LIQUID SIM! MOST FUN RUN! :: Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Mods

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hello everybody welcome back to the binding of issac afterbirth plus today we're gonna play the liquid sim mod which is a mod by a man who's a name on the Steam Workshop is just a bunch of characters so I don't really have a way to pronounce your name but you're so cool and your apartment this cord so you're a pretty chill guy anyway liquid sim is in mind where the tiers will quote spread out into smaller tears until they either become too small or split a set amount of times and then every split tier deals 65% of the parent tears damage and it synergizes what they said everything so we're going to try it out and random ourselves here we're coming off of a good win a little bit of a cheeky win but a good win nonetheless and okay sure apparently you get punished when you do that so let's spawn ourselves in this tier item there it is liquid sim we'll take him water physics and as you can see yeah it's pretty neat uh how it do so here's the seed see for beat TJ c 42 JC 42 hike and it's already doing a pretty good number on enemies it's pretty neat honestly very very cool I'm excited to hopefully get some synergies and have a good time apparently we're going to get some good stuff right off the bat here honestly for kicks and giggles I'll take em all and then we'll continue to pop these I don't really care about pills right now for obvious reasons you know something like a bad trip ruins our day I don't even know if you can get bad trip with the Lost you probably can't huh these are things that you'd think I'd know by now but they just they kind of go by the wayside forever we're not gonna take the backstabbers not great and when we take one or the other in terms of first and second floor item rooms that's not the one that I want to take if you don't know how my mod spotlights we're go watch literally any other one I'm gonna stop explaining them every time I start them because most of you are probably annoyed by it by now but anyway I could take either the first or second floor I there you go happy days are here at last let's go find our boss and move on in the next four words dope we got a deal with the devil on this floor it's not that dope the deal with the devil was kind of trash little brim is obviously pretty okay but a theme will never really do anything for us unless we die as the lost and come back as another character in the game which is not unheard of and not something that I would object to doing on this run sure we'll take experimental treatment gain damage from it so hard for me to be pissed let's just head on down that's a pretty good setup come in here game breaking buckets okay nothing that's really gonna be too spectacular but it is okay and you know what I'll do this as well there's a chance this could pay out with something of value or there's a chance that pays out with literally Jack all but it paid out with you know some consumables got some extra money and we can make the shop worthwhile on this floor that would be a very large positive for our run IV bags not the best it doesn't really do anything for us besides want to kill us which I'm just gonna put two and two together that that's probably not the best thing for a run I'm just throwing that out there and I've already fought like 85 spiders on this floor so if they want to stop - that would be quite swell is there a chance that our secret rooms right here a pretty large chance honestly okay cool good talk really happy about that pretty low chance of being right here let's try for a little extra money okay good talk even more spiders just in case I didn't have enough secret room right here there we go all I need is a key to feel kind of like in the clear here the world will pop on the next floor just to get a little bit more visibility there's no reason to do it on this floor I've already seen a large majority of the floor but bomb this get a key please okay instead just a useless spirit heart that means nothing to me I want to go to our shop man we got the money to do so just allow me to utilize it in our little sweet old shop here pretty please apparently that's too much to ask anyway we got a boss fight coming on and the most important thing about that boss fight is fact we get a deal with the devil after it so if you want to give me a good one you know something like Abaddon the pack the mark I don't know anything like that that'd be swell HP is kind of not really up there this is a good one honestly bad ones great Isle is also great and honestly I apply Liz probably going to be stupidly good with this mod holy crap I just realized that that could be a huge benefit for us on this run our damage is already really good by the way now it's sitting at a solid 6.86 which is good I'm excited to see if I apply will literally like wreck everything because my senses are telling me yeah please be super seeker room damn tough luck we're not gonna get the shop on this floor but that's not the end of the world we can get on the next floor as long as we get some full keys here bing-bang-boom wow really short floor for a flooded caves one but we will come in here Isaac's bedroom which honestly means nothing to me do we look cool enough I mean honestly I would rather just be a clean loss this works well for me Bom Matt get some pills that