter Nebraska 80 but see I wanted to stay there but they stopped me they said no you cannot go see this guy stopped you and like at first I didn't know why she stopped me right there's a scale I know I have I wanted to joke but I know never joke with law enforcement right I wanted to say kind of like something funny you know I'm working I'm thinking what should I tell him what's my what's my fault too many axles because because I have a 80,000 pound load and I have eight axles right but thanks God I didn't say anything I was apologetic I said I'm sorry like is there a problem and she says wind gusts wind gusts and I swear to God I did not realize that it was a crime but she showed me my permit and she says right here it says no wait yes that's the risk [Music] Travel prohibited when hazardous conditions exist included snow ice mud rocks winds and reduced visibility but it doesn't tell you how bad the wind should be no like so it's all it's so subjective you know and I'm heavy right so I'm not like sixteen feet tall so to me this is pretty safe I'm driving 57 miles per hour and you know I was not like everything was cool I had full control of the vehicle so I don't know what's the big deal is but she says she was checking she gave me this website it's cool yeah see all trip cotr IP dot-org kind of like colorado trip but just Co for Colorado and she says over here you can see like this color-coded conditions and turns out this entire section of i-76 and I see a sign in there in the distance exit 75 it says Fort Morgan highway 34 so basically that's where I'm at I'm at mile marker 75 and and she says this whole section has a color code of purple well that map and it means that the wind gusts are up to 35 miles per hour but you know it's not like 45 or 50 like yesterday was really bad you know it was even hard to sleep on the truck but but what she says is she didn't give me a ticket just allowed me to park and she says you have to wait till the the gusts must drop to at least 25 or below she says if the wind gusts will drop at sunset she says usually the the wind drops at Santa when the Sun Goes Down and I'm like so I cannot drive after dark right and she says no in Colorado you can and I said all right I said what about lights I don't like I have some lights but you know those magnetic lights but they they're not reliable they keep shining it off so I said I have no light and she said well in Colorado if you 10 feet wide and I am she says you're okay just to have two lights in the back two lights on the roof cool right so you see right now I'm here right that's my arrow so I'm just a stuff just northeast of Denver and I knew that this is bad area right that's why I was here Pueblo and I wanted to go like this sorry my crooked finger so I wanted to go like this this is I 25 and I wanted to go like this to Colorado Springs then take us 24 and this is a freeway 70 and I wanted to take 70 all the way to this 385 because there's a border with Kansas over here and Kansas only gives me 65 on the quad so I definitely don't want to go into Kansas because that also adds another state that I need a permit in and so I wanted to go like this and then north on 385 and just enter over here 76 and go and i-80 you know but they said no must go like this two circles in Denver then take i-76 all the way here and of course it's all bad weather so like I said I sometimes I don't know how they came up with these with these permits like at this for like probably just throwing darts on a good day on on a bad day they just you know think like think of a number like there's two people sitting in one guy says okay we have here a captain Sergei okay think of a number and I guess is three thousand and one and the guy number one says hold on no we don't have a fight we like that okay 225 bingo we have I 225 so what sign him on I 225 I think that's how they work you know and then when there's another guy like this guy shows up you know his permit company says [Music] a application a request they say okay pick up a number and the guy says something like you know 76 oh yeah we know there's snow there there's always bad weather perfect you know and then when they when they go home the wife says honey how many trucks did you did you put out of service today because of bad weather oh yeah today I wasn't as good as yesterday you know we were able to divert of good route only three trucks captain Sergei and an anonymous guy with a big yellow excavator and he says wifey tomorrow I'll promise to do better you know tomorrow we're gonna derail five trucks and the guy in the front actually if the wind dies down maybe I'll go and talk to him because this were looks like a rig of my dreams ladies and gentlemen like the guy is a four axle truck and then he has a tandem Jeep in there and then over here is two plus two check this out and despite what everybody says what you need to have a hydraulic stinger or booster see this guy you can see there's no cylinders right this is what they call a fixed or rigid rigid spreader and this guy works for daily and I see on the on the mud flap it says 88 so I know it's an admirer