Dr F. Smash or Pass

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen pace picante bf and gf almost done if you want to play along at home hilly thrilly double billy billy j thrilly right willy wait why do we have a knife mom's knife to start dan you just get so lucky in this game why do i i why'd you get so lucky no hm havoc thanks for the gifted oh dude look at the knife is doing work i mean we could probably speed run this huh and it's a tough question do we go hush or no hush what are my thoughts on mom's knife i think it's i think it's good but not anything we ever want to seek out like in this case we'll take it for free but if we see it and we can pass on it like we'll pass on it it's just not that good like for this and this is the perfect scenario for mom's knife level one mom's knife hush run yes sire it's way better than sci-fi i mean sci-fly isn't f-tier items mob's knife better or worse than brimstone it is better than brimstone it's it's very much better than brimstone because it works and it doesn't take a hundred years to charge how you piece of peace all right just keep moving for a second okay just settle hoddle here a little bit please dude haunt save big time there okay i think we slow down a little bit we're way ahead of pace right to go to hush so let's settle huddle yeah we can ease up just a tiny bit we didn't grab a book in the last it doesn't matter wait wait wait wait hear me out we want to who do we want to double shot with double knife we'll give a shot at double knife bookworm pog uh book of rev let's swap it wow only dan would would spawn bfgf knife on where are you that's a good shot kid good shot is that haunt against us or for us oh we gotta go let's keep that up for pace picante's sake we got to beat we got to beat the heart by 30 right go that's a that's savior it's gonna be tight huh this is only boss one gotta go kid need a quick boss fight you piece of peace if you're enjoying the video hit the like button it helps out a ton thank you oh give me that give me that give me that that it's gonna be tight huh 27 of the mars volta man how did how did this happen i thought we were at great pace picante or is the hush just hard it's our bombing doors you're right it's our bombing doors not this way you peace we can beat this we can beat this we can beat it you piece of peace come on one minute to the mars voter we can do this we can do this we gotta get what is this the witness i didn't get this garbage out of this game please down please he's down okay sometimes you guessed wrong me a heart quick quick quick quick do we have to get in there or beat it never over we're not giving up just get me in there gives us a stall enemy never over just please please open [Music] [Music] seven seconds later it wouldn't have mattered good transition though music vm all right why in chat why in chat if if the angel story caused us to lose billy dilly pilly one gary vaynerchuk 62. here we go tiered here to lean idaho holy that's a one run that's a one run when you raise up the triforce you've got to show respect to the triforce to the best zelda game of all time [Music] give us an h up please that's perfect one for you one for me [Music] you peace okay let's go we gotta win here instantly goes into a room and gets one tap ah come on secret secret please secret please super secret please can we double up i think we can double up it's greedy but you know what [Music] greedy pleases as a guess we get both for one [Music] wow wdw screw pog that was worth it did we get it oh that's okay [Music] what is that copies three latest items to the other guy we want to take it as bf right take it as bf wait on it no this is this is it what's yours is mines you should have went in the item room first you're correct [Music] piece of piece whatevs we use a little flooding but that's okay i don't know if this helped pace picante or heard it this is a disaster this is a disaster wait we can skip though we can skip though [Music] don't worry about the tears [Music] tears are what's saving us oh jeez [Music] gg [Music] we got we got good thing is we got plenty of time different song i don't think you think it's a song that's that's hurting us right now nine minutes for the mars volta we can check one secret and this is kind of a bear huh [Music] i don't think we should be checking anything after we learned our lesson uh let's use the secret here well [Music] don't no we can't we can't we can't we can't [Music] we'll be back though so how do we play this because because i'm we do we just focus on the fetus or do we skip we skip right what's the point of fighting this is you know what just be who we are just be who we are stop it got very lucky on this floor but we still got to beat this boss man wait give the strength we're good we'll give the strength card to the other other guy so we get in trouble use strength okay this dodge [Music] [Applause] it work for both they work for both get back in there it's never over oh dead man a fursuit kid that [Music] wow what the heck happened here how did we get all these hearts eddie's looking out for us that's how how much time we got hit that man uh pursuit four minutes we got plenty of time to check this real quick okay how much time we have should have re-rolled it should have re-rolled it we're gonna be fine we're just we're just gonna bomb our way there it's down right yeah get him hey don't walk through the spikes here we go here we go here we go here we go dial trying chat this is the most flooded i've ever been in isaac i think we forget fetus man can't hit it [Music] get him a furry suit a furry suit in heavy for me [Music] how are we doing okay we gotta i'm gonna pay attention now we go in what was the time on that we have plenty of time time to die to hush all right we need to get off the soundtrack there's no way we're gonna win with the soundtrack on we only have four keys i guess we gotta go each item room huh i think we reroll these i give ourselves a 10 chance to win this one but we'll take it laser for gf chocolate beat fetus laser that's fine that's fine okay we have we'll pop the strength card immediately and then let's roll how do we do this keep them together and aim right or left that's it keep them together they're not together stack them only we're only focusing on the the red donut okay need to restack them you don't if you don't go don't go [Music] okay this is periph this is using periph [Music] when they start spawning that's when we'll be in a little bit of trouble that's we gotta hold right marty little scorsese just just stay focused on the six inches in front of us this is a big run dude whatever spider bite is it's helping us out tremendously just stay dialed [Music] i don't know if we're hitting our shots there but we're trying that's what i worry about the laundry detergent right here the laundry detergent is what gets us we got to get closer and get some shots in man [Music] we're in trouble stop the laundry i'm just looking at her now just look at her [Music] please just look at her just look at her oh just stay looking at her forget him [Music] please just a couple more venuses [Music] oh my god oh my god what the hell oh oh i don't know how we did that [Music] oh my what in the please [Music] oh man how do we um how do we make this say uh turn this into a win [Music] i can't believe we won that like to me that was i heard isaac's dad talking to us saying son it doesn't have to be this kind of a story you can win this run no keys for streamer room [Music] the gaming are all on that run man [Music] ladies and gentlemen we added one to pace picante unlock 536 that was a tough one if you were here ladies and gentlemen i don't know how he pulled that off but we pulled it that was a good run we took bf and gf and got the hush keychain trinket it's a good run want to catch up on the dane geesling show because you can't catch it live on twitch then go to youtube.com dan geesingplays there you'll find every single one of our live shows cut up in an easily digestible episode for your viewing pleasure episodes are up within a couple days of the show so you're never too far behind if you want to catch up and watch live that's youtube.com dan geesingplays to watch anything you might have missed on twitch
Channel: Dan Gheesling
Views: 7,193
Rating: 4.9862781 out of 5
Keywords: the binding of isaac, repentance, afterbirth, rebirth, tboi, isaac, isac, character, run, roguelike, rogue like, challenge, pace, picante, Dan Gheesling, Gaming, Channel, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, delirium, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, unlock, modded, reroll, lazarus, risen lazarus, d100, tainted
Id: Ddb0IKpM3fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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