you really don't give a damn about and then continue on with your day we will go to the secret room and since I just missed it on that room we'll do it on the room on our left here we need to go to our item room anyway so it's not really the end of the world throw that down Isle appears to be doing good stuff for us black lipsticks okay I suppose I mean honestly neither does anything and now we're gonna get weird and take quad shot this is gonna be a lot of little any tears everywhere it's actually like pretty fantastic so so far we've managed to actually synergize this mod to the extreme and we're actually melting pretty much anything that comes near us so I'd say yeah this is pretty powerful and we've gotten a pretty good setup on this run so far all we really need give me like two tears ups and we're gonna be so damn powerful there ain't nothing on this earth that's gonna stop me so pretty excited about this in all honesty doing pretty okay uh and we do want to go to our shop we got the money and all my lord we got the time Steam sale and then let's take diplopia uh and then we'll hold on to that there's no reason to have the d4 and this is the run that we want there's not really much else to say there this is a beautiful one holy crap we just melted little horn this is starting to get a little bit on the borderline ridiculous oh my god dude this run is so good I've not had a run like this in quite some time this is super really really good so pretty hyped right now to isaacs rooms and one run back to back in all honesty and it's a clean one which tells me that we have the ability to get ourselves a possible black market from their ancient recall honestly just pop it in here justice is actually exactly what we need temperance we don't really give a damn about so throw this down give me a black market no black market but you know what it's hard for me to sit here and complain about a run like this no free items in here but we do get a free chest which could contain an item instead it contains a troll bomb which almost killed me temperance machine means nothing to me and let's try to get ourselves back to ya lost with a red dot on forehead and now it's gone okay nevermind then who needs it that's okay I mean what else is there to say about this run we've already gotten to a point where we're melting literally everything in the game that's just a matter of can I would stand not getting hit more than once in a room I think the answer is like honestly is yeah but uh sure's answer is yeah two and then one more dance and I'm like yeah how the hell am I supposed to leave so you know how it goes kill you please what we got in there boss trap room huh three golden chests how worth it is this not at all let's do it yeah this was like literally the worst three golden chests you could have gotten thanks a ton for the spirit heart literally means nothing to me there either it would be pretty swell if you could by any chance never pop out a spider on top of me I have lost they lost run like that before it was before holy mantle was a thing but still it's unfortunate you should never take dark bum as the lost I took it because the deal double was so ridiculous and I wanted to clear it out I just love this is this is the true definition of a shotgun and Isaac like if you can find a better shotgun than this I'd be real impressed did I have diplopia what we took Claud shot or no because if I did and I didn't do that then you all have the ability to like literally roast me to hell because I definitely should have done that if that was the thing I feel like we got that after though that's another thing you should never do is not wait to take you should wait to take mutant spider before going to your shop we don't care about any of this another deal with the devil that now gives me to guppy items sure good talk it's not like I wasn't powerful enough on this run give me guppy now - lets just head down dude this run is super stupid we've gotten a deal on every floor we've gotten somewhere around like ten deal with the devil items at this point that's a lot of deal with the devil items and let's honestly blow up this guy try to make it uh some more here 42% chance it's honestly a lot I we had the ability to do some good stuff here I also to be fair cursed room sure give me the ability to get another damage upgrade hard for me to complain but if you want to give me one more guppy item I won't object I would enjoy it ever so slightly cuz this room done this room is done I could've sworn there was one more guy in there apparently not we're pretty powerful how are you guys doing today I'm doing ok I mean this run definitely makes it better huh I could go two for two on my Isaac runs for the day that's usually a pretty good time I I never ever went two runs in a row back in the day when I was good at Isaac yeah but now it's kind of like my chance is doing that or slim to none how crazy would it be if we managed to get like number one or something and then we just basically put all of our eggs in one basket pop the PO pee on it get a huge tear upgrade and now we're firing out this crap like it's our job can you stop with so many chests here I know those Guppies tail doing that but I literally don't a keys man I need a key if you're gonna give me all these chests keys keys okay apparently just more chests that's fine this isn't mom floor right now we still got