trailer and it looks like it's beam trailer and what this guy has is a leap her leap her looks like I'm asking a tur but I think it's a crane right and yeah the guy has this and this is much cheaper actually now I asked the guy from the guy I reached out to me from you know when I was at a truck show I saw you probably saw if you look at the maths video I stopped by Liddell Liddell trailers booth and you know Liddell turns out they sold they sold the company to Fontaine right that's how Fontaine started they sold them all the designs and stuff like that and Fontaine started and there was a non-competing clause I forgot 20 years 15 years or something and so Liddell stopped to exist because Fontaine took over right but then after that period ended the Liddell family restarted the business you know and so now so they sold their everything right they made money I don't know 10 20 years ago and now they have their own company and their trailers looks because it's the same Fontaine took the design from them so the del trailers it's pretty much Fontaine right so it's the same as my trailer and so I was asking about about this can you make a custom booster or whatever stinger for my Fontaine Trail and the guy says yeah sure and he says I said can you give me like a price you know like a quote how much it would cost and he says what kind of spreader hydraulic one or air and I said what would you recommend and he says well of course I like hydraulic ones better but they're much more expensive and they're heavier you know so I don't care right I I don't go I don't go off-road because that's where they say it's dangerous if you go off-road but but something like this Q plus two or actually that's why waiting for the price give me the price and for this and basically I just need this right make sure wait a second is this like a single unit oh yeah so this is different than this is different thing you know because I already have two axles right I just need a spread a bar but this guy has like this whole dolly right the axles are in there you know so it's not like you see that the metal is yeah this is weird so this is much shorter I think it probably has like eight feet between them you know yeah something like this would not work on my on my trailer but I just need the spreader bar like the metal piece to connect my to my two axles oh and so I asked also another thing I asked the the trooper I said do you give more do you allow more weight here when you have a spreader I'm gonna have a stinger and she says I said you see I'm running with a quad I know Colorado you guys only love 72,000 Maxim's and she was saying that the both she says if you have enough spacing between between the axles so that they considered two independent tandems then you get a tandem weight on each right which is more in most cases like 46 45 K no so see this set up 2+2 imagine I'm getting 72,000 right let's say I have a super heavy load and I want to get the maximum with my setup they only allow me 72,000 pounds because the axles are too close together for the taste but something like this they will give me 92 thousand pounds so 20,000 pound difference and everybody asked about these rigid ones with no hydraulics they say they're fine but people that all hydraulic spreaders they always say no no no you need hydraulics I would never buy a rigid rigid spread it but well of course what what are they gonna say they just spent 40,000 on a piece of metal with two hydraulic cylinders what are they gonna tell you well actually I think I made a mistake I should have bought two rigid spreaders for the price I paid for one hydraulic but then I won they're not gonna ever admit the you know that they were they made a bad judgment right but I'll go ask this guy he's not asleep I'll go ask anyway sorry for the long video as usual I just wanted to show you guys some driving so the truck was pulling a key but of course had to do lots of downshifting in Denver there's like lots of hills like this and even a couple of times on i-70 6 but all in all you know Lord since like as we say in Russia like opening as if it's duck duck in you know like I have enough chains I have changed on the back I like it so good load not too heavy pace okay not not something to write home about but okay so I'm making money this way and I only stopped for for two days I'm going back already making money this is a good beginning of this month you know I'm making money so yeah so as soon as I deliver this I'm going to New Jersey to pick up the the flipbox the 36-inch flip box and after that I think by that time the restrictions in Michigan will be lifted and I'm going to drop the trailer and bobtail to Sarnia and make that cheaper guy happy thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sergei Dratchev
Views: 439,116
Rating: 4.3105669 out of 5
Keywords: heavy haul tv, trucking, trucker, sergei dratchev, heavy haul, kenworth, fontaine, rgn, lowboy, challenger, flowmaster, dodge challenger rt 392 scatpack, racing', performance
Id: M4UMYb8Ok8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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