one more floor before mom floor and literally no keys man I mean at this point it's hard for me to really care because we're still gonna melt stuff there's the first tier upgrade we need and then I mean sure we'll take brother Bobby who cares do you want to explore a little bit and try and find some keys we should at least try to crack into secret rooms and stuff those can sometimes contain keys like right here is a pretty good chance apparently not right here is a pretty good chance okay good talk we get agreed fight we have one steam sale give me another just to make it overpowering okay nevermind I mean can I really complain about that though I don't need double steam sale on this run we've already stretched the borders of our imagination on this one so many golden chests man all I want is a couple keys one golden key and we basically become the richest man alive so if you want to do it sure but I'd be a little bit on the side of happiness I guess is the best thing I'm going to say there now nothing that's fine just get the hell out of this floor apparently keys are no longer in Isaak that's okay I mean we'll try you know what bomb this what about a bombs are keep ill-luck upgrade horf and perks all super useless that's okay go find your super secret room which is most likely over here probably right here probably right here beautiful sure get lost fly and then let's just get the hell out of here we'll take advantage on the next floor obviously we're going to try and diplopia boss rush and get stupidly good benefits from there but we also probably want to get a teleport card out before we do that two keys what a time to be alive never been happier boys that's our shop in our item room right there anywhere you find keys just you know take them don't leave any behind I say that because I'm really bad at life I should not open those yet I need more keys though because I want to open those something like crickets head puts us over the top on this run and that would give us a damage upgrade we would need to literally become the one true god of Isaac I'm gonna open them it was a bad idea that's okay we still got one key I that's basically if we can make it to our shop we can buy another key they're cool there's no key in here just exactly what the doctor ordered High Priestess Emperor there's our teleport card now blow this up get your key do you care about PhD not really honestly do you care about any of those not really honestly I mean you care about the keys you care about there's options there's more options whatever the hell it is coupon you don't really care about ace of clubs you don't really care about two of spades you do though so if that comes up sure a three cent Spider mod hard for you to not take it and then the key will take mom's purse that was pretty successful room in all honesty item room is gonna contain the soul we could have tried for Beelzebub there and there's value in that but the soul is significantly better blocked shots for you and by blocks I mean makes it harder for the shots to hit you it's not really blocks but you get the point here I will say there is a little bit of lag with this mod inherently with the splitting of the tiers which kind of sounds like the splitting of the guard we're gonna do something really weird here cuz I don't really want any of these we're gonna diplopia never gonna take crooked penny and then we're gonna do that and that was the biggest waste of my time isn't that a good crooked penny which is basically just diplopia in half not really anything too too spectacular for us this is too crooked penny runs in a row which is kind of cool but it's not really anything to get super hyped about are we going to go to the hush fight I think this is a good opportunity to go to the hush fight because you're in a position where there's a lot of value you can get from the hush fight I mean you have a beautiful one you have beautiful damage - you have a beautiful amount of money that with Steam sale is incredibly valuable for you I mean I don't really know why I did that right there we do want to make sure we have enough keys though if we go to the hushed fight so that it's the one thing Tyler key drops save them and then try to crook and penny them to get more out of it see like right here and they're gone okay well what you gonna do this is going to be a lot of money if these tears ever land we're all so we're gonna be lagging are like absolute nuts off during this hush fight which i think is honestly going to be very funny but there's a good chance we die in it which wouldn't be all that funny I recognize that it's a stupid idea to do the hush fight here by the way I know a lot of people are gonna be like why in the world would you bother doing the hodge fight you already got a run that is taken care of and totally fine the reason I'm going to do the hush fight is because I'm stupid and that's the part that you people don't seem to understand sometimes is I live for making idiotic decisions in this game so the more idiotic it is the happier I'm gonna be Dappy no guppy that's okay we would get one hit on the hush fight I would want maybe a teleport card honestly where if we get hit early we just teleport out to be a little bit safer so if we can get a teleport card that would make me feel better about doing the hush fight kind of give me that second chance kind of scenario sometimes I was gonna make a shine down reference and then when I said sometimes I want him to go sometimes love don't feel like it should and I was like that's not shine down at all hurts so good data in it dan dan okay you need to pop out thank ya and then you need to pop up thank you and then we're going to continue on we got two keys I mean here's what we're gonna do we know one of these is gonna be an item now so using a key there is probably intelligent we're not going down to the hunch flight if we don't have any keys by the way I know you're probably like hey idiot how about you stop opening up these goal chess I'm gambling okay I feel like I'm gonna get more keys out of them that we can then crooked penny I know that's literally the stupidest idea on the planet but sometimes you have to roll with the changes read the change is something you gotta roll with the punches and take risks in life what are you a CicLAvia newbie ace of anything other than clubs Ace of Spades would have been phenomenal could have turned a lot of stuff into keys oh look two more chests golden chests at that holy crap we're only 16 minutes into this run we got a real powerful real fast didn't we I didn't really realize just how good this run was until right this second even though I'd like didn't know but I also didn't still got a stars card I mean we're saving this for the hush fight it's exactly what I wanted kee bum I'm sorry man but you honestly you just got it go and then let's make our way back to that room that has a for sure item in it because a for sure item could be crickets head in which case I would rather have that than a hush fight that has the ability to be really bad so come down here and that's gonna be this guy it's infamy that's okay and there is no keys than the other one so we have no reason to papa in there other than that just keep on trying when you get keys just double them try to double them with crooked penny if we lose them we lose them but it's worth it to try at this point cuz four keys is definitely better than no keys right now and honestly four keys is probably better than two keys which is the other like important mathematical boolean statement right there god damn it really pissed about that that's okay still doing fine though if I managed to die on this run all right then I respect the ability that I'm bad like that that's the story there that I'm just bad because we should not lose this run we got everything we could ever need in life come on all you've done it okay we won't take risk therefore is my threshold I mean eight would have felt nice I'm not gonna deny but there's no reason to push your luck you've got a fine amount of stuff right now take this we still have the ability to go to our trap room here to listen to the club music in the trap room and maybe that'll contain either holidaying it I did not want to open you I don't want to open you to e there's so many golden chests I hate it why you got to give me so many golden chests you want to just drop the paperclip because if you do that that would be beneficial let's throw down some bombs here how about a super secret room how about a super secret room how about a okay honestly we're never finding the super suger let's just go fight our bosses we got four keys I mean that's the shop two item rooms and then one of the chests on the hush fight holy crap we just decimated him we're gonna go to hush this is the really stupidest idea ever but what is life if you don't risk your life a little bit so come in here oh my god okay so 2020 yeah okay uh and then oh my god you've done it take odd mushroom ray to fire up the lag is gonna be beautiful come in here get a key get this it's ace of clubs would you stop giving me ace of clubs and then take this there is a tinted rock if you want to give me another key that'd be swell good talk stick with stars pop this get a key back pop this don't get a key back pop this don't get a key back I never in love with you huh well we're gonna look for a crawlspace but we're not gonna chicken out like we did last time I actually want to see what the damage is like against hush here because I feel like there's a good chance we just literally decimate them but no crawl space that's okay let's try this out if we feel like we are in danger of a bad time you just teleport out you know you got a Stars card you can try again you don't want to get hit here you also literally have to be fighting the lag right now holy crap is it bad I'm very sorry if the thing just got super jittery for the video as nice and jittery off my screen - and I'm literally I'm moving I live for FPS right now this is gonna be this is like Michael Jordan's flu game except this is the lag game I know I got hit right there I'm gonna try to go as long as I can without popping the stars card so much money dude we also have the stopwatch which does make things easier here and we have the soul which means all of these tears get pushed away from me I'm honestly like pretty confident we can probably just beat hush straight-up right here without teleporting out I do see slight issues with lag in this mod but my lord it's still the power that we got right now is above much else on this earth it's also gonna be super fun when we pop crooked penny here and then all these coins turn into one I'm going to enjoy that a decent amount yo stop that right now these flies are nothing on me why are people spawning out of nowhere what is up with that no what is that new harsh attack I hate that so much okay Hodge is dead we've actually done it I've never thought that they would come oh my god we actually double them well uh how are you try one more time oh my god we did it again why okay there we go we got lucky like eight times in a row okay just go up what a weird run we got going right now I don't know about this one dude sure though I mean there's no doubt in my mind that the damage that we're dealing is up there with the most damage I've ever dealt on a run ever guy like stand right here and then get the tower to knock everything except for the one thing that I wanted to blow up that's positive okay well keys I am gonna try to double those pay Tyler you're stupid I know but I want to double them just because there's a chance uh on the chest get ourselves four items for sure instead of just uh zero or instead of just two magician seems like something that's just not even worth my FPS to pop right now you've done it you know what I'm greedy that's how greedy I am we're gonna do it one more time has he done it he's done it okay eight keys you know what that means come down here bing-bang-boom get a key back I love to see it come up here bing bang boom to a diamonds is so useless locusts a famine is you know it's just okay is actually pretty good but we don't need it right now damage is the one thing we do not need on this run and we're finally starting to get a key economy I love to see it not to be confused at Khan Academy a multi-billion dollar industry created by a Sal Khan to save kids in their math classes to be fair though there is no website better than that one but that's okay where we got to go I guarantee we got to go up so continue your way up here double Widow you think I'm even scared cuz I ain't oh that's a really big black circle thing two more keys more money money is literally the one thing we don't need right now however I would laugh my butt off if we got money equals power on the chest here and we're gonna be getting a lot of chests on the chest as well which is another reason to desire I'll pop the magician here that's another reason to desire getting more keys here and I mean Isaac kind of just got best summated there wasn't much he could even do there to save himself rest in peace uh let's head up to the chest I'm feeling real confident about this one for reasons that are quite obvious right now my whole voice decided to explode right there pokeball three dollar bill will take three dollar bill pop this rubber cement is fun and then sure I'll take extra bombs it works for me rubber cement has ruined our run why are you no longer doing what you should be doing oh maybe it does I don't know what do I know oh no I know what that was that was a three dollar bill on a short-range or something we're fine we are a-okay here crack these guillotine why not Butterbean who cares I mean guillotine was actually the right move because it gave us a tiers upgrade and Annie tiers upgrades are gonna be positive for us right now I love the ability to absolutely decimate browny I hate this man more than anybody else on this earth besides Steph Curry we hate him more than a brownie but my only fear at this point oh my god it's so stupid my only fear holy crap these are good items to is not paying attention and then just happening to get hit by something because I know it's gonna happen and holy crap is chocolate milk good here does technology work with this well I mean rubber cement technology is doing something right now it's something scary but it's something this run is one of the weirdest runs I've ever done in Isaac and I've done a lot of runs in Isaac okay I'm allowed to say that with certainty that this is a weird one but I can't say we didn't show off this mod well huh if this doesn't make you want to go play it I don't know what freaking will you got to go check out this mod I know the lag is a little holy what in the hell just happened oh Jesus I was a lot expected huh holy crap zodiac and common cold both pretty bad my lord don't let the leg stop you on this one this is a fun mod if I ever get the modern series to work this is sadly I couldn't that wouldn't let me pop my spacebar right there this is sadly the kind of mod that I should probably not include because it is inherently just lagging my nuts off but it still is a fun one it definitely was a good time to do a spotlight on it and more importantly your boys about to win a lost run who knew it was possible but that was a good time literally one of the most fun runs I've had in a while if you enjoyed be sure to leave a like leave a comment subscribe and I will see you guys in the next video have a good day bye
Channel: Olexa
Views: 36,188
Rating: 4.8321676 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, isaac, ultimate, chicken, ultimatechickenhorse, uch, lost, thelost, games, user, levels, let's, play, binding, bindingofisaac, nobody, explodes, roguelike, rogue, game, roguegame, steam, indie, steamindie, indiegames, geoguessr, town, salem, townofsalem, geo, guessr, google, maps, gaming, ktane, rocket, league, rocketleague, christmas, astroneer, how, to, howtoplay, overcooked, cooking, afterbirth+, rimworld, Stardew, valley, loot, rascals, loot+rascals
Id: 7ofQcwLao5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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